Posting Policy

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Chikitsa Seva (Sena) Mahanideshalaya Adjutant General Shakha Sena Mukhyalaya Dte Gen of Medical Services(Army) Adjutant General ‘s Branch Army Headquarters ‘L’ Block, New Delhi – 110 001


16 Jan 2004

Headquarters Southern Command (Med) Eastern Command (Med) Western Command (Med) Central Command (Med) Northern Command (Med) Army Training Command

AMC Centre & School, Lucknow AFMC Pune DGAR Shillong DGBR

POLICY GUIDELINES : POSTINGS ARMY MEDICAL CORPS OFFICERS Introduction 1. The Army Medical Corps is responsible to provide comprehensive, multi-faceted and multi-dimensional primary, secondary and tertiary health care to entitled personnel and their families. The Directorate General of Medical Services (Army) provides manpower to medical (Hospitals and Field medical units) and non medical units of the Army, Inter Service Organisations, Paramilitary Organisations, Defence Research Development Organisation, National Cadet Corps, Border Roads, Coast Guards, Indian Military Training Teams abroad, United Nation missions and to Foreign Human Assistance Programmes. 2. Placement and postings of officers are an important factor in ensuring quality medical care efficiently and effectively, ensuring organizational effectivity, taking care of Human Resources Development (HRD) planning and execution, as well as fulfilling officers individual career aspirations and their growth requirements. The important holistic parameters taken into consideration for posting of officers are the existing and futuristic requirements of the organization to effectively meet the health and medical care needs and demand of clientele, overall manpower availability, career planning of officers, profile of officers including their previous postings, academic qualifications, performance, availability of vacancies and personal requirements of officers. Guiding Principles 3. The principles enumerated are guidelines to facilitate postings and placements to ensure that organisational requirements and exigencies are fulfilled in best possible manner at all times. The principles as outlined in succeeding paragraphs will be followed for posting of officers of Army Medical Corps and all matters pertaining to acceptance or rejection of application for compassionate postings including spouse posting, last tenure postings and deferment /cancellation of postings.

2 (a) Organizational requirements will always override all other stipulations in matters of postings including tenures. (b) Applications related to posting matters should be routed through proper channels, and as per format given in this policy guideline. (c) Posting may be deferred on specific request in exceptional cases only and for a maximum period of three months. (d) Applications for extension of tenure should be submitted upto six months prior to completion of stipulated tenure through proper channel. (e) Request for posting on compassionate ground to stations or nearby places where officers has already served in previous 5 yrs will normally not be considered. (f) Request for posting on compassionate ground or last tenure posting should indicate stations of choice and not any specific unit in the stations. (g) Compassionate or last tenure postings will be strictly for a period of two years only. No extension of Compassionate/Last Tenure Posting will be permissible. (h) Last Tenure Posting may be considered only during the last 2 years of service from the anticipated superannuation. Extension of tenure in a particular station on grounds of last tenure will generally not be granted. (j) Spouse postings will normally be considered for any two out of three successive tenures subject to organizational feasibility. (k) Compassionate Ground Postings or spouse postings to stations where an officers spouse is undergoing course/training/study leave will not be considered. (l) Requests for posting to a specific choice station/Compassionate Ground Posting/Spouse Posting, from officers reverted back from deputation or long courses abroad will generally not be considered. (m) Commanding Officer/Commandant of the unit is responsible to ensure timely implementation of posting. It is an important Command function and non compliance will be viewed seriously at this Directorate General. The monitoring of the timely implementation will be done by the concerned formation/Command HQ to ensure timely execution of orders. (n) Postings related to promotions to select rank will be vacancy based and not be regulated as per tenures specified in this policy letter. (o) Regimental Medical Officers/Medical Officers of units irrespective of whether located in Peace/Field moving from a Corps Zone will be attached to relieving unit or nearest medical unit for completion of sector tenure. (p) Keeping in view the manpower availability, establishment and functional deficiency of medical officers, Regimental Medical Officers/Medical Officers to Field formations will be posted as per following guidelines :-

3 (i) Intense Counter 70% (at Division level) Insurgency operations (Field Ambulances and Non Medical Units) (ii) Formation Committed 55 – 60 % (at Division level) in Low Intensity Conflict operations (Field Ambulance and Non Medical Units) (ii) Formation Deployed on 50– 55 % (at Division level) International Border /Line of Control/High Altitude (Field Ambulance and Non Medical Units) (ii) Formation located in 40 – 45 % (at Division level) Peace Station/Soft Field Stations (Field Ambulance and Non Medical Units) (ii) Peripheral Hospitals under orbat of Corps/Division

Specialist Officers will be posted as per requirement and availability

(q) Discipline and Vigilance Ban. The policy guidelines issued by Discipline and Vigilance Directorate will form the basic working guidelines in such cases. (r) Request from Unauthorised Channels. Approach through unauthorized channel would invite disciplinary action as per the existing Regulations on the subject (Para 557 and 559 of Regulations of the Army – 1987 Revised Edition) and a record will be made in the officer’s dossier regarding the same. (s) A note will be recorded in the dossier of officers whose posting or move to Field or Counter Insurgency areas has been cancelled after issue of orders for whatsoever reasons. Posting on Commissioning 4. Officers Granted Commission in the rank of Lieutenant in Army Medical Corps for Purpose of Completing Internship/Granted Commission after Completion of Internship Training. (a) Officers who are granted commission in the Army Medical Corps before completion of internship training will be posted to recognized service hospitals till such time internship is completed. On completion of internship training, the officer will be posted out as per service requirements. On completion of internship training from service institutions, officers will be detailed for Medical Officers Basic Course scheduled thereafter. (b) Officers who join Army Medical Corps after completion of internship training from civil institutions may be initially posted to Military Hospitals preferably nearest to their home station. They will be detailed for Medical Officers Basic Course scheduled immediately thereafter. (c) All Officers attending Medical Officers Basic Course will be posted to new unit on termination of the course. Officers who are unable to attend Medical Officers Basic

4 Course because of low medical classification or being returned to unit from the course, will be posted out from parent unit without awaiting successful completion of Medical Officers Basic Course (MOBC). (d) All newly commissioned officers/officers commissioned and completing internship in service hospitals attending Medical Officers Basic Course will be posted to Field areas. Officers who come to MOBC from Field and have not completed their Field tenure may be posted back to the parent unit to complete their Field tenure. (e) Newly commissioned permanent officers will not be entitled to posting on compassionate grounds for the first three years of service as Captain. If desired by officers, all efforts will be made by this Directorate General to co-locate married couples in Field areas, subject to exigencies of service and availability of vacancies. (f) Officers commissioned in the Army Medical Corps and possessing post graduate degree in clinical and para-clinical subjects from recognised Universities will be posted to hospitals in Peace/Field areas preferably under supervision of Senior Advisors/ Senior Specialist for a period of one year depending upon the organizational requirement and availability of vacancies. Officers Granted Second Short Service Commission 5. Officers who are granted second Short Service Commission in Army Medical Corps after a gap of 5 yrs from earlier commission will be treated at par with any other newly commissioned officer in matters related to postings. Subsequent Postings 6. Generally tenure of appointment will be 2-3 years. Tenure in High Altitude Area and Recruiting Organisation will generally be of 2 years only. Tenures of staff officers at Army Headquarters and Instructors at Army Medical Corps Centre and School will be 3-4 years. Details are listed as Appendix ‘A’. A minimum gap between two High Altitude tenures will be 6 years and between two Field tenures will be 5 years. A reposting ban for posting back to same station will be applicable for 5 years. These guiding principles cannot be quoted as an authority for seeking full tenure/extension of tenure if posted out due to the organizational requirements. 7. In order to fulfill the Armed Forces role and responsibilities in peace and war, the organization requirements will always have an overriding consideration vis-à-vis all other requirements. Not withstanding any provisions/guidelines on posting or tenures, posting including compassionate postings will be governed by this overriding important criteria. Depending on organizational requirements tenures may be truncated, officers be posted prematurely, or previously granted Compassionate Ground Posting or collocation with spouse may be reviewed and curtailed. 8. Medical Officers will be as follows:-

Guidelines for posting Medical Officers upto the rank of Lt Col

(a) On Commissioning Posting to Hospitals for 0 – 6 months depending upon the schedule of Medical Officers Basic Course.

5 (b) After Medical Officers Basic Course Posting to Field as Regimental Medical Officers or Medical Officers in Field Ambulances. (c) Subsequent postings will be to Field Ambulances/Military Hospitals/ Paramilitary Organisations/Recruiting Organisations/DRDO/Border Roads/ Coast Guard depending on organisational requirements and posting profile of officers. (d) Extra Regimental Employment appointments will generally be after every two regimental postings (Field Ambulances/Military Hospitals). 9.

Specialist Officers (a) Officers Possessing Post Graduate Degree in Clinical or Paraclinical Subject prior to Commission On completion of first tenure of 1 year as per para 4 (f) above, these officers will be preferably posted to work independently in hospitals or Field Ambulances as auth and as per service requirements. (b) Officers Ex Advance Course. On completion of Advance Course, officers will preferably be posted to work under a Senior Advisor/Senior Specialists for 1 year. However, this may not be feasible till such time adequate number of officers is available in the respective specialitites. In the specialities where deficiency exists officers ex-Advance Course may be posted to meet the service requirement. Thereafter these offices will be preferably posted to work independently in hospitals or Field Ambulances as per service requirements.

10. Super Specialist Officers Depending on the speciality, availability of the vacancies, number of officers in a particular super speciality and service requirements officers immediately after training/obtaining Super Specialist qualification will be posted to a centre in the concerned superspeciality. Subsequently the officer will be posted alternatively to hosp not having the respective Super Speciality centre and then to a Superspeciality centre. Posting to Para Units 11. Postings to PARA / PARA (Special Forces) units will be considered only on a voluntary basis. Officers may forward their applications in duplicate to this Directorate General through proper channels in format as per Appendix ‘B’ to this letter. The applications will not be withheld at any level, even if authorities in chain of Command do not recommend the same. Newly commissioned officers undergoing Medical Officers Basic Course may forward their applications through OTS, AMC Centre and School, Lucknow. The following qualitative requirement will be adhered to while recommending the selecting the officers :(a)

Officers should be volunteers.


Officers should be in medical classification SHAPE-1 with high standard of physical fitness.


Officers should not be more than 30 years of age.

12. All officers volunteering for PARA/PARA (SF) posting will undergo probation at 60 Para Field Ambulance for a period of upto 28 days. Officers who do not qualify in probation

6 or are found unsuitable at any stage of probation will be reverted to parent unit forthwith under intimation to this Directorate General. Those officers who after commencement of probation apply for withdrawal from Para will be reverted back to parent unit under intimation to this Directorate General. On successful completion of probation, officers will undergo Para Basic Course at Para Training School, Air Force, Agra, on successful completion of which they will normally be posted to Para/Para (SF) units. Officers who have successfully undergone probation and Para Basic course will not undergo any further probation when posted to PARA/PARA (SF) units. 13. On permanent move of the PARA/PARA (SF) unit, the Regimental Medical Officer will be shed behind with the relieving unit or nearest medical unit on attachment. Simultaneously a case for sidestepping of Regimental Medical Officer for completion of sector tenure/posting out on completion of tenure will be taken up by the Senior Medical Officer of the Unit. In cases where Regimental Medical Officer has completed the sector tenure, he/she may move out of sector with the Para unit for a maximum tenure of four years in the same unit on specific instructions of this Directorate General. Posting to Recruiting Organisation 14. An officer will normally have one tenure in Recruiting Organisation, which will be of two years duration. A re-posting ban of 10 years will apply to officers once posted to the Recruiting Organisation, other than Regimental Centres. Officers will not be posted in Recruiting Organisation of their Home State. Posting to Paramilitary Orginasations 15. Postings of officers to Paramilitary Organisations will be governed by existing policies of Directorate General Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS). Some of the stations in National Cadet Corps, Defence Research Development Organisation and Recruiting Organisation are non-military stations where limited civil amenities exist thus these stations for purposes of turnover will be equated to posting to Modified Field areas. Posting/Deputation on Foreign Assignments 16. Posting/deputations on foreign assignments will be governed by SOP of this Directorate General. Services of Regimental Medical Officers/Medical Officers for completion of predispatch formalities will be provided to sponsoring Directorate not earlier than 15 days prior to scheduled departure of body of troops/Regimental Medical Officer/Medical Officer proceeding on deputation. Posting to Newly Raised Units. 17. Medical Officers/Regimental Medical Officers will be posted to newly raised units (including Rashtriya Rifles/Assam Rifles), after publication of Government Order authorizing Medical Officer/Regimental Medical Officer to these units. Such postings may be considered only on induction of the newly raised unit in active Operation role/High Altitude Area, subject to conditions laid down in para 3 (p) and service exigencies. Till such time the Medical Officer/Regimental Medical Officer is authorized to the newly raised unit, the medical cover will be responsibility of the Formation under which placed.

7 Posting to Units having Section Hospitals. 18. Many service hospitals are authorized a Section Hospital which are at varying distance from the parent unit. In order to provide continuity and to meet the laid down requirement allotment of Government accommodation and Transfer Grant the officers will be posted to Section Hospitals by name and it will be reflected in the posting order accordingly. Posting on Re-employment 19. Posting of officers granted re-employment will be based on organizational requirement. Compassionate Ground Posting, last tenure posting or change of posting during the spell of reemployment is generally not granted. Officers on re-employment will not be posted to their last duty station of regular service. Posting Low Medical Category Officers 20. Low Medical Category officers as per their sector profile may be posted to Field areas when due, keeping in view the restrictions imposed by the medical authorities on their employability. The aspect of availability of appropriate medical facilities will be ensured when low medical category officers with employability restrictions, are posted to Field areas. Premature Retirement Cases 21. Officers who apply for Premature Retirement/Resignation after receipt of their posting orders to new units, will be required to move to their next duty station and their posting will not be cancelled. The requests for Premature Retirement/ Resignation will be processed in a normal manner consequent to their move to the new station. Premature Posting of Officers due to Unsatisfactory Performance 22. Prior to submitting a request to this Directorate General for posting out an officer on grounds of unsatisfactory performance, the reporting officer should initiate necessary administrative, disciplinary action, or give performance counseling as per rules, followed by suitable warnings and initiation of reports against the officers who did not perform duties satisfactorily. This Directorate General will move out the officer only after these actions have been taken. Such requests will invariably be routed through intermediary medical channels. Re-Posting Ban 23. A re-posting ban of five years will apply on officers who have done a posting tenure of two years or more at Pune, Secunderabad, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Delhi, Chandimandir, Mumbai and Bangalore. Waivers of ban period will only be granted in exceptional cases with approval of the Director General Medical Services (Army). 24. Definition of Delhi/Pune/Secunderabad. Delhi station includes all appointments in Headquarters, establishments, units located in Delhi and NCR. Pune station will like wise include all such appointments in Pune, Kirkee, Khadakvasla, Ghorpudi, Pashan, Dighi, Dehu Road and other suburbs of Pune. Secunderabad complex will include Secunderabad, Hyderabad and Golconda. 25.

Applicability. Re-posting ban will apply to officers of the rank of Lt Cols and below.

8 Compassionate Postings 26. Application from officers for Compassionate Ground Posting will be considered objectively on the merit of each case. However, accepting such requests is contingent upon officers making these requests well in time before completion of ongoing tenures and before issue of posting orders. Officers should keep in mind their own sector and peace-field profile as well as their qualifications before forwarding application for specific stations. Request for posting on compassionate ground to stations where officers has already served in the preceding 5 years will generally not be considered. All such requests must be routed only through proper channels. Postings to choice stations, however, will also be contingent upon availability of vacancy and service requirements. Advance copy will be endorsed only for the purpose of intimation to this Directorate General. No cognizance or further processing will be undertaken till receipt of the application through proper channel. 27. The Deputy Directors Medical Services (DDsMS) Commands will scrutinize all applications forwarded as per Appendix ‘C’ based on the guidelines enumerated and will forward the same to this office only if they are in conformity with this policy letter. 28.

Officer may apply for compassionate posting as under :(a)

Medical Reasons Officers Own Illness (i) For treatment in specialized centres for self. The officer must indicate at least three stations where specialized centres are authorized in Military Hospitals/Civil Hospitals and should not insist for a particular centre/station only. Family Members Illness (ii) A large number of parents especially those of Lt Cols and above are likely to be suffering from age related/chronic medical ailments. It is administratively not feasible to grant compassionate grounds postings to officers for this purpose. In exceptional cases only Compassionate Ground Postings as a short term requirement for treatment of dependent family member shall be considered.


Children Education

Officers should exercise the option of retention of accommodation for children education as per Special Army Order 10/S/86. Officers may volunteer for a field tenure for retention of accommodation/separated accommodation in particular station. Application for posting to high pressure stations such as Delhi, Pune, Mumbai, Secunderabad, Bangalore, Kolkata, Lucknow on grounds of children education will not be entertained. (c)

Financial Reasons

Voluntary posting to Field Station/High Altitude Area and to such other places due to economic hardship or for retention of family accommodation at a station may be

9 accepted subject to exigencies of service and officers past service profile. This tenure subsequently cannot be used as a ground for requesting for Compassionate Ground Posting or choice posting. (d)

Posting from Field to Field

Request for retention in Field area/posting to another Field area will be considered only in exceptional cases. The officer will submit complete details/reasons for requesting continuation in Field station alongwith an undertaking that he is aware and responsible of the implications/adverse effects on health in case of acceptance of his application for retention in Field station for more than the stipulated tenure. (e)

Spouse Posting

Officers seeking spouse posting should ask for collocation and not any specific station or unit. In case of husband and wife both serving in Armed Forces, request for posting both of them to the same station will generally be considered subject to exigencies of services and on the basis of following conditions :(i)

Availability of vacancies in the station/unit.

(ii) Not involving posting of any other officers out of turn to accommodate the husband/wife. (iii) Spouse postings may be considered for any two of three successive tenures. (iv) Requests for spouse posting to stations in high demand such as Pune complex, Secunderabad, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Delhi, Chandimandir, Mumbai, Bangalore will not be considered. (v) If any one of them is posted out on promotion the spouse may not be accommodated in the same station. (vi) Request for move of officer alongwith spouse when the latter attends course of instruction/advance course/Study Leave will not be considered. Such request will not be forwarded to the Directorate General by the intermediary authorities. (vii) In case spouse of an officer is in service in different Arms/Service the posting liability should be shared on equal basis i.e. spouse should also arrange his posting through respective MS Branch for co-location on a 50% basis. Once one posting is granted by the Directorate General Medical Services, the spouse should apply through his/her channels for the second posting together. An endorsement will be made in the dossier of the officer as regards the number of postings that have been allowed by Medical Directorate /MS Branch on request. (viii) Station/Unit specific request for spouse posting will generally not be considered.

10 (f)

Multiple Reasons

Vague applications giving multiple reasons to elicit sympathy should be rejected at respective Headquarters Commands (Medical Branch). Main reasons should be listed and each reason should be supported with brief notes and documents/ certificates which will be attached with the application. 29. Application for compassionate posting for court cases/divorce/property litigation/house construction will normally not be considered. 30.

Last Tenure Posting (a) The officers may apply for last tenure posting 2 years before their superannuation. Their application will be considered subject to availability of vacancies/service requirement. Last tenure posting will neither be combined with present places of posting nor considered to a station where the officers has served in preceding 10 years. Last tenure posting will be considered on case to case basis and granted subject to individual and organisation requirement as well as availability of vacancy. It should not be construed as a matter of right. (b) Short Service Commissioned officers serve the organization for a limited period only and their utilization does not provide any scope for granting last tenure posting.

31. Choice of Stations in Applications while indicating the choice stations, officers will invariably indicate three distinct stations in discreet geographical areas in at least two Command theatres. Applications stating stations within the same complex such as Delhi Cantt and Old Delhi, or Pune, Kirkee, Khadakvasla will be returned unactioned by intermediary Authorities. Unit specific and appointment specific Compassionate Ground Posting will not be processed. Such applications will not be forwarded by Intermediary Authorities. 32. Rejection at Intermediate Levels. Only those applications recommended at least two levels up need to be forwarded to Army Headquarters. Those not recommended should be disposed of and the applicants informed accordingly. While disposing off applications at an intermediate level, Headquarters concerned must also intimate this Directorate General for information. 33. Restriction on the Number of Requests Normally one request for a posting on compassionate grounds from an officer during his service career will be considered. Compassionate grounds posting should be requested by officers only in exceptional circumstances and not as a matter of routine. Repeated requests will be adversely viewed at this Directorate General and would normally not be accepted. Cancellation/Deferment of Posting / Extension of Tenure 34. Representations against postings are generally not entertained. If, however, it is felt that such representations need to be considered in view of any special/peculiar nature of the case, like pending application for premature retirement/resignation or if a cause for compassion arose after issue of the posting order, these may be expeditiously forwarded along with appropriate recommendations. Once the application is regretted by this Directorate General no reconsideration will be done.

11 35. Requests for cancellation/deferment of postings will normally be entertained only in exceptional circumstances. The applications will be progressed with this Directorate General through intermediary medical authorities. Communications by lower formations made directly with this Directorate General will not be taken cognizance of. Extension of tenures/deferment of postings will not be considered in cases where officers have had tenures of 4 years or more in the unit on any grounds. Deferment of postings, if granted, will only be for a maximum period of 03 months only. Deferment of posting or extension of tenure once granted if followed by another request for further deferment and/or extension will not be granted. 36. Officers are to project their requirement through proper channel along with an advance copy to this Directorate General well in time so that due consideration can be given to it when the posting proposal is being finalized. Requests for cancellation/deferment of posting after issue of posting order will not be normally entertained except when reasons/circumstances leading to such requests have occurred recently. Once posting order is issued an officer should apply for deferment/cancellation within 14 days of receipt of posting order in the unit and advance copy should be forwarded to DGMS-1(b). The decision will however will be taken only on receipt of the application through proper channel. Choice Stations After Serving in Field/High Altitude Area 37. The officers serving in 14 Corps Zone, 15 Corps Zone, Rashtriya Rifles in Cl Ops and High Altitude Areas may give choice of three stations in order of their preference three months before completion of their field tenure. The three stations indicated by the officers will be invariably in three different geographical areas in at least two Command theatres. Their request would be considered sympathetically subject to availability of vacancy. However, no assurance can be given that officers will be adjusted in one of the stations of their choice. Intermediary Authorities will ensure that stations of choice are predominantly Army stations and in case of Medical Officers at least two out of three stations must have collocated Field Ambulance. Choices including stations such as Bangalore, Cochin, Visakapatnam, Mumbai which are predominantly Non-Army Stations, should not be requested for. Station in which the officers have served in the preceding 05 years will not be considered. Attachments 38.

(a) Attachments pertaining to disciplinary cases should be referred timely to Adjutant General’s Branch. (b) Attachments under Regulations for the Army para 93 will be sanctioned by this Directorate General in very exceptional cases and only in service interest. . (c) Attachments of officers on grounds of spouse undergoing training/course/ study leave shall not be considered.

Extended Joining Time 39. Provisions exist vide Army Order 259/73 for grant of Extended Joining Time in exceptional cases for organizational interest. Headquarters Command/ Corps/Formations should be discreet while recommending cases for grant of Extended Joining Time.

12 Officers Appearing in CAT-PG Examination. 40. Officers appearing in CAT-PG Examination get sufficient number of chances for passing the examinations. Notwithstanding this, all efforts will be made by this Directorate General that such affected officers are not posted within one month prior to the date of the examination. In such cases, move may be deferred till after the completion of the examination. Implementation of posting orders will only be deferred if an officer is appearing in the examination. Request for cancellation of posting orders will not be entertained on this account. Irregular Approaches 41. Officers are advised to desist from establishing any unauthorised contacts with any Army officials, Ministers, MPs or Government officials, with a view to solicit favour related to postings. Appropriate Disciplinary or Administrative action will be taken against those officers who have made or who have caused to be made, such direct or indirect approaches with the intention to obtain preferential treatment for themselves. The officers are also advised to impress upon their family members to refrain from using their contacts to influence decision in favour of officers. Appropriate Disciplinary/ Administrative action will be taken against officers who have made or have caused to be made through their relatives / friends such direct or indirect approach with intention to obtain preferential treatment for themselves. Any direct or indirect attempt on part of an individual to seek preferential treatment for oneself shall be viewed as an act prejudicial to good order and military discipline and violative of provisions of Regulations of Army (1987 Revised Edition) paras 557 and 559 as applicable. In addition to this, record of such influences would be maintained in the dossiers of concerned officers. 42. Officer should himself apply through proper channel, no action will be taken on verbal requests, Demi Official letters, requests made by friends or relatives including spouse of an officer and other service officers. Implementation of Posting Orders 43. On receipt of posting order pertaining to the unit/formation under their jurisdiction, Headquarters Commands will send a signal/letter to the concerned formation to confirm receipt of posting order and its compliance. The concerned Formation/Unit should also be instructed to inform this Directorate General by signal the date on which the officer has been Struck of Strength (SOS). In addition, the arrival and departure reports will be forwarded by Units as per instructions in force. Posting of an officer will not be held in abeyance without specific instructions from this Directorate General. The Deputy Directors Medical Services (Command) will ensure that the officers proceed on posting within the stipulated period. Cases of delayed implementation of posting order with reasons in detail should be forwarded to this Directorate General with remarks of intermediary medical Authorities in the chain of Command. Officers will not be retained pending a decision from this Directorate General on a request for a change/deferment of posting as well as on the grounds of having submitted Statutory/Non-Statutory complaint/application for Premature Retirement/Resignation. Posting orders issued by this Directorate General will be implemented as directed.

13 Conclusion 44. The instructions and guidelines enumerated are to ensure objectiveness, fairness and transparency in placements and posting of officers in order to ensure organizational effectivity in times of peace and war. These guidelines do not confer any right on officers to represent against posting quoting these orders. It is again emphasized that station and tenure of posting are dependent on various parameters such as organization requirements, overall manpower situation, career management of officers, officers profile, professional competence, individual requirement, availability of vacancies and chain posting. However, the organizational requirement will receive paramount consideration and will always override all other stipulations related to posting including tenures. The Director General Medical Services (Army) may in organizational interest/requirements and exigencies of service post officers irrespective of any other considerations including tenures and places of posting. 45. All the previous letters on the subject as enumerated below are hereby cancelled. Any other letter in existence on the matter of posting and not mentioned here is also deemed to have been superseded by this letter. (a)

13192/DGMS-1(b) dt 06 Sep 86.


13192/POLICY/DGMS-1(b) dt 12 Jan 93.


13192/DGMS-1(b) dt 22 Feb 93.


12014/DGMS-1(b) dt 16 Apr 93.


12015/Policy/DGMS-1(b) dt 30 Mar 95.


13192/Policy/DGMS-1(b) dt 19 Jun 95.


13192/Policy/DGMS-1(b) dt 03 Jul 96.


13192/Policy/DGMS-1(b) dt 27 Feb 97.


13192/Policy/DGMS-1(b) dt 12 May 97.


13192/POLICY/DGMS-1(b) 11 Mar 98.


13192/Policy/DGMS-1(b) dt 25 May 99.


13192/POLICY/DGMS-1(b) dt 12 Apr 2000.

Brig Dy DGMS (P) for Adjutant General

Internal :AG Sectt, AG Coord, DGAFMS/DG-1D, CF




Appendix ‘A’ (Refers to para 6 of AHQ letter No 13192/Policy/DGMS-1(b) dt 16 Jan 2004) TENURE OF APPOINTMENTS 1. Tenure of appointments in respect of Army Medical Corps officers will be 2 to 3 years except the following:(a)

Commandant (Brig) of Military Hospital


1 to 2 years


Staff at Army Headquarters


3 to 4 years


Commanding Officer/Additional Director Medical Services


2 to 2 ½ years


Instructional Appointments in Officer Trainig School and Army Medical Corps, Center & School


3 to 4 yrs


Recruiting Organisation


2 yrs


High Altitude Areas


2 yrs


Army Hospital (R&R), Delhi Cantt


3 to 4 yrs

2. Minimum gap between two consecutive High Altitude posting would be 6 yrs and between two consecutive Field postings would generally be 5 yrs. Officers in Low Med Cat who are due to Field assignments would be posted to Field units commensurate with their employability restrictions. 3.

Officers will not be posted back to the same station within 5 yrs.

Appendix ‘B’ (Refers to para 11 of AHQ letter No 13192/ Policy/DGMS-1(b) dt 16 Jan 2004) APPLICATION FOR VOLUNTEER TO PARA/PARA (SF) UNITS 1.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n)


Personal Number Rank Name Unit Date of Birth Date of Commission Medical Category Physical Fitness :(i) PPT (Date) (ii) BPET (Date) Professional Qualifications Present Address Martial Status Next of Kin Permanent Home Address

Army Courses Ser No


Course Ser

Date (From/To)


Previous Service with Special Forces Units :(a) (b)

Unit Dates (From/To)

4. Certified that I am a volunteer for service with PARA/PARA (SF) units in accordance with Directorate General Medical Services (Army) letter No 13192/POLICY/ DGMS-1(b) dated ____ 2003.

Place : Dated :

(Signature) RECOMMENDATION OF CO/OC Recommended/Not Recommended (Signature)



Personal Number









Date of Birth


Date of Commission


Type of Commission


Date of PC (if applicable)


Date of Seniority


Date of Retirement


Date of Marriage


TOS with Unit


TOS in Sector


Date of present appointment


Details of previous commission if any :(a)

Personal Number


Date of Commission


Date of Retirement


Posting Profile

Unit 7.



If specialist : (a)

Specify speciality


Date of Grading


Date of Classification



17 8. Compassionate posting required for (mention at least three stations in distinct geographical areas in at least two Command theatres). Ser No



9. Ground for compassionate posting/cancellation/deferment/extension of tenure (Tick which ever is applicable). (a) Medical Reasons (b) Academic/Children Education (c) Last Tenure Posting (d) Other Reasons (Specify) 10. Did you earlier apply for Compassionate Grounds Posting/Deferment/ Cancellation/ Extension of tenure, state with date, unit to which posted, specific reasons and outcome of each request. 11.

Details of all the previous posting since commissioning :Ser No Unit/Appt


From(date) To (date)



Details of spouse (a)

Profession and location


If in Central/State Govt Service (i)

Personal particulars No, Rank, Name, Regt/Corps and unit


Posting of spouse since his/her employment

Unit/Station (iii)

Sector (Div/Corps/ Area if applicable)


To (date)

Details of postings with spouse if serving in Armed Forces :-


Sector (Div/Corps/ Area if applicable)


To (date)

(iv) Details of request for Compassionate Ground Posting/Deferment/ Cancellation/Extension of tenure initiated by spouse. State with references, reason of request and outcome of each case. 13.

Station Dated

List of supporting documents enclosed in support of the request.

(Signature of the officer)

18 PART – II 14.

Recommendations of CO unit. (a)

Genuiness and verification of facts stated




(Signature of CO)

Dated 15.

Recommendations of ADMS (Div). (a)

Comments on genuiness of facts


Whether officer interviewed






Dated 16.

Recommendations of DDMS Corps/Area. (a)

Comments on genuiness of facts


Whether officer interviewed





Dated 17.

Station Dated

Recommendations of DDMS Command.


19 PART – III (For the use in Dte Gen of Medical Services (Army)) JDMS (P)

Dir MS (P)


Addl DGMS (Army)

DGMS (Army)


Station : Dated :

(Signature of the officer)


I, Personal No____________ Rank_______

Name ___________________ fully

understand that my posting to any station at my own request may have an adverse affect in my career prospects in the matter of my selection for promotion to the next higher rank. 2.

In such an event, the position will be acceptable to me and I will not represent against

my suppression for promotion by selection.

I also undertake not to claim any criteria

appointment at a latter stage. I further understand that this may also affect my screening for career courses in the Army. 3.

I understand that the Compassionate Ground Posting is for a tenure of 2 years only. If

granted CGP, I will not be eligible for any extension beyond 2 years.

Station :

(Signature of the officer)

Dated :


Station : Dated :

Commanding Officer

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