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  • Pages: 12
A Discourse On Truth and Cosmology A practice guide for all Professionals V.I.G.Menon Yahovan Centre for Excellence,Anna Nagar,Chennai 600101 Email:[email protected],Ph:+919962952559

Absract An armchair philosophy about Truth and the fundamental Nature and Cause of the Universe.The fundamental cause can be called “God” or “Unified” Laws and so on.It combines parts of the Western and Eastern Approach in communicating the ideas.

The Fundamentals What is Philosophy ? It is clarification of Thought. What is the difference between the Western and the Eastern Vedic Philosophies. The western philosophy aims at Clarification of ideas, whereas the Mainstream Eastern Philosophy aims at “Clarification of the Mind Itself (either by annihilating the mind or by annihilating ripples in it). This discourse aims to bridge both the approaches in philosophy.

We all seek knowledge.We all create and use knowledge.But--

What is Knowledge ? Knowledge is self guiding principle. There are two types of Knowledge.First is the knowledge of the mind and spirit/soul.This concerns with religion, Yoga, Meditation and so on. The second type of knowledge empowers the mind for worldly transactions through different professional/career “disciplines” .Most people aim at the second,leaving the first.But both are required. Also remember that mere sense impression is ‘data” and meaningful data is information.

What is Capability ? Capability is the ability to attain or ,if required, even Change the Goal.Without knowledge,there is no capability,but even with “cerebral”knowledge one may not have the skill/patience/ability/attitude to practice or attain one’s Goal. Thus for example, a person “knows” how useful is Meditation,he also has attended the class on Meditation where he was the “topper” in the demo practice of Meditation.But ,back home,he does not have the patience,or even if he does it, does not help calming his mind,which was the goal-not attained because meditation is not practiced by him.

Question Among assiduous people who meditates earnestly for years,some may attain a tranquil state of mind faster than others,and some may not have improved a wee bit despite sincere practice. Do we say that the second group does not have the capability to Meditate ?

Fraud VS Freud Currently what is happening in the USA is a lesson to the rest of the world.What thousands of shrinks (psychiatrists) could not do is being done by simple yogasanas ,meditation and devotional gatherings.Earlier the psychiatric community used to write prescriptions and pill popping for any “depression” and Electro Convulsive Therapy for cases where these funny chemical prescriptions did not help. Thanks to Yoga and similar life styles,thousands of Americans are a happier and saner lot today ,heralding an era of looking at the mind from a Non-Freudian angle . Failure Of Psychiatry is that it applies “material science” on a nonmaterial entity. This is might not have been the future of Psychoanalysis that Freud had Ever Dreamt of.

What is Truth ? For our purpose in this book,we define Truth as the principle of consistency or constancy between One’s inner and Outer Experiences. Truth also requisites to have the property of “Constancy ”,that is ,if something is True Today,it should be True Tomorrow and the day after ,and so on ,adinfinitum. A simpler definition for personal truth is the principle of consistency/constancy between One’s Goals,Thoughts,Words ,Actions and Attainments throughout one’s life. No doubt Mahatma Gandhi was reputed for being highly Truthful…

A Game Let us play with a logical thought similar to one that was conjured up by Bertrand Russel (in his Barber Paradox).Though it is naïve,we can learn some valid principles that govern our life.It starts with a question:

Is there Truth in this Universe ? (as defined above) If our Answer is that there is No Truth in this Universe,then that statement has to be True Today, Tomorrow ,till eternity..which means we have atleast one Truth -that there is no Truth in the Universe.Since we end up in a contradiction,we can definitely Assume that there is Truth in this Universe.

If Truth or,the principle of Consistency is there in the Universe,why am I not experiencing it?. Another Thought Experiment:Why we do not Experience “Truth”



*These pictures are taken randomly from google images.

Of the three pictures above,the first shows an empty plate,second shows a plate full of sugar cubes,and third a plate in which letter “Sugar” displayed using sugar cubes

Question Which in the above has highest “Truth” ? The first one refers to sugar but does not have it ,so it is untrue. The second one refers to sugar using an external label it is true partially only, since the “printed word” is not the sugar, which is else where. The third one refers to itself as the sugar and it is made of Sugar Cubes. This statement has highest Truth.

Let us understand further. The first one refers to sugar but does not have it ,so it is untrue. We sometimes deliberately project wrong entities as True and time falsifies these mostly. The second one refers to sugar using an external label it is true partially since the “printed word” is not the sugar, which is else where. We often believe entities such as an event,or a relation,or an assumed affection to be True but ,again,time falsifies these. The third one refers to itself as the sugar and it is made of Sugar Cubes. This is Highly Consistent and it has highest Truth of the Three. Manytimes we feel an inner tranquility and a feeling that a higher power is residing in us or guiding us.These are our Moments of Truth !! Ans:We do not find Truth because we are using the wrong medium to “see’ Truth.

Properties Of Truth 1) It Causes Consistency 2) It is Valid for all time to come 3) It Cannot be Created Nor Eliminated—It is Just there .

Types Of Truth 1)Subjective Truth 2)Objective Truth

Classification Of Truth 1)Material /Physical Truth:These Follow Material Laws Of Nature 2)Emotional/Logical /Intellectual/ScientificTruth:These Follow Logic 3)Social Truths/Ethics:Laws of Dharma and Social Harmony 4)Spiritual Truth/God:All religious principles which helps us realize the nature of the Eternal Universal Truth.

What is Universe ? All those Phusical,Mental,Social,Spiritual (PMSS) entities in me and those Outside me constitute the universe

Me Universe

What is Intelligence ? Ability to comprehend or create higher levels of,values (PMSS Values) order or organization (see Phase Rule)

Are we human beings Intelligent ? Yes !

Is the Universe Intelligent ? Yes !

Why ? If the universe is not intelligent,how come we,as a product of the universe are intelligent ? It will look as if we got it from outside the Universe. The argument is similar to the field of Robotics.Since we are intelligent,we create intelligent ,and even self evolving robots.Similarly,the Universe and the Nature is intelligent enough to make intelligent,self evolving beings like us !

What is Thought ? Thought for us is pattern of Energy Changes(in me or in the Universe).

What is Intelligent Thought ? Intelligent Thought is Organised pattern of Energy Changes,which can modify itself .

Does the Universe think ,is it Intelligent ? Under the above definition ,yes, it “thinks” and it is intelligent.

Consider an Ecosystem of Flora and Fauna as below.

*The above picture is taken randomly from google images.

Primary food producer in our system above are plants Primary Consumers are the worms and vermins Secondary consumers like birds here consume the Worms Tertiary Consumers like fox consumes the birds Decomposers like bacteria,fungi do the clean up act of consuming the dead tissues of plants and animals,as well as that of the decomposers themselves

Is this Ecosystem intelligent ? Obviously because it requires intelligence to understand it in the first place. Second the entities which are players in the ecosystem also have limited or extensive local intelligence for identifying and consuming the “values” they are programmed for through their DNAs.This very ability of the Nature to create and transmit Genetic information itself is a remarkable example of the Nature’s/Universe’s intelligence.

Yes ,the Nature is intelligent. Why ? Recall that “Intelligent Thought” is Organised pattern of Energy Changes,which can modify itself .The Ecosystem does exactly that.Energy from sun is “transformed ” by plants which is transferred to Insects,birds,carnivores and the saprophytes to complete the act as if choreographed by someone. Also what makes the Yellow butterfly go to its particular, say,Yellow (or any other type) flower and what makes bats locate their prey using ultrasonic echolocation,and what acts as the primary cause in the timing of foliation or flowering of plants ? The ecosystem demonstrates ability to comprehend or create physical and cluster (social?) values .So it has to be intelligent. Clustering Principle is universal and exist from the sub atomic level 1) At the appropriate temperature quarks cluster to form and atoms cluster to form liquid,gas,and solids or even react to form compounds.(Infact,quarks cannot or not seen to exist independently) 2) Viruses which has the propertites of “matter” and “life” stay as clusters,same with bacteria-they reproduce and stay in colonies 3) Same is true about the entire plant and animal kingdom 4) No doubt it is evident Galactic and super Galactic Levels 5) Clustering in humanity is “Social”at the level of International Groupisms,Nations,States,Counties,Communities,Political and interest Groups

If you need more convincing evidence on ecosystem intelligence, study the classic case of peppered moth in UK where the original,peppered moth which had its dusty,peppered wings ,changed to moth with

black,sooty wings,during the height of pollution leading to sooty atmosphere across UK.Now that the pollution is under check,the original peppered wings of the moth are back in its current generations.

Origin of the Universe Let us imagine as to what the Universe made of ?After all ,we need not give that prerogative only to scientists.Like them,we all are part of the Universe. Not Atoms,because atoms are made of sub atomic particles.But not the sub atomic particles.Assume ,as we continue to look further and further deeper levels,we got the fundamental particle which makes up the universe.Let us call it the “Thoughtons”,because this name will help us relate to few other concepts. So we got thoughton as the most fundamental particle.But remember we said the Universe is intelligent.So this particle has to be intelligent.Since it is intelligent,it should be able to operate on itself or change itself, because as per our definition, “Intelligent Thought” is Organised pattern of Energy Changes,which can modify itself. Restating, 1)The fundamental entity which constitutes the universe is intelligent 2) It is constant and hence eternal Truth 3)It is the Cause of all the subsequent evolution of the universe 4)It is also the controller of the universe as it is intelligent

Call it GOD ! Or Call it the God Particle Or Call it the Grand Unification Of Nature’s Laws

References: 1)Bhagvad Gita 2)Phase Rule

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