History of Science: Physics Pie Charts
Pie Charts Pie charts are circular charts used to represent data as a proportion or part of the whole thing. This is often represented by percentages. They are useful for presenting data so that the relationships can be easily seen. Pie charts are often used to present data such as sales, budget allocation, enrollment and destination statistics.
Guidelines for Making A Pie Chart
1. Organize your information. First gather your data/info.
2. Add it all together. Add all of the numbers to get a denominator.
3. Then find the numerator. Find the numerators by taking each part of the data, these are your numerators. 4. Convert your fractions to a decimal. Divide your numerator by your denominator. 5. Convert the decimal to a percent. Move the decimal two places to the right. 6. Find the angle. Multiply the decimal by 360 (degrees in a circle), or multiply the percent by 3.60 to get an angle. 7. Use a mathematical compass to draw a circle. If you don't have a compass, try tracing something round such as a lid or a CD. 8. Draw the radius. Start in the exact center of the circle and draw a radius to the outside of it. ( Hint: make a dot with the compass to find the center. ) 9. Place your protractor on the circle. Place your protractor on the circle so that the 90 degrees are directly above the center of the circle. 10.Draw each section. Draw the sections by using the angles you got in step six. Each time you add a section the radius changes to the line you just drew.
Learn How to Measure Angles Using a Protractor: http://www.mathopenref.com/constmeasureangle.html http://www.mathsisfun.com/geometry/protractor-using.html http://www.ehow.com/how_12928_protractor.html http://www.mathopenref.com/constdrawangle.html