Principal 1in God We Trust

  • Uploaded by: Denise Gibel Molini
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 934
  • Pages: 2
```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````In God We Trust “In God We Trust”, these are words that frame every unalienable right that our Constitution protects. To remove our Trust in God, would be to nullify the Divine nature of those rights and so to nullify the rights that allow for this request in the first place. This country was established as a nation “Under God”. This country is inextricably tied to the Constitution. First God gave certain rights that, because they were Divine – were unalienable. Then came the Constitution, a document designed to protect those rights from abuse, and finally, from the Constitution, came the United States of America a Republic that exists as a manifestation of the Constitution. In this country religious freedom is spiritually mandated. The right to deny God is, according to the constitution which established that right, one that is God given. And it is my deepest belief that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were written by divinely inspired men. In many words they carve out and protect the rights of the individual from the whims of men. I believe that a book or a document is divinely inspired if it lives. The Bible was, divinely inspired because it lives. If we remove the parts mandated by the era of the writings, the bulk of the teachings and lessons are eternal and pertain to the development of the eternal spirit within man. Shakespeare was Divinely Inspired; his writings are a reflection of the same spirit that lives outside of and through the limits of time and season. The Constitution lives and evolves as is required to fulfill its purpose, and that is to guarantee that certain rights, those which are God given, cannot be controlled by the wealthy, the powerful, or the majority. It exists to protect the rights of the individual, and of the minority. It does not limit government as much as it limits those who are temporarily governing. A Democratically elected Legislature can be as despotic as dictator. As Thomas Jefferson stated when referring to the condition of many early democratic state governments, "An elective despotism was not the government we fought for . . ." (Notes on the State of Virginia, written in 1781-1782). He also wrote, "All the powers of government, legislative, executive, judiciary, result to the legislative body. The concentrating these in the same hands is precisely the definition of despotic government. It will be no alleviation that these powers will be exercised by a plurality of hands, and not by a single one. 173 despots would surely be as oppressive as one. Let those who doubt it turn their eyes on the republic of Venice." Countries are taken over, governments are replaced through military coup – all this is not possible in the United States because of our unique form of Republic. Our form of government guarantees that regardless of who or what group is in power, the country will remain the same because it is not subject to the actions of those who are in power; it is subject to the one Constitution which is always in power. We can amend it, but only so far as it clarifies the spirit of the document but does not change it. The foundation of United States of America is the belief that man is of Divine origin and through that Divinity he has been endowed, by his Creator with certain unalienable rights. These God given rights and their protection are the sole purpose for the existence of this particular nation.

“We pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of American, and to the republic for which it stands, One Nation under God with Liberty and Justice For All.” This country was founded so that whatever happens anywhere in the world, with any other country or form of government, there will always be, “One Nation Under God with Liberty and Justice for ALL”. Believe in God or don’t believe in God but to attempt to remove God, bit by bit from the country founded on a belief in God given rights, and held together by a Constitution that protects those God given rights is not heretical or sacrilegious, it is un-American. This country was founded on a belief in God and held together by a firm belief in the God given rights that it exists to protect. That is the United States of America. This country is not one built on streets paved with gold but on the belief in brotherhood. It is not one built on material power, but on the ultimate Divine equality of mankind and the duty and responsibility that is inherent therein, We may stretch the meaning of the nation like a rubber band, but like a rubber band, it will eventually return to its natural shape. It will return to the spiritual foundation upon which it was built and the only foundation that can eternally support any nation and any people, It is the ultimate spirit that inspired those who penned those documents which defined this nation. It inspired them to build something that had never before nor ever since been built, a nation based on faith in God and not religion. It was a spirit that caused these men to believe that God had entrusted them with the duty to defend and protect the divine rights of man, As they were entrusted by God to build our nation, they then declared to the world that as Americans, “In God We Trust”. One cannot argue the removal of God, using what is declared to be a right given by God.

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