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  • Words: 1,399
  • Pages: 21
Business Communication

Faizan Shahid L1F08MBAM2133 Touqeer Ahmed L1F08MBAM2097 Sulman Akram L1F08MBAM2119 Rabia Afrooz L1F08MBAM2225 Laila Zamer L1F08MBAM0223 Fizi Anjum


undesirable state of the natural environment being contaminated with harmful substances as a consequence of human activities

Major kinds of pollution • Air pollution • water pollution • land pollution • noise pollution

Our point of view • We all contribute to pollution in some way or another. Whether it be with a large amount or small amount we can still cause major damage to our health and the environment. Although we all contribute to help stop the increase of pollution. Very little people realize that pollution is very harmful because they don't think of the environment, themselves and other people and what it can do. Pollution is an important factor to our lives. It involves our society and all other animals. Pollution is gradually destroying our planet and is gradually killing ourselves too. Like air pollution, smog and acid rain is a killer to all of us. It destroys marine life, our own health and destroys historical monuments and

• We have a uniquely beautiful world, thus surely it would make sense to preserve it for future generations to enjoy as we do. Landfill sites that are used for dumping ever increasing amounts of domestic rubbish cannot last forever...and nobody wants such a site on their backdoor. Nobody likes incinerators either, even though they offer a possible solution to the question 'what do we do with all this household rubbish?' Consider how much rubbish your household produces in one week. Then imagine how much rubbish your street produces...then your city...then your region...then your country. Hopefully then you can begin to imagine the extent of this problem. It's nice that this rubbish is collected and taken away but it doesn't disappear. Our wasteful society pollutes the landscape and environment. Yet pollution is not just about landfill rubbish.

• Pollution from the combustion of fossil fuels causes global warming and acid rain. Pollution causes unexpected and sometimes serious and devastating changes in our land, river and sea environments. Pollution can kill animals and plants and it probably kills us too. We know that pollution can causes health problems such as respiratory illnesses. Polluting our world should not even be an option, especially where there are alternatives as there are these days. And where we consider that we have no other choice other than to pollute, we should be investigating as best we can alternatives to the technology that pollutes. We should be. Please check out the actions listed below which can

Air pollution • Smoking should banned on public places • Industrial smoke should be filtered • Plant as many trees as possible • Connect your outdoor lights to a timer or use solar lighting • Modify transportation • No burn barrels

Water pollution • All industrial water should be filtered • Wastage should not throw on rivers • Use environmental products • Chemicals should not dissolve in rivers • Do not throw paints, oil and organic material on water

Land pollution • Recycle every thing which is possible • Reduce waste • There should be dust-bins on public places • Compost organic substances. • Don't waste resources.

Noise pollution • There should be alternative of rickshaws • Horn should be banned • Listen to soothing music • Air ports should away from population

water • * Conserve water by turning off the tap when running water is not necessary. This helps prevent water shortages and reduces the amount f contaminated water that needs treatment. • * Be careful about what you throw down your sink or toilet. Don't throw paints, oils or other forms of litter down the drain. • * Use environmentally household products, such as washing powder, household cleaning agents and toiletries. • * Take great care not to overuse pesticides and fertilisers. This will prevent runoffs of the material into nearby water sources. • * By having more plants in your garden you are preventing fertiliser, pesticides and contaminated water from running off into nearby water sources.

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* Toxic products like paints, automobile oil, polishes, and cleaning products should be stored and disposed off properly. As a matter of fact, it is better to use non-toxic, products for the house as far as possible. Also, never dispose off such products by throwing them into your toilet or sink. * Dispose off your trash in a proper manner and try and incorporate the recycling habit as far as possible. Non-degradable products like tampons, sanitary napkins, and diapers should not be flushed down the toilet, for these can end up damaging the process of sewage treatment, and usually end up as litter on beaches. * Refrain from throwing litter into streams, lakes, rivers, or seas. If you do spot litter on beaches or in water systems, after ascertaining that it is safe, collect them and dispose off them in any nearby waste disposal system. * Try using environmentally friendly household products like toiletries, soapbased household cleaning material, and washing powder as far as possible. * Try using natural fertilizers and pesticides as far as possible, or if not, do not overuse them or over-water gardens and lawns. This will help in reducing the pollutants that get into water systems due to runoffs. * Automobile oil should be re-used as far as possible. Also, it is important to keep your automobile well maintained in order to prevent leakages of toxic fluids like antifreeze and oil. * Also, actively conserve water by turning the tap off when you do not need running water, such as while brushing teeth. Apart from preventing water

air • • • • • • • • • • •

* Conserve energy - turn off appliances and lights when you leave the room. * Recycle paper, plastic, glass bottles, cardboard, and aluminum cans. (This conserves energy and reduces production emissions.) * Keep woodstoves and fireplaces well maintained. You should also consider replacing old wood stoves with EPA-certified models. Visit www.epa.gov/woodstoves. * Plant deciduous trees in locations around your home to provide shade in the summer, but to allow light in the winter. * Buy green electricity-produced by low-or even zero-pollution facilities. * Connect your outdoor lights to a timer or use solar lighting. * Wash clothes with warm or cold water instead of hot. * Lower the thermostat on your water heater to 120°F. * Use low-VOC or water-based paints, stains, finishes, and paint strippers. * Test your home for radon-a dangerous, radioactive gas that is odorless and tasteless. If the test shows elevated levels of radon, the problem can be fixed cost effectively. Visit www.epa.gov/radon. * Choose not to smoke in your home, especially if you have children. If you or your visitors must smoke, then smoke outside. Visit www.epa.gov/smokefree.

air •

1. Modify Your Transportation --- Your car is a significant source of air pollution, so switching to a more gas-efficient vehicle will be a big help. See How You Can Improve Transportation for several more tips which will improve air quality.

2. Conserve Energy --- Your home energy consumption translates into air pollution, therefore any energy conservation or efficiency improvements you make will help. See 21 Ways You Can Save Energy for tips.

3. Reduce Waste --- Manufacturing of unnecessary or disposable goods often produces air pollution, so reduced purchasing of disposables will help. In general, follow the solid waste mantra - "Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle" - and this will reduce air pollution as well from transporting, treating, or disposing of unnecessary wastes. See Waste Reduction Tips.

4. Eliminate Toxic Chemical Use at Home --- A surprising number of household or home shop chemicals are toxic and volatile. Many release vapors into the air, inside the home and out. This can be serious health threat to your family, and contributes to community-wide levels of air pollutants. See Non-Toxic Household Products.

5. No Burn Barrels --- Northeast Wisconsin communities need to pass and enforce ordinances prohibiting individuals or businesses from burning trash in their back yards. This type of uncontrolled burning is extremely polluting, especially when many people are doing it. When

noise • Turn Off The T.V. • Listen to soothing music

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. Recycle recyclable materials. 2. Compost organic substances. 3. Don't waste resources. 4. Don't litter.

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