Practice1-2 aaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaoaaaoaa ,7 r
1. Are N, B Q and R coplanar? 2. Are N, L E and Q coplanar? 3. Are N, M and I coplanar?
4. Name in two different waysthe plane that containsF, G, D, and E.
5. Are A, B, D, and E coplanar?
iH I I
5. Are B and Hcollinear?
7. Are C, H, and E collinear?
8. Name plane P in another way. 9. What is the intersectionof Funa fii 10. What is the intersectionof ffi
plane Pl
11. What is the intersectionof planeP and planeSTQi oQ {-
12. Whatistheintersection of fi u"a ffil
13. What is the intersectionof plane P and plane STRi
14. Whatis theintersection of Fi una.ffi1 15. What is the intersectionof plane P and SQI Which of the following are collinear? 16. Tand R
17. Sand Q
18. S, I and R
Which of the following are coplanar? 19. S, Q and R € 22. ST and R e
25. TR and S
20. S, T andR e
23. ST andQ
2 1 . g T R, a n d Q ee
24. ST and TR e€
26. TR and Q
27. TR and SQ
28. lf five points are collinear,are they coplanar? 29. If five points are coplanar,are they collinear?
Points,Lines,and Planes