Phd Proposal

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  • Words: 1,227
  • Pages: 7
AHMADU BELLO UNIVERSITY ZARIA (Academic planning unit)



Category of research : Degree



Degree in view : Phd

(ii) Date of commencement : November 2006 (iii) PG School Admission No : phd/ENG/08936/2006-07 2.

Name of applicant: Abubakar Sani Musa Date of first appointment : September 05, 2005 Nature of appointment : tenure


Title of research :photovoltaic Solar power for residential application


Department/faculty of applicant: Electrical Engineering


Present Post : Lecturer II


Qualification and research experience I B Eng(Electr) 1985 Ii

Msc Electrical (power and machine) 1991

7 Name address and Qualification of supervisors



Professor J O Ojo Dept of Electr. Eng ABU zaria


Professor B G Bajoga Dept of Electr Eng ABU Zaria


Dr J Y Oricha Dept of ELectr Eng ABU Zaria

Are you currently engaged in any other research project? :

9 Statement of problem and objective:


Central utility power generation in Nigeria has many problems: Bulk transmission of power from the remote Central hydro plants and southern thermal power plant to other parts of the country lead to high transmission losses in the power generated.Other problems include the restive Niger Delta area where gas pipelines are vandalized with a crippling effect on the gas power plants. The Central hydro plants of kainji ,shiroro and jebba also have their problems of low water levels in their reservoir especially during the dry season.All these problems make it imperative for the nation to shift focus to distributed generation.When distributed generation is adopted each area where a particular renewable energy resourse such as wind solar or microhydro is identified and harnessed to supply the power need of the immediate surrounding, with a weak grid tie to import or export the balance power. One of such renewable energy resource which is readily available is solar power which can be converted to electric power using photovoltaic solar modules. A number of power conversion processes transform the photovoltaic outputs to the form required by the ac grid. The Main objective of this research work is to make a survey of the existing conversion methods ,converter topology and arrive at a conversion method and a topology which best suit suite our grid conditions.



Since the central utility power generation in Nigeria is bedeviled by the above mentioned problem, it is imperative to seariously consider distributed generation the most common of which is solar power. Unfortunately the solar power is highly nonlinear and erratic in nature.Thus every effort must be made to ensure the maximum utilization of the energy source otherwise a lot of losses will be incurred. Moreover the actual dc-ac conversion must also be carried out with a minimum total harmonic distortion to avoid distortion in the power line


Methodology (i)

Load asseesment of a typical residential location for the determination of the minimum

rating of the solar installation. This will include the application of demand and diversity factors to the available connected load.


Based on the load requirement , an estimate will be made for the no . of modules in series

And in parallel to achieve the desired size of the PV array.


Using one solar module and a storage battery an experiment will be conducted to determine The actual energy derivable from a module. This result will obviously modify the total no. Required to build the array.

(iv) Maximum power point tracking circuits will also be included and experiment in (iii) will be Repeated to see what changes, if any, Maximum power point tracking could have on a tropical PV installation such as in zaria, Nigeria.

(v) The designed PV array will be assembled and the system shall include a number of deep cycle storage batteries

(vi) The main dc-ac conversion equipment will be designed based on the full wave H-bridge topology And controlled based on the Sine wave Triangle pulse width modulation technique ( PWM).

(vii) The designed PWM converter will be simulated using spice to view its performance in terms of Efficiency and total harmonic distortion.

(viii) Actual construction of the power converter will be undertaken and actual tests will be carried Out on the unit and results compared with those of simulation.

12 Progress made in research Having conducted a literature review on the existing power conversion topology and methods of Control, I am now at the stage of designing my own power converter which will incorporate Maximum power point tracking. It is hoped that a number of publications will be possible onece the Research work reaches an advanced stage

13 Proposed duration of the project : 4years

14 Uniqueness of the proposed research: Power inverters that incorporate Maximum power point tracking and low harmonic distortion are Not very common . Such a project when successfully carried out will fill the gap left in distributed Power 15

Expected Benefits of the research

As ealier noted , distributed generation which is expected to complement the problematic Central power generation is expected to benefit immensely from such a project. It is expected that The Department of Electrical Engineering and ABUCONS shall rake millions from a joint manufacturing Venture which is possible from a working design.

16 Proposed method of dessimination of the results: Dessemination of the result s will be through Conferences and publications in academic journals.

17 Itemized budgets. (i) Texas Instrument (TM540) dc-dc converter module N 150,000 With MPPT controls (ii) Digital Signal Processor(TI45mp) with programming kit N100,000 (iii) PSpice simulating soft ware N100,000 (iv) IGBT gate control ICS N50,000 (v) Stationeries(N500 per rim)


(vi) Thesis production and photocopy



Other sources of funding : Self

19 Net amount Applied from the university board of research : N430,000.00 (Four hundred and thirty thousand Naira only)



O. OJO “Generalized discontinuous PWM source inverters. IEEE

Scheme for 3 Phase voltage

Trans on power electronics vol 30 pp 55-62” B.K.Bose “Power electronics and variable frequency drives technology and application IEEE press Newyork 1997”

R Erickson “Fundamentals of power electronics kluwar Academic press, Norwel USA 2001” B. K. Bose “Modern power electronics and ac drives prentice hall New jersey 2002. Muhammad H. Rashid” Power Electronics Circuits devices and applications third edition prentice hall India 2005”


Major Supervisor’s Recommendation The request for the research grant is highly recommended

Signature of major supervisor ___________________ Date _________________

Name Professor B G Bajoga Department of Electrical Engineering

22 Declaration i I agree that all materials and equipment obtained in the course of this research project shall remain the property of Ahmadu Bello University and that the copyright in respect of all publications based on the research shall belong to Ahmadu Bello University Zaria

Signature of applicant_______________ Date _________________________ Ii I also agree that to abide by the regulations of the University Board of research, if I fail to comply with the regulation ,Busar is authorized to deduct the research grant from my salary. These regulation

Include : A

Submission of progress report on the research once every 6 months

B Submission of copy of final report to the directorate of Academic planning at the time indicated In my research proposal.



Signature and Date of Principal research

Recommendation of the head of department _______________________________________________________________________


Signature of Head of Department

____________________ Date ___________________

Name: Dr M.B. Muazu Department of Electrical Engineering

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