Poster Short Course English

  • December 2019
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Understand Qur’an - the Easy Way A SHORT COURSE POSTER

Qur’anic Surahs

Parts of Salah

Supplications etc.

***** Prayer before starting ablution (Wudu) ***** the outcast.

from Satan,

in Allah

I seek refuge

***** Before sleep *****

(of) Allah.

In the name

and I live.

***** Prayer after finishing ablution (Wudu) ***** the Most Gracious,

(of) Allah,

In the name


(2) (of) the worlds.

the Lord

(be) to Allah,



the Most Merciful.

You (have) bestowed favors

(of) those

I bear witness

(The) path

to Him;

and I bear witness

(there is) no partner

gave us life


and His Messenger.

O Allah!

(is) His slave


(be) to Allah

All praise and thanksgiving

and unto Him

(is) the resurrection.

He had given us death


and its end.

those who purify themselves.


and make me

or if one forgets to say in the start, then

Muhammad (pbuh)

You alone

we worship

(6 ) on them;


***** Before eating ***** Make me

and You alone

(there is) no

the Most Gracious,

(5 ) we ask for help.


(All) the praises and thanks


Guide us


O Allah!

***** After getting up *****

(1) the Most Merciful.

In Your name

I die

those who repent

in its beginning

In the name (of) Allah

***** At the end of meal *****


(to) the straight path, and gave us to drink,

(7 )

fed us


(be) to Allah

All praise and thanksgiving

*** Iqamah ***

those who go astray.

[and] nor of

on them

(of) those who earned (Your) wrath

not the Muslims.

I bear witness that there is no god except Allah.

from among

and made us

Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest.

***** Qur’anic supplications ***** the prayer.


Come to


I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is the Messenger of Allah.


(in) knowledge.

Indeed the prayer is established. the prayer is established.


the prosperity.

Increase me

Come to and in the Hereafter

There is no god except Allah.


(of) the Fire.



you worship.


I do not worship




and with Your praise;

and blessed is

other than You.

(that which is) good

Give us

Our Lord!

and protect us (from)

(that which is) good

***** Miscellaneous *****

And high is Your Majesty;

and (there is) no god

the punishment

Glorified are You

O Allah,

in (this) world


Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest.

***** Sana ***** Your name;

My Lord!

for the worlds.

as a mercy


And We have not sent you

(3) I worship.

(of) what


gave you provisions

[And] Nor (are) you

(4) you worshipped.

(of) what

(be) a worshipper

He will bring you to life.

[And] Nor (will) I the Magnificent.

(5) I worship.

(of) what

(be) worshippers

(6) and to me

your religion

praised Him.

Our Lord

(1) When


and the pure words (all worships of spending wealth).


the people

with (the) praise

Indeed, He

and the prayers (all worships of body)

and the mercy of Allah

(is) Allah,


He did neither beget

unto Him

in (the) Lord

“I seek refuge

(the) evil

(of) those who blow

and on

(of) Muhammad;

the family

And from (the) evil

(of) the envier

and on

(of) Ibraheem.

and on the family

O Allah!

as You sent peace

Indeed, You are

on Muhammad

Send blessings

O Allah!

(6) and mankind.”

You sent blessings

on Ibraheem

the grace


worship Allah;

O my people,

and your selves with your wealth

And strive

Which of you

from / by


This is

(based) on intentions.

Peace be upon you all.

in the Lord

Actions are but

the sleep.

better than

The prayer is

How is the condition?

How much is this?


[I] have wronged

except You;

“I seek refuge


the Most Merciful.

the sins

full of blessings

with you?

Who is your Lord?

money (is)

How much

to you (O Prophet!)

We have revealed it

(It is a ) Book

(29 : ) and so that men of understanding receive admonition

Indeed, I

O Allah!

can forgive

and none

Indeed You! Alone

its verses

so that they ponder

We have made the Qur’an easy

any who will receive admonition?

And indeed

So, is there

to understand & remember

(4 : )

out of Your forgiveness

(are) the Oft-Forgiving

What is your religion?

From Introduction

Indeed, You are


by the pen.


(He) who

learns Qur’an

(is the one) who

The best of you


and teaches it.

***** Important Pronouns *****

(The) God of Mankind,



those who

the one who withdraws after whispering –

(of) mankind –






into the chests Understand Qur’an Academy Hyderabad - India, +0091-40-2441-1637

(she does




she did


, )


you all

the one who


(5) From among Jinn

of my Lord.

The angel of death.

And from the evil

From (the) evil


(is) best

May Allah be pleased with him

Allah wills.

(4) whispers

(there is) not

in deed.

the act of satan.

(3) (of) the whisperer,

any deity for you


it becomes intense,

(1) (of) mankind,

Glorifies Allah


Send peace

on Ibraheem

worthy of praise,

and have mercy on me.

(The) King

whatever is

And I bear witness that

on Muhammad

worthy of praise,

so forgive me (my sins)

(of) Mankind,

in the heavens

and whatever is

I bear witness that

Muhammad (pbuh)

and on

the family

with excessive wrongs;


(be) on us

***** Prayer after Durood, before the Ending Salam *****

(5) when

And Allah is


(of) that which


he envies.

and on

(is) His slave

full of glory.

He created;

And from

(4) in the knots,



(2) (of) darkness


And (there) is not



Indeed we (are)

All the compliments (all worships of tongue)

(be) on you

(there is) no god

full of glory.

(of) the daybreak,

for Allah;

the Self-Sufficient. (of) Ibraheem.


(are due) to Allah

O Prophet,

the slaves of Allah,

the family of Muhammad;


(the) evil

and indeed we




to him

(are) to return.

Glory be to

and ask forgiveness of Him.





***** Durood (Sending prayers on the Prophet, pbuh) *****

and nor

Allah is

in the path of Allah.


is He begotten,



except Him.

and His Messenger.

[who is] One.

He will cause you to die

Tashahhud *****

except Allah;



Then glorify

(3) is Oft-forgiving.

Allah is

Allah has listened

And you see

the righteous ones. (of) your Lord

the One who


in the earth.

and His blessings. (the) religion of Allah

to the one who

my Lord,


in troops,

Glory be to

***** The Adhkaar of Sujood (Prostration) *****

To you (be)

the Help of Allah comes,

created you

those who are patient.

[and] to You

the Exalted.

and the Victory (comes),

my Lord,

[And] Nor (will) you (be) all the praise.

my religion.”


***** Things pronounced When bowing / raising up *****










: :





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