Poetry For The Church In Renewal Compilation

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 35,058
  • Pages: 172


www. Discipleofjesussite.com

Copyright © 2008


Disciples of Jesus Ministry. Page 3.


Page 5. A SONG OF PRAISE Page 6.


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PSALM 91 declaration

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A SONG OF PRAISE Praise the Lord all you people, shouting praises to His Name, For He alone is King over every created being, Declare His wonderful goodness to all men, He blesses the righteous and gives justice to the poor man. The Lord is good and kind and His mercies never cease, And through the Son of Man, Immanuel men can be saved, His blood was shed for us that our sins might be forgiven, For through Him we are made righteous and given real peace. The scourging he took, those stripes were for our healing. Give praise to Him forever “Jehovah Rapha” the Lord that Heals, He hears the prayers of His saints and answers according to His Word, For His promises are yes and amen as revealed in His Word. He blesses His righteous ones with abundance and provision, For His word says those that seek after Him shall not be in lack, So Lord won’t you bless us indeed and increase our vision, Keep your hand upon us, free us from succumbing to the enemies tactics. And may it be that all men everywhere would praise Your Wonderful Name, For you alone are Lord, forever and ever and throughout eternity the same, All glory honour, praise and majesty be unto the King of Kings, Worthy, worthy, worthy, holy, holy, holy let your people sing.


AWAKEN OUR HEARTS Dear Lord, awaken our hearts, For you gave us a brand new start, Shake all that needs to be shaken, To stir us up as lovers praising. For you alone are worthy of our praise, So in worship our arms we raise, And we ask you to take us deeper, Deeper unto you, our Dear Saviour. May we passionately pursue you, For you pour love on us too, Forgive us of our foolish ways, May we live for you throughout our days. This world is not our home, We are to live with eternity in view, So Lord make us over anew, That we might live for you alone.


AWAKEN UP A REAL PASSION FOR JESUS Awaken up a real passion for Jesus, Right from the depths of my heart, Anointed and on fire for Jesus, The fire of God consuming my heart. I raise my hands up in your presence, I smell your sweet fragrant essence, My beloved, how I long for you. I’m so glad you delight in me too. Reveal more and more of yourself to me. Spirit pour the love of God into my heart, I love the way that you love one such as me, I want to love you with my whole heart. Control my whole being, free me from sin, The Word of God going deep within, Spirit of Elijah, show me your power, Release your glory, release your power, I want to dwell in your secret place, I am longing to see you face to face, I’m amazed at the wonder of your grace. Lord, you died for the whole human race. Lord give me, your heart that I might see. People around me just what you see. Help me to reach out with your compassion, For you Lord are the object of my passion.


BAPTIZE OUR HEARTS WITH YOUR HOLY SPIRIT FIRE Our Lord and our God, we find it so hard for us to comprehend, How the Lord of heaven and earth could love us like you do? Yet you love us without measure, a love that will never end, The desire of your heart is to have us really love you too. You long for us to know real intimacy with you, And deep down in our hearts we just long for that too, Keep our eyes focused on you Lord and teach us your wisdom, That we in turn might play our part in heralding in your Kingdom. For yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, Who is like you our dear Lord and Saviour, Creator of all? Holy Spirit come and fill us up afresh, don’t let us fall. For we need your help to boldly proclaim the gospel story. So Lord we give you permission to do a work in us deep within, Rid us of all that is of the flesh, come and free us from sin, For it can never be us at the centre, help us all from self to die, For it is you Lord Jesus who sets people free, for this cause you died. Yet praise be to God the story didn’t end there, We serve a risen Saviour, You are the risen glorified one, the beginning and the end, You are our redeemer, our beloved, our King and our friend, And we with the angels will cry Holy, Holy, Holy to my Saviour. Baptize our hearts with your Holy Spirit fire once again, Help us to be a witness for you in this world of men, We want to drink deep from the wells of living water, That out of our bellies may flow rivers of living water.


BE STILL Be still and know the presence of the Lord, Be still for He is worthy to be praised, Sing Holy, Holy, Holy, to the Lord of hosts. Be still for the Lord is in this place. Lift up your hands in praise to the King of Kings, For, He is worthy to be praised. What wondrous grace and mercy He bestowed. When on the cross for you and me He died. Be still and know the presence of the Lord, Be still for He is worthy to be praised, Sing Holy, Holy, Holy, to the Lord of hosts. Be still for the Lord is in this place. Now Jesus our Lord reigns in Majesty. Some day soon He’ll be coming back for us, On that day we’ll be caught up in the air. Oh, what a wonderful day that will be. Be still and know the presence of the Lord, Be still for He is worthy to be praised, Sing Holy, Holy, Holy, to the Lord of hosts. Be still for the Lord is in this place. But for now we have a work for Him to do, Telling the people about Jesus our King. Time is running short and the Gospel must go forth, We can’t hide our lights under a bushel anymore. Be still and know the presence of the Lord, Be still for He is worthy to be praised,


Sing Holy, Holy, Holy, to the Lord of hosts. Be still for the Lord is in this place.

BELIEVERS AUTHORITY Thank you Lord Jesus for the authority I have in you. For it is Christ in me that is the hope of glory, I have a wonderful inheritance as a child of yours, Thank you Lord for revealing to me, your riches in glory. I am seated up in those heavenly places with you. The fullness of the Godhead indwells me, The same power that resurrected you indwells me, All things are under your feet so they are under mine too. It’s not about who I am, but about who you are, So, I will move in the might and power of the Spirit, Boldly proclaiming to those near and far, You want to set them free and give them the Holy Spirit. The full Gospel of the Kingdom, I will proclaim, Letting people know the power and authority of Your Name, I am a believer so I can lay hands on the sick their healed. For your Word says “By Your stripes we are healed.” There may be violence against Your Kingdom today You have already won the Battle and the enemy is defeated, So I will courageously and violently take force Your Kingdom. By being a strong warrior for you, for in the heavens I am seated.


CELEBRATE JESUS CHRIST As we come upon this Christmas time, Let us ponder and see, Just where would we be? If Jesus had never been born. The Bible would just be another book; A fable at best, Just like the rest, And Christmas would not exist. But Jesus was born in Bethlehem As the Prophet Micah had prophesied, We would not know who God is, If we have known Christ we have known the Father. If Christ had not come our sins wouldn't be forgiven, We wouldn't be on our way to a place called heaven, But Jesus came and Jesus died, To Him we can be reconciled. If Christ had not come our prayers would be unanswered, We have a High Priest who intercedes for us, Through Him we have access to our Heavenly Father, When we ask in His name we will receive answers. If Christ had not come our hope would be unfounded. We would not know the hope of glory, But Jesus did come and we have that hope, We know Jesus is coming for us His Church. The Prophet Isaiah prohesied "He would be called Immanuel", "Immanuel" God with us, the word did indeed become flesh, 11

So as we approach this Christmas, Let's remember the reason for the season. Let's celebrate Jesus, for He alone is the reason.

A CHILD WAS BORN Over 2000 years ago an event happened to shape eternity. A child was born in a manger in a stable in Bethlehem, They called his name Jesus, meaning God is Saviour, No ordinary babe was he this was God in human form. Let’s commence this story, while King Herod was ruling Judea, God sent the angel Gabriel to a young woman called Mary, Mary lived in Nazareth and was engaged to Joseph, Gabriel said “ Peace, God is blessing you for He is happy with you Mary. You will become pregnant by the Holy Spirit and give birth to a boy, This child will be God’s own son and you will call Him Jesus, And your cousin Elizabeth though older in years is giving birth to a boy, This boy will be John who has been chosen to prepare the way for Jesus.” And Mary in faith replied to Gabriel “Let it happen as God chooses.” Mary visited Elizabeth and the baby leaped in her womb; Then Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke. "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” Then Mary said “ My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices, Rejoicing in God my Saviour for he has remembered me, his lowly servant! From now on all people will call me blessed among women, What God has done for me will never be forgotten by all generations,


The God whose very name is holy, set apart from all others. His mercy flows in wave after wave on those who fear him.” Mary went home to Nazareth and Joseph was concerned, For Mary was with child and they had not yet wed, But an angel spoke to Joseph in a dream assuring him, That this child was from God and he would save people from sin, That he need not fear to take Mary as his bride and wed, So Joseph took Mary as His wife and they did wed. Now the Emperor Augustus called for a census, a register of names, People in the Roman Empire must return to the home of their family name, So Joseph and Mary although she was heavy with child travelled to Bethlehem, This town was about seventy miles from their home in Nazareth, Joseph and Mary took their time because she was expecting a child, So their was no room at the inn and a stable was the place of Jesus birth, This was fulfilment of Micah’s prophecy that a child would be born in Bethlehem. In swaddling clothes in a lowly manger he lay; this was the Christ child. Now shepherds watched their sheep in the hills that night the Messiah was born, Suddenly an angel appeared shining brightly with the glory of God appeared, The shepherds were very afraid, but the angel said "Do not be afraid, For behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy to all, today a child is born, This child born in the city of David this day is Jesus Christ the Lord.” So the shepherds made their way to the town of Bethlehem to find this child, And in the stable in Bethlehem they found Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus, And those humble shepherds bore witness to the Lord’s birth and others told.


The shepherds retuned to their flock praising God for sending Jesus as Saviour, A shining bright star shone brightly in the night sky when Jesus was born, Some wise men from the east had seen this star and sought out the new King, In Jerusalem King Herod heard of their quest and felt threatened by this baby. For the wise men asked “Where is the new baby who is to be the Jewish King?” Herod summoned the wise men to come to him and asked for information, He wanted the wise men to tell him where the new King was staying, Saying he wanted to go and worship the King, but his thoughts were evil. The wise men continued following the star all the way to Bethlehem town, And the star led them directly to stop at the house in which baby Jesus dwelt, And the wise men brought gold, frankincense and myrrh to give Jesus as gifts, For they bore gifts for the Saviour who would give them eternal life as a gift. Then the wise men were warned in a dream by God to avoid King Herod, So they went back a different way for God had revealed a new way, And Joseph too had a dream in which God told him to flee to Egypt. For Herod had an evil plan to kill all boys under the age of two. But Herod’s plan was thwarted for Joseph and Mary had taken Jesus to safety, They stayed until another dream for Herod was dead and they could go safely, So off they went to Israel and their old town of Nazareth and here Jesus grew up, For the word the prophets foretold to come true “He shall be called a Nazarene.” And this was God’s own Son, sent to live amongst us, He came to teach men about God and reveal Him to us, But more than that He came to restore us to relationship with God, He wants us to know life eternal which is a gift from God. For this baby born in Bethlehem came for our sakes to die, 14

That we who have sinned might be forgiven and not die, So as we reflect on Christmas let’s remember the greatest gift, For God in grace and mercy gives eternal life as a gift.

CHURCH ARISE, LIKE LAZARUS RISE UP FOR I AM CALLING YOU FORTH “Church arise like Lazarus I am calling you forth and raising you up, Your past is behind you, can’t you see my dear children, I have forgiven you, As far as the east is from the west your transgressions are removed from you, My son’s blood has set you all free to soar and the only way is up. So come my children and walk with me you are mighty warriors you know, Yesterday is gone and when you hear my voice you will be ready to go, Can’t you see my dear children, the victory is already fully won. For you my beloved children will overcome by the blood of Jesus my Son. You are not only forgiven sinners you are victorious saints, And you will rise up now and you will walk and not faint, For I am here with you to help you to win life’s race. So step out into the unknown, and I will increase your faith. I have some wonderful plans ahead for you can’t you see, From this day forth you will listen to my voice and hear me, You will walk hand in hand with me for the sake of my Kingdom, You will step into the miraculous and see many find freedom.” Love your Heavenly Father


COME HOME MY CHILD Come see Jesus standing with his arms open wide. He beckons to you “Come home my child, I will show you the biggest party you have ever seen; You will be so much happier than you have ever been. I came to give you an abundant life, There will be no more toiling and no more strife, I am the shepherd who cares for His flock, Come my child place your feet upon the rock. Don’t you know I want you to be part of my bride, Come now and walk with me and in me abide, I want you to know you can be at peace, For my love for you will never cease. On the cross I paid the price for your sins, Don’t you know my blood can wash away your sins? I long for you to come to me in true repentance, My desire is for you to know real forgiveness. So come my child and enter right into my rest, I love you and I long for you to experience life at best, My dear friend, won’t you come and follow me? The true meaning of life I want you to see. My child I see your hurts, I see all your pain, I long to heal and restore your life again, Every tear, every hurt I will wipe away, Oh how I long for you to come to me today.


My dear child I love when you lend an ear towards me. I love to hear your voice cry my name in moments of need, So come now and pay attention to this precious gospel seed. I want you to know me as Saviour and Lord, come home to me.

COME ENTER MY REST “My child, come and cast your cares upon me, Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, Cast your burdens down at the foot of the cross, I want to bring you into my rest, no need for toil. I want you to incline your ear and listen to my voice, Stop now and listen, learn to recognize my voice, Child you keep going back to striving, busy doing, Yet it should be the rest I give, you should be pursuing. Don’t you see that in your weakness I give you strength? Child lean on me and you will do all things in my strength, For it was I who sent the Holy Spirit to empower you. Call upon me in your hour of need and I will hearken unto you. Trust in me, put your faith in me in all things to enter my rest. It’s time to stop wavering when you are put to the test, My dear child I see your heart and I see that it’s me you love, I want you to rest in my presence and let me pour out my love. Every tear I will wipe away, every hurt will be healed, Approach my throne of grace in this your hour of need, Repent and turn away from all that hinders perfect communion, My arms are open wide and I long for that sweet communion. Don’t look for the applause of men, rather fix your eyes on me, Put no confidence in your flesh but rely totally on me, Give your all to me, walk my way, serve me with your whole being, And you will know a joy and a rest which you have not yet seen.


I am jealous for your time, I know child that you long after me, You can be so busy trying to show others my love you lose sight of me, Yet to show my love you need that precious time with me. Look to me daily to help you win the race and learn to rest in me. Because you can run with me from the place of rest that I give, I will give you my strength to empower you for service, In my place of rest all your works will have fully ceased And you will discover what it is from striving to be released. So my child it is time for you to enter fully into my rest, There is liberty and freedom and joy in that place of rest, And I will direct all your paths and the way that you should go, And in that place of rest, you in me will really start to grow.” Love from Jesus


I AM, THAT I AM I am that I am forever and forever unchanged, I am He, who has been by many rejected, When you gaze upon the stars I am revealed, And the beauty of nature intricately designed. How can men made in my image deny me? For I surely do love them each and every one, Because of this love I sent Jesus for you to die, That you my dear children might be restored to me. My desire has always been for you to walk with me, To draw close to me, walking in perfect harmony, But I wanted you to choose to love me and follow me, I did not want puppets upon a string, under my control. So choosing me had to be of your own volition, The choice between good and evil was given to man, And satan came along and tempted the woman, Then in the Garden of Eden mankind did surely sin. So I sent my one and only Son, Jesus the Messiah, And he gave his life for you that you might be saved, That the whole of eternity with Him you might spend, The blood he shed was to cleanse you from sin, Hallelujah! So what will be your choice today, my dear children? I am calling you out to make a stand for me in this generation, I have always loved you, My love for you has never wavered, Come to Jesus, repent of your sins and you will be saved. 19

Love from Father.

PSALM 91 declaration I will dwell in the secret place with you Lord, Abiding under the shadow and protection of my God, I declare that you are my refuge and my fortress, For you are indeed the God in whom I place my trust, And Lord you will deliver me from disease and pestilence, From the snare of the fowler you will rescue me as the just. As a bird protects her young under her wings you will protect me, I will find refuge in you for you are my armour and protection, And I will not fear anything that might come against me, During the night hour though others at either side start falling, By your grace I will stand strong keeping my gaze fixed upon you, For you dear Lord are my dwelling place and my refuge too. No harm shall come my way for you are protecting my home, I am so thankful that you have sent even your angels for my protection, The angels will help prevent me from stumbling on my path and falling. They are sent by you Lord to help keep me walking right into my calling, With your Spirit’s help I will trample upon all that would try to devour, Empowered by your Spirit I will trample upon demons during this hour. I know with a surety that you love me and that you have saved me, You have a plan and purpose for me and you will lead me into my destiny, 20

You have heard all of my prayers and have answered them all, No matter what life throws my way I can walk into your rest, For you have promised me life in all it’s fullness life at best, A long fulfilled life you have promised, so I give you my all.

LOOKING FOR MORE I have stood on the street corner and you passed me by, Oh yes I was looking for a punter it’s true, I will not lie, But you saw me there and you barely glanced my way, And you walked right on by with your head lifted high. Then I saw your face light up as you entered your church, You seemed to be so happy when you entered the door, But you never stopped to tell me what you found in church, You did not tell me about the God you say you adore. And I stand here wondering if there can be more to life than this? But I have got to make money somehow for another fix, I may be just a prostitute and a user but I have feelings, Even the drugs don’t fully manage to deaden those feelings. And I long to find an answer, a way out of this, I will not live very long going from fix to fix, If Jesus is the answer why won’t you tell me? Why can’t you come and tell me that He loves me? For so long I have watched you and others pass me by, And on occasions like tonight I have really questioned why, For it seemed to me that you are maybe hypocrites at best, Some looked at me with disdain as though they couldn’t care less. So please if your Jesus is real to you won’t you smile at me, You don’t have to say much but let me know Jesus loves me, I want a better life than this, I have always wanted more, Yet you see me hurting and pass by hurting me to the core.


REJECTION He who alone was totally righteous, Knew the dreadful agony of true loneliness, For His Father could not look upon the sin, So here He was for my sake the sacrificial offering. He created the wood, upon which He hung, Those for whom He was dying jeering insults flung, He came into this world, knowing what He would endure, But it called for a sacrifice of the only one who was pure. My Saviour left behind heaven’s glory for me to die, And as I look upon that cross floods of tears I cry, It was to take away my sin and shame that His blood was shed, The pain He suffered there was excruciating as for me He bled. It was love, grace and mercy that took Him there, Nailed to that cross for one such as me, a sinner, If I had been the only one He would have done it all for me, His heart was filled with love and compassion for me. The grave could not hold Him and He rose again, Triumphant over the power of death and the grave, Yes it was for me that He had suffered rejection, For me whom He loved so much and came to save. And because He gave me that free gift of salvation, Abba Father and I have gone through reconciliation, He has called me His child and now I belong to His family, 22

And I know that with Him I will spend all eternity.

YOU ARE A LIGHT TO MY PATH I praise you Lord, you light up my path, Your Word is a source of power, I will not suffer your wrath, For you are my strong tower. You are my refuge and my strength, You’ll walk with me beyond life’s journeys end. With you by my side what shall I fear? When I am hurting you wipe away all tears. By your grace and mercy you saved me, Hallelujah, I was blind but now I see, You gave me your Spirit, and now I am free, To soar with the eagles, far above the trees. So now Lord I ask one thing only. This Lord I seek with my whole heart, That I might see you more and more, My God, so good to me You are. You give me a taste of heaven here below, When I perceive something of your Glory I look at the beauty of your creation You call me your child, I am your relation. I am seeking after you my Lord, my God. I hunger and thirst for you, only you. Nothing else will satisfy the longing of my soul, 23

Lord keep my eyes fixed upon that final goal. I want to serve you Lord, Where you lead me I will go. Nothing more will I withhold, Please Lord, I pray make me bold.

SWEET COMMUNION The bread and wine are set before us, As we gather to worship the Lord Jesus, This is no ritual without a meaning, It is even more than merely remembering. Jesus said “This do in remembrance of me.” But there is clearly more He wants us to see. For the one we behold is indeed the bread of life, And the bread is feeding our souls with health and life. Then we come to the wine knowing there is life in the blood, For that blood washed away our sins in a cleansing flood, And we come with thanksgiving and praise in our hearts, In deep reverence and awe we come in one accord. Thanking the One who is the true life giver, The One who we will throughout eternity live with, Who shed His blood on a cruel cross that we might be saved, Through that same blood we are healed, saved and delivered. For there is power in the blood, full resurrection power, We must never forget the magnitude of that wonderful power, Words are unable to express the depth of our gratitude, For while we were dead in our sins Christ came and he died. And he has given us a hope that is certain and sure, That when we give our lives to the only one who is pure, 24

We have a glorious heritage as sons and daughters of the King, So throughout eternity his praises we with the angels will sing. And now as we take the bread and the wine let us rightly discern, Just what we are doing and come humbly seeking new revelation, Our Lord and Saviour left heaven’s glory, a sacrificial offering to be, And the wonder of it all was that he done it all for such as you and me. So we will continue to come together partaking of the bread and wine, Until that day we with the saints from down through the ages dine, When we the bride, meet with our dear bridegroom at our wedding feast, And we look upon the glory of his countenance and fall at his feet. Even so come, Lord Jesus…………….


THE CRY OF A MOTHER’S HEART. Dear Lord, it so saddens me that my kids have walked away, All the temptations of this world have led them astray, Many a tear I have shed when I have seen them search for gain, And all that they have found is more and more pain. They would rather read fantasy books than your precious Word, How I long for them to turn around and run to you Lord, Sci – fi films and Harry Potter have become the order of the day, They have so confused their reality and forgotten you are the Way. An Alladin’s cave of computer games and DVD’s doesn’t cut it, It’s spend, spend, spend and getting into deeper debt, Maybe a designer outfit will satisfy their need of the moment, But in the midst of it all they have only found torment. They tried intellectualism for a degree must be the answer, But all they have found was stress which they could not conquer, And now they are all suffering from depression in varying degrees, For they still owe a fortune in loans and college fees. Lord, I know they need you at the centre of their lives, For where would I be if I did not have you in my life, Lord, I pray break through their darkness, bring them into the light, They need you for this world has nothing to offer to set their course aright. And Lord I give you thanks that In all things you are in control, 26

The desire of your heart is to make all of my kids so completely whole, I know that you have them all in the palm of your hand, The day is coming closer when they will all for you make a stand. Thank you Lord.

BURNING DESIRE I have a burning deep within, For more of your fire consuming, Come Lord Jesus I know there is more, More than I have experienced before. I have tasted and seen that you are good, The spirit within me you have renewed, Holy Spirit keep filling me up to overflowing, May my zeal for Jesus be forever growing. Come consume me with your fire, For I long for you with deep desire, There is a need deep within my being, I'm hungry and thirsty, come satisfy my craving. Irene McGough 2008


THE QUESTION THAT DEMANDS AN ANSWER You ask us a question, one we must answer, You have asked us; “Who will go for me” Here we are Lord saying, “Here I am send me,” We can no longer ignore your call Precious Saviour. So we will carry the message of salvation far and near, For we know that the lost out there you hold so dear, And you have commissioned us to see people set free, Spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally set free. In obedience and in humble servitude we come, Ready to submit ourselves unto you, God’s only Son, So let our flesh life disappear, living in our spirit man, For you we must live each day while we still can. So here we are Lord, take us and shake all that needs shaking, Change us into what you would have us be, Dear King, Fill us up afresh with your precious Holy Spirit, Baptizing us afresh with the fire of your Spirit. Revive every part of our hearts, making us over anew, That we carry the glory of your presence too, We want to walk with you throughout the rest of our days, That others might come to learn about your wonderful grace.


THESE DEAR CHILDREN I LOVE Children, those dear children how I love them, My heart breaks to see little ones crying, How I long for my people to intercede for them, Come see what I see in that child who is lying. I see the fatherless child, desperately seeking a daddy, I see the abused child, lying huddled in a corner crying, Others have parents drinking, taking drugs and squabbling, And how I long for them to know me as their Heavenly Daddy. I see the orphan child never really knowing a place called home, Do you know that I want them to know heaven as their future home? I want you my people to care like I care, to make a difference, Each of you can do something that can start to change things. I want you to feel something of my heart for those little ones, Do you know that you can prevail in prayer for them? I do not want them to follow on in a generational cycle of wrongs, Come my child, I will wipe away your tears is my cry to them. So my people I want you to care like I care and see what I see, That you in turn might play your part in directing those children to me, Children all over the world are so dear to my heart, It is time for you my people to get involved and play your part. Love from Father. 29

TRANSFORM AND RENEW MY MIND Lord, keep transforming and renewing my mind, That my flesh life might entirely disappear, For I long to be holy as you are holy, and to you draw near, So I give my life as a living sacrifice ready to serve you to the end. May the people I meet see you living in me, That I might reflect something of your glory, For you my Lord and Saviour are the one I adore, May people look at me and your light see. May each step I take be steps along your path, For you Lord are the one who directs my paths, So may I come again this and every day, In total submission to allow you to have your way. Teach me more and more about your ways Lord, Holy Spirit give me a teachable spirit as I read the Word, For I don’t want to be in any way a fake, So lead me in your paths of righteousness for Your Name’s sake.


WE NEED TO SEE THROUGH HIS EYES When we look at the people around us, We need to see through His eyes, For we see people who seem abusive at best, But His heart for them is to offer forgiveness. He wants us to love like He loves, He wants us to show compassion and love, But sometimes we need to be healed of our hurts, So that we in turn can help others who hurt. In His image He created the people we meet, Their image is fallen because of sin, But He wants to bring them before His mercy seat, And bring them into relationship with Him. For Jesus died for all men everywhere, And He wants them to see that He really cares, And the people of God need to love like He loves, For if we look through His eyes we learn to love.


WHERE DO I PLEDGE MY ALLEGIANCE? Where do I pledge my allegiance? Do I long for more personal gains? Or would I lose everything to seek after Jesus? Is my earnest desire to really know Jesus? Paul counted all things as loss for the sake of Christ, I love Jesus but do I really put him first? The Lord says if I seek Him I will find him, So I humbly bend the knee pursuing after him. I come thirsty longing to drink from living waters, So rid me of all my foolish mindless thoughts, And may I earnestly pursue the Lord, who died for me, My whole life must be devoted to you I can plainly see. So take me as I am and shake all that can be shaken, Mould me on your potters wheel a fresh vessel making, Then take me and use me for the glory of your Kingdom, Not that I should boast except in Christ alone. For where would I be if you hadn’t touched into my life? You saw me in my hour of need and showed mercy, By your grace you saved me and gave me a new life, I was undeserving, yet the gift of salvation you gave freely. So I will pledge my allegiance to my Lord and Saviour, 32

And I will not go along with the crowd and follow another, Let my life be a living testimony to the Lord who died for me, That others looking at me might His reflection see.

YOU COME WITH HEALING IN YOUR WINGS Heal me oh Lord and I will be healed, Save me dear Lord and I will be saved, To you Lord I will sing a song of praise, Throughout all the length of my days. You come with healing in your wings, And you healed my body, soul and spirit, Now you are my Lord and my King, Come and fill me up afresh Holy Spirit. You dear Lord are the fountain of living waters, Let those waters now flow through me, May I be well grounded in your Word and not falter? Help me dear Lord to become all you want me to be. Lord I ask you to help me to impart your wisdom, That others might have a revelation of your kingdom, And the wonderful good news you have for them all, The message of salvation, healing and deliverance is for all. Give me words in season and out of season, May I help other’s see that their lives have reason, Only by the power of the Holy Spirit can I accomplish this task, So dear Lord, Precious Saviour come, empower me I ask.


I thank you Lord that I go not in my own power, But you are indeed empowering me for this hour, Prepare the hearts of the people I meet, That many will find your love and grace at your Mercy Seat. Be glorified in me, please Lord shine through me, That even through tribulations others might see, How in you I can triumph and be victorious in every situation, So I will place my trust in you, Jesus for healing of this nation.

YOU ARE NO LONGER AN ORPHAN Your Father has adopted you into his family, You are no longer an orphan without an abode, He calls you His child and so you know you are loved, For you can find real rest and peace in God’s family. Abba Father loves you and says you are accepted, Chase after His heart, He calls you His beloved, Just love Him and seek to pursue His Presence, Daily He will reveal more to you of his gentleness. And long to be holy for He is a Holy God, Drawing into the secret place alone with God, Father is gracious, merciful and good to you, Though undeserving He showers blessings on you. Father gently chastises you when you get it wrong, Repent and He says “My child you are forgiven,” He is patient and kind and does not hold past sins against you, As far as the East is From the West He removed your transgressions from you. So you can enjoy sweet intimacy with our Heavenly Father, For you are a child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, He calls you His beloved and says “Come child, come up hither, I want to reveal more to you as promised in My Word.”


WORTHY, WORTHY ARE YOU BELOVED Worthy, worthy are you beloved, oh Son of the living God, We come, singing praises unto you in one accord, And now we your bride are coming out of the wilderness, As we draw closer smelling your sweet fragrant essence. We will keep our helmets of salvation firmly on our heads, To keep us from swallowing Satan’s lies and concentrate on you instead , This world has nothing to offer us, only through you we have eternal life, And you have called us right into your chambers as your precious wife. So now we are coming up higher to be where you are, No longer wanting to glimpse upon you from afar, And we lift our prayers and praises upwards to your throne, For we are so thankful and joyous to know you call us your own. Your sweet embrace is so beautiful to us our dear bridegroom, And we thank that you are preparing mansions with many rooms, For you have made us beautiful out of ashes, making us fit for a King, And eternally we will come with praises honour and glory singing. And we yearn to spend time with you like Mary seated at your feet, For the time we have talking with you is so precious and sweet, And you pour love, grace and mercy constantly upon us your bride, 35

So we come longing for that day when eternally we will be by your side. But for now we gaze up to your throne- room our beloved King, Drawing closer and closer your praises forever we will sing, And we are seeking like Moses to see you face to face, For you gave your life for us and saved us by your grace. You are seated at the Father’s right hand, preparing a place for your wife, For you through your grace and mercy given us who are undeserving eternal life, And you say in your Word that you are ravished by one glimpse from our eyes, And that each and every one of us will be a special jewel to you in paradise. You our Lord and Saviour are the object of our love you see, And we long to know you better, on this at least your people will agree, For it is you who paid the price for our sins and set us free, Now you will take us near, far and wide a witness for you to be. For there are people out there who you desire as part of your bride, And you have given us a commission from which we cannot hide, To take the good news of salvation to the hurting and the lost, We long for your return but you are tarrying for a purpose. So for now we seek to come closer, coming right into your throne room, For we long to dwell in your presence our precious, sweet bridegroom, And we come thirsty and hungry with deep longing for you, Standing amazed in wonder that you are longing for us too.


All poems Copyright Irene McGough © 2008





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Disciples of Jesus Ministry.






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COME LET US ENTER YOUR PRESENCE Come let us enter into your presence, Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Fill this place with your glorious presence, And let us forever your praises sing. And we cry out for more Lord, With voices united in one accord, Fill us up till our cups are overflowing, As we come today to worship you alone. Worthy; worthy; worthy Lord you are, Lord of Glory, the bright and Morning Star, And we behold the beauty of your Splendour, For you triumphed over the grave our dear Saviour. Now we are coming up higher to be with you, Drawing closer and closer as we desire to, For it is you who planted that desire in our hearts, When you cleansed us from sin giving us a new start, So Lord come, fill this place with your glory, For we Lord are coming thirsty and hungry, And we are seeking after you alone, For we know this world is not our home. And we bring before you heartfelt praising, As in unison our voices we are raising, Singing holy, holy, holy aren’t you Lord, Now our voices are united in one accord. And the Spirit and the bride will say come, We your bride long to see you Lord, face to face, For you poured out on us love, mercy and grace, And we long for the day we reach our heavenly home, For all eternity we will be by your side, You are the groom, who will call home His bride, Hallelujah, Lord Jesus for you’re coming again, There will be joy immeasurable, and no more pain. So we thank you for the joy that you give us, 42

We thank you that you have made promises to us, You send your warring angels to protect us each day, And by our side forever more you have promised to stay. And we sing, Hallelujah, thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord for the joy that you give us, Even through trials you give us such peace, And our love for you will never cease.


CREATION’ S PLAN Long before this world began, God had a purpose and a plan, Creation of this world was His plan, And in this world He would place man. God created man to commune with Him, For man to walk in fellowship with Him, But along came the serpent tempting the woman, Sin destroyed that perfect relationship with man. So God sought a way to restore that relationship, For a righteous God could not look upon sin, There had to be a sacrifice of one with no sin within, God sent His Son to die to restore our fellowship. When Jesus died he paid the price for our sins. And now we can know what is to be forgiven, By repenting and opening up our hearts to Jesus, We come to the Father through relationship with Jesus. For the Master’s plan was that we should worship Him, And now we can do this in Spirit and in truth, Knowing the wonder of relationship with Him, We come through Him who is the way, the life and truth.


DEAR FATHER IN UNITY WE COME Dear Father in unity we come seeking more revelation of who you are, You are the Holy One; Glorious in Infinite Splendor you are, And we long to see your Kingdom come in full reality, For when heaven touches earth healing of the whole person is a surety. We give you praise and thanks for you always provide for us, We need never worry about having food provided for us, For you provide the food on our tables and a roof over our heads, So no matter what comes against us we will trust in you instead. Forgive us Father for our foolish ways, for debts we have accumulated, You have forgiven us so let us forgive those who against us sinned, Help us to overcome the temptations that the devil casts our way, That we might be overcomers, empowered by the Holy Sprit every day. Fill us up afresh that we might play our part in heralding in your Kingdom, For it’s not by our might, nor by our power but by your Spirit we move, And as we tell the people about King Jesus we will see many come to salvation, As we come in repentance and obediently in response to your voice move. We will praise your Precious Name and give you all the glory, Your precious cup of oil that anoints us to spread your “Good News” story, Of how you call sinners to repentance and wash away their sins, And You want to heal every part of them cleansing them deep within. So let the fire of heaven ignite us afresh to see the captives set free, May the light of your countenance shine forth in us that people might see, Just even a glimpse of how marvelous and wonderful you are Dear God, And they might come to the foot of the cross declaring Jesus as Lord. We worship only you Our Lord and our God for you alone are Worthy, There is none like you, in unison we cry Holy, Holy, Holy unto you.


How magnificent in glorious splendor you are Worthy, Worthy, Worthy, And now in unity your people come with voices of one accord to worship you.


DEAR LORD I HAVE A PROBLEM Dear Lord, I have a problem and I want to be part of the solution, I long to see so many people falling truly in love with you in this generation, You have set a fire within my heart, luke warmness won’t cut it any more, I’m falling more in love with my Jesus and I long for people to know the one I adore. You have captured my heart and I am wrecked for anything else, For you I must live I can no longer live for self, you must increase, I know you have birthed a passion deep within me for the lost and the hurting, But Lord I want to help in part to awaken your people who are sleeping. This passion is taking hold of me and ripping me so completely apart, I don’t know the why’s and how’s of how to do what you would have me do, But I know that you hold the future and will help me to make a start, So through prayer and supplication I come fully ready to be used of you. You are so precious to me Lord and I want to know you more and more, So consume every part of my being, right to it’s very core, Lord you have always been faithful to me down through the years, You have carried me through times of blessing and through tears. And I confess that I have so often taken my eyes off of you, But I know without a shadow of doubt that you carried me through, And you brought me back to the foot of the cross that I might see, That without you in my life Lord Jesus, just where would I be? So hear I am humbly begging your forgiveness my dear Saviour, And asking you this day to begin raising me up as a true warrior, Who will play a part in heralding in your Kingdom on this earth, For a fiery, loving passion for you in me you have birthed. So Lord I ask you to help me, to express in poetry and other ways, 47

Just how wonderful and beautiful you are to me this day, That, others might behold something of the beauty of your countenance, And they might come hungry and thirsty to behold your radiance. For I love you Lord and I want the world to know it’s all about you, We were born with a purpose, a relationship with you to pursue, And that means more than saying a quick dutiful prayer at the end of the day, You have called us to be lovers of you walking with you along the way. For you are the bridegroom who beckons his bride to come as lovers, And for those yet to come you are beckoning them come hither, Because you first loved us, giving your life for us that we might be saved, For your desire is for people to really know they are loved.


DWELL IN THE SECRET PLACE Come dwell in the secret place of the most High, And live under the shadow of the Almighty. The Lord is your refuge and your fortress, trust in Him, He is your deliverer and your healer, there is none like Him. He protects you under the shadow of His Wings, Of His truth and His faithfulness you can sing, You need not be afraid of the terror of the night Nor any harm by day for you will keep Him in sight. You shall not live in fear of sickness, disease or even death, For though many fall by your side, to your right or your left, You will stay strong in the knowledge that God protects, And praise the Lord for He is your refuge and strength. You can spend your days dwelling in the secret place with Him too, No evil will fall on you, nor will calamity come near you. You can rest in the knowledge that his angels protect you too, And because of Jesus you can trample all things under you. So long after Him with passionate love, thank Him for saving you, Forever give praise to His name, the one who first loved you, When you call upon Him, He answers each and every prayer, You can go through life’s trials with confidence that He’s there. And He will raise you up and take you out of the miry clay, He is your deliverer and we can serve Him all of our days, With a long fulfilled life, will you be satisfied, living for Him, For He has saved your soul, setting you free to dance with Him


For Christian parents of a baby boy A BEAUTIFUL GIFT FROM GOD What a beautiful gift you have been given, A blessing indeed is this precious baby, Forming him in his mother’s womb was ordained in heaven, And now you can cherish your beautiful baby. Our Saviour indeed showed children love and compassion, He said “Suffer those little ones to come unto me,” As Christians parents remember He has hands on your little one, And He will draw him unto Himself in time can’t you see. What a wonderful privilege you have been given, Entrusted to you both by the God of heaven, To bring him up showing him the Father’s love, That he might through Jesus come to know the Father above. Now many prayers will be coming your way, As your brothers and sisters support you and pray, And God will send His angels to protect him too, Your Father in heaven is there to instruct you. He will guide you and help you bring this child up, So relax and enjoy this precious bundle of joy, The Holy Spirit will anoint him with oil from His cup, Those days with a precious baby boy are yours to enjoy. BE BLESSED.

For Christian parents of a baby girl 50

A BEAUTIFUL GIFT FROM GOD What a beautiful gift you have been given, A blessing indeed is this precious baby, Forming her in her mother’s womb was ordained in heaven, And now you can cherish your beautiful baby. Our Saviour indeed showed children love and compassion, He said “Suffer those little ones to come unto me,” As Christians parents remember He has hands on your little one, And He will draw her unto Himself in time can’t you see. What a wonderful privilege you have been given, Entrusted to you both by the God of heaven, To bring her up showing her the Father’s love, That she might through Jesus come to know the Father above. Now many prayers will be coming your way, As your brothers and sisters support you and pray, And God will send His angels to protect her too, Your Father in heaven is there to instruct you. He will guide you and help you bring this child up, So relax and enjoy this precious bundle of joy, The Holy Spirit will anoint her with oil from His cup, Those days with a precious baby girl are yours to enjoy. BE BLESSED.


THE HARVEST IS PLENTIFUL The Word of the Lord has been planted as seed, The Lord of the harvest is bringing in the harvest, His voice hearkens to you and me “Can I send you?” The harvest is plentiful It’s labourers I need. Will we gladly respond “Here I am Lord send me.” Or will we look around and say “Please Lord send another,” Will we boldly go and proclaim “One way to God there is no other.” For it was for all the lost that Jesus died, can’t you see? Lord cleanse deep within our hearts, start with mine, Rid me of all my foolish ways, make me over anew, Oh Lord our God, You must increase, we must decrease, From now on let our foolish striving in fleshly ways cease. So Lord when we hear your cry “Will you go for me?” Let us gladly respond “Here I am Lord send me.” Anoint us and commission us Lord for the work we must do, That the people out there will know that you love them too. Irene Mc Gough


HE DID IT ALL FOR ME AND YOU He who is and was and is to come did it all for us, Our creator left heavens glory to die the just for the unjust, He made all that has breath, the author of time and seasons, Our finite minds find it hard to understand the reason. For what man would for those who crucified Him die? In obedience to the Father the Son of Man came and died, It was out of love that He became sin, who knew no sin, Now all who accept Him as Lord can have sins forgiven. I find it amazing that the Son of God wanted me to be part of His bride, There is no natural beauty in me that my bridegroom should desire me, He has made me beautiful in His sight and washed away my sins from me, And now I have a hope that is steady and sure of an eternity by His side. He wants you too to be part of His glorious bride? He says “Won’t you come to me and in me abide, Dear friend it was for you that I on Calvary’s cross died. Don’t you see the loving tears for you I have cried? I’m coming back again my precious bride to take home, But I tarry a little longer, to see more say “I will come,” For throughout eternity my Father has longed to be reconciled to you. For it was for that reason I came to have a relationship with you.” God and Jesus love you and the Holy Spirit is knocking at your heart’s door, The Holy Spirit wants you to open up to Jesus and let Him come in, That you might know a blessed hope that is sure, new life in Christ gives more, For with your sins forgiven you will be on your way to that place called heaven.


HE IS RISEN INDEED Our Lord and Saviour is risen indeed, All praise, honour and glory be unto Him, He who has met us in our hour of need, The blood He shed has reconciled us to Him. How wonderful and marvellous this is, The Lord Jesus gave His life for us, What wonderful grace and mercy is this, That the sinless, Son of God should die for us. But the grave could not hold him. Triumphant over death and the grave. In resurrection glory he arose, the people to save, And eternally we can sing praises unto him. For our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ is alive, He is the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end, And because he lives we shall eternally live, With the one who sits at the Father’s right hand. So let us sing praises to our glorious risen Lord, Praising the Lord with voices in one accord, For he alone is worthy of all praise, honour and glory, So let us live our lives to the praise of his glory.


HEALING IN HIS WINGS The Lord our God is the son of righteousness, And He rises with healing in His wings, Generation after generation has experienced healing, For He is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord that heals. God does not change with the seasons, Yesterday today forever He is the same, God’s mercies are for everyone, He is the healer of the sick and the lame. The sick are healed through praying in faith, The Lord will raise them up as His Word saith, The words of Jesus were I am willing, be healed, For it is by the stripes he took we are healed. So believe and receive for a total inner healing, For our Lord and my God is forever willing, To renew the strength of all who wait on Him, You will rise up like eagles, healed to soar with Him.


HEAVENLY PLACES This is where I belong seated up in the Heavenly Places with you Lord, I’m coming up closer, coming up higher, deeper and deeper to be with you, For as the deer pants for water, my soul is thirsting after you, Jesus my bridegroom, my Saviour, my King, my lover, my Lord. My heart overflows with an all consuming passion for you Lord. How can it be that you only have eyes for one such as me? You call me your beloved and you tell me you are pleased with me, What love, what grace and mercy you have shown to me, dear Lord. I love when you wrap your arms around me, sweetly caressing my hair, In all the circumstances of this life I know that you really care, For you are good all the time and your love is forever and ever, There is absolutely nothing that can your precious love sever. For your love is an everlasting love, sweet and beautiful to me, You kiss me with your kisses showing such amazing love for me, You keep welcoming me to come up a little higher and higher, You desire all of me and want to be the object of my deepest desire. Now I behold the glory of the Holy lamb, for my sake you were slain, You are the Lord of Lords and King of Kings and you sit upon the throne, Yet here you are calling my name and drawing me up closer once again, My heart is bubbling over with joy when you call me your own. You’ve taken my mourning and turned it into dancing, You’ve taken my weeping and turned it into laughing, You’ve taken my sadness and turned it to joy unspeakable. Then you call me on up to your banqueting table. And I cry out more Lord, more Lord, I want more of you. My heart and soul cry out for you Lord, only you. I love to be alone with you Lord in the secret place, Where you give me strength to go on running the race.


HEAVEN’S GLORY Dear friend, I want to tell you a story, Of a wonderful vision of Heaven’s glory, And I looked and saw one with eyes on fire, For seated on the throne was the one I desire. He is the Alpha and Omega and the Ancient of Days, And like the Apostle John I fall at His feet at one gaze, Looking up I saw the wonderful beauty of His countenance, His glory shining brightly like the sun’s radiance. All around His throne the angels gather and sing, And the twenty – four elders were gathered around, "Worthy, worthy, O Lord, glory, honour and power” proclaiming, From the throne lightning’s, thunderings, and voices resound. And all the angels with the saints throughout the ages will gather, Singing praises in unity from every tribe and every nation together, "Worthy, Worthy, Worthy, Blessing and honour and glory and power, Be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!” When the rewards are handed out at the Bema Seat, I stand there wishing I had given Him more, For He had a purpose for me to fulfil I know, And I realize that much of my life was lived in defeat. The word said I would overcome by the blood of the Lamb, And out of life’s trials He would bring peace and calm, Yet I failed to move fully into all that He had for me, Fear of man and the situation at hand was all I could see. But He beckons to me saying “I am well pleased” And He rewards me with crowns and I am so blessed, For He saw my heart and knew that He was my greatest treasure, And He poured out His love on me without measure. And my Saviour has prepared a beautiful mansion for me, I am clothed in robes of righteousness as part of His bride you see, 57

For all of my sins are washed away forever from me, And the wonder of His Glory and Majesty eternally I will see. And then I’m dancing in the streets that are golden, The wondrous glory of the Lord I am beholding, Forever and forever His praises I will sing, As I can now dance eternally with the King of Kings.


HOLY, HOLY, HOLY Holy, Holy, Holy is the Son of Man, Worthy, Worthy, Worthy is the Lamb, Let's give Him all the glory and all the praise, For He alone is worthy, let us our hands raise. For in the presence of the King of Kings, There is a sweet fragrant essence, See the most beautiful glorious cloud of His Presence, Fills this place, let us His praises sing. Holy, Holy, Holy are you our precious Lord, Worthy, worthy, worthy are you Lord, Take us in closer, nearer and nearer to you, We are entering the Holy of Holies to be with you.


HOLY SPIRIT COME IN POWER Holy Spirit come in power, baptize me afresh with your fire, I long to see the kingdom of heaven invade this earth, But take that longing and move it on to a passionate desire, Increase your presence in me, so my flesh life is put to death. Help me press on in to the high calling of my Lord and Saviour, Lord you say I am the salt of the earth let me be salt with real flavour. I praise and thank you Lord for setting me so totally and completely free, I thank you Father for the Spiritual gifts which you have given me, From now on I want to learn to really walk by faith and not just by sight, Lord won’t you shine through me the full force of your glorious light, Heavenly Father, like Smith Wiggles worth, I long for prevailing faith. Help me Father to take hold of all that your precious Word says. Your Word says I should be doing greater works empowered by the Spirit, I repent that for too long I have been prepared to accept the status quo, Lord, on my own I am powerless, fill me afresh with the Holy Spirit, For I long to move in the power of the Holy Spirit more and more. I look around me and see so many hurting people everywhere, The rich, the poor, the middle classes all looking for fulfilment. Hospital wards are full of sick people yet you are the greatest healer, Through your commission into this world I am one who is sent. So my Dear Saviour I ask you, to help me be your hands and feet, That people I meet, might know full healing and come to Your Mercy Seat, Lord you want me to lay hands on people in wheelchairs and see them healed, For when I call upon the name of Jesus in fullness of faith all will be healed. So Lord, take me now and rid me of all that hinders me from breaking through, 60

For I’m a child of your Kingdom, an heir to the promises, I want to glorify You. I need not boast in anything of me for I press on into Your Kingdom authority, That I might play my part in seeing Your Kingdom come and heal this city


I SURRENDER MY ALL IN ALL Lord, when I behold the glory of your grace; I fall down at Your feet; I worship You, Oh Lord. Majestic wonder, my Saviour, Redeemer, my King. Your praises Lord forever I will sing. I will sing. I surrender my all in all, Before Your feet I humbly fall, You are the Potter and I am the clay, So Lord have Your way, I pray. All glory, honour and praise be unto You, My Lord, my Master , My friend, And I keep falling in love with You, You'll be with me beyond life's journey's end. I surrender my all in all, Before Your feet I humbly fall, You are the Potter and I am the clay, So Lord have Your way, I pray.


A MIGHTY WARRIOR Here I am Daddy, running towards you, I see your loving arms outstretched just for me, I come like a little child for I see only you, For deep down inside I long to be totally free. And you take me on your knee wiping my tears away, You call me your princess and speak of your love, You say my sins are forgiven; Jesus washed my sins away, And now your Holy Spirit has come to me like a dove. You are stripping me of the stuff that gets in the way, All, the pretence, all the pride and the intellectualism must go, For behind the façade I cried “Daddy I need you each day,” The truth is I can’t manage in my own strength, any more. It is only when I come like a little child in perfect submission, That you can raise me up as a Mighty Warrior, for You. “Strip me of self and raise me up in this generation. Not by my might, nor my power; but Holy Spirit I need you. I need you to come empowering me for battle, For I want to be a warrior equipped for battle, Abba Father, Daddy surrender to you is my intent, That I as your child may as a warrior slay all my giants.


I WANT THAT GOD KIND OF LOVE I want to love like you love, I want to care like you care, Release your anointing from above, That I might ‘agape’ love share. Lord melt my cold, icy heart, And give it a fresh new start, Oh Lord please help me to see, That others must come before me. Lord, give me your heart of compassion, For I really want to be your reflection, May I your loving compassion show? So others might long for you to know. So help me to love like you love, And help me to care like your care, So others might see something of your love, And because I have you I really care.


I WANT TO DWELL IN THE SECRET PLACE I want to dwell in the secret place of the most High, And I long to live under the shadow of the Almighty. My Lord is my refuge and my fortress, I trust in Him, He is my deliverer and my healer, there is none like Him. He protects me under the shadow of His Wings, Of His truth and His faithfulness I will sing, I will not be afraid of the terror of the night Nor any harm by day for I will keep Him in my sight. I shall not live in fear of sickness, disease or even death, For though many fall by my side, to my right or my left, I will stay strong in the knowledge that my God protects, I praise you Lord for you are my refuge and strength. I will spend my days dwelling in the secret place with You, No evil will fall on me, nor will calamity come near me. I can rest in the knowledge that your angels protect me too, And because of Jesus I can trample all things under my feet. I long after you with passionate love, thank you for saving me, Forever I will praise your name, the one who first loved me, When I call upon you, you answer each and every prayer, I go through life’s trials with confidence that you are there. And you will raise me up and take me out of the miry clay, You are my deliverer and I will serve you all of my days, With a long fulfilled life, will I be satisfied, living for you, For you have saved my soul, setting me free to dance with you


I’M COMING UP HIGHER I’m coming up higher, coming up closer to you Lord, As a deer pants for the water so my soul thirsts for you. This one thing I seek forever to dwell in your presence Lord, And I will enter the secret place to be alone with you. Just one glimpse of your face, is what I long for, My majestic, wonderful, marvellous glorious King, Holy, Holy are you Lord and your praises I will sing, Holy Spirit. reveal more to me as I read your precious Word. Lord I seek your face and I’m after your heart, Break me, melt me, mould me and change my heart, Refiners fire come and purify my entire being, Help me to increase in knowledge and understanding. Because He rose, I will rise up as a Mighty Warrior, The battle is won; the victory is yours my dear Saviour, I will press on to the heavenly calling, fixing my eyes on you, And I will listen to your voice and walk with you. I can no longer walk, except in your righteousness, For I have beheld something of your glory my King, So let me die totally to self, my life an offering I bring, For I am bought with a price, now my life you possess.


JESUS IS KING I want to tell you a story, About the King of Glory, From heaven to earth He came, For us the lost He came. He died to set us free, The bonds of sin were untied. When on the cross He died. From sin's penalty we are set free He is coming back again, His people he will take, With Him forever we will reign, Our King, Yesterday and forever the same. Caught up together with Him in the air, On that morning bright and fair, Singing praises forever to His name, We shall stand in the presence of our King. Hallelujah, hallelujah, sing praises to the Lord, Worship the Majesty of our God, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Sing praises to the Lord of Hosts.


JESUS IS MY LORD Jesus Is my Lord and Saviour, He is the one who I adore, And he gave his life for me, That I might eternal life see. Love , Grace and Mercy He poured out, So eternally His praises I will shout, He has given to me assurance of salvation And now I know that I am a new creation. The Lord Jesus Christ is my best friend, I will be with Him beyond life's journey's end, And I will live my life in service of Him, For my cup of joy overflows it's brim. For I have Jesus to take every care to, He knows my needs and provides for me too, Yesterday, today, forever Jesus is the same, Blessed be his glorious wonderful Name. My Jesus has made me so completely whole, He came into my life and filled a big hole, Physically, emotionally, financially He heals, Praise God I am His and carry His seal.


LATTER DAY RAINS Come, Precious Holy Spirit, For I can feel it in my spirit, And I can feel it in my bones, These latter day rains pouring down, And springs of living water are bursting forth, The church is awakening like Lazarus to come forth, And the people of God are going to raise a standard, As we move in power as a mighty army through this land. And the fire of Pentecost will set the people free, As a mighty revival comes like never before seen, And we will carry the flame touching the hearts of all, As we say yes to Jesus and answer His call. And many hospital beds will be emptied as healing flows, For as the mighty rushing wind of the Holy Spirit comes, Blind eyes opened and the deaf will hear wherever we go, As God raises fireballs who for Him are ready to go. And people in high places will come and bow the knee, As they come to the foot of the cross and Jesus see, And the voice of God will come as a roaring thunder, Then angels will rejoice as Christians stand amazed in wonder.


LET US SHOW LOVE ONE TO ANOTHER He wants us to love like He loves, He wants us to show compassion and love, To love one another as he has loved us, Treating others as we would have them treat us. So Lord we ask you to change our hearts, That we, your people making a fresh new start, Might gather together united, in one accord, Rather than speaking to others that last hasty word. So we need to get our focus right, with Jesus first, For when we truly come and for him thirst, Everything else starts to fall into it’s God given place, And we can treat our brothers and sisters with grace. We will spend eternity together, worshipping our King And his praises forever together we will sing, So since the first fruit of the spirit is love, Let us all start now on a new learning curve. Learning to show love as he would have us do, A humble and contrite spirit he would have us pursue, For when we see others as more important than self, The desire to prove that we are right will be left. For our Heavenly Father wants us to first show love, He does not want us intent our own point to prove, The Word says we will know them by their fruits, So showing love, grace and mercy should be our pursuit. Teach us your ways our dear Lord and Saviour, That we might indeed be salt full of savour, And may our light shine in this world of men, As we learn to show love to one another and to them.


LET YOUR KINGDOM COME Lord, Let your Kingdom truly come, Let your will really be done, Raise us up as Mighty warriors, Boldly proclaiming the name of our Saviour. Break through all that would hinder, Let us here your voice like roaring thunder, Spirit of God come fall on us this day, Revive our hearts Lord have your way.


LOOK INTO THE MIRROR (For daughters of the King of Kings) Look into the mirror and what do you see? You are wonderfully and perfectly made can't you see? For in the image of God you were created dear child, You are beautiful, so please do not hide. God knew you before you were even conceived. And even the hairs on your head were numbered, He sees you and says "This is my son's lovely bride, Look and see what I see my beautiful child. So come out of Hiding I love the real you, And I know my dear that you love me too, Lift your head high my sweet princess, For you are a child of the King of Kings."


LORD I LONG TO SEE YOU FACE TO FACE Lord, I long to see you face to face. I’m amazed at the wonder of your grace. From Heaven’s glory to earth you came. Son of God and the Son of Man, For me you died upon a cross of wood, It was for me that condemned you stood, Sinless and spotless Son of God you are, Yet you died my sins to bear, Your blood has washed my sins away, Into my heart you have come to stay. Draw me nearer, nearer unto you. Lord, I want to be more like you. I am thirsty, I am hungry, I want more of You I am thirsty, I am hungry. I want more of You. Lord, I long to see you face to face. I’m amazed at the wonder of your grace. From Heaven’s glory to earth you came. Son of God and the Son of Man, For me you died upon a cross of wood, It was for me that condemned you stood, Sinless and spotless Son of God you are, Yet you died my sins to bear. Your blood has washed my sins away, Into my heart you have come to stay. Draw me nearer, nearer unto you. Lord, I want to be more like you.


LORD, LAY SOME SOULS UPON MY HEART Lord, lay some souls upon my heart, And win those soul through me. Not that I may boast, Except in the blood of Jesus Christ, That others may know, The glory of your Majesty. So Lord break me, fill me and mould me, Into what you want me to be, So it's no longer I that lives, But Christ that lives in Me The clock is ticking away, Time is running short Lord, lay some souls upon my heart, And win those soul through me. Not that I may boast, Except in the blood of Jesus Christ, That others may know, The glory of your Majesty.


MAKE ME OVER ANEW Make me over anew. Make me over anew. I want to be more like You. Make me over anew. I want to be more like You.

I want to walk in the fullness of Your Spirit, Lord. All of me, take all of me, every part of me. May my life be a walking testimony. To you my Saviour and my Lord...

Make me over anew. Make me over anew, I want to be more like You. Make me over anew. I want to be more like You


MY BEST FRIEND I want to tell you about my best friend, He is with me each step along the way, He will never leave me nor forsake me, He'll be with me beyond life's journeys end. Do you know Him? His name is Jesus, He is The Son of God, And he loves me so; I'm just a sinner saved by grace, He died for me and he died for you. And I long to see Him face to face. He wants to be your friend, this wonderful friend of mine. Come to Him today before it's too late, Accept Him as your Saviour and make Him Lord I want to tell you about my best friend, He is with me each step along the way, He will never leave me nor forsake me, He'll be with me beyond life's journeys end. Come to Him today before it's too late, Accept Him as your Saviour and make Him Lord


MY DADDY LOVES ME Have you heard my daddy loves me? My heavenly Father loves even me. And I am longing after His heart, For God alone I am forever set apart. I will offer my life as a living sacrifice, Tears of joy bring forth wonderful healing, God brings forth beauty from life’s ashes, So I bow down and at His feet I am kneeling. My Daddy showers blessings upon me, He is good all the time, so, so good to me, And I long for more of His sweet presence, May I in Christ now diffuse God’s sweet essence.


MY DEAR CHILD “Come and drink from the fountain of life, Living waters are gushing forth bringing refreshment, I want to give you such an abundant life, You are thirsty child, come enter my tabernacle tent. Bring all your worries and concerns to me, Your struggles and anxieties I can see, And I long to give you rest and peace, For my love for you will never ever cease. Come closer child, can’t you feel my sweet caress, You have been through trials and out to the test, Yet I have seen you praising in the midst of it all, I have heard you crying out in the desert place and my Name call. Now I want to take you out of that dry and barren land, And bring you right into the future I have planned, I am your strong tower and I will give you strength, Lean on me, rest in me and you will endure to the end. I want to give you beauty for ashes, my dear one, That joy you once knew I want to restore, But not only that I really want to give you more, Every fear you have will be washed away and gone. So come now it is time for you to enter my rest, Walk along with me and you will experience the best, That this life has to offer for I have plans to prosper you, You are sealed by me and I will not harm you. Come and enter right in to the land of milk and honey, For in my presence my dear child I want you to stay, I am in the business of refining you through fire, For you dear one are part of the bride I desire. So come forth, rise up you are beautiful to me, I want to lavish my love upon you can’t you see, Cast your burdens down at the foot of the cross, For I do not want you to suffer more loss.


You shall overcome for my blood for you was shed, And now you will walk in victory as my Word said, I want to assure you that I am your refuge and strength, Keep your armour intact and stay in a position of strength. I will bless all that you do or say as you fulfil your destiny, For I had a purpose and a plan for you laid out before time, Even then I had ordained that you would be mine, So won’t you just come into my arms and rest in me.” Love from Jesus


MY LORD AND MY GOD My Lord and my God, I find it so hard for me to comprehend, How the Lord of heaven and earth could love me like you do? Yet you love me without measure, a love that will never end, The desire of your heart is to have me really love you too. You long for me to know real intimacy with you, And you have birthed in me a longing for you too So here I am once again moving on into the secret place, Where I might draw ever closer, and come face to face. With you my dear Saviour the one whom I adore, For I come thirsty and hungry seeking more and more, And as I draw closer I am overwhelmed by your presence. Holy Spirit come, teach me Godly wisdom and revelatory lessons. So Lord I give you permission to sift through all the dross, My whole life might be submitted to you, who died on that cross, And may I live the rest of my life for you and you alone, Until that glorious marvellous day when you call me home.


MY REFUGE AND STRENGTH Oh Lord my God, you are my refuge and my strength, You rescue me from the fiery darts of the evil one, I need not fear for my Lord the battle has won, From now on one thing I will seek at great length. I am seeking after you Lord, seeking your face, For it is you and you alone who helps me to run the race. For you are so good and gracious and merciful to me, You don’t cast me off or hide your face from me. And you teach me your ways and direct all my paths, You call me your child and empower me in my tasks, So I will ever praise you Lord for your merciful goodness, My hope is in you Lord to lead me in paths of righteousness.


MY SOUL DOES MAGNIFY YOU Oh Lord my God my soul does magnify you. And my Spirit will rejoice in Christ my Saviour, Generation after generation have been blessed by you, You saw my need and gave me a new life to savour. Lord you are mighty and you have done great things for me, And Lord Your name is Holy and I want others to see, That you shower grace and mercy on those who love You. Generations have known your strong arm upholding them too. So Lord I cast down my pride and my imagination, I pray, "Oh Lord, make me humble for I am a new creation." The desire of my heart is to be a humble servant of Yours, Yet I long to be Mighty for the Kingdom, so Lord let me loose. I came to My Lord in my time of hunger and He fed me, I came With a thirst and he quenched it with living waters, My Lord has blessed me indeed and met all my needs, For on days long ago He planted His Word as a precious seed. And I will rejoice in my merciful King who saved me by grace, And I love to spend time with Him in the secret place, All the days of my life I will praise you name, Oh Lord, Raising a standard proclaiming "You alone are God."


THE NAME OF GOD IS JEHOVAH Yesterday, today and forever my Lord and, my God is the same, His name is Jehovah Rapha and He is the God that heals me, He is Jehovah Jireh and He is the God who provides for me, He raises the banner of victory, Jehovah Nissi is His name. He is Jehovah M'Kaddesh the God who sanctifies us to holiness, He is Jehovah Shalom our God who brings peace in the midst of stress, He is Jehovah Tsidkenu our righteous God who makes us righteous. He is Jehovah Shammah our God who brings us into His sweet presence. He is Jehovah Rohi our God who is our shepherd and our guide. He leads us in the direction that He wants us to go,He prepares the way for us, He feeds us and He comforts us, He lives within us and He is always by our side, A wonderful tenderness and intimacy proceeds from our God, Oh, the wonder of that name.


A POEM FOR NEW YEAR As we enter into this another New Year, Let us focus our thoughts on the New Life Giver, His blood was shed for us that might be forgiven, And be on our way to a place called heaven. Never has there been such a wondrous love, God’s only Son left the glory of heaven above, What depth, what breadth of love was this? Amazing love, such amazing love was this. He made a way for us to enter the Holy of Holies, That we might seek the face of the one who is Holy, As we move into this New Year let our focus be on Him, Let us come with grateful hearts seeking only Him. Come, let us put aside all of our foolish ways, And surrender to Him the rest of our days, For He alone is worthy of all glory Honour and Praise, With cries of praise, and adoration let our voices be raised. For Lord Jesus we Love you, we want more of you, Oh Lord Jesus we give our hearts totally over to you, Let this New Year be a fresh new start, May we for you be totally a people set apart.


OUR GOD IS BUILDING HIS CHURCH Our God is building His church. The devil doesn't like it But the gates of hell Will not prevail against it.

For God is at work The devil doesn't like it But We shall overcome, by the blood of the Lamb

We are on the victory side, For God is on our side, His Word will go Forth In Spirit and Truth

The Gospel of Good News The Message we must bring Oh Friends do you know Him? His arms are open wide beckoning you.

We will go from strength to strength, For God is our refuge and strength God is building His church, Satan you are history.


PRAISE THE LORD Praise, exalt lift up on high our Lord and our God, For the Lord our God the eternal one, He reigns, Let us dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, The Lord gives refuge to all who call upon His Holy Name. We will call upon the Name of the Lord all the days of our lives, For He alone is worthy of all praise, honour and glory, Let ‘s cry out “Blessed be our Lord who gives us abundant life.” For our God supplies all our need according to His riches in glory. For we will praise the Lord, with our whole hearts; And we will tell of all the marvellous works of His hands, We will be glad and rejoice in Him, now and forevermore; For all who seek after Him find their needs met and more. Our God is a good and righteous God, He is the great “I am” His Name is the Name above all Names, blessed be His Holy Name, And He loves to pour out His love on all those who seek after Him, It is no wonder that we desire to sing His praises in a hymn. Majestic, marvellous wonderful God, our beloved Father, You sent your one and only Son as a sacrifice for our sins, And through the crimson blood shed for us we have been forgiven, Now He is risen and glorified and we come to You crying “Abba Father”


PRAYER FOR ISRAEL We who are Gentiles drafted in, Need to remember God's chosen, We who were once so far apart, Have through Jesus been given a new start. But we must remember to pray for Israel, The nation right now are going through turmoil, We who have been brought under the covenant of Abraham, Must remember our Father promised them the Land. Our brothers and sisters cry out at the Wailing wall, For they Long to have access to the Holy of Holies, The veil was rent in two so we have access to the Holy of Holies, They know not that the Messiah has come so they stand at the wall. Yet here we are now part of God's chosen, And His people so often we have forgotten, To uphold in prayer as we really should, For this surely is something to which we've been called. Senseless murders of God's people continue, Lives cut short in their youth too, And it's all done in the name of religion, Persecution of God's chosen nation. And do we cry out to God for Israel? A people who are hurting and wailing at the wall, For most do not know their sins can be forgiven, And the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. So won't you join me and pray for them today, For the Lord would not want us in complacency to stay, He wants us to cry out to Him for Israel, And He wants to bring restoration to Israel. So let's pray.


RESTORE THE FOUNDATIONS The church needs to restore the foundations, In humbleness and repentance we must come, Allowing ourselves at His feet to be totally undone, Then the Lord will bring healing to our nations. He sees our proud hearts and voices displeasure, Our ministries are not ours they belong to Him, Seek after Him and we’ll be given joy beyond measure, When we give Him our all, the Holy Spirit will fill us up to the brim. When we give our all over to the Lord He will give new revelation, He will draw us into deeper places imparting wisdom and knowledge, The people of God will move into their inheritance seeing restoration, In service of their Lord and Master, their hearts they will pledge. For to give Him all the honour and all the glory in all they do or say, Will be the deepest desire of their hearts each and every day, And the Heavens will open as the glory of the Lord is revealed, And the church will move in power seeing people set free and healed.




All poems by Irene McGough Copyright © 2009 http://www. discipleofjesussite.com


All rights reserved. Disciples of Jesus Ministry. 2009





I MUST BE HOLY FOR HE IS HOLY I want to tell you a marvellous story, Of how the King of glory, Came and pointed out my sin, That I might be cleansed deep within. He said “My child I want you to be holy, Rid yourself of sin and pride and be holy, for I am holy,” I fell down upon my face for I was far from pure, Who was I to stand in the presence of one so pure? And I cried unto the Lord “I want to be more like you, It amazes me that you can love one such as me, How the sinless spotless son of God can love me like you do, Yet your blood paid the price for my sin setting me free.” So often Lord I have cried out saying “I want to see your face, And I dearly love your sweet, sweet embrace,” Then you ask me, yes one such as me to come closer, You say to me “Come my child I will reveal to you so much more.” “So Lord I ask you to come and purify my whole heart, I fall so far short of what you would have me to be, Please dear Lord cleanse me and let me have a fresh new start, That from this moment on, people looking at me, it will be you they see.” I have realised now that I can no longer do anything in my own strength, And I’m crying out “Dear Lord take the me, and the I out the storm, For it can no longer be me that takes control of my life, I need your strength, I need you to come and the deep recesses of my heart and mind transform.” 93

HE IS RISEN Hallelujah! How wonderful Jesus is risen, What joy Christ the Lord is alive and living, For he won the victory over death and the grave, That resurrection power might be known to us the saved. He asked us to take up our cross and follow Him, Not promise of an easy road we enter sufferings with Him, But even in death for us the redeemed, where is the sting? Eternity we will spend with the one who has washed away our sins. When we think of that empty tomb and that stone rolled away, We stand amazed when reflecting on what it took to wash our sins away, There was nothing could cleanse us except the shedding of His blood, It was all for us that Jesus our Lord and Saviour suffered and bled. And we know that today He sits at His Father’s right hand, Interceding for us that we might in love and unity stand, Being drawn ever closer unto Him that we might behold His glory, And walk throughout life, in resurrection power and victory. Hallelujah, Jesus is risen, He is risen indeed.!


ARE WE GOING TO ENTER A WINTER OF DISCONTENT? We are in danger of entering a winter of discontentment, Many Christians at the moment are feeling disillusioned, And there are many feeling angry at God and disgruntled, We as believers are not walking united in one accord. Some having run with the recent outpouring are disappointed. For it all seemed to come to an end at the end of Lakeland, But it was God, who stirred a hunger in you for more of Him, He wants each one of us to keep pressing on in to Him. The people of God are imperfect and leaders may fall, Now more than ever He wants us to press in and give Him our all, He calls us now to humble ourselves and fast and pray, And He wants us to enter the secret place and here what He has to say. For real revival always, always starts with an awakening in our hearts, He wants us to learn from the mistakes made in the past, We must be well grounded in the Word and in relationship with Him, We need to spend time in His Presence and at His feet learn. But we must never give up for God has promised to pour out His Spirit, And all over the world hearts of God’s people are being stirred, For we are going to be made ready for the return of our King, So for now let us in one accord our dear Saviour’s praises sing. It is time for the body of Christ to spend time seeking His face, He wants us His bride to start giving Him His proper place, We need to put aside discontentment and turn our eyes on to Him, For true long lasting revival can only come when it’s all about Him. So, we God’s people need to repent right now for allowing the enemy in, He is very subtle and comes like a thief trying to kill steal and destroy, But when we become disillusioned we go head first into sin, And the Lord Himself says to us, “Come to me and I will restore your joy.


I have never left you I have always been there for you, I just gave you a taster, My people you were not ready, you will be purified and then comes the power, A mighty new wave of the Spirit is on it’s way and I do not want you to miss it, You will no longer walk in your own strength but in the might and power of the Holy Spirit. So, don’t give up, do not enter the valley of despair for fresh joy comes in the morning, Even through your times in the valley seek my face and you will be rejoicing, Fix your eyes on me, for I will guide you right up to the top of that mountain, And my dear friends I assure you that you have a future hope that is certain.”


HEALING OF THE WHOLE PERSON I want you all to know that God is so awesome, He loves you and beckons you to come home, He watches over the sparrows in the air, And he’s numbered every one of your head’s hairs. I came to Jesus as a young child of seven, And now I know I have a new home in heaven, I don’t feel at home in this world any longer, For my longing to be with him is getting stronger. The Word says that “By his stripes I am healed,” The little word “salvation” means so much more, Than I first understood it to mean when first I was saved, For he came and he shook me right to the core. He has been revealing new truths as to His nature, To help me to grow up as a Christian more mature, For Jesus wants to meet us right where we are, He wants us to come up closer, come up higher. Now I know what it is to be healed of emotional hurts, Jesus gave his life for me the just for the unjust, And he wanted to bring restoration into my life, That I might walk hand in hand with him throughout life He came and he wiped away all my tears, And he came and he rid me of my fears, He saw me in times of trouble and carried me through, And he said “ My child I have planned the way for you.” He saw me sitting sick and afflicted and he met me there, And he poured out his healing touch for he really cares, And he looks at you with love and compassion too, Then he says “ I want to set you totally free for I love you.” What the Lord has done for me he wants to do for you, He wants to rain down on you his heavenly dew, 97

With arms open wide he beckons you to come home, He wants to restore you totally and make you whole. So if you have yet to accept this free gift of salvation, freely given, Why not repent of your sins and you will be on course for heaven? For today Jesus is looking upon you with love and compassion, And he wants to birth new life in you making you a new creation. So choose my friend what you will do with Jesus today? Be assured there is one way to eternal life, there is no other way, And Christian are you walking in a life of victory? Submit all over to Jesus and the place of defeat is history. Come then friends and know that the Lord wants you to be free, He wants to take first place it’s not all about you and me, So come and give your whole self over to him today, Declaring openly to all around you, you belong to Jesus today.


AT THE CROSSROADS I’ve been walking along life’s journey for a long time now, And I came to the crossroads and looked for the right way to go, But I was confused as to which road was right for me to pursue, Should I follow the broad road or the one which is narrow? My friends looked at the broad road and thought together we will go, I was a pilgrim seeking something new so I chose the road that was narrow, It meant going a lonely road and a big change in life’s direction, But this narrow road meant finding Jesus Christ and salvation. For broad is the road that many will pursue but it leads to destruction, And narrow is the road leading to eternal life and regeneration, For although I am travelling on the lonely road that less pursue, I never ever travel this journey alone for the Lord is with me too. I have a hope that is certain and sure, of eternity with my best friend. And I know that I will go to be with Him when I reach life’s journeys end, I need not worry and I need not fear for my Lord brings peace and joy, No matter what comes at me along life’s journey, in him I rejoice. For he gave me a prize when I entered that narrow gate, His blood washed my sins away, giving me a clean slate, And he said “My dear child your sins are forgiven, At the end of your journey you will find a new home in heaven.” So my friends if you are today seeking which direction to go, The road I am travelling brings peace and joy I want you to know, You may see a large crowd travelling along the broad road, But pause and give thought, and come follow the narrow road.


For you my friends on the occasion of your baptism BAPTISM What a precious day this is for you my friend, Declaring to all present that you’ll serve Jesus to the end, For in obedience you are following the Master’s call, Testifying that from now on, you want to give Him your all. May the Holy Spirit fill you up to overflowing, For you are declaring to all that you will live for God alone, And as you go through the waters of baptism, For the old life has gone and you are a new creature in Him So as you are immersed in the baptismal water, May your heart start flowing with living waters, And may you long for your Saviour with such desire, That the Spirit baptizes you, also with fresh fire. And may you know the full joy of your salvation, Adopted into God’s family you are now His relation, Throughout the good times and life’s trials He will stay, Right there beside you helping you, each and every day. So may your life from now on be a living testimony, That Jesus is in your life and all else is history, And may you go now from strength to strength, Walking with the Lord Jesus throughout day’s length.


COME ON ALL YOU PEOPLE Come on all you people; Come on all you people. Sing praises to the Lord; Magnify the Lord. Exalt His Holy Name Put your trust in Him right now. He’s forever more the same, He delivers us from fears; He comforts all our tears. Taste and see that the Lord is good, He alone is provider of our food. Seek to do His will right now.


COME THIRSTY Come thirsty and drink from those living waters, Drink from them and you will never thirst again, For the Lord will refresh you with those waters, And He just longs to pour out his love upon men. Seek first the Kingdom and walk in righteousness, And you will not have to worry about life’s necessities, So give your all over in obedient service of the Lord, For he has promised to provide for you in the Word. Take your eyes off of all this life’s problems, Instead turn your eyes around and focus on Jesus, He is looking for lovers among the world of men, For it was surely the Lord who first loved us. From that place of refreshment we will run the race, And surely as we seek Him we will gaze upon his face, Can’t you feel that longing deep within your heart? A longing to be now and forever for Him set apart.


CREATIVE GIFTS God wants us to use our creative gifts, For he is bringing them to the fore in us today, So if you can draw or paint, write prose or poetry, It is time my friends to use your God given gifts. So whatever it is that he has birthed in you, Be sure to use your gift for His glory, Take the first step in doing that which he has birthed in you, Could it be that he wants you to tell your story? Maybe you lean more to acting or mime? Than putting verses into poetic rhyme, But if God has planted creativity in you, Be assured whatever it is he will enable you to do.


DEAR FATHER IN UNITY WE COME Dear Father in unity we come seeking more revelation of who you are, You are the Holy One; Glorious in Infinite Splendor you are, And we long to see your Kingdom come in full reality, For when heaven touches earth healing of the whole person is a surety. We give you praise and thanks for you always provide for us, We need never worry about having food provided for us, For you provide the food on our tables and a roof over our heads, So no matter what comes against us we will trust in you instead. Forgive us Father for our foolish ways, for debts we have accumulated, You have forgiven us so let us forgive those who against us sinned, Help us to overcome the temptations that the devil casts our way, That we might be overcomers, empowered by the Holy Sprit every day. Fill us up afresh that we might play our part in heralding in your Kingdom, For it’s not by our might, nor by our power but by your Spirit we move, And as we tell the people about King Jesus we will see many come to salvation, As we come in repentance and obediently in response to your voice move. We will praise your Precious Name and give you all the glory, Your precious cup of oil that anoints us to spread your “Good News” story, Of how you call sinners to repentance and wash away their sins, And You want to heal every part of them cleansing them deep within. So let the fire of heaven ignite us afresh to see the captives set free, May the light of your countenance shine forth in us that people might see, Just even a glimpse of how marvelous and wonderful you are Dear God, And they might come to the foot of the cross declaring Jesus as Lord. We worship only you Our Lord and our God for you alone are Worthy, There is none like you, in unison we cry Holy, Holy, Holy unto you. How magnificent in glorious splendor you are Worthy, Worthy, Worthy,


And now in unity your people come with voices of one accord to worship you. RUNNING TOWARDS ABBA DADDY Here you are running towards Abba Daddy Do you see his loving arms outstretched just for you? So come like a little child with eyes only for Daddy, For deep down inside you long for him to embrace you. And he takes you on his knee wiping your tears away, He calls you his child and speaks with words of love, He says “Your sins are forgiven Jesus washed your sins away, And now the Holy Spirit has come to you like a dove.” And he is stripping you of the stuff that gets in the way, All, the pretence, all the pride and the intellectualism must go, For behind the façade your heart cries “Daddy I need you each day,” The truth is you can’t manage in your own strength, any more. It is only when you come like a little child in perfect submission, That you can be raised up as a Mighty Warrior of God. And you say “Strip me of self and raise me up in this generation, Not by my might, nor my power; but Holy Spirit I need you. For I need you to come empowering me for battle, For I want to be a warrior equipped for battle, Abba Father, Daddy total surrender to you is my intent, That I as your child may as a warrior slay all my giants.”


EAGLES WILL SOAR TO THE THRONE OF GOD God wants us to soar right up there with the eagles, He wants us to be victorious and eager, For don’t you see the victory is already won., For God so Loved the World He sent His only Son, And the enemy has been defeated, he’s in his last rampage, For his days are numbered and he’s heading straight to hell, And our dear Saviour the Lord Jesus is triumphant throughout the ages, Now the glorious gospel of the Kingdom this message we must tell. Christian can’t you see it is Christ in us that is the hope of glory, He is the baptiser with the Holy Spirit who empowers us to live in victory, For we are no longer in defeat, satan is under our feet, And our rightful place is to be caught up and in the heavers seated. And if we seek His face and listen to His voice and obey our Lord , He who has equipped us with full armour including His Spirit Sword, We will indeed soar up with the eagles to the throne of God, And we will see heaven touch earth and the coming of the Kingdom of God.


FINDING IDENTITY "Some of you have a distorted view of who I am, Religion has taught you so much that is fallacy, Come on a journey of discovery, "For I am the great I AM" Come like a little child, discover my love, grace and mercy. I am not " Santa Claus" giving you your desired lots of toys, Getting all you desire is not always good for my girls and boys, But I have promised that when you walk with me, Every one of your real needs will be met, just wait and see. I am jealous for your attentions, jealous for your time, It is time my children to take your eyes off of self, Who are you living for, are you truly mine? I love you and I do not want any of you lost in hell. You may have said the sinners prayer as a ticket out of hell, But who are you living for, is it me , or is it self? Others who are mine, do not realize how much I love them, They do not know that I want to heal all the hurt in them. I want you healed up for the harvest so others might find me, At the moment many of you do not know your true identity, Yet you have to know that you carry your family stamp upon you, I have given you an authority that comes with my name too. In my name I have said you will cast out demons and heal the sick, But it is my power you will walk in, don't self glorification seek, I have asked you to lift my name up High that I might be glorified, It's not your ministries, your church, it's time for you to self die. I am a jealous God and I want you to give me all the praise and all the glory, You will put on your full spiritual armour and tell satan he is history, And you will listen carefully to my voice a and you will follow me, I will direct your paths each and every day you will walk with me. So it's time my dear ones, to know your true identity, It's time for you to find and walk in your destiny,


You are my beloved ones and I long for you to really know me, So start now, come sit at my feet and learn of me"

Love from Father FIRE OF PENTECOST Let coals of Holy Spirit fire fall upon your people today, And let those burning embers fan into flame, Make us burn with your holiness, Lord have your way, Lord ignite us, may we be ablaze with your flame. Burn us with your Shekinah Glory, let it shine through us, We want you to come and consume every part of us, Send us another Pentecost that will flood through the nations, A greater outpouring of your Holy Spirit than previously seen. We want to be like fiery coals burning for you forever ablaze, So baptize us with your power from on High, give us boldness, Revive us, rid of us all fear, for we walk in Holy Spirit Power, Burst open the Heavens and let your Glory come down this hour, We want fire, we want fire; for you Lord are the object of our desire, More, more, more, more of you Lord, alight the fire, Fire of God fall on the nations, north to south, east to west, And may we in this hour of Pentecost start to give you our best. Fire of God fall on us, fire of God come fall on us, Let us burn with fire and passion for you Lord Jesus, Glory, glory, glory, precious Heavenly glory coming down on us, Touching down upon each of us where we are in our home town. We are ruined for anything else but living for you and you alone, And we come this day longing for another glimpse of your Heavenly Throne, Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord,; Worthy, worthy, worthy are you Lord, And we cry “More Lord,” “More Lord” with voices of one accord. More of your presence, more of your glory Lord is what we crave, Holy Spirit come in power and bring us another wave, Let your kingdom come in fullness, may heaven touch this earth, As we see you Holy Spirit move in power and fires of revival birth.


FRIEND ARE YOU HAPPY? Friend are you really happy at the close of the day? A good job, flash car, fancy house do they satisfy? For you money is no problem, you seem to have everything, But right deep down you wonder about life’s meaning. So you throw yet another party, and gather fair-weather friends, But what happens if you’re down on your luck and money ends? So when your parties over and you think you have all you need, Take a rain check and ask yourself “Am I satisfying my deepest need?” Do you long for someone to love you for just who you are? Or could it be they love you for your fancy flash car? Do you know the true meaning of having someone to love? For lust and sexual attraction will never take the place of love. But there is someone who wants to pour out His love upon you. God so loved you He sent Jesus His only son to die for you, Jesus died that you might be reconciled to a relationship with God, All you have to do is confess your sins and accept Him at His Word. For God wants to forgive your sins and give you a new life, A life with real meaning, purpose driven, no more strife, For the love of God the Father is a love beyond compare, He will give you a life everlasting, take to Him your every care. So my friend come to Jesus, He gave His life for you on the cross, Ask Him into your life today and you will no longer turn and toss, For there is real joy and freedom with Jesus as your friend. And you will know a hope for sure beyond this life’s end.


THE HEART OF GOD FOR THE CITY God has heard the heartfelt prayers of the faithful, He has heard you cry out for this city, He says it will be unto you according to your faith, For God loves all the people in this city, Don’t you see it was God who birthed compassion for the lost in you? Can’t you see that as Jesus wept for Jerusalem He weeps for your city? He says rise up my people, it is harvest time for you. “Come walk with me through your city, it’s time to take the city.” God desires to see the Kingdom of heaven come; He’s changing the city air. He is waiting for His people to rise up and violently take it by force. We need to see that we already have the victory standing in faith. We need to go to war against the principalities and powers of the air. The enemy has been defeated; he’s headed for the pit of hell. The victory is ours through Jesus our Lord, He’s prepared the way well, Many tears have been shed from Heaven as Father God gazes down on the city, Then he sheds tears of joy when he hears his people intercede for their city. Like any good Father he wants to meet the needs of those who are hungry. He wants to feed and clothe those who are poor, and set the captives free. He looks at men and women trapped in addictions and He wants them to see, That only through Jesus and His blood shed for them they can have real victory. There is a river flowing through the city of Glasgow and the river brings life, In times past many made their livelihoods in the shipyards by the docks, Recent decades have meant shipyard closures, and many have had to find work, But the river still flows through the city and with it comes new life.


I see swirling waves birthing a river flowing through the city streets, This river is the river of life flowing freely through the streets of this city. God’s people from all denominations are taking the message to the people they meet, Salvation, signs wonders and miracles has come to the people of our city. As the woman with an issue of blood once touched the hem of His garment, We as ambassadors for Christ are going to see strangers asking us about Jesus, We will lay hands on the sick with authority and all will be healed in Jesus name. Our shadows may bring healing to the sick for the Holy Spirit is forever the same. So let us the people of God arise as the Lord has called us to. He is the Lord of the harvest and He is bringing forth the harvest, The river of life is about to flow freely through the city, I want to be immersed in that river as it flows through this city, don’t you?


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Wishing you dear friend, a very happy birthday, And for God’s richest blessings to come your way, Your dear friend are a precious child in God’s family, May He give you wonderful visions that are heavenly, Our prayer is for you to experience such joy and happiness, May God bless you as you show others His love and kindness, Dear friend you may be thinking that you are getting old, And feel your youth has passed you by if truth be told? But the Lord wants to renew your youth and your strength, He wants to take you and have you soar, with the eagles today, For the best is yet to come ahead of you this day, For you are being raised to new heights throughout your days length. Your family and friends love you and wish you all the best, May you know more and more of God’s wonderful peace and rest, For He sees your heart and the love and care that you to others impart, And before time began He had purposed to call you apart. So dear friend we want you to know that you are so loved, And we long for you for with the desires of your heart to be blessed, So once again we wish you a wonderful birthday, And may joy and happiness today come your way. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Love from


GOD IS YOUR STRENGTH God is your strength in your hour of weariness, He has all things under His control, Know that through moments of difficulties, You have One who makes you complete and whole. So come enter His sweet place of rest and peace, The love that the Lord has for you will never cease, Every worry, every care take to the Lord and leave them there, He has heard your prayers and each one He will answer. Come running to him and feel His sweet embrace, You are His child and He welcomes you with open arms, Those tears and hurts He will wipe fully away, He will restore your joy no matter what comes your way. For you joy is in Him, your rest in Him, And though life may have brought disappointment, You can know a real peace and joy within, Experiencing the Lord's sweet fellowship and contentment.


GUIDANCE Lord , you know I love to dance with you, But sometimes I forget that you guide that dance, So dear Lord I ask you to guide all my footsteps, So I will not run ahead or lag behind your steps. Let my heart beat with your heartbeat, Teach me to walk fully in your ways, Help me to spend time sitting at your feet, “I want to know so much more of you” I pray. So Lord let me remember that word guidance, That I might keep in step following the Lord of the dance, Guide my steps, that I might live for you alone, Keep me walking in step with you and don’t let me roam.


HOLY GHOST FIRE There’s a fire burning, A Holy Ghost fire A fire burning, Within my heart. A fire burning, Consuming me. A fire burning, Consuming me. That fire burns freely, For I am free, Jesus set me free Now its Jesus and me. A fire burning, Consuming me. A fire burning, Consuming me. Oh, that fires burning A Holy Ghost fire. A fire burning Within my heart A fire burning, Consuming me. A fire burning, Consuming me. Let's let the fire burn. A Holy Ghost fire. A fire burning Within our hearts A fire burning, Consuming us, A fire burning, Consuming us. 115

. HOMECOMING Home life was tough I felt like an orphan, From abuse, troubles and strife I ran, I was lost and all alone, Had my heart really turned to stone? All I wanted was someone to care, Life’s trials were just too much to bare, Then someone told me that Jesus loved me, He went all the way to Calvary for me. It was at the cross that I found love, The Holy Spirit descended on me like a dove, Father God, put His arms around me, He said come home my child and welcomed me. Now I know what it is to be alive, For I was dead inside from the age of five, Praise the Lord for He set me free, From now on it’s just Jesus and me. Irene McGough 2007 (Not personal testimony but written from the perspective’s of those I have met, and seen how Jesus has broken in through the darkness.)


I AM A SOLDIER I am a believer and a soldier in the army of God , To spread the good news my feet are with gospel shoes shod, Upon my head I wear my helmet of salvation for all to see, For I know with assurance that I am saved and set free. This armour the Lord has given me is thick and battle worn, But after many years of use it is now mighty and strong, The enemy may come trying to bring me down, A defeated foe because Christ has gone before me and already won. So because Jesus shed his blood I, my breastplate of righteousness adorn, For holiness and walking in righteousness is my longing, And I need not worry though I am surrounded on all fronts, For Satan has already been defeated and Jesus the victory has won. Around my waist I wear this beautiful strong belt of truth, Not compromising, I will proclaim that Jesus is the way, the life and the truth, And when I go into battle I am protected by my huge shield of faith, I will not be beaten by attacks in the spiritual realm or from the human race. I have the Spirit who empowers me so I need not walk in fear. I shall walk in might and power protected by heavy armour gear, I will keep my armour intact and be sure to carry my sword, The Holy Spirit himself wields this sword which is God’s Word. So I will pray at all times staying in touch with the battle commander, For I need to be alert and watchful and in prayer persevere, Interceding and upholding my brothers and sisters in prayer, That they with me will keep fully intact their battle gear. For when the army are fully united in the task in front of them, Together we will function as the King’s men, And together every foe, every enemy we will defeat, For with one purpose we have learned at our Commander’s feet. So as of now I am staying alert in prayer keeping my armour intact, For I desire to walk boldly in righteousness and that’s a fact, 117

I will listen to the voice of my Commander and obey his commands, I will follow the cloud by day and the fire by night and stay standing. I BELIEVE ( My first poem) I believe in God the Father, I've put my trust in Jesus Christ, i believe in the Holy Spirit, Empowering me from day to day. I believe in the power of prayer, I believe Jesus died for me, I believe God answers prayers, Praise the Lord for He answers mine.


I KNOW I AM SAVED Jesus sought me out offering a free gift you see, His love and mercy were directed to even me, For although I was undeserving and dead in sin, He offered to me forgiveness and a new life to begin So I came to Jesus one night long ago, I was only a child yet I knew he loved me so, And I am so thankful for the gift of salvation, Which has made me into a new creation. My parents were Christians but that wasn’t enough, The Lord said to me “You have to deal with your own sin stuff,” So even although I was only a child of seven, I knew Jesus loved me and wanted me to have a home in heaven. The Holy Spirit came and dwelt within me, Restoring to me a relationship with Father God you see, For two thousand years ago my dear Saviour died, Through his blood shed for me I have been justified. And I confessed to others that Jesus is Lord of my life, Telling others how they too can have Jesus in their lives, Jesus asked me to be a witness to the people out there, Telling them that he wants to save and restore them for he really cares. I know I am saved because the Spirit birthed this longing in me, To draw closer and closer to Jesus my Lord each and every day, And I will walk in victory for Jesus washed my sins away, Through trials and tribulations I know my Lord goes before me. My sins past, present and future were washed away, On that day when Jesus came into my heart to stay, And Jesus is surely changing me this much I know, Submitting all to him in response to his call I must surely go.


I WANT THAT GOD KIND OF LOVE I want to love like you love, I want to care like you care, Release your anointing from above, That I might ‘agape’ love share. Lord melt my cold, icy heart, And give it a fresh new start, Oh Lord please help me to see, That others must come before me. Lord, give me your heart of compassion, For I really want to be your reflection, May I your loving compassion show, So others might long for you to know. So help me to love like you love, And help me to care like your care, So others might see something of your love, And because I have you I really care.


INVITATION TO A WEDDING (the Wedding Feast of the Lamb) My dear friend Hello there, I want to extend an invitation personally to you, I am so excited and looking forward to my Wedding Day, That day is coming soon and I would love for you to be there too, Come and follow me and throughout eternity with me you will stay. For I am so longing for you to come running into my arms, My arms are opened wide and I am calling out your name, Come to me I want you to be part of the true church, my bride, Dear one, this world has no answers, come and in me abide. I loved you so much that I came and died on the cross for you, And now I’m longing for the day you will say” I love you too,” This wedding feast will be like no party you have ever seen, Come to me and you will be happier than you have ever been. Dear friend I am looking forward with anticipation for your reply, Repent of your sins and I will remember them no more, And all heaven will be rejoicing as I will be throwing a party. I will prepare a mansion just for you as part of the bride I adore. People from every tribe and nation have answered my call, They have said yes to me and they have surrendered their all, I want to pour my love upon you and give you real peace, This love I have for you my friend will never ever cease. The Groom –JESUS CHRIST RSVP


JESUS IS KING I want to tell you a story, About the King of Glory From heaven to earth He came For us the lost He came. He died to set us free, The bonds of sin were untied. When on the cross He died. From sin's penalty we are set free He is coming back again, His people he will take, With Him forever we will reign, Our King, Yesterday and forever the same. Caught up together with Him in the air, On that morning bright and fair, Singing praises forever to His name, We shall stand in the presence of our King. Hallelujah, hallelujah, sing praises to the Lord, Worship the Majesty of our God, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Sing praises to the Lord of Hosts.


JESUS IS MY LORD Jesus Is my Lord and Saviour, He is the one who I adore, And he gave his life for me, That I might eternal life see. Love , Grace and Mercy He poured out, So eternally His praises I will shout, He has given to me assurance of salvation And now I know that I am a new creation. The Lord Jesus Christ is my best friend, I will be with Him beyond life's journey's end, And I will live my life in service of Him, For my cup of joy overflows it's brim. For I have Jesus to take every care to, He knows my needs and provides for me too, Yesterday, today, forever Jesus is the same, Blessed be his glorious wonderful Name. My Jesus has made me so completely whole, He came into my life and filled a big hole, Physically, emotionally, financially He heals, Praise God I am His and carry His seal.


JOY IN JESUS Lord you have planned the path of my life; And in your sweet presence is fullness of joy; I will rejoice in you through the days of my life, For knowing you gives me immeasurable joy. My heart leaps and my voice cries out with joy, Did anyone ever know such wonderful joy? For you have poured out your grace and mercy on me, What love is this your blood shed for one such as me? Oh Lord, restore to me the full joy of my salvation, Let it be joy overflowing that impacts people in this nation, Lord I ask you to clothe me with your righteousness, In all situations let me know joy and peace and not stress. The blessings you give me are far beyond compare; When times are hard yet will I praise your name, For you, Oh Lord are the Name above all names, Lord this joy is so great, that with others I might share. Lord, the Kingdom of heaven is a treasure field of joy, My desire for that day is to hear “My faithful servant, well done!” For on that day of your return I will know such fullness of joy, But for now I will rejoice in you and reach out for souls must be won. Your Word says there is joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, And that joy you have given me is for others around me too, So Lord, let me share that love and joy with others as one who is sent, For you Lord long to see others know the joy that only you can give too. Holy Spirit you bear witness and have my cup overflowing with joy, Fill me up with all joy and peace in believing, that I may live by Holy Spirit power, For I long to share with others something of your Glory this very hour, And no matter what comes against me, I will rejoice with this wonderful joy. For in your presence Lord there is fullness of such marvellous joy, And that joy bubbles up from deep within so that it can’t be contained, 124

I will dance and I will sing your praises, you give me such joy, I thank you for the joy and freedom that I have in Jesus my Lord. LIFE HAS MEANING You have been searching so long for the meaning of life, And all you have found is anger, hurting and strife, But deep down within something tells you there is more, Than what you have seen or experienced before. You’ve been seeking someone to love the real you, But it’s all ended in rejection and hurting too, And all you have wanted is to know someone is there, To share precious moments with and show they care. You thought you might find the answers sleeping around, But this was not the place where love could be found, And all you found was you gained a reputation, Increasing that feeling of hopelessness, and rejection. You turned to drugs or alcohol and you found addiction, At one point you tried religion but you found man’s tradition, And still you were searching, believing there must be more, Yet all you found was that life seemed a real bore. Thoughts have tormented you as to life’s purpose, And you’ve ended with the conclusion that it’s pointless, And you’ve heard men speak of heaven and hell, But you believed if you lived a good life all would be well. I want to tell you that someone really loves the real you, It does not matter where you have been or who you have been with, This love is unconditional and comes with forgiveness. For God sent his son to die on Calvary’s cross for you. The message my friend is that God and Jesus love you, God wants to restore a loving relationship with you, He offers a free gift of salvation to you if you believe, Come to Jesus today and you will a new life receive. For you dear friend were created with a purpose, Before time began God saw the day you would be born, He saw you there and it was you he chose, And all heaven will party when you are reborn. 125

Every hurt, all your fears, all your pain he wants to wash away, The blood Jesus shed for you was for you to be made whole, And he is in the business of healing every hurt in you today, You need to come to Jesus though, making him Lord. So please take heed and find real meaning in your life, By finding a new life without all the hurting and strife, For God is our Heavenly father and wants to lavish his love upon you, Will you accept his love, grace and mercy which is crying out for you.. Father God stands with his arms open wide saying “Come home to me, I have always loved you, I have seen ever hurt and all your tears, I have seen your struggles for I have watched you throughout the years, And I always cared, numbering even the hairs in your head can’t you see? I want you to know that when you come to me I will never reject you, The desire of my heart has always been for you my child to love me too, I want to wipe away all your tears, and rid you of all of your fear, My Son Jesus died that you and I might now be reconciled here. Something called sin caused a separation between you and I, It was to pay the price for your sins that the Lord Jesus did surely die. Now I want you to come and accept Jesus as your Lord today, You will be forgiven of all you have ever done, your sins washed away. So come to me today, I want to lavish my love upon you, The Holy Spirit will come and reside in you, strengthening you, Revealing more through a still small voice and the Word, helping you see, How you can now walk closely in relationship with me. I have promised to give an abundant life, life in all it’s fullness, Your needs I will supply, but I have not promised it will all be easy, But you will never again feel you are totally alone throughout life’s journey, For I promise to be with you guiding and helping you each step of the way. And I want you to know what it is to be totally free, Free to live a life of joy and peace that you have yet to know, A knowledge of a sure and certain future which you will see, Come to me today, and remember that I have always loved you so.”


For newly weds. MAY GOD BLESS YOUR MARRIAGE. Wishing you both God’s richest blessings, On this the celebration of your wedding, Cleave together as the Word of God says, Love and cherish one another throughout your days. Remember always there are three in your marriage, A Christian marriage means both you two and God, In all that you do keep God on your life’s page, And He will direct your paths as He says in His Word.


MY SOUL DOES MAGNIFY YOU Oh Lord my God my soul does magnify you. And my Spirit will rejoice in Christ my Saviour, Generation after generation have been blessed by you, You saw my need and gave me a new life to savor. Lord you are mighty and you have done great things for me, And Lord Your name is Holy and I want others to see, That you shower grace and mercy on those who love You. Generations have known your strong arm upholding them too. So Lord I cast down my pride and my imagination, I pray, "Oh Lord, make me humble for I am a new creation." The desire of my heart is to be a humble servant of Yours, Yet I long to be Mighty for the Kingdom, so Lord let me loose. I came to My Lord in my time of hunger and He fed me, I came With a thirst and he quenched it with living waters, My Lord has blessed me indeed and met all my needs, For on days long ago He planted His Word as a precious seed. And I will rejoice in my merciful King who saved me by grace, And I love to spend time with Him in the secret place, All the days of my life I will praise you name, Oh Lord, Raising a standard proclaiming "You alone are God."


POWER IN YOUR BLOOD There is power in your blood, There is power in your blood, There is power in your blood, To wash away our sins. There is power in your blood, There is power in your blood, There is power in your blood, To change us deep within. There is power in your blood, There is power in your blood, There is power in your blood, To cover and protect us There is power in your blood, There is power in your blood, There is power in your blood, To heal all our sicknesses. There is power in your blood, There is power in your blood, There is power in your blood, To set us so totally free.


Rend the heavens Lord Rend the heavens Lord, Revival fire fall on me Lord let your Spirit fall, I give you my all in all Take me, melt me, mould me; Let those springs of living water flow, That I might be aglow, So the people might see, My Lord Jesus in me. Oh, Holy Spirit flow through me. Rend the heavens Lord, Revival fire fall on me Lord let your Spirit fall, I give you my all in all Show your power Lord Our Lord and our God, Let the wind of Your Spirit flow, Making Your people all aglow, May our lives be a living testimony Oh, Holy Spirit flow through you and me. Rend the heavens Lord, Revival fire fall on me Lord let your Spirit fall, I give you my all in all.


All over the world there is a stirring of fresh revival, As the people of God come repentant giving Jesus their all, For we are no longer satisfied with what we had before, We are coming hungry and thirsty, crying out for more. It is Jesus Christ we seek; He is the object of our deepest desire, For He has birthed within us a new passion and fire, Like any good bridegroom; He is lavishing his love on his bride, Wooing us and drawing us closer; through eternity we will with Him abide. Now that we have experienced the tangible presence of the Lord, We are ready to engage in all life’s battles; fully armoured yielding our swords, For we are becoming violent; for the sake of the Kingdom you see, And we have learned that it is time for us to truly bend our knees. We will keep on drinking from the fountain of living waters, And out of our hearts shall flow rivers of living water, “Keep filling us up Lord that our barrels might be full of oil, So now and always what this world has to offer will make us recoil.” We sing a new song in our hearts declaring “We belong to Jesus, We will live for Him each and every day, it’s no longer about us, From now on we will walk in the anointing of Holy Spirit power, Seeing the people around us saved, healed, and delivered in this hour”


SET ME ABLAZE WITH YOUR FIRE Set me ablaze with your fire, For Jesus you are the one I desire, Come burn in every part of me, For you have set me so totally free. My heart starts to skip a beat, When I spend even moments at your feet, For you have given me immeasurable joy, Those times saturated in your presence I enjoy. So let your fire come burn within me, Let that flame burn brightly shining through me, That others might too catch the fire, And Lord Jesus may it be you they desire. Holy Spirit baptize me afresh with fire, I am a new creation in godly attire, And I will walk with your might and power, Running the race well for Jesus during this hour.


SET THIS LAND ABLAZE Come my people and set this land ablaze, Let the fire of God burn freely, A fire that can never be erased, So the people might see true reality, For the people out there need our Lord, And many today know nothing of God’s Word, Many have never known a father’s love, And they know not that God is love, They do not know that he is a loving Father, With arms opened wide for them to come home, Many are searching for real love in another, And there is only one perfect love, there is no other. The love that God had for us is love beyond compare, For He sent His only Son to die for all men everywhere, For the people out there need to know of His grace, And that the Lord Jesus died for the whole human race. They need to know that God is gracious and merciful, And wants to forgive them of all of their sins, For there is rejoicing in heaven when a sinner repents, And it as at that moment a new creature’s life begins. God wants to heal every hurt and pain making them whole, And he knows all the needs of each mortal soul, But many don’t know that Christ is the only Way, For they have been confused by the ideologies of today. Our Saviour has commissioned us all to go out there, And be His witnesses to the people everywhere. It’s not by might, nor power but by His Spirit says the Lord, By the fire of the Spirit we can boldly proclaim He is Lord. So my friends we need to seek a fresh baptism of fire, Which comes from seeking after Jesus with passionate desire, And asking the Holy Spirit to fill us up to overflowing, That we may carry the presence of Jesus where we are going. When the Holy Spirit ignites our hearts with fire, 133

Seeing souls won for Christ daily will be our desire, Oh, Holy Spirit come and set the church ablaze, So that we will do well in finishing the race.


SHEKINAH GLORY Shekina glory, Shekinah glory; When I behold the glory of His face Shekinah glory, shekinah glory, When I behold the wonder of His grace. What a day that's going to be, When my Saviour I will see, Shekinah glory, Shekinah glory; When I behold His Majesty. Singing Hallelujah, singing Hallelujah, And praising Hs Name; With my Saviour I will be. Through all the years of eternity. Shekinah glory, Shekinah glory, Sing hallelujah and praise to His name. For me to earth My Saviour came; It was for me he died, oh wondrous story.


SONS AND DAUGHTERS PROPHESY “Come my children listen to my voice and prophesy, In theses days I am pouring my Spirit out on all flesh, The dry bones will come to life when you prophesy, My Father will reveal knowledge that is not of your flesh. My sheep here my voice and follow me, so come along with me, I want to take you right into the deep places you have yet to perceive, My dear bride I am awakening your spiritual eyes that you might see, That with me all things are possible if you will only believe. So, let your deaf ears be opened that you might clearly hear, What I have to say to you all in this very hour and day, Fresh wind is blowing and you will move into the realms of seers, For my Spirit is hovering across the face of the deep today. I breathe life and I am breathing life into my church once more, Like Lazarus many of you have been half asleep can’t you see? But I am breathing life and not death, awakening you forevermore, I came to give you abundant life so place your trust in me. I have a word for your town or city, listen now and prophesy, I will turn the hearts of many people back to myself can’t you see? Prophesy the wind of change coming to your town or city, For I will turn the hearts of the people away from their iniquity. But you my bride need to get violent for the sake of the Kingdom, Pray and prophesy to your land and many will receive freedom, So write down the things that I have to say to my people today, For this generation are rising up as a people of power for today. When the enemy comes against you remember the victory is won, For I go before you as your cloud by day and your fire by night, I conquered the powers of darkness saying it is finished, it’s done, So keep your focus on me, walk by faith, believing, not by sight. Let the scales come off your eyes so you might see clearly and prophesy, And deafness be gone that you might hear clearly what I have to say, 136

So here is the word that I have for you my dear bride today, Come to me, there’s more, come closer to me, for I long for intimacy. Humble yourselves before me, seek my face and I will heal your land, I will hear your prayers and heartfelt cries and I will respond, My promises in my Word are yes and amen and every promise I will keep, Come with a spirit of expectancy, only believing the harvest you will reap. For I am wooing you my bride, pouring my love upon you, It’s almost time for you to come and wear that wedding ring, But right now there is a large harvest of souls out there, A fresh baptism of my love will help you to really care. For 2,000 years ago I asked you to love me and love others first, And it’s only now when you are coming to me in hunger and thirst, That you are now learning in part how to love as I love, When you care like I care you will prophesy with wisdom from above. For I will show you new things in the realms of the Spirit can’t you see? You will see so much more clearly and confidently prophesy, Discerning that it is my voice that you hear and my visions you see, You will really know me as a wife knows her husband, you are coming to maturity. So my bride it is time for you to draw closer, come up a little higher, Do you long for me the way that I long after you? Come away with me, come into the bridal chambers, come closer, There is love, joy and liberty in my presence just for you. In that place of intimacy there is a new level of revelation knowledge for you, I lavish my kisses upon you expressing how I see you as beautiful too, From that place of real intimacy with me now I want you to see, How much easier it is for you to see and hear now from me. So, come my bride speak to the dry bones, and those bones shall live, For the wind of my spirit is swirling over the dark places and breathing life, Chains are falling off the prisoners, being saved, healed, delivered and set free, For they are coming out of darkness and into the light, returning to me.” 137

STANDING ON THE PROMISES OF GOD. The promises of my Lord and my God are yes and amen, And what God promises He is faithful to deliver, So I take hold of His promises and say amen. I will place my trust in the Lord my Saviour. My Lord and Saviour is the restorer of my soul, The blood He shed was for me to be made whole. He has wiped away all of my iniquities, And He is the healer of all sickness or disease. The scourging He took was for my healing, Bodily, Spiritual and financial healing, He is even the one who provides me with faith, My Lord has spoken promises and they come to pass. I am a believer so I shall lay hands on the sick, The power of God within me will bring forth that healing, For it is Christ in me that is the hope of glory, I will boldly proclaim the full gospel story. God has promised to prosper me and not to harm me, So I know that He will provide for all my needs, He has promised never to leave me nor forsake me, So I will stand on the promises which in His Word I read.



How he wants me to come closer, He says "Come on up a little higher," I love each little touch from Him, Each sweet caress from my King. Through Him I breathe, and have my being, And He has called me to spend eternity reigning, All eternity I will spend at His side, For now I am part of His Precious bride, And oh the joy that fills my heart, Forever I have been set apart, And I love Him so much more, Than I thought was possible before. For He saw that He was my greatest desire, And He came and baptized me with fire, And I know there is so much more, For all He does is on me His love pour. How simply amazing is that? That He should love me as He does, Oh the joy deep down in my heart, In Him I place my faith and trust. I love Jesus and I love his sweet caress, Whatever comes my way I know I can rest, For He has given me a peace and joy that's unshakable, And I know that in all things my Lord is totally able. And He takes me into the secret place, And I go seeking to see Him face to face, And He is so beautiful and majestically wonderful to me. So now the desire of my heart is now to help others see. He says to me " Go tell others about me, Tell them that they can come to really know me, I want them to know that I so love them too, And I want them to come and embrace me too." FOR THE LADIES


SWEET DAUGHTER Come up here my sweet daughter, Don’t let any of your steps falter, Come running now into my arms, I will not let you come to harm. You are part of my son’s lovely bride, Hold your head up high and do not hide, You are beautiful all dressed in white, I see you there in a radiant light. Jesus blood has washed away every stain, You have been cleansed under a cleansing fountain, Your eyes are dancing when you call upon your King, I just love when you my praises sing. Come now to my table and with me dine, It’s time for you to drink more new wine, From the beginning of time I knew you, You are not a mistake I have always loved you. You are a princess, and I your daddy, am a King So come right out of that place of hiding, Be assured I so love the real you, And I know that you love me too. When you felt alone and hurting I was there, Be assured that I have always cared, Every tear every hurt I want to wash away, And all your fears I want to banish away. There is comfort, rest and peace in your daddy’s arms, I protect every hair on your head, you won’t be harmed, So come now princess it’s time to dance with my son, For one glance from your eyes his affections won. Walk tall with your head raised high, You no longer need to listen to satan's lies, For like an eagle you are going to soar, You will run the race with Jesus, the one you adore.


TAKE ME BACK TO THE CROSS Father, take me back to the cross that I might see, More of what it cost for my Lord to die for me, 141

From heaven’s glory He came to a lowly birth, Born in Bethlehem as Micah had prophesied this. One among the twelve betrayed Him with a kiss, Giving His master up for thirty pieces of silver no less, What anguish of heart the Lord Jesus must have felt at this? For Judas saw Him as Master, but He was never His Lord. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus sweat drops of blood, As he contemplated the bitter cup he must drink, He must go as a lamb to the slaughter as prophesied in the Word, The mental anguish of this must been horrific I think. The agonising scourging He took was that I might be healed, For by His Stripes my sicknesses and diseases are healed, It was my sins that took my Lord to the cross on that day, He died that his blood might wash my sins all away . And what excruciating pain he bore for one such as me, The scourging alone would remove layers of skin. His nerves would be exposed and damaged can’t you see? Oh the agony, that my Lord endured and He did it all for me. Pilate asked the crowds who to release, would it be Jesus Son of Man? But the crowds wanted release of the thief Barabbas the son of a man. So Pilate gave Jesus up to the crowd, washing his hands of this dreadful deed, The King of the Jews wearing a crown of thorns, this would be agony indeed. Beaten, bleeding and in excruciating pain Jesus must go up Mount Calvary, The cross on His back He must bear so God sent Simon His cross to bear, And all around the crowds did jeer as Jesus proceeded, their sins to bear. A bitter cup of gall they offered Him to drink at Golgotha on Mount Calvary. But the bitterest cup of all was that which He swallowed on the cross, When He took your sins and mine on His body on the cross, They nailed Him to the cross piercing His hands and his feet, And they made His grave with the wicked, He who knew no deceit.


My Saviours words to You Father were “Forgive them for they know not what they do,” Then as He was taking the sins of the whole world on Himself, He cried “It is finished.” And now I gaze upon that cross and get an inkling of what He suffered for me and you, I’m so thankful that He has forgiven me for it was for me His blood was shed. The temple veil to the Holy of Holies was rent in two making way for me to enter in, A once for all sacrifice by the precious Lamb of God, Messiah, had been paid for my sin The grave couldn’t hold Him and on the third day the King of Kings rose again, Now He sits at the Father’s right hand on His heavenly throne, and soon He’s coming again.


Thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord , Thank you my Saviour for dying for me Thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord , Thank you my Saviour for dying for me All of my sins were carried away, The blood of Jesus set me free, On Calvary’s Cross, You died for me Thank you Jesus for setting me free. Thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord , Thank you my Saviour for dying for me Thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord , Thank you my Saviour for dying for me Lord, take my life and let me be, More and more and more like Thee. Fill me with the Holy Spirit, I want to be a beacon of light. Thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord , Thank you my Saviour for dying for me Thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord , Thank you my Saviour for dying for me Help me reach out to those around me. Bringing others unto Thee, I want to praise Your Name. Jesus yesterday, and forever the same. Thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord, Thank you my Saviour for dying for me Thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord , Thank you my Saviour for dying for me


THE BRIDEGROOM Come see our bridegroom with outstretched arms, His eyes search deep and piercing into His beloved’s eyes, He says” My beloved I long for you to come up here, Rise up my bride, my fair one come away with me,” Let the bride in unison with the Spirit say “Come.” Longing for your sweet presence we come, We come thirsting and drinking from the living waters, In passionate pursuit of the One who we adore, Feeling that longing from down deep within, For our dear Saviour who has freed us from sin, We enter your courts with thanksgiving in our hearts, Yielding wholly unto Him we make a new start. The glory of the Lord transcends from His throne room, Our beloved Saviour and King, the one coming soon, We take our place caught up in the heavenlies with Him, Moving right on into the throne room with him. We gaze in wonderment at that wonderful glow, Like a glorious rainbow encircling the one we adore, We see that beautiful compassionate love as He gazes upon us, His bride, the one He adores, as He pours love out upon us. Face to face with Christ our Lord, our bridegroom, The one who has pursued us from the beginning, Now here we are coming all the way home to Him. Throughout all eternity His praises we will sing. Holy, Holy, Holy are you, Lord God Almighty, you call us your own, Singing with the angels and elders around your throne, “You’re worthy, oh Lord to receive all glory, honour and power, Lord there is none like you, how we long for you in this hour.”



Dear Lord, it so saddens me that my kids have walked away, All the temptations of this world have led them astray, Many a tear I have shed when I have seen them search for gain, And all that they have found is more and more pain. They would rather read fantasy books than your precious Word, How I long for them to turn around and run to you Lord, Sci – fi films and Harry Potter have become the order of the day, They have so confused their reality and forgotten you are the Way. An Alladin’s cave of computer games and DVD’s doesn’t cut it, It’s spend, spend, spend and getting into deeper debt, Maybe a designer outfit will satisfy their need of the moment, But in the midst of it all they have only found torment. They tried intellectualism for a degree must be the answer, But all they have found was stress which they could not conquer, And now they are all suffering from depression in varying degrees, For they still owe a fortune in loans and college fees. Lord, I know they need you at the centre of their lives, For where would I be if I did not have you in my life, Lord, I pray break through their darkness, bring them into the light, They need you for this world has nothing to offer to set their course aright. And Lord I give you thanks that in all things you are in control, The desire of your heart is to make all of my kids so completely whole, I know that you have them all in the palm of your hand, The day is coming closer when they will all for you make a stand. Thank you Lord.

THE YEAR OF THE GATE, 2008 Now that we have entered into the year two thousand and eight, 146

The prophets say it’s time for the people of God to go through the gate, This gate takes us into the fullness of Kingdom reality, We are entering into a new season, the place of defeat is history. The Lord is calling us as Warriors, who will take the Kingdom by force, The enemy may attack but we will stay strong and steady on our course, To see the full power of the gospel of the Kingdom invade this earth, May the glory of God so invade earth, in height; depth and breadth. This gate that’s open wide is also a broadening of the way into God’s Kingdom, And during this year we will see many captives receiving their freedom, For the Lord Jesus Christ Himself is the way the truth and the life, His blood was shed that in repentance they might come through the gate into life. We need to pass right on in through the gate and press on in to the inner courts, For if we really want to tabernacle with Him we have to reach the Holy of Holies, The Kingdom’s gate is open for us to come up higher, to seek His Face, And for this we must spend time alone with Him in the Secret Place. His sweet presence is the key to the gate beloved, don’t you see? For us to violently take the Kingdom we must see it’s not about you and me. Jesus said we shall be witnesses and see people healed in body mind and spirit, And for us to see this we must go forth empowered by the Holy Spirit.

THE GATES ARE WIDE OPEN. 8/8/2008 It is time for us to move on to maturity, 147

Believers around the world of every nationality., For the gates to the Kingdom are wide open today, Something has been broken in the spirit realm today. The ageless, faceless generation are being released, Now is the time for many new ministries to be birthed, We are rising up to take our rightful place in the kingdom, For the gates are wide open and we have found our freedom. The winds are changing once again, it’s time to move on, For the Lord has called us all with a purpose in the Kingdom, And it is time for us the people of God to move into our destiny, For the Fire of God is spreading and church as usual is history. We shall possess the land, for it’s time to move into our inheritance, And we have to abide within the tabernacle, for the Lord wants to us romance, The Kingdom’s gate is open for us to come up higher, to seek His Face, And for this we must spend time alone with Him in the Secret Place. Hallelujah, we give all the praise to the Lord Jesus, For this hour, for this moment in time he has indeed called us, He has imparted His sweet presence to us the bride you see, It’s time to violently take the Kingdom for it’s not about you and me. We are rising up as Warriors, who will take the Kingdom by force, The enemy may attack but we will stay strong and steady on our course, To see the full power of the gospel of the Kingdom invade this earth, May the glory of God so invade earth, in height; depth and breadth. His presence is the key to the gate and he has so blessed us in this hour, Holy Spirit come, and keep filling us up afresh to move as a people of power, Jesus said we shall be witnesses and see people healed in body, mind and spirit, And for us to see this we must go forth empowered by the Holy Spirit.



All things are possible if you only believe, For God is the God of the impossible, So all we have to do my friends is only believe, The Word says with God all things are possible. So come let us step right into supernatural realms, For all we need to step right in is only believe, In all that we do, we need to keep Christ at the helm, We need to walk in the gift of faith now and only believe. Let us move right on in leaving the outer courts behind us, Then through to the Holy of Holies coming face to face with Jesus, There is so much more for us to discover only believe, Seek after Jesus and we will enter the heavenly realms to receive. And the angelic realm will become accessible only believe, For in the presence of angels there is freedom and liberty, And with these open heavens we will move on to victory, The fire of the Holy Spirit will totally engulf us only believe. We will move into realms of the miraculous like never before, Moving in full resurrection power for there is still more, What we have tasted is only the beginning of what we will receive, For we are about to be revolutionized by ‘agape’ love, only believe. What men have beheld of the glory of the Lord is only the beginning, Open wide the gates it’s time for the King of Glory to come right in, We have only started to waken up; there is so much more, only believe, For Jesus is coming back for a pure spotless bride, only believe. Holy Spirit come with your refiner’s fire and purify our hearts, Increase our longing; increase our desire for Jesus in our hearts, For we long to be changed and take on his very nature, We know that there is urgency in this hour for the bride to mature. So we will press on in to the Secret Holy Places and only believe, There is more for us to access when we come in faith and only believe, Heavenly visions and miraculous signs and wonders are at hand, Our nation is about to be set ablaze as we move in power through this land. And the Lord is about to set many captives totally free, only believe, It is time for the prodigals to come running home to Daddy, only believe, 149

And all your sicknesses and diseases are being healed now, only believe. For the prayer of faith shall heal the sick, come to Jesus and only believe. The Lord is jealous for our affections can’t you see he wants intimacy, It is time for us draw real close, being taken to new levels of intimacy, For the fullness of Kingdom reality is right at hand, only believe. Step right into the realm of the supernatural now, only believe. We are going to be such carriers of the presence of God, only believe, That people will come asking us “What do we need to be saved?” People will be even healed by the “Christ in us” as we pass by, only believe, For it is Christ in us that is the hope of glory, so we need to only believe. ONLY BELIEVE



The enemy thinks he can lead my people astray, But I am telling you now there is no way, For I am sending my warring angels forth to protect you, And my people are getting stronger and overcoming too. Remember, I am on your side my dear children, For even through trials remember you are not forgotten, I will never leave you nor forsake you so come now, Rise up for it's time for you to take my kingdom now. You are no longer a people living in defeat, For I will your every need meet, As you walk in obedience to my great gospel commission, Touching the hearts of people with my love not religion. For it was out of love that I came and died, Suffering in every way such as man and I cried, So learn what it really means to take up your cross, That you might reach others and put my message across. And you will lay hands on the sick and see them healed, Spiritually, physically and mentally healed, For it's time for you to know full Holy Spirit power, He will equip and empower you for this very hour. Now it's time, my people its your time, I am stretching all those that are mine, Don't you know you need to be fully awake, For it is time for you my kingdom to take.


THE RIVER There is a river proceeding from God’s Throne, And that river brings life, presence and power, With it flows God’s grace and mercy for this hour, As the Holy Spirit calls people to be new creations, Living waters quench the thirst of those who are thirsty, Those who drink of those living waters will never thirst again, For the water that Jesus gives is a fountain of life everlasting, And it was the Holy Spirit who birthed in you that thirst. The Holy Spirit reveals more of Jesus and the Father to us, He brings incomparable joy, freshness, and communion with God, And the river of living waters starts to really flow in our hearts, And in turn those living waters will flow to others from our hearts. My friend we need to go deeper in the river, ankle deep will not do, Yes we need to go deeper in the river waist deep will not do, To be freely flowing in this river we need to be swimming, But we can only swim in the river when we venture right in. So let’s put aside all fear of the deep for in the river is life, And venture right in and swim and know abundant life, For when we swim in the river Jesus is ever present with us, And when we flow with the river the Holy Spirit empowers us. The Lord’s glory is revealed in the river as the Spirit moves over the deep. The Holy Spirit will fill us up afresh so we can let the living waters flow, For a river must flow out and we need to let the river flow out to people in need, So when we are flowing in the river reaching out to others we must go.



Everything has it’s time and it’s season, And this is a season of new beginnings, Be assured this all has a purpose and reason, For a new day is being heralded in. For many years Father God has been wooing us, Drawing the church closer and closer to Jesus, But this is now our commissioning time, He says “I want you to let others know you are mine.” We are called to be witnesses to this generation, Taking the message to people of every tribe and nation, That Jesus wants to save, heal and deliver, He wants them to know Him as Lord and Saviour. So it’s time for us to go outside of the church walls, We will say yes to Jesus answering the call, Taking the wonderful good news of salvation, Out to the people of this day and generation. And the Holy Spirit will come upon us in this hour, We will walk in boldness, authority and power, For each one of us have been called with a purpose you see, That the light of the glorious gospel should shine forth from you and me.



I am in love with a man who is not my husband, No-one who has ever lived is quite like this Man, He loves with a love beyond all measure, And He wants to give us life's greatest treasure. It was at the cross I found Him, It was their my sins were washed away, Now I know He has come into my life to stay, Today and forevermore I will praise Him. For now I know my sins are forgiven, And I am on my way to a place called heaven, For the Son of Man left Heaven's glory, To write a new page within History. He was with the Father before creation, Yet as a lamb to the slaughter He went for our salvation, Oh yes He died but in that grave He did not stay, For up from the grave He arose on the third day. He ascended to heaven glorified and sits beside His Father, The wonder of it all is that through Him I am reconciled to Father, This man, His name is Jesus is like no other man, Can you wonder why it is that I love Him?



Yesterday, today, and forever Jesus is the same; There is something wonderful about that Name; For at the name of Jesus demons have to flee, He is the Lord Jesus Christ who died for you and me, He’s the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, Our soon coming King who did to heaven ascend, He’s the Author and Perfecter of our faith, He is the Word of God so listen to what He says. He is the eternal one and the way, the truth and the life. It is only through Him that we can have eternal life, He is the Lamb without blemish who gave His life for us, He’s the Good shepherd who cares for sheep such as us. Forever and forever He is faithful and true, He is holy and desires us to be holy too, He is Immanuel, our God who is with us, And we are so blessed with His Presence with us. He is the Wonderful Counsellor, the Prince of Peace, This bridegroom’s love for His bride will never cease. He is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, So my friends let’s forever His praises sing.


TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO OR SO Two thousand years ago or so, A babe was born in Bethlehem, The child was born , In a bed of straw. A humble birth for the Servant King, The Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, The Son of Man, Rejected by men; He hung upon that cross of wood, For on that hill alone he stood; He rose victorious over the grave, It was for us whom He came to save; He's with the Father in glory now, He's coming again, any day now.


THEY DARED TO INTERRUPT. They dared to interrupt our Leadership Conference. Three lost souls in need of a Saviour, Hurting people in search of love, Yet here we were, desiring to give them the shove, This after all was not the place for them, The subject was being true disciples of Jesus, And here they were coming into the midst of us, To many of us this did not make sense, But was this God’s way or was it men’s? One came at the beginning prior to the start, One came right into the conference meeting, A wee alcoholic, a better life seeking, Surely not here, for we are a people set apart, One dared to come after the service, In search of a ladies room, no less, Our worry, was she shooting up here? That was ofcourse, our real fear. So, did we ask ourselves what would Jesus do? I’m ashamed to say, that I didn’t do. Here we were being put to the test, Yet, here we were awkward at best, Jesus said we are the salt of the earth, But has the salt lost it’s savour? Jesus said we are the light of the earth, But do we shine like our Saviour? Those women who interrupted us, Are they not people whom Jesus loves? I want to see them come to church, I work with them in the salt and light ministry, But this was not the time and place for them, This was our time, Sunday night was the place for them. I wonder if Jesus would have been embarrassed by them? Or would He have seen their needs and welcomed them? So as disciples of Jesus let’s do what he would do, Oh yes this was not for them, but remember He loves them too.


TO A DEAR CHILD OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER It doesn't matter what you feel right now, God is there. Be assured that He really cares, And His love for you is far beyond compare, So come to the mercy seat and leave your burdens there. Every tear you shed he will wipe away, Run into His arms and in them stay, He says " Come and you will find rest, For I want you to know life at best" "Come as a little child into daddy's arms, For here in my presence you will come to no harm, My precious child how I long to lavish love upon you, I want you to know my peace and fresh joy too.”


TO A GRACIOUS MERCIFUL FATHER Father, God you are so gracious and merciful to me, Though I am undeserving, my sins have been forgiven, The precious blood of Jesus was shed to redeem me, And now I’m saved and destined for a home in heaven. Teach me to show mercy to others as you do, Help me to impart love to others like you do, Remove unforgiveness from me, help me to forgive, Purify my heart and help me this day to for Jesus live. Oh, Lord, my God, remove every wicked way from me, Lord may I no longer withhold any part of me from you. Here I am, broken and contrite and you say “Come to me.” And I run straight into your arms knowing I am forgiven too. Let every day of my life from now on, be lived wholly for you, With my whole heart I long to be more and more like you, Take me this day, lift the scales off my eyes and help me to see, I need to walk in the Spirit, and be all you want me to be.


WE NEED TO SEE THROUGH HIS EYES When we look at the people around us, We need to see through His eyes, For we see people who seem abusive at best, But His heart for them is to offer forgiveness. He wants us to love like He loves, He wants us to show compassion and love, But sometimes we need to be healed of our hurts, So that we in turn can help others who hurt. In His image He created the people we meet, Their image is fallen because of sin, But He wants to bring them before His mercy seat, And bring them into relationship with Him. For Jesus died for all men everywhere, And He wants them to see that He really cares, And the people of God need to love like He loves, For if we look through His eyes we learn to love.


WE WILL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD We will call upon the name of the Lord today, For he has called us to humble ourselves and pray, He wants us to come away with him into the secret place, For he desires that we will surely seek his face. Our dear Lord has given us a wonderful promise, If we do this as he has asked us His people to do, He will bring healing and restoration to our nations, So, let’s turn our eyes around, focussing on Him anew. For he alone is worthy of all praise, honour and glory, We waste time with pointless, useless pursuits, Precious time he has given to us and that’s another story, He’s calling out to us “My people I long to be the object of your pursuit.” So will we get it right and humble ourselves and pray, Or is so important to us to always have the last word to say? Part of praying is stopping and listening to his voice, How he longs for us to make spending time with him our first choice.


WHAT WOULD I DO? If I knew the rapture was definitely going to occur next week; What would I do? Would it change me? Would I just go through the motions as normal, In the knowledge that I am alright, my Saviour is coming for me. What about all the people I see around me? Those I have yet to witness to; if no-one tells them how can they see?. Would I shout Christ’s name from the mountain tops? Would fear or anything be able to make me stop? What about mindless pursuits, would I carry on just like before? Would I watch the films on TV and pretend the actors never swore? Or would I spend time, praising the Lord’s Name and praying for those around me? Would my actions, my thoughts and all of my desires proclaim Jesus in me?


YOU ARE A SOMEBODY Now you are a somebody who has Jesus within, For in you the fullness of the Godhead is living, Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, For you my dear friend are the son of a King. So lift your head high a nobody is now a somebody, For you dear friend are part of the church body, The Lord Jesus sees you as so special too, He has washed away every sin and made you anew. So walk tall your daddy is the King of Kings, Lift your voice up and his praises sing, You will no longer walk from that place of defeat, For you found God's grace and mercy at his feet. Equipped by the Holy Spirit you will walk in power, So that others will look at you and see Jesus in this hour, You once were an orphan without any standing, But you are now adopted and in you Jesus is living.


YOU CAME AND REVIVED MY HEART I came to you Lord in hunger and thirst, seeking only you, And you came and revived my heart once more, You kindled a new fire burning strongly for you, That I might totally die to myself forever more. You said that I must now surrender my all, For holding back only brings about another fall, I must walk hand in hand with you all of my days, Dwelling in your sweet presence is where I want to stay. I am your sheep and I will listen to your voice, And what you say I will do from this day forth, Serving you with my whole life, in you I will rejoice, You have a path set before me and I will follow the course. You made me with a purpose, to fulfil my destiny, Part of my call is to share with others my testimony, To proclaim the Gospel of your Kingdom to those far and near, For unless someone tells them, how will the lost your Word hear? I shed tears for the hurting Lord, but I want to care like you care, And I know the love you have for the lost is love beyond compare, Lord I truly want revelation of your heart, to love like you love, That I might impart the kind of love to others that comes from above.


A LETTER TO THE 21st CENTURY CHURCH Come and listen to what the Lord has to say to you today, “Many of you are faithful in attending church every Sunday, But where are you on Monday in school, college or the work place? Yet your Pastor preached the message that you must surely seek my face. And many of you seek to be filled up with the Spirit, Coming to church looking for God to keep blessing you, Oh, foolish generation can’t you see there is a reason you are filled? Yet I shower love, grace and mercy upon you and call you to love me too. I want to impart my Spirit to you and fill you up to overflowing, That you might come and with me sup that I might prepare you, To go on out into your community seeds for the harvest sowing, Come spend time with me and you will be amazed at what I do through you. I am the way, the truth and the life and I want to give you abundant life, My plans for you are amazing you know but you have to say yes to my call, That’s right each of you has been called as a disciple of mine and I want your all, So child of mine will you respond today and give me your whole life? Some of you have swallowed a lie which has enveloped the church throughout the ages, You believe that I stopped healing and the gift of prophecy disappeared at the close of the New Testament Canon, But this is a lie that satan has perpetuated to keep the body of Christ from fulfilling the commission, Yet I have told you that “I AM, I AM and yesterday today and forever I am the same.” My nature speaks of who I am, for I am your healer, and your provider, I am your shepherd, your sanctifier, I give you peace, and I your creator am also your protector, And I have said that the gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world, For that to happen the body of Christ need to tell the people that I am Lord.


I have said to you my people, that you would do even greater works than I, And yet it has still to happen even where revival is flowing and I want to ask you why? Could it be that you have yet to learn to really walk with me in intimacy in the secret place? Come right up into those heavenly places and abide with me and you will see my face. Return my people to your first love, can’t you hear my voice calling to you? I will return for a bride whose hearts are truly committed to loving me too, I said to you seek my face, but many of you your love has waxed cold, Repent and return to me and I will not forget you in the days when you are old. Many have been ravaged with sickness in the body, forgetting sometimes to commune with me, Others among you have not correctly discerned my body when taking the bread and wine, Yet I have said that by the scourging that I took you will be healed can’t you see? It was for you, yes you that my blood was shed you see, so remember that when you take the bread and wine. I have told you that each of your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, Yet many of you have abused your bodies with sins like gluttony, This is a hard message I know but I want you to know that you have always been loved, Humbly turn your whole hearts over to me today and I will heal your land and pour out my Spirit. And yet I see there are growing numbers in the church who are turning their faces towards me, It truly delights my heart when you my beloved come seeking for a great revival to see, And I delight to make my presence know to you as you come seeking my face, The veil was rent in two that you might enter the Holy of Holies in the secret place.


So my dearly beloved, I want you to truly desire and love me, for I so long for you, Come take my hand and walk with me, give me your all this day and every day, And you will know sweet intimacy and no matter what this world puts your way peace I will give you, Take my hand and I will direct all your paths and show you the way” As the Lord gave me this for the church 2008 Irene McGough


YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACE How I long to fully look upon your beautiful face, A face full of love, compassion and grace, A perfect Holy face without a single flaw, Oh how it fills me with wonder and awe. Yet that face was marred for my sake, As the Lamb being slaughtered the sacrifice made, And it pleased the Father to bruise you dear Lord, Bruised and beaten, thorns piercing your head, Lord. Drops of blood dripping from your face in the garden, As the hour of your betrayal was approaching, And the love and compassion you had for me, And indeed all mankind as you hung upon that tree. You said “Father forgive them for they not what they do,” Then looking into heaven “ I commit my spirit unto you,” Finally as the bitter cup you took saying “It is finished,” And upon that cross you breathed your last and died. Hallelujah, praise you Lord for that was not the end, Today, you are risen, ascended and glorified, Some day soon in full resplendent glory your face I’ll see, What an amazingly wonderful day that is going to be. But for now I see as though through a mirror dimly, And I long for more visions of that, which is heavenly, You are so beautiful, my Lord, my Saviour my King, Throughout eternity, forever your praises I will sing.



We are about to enter the year two thousand and nine, And we declare this to be the year of the Divine, Let us start this year by drinking fresh new wine, Our hearts and our minds we will with Jesus align. Throughout the past year seeds of the Word we did sow And it's now harvest time when we will see the seed grow, So let harvesters aplenty, be gathered to bring in the harvest, As we rise up now and in God’s kingdom richly invest. May all God’s people rise up in this day and hour, To walk through their lands in Holy Ghost power, Ignite a fresh fire within us, a fire for you Lord, Going out fully dressed in battle gear, carrying our swords. Let us be a beacon of light shining in a world of darkness, As we walk close to Jesus and live in righteousness, It's time to leave the old behind and embrace the new, A new year and the Lord is calling us up higher too. We need to be totally uncompromising about our faith, Strong witnesses for Christ among the human race, So Holy Spirit come and fill us up afresh, cups overflowing, And may we continually proclaim our praises to you our King.

Copyright Irene McGough

© 31st December, 2008



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All poems Copyright Irene McGough © 2009 DISCIPLES OF JESUS MINISTRY


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