Phrases And Clauses Of Purpose

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,370
  • Pages: 7


Make a new sentence with a sentence from column A and one from column B. Use “to, in order to” or “so as to” A

1. I hurried. 2. We took off our boots. 3. I’m saving money. 4. Lynn unplugged the phone. 5. I phoned to the police station. 6. The staff are working at weekends. 7. I stood on tiptoes.

B a. I want to go abroad for a holiday. b. We didn’t want to get cold. c. I wanted to report that my car had been stolen. d. I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. e. I wanted to see the parade better. f. We didn’t want to make the floors dirty.

g. She didn’t want to be interrupted while she was working. 8. Ali often writes down the time h. They want to complete the project in time. and date of his appointment. i. He wanted to hear the football results. 9. tom turned on the radio. j. He doesn’t want to forget to go. 10. We wore warm clothes. II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Combine the ideas, using a clause of purpose

Rachel wanted to watch the news. She turned on the TV. I’ll post the card today. I want it to get there on Daniel’s birthday. Please turn down the radio. I want to be able to get to sleep. She locked the door. She didn’t want to be disturbed. I gave her my address. I wanted her to contact me. I’m going to cash a check. I want to make sure that I have enough money to go shopping. 7. The man spoke very slowly. He wanted me to understand what he said. 8. I whispered. I didn’t want anybody else to hear our conversation. 9. I’ll give you a map. I want you to find the way all right. 10. I turned off the TV. I wanted my roommate to study in peace and quiet.

ANSWER KEYS “ PHRASES AND CLAUSES OF PURPOSE” I. 1+ d: I hurried in order not to/ so as not to/ not to be late for the meeting. 2+ f: We took off our boots so as not to/ in order not to/ not to make the floors dirty. 3+ a: I’m saving money to/ so as to/ in order to go abroad for a holiday. 4+ g: Lynn unplugged the phone in order not to/ so as not to be interrupted while she was working. 5+ c: I phoned to the police station to/ so as to/ in order to report that my car had been stolen. 6+ h: The staff are working at weekends so as to/ in order to/ to complete the project in time. 7+ e: I stood on tiptoes to/ so as to/ in order to see the parade better. 8+ J: Ali oten writes down the time and date of his appointment in order not to/ so as not to/ not to forget to go. 9+ Tom turned on the radio to/ in order to/ so as to hear the football results. 10+ b: We wore warm clothes so as not to/ in order not to/ not to get cold. II. 1. Rachel turned on the TV so that/ in order that she could watch the news. 2. I’ll post the card today in order that it gets/ will get there on Daniel’s birthday. 3. Please turn down the radio so that I can get to sleep. 4. She locked the door in order that she wouldn’t be disturbed. 5. I gave her my address so that she could contact me. 6. I’m going to cash a check in order that I will have enough money to go shopping. 7. The man spoke very slowly so that I could/ would understand what he said. 8. I whispered in order that nobody else could/ would hear our conversation. 9. I’ll give you a map so that you can / will find the way all right. 10. I turned off the TV in order that my roommate could study in peace and quiet.


I. A.

Change these statements into reported speech:

1. He said to her, “You are my friend.” 2. Johnny said to his mother, “I don’t know how to do this exercise.” 3. “We are waiting for the school bus”, said the children. 4. Mary said, “My father died a year ago.” 5. “It isn’t so foggy today as it was yesterday.”, said the teacher. 6. Tom said, “New York is bigger than London.” 7. John said, “I have finished studying my lesson.” 8. Mary said, “I can not go to the movies with you, John.” 9. I shall expect to see you next Wednesday.” , Mary said to her friend. 10. “You must decide what you want to do.”, she said to her daughter. 11. The doctor said to the patient: “You should stay in bed.” B. 1. My husband said to me: “ Go to the movie!” 2. I said to him: “Stay at home!” 3. My son said to me: “Watch TV!” 4. My daughter said to us: “Don’t laugh!” 5. My mother said to the kids: “Stop fighting!” 6. He said to her: “ Can you speak up?” 7. The teacher said to the children: “ Don’t make noise in class!” 8. The pupils said, “Teacher, give us better marks, please.” 9. “Shut the door but don’t lock it”, she said to us. 10 “Please help us”, they said to us. 11. They said to me, “Let’s go to the zoo.” 12. He said to me, “Listen! Can you hear someone coming?” 13. “Do as I tell you or you’ll be punished. I’ll teach you who is master in this house”, he said. 14. “Will you please find out when he last wrote to me?” Jane said to her friend. C. 1. Mary asked me: “Can you tell me why you are so sad?” 2. My friend said, “Are you going to leave tomorrow?” 3. “Have you done your homework?”, said my mother. 4. “Must you go now?”, said Mr. Brown. 5. “Did you phone me yesterday?”, Tom asked Mary. 6. “Do you like it?” – “Yes.” 7. “I didn’t know them. Did you, Tom?”, she asked.

8. I asked the policeman: “Do you know how far it is to the station?” D. 1. “Who put salt in my coffee?”, he said. 2. I asked Bill, “What time did you go to bed last night?” 3. “Whose bicycle did you borrow yesterday?”, his mother asked him. 4. He asked me, “Why didn’t you come to class yesterday?” 5. “When we’ve finished this game we’ll have supper.”, They said to me. 6. The teacher asked: “Which book are you taking, John?” 7. Jane said to John: “Who will come to the pictures with me?” E. Write the reported sentence. Beginning “He asked (me) / wondered/ wanted to know” 1. Do they like me? 2. Have you got a driving licence? 3. Can you lend me some money? 4. Will I be ready in time? 5.Do you have any plans for a holiday? 6. Did Susan come the party last night? 7. Is there any food in the refrigerator? 8. Can I park here? 9. Am I doing the right thing? II.

Choose the correct answer:

1. Hello, Jim. I didn’t expect to see you today. Solia said you ill. a. are b. were c. was d. should be 2. The last time I saw Jonathan, he looked very relaxed. He explained that he holiday the previous week. a. was b. has been c. would be d. had been 3. I rang my friend in Australia yesterday, and she said it there. a. is raining b. rained c. was raining d. would rain 4. What did that man say ? a. at you b. for you c. to you d. you 5. Ann and left. a. said goodbye to me b. said me goodbye c. told me goodbye d. goodbye me 6. The librarian asked us so much noise. a. don’t make b. not make c. not making d. not to make 7. Someone the tickets are free. a. said me b. said me that c. told to me d. told me 8. I wonder the tickets are on sale yet? a. whether b. what c. where d. when


9. She asked me how long in my present job. a. I had been working b. I have been working c. had I been working d. have I worked 10. He said he would do it . a. yesterday b. the following day c. the previous day d. the day before 11. He proved that the earth round the sun. a. had gone b. was going c. goes d. would go 12. I don’t know why Susan didn’t go to the meeting. She said she . a. will definitely go b. was definitely going c. had definitely gone d. would definitely going 13. The government has announced that taxes . a. would be raised b. had been raised c. were raised d. will be raised 14. I told you the computer, didn’t I? a. to switch off b. don’t switch off c. not switch off d. switch off 15. When I rang Tessa some time last week, she said was busy . a. that day b. the day c. today d. this day 16. When he was at Oliver’s flat yesterday, Martin asked if he use the phone. a. can b. could c. may d. must 17. She said she the next week, but I never saw her again. a. will be back b. had been back c. would be back d. is going to be back 18. Someone was wondering if the taxi yet. a. had arrived b. arrived c. arrives d. has arrived 19. Claire wanted to know what time . a. do the banks close b. the banks closed c. did the bank close d. the banks would close 20. Judy suggested for a walk, but no one else wanted to. a. to go b. go c. going d. went



1+ He told her she was his friend. 2+ Johnny told his mother he didn’t know how to do that exercise. 3+ The children said that they were waiting for the school bus. 4+ Mary said that her father had died a year before. 5+ The teacher said that it wasn’t so foggy that day as it had been the day before. 6+ Tom said that New York is bigger than London. 7+ John said that he had finished studying his lesson. 8+ Mary told John she couldn’t go to the movies with him. 9+ Mary told her friend she would expect t to see him the following Wednesday. 10+ He urged me to decide what I wanted to do. 11+ The doctor advised the patient to stay in bed. + The teacher told the patient that he should stay in bed. B. 1. My husband told me to go to the movie. 2. I asked him to stay at home. 3. My son told us to watch T.V 4. My daughter told us not to laugh. 5. My mother asked the kids to stop fighting. 6. He asked her to speak up. 7. The teacher asked the children not to make noise in class. 8. The pupils asked their teacher to give them better marks. 9. She told us to shut the door but not to lock it. 10. They begged us to help them. 11. They asked me to go to the zoo. 12. He told me to listen and asked me if I heard someone coming. 13. He told me to do as he told me or I would be punished and said that he would teach me who was master in that house. 14. Jane asked me to find out when he last wrote to her. C. 1. Mary asked me if I could tell her why I was so sad. 2. My friend asked me if I was going to leave the day after. 3. My mother asked me if I had done my homework. 4. Mr. Brown asked me if I had to go then. 5. Tom asked Mary if she had phoned him the day before. 6. He asked me if I liked it and I said that I did. 7. She told Tom she hadn’t known them and asked him if he had known them. 8. I asked the policeman if he knew how far it was to the station.

D. 1. He asked who had put salt in his coffee. 2. I asked Bill what time he had gone to bed the night before. 3. His mother asked him whose bicycle he had borrowed the day before. 4. He asked me why I hadn’t come to class the day before. 5. They told me when the had finished that game they would have supper. 6. The teacher asked John which book he was taking. 7. Jane asked John who would come to the picture with her. E. 1. He wondered if / whether they like him. 2. He asked me if / whether I had/ had got a driving licence. 3. He asked me if / whether I could lend him some money. 4. He wondered if / whether he would be ready in time. 5. He asked me if / whether I had any plans for a holiday. 6. He asked (me) if / whether Susan came/ had come the party last night before. 7. He wondered if / whether there was any food in the refrigerator. 8. He asked if he could park here / there. 9. He wondered if / whether he was doing the right thing. II. 1+ b 2+ d 3+ c 4+ c

5+ a 6+d 7+ d 8+ a

9+ a 10+ b 11+ c 112+ b

13+ d 14+ a 15+ a 16+ b

17+ c 18+ d 19+ b 20+ c

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