Productbrochure-2-1 En Ar 1

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  • June 2020
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Code 187 - 1.00 fl. oz.

You’ll wish you could just soak it in. This light, emollient fluid is rich is a cornucopia of dynamic ingredients starting with pure Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel and fortified with Vitamins A, C and E, Borage Oil, Bisabolol and other protective ingredients to provide optimum anti-oxidant protection against environmental factors and free radicals. Like nothing you’ve ever tried before, it enhances elasticity, normalizes and balances the driest and most sensitive skin, reduces scaliness and includes a natural antiseptic ingredient to help keep skin clean and protected. A gentle, yet very effective, makeup remover for oil-bases as well as oil-free makeup.

Aloe Eye Make-Up Remover

Code 186 - 4.00 fl. oz.

Made from mild ingredients to provide oil-free cleansing benefits, its main ingredient is our own Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel, which provides all the caring, conditioning and nourshing benefits. Fortified with emollients to protect and moisturize.

Aloe First

Code 040 - 16.00 fl. oz No first aid kit should be without Aloe First! From kitchen to bathroom, Pack it when you go camping or to the beach to soothe minor skin abrasions. Formulated on a base of Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel, it contains Bee Propolis as a natural antiseptic; allantoin to protect the skin; and eleven, exclusive plant extracts to moisturize. Easy to apply, even when the skin is too painful to touch; pH balanced to comfort, calm and cool even the most sensitive skin. So versatile, it can be used to protect hair from chlorine damage, or to soothe legs after waxing. Reach for it FIRST.

R3 Factor

Code 069 - 2.00 fl. oz. Why R3? One to Retain moisture. Two to Restore resilience. And Three to Renew a vibrant, healthy glow. Try it once and it will become your first line of defense against the signs of aging. We took a rich combination of Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel, Soluble collagen and Alpha Hydroxy Acids and further fortified it with the skin nourshing sustenance only Vitamins A and E can provide. It’s ideal for crow’s feet and can help maintain healthy skin color, texture and feel.

Forever Aloe Sunscreen

Code 199 - 4.00 fl. oz.

With a SPF of 30, Forever Aloe Sunscreen blocks both UVA and UVB rays while its silky smooth lotion, made with pure stabilized Aloe Vera Gel, rich moisturizers and humectants, maintains the skin’s natural moisture balance. Finally, a sunscreen that combines modern science with natural ingredients to soothe, lubricate, moisturize and protect against the effects of sun and wind.

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Code 048 - 100 tablets Stress, medication and environmental factors all heavily deplete the body of Vitamin C – a powerful antioxidant necessary for the maintenance of healthy connective tissues. As a water soluble Vitamin not produced by the body – yet easily secreted from the body, Vitamin C must be supplemented through dietary means. In a special process, we have taken 100% of the US RDI of Vitamin C (60mg) from natural Citrus Bioflavonoids (like oranges and papayas) and bonded it with 500 mg of oat bran, a highly soluble dietary fiber shown to help reduce cholesterol levels. This unique combination enables the body to absorb the full 60 mg of Vitamin C from each tablet. Beneficial for healthy skin, joints, and respiratory function, Vitamin C deficiency can result in broken capillaries and bleeding from the gums – slowing the healing process of wounds.

Fields of Greens

Code 068 - 80 tablets

No time to pack enough fresh leafy green vegetables into your diet? No problem. We’ve done it for you. A garden of vitamins, minerals, protein, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants and chlorophyll in 3 little tablets. We harvested young barley grass (containing minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, copper, phosphorus, zinc and manganese); Wheat Grass (containing vitamins, minerals and trace elements – lib. of fresh wheat grass is equal to 20 lb. of fresh vegetables); Alfalfa (rich in minerals, vitamins A, B6 E and K); added Cayenne Pepper (found to help maintain healthy circulation and digestion) and Chromium Picolinate ( a trace mineral shown to enhance the body’s ability to control blood sugar). The result; a nutrient-packed, quick fix to a fast-food diet with the added benefits of an enhanced metabolism.

Arctic Sea

Code 039 - 60 softget capsules Imagine combining the secret ingredients of the Japanese diet (rich in seafood) and the Mediterranean diet (rich in vegetables) – both legendary for their maintaining good health longevity – in a softgel. We did. What a breakthrough! By combining Omega – 3, an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid shown to help maintain strong and healthy arteries and heart, with omega-9, the cholesterol-Iowering unsaturated fatty acid found in vegetable products such as olive oil, we have formulated an incredible recipe for good health. Studies have also shown that essential fatty acids can lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and may help maintain healthy joint mobility, and complexion. Each capsule has an EPA content of 225mg and l50mg each of DHA and Oleic Acid.

Forever Calcium

Code 206 - 90 tablets

To maintain a healthy level of bone calcium, it is vital that we take in a sufficient amount of calcium each day. But for most of us, eating multiple helpings of high-calcium foods, such as dairy products, soy beans and nuts is either unappealing or impractical. What’s more, much of the foods we do eat are stripped of their natural calcium by modern processing methods. For these reasons, calcium, along with iron, is often cited as the mineral most deficient in diets of today’s adult women. To address this problem, you must supplement your daily diet with Forever Calcium. While there are calcium tablets available in the market, Forever Calcium is unique because it has magnesium and vitamin D which is essential for better calcium absorption. Forever Calcium helps to maintain strong bones by supplying your body with 100% of daily recommended dietary intake of calcium. Four Forever Calcium tablets contain 1000 mg of calcium. Taking 2 Forever Calcium with breakfast and 2 with dinner is an easy, effective way to ensure you’re getting the calcium you need for sturdy bones and to support an active lifestyle.

Nature Min

Code 037 - 180 tablets Four percent of our body weight is comprised of minerals – minerals our bodies cannot produce. Minerals that give us healthy bones and teeth, activate genes and hormones, regulate fluid balance, repair tissues and calm the nervous system. Supplementing minerals is essential. And now easy! Using a mineral base of 100mg of natural seabed deposits, we have created an advanced multi-mineral formula like no other. Formed from chelated marine plants and animals. These seabed deposits provide all of the minerals (including trace minerals) found in the human body, including generous amounts of calcium, phosphorous and magnesium in their properly balanced ratios. All this combined with two new bio-available forms of GTF chromium and selenium, for maximum absorption.


Code 054 - 100 softget capsules The only way to fight aging is head on! Antioxidants are vital ammunition in the war against free radicals that can cause fatigue disease and aging. In an exclusive tri-formulation, this supplement supplies the body safely withVitamin A in a revolutionary beta-carotene form that is easily converted into Vitamin A in the small intestine during digestion – as and when needed – with no danger of overdose. Vitamin A, long recognized as a powerful nutrient for good sight and skin, is then coupled with Vitamin E, and anti-clotting agent – excellent for healthy skin and widely used to maintain a healthy circulation and mobility. Then we added Selenium, one of the most powerful antioxidant nutrients known – vital in maintaining healthy skin, hair and eyesight. All of this in a convenient soft gel. Anti-aging made pure and simple -- from the inside out!

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