In this unit on Aspect of Development, I learned a lot of things. In module 5 I learned all the things about stress, like what are the causes of it, how to cope with it and how to keep it under control. Through this I were able to determine my own stress signals and the things that help me feel relaxed. In the next module I learned new things regarding the parts and the functions of the brain. I found out that there are two side of the brain which has different inferred characteristics. Despite this differences, the two still wo0rl together to accomplish the tasks but there are instances that one may be more appropriate than the other. The concept of mind mapping was also introduced in this module which made thinking more visible and gives clearer pictures about things and ideas. I also learned some ways to make my brains stronger and tips to get smarter. The next module has a great impact on me because it was all about health and well-being. The most important lesson that that I learned from this module is how to be a critical viewer of media and the concept of self-esteem and boy image. This module also tackled about different disorders that can be related to self-esteem and body image. It also included the things and signs that may tell if you are depressed. The last module on this unit talked about emotional intelligence. I learned about emotional intelligence and how to properly used it. I realized that there are different responses to different situations and each really requires analysis before reaching. Also, I learned to manage my emotions and to only use the necessary ones at different situations.
PLANS TO TAKE RESPONSIBLE ACTIONS TO YOUR EMOTIONS Have faith on HIM Read the different verses of the Bible to help you enlighten remember “His word is my lamp to my feet and the light to my path” Always assess the situation give in order to react appropriately Have a positive mid in facing different struggles Avoid the things that make me lose my cool Do the things that makes me enjoy in order to lessen the chances of negative emotions Always remember the things to consider when reacting to a situation