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Implementing the Primary Oracle Financial Applications Release 11 Electronic Presentation

14046GC10 Production 1.0 October 1998 M07607


Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Deborah Steffen

This documentation contains proprietary information of Oracle Corporation. It is provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and is also protected by copyright law. Reverse engineering of the software is prohibited. If this documentation is delivered to a U.S. Government Agency of the Department of Defense, then it is delivered with Restricted Rights and the following legend is applicable:

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1 Implementing Implementing the the Primary Primary Oracle Oracle Financial Financial Applications Applications Release Release 11 11 Course Course Introduction Introduction

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this course, course, you you should should be be able able to to do do the the following: following: •• Determine Determine the the appropriate appropriate system system setup setup options options and and implementation implementation considerations considerations when when implementing implementing Enterprise Enterprise Management Management applications applications •• Determine Determine the the appropriate appropriate system system setup setup options options and and implementation implementation considerations considerations when when planning planning to to implement implement Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay applications applications •• Determine Determine the the appropriate appropriate system system setup setup options options and and implementation implementation considerations considerations when when planning planning to to implement implement Order Order to to Cash Cash applications applications •• Describe Describe the the features features and and characteristics characteristics of of Oracle’ Oracle’ss common common modules modules in in relation relation to to implementing implementing financial financial applications applications 1-2

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Planning Planning for for the the Implementation Implementation of of the the Primary Primary Financial Financial Applications Applications •• •• •• •• ••


What What are are the the core core financial financial applications applications that that you you need need to to manage manage your your enterprise? enterprise? How How do do you you implement implement the the flow flow of of information information from from the the purchase purchase of of business business properties properties to to the the payment payment and and tracking tracking of of them? them? How How do do you you identify identify issues issues in in the the entry entry of of customer customer orders orders and and the the receipt receipt of of payments? payments? What What other other Oracle Oracle features features and and products products would would help help you you to to implement implement and and manage manage your your business business and and applications? applications? How How do do you you plan plan to to integrate integrate legacy legacy system system information, information, and and will will you you need need to to extend extend applications? applications? Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementing Implementing the the Primary Primary Oracle Oracle Financial Financial Applications Applications •• •• •• ••


Enterprise Enterprise Management Management Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay Order Order to to Cash Cash Common Common Modules Modules

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Enterprise Enterprise Management Management •• •• •• •• •• •• ••


Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger Common Common Financials Financials Setup Setup Steps Steps Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Assets Assets Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Assets Assets Integration Integration with with Other Other Oracle Oracle Applications Applications Reporting Reporting Options Options

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay •• •• •• •• •• •• ••


Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Integration Integration Between Between Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing and and Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Common Common Setup Setup Steps Steps Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Integration Integration with with Other Other Oracle Oracle Applications Applications

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Order Order to to Cash Cash •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 1-7

Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Cash Cash Management Management Integration Integration Between Between Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry Entry And And Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables Common Common Setup Setup Steps Steps Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry Entry Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables Integration Integration with with Other Other Oracle Oracle Applications Applications

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Common Common Modules Modules •• •• •• •• ••


Oracle Oracle Workflow Workflow Oracle Oracle Flexfields Flexfields Oracle Oracle Alert Alert Oracle Oracle Applications Applications System System Administration Administration Extending Extending the the Oracle Oracle Applications Applications

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Overview Overview

Setup applications

Wizard 1-9

Processes and organized setup steps

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Perform Perform Common Common Tasks Tasks First First •• •• ••


Common Common applications applications Common Common process process of of product product family family Products Products

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Common Common Oracle Oracle Applications Applications Features Features •• •• •• ••


Use Use of of folders folders Flexfields Flexfields QuickCodes QuickCodes Multiple Multiple organization organization support support

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Folders Folders ••

Customize Customize aa folder folder block: block: –– Show Show –– ––

•• ••


Hide Hide Move Move

–– Modify Modify appearance appearance Retrieve Retrieve different different records records into into aa folder folder Manage Manage different different folder folder definitions definitions

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Customizing Customizing Oracle Oracle Applications Applications Using Using Flexfields Flexfields Oracle General Ledger

Oracle Assets Application windows

User-defined flexfield windows


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Key Key and and Descriptive Descriptive Flexfields Flexfields Key flexfields build unique entity identifiers

__ Item Information _________ Category Item Color

Payment Type CC Store 54321 Dept 987 Number 4958-2938-4747 Exp. Dt 12 - 99 1-14






Light tan

Descriptive flexfields gather additional information

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Flexfield Flexfield Structures Structures and and Flexfield Flexfield Segments Segments Item Information Flexfield

Segments: (Category, Item, Color)

__ Item Information _______________ Category Item Color






Light tan

Structure: (Category Segment + Item Segment + Color Segment)


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QuickCodes QuickCodes Overview Overview •• •• •• •• ••

User-defined User-defined values values Appear Appear in in list list of of values values Can Can add add and and disable disable values values in in list list Usually Usually used used for for reporting reporting or or querying querying Examples Examples of of customer customer calls: calls: I’m bankrupt


The check’s in the mail

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Multiple Organization Support A server-side enhancement that affects Oracle applications Database server


Applications server

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

User community

Summary Summary •• •• •• ••


Folders Folders are are used used to to customize customize the the presentation presentation of of data data Flexfields Flexfields are are used used to to meet meet unique unique business business requirements requirements Quickcodes Quickcodes are are user-defined user-defined values values that that appear appear in in lists lists of of values values Multiple Multiple Organization Organization Support Support is is used used for for keeping keeping transaction transaction data data secure secure and and separate separate without without having having multiple multiple installations installations of of aa product product

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

2 Enterprise Enterprise Management Management Introduction Introduction

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this unit, unit, you you should should be be able able to to determine determine the the appropriate appropriate system system setup setup options options and and implementation implementation considerations considerations when when implementing implementing Enterprise Enterprise Management Management applications. applications.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Planning Planning for for the the Management Management of of Your Your Enterprise Enterprise •• •• •• •• •• 2-3

What What needs needs to to be be set set up up for for all all financial financial applications? applications? What What do do you you need need to to plan plan for for when when creating creating and and setting setting up up charts charts of of accounts, accounts, journals, journals, and and budgets? budgets? What What implementation implementation considerations considerations are are unique unique to to Oracle Oracle Assets? Assets? How How is is information information shared shared and and how how does does itit flow flow between between other other Oracle Oracle applications? applications? What What reporting reporting options options will will you you implement? implement?

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Managing Managing Your Your Enterprise Enterprise


Ledger Accounts Journals Budgets

Repository of information from other Oracle applications and systems

Reports 2-4

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

3 Enterprise Enterprise Management Management Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to describe describe the the process process flow flow of of Oracle Oracle General General Ledger. Ledger.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Central Central Repository Repository for for Organization’ Organization’ss Information Information Journal entries

Actual accounting information

Budget accounting information

Encumbrance accounting information

Account balances

Online 3-3

General Ledger Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.


Major Major Functions Functions and and Features Features

Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger is is aa comprehensive comprehensive financial financial management management solution solution that that facilitates facilitates the the following following tasks: tasks:

•• Financial Financial controls controls •• Data Data collection collection •• Information Information access access •• Financial Financial reporting reporting and and analysis analysis


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger

ord c e R

Ana lyze

ate l u nip a M


Oracle General Ledger

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Rev iew

Accounting Accounting Cycle Cycle Open period Post

Create journal entries

Review Correct errors

Run reports and close period

Verify balances Review and correct balances

Consolidate 3-6

Translate Subsidiary foreign balances balances

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Budgeting Budgeting Cycle Cycle Define budgets Define budget organizations

Define budget formulas

Define MassBudgets

Enter and change budget amounts or journals

Calculate budgets

Report on budgets

Freeze budgets 3-7

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Top-Down Top-Down Cycle Cycle •• •• ••

•• ••

Enter Enter and and post post budgets budgets for for top-level top-level masters masters and and set set targets targets for for lower-level lower-level budgets. budgets. Enter Enter and and post post departmental departmental budgets. budgets. Compare Compare master master budgets budgets to to children children budgets budgets and and identify identify over/under over/under conditions conditions using using summary summary account account inquiries inquiries and and reports. reports. Adjust Adjust or or reallocate reallocate budgets. budgets. Review Review and and freeze freeze budgets. budgets.


Bottom-Up Bottom-Up Cycle Cycle •• Enter Enter and and post post •• •• ••

departmental departmental budgets. budgets. Report Report and and inquire inquire against against budget budget amounts amounts to to roll roll up up to to totals. totals. Adjust Adjust budget budget amounts. amounts. Review Review and and freeze freeze budgets. budgets.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Integrating Integrating with with Subledgers Subledgers Oracle General Ledger is the central repository for accounting information, receiving transactions from financial and manufacturing subledgers.

Manufacturing subledgers


Oracle General Ledger

Financial subledgers

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Integrating Integrating with with Subledgers Subledgers Transfer in summary or detail




Automatic or manual

Journal Import


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.


Using Using Open Open Interfaces Interfaces •• •• ••


You You can can integrate integrate with with external external systems systems by by using using delivered delivered open open interfaces. interfaces. You You can can write write import import programs programs to to import import data data from from an an external external system system or or from from your your previous previous accounting accounting system. system. You You can can initiate initiate aa full full account account validation validation process process during during import. import.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Information Information Shared Shared with with Subledgers Subledgers •• •• ••


The The Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger set set of of books, books, consisting consisting of of aa calendar, calendar, currency, currency, and and chart chart of of accounts accounts The The Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger exchange exchange rates, rates, including including conversion conversion rate rate types, types, daily daily rates, rates, period period rates, rates, and and historical historical rates rates The The Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger journal journal entry entry sources sources and and categories categories used used to to record record information information about about the the origination origination and and purpose purpose of of transactions transactions

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Basic Basic Business Business Needs Needs •• •• •• •• ••

Use Use subledger subledger products products in in aa single single installation installation Support Support any any number number of of operating operating units units


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Secure Secure access access to to data data Sell Sell and and ship ship from from different different operating operating units units Purchase Purchase and and receive receive with with different different operating operating units units

Summary Summary ••

Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger is is the the central central repository repository for for accounting accounting information, information, receiving receiving transactions transactions from from financial financial and and manufacturing manufacturing subledgers. subledgers.


The The “three “three C’ C’s” s” are are chart chart of of accounts, accounts, currency, currency, and and calendar. calendar. Except Except for for Oracle Oracle Assets, Assets, all all subledgers subledgers integrate integrate with with Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger (GL) (GL) through through the the GL_INTERFACE GL_INTERFACE table. table.



Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

4 Enterprise Enterprise Management Management Common Common Financial Financial Setup Setup Steps Steps

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to identify identify the the setup setup steps steps and and considerations considerations that that are are common common to to Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger and and Oracle Oracle applications. applications.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Common Common Setup Setup Steps Steps

Accounting calendar

Functional currency



Chart of accounts 4-3

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Sets of books

Business Business Requirements Requirements Analysis Analysis Objectives Objectives •• •• •• ••


Identify Identify the the company’ company’ss financial financial and and operating operating structure. structure. Conduct Conduct aa current current business business baseline baseline and and document document the the company’ company’ss business business processes. processes. Organize Organize the the processes processes into into scenarios scenarios that that reflect reflect the the requirements. requirements. Incorporate Incorporate in in the the scenarios scenarios future future business business processes. processes.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Account Account Structures Structures and and Reporting Reporting Needs Needs •• •• •• ••


Determine Determine the the factors factors by by which which your your organization organization analyzes analyzes financial financial performance performance and and wants wants to to produce produce reports. reports. Make Make sure sure that that you you can can generate generate required required financial financial reports reports based based on on the the segments segments in in your your accounting accounting flexfield. flexfield. Review Review reports reports currently currently produced produced outside outside of of GL GL (spreadsheets) (spreadsheets) and and determine determine whether whether adding adding segments segments will will allow allow you you to to produce produce them them from from GL. GL. Determine Determine how how you you need need to to summarize summarize data data organizationally, organizationally, based based on on management management structures. structures. Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Perform Perform Three Three Tasks Tasks to to Create Create aa Set Set of of Books Books Western Region CA E






Define a chart of accounts

Define an accounting calendar 4-6

Define currencies

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Sets Sets of of Books Books

Multiple sets of books


One holding company


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Sharing Sharing aa Set Set of of Books Books Across Across Oracle Oracle Applications Applications Chart of accounts Value sets Segment values Security rules Cross-validation rules Accounting calendar Periods Period types Currencies 4-8

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Chart Chart of of Accounts Accounts Design Design

Western Region










Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.


Flexfield Flexfield Segments Segments Reflect Reflect Your Your Industry Industry and and Reporting Reporting Requirements Requirements Manufacturing: Company









News distribution: Division





Project oriented: Company




Project type


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Areas Areas to to Consider Consider When When Designing Designing Your Your Accounting Accounting Flexfield Flexfield •• ••


Rollups Rollups Subledger Subledger dumping dumping

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Areas Areas to to Consider Consider When When Designing Designing Your Your Accounting Accounting Flexfield Flexfield •• ••


Too Too many many segments segments Plan Plan for for the the future future

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Areas Areas to to Consider Consider When When Designing Designing Your Your Accounting Accounting Flexfield Flexfield •• ••


Plan Plan for for the the future future Data Data entry entry

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Areas Areas to to Consider Consider When When Designing Designing Your Your Accounting Accounting Flexfield Flexfield ••


Numbering Numbering scheme scheme of of segments segments

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Assign Assign Related Related Detail-Level Detail-Level Values Values in in Ranges Ranges





Region A



Region B



Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Assign Assign Account Account Numbers Numbers by by Classification Classification and and Reporting Reporting Category Category Left Left to to Right Right in in the the Account Account Number Number Example Accounts beginning with 1..................Assets Accounts beginning with 2..................Liabilities Accounts beginning with 11-14...........Current assets Accounts beginning with 15-19...........Noncurrent assets Accounts beginning with 0..................Statistics


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Balancing Balancing Segment Segment

Balancing Segment

Company 00 01


Cost Center A01 A02

Account 1000 Cash 1200 Acct. Rec.

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Using Using Dependent Dependent and and Independent Independent Segments Segments Independent Segment


Dependent Segment



Cash Bank of Alaska



Cash Bank of America



Fixed Asset Building #3



Fixed Asset Building #4

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Value Value Sets Sets

Value_set 1

Value_set 2

Value_set 3

Format: Char

Format: Char

Format: Char

Max size: 2

Max size: 3

Max size: 4

Validation: Independent

Validation: Independent

Validation: Independent

Balancing Segment 01 02 03

Cost Center 100 101 999

Natural Account HEAD 1000 9999


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary Accounts Accounts

Corporate Budget Master: None

Total Divisions Sales Budget Master: Corporate

Western Budget Master: Sales Total Sales 4-20

Eastern Budget Master: Sales

Marketing Budget Master: Corporate

Public Relations Budget Master: Mktg Total Marketing

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Trade Shows Budget Master: Mktg

Cross-Validation Cross-Validation Rules Rules -- Part Numbers ---------------------------------------Part Description

COM - 876 - LTN Computer-Monitor-Light Tan

Part Number Structure Part








Light Tan

COM - 876 - LTN 4-21

Part Number Structure Part or








Light Tan

COM - 626 - LTN

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Steps Steps for for Defining Defining Your Your Chart Chart of of Accounts Accounts 1. 1. 2. 2.

Define Define value value sets. sets. Define Define account account structure. structure.

3. 3. Define Define rollup rollup groups. groups.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Steps Steps for for Defining Defining Your Your Chart Chart of of Accounts Accounts 4. 4. 5. 5.

Define Define account account segment segment values. values. Define Define security security rules. rules.

6. 6. Define Define cross-validation cross-validation rules. rules. 7. 7. Define Define descriptive descriptive flexfields. flexfields. 8. 8. Define Define account account shorthand shorthand aliases. aliases. 9. 9. Define Define summary summary accounts. accounts. 10.Create 10.Create account account combinations. combinations.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Potential Potential Problems Problems with with Dynamic Dynamic Insertion Insertion The The combination combination of of dynamic dynamic insertion insertion and and wellwellcrafted crafted cross-validation cross-validation rules rules can can significantly significantly decrease decrease data data entry entry effort effort while while maintaining maintaining control control over over new new account account combinations. combinations. However, However, consider consider the the following following points: points: •• IfIf you you enable enable dynamic dynamic insertion insertion without without defining defining cross-validation cross-validation rules, rules, you you run run aa risk risk of of creating creating inappropriate inappropriate account account combinations. combinations. •• IfIf you you create create an an undesirable undesirable combination combination and and then then later later pass pass aa rule rule to to prevent prevent using using itit in in the the future, future, you you must must disable disable the the undesirable undesirable combination, combination, because because the the validation validation process process does does not not check check rules rules for for existing existing combinations. combinations. 4-24

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Converting Converting •• •• ••


Complete Complete setup setup Load Load segment segment values values Train Train end end users users on on new new chart chart of of accounts accounts

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Calendars Calendars Define multiple calendars and assign them to a set of books Set of books 1

Monthly calendar

Set of books 2

Quarterly calendar

Define period types Month Quarter Year Week


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Period Period and and Year-End Year-End Accounting Accounting Information Information Old period balances


New period balances

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Year-end balances

Adding Adding Periods Periods to to aa Calendar Calendar •• •• •• ••


There There can can be be no no gaps gaps between between nonadjusting nonadjusting accounting accounting periods. periods. Accounting Accounting periods periods cannot cannot overlap, overlap, except except for for adjusting adjusting periods. periods. Adjusting Adjusting periods periods must must overlap overlap nonadjusting nonadjusting periods. periods. Period Period ordering ordering must must be be based based on on the the period period starting starting dates. dates.

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Transaction Transaction Calendar Calendar

x x x x x x x


x x x

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Enter Enter Transactions Transactions in in Multiple Multiple Currencies Currencies Pounds





Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary •• ••

•• ••


A A set set of of books books determines determines the the functional functional currency, currency, the the account account structure, structure, and and the the accounting accounting calendar calendar for for each each company company or or group group of of companies. companies. The The chart chart of of accounts accounts is is the the backbone backbone of of information information flow flow throughout throughout the the organization; organization; all all of of the the other other modules, modules, including including the the general general ledger, ledger, depend depend on on it. it. A A chart chart of of accounts accounts is is made made up up of of flexfield flexfield segments. segments. You You should should design design aa chart chart of of accounts accounts that that reflects reflects the the way way you you run run your your business business now now and and anticipates anticipates the the way way you you will will run run itit in in the the future. future. Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary ••


When When defining defining an an account account structure, structure, consider consider the the following: following: –– Security Security rules rules

–– ––

Cross-validation Cross-validation rules rules Summary Summary accounts accounts

–– ––

Value Value sets sets Rollup Rollup groups groups

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5 Enterprise Enterprise Management Management Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to identify identify the the setup setup steps steps and and considerations considerations in in implementing implementing Oracle Oracle General General Ledger. Ledger.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Topics Topics •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••


Journal Journal entry entry Posting Posting Timing Timing of of processes processes in in aa closing closing cycle cycle Allocations Allocations Recurring Recurring journals journals Foreign Foreign currency currency Consolidations Consolidations Budgeting Budgeting

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Journal Journal Entry Entry Types Types

Basic journal entry Reversing journal entry Recurring entries Mass Allocations 5-4

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Journal Journal Creation Creation Methods Methods

Manual Entry • Reversals • Recurring • MassAllocations

Journal Import Journal Wizard


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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Journals Journals •• •• ••


Naming Naming standards standards Batching Batching standards standards Use Use of of batch batch and and journal journal controls controls

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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Journals Journals •• •• ••


Account Account code code aliases aliases Folders Folders Document Document sequencing sequencing

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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Journals Journals •• ••


Freezing Freezing sources sources of of imported imported journals journals Journal Journal approvals approvals

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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Journals Journals •• ••


Using Using Journal Journal Wizard Wizard versus versus entering entering journal journal directly directly Elimination Elimination journal journal entries entries

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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Journals Journals ••


Statistical Statistical journal journal entries entries

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Update Update Balances Balances by by Posting Posting Journals Journals

Account Balance Prepost




After post $525 Enter journal

Post journal


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Accounting Accounting Periods Periods •• •• •• •• ••


Open Open Closed Closed Permanently Permanently Closed Closed Never Never Opened Opened Future-Entry Future-Entry

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MassAllocations MassAllocations Formula: Benefit expense for unit = Department total benefit expense number of people / total number of people Departmental allocation for benefits

10 employees


8 employees

5 employees

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Step-Down Step-Down Allocations Allocations

Define allocation formula

Calculate allocation entry Repeat for each level of your allocation Post allocation entry


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Generating Generating and and Posting Posting Using Using MassAllocations MassAllocations •• •• ••


Reverse Reverse existing existing balances balances Post Post new new allocation allocation amounts amounts Generate Generate journals journals that that increment increment the the existing existing balances balances to to match match the the current current allocation allocation amount amount

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Three Three Ways Ways to to Define Define Recurring Recurring Journals Journals Skeleton Dr. Cr.

Salary Expense............................... Salaries Payable.......................

Standard Dr. Cr.

Salary Expense................... Salaries Payable............

Formula Dr. Cr.


Salary Expense..................... Salaries Payable..............

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Three Three Concepts Concepts That That Pertain Pertain to to Currency Currency





Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Conversion Conversion Oracle General Ledger automatically converts amounts in foreign currency journals to currency equivalents using supplied daily rates.

Foreign currencies

Functional currency 5-18

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Conversion Conversion Rates Rates •• ••

•• ••


Spot: Spot: An An exchange exchange rate rate that that you you enter enter to to perform perform conversion conversion based based on on the the rate rate on on aa specific specific date. date. ItIt applies applies to to the the immediate immediate delivery delivery of of aa currency. currency. Corporate: Corporate: An An exchange exchange rate rate that that you you define define to to standardize standardize rates rates for for your your company. company. This This rate rate is is generally generally aa standard standard market market rate rate determined determined by by senior senior financial financial management management for for use use throughout throughout the the organization. organization. User: User: An An exchange exchange rate rate that that you you specify specify when when you you enter enter aa foreign foreign currency currency journal journal entry. entry. EMU EMU Fixed: Fixed: An An exchange exchange rate rate that that General General Ledger Ledger provides provides automatically automatically when when you you enter enter journals journals using using aa foreign foreign currency currency that that has has aa fixed fixed relationship relationship with with the the euro. euro. Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Multiple Multiple Reporting Reporting Currency Currency Reports Reports Reporting set of books


Pounds Primary set of books in US dollars



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Monthly reports

Use Use MRC MRC Under Under These These Conditions Conditions ••




You You operate operate in in aa country country whose whose unstable unstable currency currency makes makes itit unsuitable unsuitable for for managing managing your your business. business. You You need need to to manage manage your your business business in in aa more more stable stable currency currency and and still still be be able able to to report report your your transactions transactions and and account account balances balances in in the the unstable unstable local local currency. currency. Your Your company company is is multinational, multinational, and and you you need need to to report report financial financial information information in in aa common common functional functional currency currency other other than than that that of of the the transaction transaction or or your your primary primary functional functional currency. currency. You You operate operate in in aa country country that that is is part part of of the the European European Monetary Monetary Union Union (EMU), (EMU), and and you you want want to to concurrently concurrently report report in in euro euro in in preparation preparation for for the the single single European European currency. currency. Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Translation Translation

Foreign currencies


Functional currency


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Rates Rates Used Used for for Translation Translation


Account Type

Balance/Rate Used in Translation


Cumulative balance and Period End Rate


Cumulative balance and Period End Rate


Periodic balances at Period Average Rates


Periodic balances at Period Average Rates


Cumulative balance and Period End Rate, unless Historical Rates are defined for these accounts

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Revaluation Revaluation Revaluation is a process that reviews foreign currency transactions, reconverts them to the functional currency using the revaluation rate, then creates a journal entry to adjust the functional balance to the reconverted amount. Foreign currencies Functional currency

Foreign currencies Functional currency 5-24

Conversion at the time of the foreign currency transaction

Revaluation at the end of the accounting period

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Running Running aa Consolidation Consolidation Set of books 1

Set of books 2

Company A Company B

Company C

Set of books 3 Company D Company E Company F

Run consolidation Parent Company A Company B Company C Company D Company E Company F


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Set Set of of Books Books Consolidation Consolidation Reporting from summary accounts using FSG

Using Global Consolidation System

f Set o A s book

Co 3 Co 2 Co 1 Set

oks o b f o

Consolidate within a set of books 5-26

f Set o B s book


tion a d i l o Cons books f set o

Consolidate between a set of books

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Consolidations Consolidations •• •• •• •• ••


Design Design and and mapping mapping of of segment segment rules rules and and account account range range rules rules Audit Audit mode mode for for determining determining what what subsidiary subsidiary accounts accounts actually actually mapped mapped to to what what accounts accounts at at the the parent parent Run Run in in test test mode mode to to ensure ensure expected expected results results Performance Performance benchmark benchmark Data Data movement movement considerations considerations

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Budgeting Budgeting December 1998 CC100 A




















Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Creating, Creating, Maintaining, Maintaining, and and Tracking Tracking Budgets Budgets •• •• •• •• ••


Create Create multiple multiple budgets budgets and and forecasts. forecasts. Control Control user user access access to to budgets. budgets. Create Create budget budget organizations organizations to to mirror mirror the the various various levels levels of of your your company’ company’ss organization organization and and to to control control user user access access to to the the budget budget information. information. Structure Structure your your budget budget into into an an unlimited unlimited number number of of levels. levels. Create Create master-detail master-detail budgets. budgets.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Completing Completing the the Budget Budget Accounting Accounting Cycle Cycle

Step 1: Define budgets and budget organizations Step 2: Enter budgets Step 3: Review and correct budgets Step 4: Freeze budgets

Step 5: Report on budgets


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Budgeting Budgeting Methods Methods •• •• •• •• •• ••


Create Create budget budget formulas formulas to to allocate allocate budget budget amounts amounts Create Create flexible flexible budget budget formulas formulas Use Use MassBudgets MassBudgets Use Use Master/detail Master/detail budgets budgets Upload Upload budgets budgets from from aa spreadsheet spreadsheet Use Use top-down, top-down, bottom-up, bottom-up, or or middle-out middle-out budgeting budgeting

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Methods Methods for for Allocating Allocating and and Reporting Reporting Budget Budget Amounts Amounts Top-down budgeting

Middle-out budgeting

Budget goal allocate down


Bottom-up budgeting Total budget







Dept A

Dept B

Dept C

Dept A

Dept B

Dept C

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations When When Planning Planning Your Your Budget Budget Requirements Requirements •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 5-33

Do Do you you need need the the audit audit trail trail that that budget budget journals journals provide? provide? Do Do you you require require aa balance balance sheet sheet budget? budget? Will Will you you budget budget in in aa centralized centralized or or distributed distributed mode? mode? What What will will your your budget budget organizations organizations be? be? Will Will you you need need additional additional budgets budgets for for reforecasting reforecasting or or “what-if” “what-if” scenarios? scenarios? Will Will you you budget budget using using Budget Budget Wizard, Wizard, another another spreadsheet, spreadsheet, or or directly directly into into Oracle Oracle General General Ledger? Ledger? What What will will your your budget budget naming naming standards standards be? be? Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary ••

Journal Journal entry entry types types are: are: –– Basic Basic journal journal entry entry

–– ––

•• ••


Reversing Reversing journal journal entry entry Recurring Recurring journal journal entries entries

–– MassAllocations MassAllocations Update Update balances balances by by posting posting the the journals journals automatically, automatically, by by selecting selecting and and posting posting journal journal batches, batches, or or by by posting posting the the journals journals directly. directly. Open Open and and close close accounting accounting periods periods to to control control journal journal entry entry and and journal journal posting. posting.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary •• •• ••


You You can can convert, convert, revalue, revalue, or or translate translate currencies. currencies. You You can can consolidate consolidate any any number number of of subsidiaries subsidiaries into into parents parents with with different different set set of of books. books. You You can can create create budget budget organizations organizations to to mirror mirror the the various various levels levels of of your your company’ company’ss organization organization and and to to control control access access to to the the budget budget information. information.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

6 Enterprise Enterprise Management Management Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Assets Assets

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to describe describe the the process process flow flow of of Oracle Oracle Assets. Assets.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Topics Topics •• •• ••


Overview Overview Oracle Oracle Assets Assets integration integration Overview Overview of of Assets Assets processes processes

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Assets Assets Oracle Oracle Assets Assets is is aa complete complete asset-management asset-management solution solution that that helps helps you you to to maintain maintain accurate accurate property property and and equipment equipment inventory inventory and and ensures ensures that that you you always always choose choose the the best best accounting accounting and and tax tax strategies. strategies. ItIt is is fully fully integrated integrated with with other other Oracle Oracle Applications. Applications. The The four four major major areas areas of of Oracle Oracle Assets Assets are: are:

•• •• •• ••


Assets Assets Depreciation Depreciation Tax Tax Reports Reports and and System System Controls Controls

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Oracle Oracle Assets Assets Features Features •• •• ••


Asset Asset inventory inventory Rule-based Rule-based depreciation depreciation Tax Tax strategies strategies

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Assets Assets Features Features •• ••


Capital Capital spending spending controls controls Feeder Feeder systems systems integration integration

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Asset Asset Processes Processes

Manual addition

Other system



CIP addition




Oracle Assets


Depreciation 6-7

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Assets Assets Product Product Integration Integration

Oracle Payables


Invoice lines


Oracle Assets

Budget information

CIP assets

Journal entries


Oracle Human Resources

Supplier information

Oracle Purchasing

Oracle Projects

Units of measure item information

Oracle General Ledger Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Inventory

Integrating Integrating with with General General Ledger Ledger Shared information Chart of accounts Currency Oracle General Ledger

Calendar Oracle Assets

Post entries S DER A E E_H S GL_J LINE _ E J GL_

Journal entries sent

General Ledger tables 6-9

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Physical Physical Inventory Inventory Interface Interface Load information directly into the Open Assets physical inventory interface

Oracle Assets System

Scan asset serial number/tag number using optical scanners

Physical inventory

Download into Excel spreadsheet 6-10

Fixed Assets Desktop Integrator Physical Inventory Wizard

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary With With Oracle Oracle Assets, Assets, you you can: can: •• Maintain Maintain an an asset asset inventory inventory that that supports supports your your balance balance sheet sheet •• Define Define depreciation depreciation rules, rules, depreciation depreciation books, books, and and the the financial financial information information for for your your reporting reporting objectives objectives and and tax tax requirements requirements •• Automatically Automatically produce produce all all asset asset journal journal entries entries for for your your general general ledger ledger system system •• Load Load information information directly directly into into the the Open Open Assets Assets physical physical inventory inventory interface interface •• Scan Scan assets assets using using an an optical optical scanner, scanner, download download the the information information to to an an Excel Excel spreadsheet, spreadsheet, and and then then use use the the Fixed Fixed Assets Assets Desktop Desktop Integrator Integrator to to transfer transfer itit to to Oracle Oracle Assets Assets 6-11

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

7 Enterprise Enterprise Management Management Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Assets Assets

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to identify identify the the setup setup steps steps and and considerations considerations when when implementing implementing Oracle Oracle Assets. Assets.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Topics Topics •• •• •• ••


Asset Asset management management Capital Capital budgets budgets Depreciation Depreciation Tax Tax

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Asset Asset Management Management Processes Processes •• •• ••


Additions Additions Transfers Transfers Retirements Retirements

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Asset Asset Additions Additions r Orde e s a h Purc

Oracle Purchasing Oracle Purchasing Quick addition Detail addition

Oracle Assets Create journal entries

Oracle Payables Mass addition Oracle Projects

Other Add asset payables from invoice system line

Run depreciation 7-5

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Adding Adding Assets Assets •• •• •• ••


Method Method of of entry entry Source Source of of data data Amount Amount of of historical historical data data Other Other data data elements elements

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Asset Asset Transfers Transfers Company




Cost Center Account


Product SubAcct


Susan Mason Employee #33


Depreciation expense accounts



Region Cost Center Account





3030 Locations


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

400 4040


Charles Ackroyd Employee #43

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Transferring Transferring Assets Assets •• •• ••


Volume Volume of of activity activity Level Level of of detail detail Communication Communication process process

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Asset Asset Retirements Retirements

Full retirement

Retire an asset or retire several assets at once

Partial units and partial cost

Entire units and entire cost

Retired asset 7-9

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Asset Asset Retirement Retirement •• •• ••


How How are are assets assets retired retired at at your your company? company? What What are are your your company’ company’ss processes processes and and policies policies for for retirements? retirements? How How is is the the asset asset manager manager notified notified of of retirement? retirement?

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

How How to to Set Set Up Up Asset Asset Categories Categories •• •• •• ••


Asset Asset categories categories group group assets assets that that share share accounts accounts and and usually usually depreciate depreciate under under the the same same rules. rules. Oracle Oracle Assets Assets uses uses this this information information to to provide provide default default values. values. Asset Asset categories categories specify specify accounts accounts and and default default depreciation depreciation rules rules for for assets assets in in aa category category and and book. book. Optionally, Optionally, you you can can set set up up different different default default depreciation depreciation rules rules depending depending on on the the date date placed placed in in service. service.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Setting Setting Up Up Asset Asset Categories Categories •• ••


Asset Asset categories categories group group assets assets that that share share accounts accounts and and usually usually depreciate depreciate under under the the same same rules. rules. Oracle Oracle Assets Assets uses uses this this information information to to provide provide default default values. values.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Oracle Oracle Assets Assets •• •• •• ••


Organizational Organizational structure structure Existing Existing asset asset information information Company Company history history Future Future plans plans

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Depreciation Depreciation Asset

Period 1: $120,000

Period 4: $60,000

Period 6: $20,000

Journal entry

General Ledger 7-14

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Depreciation Depreciation Use depreciation methods


Unit of production

Depreciation books

Calculate depreciation

Online inquiries and “what-if” analysis 7-15

Create journal entries

Review reserve levels

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Setting Setting Up Up Depreciation Depreciation Books Books


Depreciation methods

Depreciation ceilings

Investment tax credits

Prorate conventions

Price indexes

Units-ofmeasure classes

Units of measure

Asset categories

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Depreciation Depreciation •• •• •• ••


Company Company organizations organizations and and business business Accounting Accounting and and tax tax requirements requirements Depreciation Depreciation methods methods Data Data conversion conversion

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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Depreciation Depreciation ••


Monthly Monthly process process

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Tax Tax Initial MassCopy or periodic MassCopy

Copy assets to tax book

Make adjustments Tax books Run depreciation

Calculate deferred depreciation Print reports 7-19

Create journal entries Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Maintaining Maintaining Tax Tax Books Books Corporate depreciation book

Initial MassCopy or Periodic MassCopy

Federal tax book


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

State tax book

Updating Updating an an ACE ACE Tax Tax Book Book

Run exception reports

Populate ACE interface

Update ACE book


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Independent Independent Tax Tax Books Books Assets in Independent Depreciation Books Corporate book

Monthly calendar

Federal tax book Quarterly calendar



Asset 843

FURNITURE.DESKS MACRS 5 Years HALF-YEAR Asset 325 VEHICLE.LUXURY MACRS 4 Years HALF-YEAR Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Asset 843

Creating Creating an an ACE ACE Tax Tax Book Book Adjusted Current Earnings Steps Fiscal 1989

Fiscal 1990 December




FED AMT ACE 1. Define ACE book

6. Populate conversion table

2. Define categories

7. Run update ACE book

3. Run initial MassCopy

8. Run Periodic MassCopy

4. Run ACE exception reports

9. Run ACE Depreciation Comparison Report

5. Run depreciation 7-23

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Setting Setting Up Up Tax Tax •• •• ••


You You must must create create your your tax tax books books before before you you can can add add assets, assets, add add asset asset transactions, transactions, or or perform perform depreciation. depreciation. Set Set up up your your tax tax books, books, including including your your ACE ACE tax tax books, books, to to satisfy satisfy tax tax laws laws and and take take advantage advantage of of optimal optimal tax tax strategies. strategies. For For each each corporate corporate book, book, you you can can set set up up multiple multiple tax tax books books that that are are associated associated with with it. it.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Information Information Shared Shared Among Among Books Books

Corporate Book

• Category

Tax Book

• Assignments • Production amounts


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Tax Tax •• •• ••


Tax Tax department department requirements requirements Number Number of of tax tax books books Converting Converting data data into into tax tax books books

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary •• •• •• •• •• •• 7-27

You You can can add add assets assets manually, manually, upload upload from from FADI, FADI, or or use use MassAdditions. MassAdditions. You You can can transfer transfer all all or or part part of of an an asset asset between between general general ledger ledger depreciation depreciation expense expense accounts, accounts, locations, locations, and and employees. employees. You You can can move move assets assets between between companies companies and and share share the the use use of of an an asset. asset. Retire Retire assets assets by by units units or or by by cost. cost. Asset Asset categories categories group group assets assets that that share share accounts accounts and and usually usually depreciate depreciate under under the the same same rules. rules. Depreciation Depreciation books books create create journal journal entries entries in in your your general general ledger. ledger. Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary •• •• •• •• •• 7-28

You You can can define define depreciation depreciation rules rules and and use use them them to to set set up up categories categories for for each each depreciation depreciation book. book. You You can can copy copy assets assets and and asset asset transactions transactions into into your your tax tax book book from from your your corporate corporate book book without without reentering reentering asset asset information. information. ACE ACE is is aa set set of of depreciation depreciation rules rules defined defined by by United United States States tax tax law. law. You You must must create create your your tax tax books books before before you you can can add add assets, assets, add add asset asset transactions, transactions, or or perform perform depreciation. depreciation. You You can can define define as as many many independent independent tax tax depreciation depreciation books books for for each each reporting reporting authority authority as as you you want. want. Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

8 Enterprise Enterprise Management Management Integration Integration with with Other Other Oracle Oracle Applications Applications

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to do do the the following: following: •• Describe Describe how how information information is is shared shared and and integrated integrated with with other other Oracle Oracle applications applications •• Determine Determine implementation implementation considerations considerations when when integrating integrating Oracle Oracle applications applications •• Describe Describe the the features features of of the the Applications Applications Desktop Desktop Integrator Integrator


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Overview Overview •• ••

Reduce Reduce maintenance maintenance and and provide provide aa smooth smooth information information flow flow by by sharing sharing key key information information between between applications. applications. Identify Identify critical critical implementation implementation issues issues that that affect affect multiple multiple business business areas: areas: –– Shared Shared information information

–– ––

Information Information flows flows Open Open interfaces interfaces

–– Implementation Implementation issues issues


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Overview Overview ••


Shared Shared information: information: –– Share Share information information in in Oracle Oracle applications applications to to avoid avoid redundancy, redundancy, minimize minimize setup setup time, time, and and keep keep things things in in synchronization. synchronization. –– Identify Identify the the key key entities entities shared shared by by Oracle Oracle applications. applications. Information Information flows: flows:

–– Record Record pertinent pertinent transactions transactions once once and and pass pass them them to to the the next next business business process. process. –– Use Use Oracle Oracle applications applications open open interfaces interfaces to to receive receive pertinent pertinent transactions. transactions. 8-4

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Overview Overview ••


Open Open interfaces: interfaces: –– Transfer Transfer data data within within Oracle Oracle applications. applications.

–– Import Import transactions transactions from from other other applications applications into into Oracle Oracle applications. applications. Implementation Implementation issues: issues: –– Obtain Obtain input input from from all all business business areas areas that that are are affected affected when when you you define define shared shared entities. entities. –– Customize Customize user user input input to to include include additional additional information information using using descriptive descriptive flexfields. flexfields. –– Define Define setup setup parameters parameters required required by by multiple multiple applications. applications.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Ensure Ensure Consistency Consistency and and Reduce Reduce Duplicate Duplicate Efforts Efforts by by Sharing Sharing Information Information Entity



Personnel who perform assigned tasks


Individuals credited with sales revenue


Vendors used by the enterprise


Buyers of the end product


Business sites (addresses)

Organizations Inventory or manufacturing sites Items

Raw materials, finished goods, services, or products

Sets of Books Accounting information records 8-6

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Shared Shared Data: Data: Employees Employees Human Resources



Engineering change order approvers Labor rates Approvers Buyers Requesters



Project staff





Employees Assets General Ledger 8-7

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Shared Shared Data: Data: Suppliers Suppliers




Projects Supplier Supplier


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Shared Shared Data: Data: Sets Sets of of Books Books Human Resources Manufacturing






Sales Compensation

Sets of Books

Financial Analyzer


General Ledger 8-9


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Information Information Flows Flows •• Record Record pertinent pertinent information information transactions transactions in in one one



application application and and pass pass this this information information to to the the application application in in the the next next business business process process or or to to other other applications. applications. Use Use Oracle Oracle applications applications open open interfaces interfaces to to receive receive pertinent pertinent transactions. transactions.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Assets Assets Product Product Integration Integration Supplier information

Invoice lines Oracle Assets

Oracle Payables

Oracle Purchasing

Budget information Spreadsheet Employees

Oracle Human Resources 8-11

CIP assets Journal entries

Oracle Projects Units of measure item information

Oracle General Ledger Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Inventory

Integrating Integrating Oracle Oracle Assets Assets with with General General Ledger Ledger Shared information Chart of accounts Currency Oracle General Ledger

Calendar Oracle Assets

Post entries S DER A E E_H S GL_J LINE _ E J GL_

Journal entries sent

General Ledger tables 8-12

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Interfaced Interfaced Information: Information: Project Project Accounting Accounting Manufacturing

Committed costs Projects

Purchasing Subcontractor invoices


Expense reports

Work in Process

Capital projects

Payables Assets

Project invoices Customer invoices Receivables General Ledger 8-13

Revenue recognition

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.


Interfaced Interfaced Information: Information: Purchase Purchase Management Management Manufacturing Planned orders Purchasing

Demand Scheduled receipts

Committed cost


Purchase order match Payables

Receive Inventory

Requisitions Internal sales requisitions

Raw materials

Finished goods

Work in Process 8-14

Accrual for receipts not invoiced

Asset purchases

Assets Order Entry

General Ledger

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Interfaced Interfaced Information: Information: Accounting Accounting Entries Entries Accrued Accrued receipts

Purchasing Inventory costs/COGS

Salary/Deductions Revenue/Expenses

Payroll Projects

Inventory Invoices/Payments

Work in Process

WIP job and other costs

Depreciation/ Retirements Revenue, receivables

Specified data and structures Financial Analyzer

Cash received General Ledger

Budgeted amounts 8-15

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Payables Assets Receivables

Accounting Accounting Flows: Flows: Purchase Purchase Management Management

Purchasing Accruals, encumbrances

Expense/Asset Payables Asset details Expense, asset payment

Financial Analyzer 8-16

Specified data and structures

Depreciation, retirements, capital General assets Ledger

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.


Accounting Accounting Flows: Flows: Order Order Management Management

Customer orders

Sales and Marketing

COGS at shipment Inventory

COGS Issues

Accounts receivables, revenue, freight, tax

Financial Analyzer 8-17

Specified data and General structures Ledger

Order Entry Order line details Receivables

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Open Open Interfaces Interfaces Through Through the the use use of of open open interfaces, interfaces, Oracle applications applications receive receive data data from from Feeder system Oracle external external sources, sources, Oracle Oracle systems, systems, or or data systems systems other other than than Oracle Oracle systems. systems. Oracle applications import data tables

Oracle applications import program

Oracle applications system


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Import Program Execution report

Open Open Interfaces: Interfaces: Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger

Import programs Actual



External systems

Oracle General Ledger


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Journal Journal Import Import Verification Verification Process Process Load GL_INTERFACE table

Correct errors in feeder system

Import journals by Source and Group ID Do any journals have errors?

Journal Import creates a postable journal batch

No High

Delete source from Journal Import

Yes Number of errors? 8-20


Correct Journal Import online

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Prerequisite Prerequisite Tasks Tasks for for Uploading Uploading Budgets Budgets •• Define Define aa budget budget •• Open Open one one or or more more years years of of your your budget budget •• Define Define aa budget budget organization organization •• Create Create your your budget budget information information using using your your ••


spreadsheet spreadsheet software software Transfer Transfer your your budget budget information information into into the the General General Ledger Ledger budget budget interface interface table, table, GL_BUDGET_INTERFACE GL_BUDGET_INTERFACE

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Open Open Interfaces: Interfaces: Oracle Oracle Assets Assets Payables Production information

Capital budgets

ACE 8-22

Adjusted current earnings

Import programs

Oracle Assets Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.


Capital projects

ACE ACE Interface Interface Other asset system ACE information

Oracle Asset system


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Critical Critical Implementation Implementation Issues Issues for for Shared Shared Entities Entities •• •• •• •• •• 8-24

Define Define shared shared entities entities only only once once for for use use in in multiple multiple applications. applications. Define Define these these entities entities carefully, carefully, because because the the applications applications will will all all use use the the same same definition. definition. Address Address maintenance maintenance of of these these entities entities during during implementation. implementation. Address Address the the special special considerations considerations for for using using aa single single set set of of books books or or multiple multiple sets sets of of books books early early in in the the implementation implementation process. process. Certain Certain applications applications support support multiple multiple sets sets of of books. books. Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Applications Applications Desktop Desktop Integrator Integrator


General Ledger Desktop





Request Center


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

General General Ledger Ledger Desktop Desktop Integrator Integrator (GLDI) (GLDI)

Journal Wizard Upload journals from a spreadsheet Budget Wizard Download and upload budget amounts Report Wizard Define and submit FSG reports Analysis Wizard Drill down to account balances


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Full-Cycle Full-Cycle Accounting Accounting Between Between Oracle Oracle Applications Applications and and aa Spreadsheet Spreadsheet


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

GLDI GLDI Journal Journal Wizard Wizard

•• •• •• ••


Create Create aa personalized personalized spreadsheetspreadsheetbased based Enter Enter Journals Journals form. form. Enter Enter journals journals in in the the spreadsheet spreadsheet using using data data entry entry shortcuts. shortcuts. Save Save journal journal definition definition for for recurring recurring purposes. purposes. Upload Upload journals journals into into GL. GL.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Budget Budget Wizard Wizard

•• •• •• •• •• •• 8-29

Download Download existing existing budget budget amounts amounts or or create create new new amounts amounts in in aa spreadsheet. spreadsheet. Enter Enter new new amounts amounts or or modify modify existing existing amounts amounts individually. individually. Spread Spread budget budget amounts amounts by by using using budget budget rules rules and and formulas. formulas. Graph Graph budget budget amounts. amounts. Add Add notes notes to to justify justify budget budget amounts. amounts. Upload Upload amounts amounts back back into into GL. GL. Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Report Report Wizard Wizard

•• •• •• •• •• 8-30

Define Define new new FSG FSG reports reports in in aa spreadsheet. spreadsheet. Build Build FSG FSG reports reports from from existing existing report report components components in in aa spreadsheet. spreadsheet. Download Download report report definitions definitions from from GL GL to to aa spreadsheet. spreadsheet. Use Use Content Content Set Set Generator Generator to to quickly quickly create create or or modify modify content content sets. sets. Upload Upload report report definitions definitions back back to to Oracle Oracle General General Ledger. Ledger. Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Analysis Analysis Wizard Wizard

• Select an account from spreadsheet


reports and drill down to summary balances, detail balances, and journal lines. • Use drag-and-drop capabilities to pivot

accounting dimensions to perform “what-if” analysis. • Modify the drilldown parameter online

to produce ad hoc inquiries. • Export user-defined analysis to

Microsoft Excel as a report. 8-31

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Fixed Fixed Assets Assets Desktop Desktop Integrator Integrator Asset Asset Wizard: Wizard: •• Create Create aa personalized personalized asset asset form. form.

•• ••

Add Add assets assets using using shortcuts. shortcuts. Upload Upload assets assets into into Oracle Oracle Assets. Assets.

Inventory Inventory Wizard: Wizard: •• Scan Scan asset asset tag tag numbers numbers with with aa barcode barcode reader. reader. •• Load Load inventory inventory details details into into aa spreadsheet spreadsheet using using shortcuts. shortcuts. •• Upload Upload inventory inventory data data into into Assets. Assets. 8-32

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Request Request Center Center

Upload reports

Report Wizard

Oracle General Ledger

Download existing report objects

Request Center Submit and publish reports 8-33

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary •• •• •• ••

•• •• 8-34

Set Set of of books books is is shared shared by by all all applications. applications. General General Ledger Ledger has has accounting accounting entries entries passed passed to to itit from from almost almost all all applications. applications. Depreciation, Depreciation, retirements, retirements, and and capital capital assets assets are are passed passed to to General General Ledger. Ledger. Through Through the the use use of of open open interfaces, interfaces, Oracle Oracle Applications Applications receive receive data data from from external external sources, sources, Oracle Oracle systems, systems, or or systems systems other other than than Oracle Oracle systems. systems. Journal Journal Import Import validates validates all all of of your your data data before before itit creates creates journal journal entries entries in in your your general general ledger. ledger. ADI ADI is is aa family family of of products products that that you you can can use use to to perform perform GL GL functions, functions, Assets Assets functions, functions, and and reporting. reporting. Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

9 Enterprise Enterprise Management Management Reporting Reporting Options Options

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to describe describe reporting reporting options options that that can can be be used used when when implementing implementing Oracle Oracle applications. applications.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Overview Overview of of Topics Topics •• •• •• ••


Financial Financial reporting reporting overview overview Standard Standard reports reports and and listings listings Financial Financial Statement Statement Generator Generator Oracle Oracle Financial Financial Analyzer Analyzer

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger Reporting Reporting Standard reports

View online



Financial Statement Generator

Custom reports

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Accounting information


General General Ledger Ledger Financial Financial Reporting, Reporting, Consolidation, Consolidation, and and Analysis Analysis Tools Tools •• •• •• ••


Standard Standard reports reports and and listings listings Financial Financial Statement Statement Generator Generator Oracle Oracle Financial Financial Analyzer Analyzer Report Report Wizard Wizard

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Standard Standard Management Management and and Accounting Accounting Reports Reports •• •• ••


Request Request reports reports online online Group Group reports reports into into request request sets sets Schedule Schedule reports reports and and request request sets sets to to run run at at regularly regularly scheduled scheduled intervals intervals

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Categories Categories of of General General Ledger Ledger Standard Standard Reports Reports and and Listings Listings •• •• •• •• ••


Account Account analysis analysis Budget Budget Chart Chart of of accounts accounts Multicompany Multicompany accounting accounting and and consolidation consolidation Financial Financial Statement Statement Generator Generator

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Categories Categories of of General General Ledger Ledger Standard Standard Reports Reports and and Listings Listings •• •• •• •• ••


General General Ledger Ledger Journals Journals Trial Trial Balance Balance Execution Execution Other Other

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Combining Combining Reports, Reports, Listings, Listings, and and Programs Programs Into Into Request Request Sets Sets

Report A

Report B

Report C

Request set 9-9

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Examples Examples of of Types Types of of FSG FSG Statements Statements •• •• •• •• ••


Responsibility Responsibility reports reports for for business business units, units, profit profit centers, centers, and and cost cost centers centers checking checking security security access access Consolidation Consolidation reports reports Cash Cash flow flow reports reports Reports Reports including including statistical statistical information information Reports Reports listing listing both both translated translated and and entered entered foreign foreign currency currency amounts amounts

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Building Building Custom Custom Reports Reports Using Using FSG FSG




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Four Four Steps Steps to to Create Create Customized Customized Reports Reports 1. Define row sets.

2. Define column sets.

3. Define financial reports and report sets.

4. Request financial reports and report sets.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Defining Defining FSG FSG Row Row Sets Sets

Row Set A

Income Statement Company 1 PTD YTD Sales 3,000 6,200 Returns 1,000 1,000 Net Sales

Row Set B



Balance Sheet Company 1 THIS YR LAST YR Cash 100 200 Investments 600 400 Receivables 980


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Defining Defining FSG FSG Column Column Sets Sets Income Statement Company 1 Column Set A Sales Returns

PTD 3,000 1,000

YTD 6,200 1,000

Net Sales



Balance Sheet Company 1 Column Set B

THIS YR LAST YR Cash 100 200 Investments 600 400 Receivables 980


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.


Financial Financial Analyzer Analyzer Overview Overview •• •• •• ••


Online Online analysis analysis after after period period close close (multidimensional) (multidimensional) Analysis, Analysis, forecasting, forecasting, and and modeling modeling traditionally traditionally performed performed in in aa spreadsheet spreadsheet Eliminates Eliminates double double maintenance— maintenance— spreadsheet spreadsheet modeling modeling Integrated Integrated full full Enterprise Enterprise Resource Resource Planning Planning can can bring bring in in cash cash actuals actuals and and encumbrances encumbrances from from GL GL and and combine combine with with forecasts forecasts from from your your subledgers, subledgers, AR, AR, AP, AP, Payroll, Payroll, and and so so on on

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Financial Financial Analyzer Analyzer Architecture Architecture Versus Versus Traditional Traditional Database Database Structure Structure Traditional database structure of a flat file with records broken up into fields Line

Fiscal Time

Promotions Advertising Benefits . . . Promotions Advertising Benefits . . . 9-16

Oct97 Oct97 Oct97 . . . Oct97 Oct97 Oct97 . . .

Product Balls Balls Balls . . . Hats Hats Hats . . .

Budget 25,400 15,300 10,500 . . . 25,400 15,300 10,500 . . .

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Dimensions Dimensions and and Dimension Dimension Values Values Oracle General Ledger Company Cost Center Account 01 202 2001 02 657 2445

Organization A01.202 A01.657 A02.202

Product 330 880

Segments Segment Values




L2001 L2445 L4009

P330 P880 P999

Dimension Values

Oracle Financial Analyzer


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Express Express Data Data Structure Structure

Product Coats Hats Balls Time Oct 97

Nov 97

Dec 97















Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Financial Financial Analyzer Analyzer Integration Integration

Oracle General Ledger Data mapping Legacy systems

Spreadsheets 9-19

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Financial Analyzer

Budgeting Budgeting With With Oracle Oracle Financial Financial Analyzer Analyzer

Actuals and budgets

General Ledger

Data X, B



Paul Financial Analyzer Budgeting


Data X, Y


Controlled data access

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Financial Financial Analyzer Analyzer Functionality Functionality

Reporting and Analysis

? Financial Analyzer Financial Modeling 9-21

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations •• •• ••


Review Review all all reports reports and and online online inquiry inquiry windows windows to to make make sure sure that that they they satisfy satisfy your your business business requirements. requirements. Identify Identify any any needs needs for for custom custom reports reports or or inquiries inquiries early early in in the the implementation implementation cycle cycle to to allow allow for for development development time. time. Carefully Carefully calculate calculate your your environment environment and and space space requirements requirements for for your your reporting reporting and and analysis analysis tools. tools.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary ••

•• ••


You You can can request request standard standard reports reports online, online, group group reports reports into into request request sets, sets, and and schedule schedule reports reports and and request request sets sets to to run run at at regularly regularly scheduled scheduled intervals. intervals. You You can can create create custom custom reports reports using using FSG. FSG. Financial Financial Analyzer Analyzer does does analysis, analysis, forecasting, forecasting, and and modeling modeling traditionally traditionally performed performed in in aa spreadsheet. spreadsheet.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

10 Enterprise Enterprise Management Management Unit Unit II Summary Summary

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives This This unit unit has has covered covered how how to to determine determine the the appropriate appropriate system system setup setup options options and and implementation implementation considerations considerations when when implementing implementing Enterprise Enterprise Management Management applications. applications.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

How How Will Will You You Plan Plan for for the the Management Management of of Your Your Enterprise? Enterprise? •• •• •• •• •• 10-3

What What needs needs to to be be set set up up for for all all financial financial applications? applications? What What do do you you need need to to plan plan for for when when creating creating and and setting setting up up charts charts of of accounts, accounts, journals, journals, and and budgets? budgets? What What implementation implementation considerations considerations are are unique unique to to Oracle Oracle Assets? Assets? How How is is information information shared shared and and how how does does itit flow flow between between other other Oracle Oracle applications? applications? What What reporting reporting options options will will you you implement? implement?

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary •• •• ••



Folders Folders customize customize the the presentation presentation of of data, data, and and flexfields flexfields allow allow you you to to design design structures structures that that meet meet business business needs needs for for storing storing data. data. Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger is is the the central central repository repository for for accounting accounting information, information, receiving receiving transactions transactions from from financial financial and and manufacturing manufacturing subledgers. subledgers. The The common common financials financials setup setup steps steps are are defining defining the the chart chart of of accounts, accounts, the the accounting accounting calendar, calendar, and and the the functional functional currency. currency. These These together together are are called called the the set set of of books. books. Setup Setup steps steps that that are are unique unique to to Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger are are journals, journals, multiple multiple currencies, currencies, and and budgets. budgets. Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary ••

•• ••


Oracle Oracle Assets Assets setup setup steps steps include include entering entering property property and and equipment equipment inventories, inventories, setting setting up up depreciation depreciation rules rules and and books, books, retirements, retirements, and and selecting selecting tax tax methods methods Oracle Oracle applications applications can can receive receive data data from from the the Oracle Oracle system, system, or or from from external external sources sources through through the the use use of of an an open open interface interface Reporting Reporting options options include include standard standard reports, reports, the the Financial Financial Statement Statement Generator, Generator, Oracle Oracle Financial Financial Analyzer, Analyzer, and and Application Application Desktop Desktop Integrator Integrator reporting reporting modules modules

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

11 Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay Unit Unit IIII Introduction Introduction

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this unit, unit, you you should should be be able able to to determine determine the the appropriate appropriate system system setup setup options options and and implementation implementation considerations considerations when when planning planning to to implement implement Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay applications. applications.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay Topics Topics •• •• •• •• •• ••


Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Common Common Setup Setup Steps Steps Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Integration Integration with with Other Other Oracle Oracle Applications Applications

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Purchasing Purchasing Business Business Flow Flow

Order Entry

Manually create





Other systems


Requester Approved Supplier 11-4

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Purchasing Purchasing Business Business Flow Flow Continued Continued Source Supplier

Order entry


Purchase order approved





Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Purchasing Purchasing Processes Processes •• •• ••


Maintain Maintain historical historical data data Manage Manage accruals accruals Measure Measure and and improve improve cost, cost, quality, quality, and and delivery delivery performance performance

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Payables Payables Business Business Flow Flow ASN / ASBN

EDI es invoic

ERS / Pay on receipt

nal Exter system es invoic

Open interface

ce Invoi ase Purch r orde

Match to PO

Enter invoice

n isitio u q e R


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Payables Payables Business Business Flow Flow

Enter invoice


ce Invoi

Create journal entries

Pay invoices


Ban Reconcile payments ment e t a t using Cash Management s


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

12 Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to describe describe the the process process flow flow of of Oracle Oracle Purchasing. Purchasing.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Topics Topics •• ••


Overview Overview Overview Overview of of Purchasing Purchasing process process flow flow

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing ••

With With Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing you you can can centralize centralize and and simplify simplify routine routine transactions transactions such such as: as: –– Requisitions Requisitions

–– ––


Purchase Purchase orders orders Receipts Receipts

The The major major areas areas of of Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing are: are: –– Supply-base Supply-base management management

–– Requisitions Requisitions –– Purchase Purchase orders orders –– Receiving Receiving –– –– 12-4

RFQs RFQs and and quotes quotes Sourcing Sourcing rules rules Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing Supply-Base Supply-Base Management Management

Issue RFQs

Identify sourcing needs

Record quotation

Select suppliers and build supplier list 12-5



Assess supplier performance

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.


Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing Requisitions Requisitions

Order entry

Other Systems Inventory


Import/Reschedule requisitions

MRP Demand

Create internal sales order e rov p Ap

Manually create


Order Entry


Requisition Requisition pool Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing Purchase Purchase Orders Orders e ov r p Manually create Ap Automatically create

PO Maintain documents


Receive against PO 12-7


Requisition pool


Match invoices in Payables

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing Receiving Receiving Supplier

Transfer Inventory Shipment



Shop floor

Order Entry

Inventory 12-8

Internal shipment

Expense Inspect

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing RFQs RFQs and and Quotes Quotes Imported requisitions Requisition pool Automatically create PO Manual

Print/Send RFQ Copy Supplier lists 12-9

RFQ Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.


Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing Sourcing Sourcing Suppliers

ABC 25% Source document information Release generation method

Global or local rules


NACO 50%

SAMI 25%

Allocate purchase orders across suppliers

Classify and rank suppliers

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary •• •• •• •• ••

Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing handles handles requisitions, requisitions, purchase purchase orders, orders, and and receipts. receipts. Supply-base Supply-base management management allows allows you you to to define define suppliers. suppliers. Sourcing Sourcing rules rules define define relationships relationships between between the the Approved Approved Supplier Supplier List List (ASL) (ASL) and and business business rules rules for for sourcing sourcing items. items. Purchase Purchase orders orders can can be be generated generated manually manually or or automatically. automatically. Purchasing Purchasing lets lets you you control control the the items items you you order order through through receiving, receiving, inspection, inspection, transfer, transfer, and and internal internal delivery. delivery.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

13 Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Payables Payables

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to describe describe the the process process flow flow of of Oracle Oracle Payables. Payables.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Topics Topics •• ••


Overview Overview Overview Overview of of Payables Payables process process flow flow

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Payables Payables •• •• ••

Oracle Oracle Payables Payables manages manages the the accounts accounts payables payables process, process, from from supplier supplier entry entry to to payment payment of of invoices. invoices. Oracle Oracle Payables Payables manages manages consolidation consolidation of of many many different different invoice invoice and and payment payment tasks, tasks, such such as as entry, entry, updates, updates, and and inquiries, inquiries, onto onto the the same same form. form. The The major major areas areas of of Oracle Oracle Payables Payables are: are:

–– Enter Enter suppliers suppliers –– Enter Enter invoices invoices –– Approve Approve invoices invoices –– Pay Pay invoices invoices


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Entering Entering Suppliers Suppliers

Parent supplier Supplier A

Supplier site

Supplier B

Supplier site

Supplier site

Supplier site contract 13-5

Supplier site

Supplier site contract

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Entering Entering Invoices Invoices in in Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Receive invoices

If appropriate, match invoice to purchase order PO


Enter invoice Enter basic information Enter detailed information 13-6

Maintain invoices

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

File invoices

Approving Approving Invoices Invoices in in Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Approve invoice ve o r p Ap

Batch approval

ve o r p Ap

Individual approval

Print Approval report or review it online

Resolve exceptions Review invoices on hold 13-7

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Pay Pay Invoices Invoices Using Using Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Select approved invoice

Confirm payment batch: • Confirm checks • Update invoice • Payment history

Pay invoice

Record manual payment Create manual payment outside Oracle Payables

Run payments in batch

Create single payments

Format payments: • Print checks • Load EFT data Modify payment batch: • Remove/add invoices • Modify payment details

Create computergenerated payment 13-8

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary •• •• •• ••


Oracle Oracle Payables Payables manages manages the the account account payables payables process, process, from from supplier supplier entry entry to to paying paying invoices. invoices. You You can can enter enter suppliers suppliers and and invoices invoices using using Oracle Oracle Payables. Payables. You You can can submit submit for for approvals approvals of of invoices invoices in in batches batches or or individually. individually. Oracle Oracle Payables Payables provides provides aa variety variety of of features features for for payment payment processing, processing, such such as as payment payment methods methods that that designate designate how how to to distribute distribute funds. funds.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

14 Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay Common Common Setup Setup Steps Steps

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to identify identify the the setup setup steps steps and and considerations considerations that that are are common common to to Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing and and Payables. Payables.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Topics Topics •• •• ••


Suppliers Suppliers Financial Financial options options Implementation Implementation considerations considerations

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

How How to to Set Set Up Up Suppliers Suppliers Supplier Supplier sites

Washington, D.C.

Contact Contact 14-4



Contact Contact

Contact Contact

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Supplier Supplier Information Information Oracle Payables Supplier Information Enter at Enter at Supplier Supplier Site

Information Type Purchasing



























Withholding Tax







Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Suppliers Suppliers •• ••


Naming Naming conventions conventions Supplier Supplier conversion conversion

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Suppliers Suppliers •• •• •• ••


Data Data cleanup cleanup Supplier Supplier maintenance maintenance Integration Integration issues issues Supplier Supplier qualifications qualifications

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Flow Flow of of Default Default Values Values Financials



Supplier site

Document 14-8

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

How to Set Up the Approval Structure Kathryn Meara Chief Executive Officer

Matthew Beech Vice President, Manufacturing

Steven Blair Vice President, Engineering

Colin Gislasson Director, Materials Management

Noelle Bloom Director, System Design

Theresa Quinlan Manager, Mfg. Purchasing 14-9

Job: President

Job: Vice President

Job: Director

Bradford Lipman Manager, Job: Manager Inventory Control

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Document Document Approval Approval •• •• ••


Evaluate Evaluate current current business business processes processes and and requirements. requirements. Map Map business business requirements requirements to to Oracle Oracle functionality. functionality. Incorporate Incorporate best best business business practices. practices.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Document Document Approval Approval •• •• ••


Naming Naming conventions conventions Employee Employee conversion conversion Data Data cleanup cleanup

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary •• ••

You You must must define define aa supplier supplier before before performing performing most most activities activities in in Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing and and Oracle Oracle Payables. Payables. Except Except for for the the Receiving, Receiving, Classification, Classification, General, General, and and Site Site categories, categories, all all categories categories of of information information that that are are entered entered at at the the supplier supplier level level can can also also be be entered entered at at the the supplier-site supplier-site level. level.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

15 Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to identify identify the the setup setup steps steps and and considerations considerations when when implementing implementing Oracle Oracle Purchasing. Purchasing.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Topics Topics •• •• •• •• ••


Items Items Requisitions Requisitions Purchase Purchase orders orders Receiving Receiving RFQs RFQs and and quotes quotes

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Overview of Items Predefined items can be used on purchasing documents Quotations

Requests for quotations



Master item file

Purchase orders

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

How How to to Set Set Up Up Items Items Attributes determine how the item behaves Attribute = Purchasable Master organization Item

Yes enabled

Yes enabled

No enabled

Child organization


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Yes enabled

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Items Items •• ••


Naming Naming conventions conventions Item Item conversion conversion

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Items Items •• •• ••


Data Data cleanup cleanup Item Item maintenance maintenance Integration Integration issues issues

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Overview Overview of of Requisitions Requisitions

Order Entry

Other systems Inventory




Import/reschedule requisitions

Create internal sales order

Manually create

Order entry

e rov p Ap

Requisition 15-8


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Requisition pool

Overview Overview of of Internal Internal Requisitions Requisitions

Oracle Inventory

Oracle Order Entry

Oracle Purchasing

Internal requisitions 15-9

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

How How to to Set Set Up Up Requisitions Requisitions

Using Using the the setup setup requirements requirements and and options, options, you you can: can: •• Number Number your your requisitions requisitions automatically automatically or or manually manually •• Create Create and and control control default default information information


Provide Provide or or restrict restrict authorization authorization to to create, create, modify, modify, and and approve approve requisitions requisitions

Setup requirements and options 15-10

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Setting Setting Up Up Internal Internal Requisitions Requisitions for for Purchasing Purchasing •• •• •• ••

Define Define internal internal requisitions requisitions Control Control online online requisition requisition sourcing sourcing Define Define purchasing purchasing options: options: internal internal requisitions requisitions Define Define concurrent concurrent program program resubmission resubmission intervals intervals

–– Order Order Import Import –– Create Create Internal Internal Sales Sales Order Order


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Requisitions Requisitions •• •• •• ••

Requisition Requisition sources sources Requisition Requisition usage usage Requisition Requisition conversion conversion Interface Interface processing processing


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Overview Overview of of Purchase Purchase Orders Orders Manually create

e rov p Ap Automatically create

PO Maintain documents


Receive against PO 15-13


Requisition pool


Match invoices in Payables

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Purchase Purchase Order Order Document Document Types Types •• •• ••

Standard Standard purchase purchase order order Contract Contract purchase purchase order order


Planned Planned purchase purchase order order Scheduled Scheduled releases releases

Blanket Blanket purchase purchase agreement agreement Blanket Blanket releases releases


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Comparison Comparison of of Purchase Purchase Order Order Types Types •• •• •• ••

Standard Standard purchase purchase order order Contract Contract purchase purchase order order Blanket Blanket purchase purchase agreement agreement Planned Planned purchase purchase order order


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Purchase Purchase Order Order Components Components


Document detail (header)

Item or service details (lines)

Supplier delivery details (shipments)

Internal distribution details (distributions)

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

How How to to Set Set Up Up Purchase Purchase Orders Orders

Using Using the the setup setup requirements requirements and and options, options, you you can: can: •• Create Create and and control control default default information information


Provide Provide or or restrict restrict authorization authorization to to create, create, modify, modify, and and approve approve documents documents

Setup requirements and options


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Purchase Purchase Orders Orders •• •• ••

Use Use of of purchase purchase orders orders Conversion Conversion of of purchase purchase orders orders Data Data cleanup cleanup


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Overview Overview of of Document Document Security, Security, Routing, Routing, and and Approval Approval ••

Document Document security security –– Who Who can can see see it? it?


–– Who Who can can update update it? it? Document Document routing routing


Who Who can can II send send itit to? to? Document Document approval approval Who Who can can approve approve it? it?


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Overview Overview of of Receiving Receiving Supplier

Transfer Inventory Shipment



Shop floor

Order Entry

Inventory 15-20

Internal shipment

Expense Inspect

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Receiving Receiving Options Options

Standard receipt Receiving A

Receiving B

Direct receipt



Inspection required Inspect Return to supplier 15-21



Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.


Overview Overview of of RFQs RFQs and and Quotes Quotes Imported requisitions

Requisition pool Automatically create Manual PO Print/send RFQ Copy Supplier lists 15-22

RFQ Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.


Supplier Supplier Sourcing Sourcing Approved suppliers


Blanket purchase order

Items A & B

Item C 15-23

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Supplier Supplier Sourcing Sourcing •• •• •• ••

RFQ RFQ and and quotation quotation usage usage Supplier Supplier sourcing sourcing conversion conversion Supplier Supplier sourcing sourcing maintenance maintenance Data Data cleanup cleanup


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Overview Overview of of Accounting Accounting • Define periods to meet your business needs

• Complete purchasing accrual cycle • Close purchasing period

Purchasing period-end accruals

• Balance your books

Journal entries

Using foreign currency 15-25

• Purchase using any currency • Consolidate all currencies into your functional currency

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Types Types of of Information Information that that Purchase Purchase Order Order Accounts Accounts Store Store •• •• ••

Charge Charge accounts accounts Accrual Accrual accounts accounts Variance Variance accounts accounts


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Accounting Accounting for for Purchasing Purchasing •• ••

How How often often will will your your general general ledger ledger and and Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing interface? interface? How How will will currency currency exchange exchange rates rates be be updated? updated?


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary •• ••

•• ••


Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing maintains maintains the the requisitions, requisitions, purchase purchase orders, orders, and and receipts receipts for for your your organization. organization. Items Items are are defined defined in in aa master master organization, organization, which which allows allows you you to to group group all all of of your your items items in in one one place place and and then then parcel parcel them them out out for for use use by by each each inventory inventory organization organization in in your your enterprise. enterprise. Requisitions Requisitions can can be be made made up up of of multiple multiple lines, lines, referencing referencing multiple multiple cost cost centers, centers, projects, projects, or or departments departments for for distribution distribution of of expenses. expenses. Purchase Purchase orders orders and and releases releases support support aa variety variety of of procurement procurement methods. methods. Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary ••


With With Oracle Oracle Purchasing, Purchasing, you you can can control control the the items items that that you you order order through through the the entire entire receiving receiving process, process, including including inspection, inspection, transfer, transfer, and and delivery. delivery. With With Oracle Oracle Purchasing, Purchasing, you you can can take take current current requisitions requisitions and and solicit solicit bids bids from from your your supplier supplier base base (RFQ). (RFQ).


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

16 Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Payables Payables

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to identify identify the the setup setup steps steps and and considerations considerations when when implementing implementing Oracle Oracle Payables. Payables.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Topics Topics •• •• •• •• •• ••


Invoices Invoices Payments Payments Advances Advances and and prepayments prepayments Expenses Expenses Implementation Implementation considerations considerations Accounting Accounting features features

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Automated Automated Invoice Invoice Approvals Approvals Using Using the the Workbench Workbench Model Model

Invoice Workbench


Invoice batches

Payment Workbench Payment batches

Invoice (Workbench)


Payment (Workbench)

Invoice overview


Payment overview

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Entering Entering Invoices Invoices Invoices from external system

ASN/ ASBN EDI invoices

ERS/pay on receipt


Open interface

Enter invoice

Approve Purchase order

Match to PO

Invoice Pay

Requisition 16-5

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Invoice Invoice Types Types •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 16-6

Standard Standard Credit Credit memo memo Debit Debit memo memo Expense Expense reports reports PO PO default default Prepayments Prepayments QuickMatch QuickMatch Witholding Witholding tax tax Mixed Mixed Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Automated Automated Invoice Invoice Approvals Approvals •• •• ••


Two-, Two-, three-, three-, and and four-way four-way matching matching of of purchase purchase orders, orders, invoices, invoices, receipts, receipts, and and requester requester acceptance acceptance documents documents All All information information needed needed to to authorize authorize payments payments is is online, online, eliminating eliminating the the paper paper flow flow of of purchase purchase order, order, invoices, invoices, receipts, receipts, and and requester requester documents documents Approve Approve invoices invoices online online during during invoice invoice entry entry or or in in batch batch

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Posting Posting Status Status Options Options on on Holds Holds Hold Type


Predefined User Manually Definable Releasable

Acct Hold Reason


Funds Hold Reason


Insufficient information


Invoice Hold Reason


Matching Hold Reason


Period Hold Type


PO Req Hold Reason


Variance Hold Reason


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Approving Approving Invoices Invoices Batch invoices

Match invoices to PO

Enter invoices

Approve invoice Receive invoices in the mail

View invoice

Post invoice 16-9

File invoice

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Pay invoice

Approving Approving Invoices Invoices in in Oracle Oracle Payables Payables ve o r p Ap

Approve Invoice

Batch approval

e rov p Ap

Individual approval

Print Approval report or review it online

Resolve Exceptions Review Invoices on Hold 16-10

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Invoices Invoices Setup Setup ••


•• •• ••

Define Define invoice invoice tolerances tolerances –– PO PO matching matching

–– Tax Tax variances variances Set Set up up expense expense reports reports –– Enter Enter employees employees and and locations locations –– Define Define expense expense report report templates templates Set Set up up Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Invoice Invoice defaults defaults Set Set up up Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Invoice Invoice Tax Tax defaults defaults Set Set up up Oracle Oracle Payables Payables matching matching defaults defaults


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Payments Payments Payment Workbench EDI payments Initiate payment batch

EDI gateway

EFT payments

EDI translator

Print checks

VAN/ Internet 16-12

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Effective Effective Payment Payment Controls Controls Enter supplier

Enter invoices

Approve invoice

Create PO

Pay invoice

Match to PO

Enter requisition


Create journal entries

Reconcile payments in Cash Management

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Payment Payment Methods Methods •• •• •• •• •• ••

Check Check Clearing Clearing Electronic Electronic Future Future dated dated Manual Manual future future dated dated Wire Wire


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Payment Payment Disbursement Disbursement Types Types •• •• ••

Recorded Recorded Computer-generated Computer-generated Combined Combined


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Payments Payments Setup Setup •• •• •• •• •• •• ••

Set Set up up Oracle Oracle Financials Financials payment payment defaults defaults Set Set up up Oracle Oracle Payables Payables payment payment defaults defaults Set Set up up Oracle Oracle Payables Payables supplier supplier defaults defaults Set Set up up banks banks and and bank bank accounts accounts Define Define pay pay groups groups Define Define payment payment terms terms Set Set up up future-dated future-dated payments payments


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Issues Issues Payment Payment control control requirements: requirements: •• What What type type of of payment payment methods methods will will be be used? used?


Will Will you you use use pay pay groups groups to to segregate segregate your your supplier supplier payments? payments?


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Processing Processing Prepayments Prepayments Approve prepayment status = Unpaid

Enter prepayment status = Unapproved

Pay prepayment status = Available

Select prepayment and apply to one or more invoices


Select invoice and apply one or more prepayments

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The The Expense Expense Report Report Process Process Enter expense reports

Apply advances

Create invoices by submitting Payables Invoice Import

Payments to employees 16-19

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Setting Setting Up Up Expense Expense Report Report Entry Entry Enter employees and locations

Define employee as a supplier

Define expense report templates 16-20

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Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Using Using Oracle Oracle Web Web Employees Employees Employees can enter their own expense reports.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Multiple Multiple Reporting Reporting Currencies Currencies in in Oracle Oracle Payables Payables

Set up multiple currency bank accounts

Set up Payable options to use multiple currencies



Pay invoices

Review Unrealized Gain or Loss report

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Define supplier currency default

Enter foreign currency invoice

Intercompany Intercompany Accounting Accounting Step 1

Company A Expenses




Company B

Company C





Invoice for $150

Step 2 Intercompany balancing entry


Company A

Company B

Company C

Intercompany receivable

Intercompany payable

Intercompany payable



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Using Using Encumbrance Encumbrance Accounting Accounting

Set up Enter Review journal encumbrance encumbrances details accounting

Process year-end 16-24

Report on encumbrances

Post encumbrances

Review fund availability and relieve encumbrances

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Distribution Distribution Set Set •• ••

Enter Enter distributions distributions Assign Assign to to supplier supplier site site Utilities distribution Dept. A Dept. B Dept. C


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Converting Converting Legacy Legacy System System Data Data •• •• •• •• •• •• ••

Supplier Supplier information information Supplier Supplier receiving receiving sites sites Supplier Supplier address address Supplier Supplier contact contact Supplier Supplier pay pay sites sites Historical Historical account account balances balances Budget Budget information information


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Considerations Considerations for for Conversion Conversion •• •• ••

Data Data volume volume Data Data accuracy accuracy Multiple Multiple instances instances


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary ••


•• ••


Oracle Oracle Payables Payables contains contains an an Invoice Invoice Workbench Workbench and and aa Payment Payment Workbench Workbench in in which which you you can can enter, enter, adjust, adjust, and and review review invoices invoices and and create, create, adjust, adjust, and and review review payments. payments. Invoice Invoice approval approval validate validate the the matching, matching, tax, tax, period period status, status, exchange exchange rate, rate, and and distribution distribution information information for for invoices invoices that that you you enter enter and and automatically automatically applies applies holds holds to to invoices. invoices. Payment Payment methods methods include include check, check, clearing, clearing, electronic, electronic, future future dated, dated, and and wire. wire. You You can can pay pay an an invoice invoice in in aa currency currency other other than than the the invoice invoice currency, currency, for for currencies currencies defined defined with with fixed fixed exchange exchange rates rates because because of of their their participation participation in in the the EMU. EMU. Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary •• •• ••

You You can can perform perform accounting accounting for for multiple multiple companies companies in in one one set set of of books books in in Oracle Oracle Payables. Payables. Use Use encumbrance encumbrance accounting accounting to to control control spending spending against against budgeted budgeted amounts amounts and and to to record record anticipated anticipated expenses expenses and and liabilities. liabilities. Use Use aa Distribution Distribution Set Set to to automatically automatically enter enter distributions distributions for for an an invoice invoice when when you you are are not not matching matching to to aa purchase purchase order. order.


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17 Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay Integration Integration with with Oracle Oracle Applications Applications

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to describe describe how how information information is is shared shared and and integrated integrated by by Oracle Oracle Purchasing, Purchasing, Oracle Oracle Payables, Payables, and and other other Oracle Oracle applications. applications.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Topics Topics •• •• •• ••


Sharing Sharing information information between between applications applications Using Using information information flows flows Receiving Receiving data data using using open open interfaces interfaces Oracle Oracle Self-Service Self-Service Web Web Applications Applications

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Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing Integration Integration Oracle Inventory

Oracle Payables

Oracle Master Scheduling (MRP)

Oracle General Ledger

Oracle Order Entry

Oracle Supplier Scheduling

Oracle Work in Process

Oracle Assets

Oracle Human Resources Oracle Project Accounting


Oracle Purchasing

Oracle Bill of Material Oracle Cost Management

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Integration Integration

Oracle Human Resources

Oracle Projects

Oracle Cash Management

Oracle Payables

Oracle Purchasing 17-5

Oracle Assets

Oracle General Ledger

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Integrating with Payables Shared information Supplier Tax information Payment terms Invoicing Oracle Purchasing


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Oracle Payables

Integrating Integrating with with Supplier Supplier Scheduling Scheduling

Approved supplier list Sourcing rules Assignment sets Receiving transactions Oracle Purchasing


Oracle Supplier Scheduling

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Shared Shared Data: Data: Employees Employees

Human Resources






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Shared Shared Data: Data: Suppliers Suppliers




Projects Supplier

Work in Process


Outside processing


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Shared Shared Data: Data: Locations Locations Human Resources


Ship-to/billto/deliver-to location

Office location

Remit to employee Payables Location Inventory


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Shared Shared Data: Data: Organizations Organizations Human Resources Manufacturing Plan for Projects

Purchasing Remit to Employee

Receiving organizations

Payables Organization

Inventory Organization


Order Entry


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Shared Shared Data: Data: Items Items Manufacturing

Plan parts/assembly requirements Requisition



Finished goods Work in Process


Receiving Returns Component items Work orders


Invoice contents Paid Items

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Order Entry


Interfaced Interfaced Information: Information: Project Project Accounting Accounting Committed costs Purchasing Projects Subcontractor invoices Expense reports



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Interfaced Interfaced Information: Information: Purchase Purchase Management Management Manufacturing Planned orders

Demand Scheduled receipts


Committed cost


Purchase order match

Payables Asset purchases



Receive Internal sales requisitions


Accrual for receipts not invoiced 17-14

General Ledger

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Order Entry

Interfaced Interfaced Information: Information: Order Order Management Management

Internal requisitions Purchasing POs Receipts



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Order Entry

Accounting Accounting Flows: Flows: Project Project Management Management Employee expense reports


Payables Employee, supplier, and subcontractor expenses

General Ledger


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Accounting Accounting Flows: Flows: Purchase Purchase Management Management Expense/asset Purchasing

Payables Accruals, encumbrances

Expense, asset payment

Asset details

Depreciation, retirements, capital General assets Ledger 17-17

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Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Invoice Invoice Import Import

Oracle Payables


Oracle Web Employees

Oracle Projects

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Other accounting systems

Summary Summary •• ••

Project Project cost cost information information is is collected collected from from Oracle Oracle Payables Payables and and Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing into into Oracle Oracle Projects. Projects. Use Use Payables Payables Invoice Invoice Import Import to to create create Payables Payables invoices invoices from from expense expense reports reports that that you you enter enter in in Payables, Payables, Oracle Oracle Web Web Employees, Employees, or or Oracle Oracle Projects. Projects.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

18 Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay Unit Unit IIII Summary Summary

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives This This unit unit has has covered covered how how to to determine determine the the appropriate appropriate system system setup setup options options and and implementation implementation considerations considerations when when implementing implementing Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay applications. applications.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

How How Will Will You You Plan Plan for for Implementing Implementing the the Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay Applications? Applications? •• •• •• •• •• ••


How How will will supplier supplier names names be be standardized? standardized? How How will will you you handle handle document document security, security, routing, routing, and and approvals? approvals? What What do do you you need need to to consider consider when when setting setting up up items items in in Oracle Oracle Purchasing? Purchasing? When When setting setting up up requisitions, requisitions, what what sources sources will will provide provide them? them? What What types types of of purchases purchases will will require require RFQs RFQs and and quotations? quotations? How How is is information information shared shared and and how how does does itit flow flow from from the the Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay applications applications to to other other Oracle Oracle applications? applications? Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Purchasing Purchasing Business Business Flow Flow

Order Entry

Manually create





Other systems


Requester Approved Supplier 18-4

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Purchasing Purchasing Business Business Flow Flow Continued Continued Source Supplier

Order entry


Purchase order approved

Supplier 18-5



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Payables Payables Business Business Flow Flow EDI es invoic


Workflow ERS/Pay on receipt

nal Exter m syste es invoic

Open interface

ce Invoi ase Purch r orde


Match to PO

Enter invoice

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Payables Payables Business Business Flow Flow

Enter invoice


ce Invoi

Create journal entries

Pay invoices

Reconcile payments in Cash Management 18-7

Bank t men e t a t s

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary of of Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay Topics Topics •• •• •• •• •• ••


Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Common Common Setup Setup Steps Steps Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Integration Integration with with Other Other Oracle Oracle Applications Applications

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

19 Order Order to to Cash Cash Unit Unit III III Introduction Introduction

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this unit, unit, you you should should be be able able to to determine determine the the appropriate appropriate system system setup setup options options and and implementation implementation considerations considerations when when planning planning to to implement implement Order Order to to Cash Cash applications. applications.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Order Order to to Cash Cash Topics Topics •• •• •• •• •• ••


Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry Entry Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables Common Common Setup Setup Steps Steps Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry Entry Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables Integration Integration with with Other Other Oracle Oracle Applications Applications

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping Process Process Flow Flow Supplier ships item to customer

Item purchased from supplier

Generate invoice in Receivables Customer order entered

PO Close order Item shipped from inventory

Release order 19-4

Ship order

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Receivables Receivables Process Process Flow Flow Customer order entered

Order processed


Generate invoice

Invoice is overdue

Invoice transferred to GL

Payment received

Collections Receipt transferred to GL 19-5

Apply receipt and close invoice

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Cash Cash Forecasting Forecasting Business Business Flow Flow in in Cash Cash Management Management Define cash forecast template Generate cash forecast

View cash forecast

Review cash forecast

Export forecast to Excel

$ Cash Forecasts Revise cash forecast

Cash Forecast 19-6

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Bank Bank Reconciliation Reconciliation Using Using Oracle Oracle Cash Cash Management Management Bank statement

Disbursements Enter manually

Import magnetic tape

Cash Management Reconcile 19-7

Reconciling journal entries

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Reconcile payments and receipts

20 Order Order to to Cash Cash Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to describe describe the the process process flow flow of of Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping. Entry/Shipping.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Topics Topics •• ••


Overview Overview Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping Process Process Flow Flow

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping ••


Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping is is an an integrated integrated application application for for managing managing and and streamlining streamlining your your sales sales administration, administration, distribution distribution operations, operations, sales sales order order management, management, and and entry entry processes. processes. The The major major areas areas of of Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping are: are: –– Orders Orders

–– ––

Shipments Shipments Returns Returns

–– Pricing Pricing


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Customers Customers Customer information levels Customer header

Customer profile classes

Address Business purpose

Credit worthiness

Business volume

Business purpose

Site A 20-5

Site B

Site C

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Payment promptness

Orders Orders

Reserve inventory

Check credit Order

Apply holds

Shipment A Date A 20-6

Shipment B Date B

Shipment C Date C

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Shipments Shipments Confirm departures and deliveries

Freight costs Order

Pick slip

Backorder 20-7

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Delivery Delivery Based Based Shipping Shipping Scenarios Scenarios Pick release and autocreate deliveries

Departure planning

Pick release departure

Ship confirm departure 20-8

Pick release

Create deliveries

Ship confirm deliveries

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Ship confirm

Returns Returns

Request for return

Receive goods

Inventory warehouse

Repair Return goods to customer 20-9

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Pricing Pricing Pricing


Fixed amount


Unit volume

Customer agreement

% Percent

Purchase order



Rule-based Nonrule-based




Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary ••

•• ••

Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping is is an an integrated integrated application application for for managing managing and and streamlining streamlining your your sales sales administration, administration, distribution distribution operations, operations, sales sales order order management, management, and and entry entry processes. processes. With With Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping you you can can record record the the customer customer information information you you need need to to ship ship to, to, bill bill to, to, and and collect collect from from your your customers. customers. With With Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping you you can can define define flexible flexible order order cycles cycles that that meet meet the the routing, routing, approval, approval, revenue, revenue, and and inventory inventory requirements requirements of of all all your your sales sales channels. channels.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary ••

With With delivery-based delivery-based shipping shipping you you can can plan plan picking picking and and shipping shipping activities activities in in the the warehouse warehouse by by using using features features to to control control and and coordinate coordinate the the distribution distribution of of order order lines. lines.


You You can can allow allow aa variety variety of of return return processing processing methods methods using using order order cycles cycles to to support support returns returns for for repair, repair, replacement, replacement, or or credit credit to to satisfy satisfy your your customers’ customers’needs. needs.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

21 Order Order to to Cash Cash Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to describe describe the the process process flow flow of of Oracle Oracle Receivables. Receivables.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Topics Topics •• ••

Overview Overview Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables Process Process Flow Flow


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables •• ••

Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables is is aa system system for for managing managing and and streamlining streamlining your your cash cash flow, flow, invoicing, invoicing, and and automatic automatic creation creation of of accounting accounting entries entries The The major major areas areas of of Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables are: are:

–– ––

Enter Enter transactions transactions Enter/apply Enter/apply receipts receipts

–– Collect Collect accounts accounts receivable receivable


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Receivables Receivables Process Process Flow Flow Customer order entered

Order processed


Generate invoice

Invoice is overdue

Invoice transferred to GL

Payment received

Collections Receipt transferred to GL 21-5

Apply receipt and close invoice

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Managing Managing Customers Customers in in Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables Customer profile classes Quick entry Assign Credit worthiness

Business volume

Detail entry Create Import

Merge Customers View

Reports or online 21-6

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Payment promptness

Entering Entering Transactions Transactions in in Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables

Tax code— 10% Enter transactions for single invoice Create multiple invoices with AutoInvoice

Tax Invoice

osit p e D tee n a r Gua

Tax code and location— 10% Commitments


Location— 8%

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Entering Entering and and Applying Applying Receipts Receipts in in Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables

Receipt Apply Specific receipt


Create chargebacks and adjustments New Invoice Invoice

Balance $20

Balance $0



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Mass receipts

Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables Lockbox Lockbox

Update account balance Customer check


Bank account Receivables

Create data file




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Collect Collect Accounts Accounts Receivable Receivable Record the call

Generate collection reports

Paid in full

$ Write off bad debt 21-10

Review previous calls Review customer account

Call customers

Generate and send dunning letters No payment

Partial payment

Send to collection agency Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.


Apply partial receipt

Summary Summary ••




You You can can create create customer customer profile profile classes classes to to classify classify customers customers into into broad broad groups, groups, based based on on credit credit worthiness, worthiness, payment payment promptness, promptness, amount amount limits limits for for finance finance charges, charges, or or business business volume, volume, and and then then assign assign each each customer customer to to aa profile profile class. class. Use Use the the Transactions Transactions Workbench Workbench to to enter enter invoices, invoices, debit debit memos, memos, deposits, deposits, applied applied credit credit memos, memos, and and on-account on-account credits, credits, or or use use AutoInvoice AutoInvoice to to import import large large volumes volumes of of these these transactions transactions from from an an external external system. system. Apply Apply the the receipt receipt to to open open debit debit items items to to reduce reduce the the outstanding outstanding balance balance using using one one of of two two methods, methods, specific specific receipt receipt Applications Applications or or MassApply, MassApply, which which applies applies one one receipt receipt against against multiple multiple invoices. invoices. Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary

•• ••


You You can can create create entries entries for for Company Company Lockbox Lockbox agreements agreements using using aa magnetic magnetic medium medium such such as as tape. tape. Use Use the the Collections Collections Workbench Workbench to to view view customer customer information information such such as as account account details, details, account account aging, aging, recorded recorded information information from from customer customer calls, calls, and and all all correspondence correspondence for for aa chosen chosen customer. customer.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

22 Order Order to to Cash Cash Common Common Setup Setup Steps Steps

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to identify identify the the common common setup setup steps steps and and integration integration considerations considerations of of Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping and and Oracle Oracle Receivables. Receivables.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Topics Topics •• •• •• ••


Customers Customers Customer Customer profile profile classes classes Territories Territories Agreements Agreements

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Overview of Customers Customer information levels Customer

Customer profile classes

Address Business purpose

Credit worthiness

Business volume

Business purpose

Site A 22-4

Site B

Site C

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Payment promptness

Customer Customer Profile Profile Class Class Characteristics Characteristics

Credit/collections Credit check Collector Payment application Dunning letters Finance charges


Payment promptness Payment terms Discounts Grace days

Invoices and statements Invoice line and tax printing Statement cycle Consolidated invoices

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Setting Setting Up Up Customers Customers •• •• ••

Quick Quick Customer Customer Entry Entry Standard Standard Customer Customer Entry Entry Customer Customer Interface Interface Enter limited information

Enter complete details

Import from other systems

Quick Customer Entry

Standard Customer Entry

Customer Interface


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Assigning Assigning Business Business Purposes Purposes to to aa Customer Customer Site Site •• •• •• •• ••

Bill-to Bill-to Ship-to Ship-to Legal Legal Statements Statements Marketing Marketing




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Creating Multiple Sites with Multiple Purposes




Bill-to accounting


Ship-to warehouse

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Creating Creating Customer Customer Relationships Relationships •• •• ••

A A customer customer relationship relationship is is the the linking linking of of one one customer customer to to another. another. Create Create customer customer relationships relationships to to enforce enforce invoicing invoicing and and receipt-application receipt-application controls. controls. Characteristics: Characteristics:

–– A A relationship relationship can can be be between between two two customers customers only. only. –– A A relationship relationship is is not not transitive; transitive; ifif A A is is related related to to B B and and B B is is related related to to C, C, itit does does not not imply imply that that A A is is related related to to C. C. –– A A relationship relationship can can be be either either reciprocal reciprocal or or nonreciprocal. nonreciprocal. 22-9

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Determining Determining Tax Tax Attributes Attributes for for Customers Customers •• •• ••

The The Address Address Validation Validation system system option option is is set set to to Error Error to to validate validate the the customer customer address. address. IfIf your your tax tax method method is is Sales Sales Tax, Tax, the the tax tax calculation calculation is is based based on on the the customer’ customer’ss ship-to ship-to address. address. All All components components for for your your chosen chosen tax tax structure structure are are mandatory mandatory when when entering entering customer customer addresses. addresses.


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Setting Up Customer Addresses Customer

Bank Payment Profile Telephone Contacts Relationships Addresses accounts method class numbers

Business Telephone Bank Payment purpose numbers accounts method

Profile class


Tax code Contacts Payment terms 22-11

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Setting Up Territories


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Setting Setting Up Up Agreements Agreements •• •• ••

Agreement Agreement pricing pricing Agreement Agreement discounts discounts Accounting Accounting and and invoicing invoicing rules rules


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Customer Customer Profile Profile Classes Classes •• •• •• •• •• ••

Determine Determine what what the the profile profile classes classes will will be be Determine Determine an an efficient efficient number number of of profile profile classes classes Consider Consider credit credit check check rules rules and and terms terms AutoReceipts AutoReceipts refers refers to to Direct Direct Debit Debit only only Set Set Amount Amount limits limits for for each each currency currency Maintain Maintain profile profile classes classes


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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Customer Customer Records Records •• •• ••

Naming Naming standards standards How How will will customers customers be be entered entered and and maintained? maintained? Customer Customer conversion conversion from from legacy legacy system system


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Customer Customer Records Records •• •• •• ••

Multiple Multiple Organization Organization Support Support considerations considerations Customer Customer bank bank account account and and payment payment method method Tax Tax codes codes Customer Customer relationships relationships


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary •• ••

Create Create customer customer profile profile classes classes to to group group customers customers with with similar similar credit credit worthiness, worthiness, payment payment promptness, promptness, business business volume, volume, and and so so on. on. A A business business purpose purpose determines determines what what activities activities can can be be performed performed at at aa particular particular customer customer site. site.

•• ••

Tax Tax exemptions exemptions are are linked linked to to tax tax codes. codes.


Implement Implement agreements agreements with with your your customers customers regarding regarding unique unique price price lists, lists, discounts, discounts, payment payment terms, terms, and and invoicing invoicing and and revenue revenue policies policies using using Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping customer customer agreements. agreements.

In In Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping, Entry/Shipping, territories territories are are used used only only for for custom custom reporting reporting or or for for calculating calculating commissions. commissions.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

23 Order Order to to Cash Cash Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping

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Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to identify identify the the common common setup setup steps steps and and integration integration considerations considerations of of Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping. Entry/Shipping.


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Topics Topics •• •• •• ••


Orders Orders Order Order fulfillment fulfillment Processing Processing returns returns Pricing Pricing

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Overview Overview of of Order Order Processes Processes Invoice only

Standard shippable (Distributor)

Standard shippable (Manufacturer)




Customer requests order 2



Enter order 3



Approve order 4


Place demand 5

Release order to manufacturing 6


Ship product and update inventory 4



Invoice the customer

Complete 23-4


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Defining Defining Order Order Cycle Cycle Actions Actions •• •• •• ••


Define Define cycle cycle action action Define Define cycle cycle results results Assign Assign action action results results Define Define order order cycles cycles

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Cycle Cycle Action Action Results Results

Enter order


Review the order for legal approval

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Defining Defining Order Order Cycles Cycles •• •• ••



Create Create aa cycle cycle Enter Enter the the actions actions that that make make up up the the cycle cycle Enter Enter any any prerequisites prerequisites for for the the actions: actions: –– Action Action set set

–– Action Action –– Result Result combinations combinations Concurrent Concurrent request request validates validates order order cycle cycle

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Defining Defining Order Order Number Number Sources Sources


EDI orders

External orders

Internal orders






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Defining Defining Order Order Types Types •• •• ••


Required Required for for entering entering orders orders and and returns returns Assign Assign an an order order cycle cycle to to order order type type Attach Attach aa value value rule rule set set (optional) (optional)

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Defining Defining OrderImport OrderImport Sources Sources


Sales and marketing quote


Sales and marketing collateral



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Defining Defining Security Security Rules Rules


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Defining Defining Standard Standard Value Value Rule Rule Sets Sets •• ••

Improve Improve efficiency efficiency and and accuracy accuracy of of order order entry entry Reduce Reduce the the amount amount of of information information for for data data entry entry



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Defining Defining Credit Credit Checking Checking

Limit = $10,000 Order = $12,000

Credit check rules


Order exceeds credit check rules

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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Order Order Processes Processes •• •• ••

Order Order cycle cycle Holds Holds Order Order type type


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Scheduling Scheduling Order Order Lines Lines Order Entry Scheduling • ATP • Demand • Reservations • Set schedule date

Demands from Customer Orders • How much is wanted and when? • Quantity, schedule, ship date 23-15

Supply Sources • How much is available and when? • Manufacturing, schedule, POs

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Scheduling Scheduling Order Order Lines Lines Order Entry


“We have an order for 500 items on 1/7. Can we fill it?”

“We’re planning a run on 1/8 and can give you 500 then, but not on 1/7.”


“We need to ship 100 items to ACME tomorrow. Can you set aside inventory for it?”

“Sure, we’ve got 125 on hand. I’ll mark 100 of them for ACME.”


“I have the numbers on the orders we took today.”

“Great, I may need to adjust the forecast and our supply plan.”

ATP Inquiry


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Performing Performing Available Available to to Promise Promise Inquires Inquires Methods of ATP inquiry Perform ATP inquiry


Enter Orders or Schedule Orders window

Available date and ATP quantity

Check ATP

+ Inventory quantity on hand 23-17

Planned production

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Placing Placing Demand Demand Without Without ATP ATP Inquiry Inquiry Methods of placing demand Place demand

Enter orders or schedule orders

Demand Interface program

Demand placed Manufacturing

Planning 23-18

Notify Manufacturing of demand


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Placing Placing Demand Demand with with ATP ATP Inquiry Inquiry Methods of placing demand Order Place demand

Enter orders or Demand Interface program schedule orders Demand placed

Quantity available? No

Check ATP


+ Planning


Inventory quantity on hand

Planned production

Quantity available? Yes Notify manufacturing of demand 23-19

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Placing Placing Reservations Reservations Methods of placing demand Place reservation

Order 123

Enter orders or schedule orders

Reservation placed

Quantity available? No No reservation placed

Check on-hand

Available quantity Inventory quantity on hand For Order 123 23-20

Inventory quantity on hand Quantity available? Yes Reserve quantity to order

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Setting Setting Up Up ATP ATP

Methods of ATP inquiry

Perform ATP inquiry

Order 123

Enter Orders or Schedule Orders windows

Available date and ATP quantity

Check ATP

+ Inventory quantity on hand 23-21

Planned production

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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for ATP ATP •• •• •• ••

ATP ATP inquiry inquiry Non-ATP Non-ATP demand demand Demand Demand with with ATP ATP Reservations Reservations


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Order Order Fulfillment Fulfillment

Ship confirmation



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Order Order Fulfillment Fulfillment Cycle Cycle Steps Steps Enter


Pick release Backorder release Ship confirm


Inventory Complete


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Pick Pick Release Release Standard Shippable Order Cycle Enter

Pick release Backorder release Ship confirm


Inventory Complete


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Releasing Releasing Sales Sales Orders Orders for for Picking Picking

1. Backordered

2. Unreleased


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Setting Setting Up Up Pick Pick Release Release Documents Documents •• •• ••


Pick Pick Slip Slip Consolidated Consolidated Pick Pick Slip Slip Process Process Exception Exception Report Report

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Confirming Confirming Orders Orders

Sales order


Confirm order

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Setting Setting Up Up Shipping Shipping Documents Documents •• •• •• •• •• ••


Pack Pack Slip Slip Commercial Commercial Invoice Invoice Bill Bill of of Lading Lading Mailing Mailing Label Label Pick Pick Slip Slip Consolidated Consolidated Pick Pick Slip Slip

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Document Document Sets Sets •• •• ••


All All shipping shipping documents documents Packing Packing slip slip only only Create Create your your own own document document sets sets

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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Picking Picking and and Shipping Shipping •• ••

Timing Timing of of pick pick release release process process Layout Layout of of your your shipping shipping documents documents


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Determining Determining Order Order Lines Lines for for Pick Pick Release Release

Activity Select eligible lines

Order Lines

Order Line Details


Explode included items


Credit check


Check for holds


Ship together models


Ship sets


Create picking lines

* 23-32


Verifies that all lines in the ship model are complete or that ship sets are eligible and have no outstanding holds Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Creating Creating Release Release Rules Rules

x x xxx

Daily pick release

Weekly pick release


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Pick Pick Release Release Methods Methods •• •• ••

Online Online Concurrent Concurrent Standard Standard Report Report Submission Submission


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Return Return Material Material Authorizations Authorizations

Customer Calls

Item received 23-35


Order Entry enter RMA

Item repaired Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Item shipped to customer

Accepting Accepting Items Items into into Inventory Inventory Receive goods Inspection Inventory warehouse Receive customer/ returns form

Repair Reject Return to stock 23-36

Return goods to customer

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Return Return Receipt Receipt and and Credit Credit Business Business Cycle Cycle


Order Entry Enter Return Material Authorization


RMA Approval Receive returned goods Update inventory balance 23-37

Credit customer

RMA Interface RMA Interface

Receivables Interface

Close RMA

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Return Return with with Receipt Receipt and and Credit Credit Order Order Cycle Cycle Cycle Action

Prerequisite Action


Enter Management approval



RMA interface

Management approval


Receivables interface

RMA interface Completely accepted or partially accepted Receivables Interfaced to interface Receivables Management Pass approval

Complete line Complete header 23-38

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Control Control Credits Credits with with Order Order Cycles Cycles

Credit Type

Receivables Interface Prerequisites

Partial RMA Interface— partially accepted or credit RMA Interface— completely accepted


Full credit

RMA Interface— completely accepted

No credit

Omit the Receivables Interface from the order cycle.

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Issuing Issuing Credit Credit for for Returns Returns Accounts Receivable

RMA Line Credit to Invoice Item




From Line 1



Receivables Interface

Order Entry


Applied credit memo From Line 2 On-account credit


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Setting Setting Up Up RMAs RMAs ••


Order Order cycles cycles for for RMAs RMAs –– With With RMA RMA Interface Interface to to Inventory Inventory

–– With With Receivables Receivables Interface Interface Item Item attributes attributes


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Item Item Attributes Attributes That That Affect Affect RMA RMA Procedures Procedures

Order Entry Group Inventory Group Attribute Attribute


Invoicing Group Attribute

Type of Item





Invoice Enabled

Physical item requiring receipt but not credit






Physical item requiring credit and receipt






Intangible item requiring credit but not receipt






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Item Item Attributes Attributes That That Affect Affect RMA RMA Procedures Procedures

Order Entry Group Inventory Group Attribute Attribute


Invoicing Group Attribute

Type of Item





Invoice Enabled

Physical item requiring receipt but not credit






Physical item requiring credit and receipt






Intangible item requiring credit but not receipt






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Item Item Attributes Attributes That That Affect Affect RMA RMA Procedures Procedures

Order Entry Group Inventory Group Attribute Attribute


Invoicing Group Attribute

Type of Item





Invoice Enabled

Physical item requiring receipt but not credit






Physical item requiring credit and receipt






Intangible item requiring credit but not receipt






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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for RMA RMA •• •• ••

Use Use different different business business cycles cycles to to meet meet your your RMA RMA needs. needs. Incorporate Incorporate approval approval steps steps in in your your RMA RMA business business flow. flow. Use Use the the Copy Copy Order Order feature. feature.


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Pricing Pricing •• •• ••

Review Review pricing pricing and and discount discount concepts concepts Define Define price price lists lists Define Define discounts discounts


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Price Price and and Discount Discount Lists Lists Price list • Price list name • Effective dates • Currency • Shipping defaults Item • Freight forms • Freight carrier Discount • Effective start and end dates • Customers • Specific discount lines

Price list

Discount list 23-47

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Discounts Discounts •• ••

Rules Rules for for applying applying automatic automatic discounts discounts Rules Rules for for applying applying manual manual discounts discounts


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Applying Applying Multiple Multiple Discounts Discounts Accumulate discounts Order

Order-level discount of 15%


Total order-level discount of 30%

Price list

Enter manual line-level discount of 10%

Automatic line-level discount of 5% 23-49

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Prorating Prorating Discounts Discounts •• ••

Prorate Prorate discounts discounts to to even even out out the the revenue revenue effect effect of of sales sales when when some some items items are are discounted discounted more more heavily heavily than than others others There There are are restrictions restrictions on on changes changes to to orders orders using using prorated prorated discounts discounts


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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Multiple Multiple Price Price Lists Lists or or Discounts Discounts •• ••

Consider Consider factors factors that that favor favor multiple multiple price price lists lists Consider Consider factors factors that that favor favor one one price price list list with with multiple multiple discounts discounts


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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Prorating Prorating Discounts Discounts Prorated Prorated Discount Discount Example Example Selling Price


Discount Amount

Invoice Amount

Revenue Amount

Line 1





Line 2





Line 3










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Summary Summary ••

•• •• ••

Order Order cycles cycles are are composed composed of of distinct distinct cycle cycle actions. actions. A A cycle cycle action action indicates indicates aa processing processing step step such such as as entering entering the the order, order, reviewing reviewing the the order order for for legal legal approval, approval, or or pick pick releasing releasing the the order. order. You You can can define define OrderImport OrderImport sources sources from from which which to to import import order order information. information. Security Security rules rules process process where where you you no no longer longer allow allow users users to to add, add, delete, delete, modify, modify, or or cancel cancel order order or or return return lines. lines. Scheduling Scheduling includes includes performing performing an an Available Available to to Promise Promise (ATP) (ATP) inquiry, inquiry, placing placing demand, demand, or or reserving reserving on-hand on-hand inventory. inventory.


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Summary Summary •• ••

Pick Pick Release Release generates generates the the pick pick slips slips that that warehouse warehouse personnel personnel use use to to stage stage product product for for shipping. shipping. With With Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry Entry you you can can accept accept returns returns for for credit, credit, repair, repair, or or replacement replacement for for any any reason reason you you authorize. authorize.


Depending Depending on on discount discount setup, setup, Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry Entry can can automatically automatically apply apply discounts discounts to to order order lines. lines.


Businesses Businesses can can choose choose to to have have many many price price lists lists with with few few discounts discounts or or one one price price list list with with many many discounts discounts to to implement implement pricing pricing strategies. strategies.


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24 Order Order to to Cash Cash Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables

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Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to identify identify the the common common setup setup steps steps and and integration integration considerations considerations of of Oracle Oracle Receivables. Receivables.


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Topics Topics •• •• •• ••


System System options options Transactions Transactions Receipts Receipts Collections Collections

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Overview Overview of of System System Options Options •• •• •• •• ••


Accounting Accounting Tax Tax Tax Tax default default and and rules rules Invoice Invoice options options Miscellaneous Miscellaneous

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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for System System Options Options ••


Accounting Accounting options options

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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for System System Options Options ••


Tax Tax options options

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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for System System Options Options ••


Invoice Invoice options options

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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for System System Options Options ••


Miscellaneous Miscellaneous options options

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Transaction Transaction Processing Processing Cycle Cycle

Enter commitments (optional)

Enter invoices

Respond to overinvoicing • Refund Respond to invalid transactions

• Adjust invoice

Respond to underinvoicing

• Void

• Update invoice

• Adjust invoice

• Delete

• Credit memo

• Update invoice

• On-account credit

• Debit memo


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Transaction Transaction Processing Processing Cycle Cycle

Print and send transactions

Generate customer statements

Review online 24-10

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Classes Classes of of Transactions Transactions •• •• •• •• •• ••

Invoice Invoice Credit Credit memo memo Debit Debit memo memo Deposit Deposit Guarantee Guarantee Chargeback Chargeback


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Invoices Invoices


Invoices from feeder systems

Run AutoInvoice

Manual invoices

Data entry

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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Converting Converting Invoices Invoices Legacy system data

Oracle database 24-13

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Sources Sources of of Invoices Invoices


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Customization Customization of of Descriptive Descriptive Flexfields Flexfields

AutoInvoice Non-Oracle system

Customize these flexfields with identical structures: • Line transaction • Line link-to transaction • Line reference transaction


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Scripts Scripts for for Loading Loading

Non-Oracle system RA_INTERFACE_LINES



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Imported Imported Invoices Invoices and and Activity Activity


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Selecting Selecting aa Tax Tax Method Method •• ••

Sales Sales tax: tax: Based Based on on customer customer ship-to ship-to addresses addresses or or tax tax codes codes Value-added Value-added tax tax (VAT): (VAT): Based Based on on tax tax codes codes assigned assigned to to customer customer sites sites or or items items


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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Taxes Taxes •• •• •• •• ••

Oracle Oracle Partner Partner tax tax services services Use Use address address validation validation Do Do not not calculate calculate tax tax when when importing importing tax tax lines lines During During setup, setup, do do not not specify specify to to calculate calculate tax tax Location Location flexfield flexfield structure structure supports supports tax tax calculations calculations for: for: –– Multiple Multiple tax tax jurisdictions jurisdictions



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Creating Creating Invoices Invoices from from Sales Sales Orders Orders Accounts Receivable



Receivables Interface

Order Entry


Invoices 24-20

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Items Items Eligible Eligible for for Invoicing Invoicing Standard Shippable Order Cycle Enter

Pick release Backorder release Ship confirm


Inventory Complete


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Invoice Invoice Currency Currency Accounts Receivable

Order Entry

Invoice freight charges



Currency Hong Kong Dollar

Receivables Interface

Foreign currency Freight charges

Currency Hong Kong Dollar

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Revenue Revenue and and Receivables Receivables Accounting Accounting

Example of Accounting and Invoicing Rules

Accounting rule/ Invoicing rule Immediate/advance




Four month/advance


Four month/arrears


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Revenue Revenue and and Receivables Receivables Accounting Accounting Accounts Receivable

Order Entry

Payment terms

25% in 30 days 75% in 60 days



Payment terms

Receivables Interface

25% in 30 days 75% in 60 days

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Due date: 4/30 Total due: 25%

Due date: 5/30 Total due: 75%

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Invoicing Invoicing Orders Orders Accounts Receivable


Receivables Interface

Order Entry


Invoices 24-25

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Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Items Items Eligible Eligible for for Invoicing Invoicing Accounts Receivable

Computer Model Class 1 Option 1 Option 2 24-26



Receivables Interface

Order Entry


Computer Model Class 1

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Option 1 Option 2

Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Tracing Tracing Transactions Transactions to to the the Source Source •• ••

Identify Identify all all invoice invoice lines lines for for an an order order line line or or credit credit lines lines for for aa return return line line by by using using the the Transaction Transaction flexfield flexfield Review Review the the Transaction Transaction flexfield: flexfield:

–– The The Transaction Transaction flexfield flexfield is is aa descriptive descriptive flexfield flexfield in in the the Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables interface interface tables tables –– The The Receivables Receivables Interface Interface automatically automatically populates populates the the Transaction Transaction flexfield flexfield ID ID for for every every line line itit processes processes


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Grouping Grouping Related Related Transaction Transaction Lines Lines AutoInvoice Records Currency USD USD USD HKD HKD


Item A B C D E

Transaction Flexfields Attr1(Order #) 5001 5002 112 501 502

Attr 2 (Order Type) Domestic Domestic No Ship International International

Grouping Rules All mandatory rules (Includes Currency and Bill-To) + Optional rule: Transaction flexfield attribute2 How many invoices will be created? 24-28

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Entering Entering Receipts Receipts Enter receipt information


Apply receipt to debit item

Specific receipt applications

Mass receipt applications

Create chargebacks and adjustments


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Entering Entering Standard Standard and and Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Receipts Receipts Manually Manually Cash

Miscellaneous Receipts Enter

Enter and Apply




Remit Reconcile Reconcile

Reverse 24-30

Reapply Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.


Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations for for Entering Entering Receipts Receipts •• •• •• •• •• ••

Use Use aa combination combination of of receipt receipt entry entry methods. methods. Customize Customize file file formats. formats. Develop Develop file file transfer transfer program. program. Enable Enable document document sequencing sequencing for for automatic automatic payment payment methods. methods. Develop Develop programs programs to to remit remit Automatic Automatic Receipts Receipts in in hardcopy hardcopy or or media media format. format. Use Use Oracle Oracle Cash Cash Management Management for for cash cash reconciliation. reconciliation.


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Using Using the the Collections Collections Workbench Workbench Use Use the the Collections Collections Workbench Workbench to to perform perform all all of of the the functions functions related related to to collecting collecting accounts, accounts, such such as: as:

•• Review Review follow-up follow-up actions actions for for each each collector collector •• Review Review customer customer account account information information at at various various levels levels of of detail detail •• Record Record information information about about collection collection calls calls to to customers customers •• Review Review details details about about correspondence correspondence with with customers, customers, including including dunning dunning letters, letters, statements, statements, and and calls calls •• Place Place invoices invoices in in dispute dispute 24-32

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Summary Summary •• •• •• •• ••

Options Options are are used used to to make make setup setup elections elections that that control control Receivables Receivables functions functions and and to to set set default default field field values values for for certain certain Receivables Receivables processes. processes. The The six six transaction transaction classes classes are are invoice, invoice, credit credit memo, memo, debit debit memo, memo, deposit, deposit, guarantee, guarantee, and and chargeback. chargeback. Create Create invoices invoices from from orders orders by by running running the the Receivables Receivables Interface Interface in in Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry Entry and and AutoInvoice AutoInvoice in in Oracle Oracle Receivables. Receivables. You You can can apply apply receipts receipts to to invoices, invoices, debit debit memos, memos, deposits, deposits, guarantees, guarantees, on-account on-account credits, credits, and and chargebacks. chargebacks. Use Use the the Collections Collections Workbench Workbench windows windows to to view view information information about about your your customers' customers' transactions transactions and and account account balances balances in in aa variety variety of of ways. ways.


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25 Order Order to to Cash Cash Integration Integration With With Other Other Oracle Oracle Applications Applications

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Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to describe describe how how information information is is shared shared and and integrated integrated by by Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping, Entry/Shipping, Oracle Oracle Receivables, Receivables, and and other other Oracle Oracle applications. applications.


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Overview Overview •• ••

Reduce Reduce maintenance maintenance and and provide provide aa smooth smooth information information flow flow by by sharing sharing key key information information between between applications. applications. Identify Identify critical critical implementation implementation issues issues that that affect affect multiple multiple business business areas: areas: –– Shared Shared information information

–– ––

Information Information flows flows Open Open interfaces interfaces

–– Implementation Implementation issues issues


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Shared Shared Data: Data: Salespeople Salespeople

Order entry Salespeople

Receivables Sales compensation


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Shared Shared Data: Data: Customers Customers Manufacturing

Customer Forecasts Customers


Internal Customers


Order entry Customers Customer Invoices/ Payments


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Shared Shared Data: Data: Organizations Organizations Human Resources Manufacturing Plan for Projects

Purchasing Remit to employee

Receiving organizations

Payables Organization

Inventory Organization


Order Entry


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Shared Shared Data: Data: Locations Locations

Human Resources

Manufacturing Plan for Purchasing

Ship-to/billto/deliver to location

Remit to employee

Receiving locations




Office Location


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Order Entry

Shared Shared Data: Data: Items Items Manufacturing

Plan parts/assembly requirements Requisition



Finished goods Work in Process

Receiving Returns


Component items Work orders

Invoice contents

Order Entry

Paid items Receivables


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Interfaced Interfaced Information: Information: Order Order Management Management Demand, forecast consumption Manufacturing

Purchasing POs

Assemble to Order, Bill of Materials Internal requisitions



Shipments and returns Inventory

Inventory costs/COGS

Demand Reservations Work in Process


Order Entry Order and return line details

Revenue Receivables Freight Tax Accounts Receivables Sales and General Marketing Ledger

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Accounting Accounting Flows: Flows: Order Order Management Management

COGS at shipment Inventory


Sales and Marketing

COGS issues

Accounts receivables, revenue, freight, tax

Financial Analyzer

Customer orders

Specified data and General structures Ledger

Order Entry Order line details Receivables

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Open Open Interfaces: Interfaces: Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables

Transactions Customers Sales tax rates External systems Order line details Import programs Oracle Order Entry


Oracle Receivables 25-11

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Open Open Interfaces: Interfaces: Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry Entry

Historical orders

Incomplete Returned Material orders Authorization receipts

Import programs

Oracle Order Entry 25-12

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Booked orders

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping Interfacing with Inventory Inventory Interface (Order Entry) Material Transaction Manager (Inventory)

Oracle Order Entry Ship Confirm Order








Oracle Inventory Supply/Demand

Oracle Inventory Inventory balance Item A 25-13






1432.Standard.ORDER ENTRY A


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Item Date Qty 6/1 -10

Implementation Considerations: OE Integration with External OE Systems AutoInvoice Records

Transaction Flexfields


Bill To


Attr1 (Order #)




5001 5002 112 501 502

Attr2 (Order Type) Domestic Domestic No Ship International International

Grouping Rules All mandatory rules (Includes Currency and Bill-To) + Optional rule: Transaction Flexfield Attribute2

Invoice 1 Item A & B 25-14

Invoice 2 Item C

Invoice 3 Item C & D

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Implementation Considerations: OE and GL and Transaction Dates Derive date? (Batch source option)

Ship date actual

No Sales order date in table?

Assuming an accounting rule of immediate



GL and transaction date Yes

GL and transaction date GL and transaction date

Default date on Run AutoInvoice Form

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Ship date

Sales order date

Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping RMA RMA with with Inventory Inventory and and Receivables Receivables Inventory

Order Entry Enter Return Material Authorization


RMA Approval Receive returned goods

Update inventory balance 25-16

Credit customer

RMA Interface RMA Interface

Receivables Interface

Close RMA

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Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping Open Open Interface Interface for for Customers Customers


Customer Interface

Oracle Receivables tables

Temporary interface tables Customer Interface Exchange report


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Summary Summary Reduce Reduce maintenance maintenance and and provide provide aa smooth smooth information information flow flow by by sharing sharing key key information information between between applications. applications.


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26 Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay Unit Unit III III Summary Summary

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Objectives Objectives This This unit unit has has discussed discussed how how to to determine determine the the appropriate appropriate system system setup setup options options and and implementation implementation considerations considerations when when implementing implementing Order Order to to Cash Cash applications. applications.


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How How Will Will You You Plan Plan for for Implementing Implementing the the Order Order to to Cash Cash Applications? Applications? •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 26-3

How How often often do do users users invoice invoice orders? orders? How How will will you you handle handle reconciliation? reconciliation? What What types types of of order order cycles cycles will will you you need? need? What What types types of of customer customer profile profile classes classes will will you you set set up, up, and and who who will will maintain maintain them? them? What What layout layout is is needed needed for for your your shipping shipping documents, documents, and and will will they they be be in in multiple multiple languages? languages? How How will will you you handle handle return return authorizations? authorizations? Will Will you you need need multiple multiple price price lists? lists? What What will will your your invoice invoice sources sources be? be? Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping Process Process Flow Flow Supplier ships item to customer

Item purchased from supplier

Generate invoice Customer order entered

PO Close order Item shipped from inventory

Release order 26-4

Ship order

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Receivables Receivables Process Process Flow Flow Customer order entered

Order processed


Generate invoice

Invoice is overdue

Invoice transferred

Payment received

Collections Receipt transferred 26-5

Apply receipt and close invoice

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Summary Summary of of Order Order to to Cash Cash Topics Topics •• •• •• •• •• •• ••


Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry Entry Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables Integration Integration between between Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry Entry and and Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables Common Common Setup Setup Steps Steps Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry Entry Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables Integration Integration with with Other Other Oracle Oracle applications applications

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27 Common Common Modules Modules Unit Unit IV IV Introduction Introduction

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this unit, unit, you you should should be be able able to to describe describe the the features features and and characteristics characteristics of of Oracle’ Oracle’ss common common modules modules in in relation relation to to implementing implementing financial financial applications. applications.


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Common Common Modules Modules Topics Topics •• •• •• •• ••


Oracle Oracle Workflow Workflow Oracle Oracle Alert Alert Flexfields Flexfields Oracle Oracle Applications Applications System System Administration Administration Extending Extending the the Oracle Oracle Applications Applications

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Common Common Software Software Modules Modules Oracle Workflow is a workflow management system to automatically process and route information of any type, according to business rules that you can change, to any person inside or outside your enterprise. Oracle Alert is an automated exception management and reporting tool that keeps you aware of critical activity in your database and is used to automate steps in your business processes.


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Common Common Elements Elements •• •• ••


Flexfields Flexfields System System Administration Administration Extending Extending Oracle Oracle Applications Applications

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28 Common Common Modules Modules Oracle Oracle Workflow Workflow

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives

After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to describe describe the the features features and and implementation implementation considerations considerations of of Oracle Oracle Workflow. Workflow.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Workflow Workflow Terms Terms •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••


Process Process Item Item Process Process instance instance Activity Activity Function Function activity activity Notification Notification activity activity Process Process activity activity Transition Transition

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Oracle Oracle Workflow Workflow Accomplishes Accomplishes Three Three Important Important Business Business Requirements Requirements •• •• ••


Routes Routes information information Defines Defines any any rule rule Delivers Delivers electronic electronic notifications notifications

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Differences Differences Between Between Oracle Oracle Workflow Workflow and and Oracle Oracle Alert Alert Workflow Workflow •• Manages Manages the the execution execution of of complex complex business business processes processes resulting resulting from from database database events events •• Processes Processes responses: responses:

•• ••

Alert Alert Detects Detects database database events events Processes Processes responses responses only only from from e-mail e-mail

–– E-mail E-mail –– Web Web browser browser –– Applications Applications


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Similarities Similarities Between Between Workflow Workflow and and Alert Alert •• •• ••


Integrated Integrated with with Oracle Oracle applications applications Application Application independent independent Developed Developed by by the the same same team team

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Major Major Components Components •• •• •• •• ••


Oracle Oracle Workflow Workflow Builder Builder Workflow Workflow Engine Engine Workflow Workflow Definitions Definitions Loader Loader Notification Notification System System Workflow Workflow Monitor Monitor

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Workflow Workflow Builder Builder


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Workflow Workflow Engine Engine

Workflow Engine

Applications Server

Oracle 7.3.2 or higher


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Workflow Workflow Process Process Definition Definition


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Looping Looping and and Results-Based Results-Based Branching Branching


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Parallel Parallel Flows Flows and and Rendezvous Rendezvous


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Voting Voting


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Timeouts: Timeouts: Escalation Escalation and and Automatic Automatic Forwarding Forwarding


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Subprocesses Subprocesses with with Unlimited Unlimited Hierarchies Hierarchies


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Workflow Workflow Definitions Definitions Loader Loader Workflow Builder

Workflow Engine

Workflow Loader Workflow Loader

Oracle 7.3.2 or later

Process definitions


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Notification Notification System System Notification Mailer

Workflow Engine

Directory Services

Notification System

Applications Server Oracle 7.3.2 or later 28-17

Workflow Web Agent

Notification Viewer

Application screens

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Workflow Workflow Monitor Monitor


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Required Required Setup Setup Steps Steps •• •• •• •• •• ••

Customize Customize the the directory directory service service views views for for Oracle Oracle Workflow Workflow Cartridge. Cartridge. Set Set up up background background engines engines for for Oracle Oracle Workflow. Workflow. Define Define the the WF_RESOURCES WF_RESOURCES environment environment variable variable for for Oracle Oracle Workflow Workflow Cartridge. Cartridge. Identify Identify the the Oracle Oracle Workflow Workflow base base Web Web agent. agent. Identify Identify the the workflow workflow administrator administrator role. role. Secure Secure Workflow Workflow Web Web pages pages with with an an Oracle Oracle Web Web Application Application Server Server authentication authentication scheme. scheme.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary •• •• •• •• ••

Oracle Oracle Workflow Workflow manages manages business business processes processes according according to to rules rules that that you you define. define. Define Define your your business business rules rules using using Oracle Oracle Workflow Workflow Builder Builder and and PL/SQL. PL/SQL. The The Workflow Workflow Engine Engine and and the the Notification Notification System System carry carry out out your your business business rules. rules. Any Any Oracle Oracle applications applications user user and and anyone anyone with with access access to to the the Internet Internet can can participate participate in in aa workflow. workflow. Use Use the the Workflow Workflow Monitor Monitor to to check check and/or and/or administer administer the the status status of of your your workflow workflow processes. processes.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

29 Common Common Modules Modules Oracle Oracle Alert Alert

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives

After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to describe describe the the features features and and implementation implementation considerations considerations of of Oracle Oracle Alert. Alert.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Topics Topics •• Event Event alerts alerts •• Periodic Periodic alerts alerts •• Action Action types types •• Action Action levels levels •• Steps Steps to to defining defining an an

•• Response Response processing processing •• Action Action escalation escalation •• Precoded Precoded alerts alerts •• Implementation Implementation considerations considerations

alert alert


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Alert Alert Process Process • E-mail message

Alert !

• Concurrent program request • Run SQL • Run operating system script


Client 29-4

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What What Is Is an an Exception? Exception?

An An exception exception is is aa specified specified condition condition found found during during an an alert alert check. check. For For example, example, an an alert alert might might check check for for customers customers who who exceed exceed aa credit credit limit. limit. Each Each exceeded exceeded credit credit limit limit found found is is an an exception. exception.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Examples Examples of of Event Event Alerts Alerts •• •• ••


Requisition Requisition receipt: receipt: Informs Informs requester requester that that Purchasing Purchasing received received or or entered entered the the request request Purchase Purchase approval: approval: Informs Informs manager manager that that aa purchase purchase order order needs needs to to be be approved approved Database Database monitoring: monitoring: Informs Informs DBA DBA when when database database tables tables need need more more space space and and allocates allocates itit ifif response response indicates indicates to to do do so so

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Examples Examples of of Periodic Periodic Alerts Alerts •• •• •• ••


Personnel: Personnel: Shows Shows all all employees employees who who have have been been terminated terminated in in the the last last six six months months (monthly) (monthly) Payroll: Payroll: Shows Shows current current balance balance and and vacation vacation reported reported by by month month (monthly) (monthly) Purchasing: Purchasing: Detects Detects creation creation or or modification modification of of vendor vendor with with nonstandard nonstandard payment payment terms terms (weekly) (weekly) Inventory: Inventory: Shows Shows when when quantity quantity on on hand hand minus minus quantity quantity ordered ordered is is less less than than reorder reorder quantity quantity (weekly) (weekly)

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Definition Definition of of an an Action Action An An action action is is an an event event that that occurs occurs once once aa monitored monitored database database event event occurs occurs or or once once aa periodic periodic check check of of the the database database has has been been performed. performed. For For example: example:

•• Send Send an an e-mail e-mail message message •• Submit Submit aa concurrent concurrent program program request request •• Run Run aa SQL SQL statement statement script script •• Run Run an an operating operating system system script script


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Definitions Definitions of of Action Action Levels Levels •• •• ••


Detail: Detail: Perform Perform the the action action for for each each occurrence occurrence of of the the condition condition Summary: Summary: Perform Perform the the action action for for aa group group of of occurrences occurrences of of the the condition condition No No Exception: Exception: Perform Perform an an action action when when nothing nothing in in the the database database met met the the search search criteria criteria

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Seven Seven Steps Steps to to Defining Defining an an Alert Alert Success!

7. Document 6. History/Request Log 5. Run and test 4. Define the action set 3. Define the actions 2. Define the alert 1. Research 29-10

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Action Action Escalation Escalation

Message 1

Message 2

Message 3

Dear Mr. XXX,

Dear Mr. XXX,


It has come to

Please respond

Your account

our attention ...

immediately ...

is now ...


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Response Response Processing Processing Alert!

Use r

Ale rt


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Precoded Precoded Alerts Alerts

Alert! Alert!

•• •• ••

DBA DBA Purging Purging alerts alerts Purging Purging mail mail


Client 29-13

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General General Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations


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System System Administration Administration Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations •• Register Register all all Oracle Oracle IDs IDs •• Register Register any any custom custom applications applications •• Register Register any any applications applications that that reside reside in in databases databases different different from from the the Alert Alert database database


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E-Mail E-Mail Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations •• E-mail E-mail accessible accessible by by Alert Alert •• Oracle Oracle InterOffice InterOffice •• Gateways Gateways •• SQL*Net SQL*Net


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Event Event Alert Alert Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations •• Concurrent Concurrent Manager Manager for for Check Check Event Event Alert Alert •• Concurrent Concurrent Managers Managers for for ••


running running other other programs programs Using Using efficient efficient coding coding methods methods

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Response Response Processing Processing Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations •• Response Response text text •• Returned Returned message message header header


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Periodic Periodic Alerts Alerts Implementation Implementation Considerations Considerations •• Runs Runs automatically automatically •• Keep Keep active active


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary •• •• ••

An An event event alert alert notifies notifies you you of of activity activity in in your your database database as as soon soon as as itit occurs. occurs. A A periodic periodic alert alert checks checks the the database database for for information information according according to to aa schedule schedule that that you you define. define. An An action action can can send send e-mail e-mail and, and, run run aa concurrent concurrent program, program, SQL SQL Statement Statement script, script, or or operating operating system system script. script.


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30 Common Common Modules Modules Flexfields Flexfields

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to do do the the following: following: •• Identify Identify the the differences differences between between aa key key flexfield flexfield and and aa descriptive descriptive flexfield flexfield •• Identify Identify design design issues issues when when creating creating key key and and descriptive descriptive flexfields flexfields


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Overview Overview •• •• •• •• •• •• ••


Flexfields Flexfields review review Two Two types types of of flexfields flexfields Standard Standard Request Request Submission Submission and and flexfields flexfields Flexfield Flexfield benefits benefits Storing Storing flexfield flexfield values values internally internally Developing Developing aa flexfield flexfield Implementing Implementing aa flexfield flexfield

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Flexfield Flexfield Concepts Concepts Review Review •• •• •• ••


Why Why would would you you use use flexfields? flexfields? What What is is aa flexfield flexfield composed composed of? of? What What is is aa value value set set and and why why is is itit used? used? What What are are the the two two types types of of flexfields flexfields and and how how are are they they used? used?

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Key Key Flexfields Flexfields __ Sales Information ______________________ Transaction 3987

Standard window

Payment Type

Customer Jane Doe Item COM-876-LTN


Description Computer - Monitor - Light Tan Key flexfield window


__ Item Information _______________ COM







Light tan

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Creating Creating Intelligent Intelligent Keys Keys Using Using Key Key Flexfields Flexfields Business A

Business B

_____Account Entry __

_____Account Entry __




Subsidiary Division







Company Division

21 42





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Intelligent Intelligent Keys Keys


Asset number

Account number

Serial number

Job grade

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Oracle Oracle Applications: Applications: Key Key Flexfields Flexfields Oracle Assets

Oracle General Ledger

Oracle Inventory


Asset Category Location


Account aliases Item catalogs Item categories Sales orders Stock locators System items

Oracle Payroll

Bank details Cost allocation People group

Oracle Sales Tax Location Receivables Territory

Oracle Human Resources

Grade Job Personal analysis Position Soft coded

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Descriptive Descriptive Flexfields Flexfields __ Sale Information ________________________ Transaction


Payment Type


Customer Jane Doe Item COM-876-LTN Description Computer - Monitor - Light Tan

CK Payment Type Store 54321 Dept 987 Number 1028 Second ID MC 4565-3939 30-9


Payment Type CC Store 54321 Dept 987 Number 4958-2938-4747 Exp. Dt 12 - 99

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Using Using Reference Reference Fields Fields __ Sale Information ________________________ Transaction


Payment Type




Customer Jane Doe Item COM-876-LTN Description Computer - Monitor - Light Tan

CK Payment Type Store 54321 Dept 987 Number 1028 Second ID MC 4565-3939 30-10


Payment Type CC Store 54321 Dept 987 Number 4958-2938-4747 Exp. Dt 12 - 99

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Applications: Applications: Descriptive Descriptive Flexfields Flexfields (Partial (Partial List) List) Oracle Assets

Oracle General Ledger

Oracle Bills of Material

Bonus Rates Calendar Types Price Indexes

Daily Rates

Activity Information Item Cost Information Shift Time Information


Oracle Payables

Bank Branch Payment Terms Site Address

Oracle Credit History Receivables Information

Oracle Work in Progress

Employee Labor Rate Shop Floor Status WIP Parameters

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Benefits Benefits of of Flexfields Flexfields Using Using flexfields flexfields you you can can do do the the following: following: •• Customize Customize applications applications to to support support your your own own accounting, accounting, product, product, and and other other codes codes •• Construct Construct intelligent intelligent keys keys

•• •• ••


Customize Customize applications applications to to capture capture additional additional data data Use Use the the application application to to validate validate values values and and value value combinations combinations entered entered by by the the user user Support Support multiple multiple field field structures structures depending depending on on data data context context

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Storing Storing Flexfield Flexfield Data Data Internally Internally

Key flexfield

... Segment1

Segment2 ...

Descriptive flexfield

... Attribute1 Attribute2 ...

Oracle applications base tables 30-13

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Flexfield Flexfield Development Development There There are are four four steps steps in in developing developing aa flexfield: flexfield: 1. 1. 2. 2.

Design Design flexfield flexfield into into the the application application table. table. Paint Paint necessary necessary fields fields onto onto the the form. form.

3. 3. Call Call routines. routines. 4. 4. Define Define the the new new flexfield. flexfield.


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Create Create Segment Segment Columns Columns Oracle applications base table ...

Attribute1 Attribute2

Attribute3 ...

Structure defining column Code combination ID


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Create Create New New Form Form

New segment fields


New flexfield form

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Add Add Processing Processing Code Code Standard Oracle applications window

New flexfield window


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Implement Implement the the Flexfield Flexfield Register the flexfield for use

Application Object Library

Plan the flexfield segments and structures

Define the actual flexfield


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Steps Steps in in Implementing Implementing aa Flexfield Flexfield 1. 1. 2. 2.

Plan Plan Define Define value value sets sets

3. 3. Define Define flexfield flexfield segments segments and and structures structures 4. 4. Define Define values values 5. 5. Define Define security security and and cross-validation cross-validation rules rules ifif necessary necessary


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Summary Summary •• •• •• ••

Flexfields Flexfields are are customizable customizable fields. fields. The The user user defines defines the the content content and and structure structure of of aa flexfield flexfield window. window. Key Key flexfields flexfields create create entity entity identifiers identifiers required required by by Oracle Oracle applications. applications. Descriptive Descriptive flexfields flexfields gather gather additional additional information information required required by by the the business business environment. environment.


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31 Common Common Modules Modules Oracle Oracle Applications Applications System System Administration Administration

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to describe describe the the types types of of tasks tasks that that the the system system administrator administrator must must perform perform when when implementing implementing Oracle Oracle applications. applications.


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Topics Topics •• •• •• •• •• ••


System System Administration Administration Functions Functions Application Application Security Security Menus Menus Responsibilities Responsibilities Concurrent Concurrent Processing Processing Profile Profile Options Options

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System System Administration Administration

Define applications access and privileges

Balance online and concurrent processing


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System System Administration Administration

Define application defaults and user profiles (Default printer)

Register hardware and software


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System System Administration Administration Create document sequences





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Supporting Supporting End-User End-User Needs Needs System administrator functions and user concerns

Application security Why can’t I get to this menu option? What reports can I run?

Profiles Why does my print look like this?


Workload balancing Why is this query taking so long?

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Supporting Supporting End-User End-User Needs Needs System administrator functions and user concerns

Document sequences How can I track all my transactions?

Registration Can I use the new laser printer?


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Database Database Administrator Administrator Versus Versus System System Administrator Administrator Database Administrator


System Administrator

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Overview Overview of of Managing Managing Application Application Security Security Oracle application


Reports User



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Using Using Responsibilities Responsibilities Using predefined responsibility

Using custom responsibility Define or modify data group

Define or modify menu 1 Define or modify responsibility

Define application user



Define or modify request group


Exclude functions and menus


Define application user


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Defining Defining aa New New Application Application User User



Enter user information


Require password change Limit access attempts


Enter user’s start and end dates


Assign one or more responsibilities

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Components Components

Data group

Request security group




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Defining Defining and and Implementing Implementing aa Responsibility Responsibility Users form

Data groups form

Security User Define

Security Oracle DataGroup

Responsibilities form Security Responsibility Define

Request groups form Security Responsibility Requests


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Menus form Application menu

Defining Defining aa Data Data Group Group


Define Oracle ID (DBA task)


Enter name for new data group


Model new data group from existing data group


Associate application with appropriate Oracle ID


Select tool Oracle ID for application— Oracle ID* * Mostly for non-GUI applications


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Data Data Groups Groups

A data group is a collection of pairings of an application with an Oracle ID Responsibility XYZ Data Group Can appear only once



Oracle ID-A


Oracle ID-A


Oracle ID-A


Oracle ID-A

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Can appear multiple times, but only once with each application

Relating Relating Data Data Groups Groups to to Forms Forms and and Programs Programs

Responsibility XYZ


Data Group Form GL

Oracle ID-A


Oracle ID-A


Oracle ID-A


Oracle ID-A

Program 31-17

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Database table

Function Function Security Security Menu Level 1 Function Menu Level 2 Function Function Menu Level 3 Subfunction Subfunction Function Menu Level 2 Subfunction Menu Level 2 Function Function


Function: a set of executable code available as a menu option

Subfunction: a subset of a form’s functionality

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Menu Menu Displays Displays Using Using Navigator Navigator What is built into the menu? Menu Level 1 Function Menu Level 2 Function Function Menu Level 3 Subfunction Subfunction Function Menu Level 2 Subfunction Menu Level 2 Function Function 31-19

Menu Level 1 Function Menu Level 2 Function Function Function Menu Level 2 Function Function What is seen in Navigator?

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Excluding Excluding Functions Functions and and Menus Menus Menu Level 1 Function-A Menu Level 2 Function-B Function-C Menu Level 3 Function-A Function-D Function-E Menu Level 2 Function-D Menu Level 2 Function-F Function-G Function-H


Excluding a function affects the function regardless of level.

Excluding a menu excludes all its child functions.

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Defining Defining aa New New Responsibility Responsibility



Enter application and responsibility name


Enter start and end dates


Select data group


Select menu


Select request group


Enter menu/function exclusions

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Windows Windows for for Defining Defining and and Implementing Implementing aa Responsibility Responsibility Users window

Data groups window Security Oracle DataGroup

Responsibilities window Security Responsibility Define

Request groups window Security Responsibility Requests


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Security User Define

Menus window Application menu

Defining Defining an an Application Application •• •• ••

Name Name the the application application Specify Specify aa basepath basepath to to locate locate application application components components Assign Assign aa message message prefix prefix for for application application error error messages messages


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Defining Defining aa New New Menu Menu Structure Structure 1

Identify menu needs


Print a function security report for similar, existing menus


Plan— sketch the menu structure

4 5

Build the menu from bottom to top


Print a function security report set to document the new menu



Start with a blank menu form

Assign to the responsibility

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Identifying Identifying Existing Existing Menu Menu Structures Structures Function Security Report Set

Function Security Navigator Report

Function Security Menu Report Function Security Function Report


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Rules Rules for for Menu Menu Design Design •• •• •• ••

Design Design prompts prompts with with unique unique first first letters. letters. Sequence Sequence the the prompts prompts with with the the most most frequently frequently used used functions functions first. first. Entries Entries cannot cannot be be copied copied from from one one menu menu definition definition to to another. another. Use Use acronyms acronyms only only when when an an industry industry term term or or company company word word is is so so capitalized— capitalized— for for example, example, WIP WIP or or COGS. COGS.


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Modifying Modifying an an Existing Existing Menu Menu Definition Definition •• •• •• •• ••

Menus Menus are are called called by by their their user user menu menu name. name. Any Any change change to to aa user user menu menu name name takes takes effect effect immediately. immediately. Any Any existing existing menus menus that that call call the the modified modified menu menu use use the the new new name. name. The The previous previous name name no no longer longer appears. appears. Any Any menu menu entry entry modifications modifications take take effect effect immediately. immediately.


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Creating Creating aa Menu Menu

Menu definition 3

Menu definition 2

Menu definition 1


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Concurrent Concurrent Requests, Requests, Programs, Programs, and and Managers Managers

Request Table

User submits request to run program abc

Run program ... Run program ... Run program ... Run program abc Run program ...

Concurrent Manager

Concurrent Manager starts program abc 31-29

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System System Administrator Administrator Monitoring Monitoring Privileges Privileges •• •• •• •• ••

Place Place any any pending pending request request on on hold hold Take Take any any request request off off hold hold Terminate Terminate any any request request Change Change the the priority priority of of aa request request View View the the log log file file and and the the manager manager log log file file


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Defining Defining Managers Managers and and Their Their Work Work Shifts Shifts Defining Workshifts


Segregating Requests

Shift 1

Manager A

Manager A


Shift 2

Manager A

Manager B


Shift 3

Manager B

Manager C


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Balancing Balancing Process Process Workload Workload Over Over Time Time 12 AM 00:00

6 AM 06:00

12 PM 12:00

Day work shift 3 processes

Night work shift 6 processes

Graveyard work shift 6 processes 31-32

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6 PM 18:00

11:59 23:59

Activating Activating and and Deactivating Deactivating Concurrent Concurrent Managers Managers

Internal Concurrent Manager

Concurrent manager


Administer Concurrent Managers

Concurrent manager

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Managing Managing Parallel Parallel Concurrent Concurrent Processing Processing




Client Node



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Cluster Cluster Environment Environment Cluster server

Node 1

Node 3

Node 2

Node 4

Database on node 1

Client 31-35

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Massively Massively Parallel Parallel Environment Environment Massively parallel computer server

Database on node 1

Node 1

Node 3

Node 2

Node 4



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Homogeneous Homogeneous Networked Networked Environment Environment Client

Homogeneous network server

Database on node 1

Node 1

Node 3

Node 2

Node 4

2 Node

3 Node



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Parallel Parallel Concurrent Concurrent Processing Processing and and Oracle Oracle Parallel Parallel Server Server Oracle Database files

Oracle Database instance Concurrent Manager

Concurrent Manager

Node 1

Node 3

Oracle Database instance

Internal monitor


Local disk

Concurrent Manager

High-speed bus Node 2 31-38


Internal Concurrent Manager

Node 4

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Local disk

Primary Primary and and Secondary Secondary Nodes Nodes

Primary Node

Concurrent manager


Secondary Node

Concurrent manager

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Internal Internal Monitor Monitor Processes Processes Concurrent Manager Internal Concurrent Manager


Concurrent Manager

Concurrent Manager

Concurrent Manager

Internal Monitor Process

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Viewing Viewing Log Log Files Files Concurrent Manager

Log/output files

Internal Concurrent Manager


Concurrent Manager

Concurrent Manager

Concurrent Manager

Internal Monitor Process

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Parallel Parallel Concurrent Concurrent Managers Managers •• ••


Define Define parallel parallel concurrent concurrent managers managers to to specify specify the the node, node, queue queue management management system, system, and and other other parallel parallel processing processing information information Control Control parallel parallel concurrent concurrent managers managers with with these these functions: functions: –– Start Start up up –– Shut Shut down down –– Migrate Migrate –– Monitor Monitor Activate Activate and and deactivate deactivate parallel parallel concurrent concurrent managers managers by by issuing issuing commands commands at at the the operating operating system system level level


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Profile Profile Hierarchy Hierarchy Levels Levels

User level Responsibility level Application level Site level


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User User Profiles Profiles •• •• ••

User User profiles profiles are are changeable changeable options options that that affect affect the the way way your your application application runs. runs. They They become become active active when when you you log log on on or or change change responsibilities. responsibilities. Alter Alter these these options options to to change change the the behavior behavior of of your your application application to to suit suit your your preference. preference.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

The The Hierarchy Hierarchy in in Action Action

Site-level printer

User-level printer

Boston New York


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary •• •• •• ••

A A system system administrator administrator defines defines new new users users and and assigns assigns responsibilities responsibilities to to them. them. Responsibilities Responsibilities are are composed composed of of data data groups groups and and menus menus that that define define the the menus menus and and programs programs to to which which you you have have access. access. You You can can manage manage concurrent concurrent processing processing by by defining defining managers managers and and work work shifts shifts and and reviewing reviewing requests requests and and log log files. files. You You can can control control the the default default behavior behavior and and appearance appearance of of applications applications by by changing changing profile profile values. values.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

32 Common Common Modules Modules Extending Extending the the Oracle Oracle Applications Applications

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this lesson, lesson, you you should should be be able able to to describe describe the the features features and and approaches approaches that that can can be be used used to to extend extend Oracle Oracle applications. applications.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Topics Topics •• •• •• •• •• •• ••


Extending Extending Oracle Oracle Applications Applications The The Standard Standard Development Development Environment Environment Overview Overview of of Coding Coding Standards Standards Libraries Libraries Performance Performance Coding Coding for for Web Web and and NCA NCA Compatibility Compatibility Overview Overview of of Building Building an an Application Application

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Meeting Meeting Business Business Needs Needs __ Item Information ________ Computer Category COM Item





Light tan



Alert! Profiles




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CUSTOM CUSTOM Library Library and and Extensions Extensions


CUSTOM library


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Oracle Oracle Applications Applications


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Oracle Oracle Applications Applications User User Interface Interface Standards Standards

Oracle applications User interface standards


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Coding Coding Principles Principles •• •• •• •• ••


Code Code must must be be readable readable to to be be maintained. maintained. Tools Tools such such as as Oracle Oracle Forms Forms and and PL/SQL PL/SQL are are used used whenever whenever possible possible (avoid (avoid complex complex user user exits exits using using other other coding coding languages). languages). Fast Fast performance performance on on aa wide wide area area network network (WAN) (WAN) is is critical. critical. Platform-specific Platform-specific code code should should be be avoided avoided except except where where absolutely absolutely necessary. necessary. Reusable Reusable objects objects should should be be employed employed wherever wherever possible. possible.

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Reusable Reusable Code Code in in Libraries Libraries


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Performance Performance Is Is Critical Critical


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Deployment Deployment on on the the Web Web


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Reusable Reusable Objects Objects


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Design Design Issues Issues to to Consider Consider •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••

Flexfields Flexfields User User profiles profiles Multiple Multiple organizations organizations Oracle Oracle Workflow Workflow integration integration Multiple Multiple platform platform support support National National language language support support Flexible Flexible date date formats formats Multiple Multiple currency currency support support Year Year 2000 2000 support support CUSTOM CUSTOM library library support support Object Object naming naming standards standards


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Summary Summary •• •• •• ••

Use Use existing existing features, features, such such as as flexfields flexfields and and alerts, alerts, whenever whenever possible. possible. The The Oracle Oracle Applications Applications User User Interface Interface Standards Standards manual manual describes describes the the standards standards that that you you can can use use to to develop develop custom custom application application code. code. Libraries Libraries allow allow code code to to be be written written once once and and used used by by multiple multiple forms. forms. Coding Coding principles principles should should be be strictly strictly observed. observed.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

33 Common Common Modules Modules Unit Unit IV IV Summary Summary

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives After After completing completing this this unit, unit, you you should should be be able able to to describe describe the the features features and and characteristics characteristics of of Oracle’ Oracle’ss common common modules modules in in relation relation to to implementing implementing Oracle Oracle financial financial applications. applications.


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Common Common Modules Modules Topics Topics •• •• •• •• ••


Oracle Oracle Workflow Workflow Flexfields Flexfields Oracle Oracle Alert Alert Oracle Oracle Applications Applications System System Administration Administration Extending Extending the the Oracle Oracle Applications Applications

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Common Common Software Software Modules Modules Oracle Workflow is a workflow management system to automatically process and route information of any type, according to business rules that you can change, to any person inside or outside of your enterprise. Oracle Alert is an automated exception management and reporting tool that keeps you aware of critical activity in your database and is used to automate steps in your business processes.


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Flexfield Flexfield Concepts Concepts Review Review •• •• •• ••


Why Why would would you you use use flexfields? flexfields? What What is is aa flexfield flexfield composed composed of? of? What What is is aa value value set set and and why why is is itit used? used? What What are are the the two two types types of of flexfields flexfields and and how how are are they they used? used?

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System System Administration Administration

Define applications access and privileges

Balance online and concurrent processing


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System System Administration Administration

Define application defaults and user profiles (Default printer)

Register hardware and software


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System System Administration Administration Create document sequences





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Oracle Oracle Applications Applications User User Interface Interface Standards Standards

Oracle applications User interface standards


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

34 Implementing Implementing the the Primary Primary Oracle Oracle Financial Financial Applications Applications Release Release 11 11 Course Course Summary Summary

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Objectives Objectives This This course course covered covered the the following following topics: topics: •• Determine Determine the the appropriate appropriate system system setup setup options options and and implementation implementation considerations considerations when when implementing implementing Enterprise Enterprise Management Management applications applications •• Determine Determine the the appropriate appropriate system system setup setup options options and and implementation implementation considerations considerations when when planning planning to to implement implement Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay applications applications •• Determine Determine the the appropriate appropriate system system setup setup options options and and implementation implementation considerations considerations when when planning planning to to implement implement Order Order to to Cash Cash applications applications •• Describe Describe the the features features and and characteristics characteristics of of Oracle’ Oracle’ss common common modules modules in in relation relation to to implementing implementing financial financial applications applications 34-2

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

How How Do Do You You Plan Plan for for the the Implementation Implementation of of the the Primary Primary Financial Financial Applications? Applications? •• •• •• •• ••


What What are are the the core core financial financial applications applications that that you you need need to to manage manage your your enterprise? enterprise? How How do do you you implement implement the the flow flow of of information information from from the the purchase purchase of of business business properties properties to to the the payment payment and and tracking tracking of of them? them? How How do do you you identify identify issues issues in in the the entry entry of of customer customer orders orders and and the the receipt receipt of of payments? payments? What What other other Oracle Oracle features features and and products products would would help help you you to to implement implement and and manage manage your your business business and and applications? applications? How How do do you you plan plan to to integrate integrate legacy legacy system system information, information, and and will will you you need need to to extend extend applications? applications? Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Implementation Implementation Overview Overview

Setup applications

Wizard 34-4

Processes and organized setup steps

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Perform Perform Common Common Tasks Tasks First First •• •• ••


Common Common applications applications Common Common process process of of product product family family Products Products

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Common Common Oracle Oracle Applications Applications Features Features •• •• •• ••


Use Use of of folders folders Flexfields Flexfields QuickCodes QuickCodes Multiple Multiple Organization Organization Support Support

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Enterprise Enterprise Management Management •• •• •• •• •• •• ••


Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger Common Common Financials Financials Setup Setup Steps Steps Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle General General Ledger Ledger Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Assets Assets Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Assets Assets Integration Integration with with Other Other Oracle Oracle Applications Applications Reporting Reporting Options Options

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Purchase Purchase to to Pay Pay •• •• •• •• •• •• ••


Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Integration Integration Between Between Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing and and Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Common Common Setup Setup Steps Steps Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Purchasing Purchasing Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Payables Payables Integration Integration with with Other Other Oracle Oracle Applications Applications

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Order Order to to Cash Cash •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 34-9

Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry/Shipping Entry/Shipping Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables Overview Overview of of Oracle Oracle Cash Cash Management Management Integration Integration Between Between Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry Entry and and Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables Common Common Setup Setup Steps Steps Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Order Order Entry Entry Setup Setup Steps Steps Unique Unique to to Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables Integration Integration with with Other Other Oracle Oracle Applications Applications

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Common Common Modules Modules •• •• •• •• ••

Oracle Oracle Workflow Workflow Oracle Oracle Flexfields Flexfields Oracle Oracle Alert Alert Oracle Oracle Applications Applications System System Administration Administration Extending Extending the the Oracle Oracle Applications Applications


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Cash Cash Management Management •• •• •• •• •• •• ••

Bank Bank statements statements Cash Cash forecasting forecasting Matching Matching bank bank statement statement lines lines with with transactions transactions Multicurrency Multicurrency handling handling Oracle Oracle Payables Payables reconciliation reconciliation accounting accounting Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables reconciliation reconciliation accounting accounting Using Using Cash Cash Management Management with with automatic automatic clearing clearing


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

About Multiple Organization Support A server-side enhancement that affects Oracle applications Database server


Applications server

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

User community

A Implementing Implementing the the Primary Primary Oracle Oracle Financial Financial Applications Applications Appendix Appendix A: A: Cash Cash Management Management

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Oracle Oracle Cash Cash Management Management •• •• •• •• •• •• ••


Bank Bank statements statements Cash Cash forecasting forecasting Matching Matching bank bank statement statement lines lines with with transactions transactions Multicurrency Multicurrency handling handling Oracle Oracle Payables Payables reconciliation reconciliation accounting accounting Oracle Oracle Receivables Receivables reconciliation reconciliation accounting accounting Using Using Cash Cash Management Management with with automatic automatic clearing clearing

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Bank Bank Reconciliation Reconciliation •• •• •• ••


Manually Manually or or automatically automatically reconcile reconcile open open interface interface transactions transactions Clear Clear or or unclear unclear open open interface interface transactions transactions Find Find open open interface interface transactions transactions that that are are available available for for reconciliation reconciliation Create Create reconciliation reconciliation accounting accounting entries entries for for posting posting to to GL GL

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Bank Bank Reconciliation Reconciliation Using Using Oracle Oracle Cash Cash Management Management Bank statement

Enter manually

Import magnetic tape


Cash Management Reconcile A-4

Reconciling journal entries

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Reconcile payments

Cash Cash Forecasting Forecasting Business Business Flow Flow Define cash forecast template Generate cash forecast

View cash forecast

Review cash forecast

Export forecast to Excel

$ Cash forecasts Revise cash forecast

Cash Forecast A-5

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Setup Setup Steps Steps Needed Needed •• •• ••


To To reconcile reconcile bank bank statements statements using using Cash Cash Management, Management, you you must must complete complete the the setup setup steps. steps. Setup Setup steps steps to to be be completed completed are are in in Oracle Oracle Payables Payables and and Oracle Oracle Receivables. Receivables. You You must must perform perform these these setup setup steps steps before before you you can can use use Cash Cash Management Management as as an an integrated integrated application. application.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Cash Cash Management Management Integration Integration with with Payables Payables and and Receivables Receivables Cash Management


Accounts Payable

Accounts Receivables

Reconcile payments

Reconcile receipts

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

B Implementing Implementing the the Primary Primary Oracle Oracle Financial Financial Applications Applications Appendix Appendix B: B: Multiple Multiple Organization Organization Support Support

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

About Multiple Organization Support A server-side enhancement that affects Oracle applications Database server


Applications server

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

User community

Architectural Model Comparison Without Multiple Organization Support

With Multiple Organization Support

Oracle General Ledger



Oracle Receivables

AR1 and AR2

Database Data AR1 B-3

Data AR2

AR Data

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A New Architectural Model •• •• •• ••


Serves Serves as as cornerstone cornerstone for for all all Oracle Oracle applications applications products products Specifies Specifies how how transactions transactions flow flow through through organizations organizations Defines Defines organizations organizations and and relationships relationships between between them them Provides Provides for for multiple multiple organizations organizations in in aa single single installation installation

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

The Four Types of Organizations

• • • •


Set of books

Balancing entities/funds

Legal entity Operating unit Inventory

Bal Seg 1 AP, AR, PO, OE

Bal Seg 2 Bal Seg 3



Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Set Set of of Books Books •• •• •• ••


A A set set of of books books is is aa financial financial reporting reporting entity entity that that shares shares chart chart of of accounts, accounts, functional functional currency, currency, and and accounting accounting calendar calendar The The set-of-books set-of-books concept concept is is no no different different in in Multiple Multiple Organization Organization Support Support Sets Sets of of books books are are attached attached to to responsibilities responsibilities by by means means of of profile profile options. options. GL GL data data is is secured secured by by by by the the set set of of books. books.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Legal Legal Entity Entity (LE) (LE) ••

•• ••


A A legal legal entity entity represents represents aa legal legal unit unit for for which which you you prepare prepare fiscal fiscal or or tax tax reports. reports. You You assign assign tax tax identifiers identifiers and and other other legal legal entity entity information information to to these these types types of of organizations. organizations. Each Each LE LE is is attached attached to to aa set set of of books. books. No No data data is is stored stored at at the the LE LE level. level.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Operating Unit (OU) •

An operating unit is an organization that partitions data for: Order Entry Accounts Receivable Cash Management Oracle Projects Release Accounting Regional Localizations

• •


Accounts Payable Purchasing Sales & Marketing Sales Compensation Oracle Service

OUs are attached to a legal entity. All application transaction data is secured at the OU level. Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Inventory Inventory Organization Organization (IO) (IO) ••



An An inventory inventory organization organization is is an an organization organization for for which which you you track track inventory inventory transactions transactions and and balances, balances, and/or and/or that that manufactures manufactures or or distributes distributes products. products. Examples: Examples: Manufacturing Manufacturing plants, plants, warehouses, warehouses, distribution distribution centers, centers, and and sales sales offices. offices. IOs IOs are are formally formally attached attached to to an an operating operating unit unit but but operate operate equally equally with with all all operating operating units units within within the the same same set set of of books. books.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Data Data That That Is Is Secured Secured by by Inventory Inventory Organization Organization •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• B-10

Inventory Inventory Bills Bills of of Material Material Engineering Engineering Work Work in in Progress Progress Master Master Scheduling/MRP Scheduling/MRP Capacity Capacity Supply Supply Chain Chain Planning Planning Costing Costing Purchasing Purchasing (Receiving (Receiving functionality) functionality) Service Service Quality Quality Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

How How Many Many Entities? Entities? •• •• •• ••


Are Are there there specific specific concerns concerns about about data data security? security? How How is is the the business business structured? structured? (Geographic (Geographic versus versus business business lines) lines) How How are are purchasing purchasing and and receiving receiving currently currently handled handled across across the the company? company? What What about about order order entry entry and and cash cash applications? applications?

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Vision Demo Database Corporate UK

M1: Seattle Mfg B-12

Operations US

Distribution SNG

Services US







D1: Singapore D.C.

VS: Vision Services

M2: Boston Mfg

S1:Chicago Subass’y

V1: Vision Operations

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Vision Vision Demonstration Demonstration of of Multiple Multiple Organization Organization Support Support for for Vision Vision Operations Operations This This is is the the set set of of books books intended intended for for most most Oracle Oracle training training classes. classes. This This set set of of books books most most closely closely resembles resembles the the VISION VISION environment. environment.

•• Currency: Currency: USD USD (United (United States States dollars) dollars) •• Structure: Structure: CO-DEPT-ACCT-SUB-PROD CO-DEPT-ACCT-SUB-PROD •• Products: Products: All All core core Financials, Financials, Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Distribution, Distribution, and and Web Web products products


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Multiple Multiple Organization Organization Support Support and and Vision Vision Demonstration Demonstration for for Vision Vision Distribution Distribution This set of books is designed only to be used to support the shipping side of the intercompany drop ship transaction. It is used in conjunction with Vision Operations where the order is entered.

• Currency: SNG (Singapore dollars) • Structure: CO-DEP-ACCT-SUB-PROD • Products: General Ledger, Order Entry, and Receivables


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Multiple Multiple Organization Organization Support Support and and Vision Vision Demonstration Demonstration for for Vision Vision Services Services Comprehensive transactional data has been created for all projects. All Financials modules have complete setup and supporting data and can be fully demonstrated in the Vision Services set of books.

• • •

Currency: USD (United States Dollar)


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Structure: CO-DEP-ACCT-PROD Products: Core Financials, Projects, Purchasing, Inventory, and Alert

Multiple Multiple Organization Organization Support Support Features Features •• •• ••


Data Data security security by by operating operating unit unit Global Global customer customer and and supplier supplier registries registries Automatic Automatic intercompany intercompany accounting accounting entries entries for for sales sales transactions transactions booked booked in in one one organization organization and and shipped shipped out out of of another another related related organization organization

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Security by Operating Unit Operations US

Distribution SNG




M1: Seattle Mfg


M2: Boston Mfg


S1:Chicago Subass’y

V1: Vision Operations


D1: Singapore D.C.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.


Global Global Customer Customer and and Supplier Supplier Registries Registries •• ••


Define Define customers customers and and suppliers suppliers in in aa global global registry registry that that is is shared shared by by all all organizations organizations across across all all legal legal entities. entities. Manage Manage and and secure secure customer customer addresses addresses and and supplier supplier sites sites by by operating operating unit. unit.

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Global Global Registries Registries Operations US


Supplier: Grainger Address 1: New York, NY

Address 1: Lake Mary , FL

Address 2: Omaha, NE

Address 2: New York, NY

Address 3: Eugene, OR Note the separation of sites by OU


Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Distribution SNG


Selling and Shipping Products from Different Legal Entities Customer invoice


Sales order

Product shipment


Seattle sales office


Intercompany invoice

Singapore warehouse

Copyright  Oracle Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved.

Intercompany Intercompany Sales Sales Invoicing Invoicing Features Features •• •• •• ••


Segregation Segregation of of trade trade cost cost of of goods goods sold sold (COGS) (COGS) and and intercompany intercompany COGS COGS Transfer Transfer pricing pricing established established through through ordinary ordinary price price lists lists Automatic Automatic intercompany intercompany sales sales recognition recognition Flexible Flexible architecture architecture

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