Poetry For The Church In Renewal

  • Uploaded by: Irene McGough
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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 7,786
  • Pages: 36



www. Discipleofjesussite.com

Copyright © 2008

Disciples of Jesus Ministry.


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PSALM 91 declaration

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A SONG OF PRAISE Praise the Lord all you people, shouting praises to His Name, For He alone is King over every created being, Declare His wonderful goodness to all men, He blesses the righteous and gives justice to the poor man. The Lord is good and kind and His mercies never cease, And through the Son of Man, Immanuel men can be saved, His blood was shed for us that our sins might be forgiven, For through Him we are made righteous and given real peace. The scourging he took, those stripes were for our healing. Give praise to Him forever “Jehovah Rapha” the Lord that Heals, He hears the prayers of His saints and answers according to His Word, For His promises are yes and amen as revealed in His Word. He blesses His righteous ones with abundance and provision, For His word says those that seek after Him shall not be in lack, So Lord won’t you bless us indeed and increase our vision, Keep your hand upon us, free us from succumbing to the enemies tactics. And may it be that all men everywhere would praise Your Wonderful Name, For you alone are Lord, forever and ever and throughout eternity the same, All glory honour, praise and majesty be unto the King of Kings, Worthy, worthy, worthy, holy, holy, holy let your people sing.


AWAKEN OUR HEARTS Dear Lord, awaken our hearts, For you gave us a brand new start, Shake all that needs to be shaken, To stir us up as lovers praising. For you alone are worthy of our praise, So in worship our arms we raise, And we ask you to take us deeper, Deeper unto you, our Dear Saviour. May we passionately pursue you, For you pour love on us too, Forgive us of our foolish ways, May we live for you throughout our days. This world is not our home, We are to live with eternity in view, So Lord make us over anew, That we might live for you alone.


AWAKEN UP A REAL PASSION FOR JESUS Awaken up a real passion for Jesus, Right from the depths of my heart, Anointed and on fire for Jesus, The fire of God consuming my heart. I raise my hands up in your presence, I smell your sweet fragrant essence, My beloved, how I long for you. I’m so glad you delight in me too. Reveal more and more of yourself to me. Spirit pour the love of God into my heart, I love the way that you love one such as me, I want to love you with my whole heart. Control my whole being, free me from sin, The Word of God going deep within, Spirit of Elijah, show me your power, Release your glory, release your power, I want to dwell in your secret place, I am longing to see you face to face, I’m amazed at the wonder of your grace. Lord, you died for the whole human race. Lord give me, your heart that I might see. People around me just what you see. Help me to reach out with your compassion, For you Lord are the object of my passion.


BAPTIZE OUR HEARTS WITH YOUR HOLY SPIRIT FIRE Our Lord and our God, we find it so hard for us to comprehend, How the Lord of heaven and earth could love us like you do? Yet you love us without measure, a love that will never end, The desire of your heart is to have us really love you too. You long for us to know real intimacy with you, And deep down in our hearts we just long for that too, Keep our eyes focused on you Lord and teach us your wisdom, That we in turn might play our part in heralding in your Kingdom. For yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, Who is like you our dear Lord and Saviour, Creator of all? Holy Spirit come and fill us up afresh, don’t let us fall. For we need your help to boldly proclaim the gospel story. So Lord we give you permission to do a work in us deep within, Rid us of all that is of the flesh, come and free us from sin, For it can never be us at the centre, help us all from self to die, For it is you Lord Jesus who sets people free, for this cause you died. Yet praise be to God the story didn’t end there, We serve a risen Saviour, You are the risen glorified one, the beginning and the end, You are our redeemer, our beloved, our King and our friend, And we with the angels will cry Holy, Holy, Holy to my Saviour. Baptize our hearts with your Holy Spirit fire once again, Help us to be a witness for you in this world of men, We want to drink deep from the wells of living water, That out of our bellies may flow rivers of living water.


BE STILL Be still and know the presence of the Lord, Be still for He is worthy to be praised, Sing Holy, Holy, Holy, to the Lord of hosts. Be still for the Lord is in this place. Lift up your hands in praise to the King of Kings, For, He is worthy to be praised. What wondrous grace and mercy He bestowed. When on the cross for you and me He died. Be still and know the presence of the Lord, Be still for He is worthy to be praised, Sing Holy, Holy, Holy, to the Lord of hosts. Be still for the Lord is in this place. Now Jesus our Lord reigns in Majesty. Some day soon He’ll be coming back for us, On that day we’ll be caught up in the air. Oh, what a wonderful day that will be. Be still and know the presence of the Lord, Be still for He is worthy to be praised, Sing Holy, Holy, Holy, to the Lord of hosts. Be still for the Lord is in this place. But for now we have a work for Him to do, Telling the people about Jesus our King. Time is running short and the Gospel must go forth, We can’t hide our lights under a bushel anymore. Be still and know the presence of the Lord, Be still for He is worthy to be praised, Sing Holy, Holy, Holy, to the Lord of hosts. Be still for the Lord is in this place.


BELIEVERS AUTHORITY Thank you Lord Jesus for the authority I have in you. For it is Christ in me that is the hope of glory, I have a wonderful inheritance as a child of yours, Thank you Lord for revealing to me, your riches in glory. I am seated up in those heavenly places with you. The fullness of the Godhead indwells me, The same power that resurrected you indwells me, All things are under your feet so they are under mine too. It’s not about who I am, but about who you are, So, I will move in the might and power of the Spirit, Boldly proclaiming to those near and far, You want to set them free and give them the Holy Spirit. The full Gospel of the Kingdom, I will proclaim, Letting people know the power and authority of Your Name, I am a believer so I can lay hands on the sick their healed. For your Word says “By Your stripes we are healed.” There may be violence against Your Kingdom today You have already won the Battle and the enemy is defeated, So I will courageously and violently take force Your Kingdom. By being a strong warrior for you, for in the heavens I am seated.


CELEBRATE JESUS CHRIST As we come upon this Christmas time, Let us ponder and see, Just where would we be? If Jesus had never been born. The Bible would just be another book; A fable at best, Just like the rest, And Christmas would not exist. But Jesus was born in Bethlehem As the Prophet Micah had prophesied, We would not know who God is, If we have known Christ we have known the Father. If Christ had not come our sins wouldn't be forgiven, We wouldn't be on our way to a place called heaven, But Jesus came and Jesus died, To Him we can be reconciled. If Christ had not come our prayers would be unanswered, We have a High Priest who intercedes for us, Through Him we have access to our Heavenly Father, When we ask in His name we will receive answers. If Christ had not come our hope would be unfounded. We would not know the hope of glory, But Jesus did come and we have that hope, We know Jesus is coming for us His Church. The Prophet Isaiah prohesied "He would be called Immanuel", "Immanuel" God with us, the word did indeed become flesh, So as we approach this Christmas, Let's remember the reason for the season. Let's celebrate Jesus, for He alone is the reason.


A CHILD WAS BORN Over 2000 years ago an event happened to shape eternity. A child was born in a manger in a stable in Bethlehem, They called his name Jesus, meaning God is Saviour, No ordinary babe was he this was God in human form. Let’s commence this story, while King Herod was ruling Judea, God sent the angel Gabriel to a young woman called Mary, Mary lived in Nazareth and was engaged to Joseph, Gabriel said “ Peace, God is blessing you for He is happy with you Mary. You will become pregnant by the Holy Spirit and give birth to a boy, This child will be God’s own son and you will call Him Jesus, And your cousin Elizabeth though older in years is giving birth to a boy, This boy will be John who has been chosen to prepare the way for Jesus.” And Mary in faith replied to Gabriel “Let it happen as God chooses.” Mary visited Elizabeth and the baby leaped in her womb; Then Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke. "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” Then Mary said “ My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices, Rejoicing in God my Saviour for he has remembered me, his lowly servant! From now on all people will call me blessed among women, What God has done for me will never be forgotten by all generations, The God whose very name is holy, set apart from all others. His mercy flows in wave after wave on those who fear him.” Mary went home to Nazareth and Joseph was concerned, For Mary was with child and they had not yet wed, But an angel spoke to Joseph in a dream assuring him, That this child was from God and he would save people from sin, That he need not fear to take Mary as his bride and wed, So Joseph took Mary as His wife and they did wed. 12

Now the Emperor Augustus called for a census, a register of names, People in the Roman Empire must return to the home of their family name, So Joseph and Mary although she was heavy with child travelled to Bethlehem, This town was about seventy miles from their home in Nazareth, Joseph and Mary took their time because she was expecting a child, So their was no room at the inn and a stable was the place of Jesus birth, This was fulfilment of Micah’s prophecy that a child would be born in Bethlehem. In swaddling clothes in a lowly manger he lay; this was the Christ child. Now shepherds watched their sheep in the hills that night the Messiah was born, Suddenly an angel appeared shining brightly with the glory of God appeared, The shepherds were very afraid, but the angel said "Do not be afraid, For behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy to all, today a child is born, This child born in the city of David this day is Jesus Christ the Lord.” So the shepherds made their way to the town of Bethlehem to find this child, And in the stable in Bethlehem they found Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus, And those humble shepherds bore witness to the Lord’s birth and others told. The shepherds retuned to their flock praising God for sending Jesus as Saviour, A shining bright star shone brightly in the night sky when Jesus was born, Some wise men from the east had seen this star and sought out the new King, In Jerusalem King Herod heard of their quest and felt threatened by this baby. For the wise men asked “Where is the new baby who is to be the Jewish King?”


Herod summoned the wise men to come to him and asked for information, He wanted the wise men to tell him where the new King was staying, Saying he wanted to go and worship the King, but his thoughts were evil. The wise men continued following the star all the way to Bethlehem town, And the star led them directly to stop at the house in which baby Jesus dwelt, And the wise men brought gold, frankincense and myrrh to give Jesus as gifts, For they bore gifts for the Saviour who would give them eternal life as a gift. Then the wise men were warned in a dream by God to avoid King Herod, So they went back a different way for God had revealed a new way, And Joseph too had a dream in which God told him to flee to Egypt. For Herod had an evil plan to kill all boys under the age of two. But Herod’s plan was thwarted for Joseph and Mary had taken Jesus to safety, They stayed until another dream for Herod was dead and they could go safely, So off they went to Israel and their old town of Nazareth and here Jesus grew up, For the word the prophets foretold to come true “He shall be called a Nazarene.” And this was God’s own Son, sent to live amongst us, He came to teach men about God and reveal Him to us, But more than that He came to restore us to relationship with God, He wants us to know life eternal which is a gift from God. For this baby born in Bethlehem came for our sakes to die, That we who have sinned might be forgiven and not die, So as we reflect on Christmas let’s remember the greatest gift, For God in grace and mercy gives eternal life as a gift.


CHURCH ARISE, LIKE LAZARUS RISE UP FOR I AM CALLING YOU FORTH “Church arise like Lazarus I am calling you forth and raising you up, Your past is behind you, can’t you see my dear children, I have forgiven you, As far as the east is from the west your transgressions are removed from you, My son’s blood has set you all free to soar and the only way is up. So come my children and walk with me you are mighty warriors you know, Yesterday is gone and when you hear my voice you will be ready to go, Can’t you see my dear children, the victory is already fully won. For you my beloved children will overcome by the blood of Jesus my Son. You are not only forgiven sinners you are victorious saints, And you will rise up now and you will walk and not faint, For I am here with you to help you to win life’s race. So step out into the unknown, and I will increase your faith. I have some wonderful plans ahead for you can’t you see, From this day forth you will listen to my voice and hear me, You will walk hand in hand with me for the sake of my Kingdom, You will step into the miraculous and see many find freedom.” Love your Heavenly Father


COME HOME MY CHILD Come see Jesus standing with his arms open wide. He beckons to you “Come home my child, I will show you the biggest party you have ever seen; You will be so much happier than you have ever been. I came to give you an abundant life, There will be no more toiling and no more strife, I am the shepherd who cares for His flock, Come my child place your feet upon the rock. Don’t you know I want you to be part of my bride, Come now and walk with me and in me abide, I want you to know you can be at peace, For my love for you will never cease. On the cross I paid the price for your sins, Don’t you know my blood can wash away your sins? I long for you to come to me in true repentance, My desire is for you to know real forgiveness. So come my child and enter right into my rest, I love you and I long for you to experience life at best, My dear friend, won’t you come and follow me? The true meaning of life I want you to see. My child I see your hurts, I see all your pain, I long to heal and restore your life again, Every tear, every hurt I will wipe away, Oh how I long for you to come to me today. My dear child I love when you lend an ear towards me. I love to hear your voice cry my name in moments of need, So come now and pay attention to this precious gospel seed. I want you to know me as Saviour and Lord, come home to me.


COME ENTER MY REST “My child, come and cast your cares upon me, Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, Cast your burdens down at the foot of the cross, I want to bring you into my rest, no need for toil. I want you to incline your ear and listen to my voice, Stop now and listen, learn to recognize my voice, Child you keep going back to striving, busy doing, Yet it should be the rest I give, you should be pursuing. Don’t you see that in your weakness I give you strength? Child lean on me and you will do all things in my strength, For it was I who sent the Holy Spirit to empower you. Call upon me in your hour of need and I will hearken unto you. Trust in me, put your faith in me in all things to enter my rest. It’s time to stop wavering when you are put to the test, My dear child I see your heart and I see that it’s me you love, I want you to rest in my presence and let me pour out my love. Every tear I will wipe away, every hurt will be healed, Approach my throne of grace in this your hour of need, Repent and turn away from all that hinders perfect communion, My arms are open wide and I long for that sweet communion. Don’t look for the applause of men, rather fix your eyes on me, Put no confidence in your flesh but rely totally on me, Give your all to me, walk my way, serve me with your whole being, And you will know a joy and a rest which you have not yet seen. I am jealous for your time, I know child that you long after me, You can be so busy trying to show others my love you lose sight of me, Yet to show my love you need that precious time with me. Look to me daily to help you win the race and learn to rest in me. Because you can run with me from the place of rest that I give, I will give you my strength to empower you for service, In my place of rest all your works will have fully ceased 17

And you will discover what it is from striving to be released. So my child it is time for you to enter fully into my rest, There is liberty and freedom and joy in that place of rest, And I will direct all your paths and the way that you should go, And in that place of rest, you in me will really start to grow.” Love from Jesus


I AM, THAT I AM I am that I am forever and forever unchanged, I am He, who has been by many rejected, When you gaze upon the stars I am revealed, And the beauty of nature intricately designed. How can men made in my image deny me? For I surely do love them each and every one, Because of this love I sent Jesus for you to die, That you my dear children might be restored to me. My desire has always been for you to walk with me, To draw close to me, walking in perfect harmony, But I wanted you to choose to love me and follow me, I did not want puppets upon a string, under my control. So choosing me had to be of your own volition, The choice between good and evil was given to man, And satan came along and tempted the woman, Then in the Garden of Eden mankind did surely sin. So I sent my one and only Son, Jesus the Messiah, And he gave his life for you that you might be saved, That the whole of eternity with Him you might spend, The blood he shed was to cleanse you from sin, Hallelujah! So what will be your choice today, my dear children? I am calling you out to make a stand for me in this generation, I have always loved you, My love for you has never wavered, Come to Jesus, repent of your sins and you will be saved. Love from Father.


PSALM 91 declaration I will dwell in the secret place with you Lord, Abiding under the shadow and protection of my God, I declare that you are my refuge and my fortress, For you are indeed the God in whom I place my trust, And Lord you will deliver me from disease and pestilence, From the snare of the fowler you will rescue me as the just. As a bird protects her young under her wings you will protect me, I will find refuge in you for you are my armour and protection, And I will not fear anything that might come against me, During the night hour though others at either side start falling, By your grace I will stand strong keeping my gaze fixed upon you, For you dear Lord are my dwelling place and my refuge too. No harm shall come my way for you are protecting my home, I am so thankful that you have sent even your angels for my protection, The angels will help prevent me from stumbling on my path and falling. They are sent by you Lord to help keep me walking right into my calling, With your Spirit’s help I will trample upon all that would try to devour, Empowered by your Spirit I will trample upon demons during this hour. I know with a surety that you love me and that you have saved me, You have a plan and purpose for me and you will lead me into my destiny, You have heard all of my prayers and have answered them all, No matter what life throws my way I can walk into your rest, For you have promised me life in all it’s fullness life at best, A long fulfilled life you have promised, so I give you my all.


LOOKING FOR MORE I have stood on the street corner and you passed me by, Oh yes I was looking for a punter it’s true, I will not lie, But you saw me there and you barely glanced my way, And you walked right on by with your head lifted high. Then I saw your face light up as you entered your church, You seemed to be so happy when you entered the door, But you never stopped to tell me what you found in church, You did not tell me about the God you say you adore. And I stand here wondering if there can be more to life than this? But I have got to make money somehow for another fix, I may be just a prostitute and a user but I have feelings, Even the drugs don’t fully manage to deaden those feelings. And I long to find an answer, a way out of this, I will not live very long going from fix to fix, If Jesus is the answer why won’t you tell me? Why can’t you come and tell me that He loves me? For so long I have watched you and others pass me by, And on occasions like tonight I have really questioned why, For it seemed to me that you are maybe hypocrites at best, Some looked at me with disdain as though they couldn’t care less. So please if your Jesus is real to you won’t you smile at me, You don’t have to say much but let me know Jesus loves me, I want a better life than this, I have always wanted more, Yet you see me hurting and pass by hurting me to the core.


REJECTION He who alone was totally righteous, Knew the dreadful agony of true loneliness, For His Father could not look upon the sin, So here He was for my sake the sacrificial offering. He created the wood, upon which He hung, Those for whom He was dying jeering insults flung, He came into this world, knowing what He would endure, But it called for a sacrifice of the only one who was pure. My Saviour left behind heaven’s glory for me to die, And as I look upon that cross floods of tears I cry, It was to take away my sin and shame that His blood was shed, The pain He suffered there was excruciating as for me He bled. It was love, grace and mercy that took Him there, Nailed to that cross for one such as me, a sinner, If I had been the only one He would have done it all for me, His heart was filled with love and compassion for me. The grave could not hold Him and He rose again, Triumphant over the power of death and the grave, Yes it was for me that He had suffered rejection, For me whom He loved so much and came to save. And because He gave me that free gift of salvation, Abba Father and I have gone through reconciliation, He has called me His child and now I belong to His family, And I know that with Him I will spend all eternity.


YOU ARE A LIGHT TO MY PATH I praise you Lord, you light up my path, Your Word is a source of power, I will not suffer your wrath, For you are my strong tower. You are my refuge and my strength, You’ll walk with me beyond life’s journeys end. With you by my side what shall I fear? When I am hurting you wipe away all tears. By your grace and mercy you saved me, Hallelujah, I was blind but now I see, You gave me your Spirit, and now I am free, To soar with the eagles, far above the trees. So now Lord I ask one thing only. This Lord I seek with my whole heart, That I might see you more and more, My God, so good to me You are. You give me a taste of heaven here below, When I perceive something of your Glory I look at the beauty of your creation You call me your child, I am your relation. I am seeking after you my Lord, my God. I hunger and thirst for you, only you. Nothing else will satisfy the longing of my soul, Lord keep my eyes fixed upon that final goal. I want to serve you Lord, Where you lead me I will go. Nothing more will I withhold, Please Lord, I pray make me bold.


SWEET COMMUNION The bread and wine are set before us, As we gather to worship the Lord Jesus, This is no ritual without a meaning, It is even more than merely remembering. Jesus said “This do in remembrance of me.” But there is clearly more He wants us to see. For the one we behold is indeed the bread of life, And the bread is feeding our souls with health and life. Then we come to the wine knowing there is life in the blood, For that blood washed away our sins in a cleansing flood, And we come with thanksgiving and praise in our hearts, In deep reverence and awe we come in one accord. Thanking the One who is the true life giver, The One who we will throughout eternity live with, Who shed His blood on a cruel cross that we might be saved, Through that same blood we are healed, saved and delivered. For there is power in the blood, full resurrection power, We must never forget the magnitude of that wonderful power, Words are unable to express the depth of our gratitude, For while we were dead in our sins Christ came and he died. And he has given us a hope that is certain and sure, That when we give our lives to the only one who is pure, We have a glorious heritage as sons and daughters of the King, So throughout eternity his praises we with the angels will sing. And now as we take the bread and the wine let us rightly discern, Just what we are doing and come humbly seeking new revelation, Our Lord and Saviour left heaven’s glory, a sacrificial offering to be, And the wonder of it all was that he done it all for such as you and me. So we will continue to come together partaking of the bread and wine, Until that day we with the saints from down through the ages dine, 24

When we the bride, meet with our dear bridegroom at our wedding feast, And we look upon the glory of his countenance and fall at his feet. Even so come, Lord Jesus…………….


THE CRY OF A MOTHER’S HEART. Dear Lord, it so saddens me that my kids have walked away, All the temptations of this world have led them astray, Many a tear I have shed when I have seen them search for gain, And all that they have found is more and more pain. They would rather read fantasy books than your precious Word, How I long for them to turn around and run to you Lord, Sci – fi films and Harry Potter have become the order of the day, They have so confused their reality and forgotten you are the Way. An Alladin’s cave of computer games and DVD’s doesn’t cut it, It’s spend, spend, spend and getting into deeper debt, Maybe a designer outfit will satisfy their need of the moment, But in the midst of it all they have only found torment. They tried intellectualism for a degree must be the answer, But all they have found was stress which they could not conquer, And now they are all suffering from depression in varying degrees, For they still owe a fortune in loans and college fees. Lord, I know they need you at the centre of their lives, For where would I be if I did not have you in my life, Lord, I pray break through their darkness, bring them into the light, They need you for this world has nothing to offer to set their course aright. And Lord I give you thanks that In all things you are in control, The desire of your heart is to make all of my kids so completely whole, I know that you have them all in the palm of your hand, The day is coming closer when they will all for you make a stand. Thank you Lord.


BURNING DESIRE I have a burning deep within, For more of your fire consuming, Come Lord Jesus I know there is more, More than I have experienced before. I have tasted and seen that you are good, The spirit within me you have renewed, Holy Spirit keep filling me up to overflowing, May my zeal for Jesus be forever growing. Come consume me with your fire, For I long for you with deep desire, There is a need deep within my being, I'm hungry and thirsty, come satisfy my craving. Irene McGough 2008


THE QUESTION THAT DEMANDS AN ANSWER You ask us a question, one we must answer, You have asked us; “Who will go for me” Here we are Lord saying, “Here I am send me,” We can no longer ignore your call Precious Saviour. So we will carry the message of salvation far and near, For we know that the lost out there you hold so dear, And you have commissioned us to see people set free, Spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally set free. In obedience and in humble servitude we come, Ready to submit ourselves unto you, God’s only Son, So let our flesh life disappear, living in our spirit man, For you we must live each day while we still can. So here we are Lord, take us and shake all that needs shaking, Change us into what you would have us be, Dear King, Fill us up afresh with your precious Holy Spirit, Baptizing us afresh with the fire of your Spirit. Revive every part of our hearts, making us over anew, That we carry the glory of your presence too, We want to walk with you throughout the rest of our days, That others might come to learn about your wonderful grace.


THESE DEAR CHILDREN I LOVE Children, those dear children how I love them, My heart breaks to see little ones crying, How I long for my people to intercede for them, Come see what I see in that child who is lying. I see the fatherless child, desperately seeking a daddy, I see the abused child, lying huddled in a corner crying, Others have parents drinking, taking drugs and squabbling, And how I long for them to know me as their Heavenly Daddy. I see the orphan child never really knowing a place called home, Do you know that I want them to know heaven as their future home? I want you my people to care like I care, to make a difference, Each of you can do something that can start to change things. I want you to feel something of my heart for those little ones, Do you know that you can prevail in prayer for them? I do not want them to follow on in a generational cycle of wrongs, Come my child, I will wipe away your tears is my cry to them. So my people I want you to care like I care and see what I see, That you in turn might play your part in directing those children to me, Children all over the world are so dear to my heart, It is time for you my people to get involved and play your part. Love from Father.


TRANSFORM AND RENEW MY MIND Lord, keep transforming and renewing my mind, That my flesh life might entirely disappear, For I long to be holy as you are holy, and to you draw near, So I give my life as a living sacrifice ready to serve you to the end. May the people I meet see you living in me, That I might reflect something of your glory, For you my Lord and Saviour are the one I adore, May people look at me and your light see. May each step I take be steps along your path, For you Lord are the one who directs my paths, So may I come again this and every day, In total submission to allow you to have your way. Teach me more and more about your ways Lord, Holy Spirit give me a teachable spirit as I read the Word, For I don’t want to be in any way a fake, So lead me in your paths of righteousness for Your Name’s sake.


WE NEED TO SEE THROUGH HIS EYES When we look at the people around us, We need to see through His eyes, For we see people who seem abusive at best, But His heart for them is to offer forgiveness. He wants us to love like He loves, He wants us to show compassion and love, But sometimes we need to be healed of our hurts, So that we in turn can help others who hurt. In His image He created the people we meet, Their image is fallen because of sin, But He wants to bring them before His mercy seat, And bring them into relationship with Him. For Jesus died for all men everywhere, And He wants them to see that He really cares, And the people of God need to love like He loves, For if we look through His eyes we learn to love.


WHERE DO I PLEDGE MY ALLEGIANCE? Where do I pledge my allegiance? Do I long for more personal gains? Or would I lose everything to seek after Jesus? Is my earnest desire to really know Jesus? Paul counted all things as loss for the sake of Christ, I love Jesus but do I really put him first? The Lord says if I seek Him I will find him, So I humbly bend the knee pursuing after him. I come thirsty longing to drink from living waters, So rid me of all my foolish mindless thoughts, And may I earnestly pursue the Lord, who died for me, My whole life must be devoted to you I can plainly see. So take me as I am and shake all that can be shaken, Mould me on your potters wheel a fresh vessel making, Then take me and use me for the glory of your Kingdom, Not that I should boast except in Christ alone. For where would I be if you hadn’t touched into my life? You saw me in my hour of need and showed mercy, By your grace you saved me and gave me a new life, I was undeserving, yet the gift of salvation you gave freely. So I will pledge my allegiance to my Lord and Saviour, And I will not go along with the crowd and follow another, Let my life be a living testimony to the Lord who died for me, That others looking at me might His reflection see.


YOU COME WITH HEALING IN YOUR WINGS Heal me oh Lord and I will be healed, Save me dear Lord and I will be saved, To you Lord I will sing a song of praise, Throughout all the length of my days. You come with healing in your wings, And you healed my body, soul and spirit, Now you are my Lord and my King, Come and fill me up afresh Holy Spirit. You dear Lord are the fountain of living waters, Let those waters now flow through me, May I be well grounded in your Word and not falter? Help me dear Lord to become all you want me to be. Lord I ask you to help me to impart your wisdom, That others might have a revelation of your kingdom, And the wonderful good news you have for them all, The message of salvation, healing and deliverance is for all. Give me words in season and out of season, May I help other’s see that their lives have reason, Only by the power of the Holy Spirit can I accomplish this task, So dear Lord, Precious Saviour come, empower me I ask. I thank you Lord that I go not in my own power, But you are indeed empowering me for this hour, Prepare the hearts of the people I meet, That many will find your love and grace at your Mercy Seat. Be glorified in me, please Lord shine through me, That even through tribulations others might see, How in you I can triumph and be victorious in every situation, So I will place my trust in you, Jesus for healing of this nation.


YOU ARE NO LONGER AN ORPHAN Your Father has adopted you into his family, You are no longer an orphan without an abode, He calls you His child and so you know you are loved, For you can find real rest and peace in God’s family. Abba Father loves you and says you are accepted, Chase after His heart, He calls you His beloved, Just love Him and seek to pursue His Presence, Daily He will reveal more to you of his gentleness. And long to be holy for He is a Holy God, Drawing into the secret place alone with God, Father is gracious, merciful and good to you, Though undeserving He showers blessings on you. Father gently chastises you when you get it wrong, Repent and He says “My child you are forgiven,” He is patient and kind and does not hold past sins against you, As far as the East is From the West He removed your transgressions from you. So you can enjoy sweet intimacy with our Heavenly Father, For you are a child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, He calls you His beloved and says “Come child, come up hither, I want to reveal more to you as promised in My Word.”


WORTHY, WORTHY ARE YOU BELOVED Worthy, worthy are you beloved, oh Son of the living God, We come, singing praises unto you in one accord, And now we your bride are coming out of the wilderness, As we draw closer smelling your sweet fragrant essence. We will keep our helmets of salvation firmly on our heads, To keep us from swallowing Satan’s lies and concentrate on you instead , This world has nothing to offer us, only through you we have eternal life, And you have called us right into your chambers as your precious wife. So now we are coming up higher to be where you are, No longer wanting to glimpse upon you from afar, And we lift our prayers and praises upwards to your throne, For we are so thankful and joyous to know you call us your own. Your sweet embrace is so beautiful to us our dear bridegroom, And we thank that you are preparing mansions with many rooms, For you have made us beautiful out of ashes, making us fit for a King, And eternally we will come with praises honour and glory singing. And we yearn to spend time with you like Mary seated at your feet, For the time we have talking with you is so precious and sweet, And you pour love, grace and mercy constantly upon us your bride, So we come longing for that day when eternally we will be by your side. But for now we gaze up to your throne- room our beloved King, Drawing closer and closer your praises forever we will sing, And we are seeking like Moses to see you face to face, For you gave your life for us and saved us by your grace. You are seated at the Father’s right hand, preparing a place for your wife, For you through your grace and mercy given us who are undeserving eternal life,


And you say in your Word that you are ravished by one glimpse from our eyes, And that each and every one of us will be a special jewel to you in paradise. You our Lord and Saviour are the object of our love you see, And we long to know you better, on this at least your people will agree, For it is you who paid the price for our sins and set us free, Now you will take us near, far and wide a witness for you to be. For there are people out there who you desire as part of your bride, And you have given us a commission from which we cannot hide, To take the good news of salvation to the hurting and the lost, We long for your return but you are tarrying for a purpose. So for now we seek to come closer, coming right into your throne room, For we long to dwell in your presence our precious, sweet bridegroom, And we come thirsty and hungry with deep longing for you, Standing amazed in wonder that you are longing for us too.

All poems Copyright Irene McGough © 2008 36

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