Prevod Krsman I Danka.docx

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  • Words: 744
  • Pages: 2
Visoka pojava gospodina Peroksa kretala se izmedju belih carsava, casa I srebrnih pribora kroz jaku svetlost prema tamnome holu. Oslanjao se na stap I vukao je ortopedsku cipelu koju Vilhem kada je procanjivao nije uracunavao u njegove muke. Doktor Radler je zeleo da prica o njemu. Jadan covek, rekao je. Ima neko oboljenje kostiju koje ga postepeno razara. The tall appearance of Mr. Perokes ranged between white blankes, glasses and silverware through strong light toward the dark hall. He relied on to his wound and pulled the orthopedic shoe that Wilhem had not include in his estimates when he was eager. Dr. Radler wanted to talk about him. Poor man, he said. There is some bone disease that gradually destroys it.

Jedan od onih progresivnih oboljenja, rekao je Vilhem. Vrlo ozbiljno, naucio sam, izjavio je doctor da sacuvam saucesce za prave nesrece. Ovaj Peroks zasluzuje najdublje sazaljenje. Vilhem je shvatio da bi bilo dobro da I on kaze sta o tome misli, ali nije izrazio svoj stav, samo je jeo I jeo; nije zurio; Redjao je jela na tanjiru sve dok nije pojeo I ocevo pecivo I jagode a onda je progutao jos nekoliko komada slanine koji su ostali. Popio je vise solja kafe; Kad se konacno zasitio sedeo je kao dzin koji miruje I izgledalo je kao da stvarno ne zna sta da pocne. One of those progressive diseases, said Wilhem. Very seriously, I learned, the doctor told me to save confidants for real accidents. This Perox deserves the deepest compassion. Wilhem realized that it would be good if he said what he was thinking about, but he did not express his attitude, he just ate and ate; he did not stare; He ate food on the plate until he ate his father's cakes and strawberries and then swallowed a few more pieces of bacon left over. He drank more cups of coffee; When he finally sat down, he sat down like a dying gin, and it seemed like he really did not know what to start. Nekoliko trenutaka otac I sin ostali su neobicno cutljivi. Iako se Vilhem spremio da se ocu dopadne potpuno je promasio. Stari gospodin je I dalje razmisljao: Ne bi ste ni pomisljali da ima dobro vaspitanje ; Ovaj moj sin prava je prljava propalica. Zasto malo ne pokusa da ulepsa svoj izgled; Zasto voli da se vuce ovakav naokolo; Hoce da izgleda idealisticki. For a few moments, the father and son remained unusually silent. Although Wilhem was prepared to like his father, he failed completely. The old gentleman keep thinking: You would not even think that he had a good upbringing; This my son is a real dirty devil. Why does not he at least try to make his appearance; Why he likes to drag like this around; he wants to look idealistic.

Vilhem je sedeo kao breg; NIje on stvarno bio toliko neprivlacan koliko se to cinilo njegovom ocu. U mnogom pogledu posedovao je finocu. Njegova usta, iako siroka imala su lepu liniju . Celo I meko izvijen nos davali su njegovom licu dostojanstvo. U plavoj kosi pojavile su se tu I tamo sede vlasi ali tu su bile jos uvek zlatne I kestenjaste nijanse. Kad je bio kod firme Rojako Vilhem je drzao mali stan u Roksbergu. Dve sobe u velikoj kuci s verandom I bastom. Ujutru kad je bio slobodan u vreme kasnog proleca kao sto je bilo ovih dana sedeo bi obicno na pletenoj stolici izlozen suncu koje je prodiralo kroz

lisce. Sunceva svetlost provlacila se kroz sitnih cvetova, kroz rupe koje su izgrizli puzevi. U mladim stabljikama sleza I kroz travu. Wilhem seat mountanious ; He really was not so unattractive as his father seems. In many aspects he had a finess. His mouth, although the broad ones had a nice outline. Even a soft-bared nose gave his face dignity. In the blue hair appeared here and there sat their hairs, but there were still golden and hazel nuances. When he worked at Rojako company, Wilhem had a small apartment in Roksberg. Two rooms in a big house with porch and garden. In the morning when he was free at the time of the late spring, as it were these days, he would normally be exposed to the sun, which was penetrated through the leaves, on a wicker chair. The sun's light swept through the tiny flowers, through the holes that cracked the crawl. In young stems marshmallow and through the grass.

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