Photoshop Final Project

  • Uploaded by: Cobey Shaver
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 312
  • Pages: 1
Computer Methods 01

Art 3385

Photoshop Final Project CREATE A SURREALIST OR DADAIST PIECE Dada began during the first World War as a cultural movement. It sought to speak out against the war and, to a lesser extent, cultural conformity might have been thought to lead to war. Dadaism in its essence is anti-art, boldly shoving the faces of traditional art and techniques in the mud of its own chaos. Surrealism began as an offshoot of Dada. Born in the early 1920’s, it’s surprising compositions and unusual, dreamlike (and sometimes nightmarish) qualities encompassed their own revolution, growing branches not only in art but philosophy, social theory and politics as well Both movements defied the conventions of the time and wrote their own pages in the history of self expression. Your assignment is to draw on the spirit of one or both of these movements to create an original composition. The imagery that you use can be scanned or photographed, adapting the images with the tools you have learned to create a unique piece. Drawings or paintings can be used sparingly. The image must show not only your idea but your strengths with the tools in Photoshop. As stated before, this will be an original composition, not copied from other artists in these genres.

You will turn in: One 8.5x11 (or larger) high quality printed piece created using

Photoshop. It will be mounted to black board just as were the Illustrator projects. Your name will be written on the back of the board along with the section (301 or 302).

These will be printed on photo-quality paper.

Your composition will be turned in complete. Incomplete work, regardless of how much work was done, will not be accepted.

Any projects turned in after the class has begun on 12-9, will be strongly penalized.

This project will be due at the beginning of class 12-9.

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