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SUBMITTED TO: Dr. J. S. Hiremath Asst. Prof. of PMA

SUBMITTED BY: NAME: Vidyashree D M I.D. NO:UHS15UG2484 CLASS :4th B.Sc (Horticulture) SEMISTER:2nd YEAR:2018-19


Role of Tribal people in conservation of medicinal plants Introduction: The term “medicinal plant” include various types of plants used in herbalism ("herbology" or "herbal medicine"). It is the use of plants for medicinal purposes, and the study of such uses. The word “herb” has been derived from the Latin word, “herba” and an old French word “herbe”. Now a days, herb refers to any part of the plant like fruit, seed, stem, bark, flower, leaf, stigma or a root, as well as a non-woody plant. Earlier, the term “herb” was only applied to non-woody plants, including those that come from trees and shrubs. These medicinal plants are also used as food, flavonoid, medicine or perfume and also in certain spiritual activities.

History Plants have been used for medicinal purposes long before prehistoric period. Ancient Unani manuscripts Egyptian papyrus and Chinese writings described the use of herbs. Evidence exist that Unani Hakims, Indian Vaids and European and Mediterranean cultures were using herbs for over 4000 years as medicine. Indigenous cultures such as Rome, Egypt, Iran, Africa and America used herbs in their healing rituals, while other developed traditional medical systems such as Unani, Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine in which herbal therapies were used systematically. Traditional systems of medicine continue to be widely practised on many accounts. Population rise, inadequate supply of drugs, prohibitive cost of treatments, side effects of several synthetic drugs and development of resistance to currently used drugs for infectious diseases have led to increased emphasis on the use of plant materials as a source of medicines for a wide variety of human ailments. Among ancient civilisations, India has been known to be rich repository of medicinal plants. The forest in India is the principal repository of large number of medicinal and aromatic plants, which are largely collected as raw materials for manufacture of drugs and perfumery products. About 8,000 herbal remedies have been codified in AYUSH systems in INDIA. Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Folk (tribal) medicines are the major systems of indigenous medicines. Among these systems, Ayurveda and Unani Medicine are most developed and widely practised in India. Recently, WHO (World Health Organization) estimated that 80 percent of people worldwide rely on herbal medicines for some aspect of their primary health care needs. According to WHO, around 21,000 plant species have the potential for being used as medicinal plants. As per data available over three-quarters of the world population relies mainly on plants and plant extracts for their health care needs. More than 30% of the entire plant species, at one time or other were used for medicinal purposes. It has been estimated, that in developed countries such as United States, plant drugs constitute as much as 25% of the total drugs, while in fast developing countries such as India and China, the contribution is as much as

80%. Thus, the economic importance of medicinal plants is much more to countries such as India than to rest of the world. These countries provide two third of the plants used in modern system of medicine and the health care system of rural population depend on indigenous systems of medicine. Treatment with medicinal plants is considered very safe as there is no or minimal side effects. These remedies are in sync with nature, which is the biggest advantage. The golden fact is that, use of herbal treatments is independent of any age groups and the sexes. The ancient scholars only believed that herbs are only solutions to cure a number of health related problems and diseases. They conducted thorough study about the same, experimented to arrive at accurate conclusions about the efficacy of different herbs that have medicinal value. Most of the drugs, thus formulated, are free of side effects or reactions. This is the reason why herbal treatment is growing in popularity across the globe. These herbs that have medicinal quality provide rational means for the treatment of many internal diseases, which are otherwise considered difficult to cure. Medicinal plants such as Aloe, Tulsi, Neem, Turmeric and Ginger cure several common ailments. These are considered as home remedies in many parts of the country. It is known fact that lots of consumers are using Basil (Tulsi) for making medicines, black tea, in pooja and other activities in their day to day life. In several parts of the world many herbs are used to honour their kings showing it as a symbol of luck. Now, after finding the role of herbs in medicine, lots of consumers started the plantation of tulsi and other medicinal plants in their home gardens. Medicinal plants are considered as a rich resources of ingredients which can be used in drug development either pharmacopoeial, non- pharmacopoeial or synthetic drugs. A part from that, these plants play a critical role in the development of human cultures around the whole world. Moreover, some plants are considered as important source of nutrition and as a result of that they are recommended for their therapeutic values. Some of these plants include ginger, green tea, walnuts, aloe, pepper and turmeric etc. Some plants and their derivatives are considered as important source for active ingredients which are used in aspirin and toothpaste etc. Apart from the medicinal uses, herbs are also used in natural dye, pest control, food, perfume, tea and so on. In many countries different kinds of medicinal plants/ herbs are used to keep ants, flies, mice and flee away from homes and offices. Now a days medicinal herbs are important sources for pharmaceutical manufacturing. Recipes for the treatment of common ailments such as diarrhoea, constipation, hypertension, low sperm count, dysentery and weak penile erection, piles, coated tongue, menstrual disorders, bronchial asthma, leucorrhoea and fevers are given by the traditional medicine practitioners very effectively. Over the past two decades, there has been a tremendous increase in the use of herbal medicine; however, there is still a significant lack of research data in this field. Therefore

since 1999, WHO has published three volumes of the WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants.

Importance of some herbs with their medicinal values  

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Herbs such as black pepper, cinnamon, myrrh, aloe, sandalwood, ginseng, red clover, burdock, bayberry, and safflower are used to heal wounds, sores and boils. Basil, Fennel, Chives, Cilantro, Apple Mint, Thyme, Golden Oregano, Variegated Lemon Balm, Rosemary, Variegated Sage are some important medicinal herbs and can be planted in kitchen garden. These herbs are easy to grow, look good, taste and smell amazing and many of them are magnets for bees and butterflies. Many herbs are used as blood purifiers to alter or change a long-standing condition by eliminating the metabolic toxins. These are also known as 'blood cleansers'. Certain herbs improve the immunity of the person, thereby reducing conditions such as fever. Some herbs are also having antibiotic properties. Turmeric is useful in inhibiting the growth of germs, harmful microbes and bacteria. Turmeric is widely used as a home remedy to heal cut and wounds. To reduce fever and the production of heat caused by the condition, certain antipyretic herbs such as Chirayta, black pepper, sandal wood and safflower are recommended by traditional Indian medicine practitioners. Sandalwood and Cinnamon are great astringents apart from being aromatic. Sandalwood is especially used in arresting the discharge of blood, mucus etc. Some herbs are used to neutralize the acid produced by the stomach. Herbs such as marshmallow root and leaf. They serve as antacids. The healthy gastric acid needed for proper digestion is retained by such herbs. Indian sages were known to have remedies from plants which act against poisons from animals and snake bites. Herbs like Cardamom and Coriander are renowned for their appetizing qualities. Other aromatic herbs such as peppermint, cloves and turmeric add a pleasant aroma to the food, thereby increasing the taste of the meal. Some herbs like aloe, sandalwood, turmeric, sheetraj hindi and khare khasak are commonly used as antiseptic and are very high in their medicinal values. Ginger and cloves are used in certain cough syrups. They are known for their expectorant property, which promotes the thinning and ejection of mucus from the lungs, trachea and bronchi. Eucalyptus, Cardamom, Wild cherry and cloves are also expectorants. Herbs such as Chamomile, Calamus, Ajwain, Basil, Cardamom, Chrysanthemum, Coriander, Fennel, Peppermint and Spearmint, Cinnamon, Ginger and Turmeric are helpful in promoting good blood circulation. Therefore, they are used as cardiac stimulants. Certain medicinal herbs have disinfectant property, which destroys disease causing germs. They also inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes that cause communicable diseases. Herbal medicine practitioners recommend calmative herbs, which provide a soothing effect to the body. They are often used as sedatives.

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Certain aromatic plants such as Aloe, Golden seal, Barberry and Chirayata are used as mild tonics. The bitter taste of such plants reduces toxins in blood. They are helpful in destroying infection as well. Certain herbs are used as stimulants to increase the activity of a system or an organ, for example herbs like Cayenne (Lal Mirch, Myrrh, Camphor and Guggul. A wide variety of herbs including Giloe, Golden seal, Aloe and Barberry are used as tonics. They can also be nutritive and rejuvenate a healthy as well as diseased individual. Honey, turmeric, marshmallow and liquorice can effectively treat a fresh cut and wound. They are termed as vulnerary herbs.

Advantages and Disadvantages There are numerous advantages and disadvantages of herbal medicine. Anyone considering using herbal medicine to treat health conditions should speak with a qualified health professional. Advantages There are a number advantages associated with using herbal medicines as opposed to pharmaceutical products. Examples include the following: 

Reduced risk of side effects: Most herbal medicines are well tolerated by the patient, with fewer unintended consequences than pharmaceutical drugs. Herbs typically have fewer side effects than traditional medicine, and may be safer to use over time.

Effectives with chronic conditions: Herbal medicines tend to be more effective for longstanding health complaints that don't respond well to traditional medicine. One example is the herbs and alternative remedies used to treat arthritis. Vioxx, a well-known prescription drug used to treat arthritis, was recalled due to increased risk of cardiovascular complications. Alternative treatments for arthritis, on the other hand, have few side effects. Such treatments include dietary changes like adding simple herbs, eliminating vegetables from the nightshade family and reducing white sugar consumption.

Lower cost: Another advantage to herbal medicine is cost. Herbs cost much less than prescription medications. Research, testing, and marketing add considerably to the cost of prescription medicines. Herbs tend to be inexpensive compared to drugs.

Widespread availability: Yet another advantage of herbal medicines are their availability. Herbs are available without a prescription. You can grow some simple herbs, such as peppermint and chamomile, at home. In some remote parts of the world, herbs may be the only treatment available to the majority of people.

Disadvantages Herbs are not without disadvantages, and herbal medicine is not appropriate in all situations. These are a few of the disadvantages to consider: 

Inappropriate for many conditions: Modern medicine treats sudden and serious illnesses and accidents much more effectively than herbal or alternative treatments. An herbalist would not be able to treat serious trauma, such as a broken leg, nor would he be able to heal an appendicitis or a heart attack as effectively as a conventional doctor using modern diagnostic tests, surgery, and drugs.

Lack of dosage instructions: Another disadvantage of herbal medicine is the very real risks of doing yourself harm through self-dosing with herbs. While you can argue that the same thing can happen with medications, such as accidentally overdosing on cold remedies, many herbs do not come with instructions or package inserts. There's a very real risk of overdose.

Poison risk associated with wild herbs: Harvesting herbs in the wild is risky, if not foolhardy, yet some people try to identify and pick wild herbs. They run a very real risk of poisoning themselves if they don't correctly identify the herb, or if they use the wrong part of the plant.

Medication interactions: Herbal treatments can interact with medications. Nearly all herbs come with some warning, and many, like the herbs used for anxiety such as Valerian and St. John's Wort, can interact with prescription medication like antidepressants. It's important to discuss your medications and herbal supplements with your doctor to avoid dangerous interactions.

Lack of regulation: Because herbal products are not tightly regulated, consumers also run the risk of buying inferior quality herbs. The quality of herbal products may vary among batches, brands or manufacturers. This can make it much more difficult to prescribe the proper dose of an herb.

Different types of tribal community in India and associated medicinal crops State Name/ Tribal communities

Botanical Name/Local trial name


Part Used

Mode of administration

Chhatisgarh/ Gond, Bhunjia, Baiga, Bisonhom, Maria Parghi

Aloe barbadensis Linn.(Gaur patha)

Annonace ae


One teaspoonful of leaf juice with sugar

Vitex negundo Linn.(Sambhalu)



Leaves powder with cow milk

Body pain

Stem bark

Paste is applied on body for 3 days.

Cold and cough


Leaf powder with mustard oil is given orally for 3 days.

Aegle marmelos Correa. (Selpri)

Burning sensation

The pulp of unripe fruit is dipped in ginger oil Pulp of for a week, and this fruit mixture is applied over body.

Artocarpus lakoochaRoxb (Arimu)



Fresh fruit are use.

Averrhoa carambola L.


Fruit and

Juice of fruit and leaf

Haldinia cordifolia (Haldu) Moringa pterygosperma Gaern (Munga) Meghalaya/Balamagre, Modupara and Dumnigaon

(Amillenga) Dillenia pentagyna Roxb (Agatchi)

Uttarakhand/Tharu, Bhotia, Jaunsari, Raji

Allium sativum L. (Lehsun)

Aconitum heterophyllumWall.(Atee s) Bergenia ligulata (Wall) Engl. (Pashanbhed)

Kerala/ Paniya, Kurich, Adiyan, Kattunaika

Acorus calamus L. (Vayambus) Baliosperm montanum (Nagadenth) Chonemorpha fragrans (Perumkurumba)

Rajasthan/ Bhils, Lohars, Sanshi, Meena, Raibari,Gadarias.

Capparis sepiaria (Kather) Cucumis colossus Rotl. (Cogn)

W.Bengal/ Santhali and Pahari


are use for treatment.

Diabetics and stomacha che


Powder of Bark is used.

Diarrhoea , earache

Plant part

Bulbs of garlic are boiled in Till oil; after cooling it is pour into ear.

Abdomin al pain and vomiting

Dry Root

½ tablespoon dry root powder is boiling in water during fever. Root is also chewed twice a day.

Kidney stone


Dry form of rhizome is chewed

Abdomin al pain and diarrohea

Whole Plant

Juice of plant and tuber paste is taken orally to control abdominal pain blood circulation respectively.



Root paste is applied over piles.

Skin diseases, blood purificati on


Paste is applied over skin.



Bath with leaf decoction.


An infected finger is placed into the hole made in fruit, into some time intervals.

Finger infection

Solanum nigrum Linn



Crushed leaves and fruits are used to treat infection.

Dendropthae falcate Linn

Antibacte rial


Decoction of the plant use


Tectona grandis (Sagoan) Cassia sophera (kalkasunda)

Tripura/Auchai, Kabiraj, Ozai

Crotalaria albida Heyne ex Roth (Banatasi) Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. (Bannalata)

Euphorbia hirta L. (Shyamkhai)

Skin infection


Skin disease


Wood oil used for treatment. Leaf juice is appliedinn ringworm

Body swelling


One cup rootdecoction mixed with 2-3 spoon ginger extract is taken regularly in empty stomach

Jaundice, cough and diabetes

Whole plant

Plant juice mixed with coconut water is taken early morning for 2 week.

Skin disease


Leaf paste of plant and Achyranthus aspera (Apang)along with sulfur (gandhi), copper sulphate and mustard oil in 6:2:1:1:2 is applied on the skin for

Institutes involved in the conservation: MPCN:Medicinal Plants Conservation Network CMPR:Centre for Medicinal Plant Research

Present Status : According to WHO analysis out of the total world’s population, 80% are still relies on traditional medicine. In developing countries like India, 65% rural communities are still uses traditional form of medicine to full fill their primary health care need. Traditionally this treasure of knowledge has been passed on orally from one generation to other without any written document and is still retained by various indigenous tribe groups around the world. Each tribe has its own culture specific developed mechanism with which the practitioners conserve the knowledge and performance strategic method to get free from most of the languishing disease of the present society. It can also provide as an effective foundation for the innovation and growth of modern therapeutic drugs. Approach towards documenting the indigenous knowledge through ethno botanical studies is important for the preservation and utilization of biological heritage. Additionally due to the side effects of modern allopathic drugs in the present days, people are paying attention towards herbal medicines and their consumption. The

global market for traditional therapies estimated to be at $60 billion a year and is steadily growing however the knowledge of medicinal plant is rapidly dwindling due to the influence of western life styles, reduction in number of traditional healers and the lack of interest of younger generations to carry on the tradition. These medicinal products are complex mixtures, which derive from natural sources, immense efforts are required to assurance an even and sufficient quality of plant extract. By carefully selecting the plant substance and a standardized manufacturing method, the pattern and concentration of constituents should be kept as constant as possible, as this is a prerequisite for reproducible therapeutic results. The cultivation practices offer Standard Operating Procedures for use of fertilizers, irrigation systems and disease management allied with insects and pest prevention and cure. REFERENCE : International Journal of Humanity and social science Invention.

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