Pptptp 2008 (form 4 Physics Paper 2)

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NAMA : ______________________________________________ TINGKATAN :_________________________________________ SEKOLAH-SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN PADANG TERAP/PENDANG KEDAH PEPERIKSAAN PERTENGAHAN TAHUN 2008 PHYSICS KERTAS 2 2.5 JAM

TINGKATAN 4 Dua Jam tiga puluh minit


1. Tuliskan nama dan kelas anda pada ruangan yang disediakan. 2. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa. 3. Soalan dalam bahasa Inggeris mendahului soalan yang sepadan dalam bahasa Melayu. 4. Calon dibenarkan menjawab keseluruhan atau sebahagian soalan sama ada dalam bahasa Inggeris atau bahasa Melayu. 5. Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat Di halaman belakang kertas soalan ini.

Untuk kegunaan Pemeriksa Nama Pemeriksa: Bahagian Soalan Markah Markah Penuh diperolehi 1 8 2 6 3 8 A 4 8 5 8 6 10 7 12 B 8 20 C 10 20 11 20 JUMLAH

Kertas soalan mengandungi


halaman bercetak . 1

Section A Bahagian A [ 60 mark ] [ 60 markah ] Answer all questions in this section Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini 1. Diagram 1(a) shows a micrometer screw gauge. It is shows the zero error of micrometer screw gauge which has an accuracy of 0.01 mm. Diagram 1 (b) shows the use of the same micrometer screw gauge to measure the diameter of a ball bearing. Rajah 1(a) menunjukkan suatu tolok skru mikrometer. Tolok skru berkenaan telah wujud ralat sifar dan ianya mempunyai kepekaan 0.01 mm. Manakala Diagram 1(b) menunjukkan tolok skru yang sama digunakan untuk mengukur diameter suatu bebola logam. P

Diagram 1 (a) / Rajah 1(a)

Diagram 1(b) / rajah 1(b) (a) (i) Name the part labeled P ? Namakan bahagian berlabel P ? _______________________________________________________________________ (ii) What is the function of P ? [ 1 mark] Apakah fungsi bahagian P itu ? _______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark ] (b) State the zero error of the micrometer screw gauge Nyatakan bacaan ralat sifar bagi tolok skru mikrometer itu. _________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark ] (c) (i) What is the reading shows in diagram 1(b) ? Apakah bacaan yang ditunjukkan oleh diagram 1 (b) ? _______________________________________________________________________ (ii) What is the diameter of the ball bearing ? [1 mark] Apakah diameter bagi bebola logam itu ? ________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark ]


(d) Calculate the relative error for the diameter of the ball bearing Berapakah ralat relatif bagi diameter bebola logam itu ? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ [ 1 mark ] (e) (i) Is the micrometer screw gauge an accurate measuring instrument ? Adakah tolok skru micrometer menunjukkan ketepatan ketika pengukuran dilakukan ? ________________________________________________________________________ (ii) Explain your answer [ 1mark] Jelaskan jawapan anda. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ [ 1 mark ] 2. A student is asked to measure the diameter of a metal ball and the thickness of a piece of metal. He is supplied with a pair of vernier calipers and a micrometer screw gauge. The student uses the vernier calipers to measure the diameter of the metal ball. Diagram 2.1 shows the position of the vernier calipers when the jaws are closed. Diagram 2.2 shows the position of the vernier scale when he puts the metal ball between the external jaws of the vernier calipers Seorang pelajar diminta mengukur diameter bebola logam dan ketebalan sekeping logam. Dia dibekalkan dengan suatu angkup vernier dan tolok skru micrometer. Pelajar itu menggunakan angkup vernier untuk mengukur diameter bagi bebola logam. Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan kedudukan angkup vernier bilamana rahang dirapatkan. Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan kedudukan skala vernier bilamana dia meletakkan bebola logam diantara rahang luar angkup vernier.

Diagram 2.1 / Rajah 2.1

Diagram 2.2/ Rajah 2.2

(a) What is the value of zero error of the vernier calipers in diagram 2.1 ? Apakah nilai ralat sifar bagi angkup vernier pada rajah 2.1 ? __________________________________________________________________________ [ 1 mark] (b) What is the reading of the vernier ensitiv in Diagram 2.2 ? Apakah bacaan angkup vernier dalam rajah 2.2 __________________________________________________________________________ [ 1 mark] (c) What is the diameter of the metal ball ? Apakah nilai diameter bagi bebola logam itu ? ___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark ]


The student then uses a micrometer screw gauge to measure the thickness of the metal. He took three readings at different places and the readings are shown in the table below. Pelajar itu kemudian menggunakan tolok skru micrometer untuk mengukur ketebalan suatu kepingan logam. Dia mengambil tiga bacaan yang berlainan tempat dan catatan bacaan sebagaimana ditunjukkan dalam jadual di bawah. Table 2 / Jadual 2 Thickness of metal (mm) / Ketebalan kepingan logam (mm) First measurement Second measurement Third measurement Ukuran pertama Ukuran kedua Ukuran ketiga 5.22 5.23 5.23 (d) Calculate the average of the reading given in table 2. Hitungkan purata bacaan yang diberi dalan jadual 2. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ [ 1 mark ] (e) Why the micrometer screw gauge is more sensitive than the vernier calipers ? Mengapakah tolok skru micrometer lebih sensitif berbanding angkup vernier ? __________________________________________________________________________ [ 1 mark ] (f) A measurement which has a high degree of the precision is not necessarily to have a high degree of accuracy. Explain the above statement. Pengukuran yang mempunyai darjah kepersisan tinggi tidak semestinya mempunyai darjah ketepatan yang tinggi. Jelaskan penyataan di atas. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ [ 1 mark ] 3. A spring with a load of mass m is oscillation vertically as shown in the diagram 3. The period of oscillation T is taken and the readings are recorded as shown in the table 3. Suatu spring dengan pemberat berjisim m berayun secara menegak sebagaimana ditunjukkan dalam rajah 3. Tempoh ayunan T diambil dan bacaan adalah dicatatkan seperti jadual 3.

Diagram 3 / Rajah 3 Table 3 / Jadual 3 Mass( pemberat) m (kg) Period (Tempoh) T (s) T2 (s2 )

0.0 0.00 0.00

0.2 0.55

0.4 0.77

0.6 0.95

(a) Complete the table above by filling in values of T2


0.8 1.09

[ 1 mark ]

(b) Plot a graph of T2 against m on the graph given below Lakarkan graf T2 melawan m di atas graf di bawah.

[3 mark ] (c) State the following variables : The responding variable and the manipulated variable: Nyatakan pemblehubah berikut: Pembolehubah bergerak balas dan pembolehubah manipulasi. _________________________________________________________________________ [ 1 mark ] (d) From the graph , state the value of T when m is 0.5 kg. Show how you obtain the value of T from the graph. Daripada graf anda, nyatakan nilai T apabila m bersamaan 0.5 kg. Tunjukkan bagaimana anda memperolehi nilai T daripada graf. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ [ 2 mark] (e) What is the conclusion obtained from your graph ? Apakah kesimpulan yang dapat dinyatakan daripada graf anda ? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ [ 1 mark ]



Diagram 4.1 shows a car moving from P to R. The thrust of the car’s engine is constant throughout PQR. [Ignore the frictional force] Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan sebuah kereta bergerak daripada P ke R. Tujahan enjin kereta adalah tetap di sepanjang PQR. ( Abaikan daya geseran )



Q Diagram 4.1

Diagram 4.2 shows a graph of velocity against time for the motion of the car. Rajah 4.2 menunjukkan graf halaju melawan masa bagi pergerakan kereta tersebut.

v / m s -1

Diagram 4.2 (a)


What is meant by velocity? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan halaju? . ....................………………………………………………………………………………………. [1 mark]



Using diagram 4.2, Menggunakan Rajah 4.2 , (i)

state the physical quantity represented by the area under the graph. nyatakan kuantiti fizik yang diwakili oleh luas di bawah graf.

..……..…………………………………………………………........…………………………... [1 mark] ( ii ) describe the motion of the car from P to Q. huraikan gerakan kereta itu dari P ke Q. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. [1 mark] ( iii ) What is the distance from P to Q ? Berapakah jarak dari P ke Q ?

[1 mark] ( iv )

calculate the deceleration of the car from Q to R hitungkan nyahpecutan kereta dari Q ke R.

[2 marks] (c)

Explain why the car decelerates while moving up the slope even though it is acted upon by a constant thrust. Give a reason for your answer. Terangkan mengapa kereta mengalami nyahpecutan semasa menaiki cerun walaupun tujahan enjin kerata yang bertindak adalah tetap. Beri sebab bagi jawapan anda.. ……...………………………………………………….……………………………………………. ………………………………...………….…………………………………………………………. …………………………………....………………………………………………………………. [2 marks]


Diagram 6.1 ( a ) shows a trolley being pulled by a constant force of F N.Then another trolley of the same mass is placed on top and is pulled with the same force as shown in Diagram 6.1( b ). Rajah 6.1( a ) menunjukkan sebuah troli ditarik dengan satu daya tetap F N. Kemudian sebuah troli lain yang sama jisim diletakkan di atas troli tadi dan ditarik dengan daya yang sama seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 6.1 ( b ).



(b) Diagram 6.1

velocity / cm s-1 1 Trolley

2 Trolley



Diagram 6.2 Diagram 6.2 shows the motion graphs for the trolleys starting from time, t = 0. Rajah 6.2 menunjukkan graf pergerakan bagi troli-troli yang bermula dari masa, t = 0. (a)

What is meant by acceleration? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan pecutan ? ..………………………………………………….………………………………………………….. [1 mark]


Using the graphs from Diagram 6..2, compare the acceleration of 1 trolley and 2 trolley . Dengan menggunakan graf pada Rajah 6.2, bandingkan pecutan 1 troli dan 2 troli .

...……………………………………………………………….………………………………………. [1 mark]



Using your answer for (b), state the relationship between mass and acceleration. Dengan menggunakan jawapan anda di ( b ), nyatakan hubungan di antara jisim dengan pecutan. .………………………………………………………………………….………………………….. [1 mark]


Name the variable that is fixed in the relationship stated in (c). Namakan pemboleh ubah yang dimalarkan di dalam hubungan yang dinyatakan di ( c ). ……………………………………………………………………………………………………... [1 mark]

( e ) On the same graph of Diagram 6.2, sketch the graph for the motion of 1 trolley and 2 trolley if they are being pulled by a larger force. Dengan menggunakan graf yang sama pada Rajah 6.2, lakarkan graf untuk pergerakan 1 troli dan 2 troli jika ditarik dengan menggunakan daya yang lebih besar. [2 marks] (f)

Explain one application for the relationship stated in (c) in the field of motor sport. Terangkan satu aplikasi hubungan yang dinyatakan di ( c ) di dalam bidang sukan permotoran. …..…………………………………………………………………………………………………... ….…………………………………………………………………………………………………… …..…………………………………………………………………………………………………... [2 marks]


Diagram 7 ( a ) Diagram 7 shows a rocket moves upward with an acceleration. Rajah 7 menunjukkan sebuah roket bergerak ke atas dengan pecutan. ( i ) Mark and label the forces acting on the rocket. Tanda dan labelkan daya-daya yang bertindak ke atas roket tersebut. [2 marks] ( ii ) State the relationship between the forces in ( a )( i ). Give a reason for your answer. Nyatakan hubungan antara daya-daya di ( a )( i ). Beri sebab bagi jawapan anda. …. .…………………………………………………………………………………………………... ............................................................................................................................................... [2 marks]


( b ) State two differences between rocket engine and jet engine. Nyatakan dua perbezaan di antara enjin roket dan enjin jet. ........…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] ( c ) A rocket moves with upward force of 10 000 N. The mass of the rocket is 800 kg. ( gravitational acceleration ,g = 10 N kg-1) Sebuah roket bergerak dengan daya tujah ke atas 10 000 N. Jisim roket tersebut adalah 800 kg. ( pecutan graviti, g = 10 N kg -1 ) ( i ) What is the net upward force acting on the rocket ? Berapakah daya tujah bersih ke atas yang bertindak pada roket itu ?

[2 mark] ( ii ) Calculate the acceleration of the rocket. Hitungkan pecutan roket itu.

[2 marks] 7.

( a ) Diagram 8.1 shows a car and a lorry which has different mass approaching a zebra crossing with same velocity 15 m s -1 . Rajah 8.1 menunjukkan sebuah kereta dan sebuah lori yang mempunyai jisim yang berbeza menghampiri lintasan zebra dengan halaju yang sama iaitu 15 m s -1 .

Diagram 8.1 When the drivers in the vehicles saw Siti walking across the zebra crossing, they applied The brake at the same time. The same force was being exerted on the car as well as the lorry until the vehicles came to a complete stop. Bila pemandu kedua-dua kenderaan itu melihat Siti melintasi lintasan zebra, mereka mengenakan brek dengan serentak. Daya yang sama dikenakan ke atas kedua-dua kenderaan sehingga berhenti dengan sempurna.



What is meant by inertia ? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan inersia ?

………………………………………...……………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. [1 mark] ( ii ) Between the car and the lorry in the Diagram 8.1, which first came to a complete stop ? Antara kereta dan lori di dalam Rajah 8.1,yang manakah berhenti dengan Sempurna terlebih dahulu ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] ( iii ) Give a reason for your answer in ( a )( ii ). Beri sebab bagi jawapan anda di ( a )( ii ). ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. [1 mark] ( iv ) State the relationship between the mass and inertia. Nyatakan hubungan antara jisim dan inersia. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. [1 mark] ( v ) If the lorry travelled a distance of 375 m before it came to a stop, calculate the deceleration when the brake was applied until it stop. Jika lori telah bergerak sejauh 375 m sebelum ianya berhenti, hitungkan Nyahpecutan bila brek dikenakan sehingga ia berhenti.

[2 marks] ( b ) Diagram 8.2 shows a boy jumping from a stationary boat onto the jetty. The boat moves away from the jetty as he jumps. Rajah 8.2 menunjukkan seorang budak lelaki melompat dari bot yang pegun ke jeti. Bot Itu bergerak menjauhi jeti semasa budak lelaki itu melompat.

Diagram 8.2 11


What is meant by momentum ? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan momentum ?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. [1 mark] ( ii ) State the physics principle that is involved in the movement of the boat as the boy jumps onto the jetty. Nyatakan prinsip fizik yang berkaitan dengan gerakan bot itu semasa budak lelaki itu melompat ke jeti. …………………………………...……………………………………………………………. [1 mark] ( iii ) Explain why the boat moves away from the jetty when the boy jumps. Terangkan mengapa bot itu bergerak menjauhi jeti semasa budak lelaki itu melompat. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. [1 mark] ( iv ) The mass of the boy is 48 kg and he jumps at a velocity of 2 m s -1. The mass of The boat is 125 kg. Calculate the velocity of the boat as the boy jumps. Jisim budak lelaki itu ialah 48 kg dan dia melompat dengan halaju 2 m s -1. Jisim bot itu ialah 125 kg. Hitungkan halaju bot itu apabila budak lelaki itu melompat.

[2 marks] ( v ) Name one application of the physics principle stated in ( b )( i ) in an exploration of outer space. Namakan satu aplikasi prinsip fizik di ( b )( i ) dalam bidang penerokaan angkasa lepas. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. [1 mark]


SECTION B Answer any one question from this section Jawab mana-mana satu soalan daripada bahagian ini. 8. A student carries out an experiment to find out the relationship between mass, m, and the oscillation period, T, of an inertia balance. A pieceof jigsaw blade is clamped at one end and a plasticine ball with mass 10.0 g is fixed at the oyher end. The distance from the plasticine ball to the clamp is 20.0 cm. The arrangement of the apparatus for the experiment is shown in Diagram below. Seorang pelajar menjalankan eksperimen untuk mengkaji hubungan antara jisim , m, dan tempoh ayunan T, bagi sebuah neraca inersia. Sebilah mata gergaji diapit di satu hujung manakala hujung yang satu lagi dilekatkan dengan seketul plastisin berjisim 10.0 g.Jarak dari plastisin ke pengapit adalah 20.0 cm. Susunan radas adalah seperti dalam rajah di bawah

The jigsaw blade is displaced horizontally to one side and then released so that it oscillates.The time for 10 oscillations, t1, is taken using a stop watch. The jigsaw blade is oscillated again to obtain the time for 10 oscillations,t2, for the second time. The actual readings of t1and t2 are sh own in Diagram 7(ii). Bilah gergaji ditarik ke satu arah secara mendatar kemudian dilepaskan supaya ia berayun. Masa bagi 10 ayunan t1 diambil menggunakan jam randik. Bilah gergaji terus berayun dan masa bagi 10 ayunan seterusnya, t2 diambil. Bacaan sebenar bagi t1 and t2 ditunjukkan dalam rajah 7(ii) The experiment is repeated by using plasticine balls with masses 20.0 g, 30.0 g, 40.0 g and 50.0 g. The readings of stop watch are shown in Figure 7(iii), 7(iv), 7(v), and 7(vi). The period of oscillation,T, of the jigsaw blade is given by the following equation: T=

tmean 10

where t mean =

t1 + t2

2 Eksperimen diulang dengan menggunakan plastisin berjisim 20.0g, 30.0g, 40.0g and 50.0g. Bacaan jam randik diyunjukkan dalam rajah 7(ii), 7(iii), 7(iv), 7(v) and 7(vi). Tempoh ayunan T, bagi bilah gergaji diberikan sebagai T = tmean 10

where tmean = t1 + t2 2


First reading

First reading

First reading

Diagram 7(ii) Mass of load = 10.0 g

Diagram 7(iii) Mass of load = 20.0 g

Diagram 7(iv) Mass of load = 30.0 g 14

Second reading

Second reading

Second reading

First reading

Diagram 7(v) Mass of load = 40.0 g

First reading First reading


Second reading

Second reading Diagram 7(vi) Mass of load = 50.0 g

For the experiment, identify ; (i) the manipulated variable, (ii) the responding variable, (iii) a constant variable. Bagi eksperimen dijalankan, nyatakan: (i) pembolehubah manipulasi (ii) pembolehubah gerakbalas, (iii) pembolehubah dimalarkan.


Second reading


Based on diagram 7(ii), 7(iii), 7(iv), 7(v), 7(vi) determine t1 , t2 , tmean, T and T2 when m is equal to 10.0g, 20.0g, 30.0g, 40.0g and 50.0g.Tabulate your result for t1 , t2 , tmean, T and T2 for each value of m in the space below. Berdasarkan rajah 7(ii), 7(iii), 7(iv), 7(v) and 7(vi) tentukan nilai t1, t2, tmean, T dan T2 bagi nilai m sama dengan 10.0g, 20.0g, 30.0g 40.0g dan 50.0g . Catat keputusan t1, t2, tmean, T dan T2 bagi setiap nilai m dalam ruang di bawah.


On the graph paper, plot a graph of T2 against m. Di atas kertas graf, lukiskan graf T2 lawan m.


Use your graph to state the relationship between T and m. Menggunakan graf anda, nyatakan hubungan antara T dan m.


SECTION C Answer any one question from this section. Jawab mana-mana satu soalan daripada bahagian ini.

Soalan 9.

Base on Figure 12(a) and 12(b), a lorry driver finds it difficult to get the lorry moving when it is fully loaded compared to an empty lorry. He also finds it is difficult to stop for a fully loaded lorry compared to an empty one. Bsed on the above situation, Berdasarkan rajah 12(a) dan rajah 12(b), pemandu lori mendapati amat sukar untuk menggerakkan lori ketika muatan penuh berbanding lori kosong. Dia juga mendapati amat susah untuk memberhentikan lori yang penuh muatan berbanding lori kosong. Berdasarkan situasi ini, (a)

state the concept of physics involved. [2 marks] nyatakan konsep fizik yang terlibat. (b) Explain the factor for causing the driver to experience the situation as described in (a). [4 marks] Terangkan factor yang menyebabkan pemandu merasai situasi di atas.

Figure 13



Figure 13 shows a car moving at constant velocity. Rajah13 menunjukkan sebuah kereta sedang bergerak dengan halaju malar. (i)

What is meant by constant velocity? [2 marks] Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan halaju malar ? Based on the concept of physics that isapplicable, explain how the car can be designed to protect the driver from serious injuries in accidents. [8 marks] Berdasarkan konsep fizik yang sesuai, terangkan bagaimana reka bentuk sebuah kereta boleh dilakukan untuk melindungi pemandu daripada kecederaan yang teruk jika berlaku kemalangan.



The car in figure 13 is moving with a constant velocity. State the forces acting on the car. What is the relationship between the forces? Kereta dalam Rajah 13 sedang bergerak dengan halaju malar. Nyatakan daya-daya yang bertindak ke atas kereta itu. Apakah hubungkait di antaradaya-daya tersebut.


[4 marks]

As shown in figure 14a and figure 14b , a force F acts upon a block of mass 5.5 kg on a frictionless surface at an angle θ to the horizontal. Seperti ditunjukkan dalam rajah14(a) dan rajah 14(b), suatu daya F bertindak ke atas sebuah bongkah berjisim 5.5 kg di atas permukaan yang licin.dengan sudut θ daripada permukaan mendatar.




(i) (ii)

Diagram 14 What is meant by force? Apakah maksud daya? What is the horizontal acceleration of the block in figure 14a if the magnitude of F is equal to 8 N? Apakah pecutan mengufuk bagi bongkah rajah 14(a) jika magnitud daya F adalah 8 N?



[1 mark]

[2 marks]



What is the horizontal accelerationof the block in figure 14b if the angle θ is equal to 18˚ and the magnitude of F is equal to 8 N? [3 marks] Berapakah pecutan arah mengufuk bagi bongkah rajah 14(b) jika sudut θ adalah 18˚ dan magnitude daya F adalah 8 N?


What is the minimum value of F to lift up the block if the angle is kept at 18˚ ? Apakah nilai minimum bagi F untuk (lift up) bongkah jika sudut masih kekal 18˚ ?



If the magnitude of F is kept at 8 N, could we lift up the block by changing the angle ? Jika daya ditetapkan 8 N, bolehkah kita ( lift up ) bongkah dengan menukarkan nilai sudut θ ?

[3 marks]

[3 marks]

A car of mass 1 000 kg is moving with a velocity of 15 ms on a straight road. When the car is braked and stop in 5 seconds, calculate ; Sebuah kereta berjisim 1000 kg sedang bergerak dengan halaju 15 ms di atas jalan lurus. Bila brek ditekan, kereta berhenti dalam masa 5 saat. Hitungkan (i) the acceleration of the car, pecutan kereta itu,

[2 marks]

(ii) the average braking force, daya membrek purata,

[3 marks]

(iii) total distance travelled by the car. jumlah jarak dilalui oleh kereta itu.

[3 marks]


Jawapan Kertas peperiksaan Fizik 4 Tahun 2008. 1. a (i) (ii) b. c. (i) (ii) d.

Ratchet To avoid tightening the screw too much + 0.02 mm 4.26 mm 4.26 – ( 0.02 ) = 4.24 mm Absolute error = 0.5 ( 0.01 mm) = 0.005 mm Relative error = 0.005/ 4.24 X 100% = 0.12 % atau 0.1 % e. (i) Micrometer screw gauge is an accurate measuring instrument. (ii) Because its relative erroe is small i.e. 0.1 %

2. (a) + 0.02 cm or 0.2 mm (b) 1.73 cm (c) 1.73 cm – ( + 0.02 cm ) = 1.71 cm. (d) 5.23 mm (e) Micrometer is more sensitive because it can detect a smaller change in the quantity to be measured. The smallest readable value of micrometer is 0.001 cm. the smallest readable value of vernier is 0.01 cm. (f) Reading which are precise means the value are very close. Reading which are precise are not accurate if they are far from the actual value of the quantity. 3. (a) 0.30 , 0.59 , 0.90 , 1.19. (b) Skala selanjar dab mengikut saiz Pindah titik Garis terbaik (c) Period T and mass m (d) Tanda pada graf 1 markah 0.866 s +/- 0.02 1 markah (e) T2 is direct proportional to m.


(a) (b)


1 markah. 1 markah’ 1 markah.

Rate of change of displacement






Constant / Uniform velocity ( for first 5 s )



50 m



5 - 10 3 - 1.67 ms -2 @ Deceleration is 1.67 ms -2


Resultant force decrease due to against gravity force

(1) (1)


Total = 8 marks




Rate of change of velocity



Acceleration of 1 trolley is bigger than 2 trolley



The acceleration of an object decreases when its mass increases





v/cm s-1

1 trolley

(e) 1 trolley


2 trolley 2 trolley



*Racing car *Acceleration increases when its mass decreases ( same engine capacity )

(1) (1)

Total = 8 marks



(i) Upthrust







* Upthrust is bigger than weight * because the rocket accelerates upwards Rocket engine Carry out an oxygen Can move to outer space

(1) (1)

Jet engine Not carry out an oxygen Cannot move to outer space (2)




10 000 - 8 000


2 000 N


2 000 800 2.5 ms -2

(1) (1) Total = 10 marks





The tendency of an object at rest to remain at rest, or if moving, to continue its uniform motion in a straight line. (1)


The car



The car has a smaller mass @ The car has a smaller inertia



The inertia of an object increases when its mass increases



0 2 - 15 2 2(375)


- 30 ms -2 @ Deceleration is 30 ms -2



Product of mass and velocity



Conservation of momentum principle.



Momentum of the boy (towards) is the same as momentum of the boat (backwards)



48 ( 2 ) = 125 ( v )


v = 0.77 ms -1


Rocket propulsion



Total = 12 marks


8. (a) (i) Mass of plasticine, m (ii) Period of oscillation, T (ii) Length of hacksaw blade

(1) (1) (1)

(b) m/g 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0

t1/s 4.0 5.4 6.8 8.0 8.8

t2/s 4.2 5.2 7.0 8.2 9.0

t mean/s 4.1 5.3 6.9 8.1 8.9

T2/s2 0.17 0.28 0.48 0.66 0.79

T/s 0.41 0.53 0.69 0.81 0.89

- name for all columns are correct -all units are correct -all readings are correct

(1) (1) (5)

(c) - title of graph, name and unit of y axis and name and unit of x-axis - suitable scale for y-axis and x-axis - points are correctly transferred ( 1 mark/point x 5 point) - best balanced graph -smooth curve

(1) (1) (5) (1) (1)

(d) T2 is directly proportional to m.


9. (a) Inertia


(b) Inertia of an object depends on mass. When mass increases, inertia increases or vice versa

(2) (2)

(c) (i) Unchanged/fixed rate of change of displacement (2) (ii) Air bag (1) : protect the driver by increasing time of impact/decreasing impulsive force (1) Safety belt (1): hold the driver and increasing time of impact (1) Longer/softer crumple zone(1) : increases time of impact (1) Side impact bar (1) : increases time of impact (1) *Others suitable answers are also accepted (d) Thrust, Drag(air resistance), weight, normal reaction Thrust = Drag, Weight = Normal Reaction


(3) (1)

10 (a) (i) Force is physics quantity that can change the states of motion and shape of an object (1) (ii) F=ma, a = F/m = 8/5.5 = 1.45 ms-2 (2) (iii) 8 x cos 18O = 5.5 x a (1) , a = 1.38 ms-2 (2) (b) (i) Minimum force to lift up the block = 8 x sin 18O = 2.47 N (3) (ii) No. The vertical component, FsinΘ is always balanced by the weight of the block.(3) (c) (i)



u= 15 ms-1, v = 0 ms-1, t = 5 s a = (0 – 15)/5 (Correct substitution) = - 3 ms-2 (Correct unit)

(1) (1)

F = ma F = 1000 x (- 3) (Correct substitution) F = - 3000 N (Correct unit)

(1) (2)

v2 = u2 + 2as 152 + 2 (-3)s = 02 (Correct substitution) 6s = 125 s = 37.5 m (Correct unit)


(1) (2)

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