2 Tubes per test
Product Catalog No: 2512400
Rea TCount CD4/CD3 & CD8/CD3 Reagent Manufactured by
Rea TCount Reagent 1. INTENDED USE The Rea TCount reagent is a two color immunofluorescence reagent for the labeling and identification of helper/inducer (CD3+CD4+) and cytotoxic/suppressor (CD3+CD8+) T lymphocytes combined with a precise number of fluorescent counting beads for absolute CD4+,CD8+ and Average CD3+ TCell counts. This reagent is intended for flow cytometry based analysis in unlysed human whole blood samples. 2. BACKGROUND The Rea TCount reagent contains fluorescently labeled antibodies that bind to CD3, CD4, or CD8 antigens found on the surface of circulating leukocytes. The CD3 antigen is a complex of at least six proteins known collectively as the Tcell receptor (TCR) complex. The antibody used in this reagent
binds to the 20kDa ε chain of this complex. The CD4 antigen is a 59kDa protein. It interacts with class II molecules of the major histocompatibility complex and is the primary receptor for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The CD8 antigen is a complex consisting of two disulfide linked subunits. The antibody used in this reagent binds to the 32kDa α subunit of the complex. CD8 interacts with class I major histocompatibility complex molecules. Cells that are both CD3+ and CD4+ are identified as helper/inducer lymphocytes. Decreased CD4+CD3+ cell counts have been associated with some forms of immunodeficiency. Suppressor/cytotoxic lymphocytes are the subset of cells that have both CD3 and CD8 receptors. Increased CD8+CD3+ cell counts have been observed in some cases of immunodeficiency.
3. Rea TCount Reagent 4
The Rea TCount reagent consists of a single unit comprising of two tubes, with dried down reagents formulated in buffered saline, sodium azide and stabilizers. One tube contains CD4 monoclonal antibody (clone RPAT4) labeled with Phycoerythrin (PE) and CD3 monoclonal antibody (clone UCHT1) labeled with PEDyomics649.The other tube contains CD8 monoclonal antibody (Clone LT8) labeled with Phycoerythrin (PE) and CD3 monoclonal antibody (clone UCHT1) labeled with PEDyomics649. The monoclonal antibodies used in the Rea TCount were assigned these specificities at the 8th International Workshop on Human Leukocyte Differentiation Antigens. A precise number of fluorescent counting beads are included in each tube to allow singleplatform determination of absolute CD4+ and CD8+ Tcell counts. The Rea TCount reagent is provided in dried form and dispensed in FACSCountTM compatible sample tubes with each unit containing one readytouse test. Precautions 1. Warning: The Rea TCount reagent contains sodium azide. Sodium azide is harmful if swallowed. Wear suitable protective clothing. If
swallowed, seek medical advice immediately. Contact with acids liberates toxic gas. Azides should be flushed with large amounts of water during disposal to avoid deposits in lead or copper plumbing. 2. Warning: All blood specimens are considered biohazardous. Handle them as if they are capable of transmitting infection and dispose off with proper precautions and in accordance with governmental regulations. 3. The addition of precise volume of blood is critical to obtain correct results. Use a calibrated pipette and operate according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Storage and Handling 1. Store the reagent at room temperature in a dry place. Do not use the reagent after the expiry date on the label. 2. Do not freeze Rea TCount reagent. 3. The Rea TCount reagent is light sensitive. Do not expose to direct light either during storage or when mixed with blood.
4. INSTRUMENT The Rea TCount reagent is designed to be used on FACSCount TM manufactured by Becton Dickinson equipped with a convection cooled 540nm laser that is capable of detecting two fluorescent colors and measures relative cell size. The CD3 cells fluoresce red and CD4 and CD8 cells fluoresce yellow. This instrument can be used for enumerating absolute lymphocyte counts namely; helper/inducer (CD3+CD4+) and cytotoxic /suppressor (CD3+CD8+). Instrument should be calibrated by setting photomultiplier tube voltages, fluorescence compensation, and checking instrument sensitivity according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. 5. SPECIMEN COLLECTION The blood sample should be collected in a sterile blood collection tube containing K3EDTA. Follow the collection tube manufacturer’s guidelines for the minimum volume of blood to be collected.
The anticoagulated blood must be stored at room temperature (20°C 25°C) and should be stained and analyzed within 24 hours of draw. Refrigerated, hemolyzed, and previously fixed blood specimens can yield erroneous results and should be rejected.
6. PROCEDURE Reagent Provided
1. ReaT Count Reagent in a dried format (10 units/pack, each unit 2. 3.
contains two tubes)Part No: 2512400 ReaFix Fixative solution (10X concentrate) Part No.:2532500 ReaFix Diluent Solution Part No.:2532600
Refer to the ReaFix Fixative solution (10X) package insert for dilution instructions and warnings. Reagents and materials required but not provided 1. Blood collection tube containing K3EDTA 2. Calibrated pipettes 3. Vortex mixer 4. Becton Dickinson FACSCountTM Instrument (Becton Dickinson Cat No: 337858) 5. Sheath fluid (Becton Dickinson FACSFlow™ Catalog No. 340398 or equivalent) 6. BD FACSCountTM Control kit (Becton Dickinson Cat No: 340166) 7. BD FACSCountTM Reagent Kit to set up controls (Becton Dickinson Catalog No. 340167) 8. BD FACSCount™ CD4 Software and User’s Guide Assembly (Becton Dickinson Catalog No. 339011) Preparation of Control Samples
Follow Manufacturer’s instructions for setting up the control in the FACSCountTM Instrument (Use BD FACSCountTM Reagent for setting the control) Preparation of the patient samples
1. Blood samples must be collected in a (K3EDTA) vacutainer tube and be stored no longer than 48 hours at room temperature.
2. Place the samples in the workstation. 3. Take one reagent pair per sample from the foil bag containing the
Rea TCount tubes. Reseal the foil bag and return unused reagent pairs to the appropriate place. DO NOT refrigerate the reagents. 4. Label the tab of each reagent pair with the sample number found on the blood tube. 5. Mix blood sample by inverting the tube 5 times. 6. Reverse Pipette 50µL of whole blood into each of the 2 reagent tubes. Use a new pipette tip for each tube. 7. Cap the tubes and vortex vigorously for 30 seconds each.
8. Incubate for 60 minutes to 120 minutes at room temperature. Place reagent pairs in the workstation and close the cover to protect the reagents from light. 9. Uncap tubes and pipette 450µL of 1X Working ReaFix fixative solution into each reagent tube. Use a new pipette tip for each tube. Refer to the ReaFix Fixative solution (10X) package insert for dilution instructions to prepare 1X working ReaFix Fixative Solution. 10.Recap the tubes and vortex for 15 seconds each. 11. Run the tubes on the FACSCountTM within 24 hours of preparation. Store samples at room temperature in the workstation until they are run on the instrument. Vortex upright for 5 seconds before running. Entering patient information 1. Press [sample]. 2. Enter or verify reagent lot code and bead counts as provided on Rea TCount pouch. 3. Press [confirm] 4. Enter the patient accession number
Running patient samples
1. Vortex the reagent pair for 15 seconds. 2. Uncap the CD4 tube and place the reagent pair in the sample holder so the CD4 tube is in the run position. 3. Press [run] 4. Remove reagent pair and recap CD4 tube. 5. Uncap CD8 tube and place so the CD8 tube is in the run position. 6. Press [run]
7. After a successful run the results will print out. If the sample fails review reported error and refer to BD FACSCountTM guide to rectify problem.
8. The patient results are displayed on the screen and are automatically printed. 9. The sample printout contains the following information:
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
Reagent informationreagent lot code and reference bead counts entered for the sample run. (This number should match the reagent lot code for the control run.) Date (mm / dd / yy) and time the patient sample was run Control informationcontrol run results, date controls were run, reagent lot code entered for the control run, control lot code. Patient accession number Patient results Absolute Counts cells/µl of CD4 & CD8 Total CD3 Average CD4/CD8 ratio Remove the reagent pair, recap the CD8 tube and discard in the biohazard waste container. Repeat above steps until all patient samples have been run. Discard the reagent pair in an appropriate biohazard container. Shut down instrument as per manufacturer’s instructions.
22. A sample report is generated after every sample run. The sample report is attached below (Refer Figure 1)
Figure 1: Patient Sample Report
7. LIMITATIONS 1. The Rea TCount reagent has only been validated with K3EDTA or K2EDTA treated whole blood. 8. WARRANTY This product is warranted only to conform to the quantity and contents stated on the label at the time of delivery to the customer. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, that extend beyond the description on the label of the product. ReaMetrix sole liability is limited to replacement of the product. Reametrix is not liable for property damage, personal injury, or economic loss caused by the product. Note: FACSCountTM is a registered trade name of BectonDickinson.
Manufactured by ReaMetrix India Pvt. Ltd. Manufacturing License Number: KTK/25/519/2006 50B, II Phase, Peenya Industrial Area Peenya, Bangalore 560058, India Ph: +918028378693/5, Fax: +918041172451 Email:
[email protected],
www.reametrix.com Rev No. 3.0, 29Sep09