Polymorphis Abstract Interface Samplecode4csharp

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,861
  • Pages: 14
Make a console C# project and use this code. Enjoy…

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace ConsoleApplication_test { class testClassRules //test polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces { static void Main(string[] args) { //*************************************************************** ********************Polymorphism test /*car c = new car(); benz b = new benz(); porche p = new porche(); Console.WriteLine("This is a car"); c.describeMe(); Console.WriteLine("---------------");

Console.WriteLine("This is a car but a benz"); b.describeMe(); Console.WriteLine("..............."); Console.WriteLine("This is a car"); c.describeMe(); Console.WriteLine("---------------"); Console.WriteLine("This is a car but a porche"); p.describeMe(); Console.WriteLine("..............."); Console.WriteLine("This is a car but a benz"); b.describeMe(); Console.WriteLine("..............."); Console.WriteLine("This is a car"); c.describeMe(); Console.WriteLine("...............");*/ /* //test new mycar[] cars = new mycar[3];

cars[0] = new mycar(); cars[1] = new benz(); cars[2] = new porche(); foreach (mycar c in cars) { c.normalTest(); //c.describeMe(); c.virNewTest(); //c.newTest(); Console.WriteLine("\n-------------------------\n"); }*/ //Console.WriteLine("-------------------------\n"); //DerivedClass B = new DerivedClass(); //B.DoWork(); // Calls the new method. ///*BaseClass A = (BaseClass)B; //A.DoWork(); // Also calls the new method.*/ //BaseClass A = new BaseClass(); //A.DoWork(); //Console.WriteLine("\n-------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("-------------------------\n"); //mycar c = new mycar(); //benz b = new benz(); //porche p = new porche(); //c.newTest(); //b.newTest(); //p.newTest(); //c.describeMe(); //b.describeMe(); //p.describeMe(); //Console.WriteLine("\n-------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("-------------------------\n"); //mycar[] //cars[0] //cars[1] //cars[2]

cars = new mycar[3]; = new mycar(); = new benz(); = new porche();

//foreach (mycar mc in cars) //{ // //mc.normalTest(); // //mc.describeMe(); // //mc.virNewTest();

// // //}

//((benz)mc).newTest(); mc.newTest();

//Console.WriteLine("\n-------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("-------------------------\n"); //((mycar)cars[0]).newTest(); //((benz)cars[1]).newTest(); //((porche)cars[2]).newTest(); //((mycar)cars[0]).describeMe(); //((benz)cars[1]).describeMe(); //((porche)cars[2]).describeMe(); //Console.WriteLine("\n-------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("-------------------------\n"); //Car c1 = new Car(); //ConvertibleCar cc = new ConvertibleCar(); //Minivan mv = new Minivan(); //c1.DescribeCar(); //cc.DescribeCar(); //mv.DescribeCar(); //Console.WriteLine("\n-------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("-------------------------\n"); //Car[] myC = new Car[3]; //myC[0] = new Car(); //myC[1] = new ConvertibleCar(); //myC[2] = new Minivan(); //foreach( Car cm in myC ) //{ // cm.DescribeCar(); //} //*************************************************************** ********************Abstract test //abstractBaseClass a = new abstractBaseClass("test"); //not possible, cannot instantiate an abstract class //derivedAbstract d = new derivedAbstract("test"); //d.i = 4; //System.Console.WriteLine("The value of i is {0}", d.i); //System.Console.WriteLine(d.getName()); //d.meth(); //derivedAbstract te = new derivedAbstract("this is just a test"); //te.testField = "this is values through the field itself"; //System.Console.WriteLine(te.testField); //te.testProperty = "\nthis is values through its property"; //System.Console.WriteLine(te.testProperty);

//*************************************************************** ********************Interface test //ICar c = new ICar(); //Cannot instantiate an interface ZZR z1 = new ZZR("My first ZZR", "EDFV676GHG0"); ZZR z2 = new ZZR("My second ZZR", "EDFV676GHG0", 890, 7); //System.Console.WriteLine("Specification of z1"); System.Console.WriteLine("\nSpecification of '{3}'\nEngin No:{0}\nEngine Volume:{1}\nNumber of Cylinders:{2}", z1.enginNo, z1.Volume, z1.cylinderNo, z1.vehicleName); System.Console.WriteLine("\nSpecification of '{3}'\nEngin No:{0}\nEngine Volume:{1}\nNumber of Cylinders:{2}", z2.enginNo, z2.Volume, z2.cylinderNo, z2.vehicleName); //System.Console.WriteLine(z1.EnginNo); Boxter b = new Boxter("My Boxter", "EDFV676GH980", 2700, 6); System.Console.WriteLine("\nSpecification of '{3}'\nEngin No:{0}\nEngine Volume:{1}\nNumber of Cylinders:{2}", b.enginNo, b.Volume, b.cylinderNo, b.vehicleName); Strange1 s1 = new Strange1("\n\n\nStrange1", "BGHVX^&HSGY", 9876, 12);

System.Console.WriteLine("Property CylinderNo", s1.CylinderNo); //System.Console.WriteLine("Method CylNo", Convert.ToString((double)(s1.cylNo))); System.Console.WriteLine("Method CylNo", s1.EnginNo); Strange2 s2 = new Strange2(); s2.volume = 4; s2.EnginNo = "None of the interfaces implementation"; System.Console.WriteLine("\n\nProperty Volume:{0}", s2.volume); System.Console.WriteLine("Method CylNo[of ICar interface]:{0}", ((ICar)s2).cylNo()); System.Console.WriteLine("No interfaces implementation:{0}", s2.EnginNo); //this is not possible because each interfaces has their won implementation of //Engine No and class Strange2 doesnt have a defnition foe EngineNo itself //unless we define a seperate EngineNo property for class itself ((ICar)s2).EnginNo = "CAR_HSHSJH877JH"; ((IMotorBike)s2).EnginNo = "MOTORBIKR_HGBGF676G7"; System.Console.WriteLine("\n\nEngine No(of ICar interface):{0}", ((ICar)s2).EnginNo); System.Console.WriteLine("Engine No(of IMotorBike interface):{0}", ((IMotorBike)s2).EnginNo); //or ICar cs2 = (ICar)s2; //cs2.EnginNo = "CAR_HSHSJH877JH"; System.Console.WriteLine("\n\nEngine No(of ICar interface):{0}", cs2.EnginNo);

IMotorBike ms2 = (IMotorBike)s2; //ms2.EnginNo = "MOTORBIKR_HGBGF676G7"; System.Console.WriteLine("\n\nEngine No(of IMotorBike interface):{0}", ms2.EnginNo); //************************************************ Exit Part *******************************************// System.Console.Write("\n\n\npress any key to exit..."); System.Console.ReadKey();



} //***************************************************************Polymorphism examples //*************************************************************************** ********* public class mycar { public virtual void describeMe() { Console.WriteLine("I am a car"); } public void newTest() { Console.WriteLine("I am in new:car"); } public virtual void virNewTest() { Console.WriteLine("I am in new virtual:car"); }


public void normalTest() { Console.WriteLine("I am in normal test:car"); }

public class benz : mycar { public override void describeMe() { //base.describeMe(); Console.WriteLine("And I am a benz"); } public new void newTest() { Console.WriteLine("I am in new:benz");

} public new void virNewTest() { Console.WriteLine("I am in new virtual:benz"); }


public new void normalTest() { Console.WriteLine("I am in normal test:benz"); }

public class porche : mycar { public override void describeMe() { Console.WriteLine("i am a porche"); } public new void newTest() { Console.WriteLine("I am in new:porche"); } public new void virNewTest() { Console.WriteLine("I am in new virtual:porche"); }


public new void normalTest() { Console.WriteLine("I am in normal test:porche"); }

class Car { public virtual void DescribeCar() { System.Console.WriteLine("Just a car."); } } class ConvertibleCar : Car { public new virtual void DescribeCar() { System.Console.WriteLine("a convertable car."); } } class Minivan : Car



public override void DescribeCar() { System.Console.WriteLine("a minivan car."); }

public class BaseClass { public virtual void DoWork() { System.Console.WriteLine("doWork }


public virtual int WorkProperty { get { return 0; } }

public class DerivedClass : BaseClass { public override void DoWork() { System.Console.WriteLine("doWork }


in 'BaseClass'");

in 'DerivedClass'");

public override int WorkProperty { get { return 0; } }

//***************************************************************Abstract example //*************************************************************************** **** public abstract class abstractBaseClass { private string name; public int i; //(*) public string testField; public int I //this one should be declared as lower case before at (*) and should be capitall i if it is in lower case then you will have stack exception overflow errors { get { return i; } set { i = value; } }

public string testProperty //a property has same access level and type of the field that it has access to but it should have a different name { get { return (this.testField); } set { this.testField = value; } } public abstractBaseClass(string str) { this.name = str; } public string getName() { return this.name; } public virtual void test() { System.Console.WriteLine("i am in test:abstractBaseClass"); } //public abstract void meth() { } //because it is abstract so it cannot have a body //so it should be declared as below public abstract void meth(); //public abstract virtual void abstVirt(); //an abstract method cannot be virtual because it cannot have a body anyway //so it should be declared either as virtual or abstract public virtual void testVirt(){} } public class derivedAbstract : abstractBaseClass { //public int j; //public int i //{ // get { return i; } // set { j = value; } //} public derivedAbstract(string str) : base(str) { //:base(str); } public override void test() { }

System.Console.WriteLine("i am in test:abstractBaseClass");

//public void meth() //because this is an abstract method in base class so we should explicitle mention override key word //so it should be written as below public override void meth() //{ // throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); //} { System.Console.WriteLine("this is the implementation of an abstract method"); } }

//***************************************************************Interface example //*************************************************************************** ***** interface IVehicle { //public string vId;

//error interfaces cannot contain fields

//string vId //interfacase cannot have properties this way becauser we have the definition //{ // get { } //we shouldnt have those brackets so only get; // set { } //} string vehicleName { get; set; } } interface ICar : IVehicle { //public string engineNo string EnginNo { get; set; } int Volume { get; set; } int cylNo(); } interface IMotorBike : IVehicle

//interfaces cannot contain modifier public


string EnginNo { get; set; } int Volume { get; set; } int cylNo();

} public class ZZR : IMotorBike { public string vName; public string enginNo; public int volume; public int cylinderNo; public ZZR(string name, string eNo, int vol, int cyl) { //this.engineNo(eNo); //this is wrong because we have treated a property like a method this.enginNo = eNo; //cylinderNo(cyl); //this is wrong because we have treated a property like a method this.cylinderNo = cyl; //this.volume(vol); //this is wrong because we have treated a property like a method this.volume = vol; this.vName = name; } public ZZR(string name, string eNo) { this.enginNo = eNo; this.cylinderNo = 6; this.volume = 750; this.vName = name; } public string vehicleName { get { return (this.vName); } set { this.vName = value; } } public string EnginNo { get { return(this.enginNo); } set { this.enginNo = value; } }

public int Volume { get { return (this.volume); } set {this.volume = value;} } public int CylinderNo { get { return (this.cylinderNo); } set { this.cylinderNo = value; } } public int cylNo() { return(this.cylinderNo); } } public class Boxter : ICar { public string vName; public string enginNo; public int volume; public int cylinderNo; public Boxter(string name, string eNo, int vol, int cyl) { //this.engineNo(eNo); //this is wrong because we have treated a property like a method this.enginNo = eNo; //cylinderNo(cyl); //this is wrong because we have treated a property like a method this.cylinderNo = cyl; //this.volume(vol); //this is wrong because we have treated a property like a method this.volume = vol; this.vName = name; } public string vehicleName { get { return (this.vName); } set { this.vName = value; } } public string EnginNo { get { return (this.enginNo); } set { this.enginNo = value; } } public int Volume { get { return (this.volume); } set {this.volume = value;} }

public int CylinderNo { get { return (this.cylinderNo); } set { this.cylinderNo = value; } } public int cylNo() { return (this.cylinderNo); } } public class Strange1 : ICar, IMotorBike { public string vName; public string enginNo; public int volume; public int cylinderNo; public Strange1(string name, string eNo, int vol, int cyl) { //this.engineNo(eNo); //this is wrong because we have treated a property like a method this.enginNo = eNo; //cylinderNo(cyl); //this is wrong because we have treated a property like a method this.cylinderNo = cyl; //this.volume(vol); //this is wrong because we have treated a property like a method this.volume = vol; this.vName = name; } public string vehicleName { get { return (this.vName); } set { this.vName = value; } } public string EnginNo { get { return (this.enginNo); } set { this.enginNo = value; } } public int Volume { get { return (this.volume); } set {this.volume = value;} } public int CylinderNo { get { return (this.cylinderNo); } set { this.cylinderNo = value; } }

public int cylNo() { return (this.cylinderNo); } } public class Strange2 : ICar, IMotorBike { public string vName; public string enginNo; public int volume; public int cylinderNo; public string vehicleName { get { return (this.vName); } set { this.vName = value; } } //public string ICar.EnginNo //when we specify explicitly which part of which interface we are implementing we shouldnt sepecify the modifier string ICar.EnginNo { get { return (this.enginNo); } set { this.enginNo = value; } } public string EnginNo { get { return (this.enginNo); } set { this.enginNo = value; } } //public int ICar.Volume int ICar.Volume { get { return (this.volume); } set {this.volume = value;} } //public string IMotorBike.EnginNo string IMotorBike.EnginNo { get { return (this.enginNo + "XXX"); } set { this.enginNo = value ; } } //public int IMotorBike.Volume int IMotorBike.Volume { get { return (this.volume); } set { this.volume = value - 100; } } public int CylinderNo { get { return (this.cylinderNo); }


set { this.cylinderNo = value; }

//when we explicitle implement one part of one of the interfaces that this class inherits, we should implements the same part of the other interfaces //this is true in this case that both interfaces have a method with the same name //public int ICar.cylNo() int ICar.cylNo() { return (this.cylinderNo); } //public int IMotorBike.cylNo() int IMotorBike.cylNo() { return (this.cylinderNo); } }

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