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  • Words: 756
  • Pages: 5

knit in Pure™ Merino

Skill level: Intermediate

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Pure Merino Pilar is an exquisite turtleneck pullover. At the yoke, bands of eyelet detailing radiate from the neckline.

Shown in size Small

SIZES Directions are for women’s size X-Small. Changes for sizes Small, Medium, Large and X-Large are in parentheses.

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FINISHED MEASUREMENTS Bust – 34(38-42-46-50)” Length – 23 1/4(23 3/4-24 1/4-24 3/4-25 1/4)”

MATERIALS 14(16-18-21-23) Balls BERROCO PURE MERINO (50 grs), #8532 Brick Straight knitting needles, sizes 7 and 9 OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE 16” Length circular knitting needle, size 7 4 St holders 4 St markers

GAUGE 18 sts = 4”; 24 rows = 4” in St st and Pat St on size 9 needles TO SAVE TIME, TAKE TIME TO CHECK GAUGE

PATTERN STITCH (Worked over 4 sts) Row 1 (RS): K1, yo, k2 tog, k1. Row 2: Purl. Row 3: K1, SSK, yo, k1. Row 4: Purl. Rep these 4 rows for Pat St.

BACK With smaller straight needles, cast on 78(86-94-106-114) sts. Ribbing: Row 1 (RS): K2, * p2, k2, rep from * across.

Row 2: P2, * k2, p2, rep from * across. Rep these 2 rows until piece measures 3” from beg, end on WS. Change to larger needles and work even in St st until piece measures 14” from beg, end on WS. Mark beg and end of last row for beg of armholes. Establish Pat St: Row 1 (RS): K1, work Row 1 of Pat St over 4 sts, * k14(16-1821-23), place marker, work Row 1 of Pat St over 4 sts, place marker, k14(16-18-2123), work Row 1 of Pat St over 4 sts *, rep between *’s once more, k1. Row 2: Purl. Shape Raglan Armholes: Dec Row (RS): K1, work Row 3 of Pat St over 4 sts, k to 2 sts before marker, SSK, sl marker, work Row 3 of Pat St over 4 sts, sl marker, SSK, k12(14-16-19-21), work Row 3 of Pat St over 4 sts, k to 2 sts before marker, k2 tog, sl marker, work Row 3 of Pat St over 4 sts, sl marker, k2 tog, k12(14-16-19-21), work Row 3 of Pat St over 4 sts, k1 – 74(82-90-102-110) sts. Continuing to work in pat as established, rep this dec every RS row 0(2-5-9-12) times more, then every other RS row 11(11-10-9-8) times, end on WS. Sl remaining 30 sts onto holder dropping markers.

FRONT Work same as back until armholes measure approximately 7(7 1/2-8-8 1/2-9)” and there are 38 sts on needle, end on WS. Shape Neck: Next Row (RS): Work 15 sts, sl center 8 sts onto holder, join another ball of yarn and work to end. Continue to work dec rows as before and AT THE SAME TIME, bind off 4 sts at each neck edge once, 3 sts once, 2 sts once, then dec 1 st once. When all decs have been completed, fasten off last st each side.

SLEEVES With smaller straight needles, cast on 38 sts. Work even in ribbing same as back for 2”, end on WS. Change to larger needles and work in St st, inc 1 st each side every 1 1/2(1 1/4-1-1-3/4)” 9(11-13-15-16) times – 56(60-64-68-70) sts. Work even until sleeve measures 18” from beg, end on WS. Mark beg and end of last row for beg of cap. Establish Pat St: Row 1 (RS): K26(28-30-32-33), place marker, work Row 1 of Pat St over 4 sts, place marker, k to end. Row 2: Purl. Shape Raglan Cap:

Dec Row (RS): K3, k2 tog, k to marker, sl marker, work Row 3

of Pat St over 4 sts, sl marker, k to last 5 sts, SSK, k3 – 54(58-62-66-68) sts.

Continuing to work Pat St over center 4 sts, rep this dec every RS row 20(22-25-2728) times more, then every other RS row 1(1-0-0-0) time, end on WS. Sl remaining 12 sts onto holder, dropping markers.

FINISHING Sew raglan caps to raglan armholes. Sew side and sleeve seams. Turtleneck: With RS facing, beg at left back shoulder seam, k12 sts from left sleeve holder, pick up and k9 sts along left front neck edge, k8 sts from front holder, pick up and k9 sts along right front neck edge, k12 sts from right sleeve holder, k30 sts from back holder – 80 sts. Mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up. Work even in k2, p2 ribbing for 8”. Bind off loosely in ribbing.

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