Physiology 7th Lecture - Respiratory Physiology Ventilation

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,014
  • Pages: 8
Respiratory Physiology Ventilation Major functions of respiratory system •

To supply the body with oxygen and dispose of CO2

Respiration – four distinct processes must happen: •

Pulmonary ventilation – moving air into and out of the lungs

External respiration – gas exchange between the lungs and blood

Transport – transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and tissues

Internal respiration – gas exchange between systemic blood vessels and tissues

Breathing •

Breathing, or pulmonary ventilation, consists of two phases: •

Inspiration – air flows into the lungs


Eupnea •

Normal spontaneous breathing of which we are normally unaware

Ventilation is matched to metabolic demands

Hyperpnea •

Increased ventilation which matches increased metabolic demands such as exercise

Initially, increased ventilation is mainly increased tidal volume

Increased frequently is proportionately more important at higher intensities

Hyperventilation •

Inappropriately high ventilation for the metabolic demands

Hallmark. Alveolar and arterial are PCO2 decreased

Alveolar PO2 is increased

Tachypnea Increased frequency of breathing Ventilation may or may not be changed depending on what happens to tidal volume

Dyspnea Subjective sensation of difficulty to breath. Shortness of breath.

Apnea Temporary absence of cessation of breathing (usually at FRC) Implication that breathing will resume spontaneously Normally, apnea occurs after hyperventilation

Pressure relationships in the thoracic cavity •

Respiratory pressure is always described relative to atmospheric pressure

Atmospheric pressure ( P atm ) •

Pressure exerted by the air surrounding the body

Negative respiratory pressure is less than

Positive respiratory pressure is greater than

P atm P atm

Pressure relationships in the thoracic cavity •

Intrapulmonary pressure ( P pul )

pressure within the alveoli

Intrapleural pressure ( P ip )

Pressure relationships •

Intrapulmonary pressure and intrapleural pressure fluctuate with the phases of breathing

Intrapulmonary pressure always eventually equalizes itself with atmospheric pressure

Intrapleural pressure is always less than intrapulmonary pressure and atmospheric pressure

Tho forces act to pull the lungs away from the thoracic wall, promoting lung collapse

Elasticity of lungs causes them to assume smallest possible size

Surface tension of alveolar fluid draws alveoli to their smallest possible size

Opposing force – elasticity of the chest

Lung collapse •

Caused by equalization of the intrapleular pressure with the intrapulmonary pressure

Transpulmonary pressure keeps the airways open •

Transpulmonary pressure - the pressure difference across the lung. Alveolar pressure minus pleural pressure ( P alv - P pl )

Pulmonary ventilation A mechanical process that depends on volume changes in the thoracic cavity

Boyle's law Boyle's law – the relationship between the pressure and volume of gases P 1⋅V 1= P 2⋅V 2

How do we breath? •

Inspiration is normally active

Expiration is normally passive

Inspiration •

The diaphragm and external intercostal muscles (inspiratory muscles) contract and the rib cage

Expiration •

Inspiratatory muscles relax and the rib cage descends due to gravity

Thoracic cavity volume decreases

Elastic lings recoil passively and intrapulmonary volume decreases

Inrapulmonary pressure rises above atmospheric pressure (+1 mm Hg)

Gases flow out of the lungs down the pressure gradient

Airway resistance •

Friction is the major nonelastic source of resistance to airflow

The relationship between flow (F), pressure (P), and resistance (R) is: F = ΔP / R

The amount of the gases that flows in and out of the alveoli is directly proportional to ΔP, the pressure gradient between the atmosphere and alveoli

Gas flow is inversely proportional to resistance with the greatest being in the medium-sized ......

As airway resistance rises, breathing movements becomes more strenous

Alveolar surface tension •

Surface tension – the atrraction of liquid molecules to one another at a liquid-gas interface

The liquid coating the alveolar surface is always acting to reduce the alveolil to smallest size

Surfactant, a detergent-like complex, reduces surface tension and helps keep the alveoli from collapsing

Lung compliance •

The ease with which lungs can be expanded

Specifically, the measure of the change in lung volume that occurs with a given change in transpulmonary pressure

Determined by two main factors

Factors that diminish lung compliance •

Scar tissue or fibrosis

Blockage of the smaller passages

Reduced production of surfactant

Decreased flexibility

Examples include:

Deformities of thorax

Ossification of the costal cartilage

Paralysis of ontercostal muscles

Three ways to inflate the lungs •

Increase alveolar pressure – possitive pressure respirators

Decrease body surface pressure - “iron lungs”

Activate inspiratory muscles – normal way to breath

Cyclical variation of pressure •

Tidal volume: 500ml (350 alveoli)

FRC: ~3000ml --> (TV/FRC) ~10%

Cyclical variation in PaO2 and PaCO2 is small

Minute ventilation •

Flow (vol/time) moved into or out of the lungs

measured by collecting expired volume for a fixed time

Normal value is 7.5 L/min (BTPS)

V(.)e = Vt x f

Alveolar ventilation V.e = Vt x f

Anatomic dead space •

Volume of lung that is not involved in gas exchange •

Include: mouth, trachea ...

Ventilation of these areas results in no gas exchange

Estimating anatomical dead space in ml = ideal body weight measured in pounds

Alveolar dead sapce •

Treat lung as of only two types exist: •

With ideal gas exchange

With no gas exchange at all

Partition poorly ventilated units

Alveolar dead space as is

Physiological dead space Defenition – anatimical dead space + alveolar dead space

Partitioning minute ventilation •

Alveolar ventilation: the volume per min entering gas exchange surfaces

-V.a = Vt – Vds x f

Dead space ventilation: the volume per minute that is wasted

- V.ds = Vds x f

Ventilator adjucments & respiratory efficiency •

Increase tidal volume •

alveolar ventilation increases

dead space ventilation unchanged

increase respiratory frequency •

alveolar ventilation increases

dead space ventilation increases

Factors determining alveolar PaCO2 •

insoired air: no CO2

increaseing CO2 production

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