Preparation Of Reagents Of Desired Strength

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Preparation of Reagents of Desired Strength Dr. Subhendu Datta Sr. Scientist Central Institute of Fisheries of Education Kolkata Centre, 32-GN Block, Sector-V Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700091 [email protected]

Water is the medium where fish live. Therefore, any kind of research on fish and fisheries should invariably include regular monitoring of water parameters. Though numerous equipments were developed in past few years for analysis of water parameters, still titrimetric methods of analysis are in vogue due to its simplicity and affordability by any ordinary laboratory or aqua farms. Before conducting the actual water analysis, one must be able to prepare the reagents of desired strength required for the analysis. For this, knowledge of different reagent strengths and standardization of solutions is required. Strength of a solution is generally expressed in four ways: (i). Percent (%): It is the weight or volume of solute dissolved per 100 ml of solution. To prepare 5% NaOH solution, dissolve 5 g sodium hydroxide (solute) in few ml of distilled water in a small beaker and then transfer the content of the beaker quantitatively to a 100 ml volumetric flask. For this, two or three washings of beaker with few ml of distilled water must be given and washed water should also be transferred to the volumetric flak. The make up the volume in volumetric flaks to 100 ml mark with distilled water by shaking the flask ups and down few times. (ii). ppm: It is the parts of solute (weight or volume) present per million parts (weight or volume) of solution. To prepare 5 ppm NaOH solution, dissolve 5 mg sodium hydroxide in few ml distilled water in a beaker then transfer it to 1000 ml volumetric flask and make up the volume with shaking as per methods described in (i) (As 1 L of water ≡ 1 Kg of water). Like ppm, use of ppt (parts per thousand) or ppb (parts per billion) is not so common. (iii). Molarity (M): It is the number of moles of substance dissolved per litre of solution. One mole of any compound is the molecular weight (in g) of that compound. To prepare 0.5 M of NaOH solution, dissolve 20 g sodium hydroxide in few ml distilled water in a beaker then transfer it to 1000 ml volumetric flask and make up the volume with shaking as per methods described in (i). To calculate the molecular weight of a compound, knowledge of atomic weight of constituent elements is required (Table 1). Molecular weight of NaOH = atomic weight of sodium + oxygen + hydrogen = 23+16+1 = 40g. So to prepare 1 M, 1 L solution of NaOH; 40 g sodium hydroxide is to be dissolved in distilled water and make the final volume of solution to 1 L. Accordingly 20 g NaOH will be required to prepare 1L, 0.5 M NaOH solution. Similarly, to prepare 500 ml 0.5 N NaOH solution, 10 g NaOH is to be dissolved in distilled water and make the final volume of solution to 500 ml in a 500 ml volumetric flask. 1

Table 1. Atomic weight of some common elements (Lee, 1995) Name of the elements Hydrogen Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Flourine Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulpher Chlorine Potassium Calcium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Nickel Cobalt Copper Zinc Arsenic Selenium Bromine Molybdenum Palladium Silver Cadmium Tin Antimony Iodine Cesium Barium Tungsten Platinum Gold Mercury Lead Bismuth

Chemical symbol H Li Be B C N O F Na Mg Al Si P S Cl K Ca Ti V Cr Mn Fe Ni Co Cu Zn As Se Br Mo Pd Ag Cd Sn Sb I Cs Ba W Pt Au Hg Pb Bi

Atomic weight 1 7 9 10.8 12 14 16 19 23 24.3 27 28 31 32 35.5 39 40 48 51 52 55 56 58.7 59 63.5 65.4 75 79 80 96 106.4 107.8 112.4 118.7 121.7 127 133 137.3 183.8 195 197 200.6 207.2 209

(Molality is another way to express the strength of a solution but it is generally not used. However, the molality of a solution is the number of moles of solute per 1000 g of solvent. It is usually designated by m. To prepare 1 m 1L NaOH, 40 g NaOH is to be dissolved in 1000 ml i.e. 1000 g of distilled water.) 2

(iv). Normality (N): This is usually designated by N. A normal solution is a solution containing one equivalent of a defined species per litre according to the specified reaction. As per IUPAC (1974) 'the equivalent of a substance is that amount of it which, in a specified reaction, combines with, releases or replaces that amount of hydrogen which is combined with 3 grams of carbon-12 in methane 12CH4.' The amount of hydrogen mentioned in the above definition is equal to one-gram atom of hydrogen (1.0078 g H). For neutralization reactions, the equivalent of an acid is that mass of it which contains 1.008 g of replaceable hydrogen. The equivalent weight of a monoprotic acid acid, such as hydrochloric (HCl), hydrobromic (HBr), hydroiodic (HI), nitric (HNO3), perchloric (HClO4), or acetic acid (CH3COOH), is identical with their molecular weight (1 mole). A normal solution of a monoprotic acid will therefore contain 1 mole per 1L. The equivalent of a diprotic acid e.g. sulphuric acid (H2SO4) or oxalic acid (HOOC-COOH), or of a triprotic acid e.g. phosphoric acid (H3PO4) is likewise one-half or one-third respectively, of the mole. The equivalent of a base is that mass of it which contains one replaceable hydroxyl group, i.e. 17.008 g of ionisable hydroxyl; 17.008 g of hydroxyl (OH) are equivalent to 1.008 h of hydrogen. The equivalents of sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide are the mole, of calcium hydroxide, strontium hydroxide, and barium hydroxide half a mole. For salts e.g. sodium carbonate: A solution containing one mole of sodium carbonate, with methyl orange as indicator, reacts with 2 moles of hydrochloride acid to form 2 moles of sodium chloride; hence its equivalent is half a mole (i.e. 53 g). Sodium tetraborate, under similar conditions, also reacts with 2 moles of hydrochloride, and its equivalent is, likewise, half a mole. For redox reactions, knowledge of oxidation number is required. Oxidation number (or valance number) of an element in a particular compound is a number, which denotes the extent of oxidation or reduction necessary to change the element from free state into that in the compound. The oxidation number is given as '+' sign if oxidation is required to effect that change and '-' sign if reduction is required. For ionic compounds (Na+Cl-) the charge on the respective ions due to the loss or gain of electrons gives their oxidation number. For covalent compounds the number of electrons shared by the atoms is the oxidation number. For these compounds the electronagetivity concept is used to assign formal charge (hence the oxidation number). The less –ve of the element in a binary compound is given +ve oxidation number. The view of such hypothetical charge has little or no theoretical basis at all. It is entirely arbitrary but the concept is useful in balancing the redox reaction. In general, it may be stated, the equivalent of an element taking part in an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction is the relative atomic mass divided by the change in oxidation number. For equivalent weight of KMnO4 can be calculated from following equation: +1 +7 -8

+2 +6 -8

10 FeSO4 + 2 KMnO4 + 8 H2SO4 = 5 Fe2(SO4)3 + 2 MnSO4 + K2SO4 + 8 H2O Equivalent Weight of KMnO4 = Molecular weight / change in oxidation no. = 158/5 = 31.6 g To prepare 1N KMnO4, dissolve 31.6 g KMnO4 in distilled water and make up the volume 1000 ml in a 1L volumetric flask as described in (i). Similarly for Potassium +2 +12 –14

dichromate (K2Cr2O7) change in oxidation number is 6 (K2Cr2O7 equivalent weight will be 294/6 = 49 g.

+6 - 6

Cr2(SO4)3. So,

Preparation of dilute solutions from concentrated solution: In volumetric analysis the desired strength of acid is often prepared from concentrated acids available in market. The 3

strength of concentrated sulphuric acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid is 36N, 16N and 10.5-12N (11N on average). V1S1 = V2S2 The above equation is used to find out the strength or volume of any unknown acid or base, where V1 is volume of solution 1, S1 is the strength of solution 1, V2 is volume of solution 2 and S2 is strength of solution 2. For Example: Preparation of 1000 ml N/50 H2SO4 solution from concentrated sulphuric acid (36N). Here, V1 = How much volume of concentrated H2SO4 will be required is not known (?) S1 = Strength of Conc. H2SO4 = 36 N V2 = Volume of solution to be prepared = 1000 ml S2 = Strength of solution to be prepared = N/50 Therefore,

V1 X 36 N = 1000 X N/50 V1 = 1000 /36X50 = 0.555 ml. So, 0.555 ml of concentrated H2SO4 when added in few ml. of distilled water in a 1000 ml volumetric flask and volume is made up to 1000 ml by shaking that will give N/50 H2SO4 solution (Caution: Never add water to concentrated acid, that may create explosion). But measurement of this small volume of acid (0.555 ml) by pipette is very difficult, which may create error after dilution. It is, therefore, always recommended to prepare very dilute solution (e.g. N/50, N/100) from concentrated solution (e.g. 36N, 16 N) by stepwise dilution. First prepare 1N or 0.1N sub-stock solution from concentrated solution (36N, 16N), then prepare 0.01N, 0.02N working solutions from 1N or 0.1N sub-stock solution. In the above case, to prepare 1000 ml 1N H2SO4 sub-stock solution, dissolve 27.77 ml (1000/36) ≈ 28 ml of concentrated H2SO4 in distilled water (say 200 ml) in a beaker and transfer the content of the beaker quantitatively to 1000 ml volumetric flask and make up the volume with distilled water by shaking ups and down. Now to prepare 1000 ml N/50 H2SO4 working solution, take 20 ml (1000/50) of 1N H2SO4 sub-stock solution in a 1L volumetric flask and make up the volume with distilled water by shaking ups and down. All these calculations e.g. 27.77 ml and 20 ml are done by applying V1S1 = V2S2 formula. The above method of dilution also holds good for preparation of any other dilute reagents from concentrated stock solutions of that reagent.

References Lee, J.D. (1991). Concise Inorganic Chemistry (Fourth Edition). Chapman & Hall Ltd. London. pp.985-986. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Information Bulletin No. 36, Aug. 1974.


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