Political Science Departments

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A Global Ranking of Political Science Departments Simon Hix London School of Economics Rankings of academic institutions are key information tools for universities, funding agencies, students and faculty. The main method for ranking departments in political science, through peer evaluations, is subjective, biased towards established institutions, and costly in terms of time and money. The alternative method, based on supposedly ‘objective’ measures of outputs in scientific journals, has thus far only been applied narrowly in political science, using publications in a small number of US-based journals. An alternative method is proposed in this paper – that of ranking departments based on the quantity and impact of their publications in the 63 main political science journals in a given five-year period. The result is a series of global and easily updatable rankings that compare well with results produced by applying a similar method in economics.

Rankings of academic institutions are key information tools for universities, public and private funding agencies, students and faculty. For example, to investigate whether and why European universities lag behind their competitors in the US, the European Economics Association commissioned research into the ranking of economics departments on a global scale (see, especially, Coupé, 2003). A variety of different ranking methods have been used in the natural sciences and have started to emerge in the social sciences, especially in economics (see, for example, Scott and Mitias, 1996; Dusansky and Vernon, 1998). All methods have disadvantages and trade-offs. Nevertheless, the best methods tend to have three elements: (1) they rank institutions on a global scale rather than in a single country; (2) they use ‘objective’ measures of research outputs, such as publications in journals, rather than subjective peer evaluations; and (3) they are cheap to update, for example by allowing for mechanized annual updates. However, no such global, objective or easily updated method exists in political science. This research aims to fill this gap by proposing and implementing a new method for ranking departments in this field. To this end, in the next section I review the existing methods in our discipline. In the third section I then propose and justify an alternative method, based on research outputs in the main political science journals in a particular five-year period. And in the fourth section I present the results of an analysis of the content of 63 journals between 1993 and 2002. © Political Studies Association, 2004. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA



Existing Rankings of Political Science Departments As in other disciplines, two main methods have been used to rank political science departments: peer assessments, and content analysis of scientific journals. However, both methods, as applied thus far, have their limitations.

Peer Assessments The most widely used method for ranking political science departments is peer assessments – where senior academics are asked to evaluate the quality of other departments. For example, this method is used by the US National Research Council and the U.S. News and World Report to rank doctoral programs in the US (see PS: Political Science and Politics, 1996a, b), and in the Research Assessment Exercise in the UK for the allocation of central government research funding. The problems with this method are well known. First, peer assessments are subjective, by definition. No ranking method is perfectly ‘objective’. For example, the content of scientific journals is determined by the subjective judegments of journal editors and article reviewers. However, journal editors and article reviewers are experts on the subjects of the papers they publish or review. Also, peer evaluation in the journal publishing process is repeated thousands of times, which reduces bias. In contrast, rankings based on periodic peer assessments rely on a small sample of academics, who cannot possibly be experts in all areas of research produced by the institutions they rank. As a result, rankings based on peer assessments are less ‘objective’ than rankings based on the content analysis of journals (if a sufficiently large sample of journals is used). The resulting biases of this subjectivity have been well documented. Because the sample of academics has only limited information about the output of all institutions, they are forced to base their judgements on other factors. This results in a bias towards large established departments and against new and up-and-coming departments (Katz and Eagles, 1996). The overall reputation of the university has an effect on the respondents’ expected performance of a political science department – known as the ‘halo effect’ (Lowry and Silver, 1996; Jackman and Siverson, 1996). Second, the peer assessment method is highly costly and time-consuming. This is because of the need either to survey a large number of senior faculty (as in the cases of the US National Research Council and the U.S. News and World Report) or to prepare and read the submissions of all the universities (as in the case of the Research Assessment Exercise). Hence, rankings based on peer assessments are invariably updated only every five years (in the case of the Research Assessment Exercise and the U.S. News and World Report) or even longer (in the case of the US National Research Council). Third, all existing peer assessment rankings are nationally specific. If similar methods were used in different countries, a global ranking based on peer assessments could be produced. However, different methods tend to be used



in different countries. For example, in the U.S. News and World Report, departments are scored out of five in a number of criteria, and then averaged (with the top departments scoring between 4.7 and 4.9). In the Research Assessment Exercise, departments are scored in bands from 5* to 2 (with the top departments scoring 5*). As a result, relative performance on a global scale is difficult to establish.

Content Analysis of Scientific Journals In a conscious effort to improve on these peer assessment results, political scientists have begun to develop more objective methods of ranking political science departments. Following the practice in other disciplines, the most popular method is the analysis of the content of the leading political science journals (see, for example, Welch and Hibbing, 1983). The assumption behind this method is that, in contemporary political science, the main output for research results is publication in a professional journal. Publication of books is more common in political science than in economics. Hence, ideally, a ranking based on book publications as well as journal articles would produce the best results (see Rice et al., 2002). However, analysing the content of books and the number of citations to particular book series is costly, since there is not a single database of book publications and book citations like the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) for journal publications. One solution could be to use peer assessments to rank book publishers (see, for example, Goodson et al., 1999). But this would go against the aim of creating a ranking using only non-subjective assessments. Also, a ranking based on book publications may have little added value, because there is probably a high correlation between the outputs of departments in books and journals. At the individual level, some political scientists prefer to write books while others prefer to write articles. However, top departments probably produce a lot of books as well as a lot of articles, whereas lessgood departments probably produce less books and articles. Hence, the rankings resulting from these two measures should be similar, at least for the larger departments. Consequently, most researchers have analysed journal publications rather than book publications. But there are problems with the way this method has been applied thus far. First, existing studies have counted only a small number of journals. Miller et al. (1996) only looked at the content of the American Political Science Review (APSR); Teske (1996) looked at APSR, the Journal of Politics (JOP), and the American Journal of Political Science (AJPS) (see Garand and Graddy, 1999); McCormick and Rice (2001) counted articles in APSR, AJPS, JOP, the Western Political Quarterly (WPQ) and Polity; and Ballard and Mitchell (1998) looked at APSR, JOP, AJPS, World Politics, Comparative Politics, the British Journal of Political Science (BJPolS), WPQ, Polity and Political Science Quarterly. But even nine journals is a rather limited sample of the main journals in political science. The SSCI contains 143 journals in the fields of political science, international relations and public administration. With modern



computer technology, there is no reason why all, or at least a larger and more representative sample, of these journals cannot be counted. Second, and partly due to the limited sample of journals coded, the existing rankings based on the content of journals have tended to be biased towards institutions in the US. For example, although APSR is widely respected as the top political science journal, it is nonetheless the ‘in-house’ journal of the American Political Science Association. Not surprisingly, only 7 per cent of articles in APSR between 1996 and 1999 were by scholars based outside the US (Schmitter, 2002). This small number may be a fair reflection of the quality or quantity of research outside the US. However, studying the content of one journal inevitably risks a high degree of error. Even in Ballard and Mitchell’s (1998) study of nine journals, only one journal based outside the US was included (BJPolS). Not surprisingly, not a single nonAmerican department appeared in their top 50. It might be the case that no department outside the US is good enough to be in the top 50. But one would be more inclined to accept this conclusion if this result was based on the content of a larger sample of journals and more journals based outside the US.

An Alternative Method Building on existing bibliometric research, the method proposed here ranks academic institutions on the basis of the quantity and impact of articles published in the main journals in political science in a given period. To establish this ranking, decisions were made about the following: (1) what time period to use; (2) what to count as the ‘main’ political science journals; (3) what to count as a publication in a journal; (4) how to measure the impact (‘quality’) of a journal; (5) how to construct a ranking from this information; and (6) how to create a ‘quasi-error’ term.

Time Period Creating annual rankings would have the advantage of being able to track short-term changes in the performance of departments. However, looking at the content of only one year of each journal would be a small sample size, and so would produce a high degree of measurement error. Conversely, a new ranking every ten years would be more accurate, but would not measure more subtle changes. As a result, counting articles on a rolling five-year basis would probably be the most effective method. This allows for a larger sample in each journal and allows a new ranking to be produced every year – in other words, 1993–1997, 1994–1998, and so on. This is also a similar time period to other rankings, such as the U.S. News and World Report and the Research Assessment Exercise.

The Main Political Science Journals Four steps were taken to define the ‘main’ political science journals. Step one involved the full list of journals in the field in the SSCI, which contained 143



journals in political science, international relations and public administration in 2002. Step two involved adding some missing journals to this list. The SSCI does not include all major political science journals. The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) follows a careful procedure for selecting which journals to include in the SSCI.1 However, several prominent international political science journals are not listed in the SSCI. For example, whereas the main journals of the British, German and Scandinavian political science associations are in the SSCI, the main journals of the French, Italian and Dutch associations are not. Also, several major sub-field journals were not included before 2002, such as the Journal of Public Policy, European Union Politics, Nations and Nationalism, History of Political Thought, the Journal of Legislative Studies, and Democratization. Adding these journals to the SSCI list makes a total of 152 journals.2 Step three involved setting and applying two simple criteria for divining the ‘main’ political science journals from this list of 152. First, many journals are in fact journals in other fields of social science, such as law, economics, geography, sociology, history, psychology, social policy, communications, philosophy, or management. For the sake of simplicity, a political science journal can be defined as a journal that is (a) edited by a political scientist and (b) has a majority of political scientists on its editorial board (in departments or institutes of political science, politics, government, international relations, public administration or public policy). Second, many journals in the SSCI list have a marginal impact on the discipline of political science. For example, almost one third of the journals had less than 100 citations to articles published in any issue of these journals by the articles published in the over 8,000 other journals in the SSCI in 2002. Removing these non-political-science journals and journals that have only a marginal impact left 60 journals. Step four, however, involved adding back three journals that have a low impact but are the national political science association journals of three countries: the Australian Journal of Political Science, Politische Vierteljahresschrift (published by the German political science association) and Scandinavian Political Studies. It is reasonable to include these journals despite their low impact, since the ISI had already decided that these are important journals. In other words, national political science association journals are included in the analysis either if they are in the SSCI or if they are not in the SSCI list but receive more than 100 citations per year. This left 63 journals for the analysis, which are listed in Table 1. For the 54 journals in the SSCI, data on the content of these journals between 1993 and 2002 was purchased from the ISI. For the nine journals not in the SSCI and for the issues of the SSCI journals that are not in the database (for example, where a journal existed for a number of years prior to being included in the SSCI), the content was coded by hand. In total, the content of 495 annual volumes was collected electronically and the content of 117 volumes was collected by hand.



Table 1: Journals included in the Analysis Journal American Political Science Review American Journal of Political Science International Organization Foreign Affairs Journal of Politics International Security Journal of Conflict Resolution World Politics Journal of European Public Policy International Studies Quarterly Public Choice Journal of Common Market Studies British Journal of Political Science Journal of Peace Research Journal of Law Economics and Organization Comparative Political Studies Journal of Democracy Europe-Asia Studies European Union Politics Political Research Quarterly West European Politics Political Studies PS: Political Science and Politics European Journal of Political Research Public Administration Party Politics European Journal of International Relations Comparative Politics Electoral Studies Post-Soviet Affairs Review of International Studies Security Studies Politics and Society Governance Legislative Studies Quarterly Political Communication Political Behavior International Interactions Journal of Theoretical Politics American Politics Quarterly Millennium-Journal of International Studies Publius-The Journal of Federalism Political Theory Journal of Public Policy International Affairs Philosophy and Public Affairs Political Science Quarterly International Political Science Review Democratization Nations and Nationalism Australian Journal of Political Science Journal of Legislative Studies Canadian Journal of Political Science Political Quarterly East European Politics and Societies Scandinavian Political Studies Polity Politische Vierteljahresschrift Revue française de science politique Cooperation and Conflict History of Political Thought Acta Politica Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica

Volumes coded by hand



Volumes in SSCI

Impact Score

1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1997–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1995–2002 1993–2002

8.82 6.91 5.21 4.72 4.13 3.93 3.72 3.66 3.34 3.28 3.22 2.94 2.84 2.82 2.80 2.79 2.75 2.64 2.59 2.58 2.58 2.56 2.53 2.46 2.44 2.38 2.30 2.27 2.26 2.18 2.18 2.17 2.14 2.09 2.08 2.08 2.06 2.00 2.00 1.99 1.96 1.93 1.91 1.85 1.82 1.81 1.75 1.74 1.70 1.70 1.69 1.69 1.64 1.64 1.63 1.60 1.53 1.52 1.49 1.45 1.40 1.38 1.33

2000–2002 1993–1999


1993–1994 1993–1995 1993–1994 1993 1993–1996


1993–2002 2000–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1995–2002 1997–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1995–2002 1996–2002 1993–2002 1995–2002 1993–2002 1994–2002 1997–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2000 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002

1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2001 1993–2002 1993–2002 1994–2002 1995–2002 1993–2002 1995–2003


1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002

1993–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002 1994–2002 1993–2002 1993–2002

Note: All issues of journals between 1993 and 2002 were coded. So, if a year is missing in the table, either a journal had not been published yet, or a journal was not published in that particular year.



Counting Articles Several different types of articles are published in these journals. All main articles and research notes were included, and all editorial comments, book reviews and short notes were excluded. I decided to treat each article or research note in the same journal as equivalent regardless of its length, because I see no justification for assuming that a shorter article is less important than a longer article in the same journal. There were just over 18,000 such publications in the 63 journals between 1993 and 2002. Each article was then counted as follows: an article by a single author with a single institutional affiliation, or by two or more authors from a single institution, scored 1.0 for the institution; an article by two authors from two different institutions, or by a single author with two institutional affiliations, counted as 0.5 for each institution; an article by three authors or three institutions counted as 0.333 for each institution; and so on. This method is not ideal, as it undervalues collaborative research. However, the alternative is worse: in other words, counting multi-authored articles as having more value than single authored articles. Observations where an institutional affiliation could not be derived from the editorial information were excluded. This left a total of approximately 24,000 single observations for analysis.

Measuring Impact Some articles are more significant than others. I assume that an article is as significant as the overall impact of the journal in which it is published. Two different articles in the same journal may have vastly different impacts on the field. Conversely, some articles may be cited because of the fame of the author. Hence, if one assumes that a journal applies a common standard for acceptance of a paper for publication, it is reasonable to assume that all articles in a particular journal are of approximately equal quality. A common measure of the relative ‘impact’ of a journal is the average number of citations to a journal in a given period. For example, the ISI calculates an ‘impact factor’, which is the total number of citations by all other articles in the ISI database to all articles in a journal in the previous two years, divided by the number of articles in the journal in the previous two years. Using a similar method, we could calculate the average annual citations to all articles in a journal in the ten-year period. However, because it takes time for an article to be noticed, recently published articles are less cited than articles published several years ago. Hence, simply counting the average annual citations would create a bias against recently established journals that have not had long enough to build up their stock of citations. However, if we assume that the evolution in the number of citations follows the same functional form, a fixed-effect regression model of annual citations can be estimated. This would produce a constant for each journal that is a measure of its relative importance. But the common trend in citations for a particular journal is non-linear: there tends to be a plateau in the number of



citations for several years followed by a decline in the number of citations in the most recent years. Hence, the appropriate common functional form is a negative quadratic equation: ANNUAL _ CITES jy = b1JOURNALy - b2YEARjy - b3YEARjy2 + e jy where j (journal) = 1, ... , 63; y (year) = 1, ... , 10; and JOURNAL is a vector of 63 binomial variables, one for each journal. Estimating this model using ordinary least-squares regression produces the following results (t-statistics in parentheses): b2 = 17.944 (2.65), b3 = 0.709 (0.590), and 63 constants, ranging from a high of 882.49 citations per year for APSR to a low of 133.49 for the Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica (RISP).3 An ‘impact score’ for each journal was than produced from the constants by dividing each journal’s constant by 100 (see Table 1). In other words, a paper in APSR is about as important as seven papers in RISP. The journal ‘impact scores’ calculated by this method are highly correlated (0.757) with the SSCI ‘impact scores’ in 2002 for the 54 journals in both the SSCI and my list.4 The high correlation between my index and the SSCI impact index is not surprising, as both methods are based on the number of citations to articles in journals in a given period. However, there are two advantages of my impact scores over the SSCI scores. First, my method allows for impact scores to be calculated for journals that are not included in the SSCI. Second, by assuming a common trend in the number of citations over time, my method corrects for an inherent bias against new journals in the SSCI method. Finally, it should be noted that because journals that were not mainstream political science journals were removed from the SSCI list, the ranking does not include outputs published elsewhere in the social sciences. This may produce a bias against departments that try to contribute to general social science rather than the narrow discipline of political science. Nevertheless, the method used to calculate an impact score for each journal reintroduces a measure of the breadth of a contribution, as the impact score for a journal is calculated from all citations to articles in the journal from any journal in the SSCI.

Construction of the Ranking Some people may be interested in the total output of a department, whereas others may be interested in the average quality of these outputs or the average productivity of a department. For example, the central administration of a university may wish to know the relative per capita productivity of a department, whereas a prospective graduate student may seek a large department with a lot of research-active staff. So, five separate rankings were created from the data: •

Rank 1 (Quantity) – the total number of articles in the journals by scholars from a particular institution in a five-year period.



Rank 2 (Impact) – the total number of articles in the journals by scholars from a particular institution in a five-year period multiplied by the ‘impact score’ of the journal in which the article was published. • Rank 3 (Quantity/Faculty Size) – the total number of articles in the journals by scholars from a particular institution in a five-year period (as used to produce Rank 1) divided by the faculty size of the political science department of that institution. • Rank 4 (Impact/Faculty Size) – the total number of articles in the journals by scholars from a particular institution in a five-year period multiplied by the ‘impact score’ of the journal in which the article was published (as used to produce Rank 2) divided by the faculty size of the political science department of that institution. • Overall Rank – the average position of the institution in the other four ranks. The overall ranking is consequently an unweighted sum of the other four rankings (compare with Coupé, 2003). Invariably, people will have different opinions about the relative importance of Ranks 1, 2, 3 and 4. Hence, the positions of the institutions in each of the four individual ranks are also reported so that an interested person can calculate a different overall rank using a different set of weighting of the other ranks. The information on the size of a department was gathered from two sources. First, for the British universities, the data is the number of full-time staff submitted in the Politics and International Relations section of the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise. Second, for all other universities (including those British universities who did not make a submission for this section in 2001), we counted the number of full-time staff with a rank of full, associate or assistant professor (or equivalent) listed on a department’s website in November to December 2003.5 In other words, this includes only the number of staff in a political science department plus related institutes, or the number of political scientists in a department or faculty of social science. For example, according to the Harvard University website, the number of permanent faculty in the Department of Government plus the number of permanent faculty in the Kennedy School of Government who describe themselves as ‘political scientists’ is 87. Several things are worth noting here. First, this method of counting the size of a department assumes that the number of political scientists in a particular institution remains constant, which clearly is not the case. Second, this method only counts academics in political science departments, whereas the method for counting research output counts anyone publishing in one of the journals from a particular institution, regardless of where they are based in an institution. For example, if someone from a business school, an economics department or a law department publishes in one of the journals, this person is counted as a political scientist, but is not included as a member of the political science faculty in their institution. However, although there may be people outside a political science department who do political science research, the



size of the political science department is probably a reasonable proxy for the size of the overall political science community in an institution.

A Quasi-Error Finally, a ‘quasi-error’ in the overall rank of each institution was calculated. There are two sources of measurement error in this analysis. First, in counting the number of articles published by an institution, an article may have been missed. For example, in the computer data, an article may have been mislabelled as a minor note rather than a proper article, the institutional affiliation of an author may have been entered incorrectly (although each entry in the data was carefully checked), or an author who was listed as having no institutional affiliation may have been based in a particular academic institution. Second, it is extremely difficult to accurately measure the faculty size of a department. For example, different academic systems have different ways of describing their faculty (for example, many German universities only list their full professors). Also, information on the departments’ websites is invariably out of date or inaccurate. Using these two sources of error, a ‘quasi-error’ was worked out by calculating where an institution would have been placed in the overall ranking if the institution had produced one more/less article in a journal with a mean impact score (2.52) and if the department was 5 per cent smaller/larger than it had been measured. For example, in 1998–2002, the London School of Economics, with a faculty size of 76, produced 143.31 articles with an impact of 338.87. This placed it 2nd in Rank 1 (Quantity), 4th in Rank 2 (Impact), 31st in Rank 3 (Quantity/Faculty Size), 57th in Rank 4 (Impact/Faculty Size), and 15th overall. If it had produced one more article in a mean-impact score journal and had 5 per cent less staff, its position would not have changed in Ranks 1 and 2, but would have risen to 24th in Rank 3, 51st in Rank 4, and 12th overall. Conversely, if it had one less article and 5 per cent more staff, it would have been 18th overall. So, the quasierror at 15th was 12–18 (or plus/minus three places).

Results Table 2 lists the ‘Global Top 200’ political science institutions on the basis of their output in the main political science journals in the five years between 1998 and 2002.6 Anyone with a cursory knowledge of the discipline would recognize most of the names on the list. One way of assessing the validity of the method is to compare the results to those using a similar method in economics (Coupé, 2003). In the political science rankings for 1998–2002, there was one department outside the US in the top 10, five in the top 20, fourteen in the top 50, thirty-six in the top 100, and 103 in the top 200. In the comparable ranking in economics, there were no departments outside the US in the top 10, one in the top 20, ten in the top 50, thirtyfour in the top 100, and eighty-eight in the top 200.



One obvious criticism is that these rankings are biased towards Englishspeaking countries, since nine of the top 10, nineteen of the top 20, forty-eight of the top 50, ninety-one of the top 100, and 163 of the top 200 are from the US, the UK, Australia, Canada or Ireland. However, the equivalent rankings in economics are equally as dominated by Anglo-Saxon institutions: with all of the top 10, all of the top 20, forty-seven of the top 50, eighty-seven of the top 90, and 155 of the top 200 coming from these same five English-speaking countries. In other words, the dominance of institutions from these countries may simply be a reflection of the dominant position of English as the global language in the social sciences. So, if one assumes that the global spread of good and bad departments is broadly similar in the disciplines of political science and economics, then the method outlined and applied here is as good as the most similar ranking in economics. Table 3 shows the rank-order correlations between the five rankings, using the results for the top 200 in the 1998–2002 period. As would be expected given the calculation method, there are high correlations between Ranks 1 and 3 and between Ranks 2 and 4. However, the correlations suggest that each ranking method measures something different. Finally, Table 4 shows the ‘rolling’ rankings for the six five-year periods between 1993 and 2002. One of the striking things here is the stability of the top three, with Stanford, Harvard and Columbia swapping places at the top of the list, and none of these institutions dropping below third. Only two other institutions remained in the top 10 throughout this period (Indiana and the University of California, San Diego), and thirty-six institutions remained in the top 50 throughout the period. The biggest climbers, who climbed more than thirty places between 1993–1997 and 1998–2002, were the State University of New York, Binghamton (from 117th to 19th), Aberystwyth (136th to 39th), Penn State (101st to 33rd), Geneva (104th to 43rd), Trinity College Dublin (96th to 40th), University College London (83rd to 46th), Illinois-Urbana Champaign (80th to 44th) and Georgetown (50th to 16th). Nevertheless, almost fifty per cent (twenty-four) of the institutions in the top 50 in 1998–2002 rose or fell less than ten places from their positions in 1993–1997.

Conclusion A reasonably objective, easily updated and global ranking of departments in political science can be produced by borrowing a method used in other disciplines – that of measuring the research output of institutions in the main journals in the field in a given period, and controlling for the number of full-time staff in a department. This method produces a series of rankings that seem intuitively correct and compare well with the equivalent rankings in economics, in terms of the regional and national balance of institutions in the top 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200. One possible problem with these rankings is the apparent English-language bias in the results, which undermines the aspiration to be truly ‘global’.


Columbia Harvard Stanford Ohio State EUI

UC, San Diego UC, Irvine Indiana Princeton Yale

UC, Berkeley Michigan State Chicago UC, Los Angeles LSE

Georgetown Essex MIT ANU SUNY, Bimghamton Oxford

Birmingham Cambridge Florida State Sheffield Washington

Michigan Johns Hopkins Texas A&M Emory

Colorado American Pennsylvania Bristol UNC Chapel Hill

Overall Rank

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16= 16= 18 19= 19= 19=

22 23 24 25= 25=

27 28= 28= 30

31 32 33 34 35









22 20 25 14 37

48 21 41 32

20 18 25 22 23

43 23 30 25 16 70

45 29 39 51 76

37 32 33 49 52

45 87 38 43 17

Faculty Size

42.41 36.95 40.06 38.31 53.45

67.69 43.03 58.75 48.83

49.08 49.25 43.53 50.41 39.91

77.91 55.83 53.91 61.53 42.00 122.08

86.62 57.00 70.98 85.56 143.31

74.22 71.34 67.49 87.50 91.90

120.69 204.37 90.94 84.95 62.08

No. of Articles

49 61 53 59 29

15 47 20 35

33 32 45 31 54

11 25 28 18 50 3

8 24 14 9 2

12 13 16 7 5

4 1 6 10 17


Quantity (1)

123.39 126.96 150.62 83.04 177.51

250.72 122.48 225.92 181.00

115.82 106.41 167.69 113.01 161.10

233.42 140.44 201.42 127.51 120.86 302.99

268.34 204.69 238.39 317.13 338.87

254.53 214.71 224.68 319.40 323.59

420.10 700.93 342.88 327.87 157.97

Articles* Impact

45 44 32 78 24

12 47 15 23

52 62 26 53 29

14 34 20 43 48 9

10 19 13 8 4

11 17 16 7 6

2 1 3 5 30


Impact (2)

1.928 1.848 1.602 2.736 1.445

1.410 2.049 1.433 1.526

2.454 2.736 1.741 2.291 1.735

1.812 2.427 1.797 2.461 2.625 1.744

1.925 1.966 1.820 1.678 1.886

2.006 2.229 2.045 1.786 1.767

2.682 2.349 2.393 1.976 3.652

Articles/ Fac. Size

28 34 53 5 72

77 20 74 61

11 5 45 16 46

36 13 38 10 8 44

29 25 35 48 31

22 18 21 39 41

7 15 14 24 2


Quantity/Size (3)

5.609 6.348 6.025 5.931 4.798

5.223 5.832 5.510 5.656

5.791 5.912 6.708 5.137 7.004

5.428 6.106 6.714 5.100 7.554 4.328

5.963 7.058 6.113 6.218 4.459

6.879 6.710 6.808 6.518 6.223

9.336 8.057 9.023 7.625 9.292

Impact/ Fac. Size

38 23 30 32 50

41 34 39 37

35 33 20 43 14

40 29 18 45 10 60

31 13 28 26 57

16 19 17 22 25

2 6 4 9 3


Impact/Size (4)

Table 2: The Global Top 200 Political Science Departments, 1998–2002

40.00 40.50 42.00 43.50 43.75

36.25 37.00 37.00 39.00

32.75 33.00 34.00 35.75 35.75

25.25 25.25 26.00 29.00 29.00 29.00

19.50 20.25 22.50 22.75 23.50

15.25 16.75 17.50 18.75 19.25

3.75 5.75 6.75 12.00 13.00

Average of Ranks 1 to 4

25 25 30 31 30

22 24 22 24

19 22 19 24 22

13 13 13 19 19 16

6 8 9 10 12

6 6 7 6 7

1 2 2 4 5

34 38 39 38 41

32 32 33 36

27 27 29 29 30

18 18 21 21 21 21

12 15 18 18 18

9 8 12 12 14

1 3 3 5 5


Quasi-Error Best


George Washington Cardiff UW Madison Aberystwyth TCD Vanderbilt

Cornell Geneva Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Rice

UCL SUNY, Stony Brook UC, Davis Arizona Virginia

Duke Oslo Claremont Graduate Pittsburgh Leiden

Iowa New Mexico New York Minnesota George Mason

Hebrew, Jerusalem Arizona State Hull Maryland Georgia

SUNY, Buffalo Houston Northwestern Pennsylvania Cal Tech

Southern California Warwick Tel Aviv Mannheim Strathclyde

36 37= 37= 39 40= 40=

42 43 44 45

46 47= 47= 49= 49=

51 52 53 54 55

56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64 65

66= 66= 68 69 70

71= 71= 73 74 75

USA UK Israel Germany UK




USA Norway USA USA Netherlands


USA Switzerland USA USA


18 27 21 18 18

15 27 31 29 9

29 24 21 45 19

28 16 38 55 35

44 33 8 29 22

5 15 25 22 35

31 12 40 15

44 10 39 25 9 15

25.33 38.50 31.33 28.33 28.66

26.33 32.08 32.56 38.92 14.75

43.33 32.75 35.75 48.97 29.00

37.33 23.67 47.58 57.79 42.50

55.73 44.75 19.45 41.33 38.81

25.67 24.33 36.30 35.25 44.37

48.08 30.17 52.28 28.16

59.18 30.33 57.94 48.50 27.50 28.83

99 58 72 85 82

94 71 70 56 161

46 69 65 34 80

60 104 40 23 48

26 42 128 51 57

96 102 63 67 44

39 76 30 87

19 75 22 38 88 81

82.17 87.31 75.39 65.71 64.33

65.79 117.25 144.52 103.44 79.38

100.61 102.85 75.76 156.67 79.90

119.75 100.74 135.96 195.42 130.13

170.44 122.84 63.30 112.75 82.21

51.75 109.52 127.69 108.51 164.19

133.22 74.58 182.68 99.00

205.19 74.52 167.32 106.76 71.42 103.23

81 74 88 98 100

97 50 33 64 84

69 66 87 31 83

49 68 38 21 41

25 46 105 54 80

117 55 42 57 28

40 89 22 70

18 90 27 60 93 65

1.407 1.426 1.492 1.574 1.592

1.755 1.188 1.050 1.342 1.639

1.494 1.365 1.702 1.088 1.526

1.333 1.479 1.252 1.051 1.214

1.267 1.356 2.431 1.425 1.764

5.134 1.622 1.452 1.602 1.268

1.551 2.514 1.307 1.877

1.345 3.033 1.486 1.940 3.056 1.922

78 75 68 56 55

43 112 139 88 49

67 84 47 130 61

90 70 107 138 109

103 86 12 76 42

1 51 71 53 102

59 9 97 32

87 4 69 26 3 30

4.565 3.234 3.590 3.651 3.574

4.386 4.343 4.662 3.567 8.820

3.469 4.285 3.608 3.482 4.205

4.277 6.296 3.578 3.553 3.718

3.874 3.722 7.913 3.888 3.737

10.350 7.301 5.108 4.932 4.691

4.297 6.215 4.567 6.600

4.663 7.452 4.290 4.270 7.936 6.882

56 107 87 84 89

58 59 53 90 5

96 63 86 95 67

64 24 88 92 78

75 77 8 73 76

1 12 44 48 51

61 27 55 21

52 11 62 65 7 15

78.50 78.50 78.75 80.75 81.50

73.00 73.00 73.75 74.50 74.75

69.50 70.50 71.25 72.50 72.75

65.75 66.50 68.25 68.50 69.00

57.25 62.75 63.25 63.50 63.75

53.75 55.00 55.00 56.25 56.25

49.75 50.25 51.00 52.50

44.00 45.00 45.00 47.25 47.75 47.75

62 63 62 68 69

58 58 58 57 58

52 56 55 55 56

52 52 52 52 56

45 52 52 52 52

46 44 42 45 44

36 39 39 39

31 33 31 33 39 34

80 80 80 83 83

74 74 73 75 75

70 73 73 73 74

63 68 68 68 70

51 67 57 62 63

50 51 51 52 51

48 48 48 51

43 39 42 44 43 46



Missouri Washington Aarhus North Texas Sussex

UW, Milwaukee Aberdeen Newcastle-Upon-Tyne UC Santa Barbara Glasgow

Leicester Manchester Rochester Louisiana State Birkbeck, London Rutgers

Syracuse Toronto Kansas UC, Riverside

Bradford Humboldt Western Australia Edinburgh Leeds

Durham Alabama QMUL Dartmouth South Carolina

Overall Rank

76 77 78 79= 79=

81 82 83 84 85

86 87 88 89 90= 90=

92 93 94 95

96 97 98 99= 99=

101 102 103 104 105


UK Germany Australia UK UK






8 13 14 21 36

17 17 8 16 28

40 66 25 11

13 31 29 23 13 53

20 17 14 24 14

21 45 46 29 27

Faculty Size

14.83 17.17 21.00 21.83 30.17

23.17 22.25 15.50 22.50 31.00

39.03 58.00 27.15 14.62

21.00 36.08 28.65 25.50 20.25 44.53

25.33 26.42 22.83 28.37 21.25

27.17 46.98 54.17 30.95 35.67

No. of Articles

158 142 119 112 76

106 111 152 110 73

55 21 91 163

119 64 83 97 123 43

99 93 108 84 114

90 41 27 74 66


Quantity (1)

32.68 50.40 43.38 70.28 103.61

52.81 56.11 31.88 49.86 74.40

106.62 140.25 80.23 56.06

47.52 87.43 101.34 77.40 46.20 136.30

82.22 58.72 51.42 84.83 51.62

86.09 137.04 116.37 107.74 86.52

Articles* Impact

167 123 145 94 63

116 113 174 124 91

61 35 82 114

127 73 67 85 134 37

79 110 119 77 118

76 36 51 58 75


Impact (2)

1.854 1.321 1.500 1.040 0.838

1.363 1.309 1.938 1.406 1.107

0.976 0.879 1.086 1.329

1.615 1.164 0.988 1.109 1.558 0.840

1.267 1.554 1.631 1.182 1.518

1.294 1.044 1.178 1.067 1.321

Articles/ Fac. Size

33 93 65 141 182

85 96 27 79 124

152 169 131 92

52 118 150 122 57 180

103 58 50 113 63

99 140 114 133 93


Quantity/Size (3)

4.085 3.877 3.099 3.347 2.878

3.106 3.301 3.985 3.116 2.657

2.666 2.125 3.209 5.096

3.655 2.820 3.494 3.365 3.554 2.572

4.111 3.454 3.673 3.535 3.687

4.100 3.045 2.530 3.715 3.204

Impact/ Fac. Size

71 74 117 101 129

116 104 72 115 140

139 183 109 46

83 131 94 99 91 145

69 97 82 93 81

70 119 147 79 110


Impact/Size (4)

107.25 108.00 111.50 112.00 112.50

105.75 106.00 106.25 107.00 107.00

101.75 102.00 103.25 103.75

95.25 96.50 98.50 100.75 101.25 101.25

87.50 89.50 89.75 91.75 94.00

83.75 84.00 84.75 86.00 86.00

Average of Ranks 1 to 4

Table 2: The Global Top 200 Political Science Departments, 1998–2002: Continued

87 87 88 92 96

87 86 87 86 89

86 86 85 85

81 84 82 85 84 86

71 74 76 76 81

68 71 74 74 71

109 107 109 109 107

107 106 109 107 107

102 102 104 105

102 95 96 103 106 100

85 88 92 88 100

81 83 83 86 84


Quasi-Error Best


Montreal Tufts Max Planck Texas, Austin Groningen

Southampton Georgia State Kentucky Liverpool British Columbia

Amsterdam Manchester Metropolitan Notre Dame Denver SUMY, Albany

Kent Exeter Helsinki Brown West Virginia

Nottingham Liverpool John Moores CUNY Lafayette Murdoch

East Anglia Melbourne Konstanz QUB UCD St Andrews

Twente Texas Technological Truman State Bremen

106 107 108 109 110

111 112= 112= 114 115

116 117 118 119 120

121 122 123 124= 124=

126 127 128= 128= 130

131 132 133 134 135= 135=

137 138 139 140

Netherlands USA USA Germany

UK Australia Germany UK Ireland UK

UK UK USA USA Australia


Netherlands UK USA USA USA


Canada USA Germany USA Netherlands

12 21 8 15

14 20 29 22 13 11

21 4 50 9 7

16 16 17 20 17

62 8 48 6 25

19 22 23 16 29

22 18 32 59 15

15.17 18.75 11.00 16.50

16.00 21.33 25.50 20.81 13.50 14.50

21.08 8.50 36.33 13.00 12.50

18.50 19.25 20.25 18.67 18.67

48.66 12.33 34.83 10.83 23.83

21.08 23.17 21.00 18.75 27.33

24.90 19.83 29.83 41.33 18.25

155 130 197 146

148 113 97 122 173 165

115 236 62 177 182

134 129 123 132 132

37 183 68 199 103

115 106 119 130 89

101 127 78 51 135

29.81 47.24 25.07 33.67

38.81 44.76 60.92 49.31 38.50 28.97

50.78 20.35 95.90 29.04 22.85

45.13 42.94 43.54 58.89 47.06

109.31 29.16 107.03 25.18 61.18

50.93 57.17 69.08 47.31 66.94

63.46 60.43 76.63 133.38 46.27

184 130 213 163

150 138 107 126 152 189

121 241 71 188 223

136 146 144 109 131

56 186 59 212 106

120 111 95 129 96

103 108 86 39 133

1.264 0.893 1.375 1.100

1.143 1.067 0.879 0.946 1.038 1.318

1.004 2.125 0.727 1.444 1.786

1.156 1.203 1.191 0.934 1.098

0.785 1.541 0.726 1.805 0.953

1.109 1.053 0.913 1.172 0.942

1.132 1.102 0.932 0.701 1.217

106 167 81 127

120 133 169 158 142 95

145 19 212 73 39

119 110 111 160 129

193 60 214 37 157

122 137 162 115 159

121 125 161 222 108

2.484 2.250 3.134 2.245

2.772 2.238 2.101 2.241 2.962 2.634

2.418 5.088 1.918 3.227 3.264

2.821 2.684 2.561 2.945 2.768

1.763 3.645 2.230 4.197 2.447

2.681 2.599 3.003 2.957 2.308

2.885 3.357 2.395 2.261 3.085

149 169 113 170

134 173 186 172 123 141

153 47 201 108 105

130 137 146 126 135

222 85 174 68 152

138 143 121 125 162

128 100 154 168 118

148.50 149.00 151.00 151.50

138.00 139.25 139.75 144.50 147.50 147.50

133.50 135.75 136.50 136.50 137.25

129.75 130.50 131.00 131.75 131.75

127.00 128.50 128.75 129.00 129.50

123.75 124.25 124.25 124.75 126.50

113.25 115.00 119.75 120.00 123.50

124 131 126 131

116 115 119 122 126 122

110 108 117 108 110

108 108 108 110 110

108 108 108 107 110

107 108 107 107 108

95 96 103 103 103

156 151 158 158

139 142 138 143 147 151

134 149 134 143 143

133 133 133 133 133

126 136 129 133 133

127 126 126 129 131

109 114 121 117 126



William and Mary Keele Simon Fraser Boston NUST

Mississippi Nijmegen Uppsala Nebraska Loyola

Griffith Iowa State Florida UWE Copenhagen

Oklahoma Bern Vienna Illinois, Chicago New South Wales

Southern Illinois Nottingham Trent Sydney Reed Portland State

Stirling Tasmania Reading

Overall Rank

141 142 143 144 145

146 147 148 149 150

151 152 153= 153= 155

156 157 158 159 160

161 162 163 164 165

166 167 168

UK Australia UK

USA UK Australia USA USA

USA Switzerland Austria USA Australia

Australia USA USA UK Denmark

USA Netherlands Sweden USA USA

USA UK Canada USA Norway


7 14 16

17 17 20 4 3

35 17 23 22 17

16 27 47 13 38

12 16 38 15 14

13 31 20 33 18

Faculty Size

9.00 14.00 13.37

12.58 14.83 17.33 5.50 6.00

22.83 14.83 17.42 14.67 15.33

17.00 16.83 29.83 13.17 28.25

10.17 15.91 27.08 12.25 14.20

12.67 26.00 18.00 23.33 15.83

No. of Articles

223 170 175

181 158 141 340 317

108 158 140 162 153

143 144 78 176 86

204 149 92 184 166

180 95 137 105 150


Quantity (1)

19.57 27.76 32.64

39.90 32.75 35.17 20.77 14.64

63.40 36.23 45.44 50.50 32.11

31.62 63.75 73.26 30.42 57.16

40.14 34.62 65.31 43.58 31.76

38.76 55.87 44.00 64.04 41.57

Articles* Impact

253 198 168

149 166 159 238 319

104 157 135 122 173

177 102 92 181 112

148 161 99 143 175

151 115 139 101 147


Impact (2)

1.286 1.000 0.836

0.740 0.872 0.867 1.375 2.000

0.652 0.872 0.757 0.667 0.902

1.063 0.623 0.635 1.013 0.743

0.848 0.994 0.713 0.817 1.014

0.975 0.839 0.900 0.707 0.879

Articles/ Fac. Size

100 147 183

208 173 175 81 23

238 173 200 233 164

135 252 246 144 207

177 149 217 187 143

154 181 165 221 169


Quantity/Size (3)

2.796 1.983 2.040

2.347 1.926 1.759 5.193 4.880

1.811 2.131 1.976 2.295 1.889

1.976 2.361 1.559 2.340 1.504

3.345 2.164 1.719 2.905 2.269

2.982 1.802 2.200 1.941 2.309

Impact/ Fac. Size

133 195 189

158 200 225 42 49

213 181 196 164 204

196 157 244 159 257

102 177 231 127 166

122 217 176 199 161


Impact/Size (4)

177.25 177.50 178.75

174.00 174.25 175.00 175.25 177.00

165.75 167.25 167.75 170.25 173.50

162.75 163.75 165.00 165.00 165.50

157.75 159.00 159.75 160.25 162.50

151.75 152.00 154.25 156.50 156.75

Average of Ranks 1 to 4

Table 2: The Global Top 200 Political Science Departments, 1998–2002: Continued

139 146 150

150 147 148 138 139

143 141 144 143 147

135 142 144 137 143

134 134 135 135 135

130 134 134 135 134

188 179 180

176 178 174 197 197

167 171 171 174 177

168 168 167 171 167

164 161 158 160 168

152 149 158 158 159


Quasi-Error Best


Lancaster Science-Po Bath

INSEAD Bowdoin TU Darmstadt GIIS

Gothenburg Westminister De Montfort Lehigh Queensland

Lund Leuven (KUL) UCLAN Tubingen Victoria

EU Viadrina Bryn Mawr Florence CEU Erlangen Nurnberg

Staffordshire Fern of Hagen Connecticut York Bergen

McMaster Southern Methodist Carleton Juan March Ulster

169 170= 170=

172 173= 173= 175

176 177 178 179 180

181 182 183 184 185

186 187 188 189 190

191 192 193 194 195

196= 196= 198= 198= 200

Canada USA Canada Spain UK

UK Germany USA UK Norway

Germany USA Italy Hungary Germany

Sweden Belgium UK Germany Canada

Sweden UK UK USA Australia

France USA Germany Switzerland

UK France UK

19 15 35 4 9

8 10 33 20 16

11 5 30 31 2

34 24 6 6 15

18 8 13 7 22

4 15 5 5

18 85 19

12.83 10.50 19.90 5.50 8.17

7.83 8.00 17.50 14.00 11.92

9.00 6.33 21.00 18.17 4.50

21.00 15.67 7.00 8.00 11.00

14.17 9.33 11.00 6.83 16.50

5.50 8.50 6.50 7.58

15.23 48.83 14.58

179 202 126 340 244

257 248 139 170 186

223 306 119 136 389

119 151 283 248 197

167 216 197 291 146

340 236 299 267

154 35 164

29.49 27.21 43.70 13.77 18.50

18.97 22.79 47.33 30.57 26.11

23.40 16.20 36.37 43.91 11.52

44.86 36.30 17.75 14.88 27.86

31.71 18.46 25.97 22.35 32.35

18.52 49.60 18.51 15.64

32.26 91.03 35.18

185 202 142 337 269

261 224 128 180 207

221 296 155 140 381

137 156 279 317 196

176 271 210 227 171

267 125 268 308

172 72 158

0.675 0.700 0.569 1.375 0.908

0.979 0.800 0.530 0.700 0.745

0.818 1.266 0.700 0.586 2.250

0.618 0.653 1.167 1.333 0.733

0.787 1.166 0.846 0.976 0.750

1.375 0.567 1.300 1.516

0.846 0.574 0.767

231 225 280 81 163

151 189 291 225 206

186 105 225 269 17

253 237 116 90 210

191 117 178 152 203

81 281 98 64

178 277 198

1.552 1.814 1.249 3.443 2.056

2.371 2.279 1.434 1.529 1.632

2.127 3.240 1.212 1.416 5.760

1.319 1.513 2.958 2.480 1.857

1.762 2.308 1.998 3.193 1.470

4.630 3.307 3.702 3.128

1.792 1.071 1.852

245 211 308 98 188

155 165 269 253 235

182 106 317 273 36

287 254 124 150 205

223 162 193 112 267

54 103 80 114

218 342 206

210.00 210.00 214.00 214.00 216.00

206.00 206.50 206.75 207.00 208.50

203.00 203.25 204.00 204.50 205.75

199.00 199.50 200.50 201.25 202.00

189.25 191.50 194.50 195.50 196.75

185.50 186.25 186.25 188.25

180.50 181.50 181.50

177 175 179 165 172

165 172 177 172 175

170 157 172 173 159

172 172 153 159 172

159 155 161 153 169

143 150 143 143

153 160 157

217 215 211 251 240

228 220 208 211 215

214 228 202 205 231

204 205 217 226 208

195 207 200 208 199

206 195 207 207

180 175 183




Table 3: Correlations between the Ranks of the Top 200 Political Science Institutions, 1998–2003

Rank 1 (Quantity) Rank 2 (Impact) Rank 3 (Quantity/Faculty Size) Rank 4 (Impact/Faculty Size) Overall Rank

Rank 1

Rank 2

Rank 3

Rank 4

– 0.962 0.429 0.507 0.862

– 0.405 0.583 0.879

– 0.896 0.759

– 0.832

Method: Spearman’s rank-order correlation.

However, English is the international language for the publication and citation of research in political science, as in other social sciences and the natural sciences. Because of the ease of reading, publishing in and teaching from these international journals, scholars in English-speaking universities are inevitably more closely integrated into the global discipline than scholars outside the English-speaking world. As a result, a ranking of departments using research published in the ‘top’ international journals in a field is inevitably not a fair representation of the quality of departments outside the English-speaking world. One possible solution would be to include more non-English-language journals in the analysis. However, given the low number of citations to research published in non-English-language journals, it is hard to make a case for including some non-English journals while omitting others, or even for including nonEnglish-language journals with low citations while excluding some journals with higher citations. A second problem is that book publications are more common and important in political science than in economics. As discussed, if one assumes that a good department would produce a lot of articles as well as books, then only measuring journal publications may not make a difference to the ranking of institutions at the departmental level. Nevertheless, this hypothesis can only be checked if a similar ranking could be established using book publications, and the results of the two rankings are compared and perhaps integrated. Despite these shortcomings, two major advantages of the method proposed here are that it would be (i) simple to mechanize and (ii) easy to add other journals or books to the dataset. If ‘the discipline’, perhaps via a committee of the International Political Science Association, could agree a set of English and non-English-language journals and book publishers that are the main vehicles for research output in the global discipline, it would not be too difficult to modify this method and establish a mechanized system for entry and updating of the dataset and for calculating new rankings every year. Ideally, each insti-



Table 4: The Rolling Global Top Fifty, 1997–2002 1995–1999




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Stanford Harvard Columbia Indiana = UC Berkeley ANU Essex Houston Iowa UCSD EUI Princeton Arizona Warwick Chicago Georgia Yale = Oxford UW Madison Johns Hopkins


Stanford Harvard Columbia Indiana UC Berkeley EUI Houston Essex UCSD Princeton Yale UCLA Ohio State Warwick ANU Birmingham Iowa Chicago UC Davis = Michigan


Stanford Harvard = Columbia Essex EUI Indiana UC Berkeley UCSD Ohio State Yale UCLA Princeton Oxford Michigan State Vanderbilt American = UC Davis UW Madison Texas A&M = Houston

Stanford Harvard Columbia EUI UC Berkeley UCSD Essex = Indiana Ohio State Yale Princeton Michigan State Birmingham UC Irvine UCLA Chicago Vanderbilt = Washington U UW Madison Oxford

Columbia Stanford = Harvard EUI UC Berkeley Ohio State UCSD Indiana Princeton Yale Michigan State = Chicago MIT = UCLA UC Irvine Essex Birmingham Vanderbilt Johns Hopkins Cambridge



= Oxford

Johns Hopkins

UC Davis

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

= UCLA Ohio State UC Davis Birmingham MIT Michigan Washington U UCol Boulder Michigan State American Florida State Texas A&M

Arizona Washington U Georgia UCol Boulder = UC Irvine UW Madison Michigan State Vanderbilt Johns Hopkins American MIT Cambridge

Washington U Chicago Birmingham UC Irvine ANU Warwick UCol Boulder Georgia Michigan Bristol Cambridge Georgetown

34 35

Texas A&M Glasgow

Arizona = GWU

36 37

Pennsylvania SUNY Stony Brook UC Irvine Strathclyde

Cambridge Johns Hopkins Texas A&M Bristol Sheffield = Georgetown MIT ANU Florida State American = Warwick SUNY Binghamton GWU Houston

SUNY Binghamton Oxford Georgetown American = LSE Florida State UW Madison Texas A&M Penn State = Emory = ANU UC Davis Michigan

Columbia Harvard Stanford Ohio State EUI UCSD UC Irvine Indiana Princeton Yale UC Berkeley Michigan State Chicago UCLA LSE Essex = Georgetown MIT Oxford = SUNY Binghamton = ANU

Iowa LSE

Georgia LSE

Bristol GWU

38 39

Cambridge Leiden

Leiden SUNY Stony Brook Pennsylvania LSE

Sheffield Emory

40 41 42

Glasgow = LSE Cal Tech

Florida State GWU Cal Tech

Rice SUNY Stony Brook Aberystwyth Trinity (Dublin) = Arizona

Trinity (Dublin) = Vanderbilt Cornell

43 44

UW Milwaukee Arizona State

= Emory Iowa

Georgia Cardiff

Geneva Illinois

45 46

South Carolina Rice

Pittsburgh = South Carolina Strathclyde Emory

MIT Leiden SUNY Stony Brook Florida State UNC Chapel Hill Rice New Mexico

Cal Tech SUNY Stony Brook Michigan Rice Penn State

Hebrew Pennsylvania

Rice UCL (London)



= Georgetown



= Cornell UNC Chapel Hill Claremont

48 49 50

Maryland Vanderbilt Georgetown

UC Riverside Sheffield = Hull

Hull Maryland Glasgow

Maryland UCol Boulder Claremont

Geneva Houston = UCol Boulder

Washington U Sheffield

Birmingham Cambridge Florida State Sheffield = Washington U Michigan Johns Hopkins = Texas A&M Emory UCol Boulder American Penn State Bristol UNC Chapel Hill GWU Cardiff = UW Madison Aberystwyth

SUNY Stony Brook = UC Davis Arizona = Virginia

Note: = means that an institution is in the same position as the institution listed immediately before it.



tution that wanted to be included in the rankings could be asked to provide accurate and up-to-date information about the size of their faculty. (Accepted: 7 May 2004)

About the Author Simon Hix, Department of Government, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE, UK; email: [email protected]; website: http://personal.lse.ac.uk/hix

Notes Research for this paper was partially funded by The Nuffield Foundation (Grant No: SGS/00889/G). I would like to thank Gabriele Birnberg, Ryan Barrett and Bjorn Hoyland for data collection; Nancy Beyers at the Institute for Scientific Information for help with purchase of the Social Science Citation Index data; and Daniele Archibugi, Rodney Barker, Kenneth Benoit, Jeff Checkel, Tom Coupé, Philip Cowley, Pepper Culpepper, Nicole Deitelhoff, Vedran Dzihic, Matthew Gabel, Fabrizio Gilardi, Nils Petter Gleditsch, Robert Goodin, Justin Greenwood, Metin Heper, Karl Magnus Johansson, Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard, Iain McLean, Martin Lodge, Peter Mair, Paul Mitchell, Andrew Moravcsik, Cas Mudde, Michael Munger, Yannis Papadopoulos, Thomas Pluemper, Ben Reilly, Christian Reus-Smit, Gerald Schneider, David Shambaugh, Gunnar Sivertsen, Ulf Sverdrup, Alec Sweet, Jon Tonge, Erik Voeten, Albert Weale and the three Political Studies Review referees for comments on the research and previous versions of this paper. 1 See ‘The ISI® Database: The Journal Selection Process’: . 2 I considered adding journals of other national political science associations (such as the journals of the Belgian, Swiss, Austrian, Irish and Japanese associations) and a number of other political science journals (such as Aussenwirtschaft). However, none of these journals met the threshold of at least 100 citations per year. 3 The adjusted R2 for the model is 0.781. 4 Part of the difference between these scores and the SSCI scores is explained by the fact that my index is an average impact across several years, whereas the scores I have compared them against are only for the impact of a journal in 2002. 5 More detailed information about how this was calculated for each university can be obtained from the author. 6 Tables showing the top 400 in each five year period between 1993 and 2002 can be found on my website: .

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