Pharmacoeconomics & Health Outcomes

  • November 2019
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Pharmacoeconomics & Health Outcomes

Stats Overview (Seminar Survival Series….) Leon E. Cosler, R.Ph., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Pharmacoeconomics Albany College of Pharmacy

Statistical Road Map 1. Descriptive Statistics (overview) • the ‘middle’ and the variation • DI notes… > everything you need to know!

2. Inferential Statistics • hypothesis testing and errors

3. Discuss sample size calculations 4. Techniques specific to economic studies

Research Methods: ECHO model 1. Clinical “Intermediate” clinical indicators versus long term clinical outcomes • Analytical methods differ Dx

Clinical Outcome (long term)

Intermediate Clinical Indicator


Fewer deaths due to MI

Improved control of BP Improved control serum cholesterol


Reduced incidence of Improved control of blood glucose ESRD; neuropathies, etc. Improved Hgb A1c


Reduced incidence of OI Improved CD4 counts Improved survival times Reduced Viral load counts

Research Methods: ECHO model 2. Economic

- all relevant cost categories - indirect costs include ability to work 3. Humanistic

- Health related quality of life (HRQOL) - Patient satisfaction - (Valuing these are difficult & contentious) • more on this later…

Scales of Measurement •

Four levels of measurement

- Nominal variable→ no implied rank or order. • Example: presence or absence of a disease

- Ordinal variable→ an implied order of rank. • Example: pain scale (categories)

Discrete Variable

- Interval variable→ defined units of measurement. • There is an equal distance or interval between values. • Example: temperature

- Ratio variable→ defined units of measurement. • Same as interval but has an absolute zero.

Continuous Variable

• Example: No. of cigarettes smoked per day

Type of variable is a determining factor in selecting the appropriate statistical test

Descriptive Statistics

What does the data look like?

• • •

Where is the middle? How spread out is it? Measure of central tendency

- often graphing the data good first step

Several measures of “central tendency” 1. Arithmetic mean =



2. Median = 50% of obs. above & below 3. Mode = most common occurring value

Measure of central tendency

With a “perfect” normal distribution mean = median = mode !

Measure of central tendency •

Nothing’s normal about the normal distribution

• •

Many types of data aren’t normal Clue: if mean & median are different… • you have a problem… • we have already seen an example of this

Income Distribution in the U.S. US Household Income: 2004

Median = $44,389 Mean = $70,402


100% 90%


80% 70%

Percent of US Households


60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%


$100,000 +


$75,000 - $99,999


$50,000 - $74,999


$25,000 - $49,999


< $25,000


Source: URL:

A “skewed” distribution mode median mean

mode median mean

Measures of Variability •


- Different between the highest data value and the lowest data value

- Ordinal, interval and ratio data

Inter-quartile range

- Data values within the 25th and 75th quartiles • Directly related to the median

- Less likely to be affected by extreme values in the data - Ordinal, interval and ratio data

Standard deviation

- Measure of the average amount by which each observation in a series of data points differs from the mean.

Variation: How spread out is the data?


- ex: the standard deviation sd =

N ∑ x i − ( ∑ xi ) N ( N − 1) 2


- Ex: study reports expenditures Mean ± sd $9,105 ± $16,415


Inferential Statistics

Inferential Statistics

Examine associations between variables

- does the intervention make a difference? - a statistically significant difference? - contrast to clinical significance…

Start with the ‘null hypothesis’

- there is no difference! - designated H0 - decision based on probabilities - sometimes we guess wrong…

Hypothesis Testing: Inferential Statistics

"Reality" I Decide:

There is NO Difference; Ho is true

There IS a Difference; Ho is false

There IS a difference; (Reject the Ho)


Correct Decision

There is NO difference; Do not reject the Ho

Correct Decision


Hypothesis Testing: Inferential Statistics

"Reality" There is NO Difference; Ho is true

There IS a Difference; Ho is false

There IS a difference; Reject the Ho

Type I Error; prob. = alpha

Correct Decision;

There is NO difference; Do not reject the Ho

Correct Decision

Type II Error; prob. = beta

I Decide:

Hypothesis Testing: Inferential Statistics

"Reality" There is NO Difference; Ho is true

There IS a Difference; Ho is false

There IS a difference; Reject the Ho

Type I Error; prob. = alpha "p"

Correct Decision;

There is NO difference; not reject the Ho

Correct Decision

Type II Error; prob. = beta

I Decide:



Alpha (α): The probability of making a type I error


accept the research hypothesis when it is incorrect (false-positive result)

The probability of a type I error is usually set to 0.05

When a statistically significant difference is found between treatment groups at a significance level of 0.05 (P=0.05), there is a 1 in 20 probability that it was a chance finding


The probability of making a type II error = beta

Type II errors related to the power of the study

Power is the ability to detect a difference if a difference actually exists - Power = 1 – beta

By convention, β should be less than 0.20, and ideally less than 0.10, to minimize the chance of making a type II error

Graphical relationship of α & β errors

Sample Size Calculations •

One of the most important areas to critique when evaluating clinical studies is sample size

Investigators should state how the sample size was determined for the study

No magic number

Sample size was adequate


number of patients who complete the study = investigators’ initial sample size calculations presented in the methods

Statistical Methods: Sample Sizes

Sample size calculations • you will need: - what level of “alpha” will you accept ? - What level of power do you want? - what’s your data look like? > the standard deviation ? > A minimum difference to be able to detect

• there are tables already prepared

Statistical Methods: Sample Sizes

for differences in means:

for differences in proportions:


sd n= 2 αD

1  Z (α / 2 )  n=   4 d 


Detecting effects of different sizes

Statistical Methods: Sample Sizes

1  Z (α / 2 )  n=  4  d 


You want to be 95% sure that the difference in cure rates between 2 drugs is at least 5% - alpha = 0.05

alpha / 2 = 0.025

- Z(0.025) = 1.96

n = 384.16 or 385 Pts.

1  1.96  n=  4  0.05 



Inappropriate Sample Size Risks

Sample size too small

False-negative results (type II error) Sample may not represent population Overestimation of treatment effects

Sample size too large

Results may lack clinical significance

Descriptors of statistical significance


Nothing magic about p < 0.05 • Controversies in interpretation…

Statistical significance does not imply that the new treatment offers a real clinical advantage

• •

Statistical significance is related to sample size Confidence intervals can help the clinician assessment of clinical significance

Confidence Interval Interpretaion: • Range of values that includes the true value for the

population parameter being measured • 95% or 99% confidence interval


For differences: CI should not include “0” For Hazard or Risk Ratios: • CI shouldn’t include “1”

Assist in making decisions concerning the clinical relevant of study data

Advantages of Confidence Interval

Confidence intervals remind readers of data variability

Often more accurately reflects purpose of study

Confidence intervals make clear the role of sample size


Reflects magnitude of difference Clinical vs. statistical significance

Overview of Statistical Tests Type of Data

Two Independent Samples

Two Related Samples (Paired/Matched)

Three or More Independent Samples

Three or More Related Samples (Paired/Matched)


Chi square

Chi square (McNemar)


Chi square


Mann-Whitney U

Sign test Wilcoxon signed ranks



Parametric T-test

Parametric Paired t-test

Parametric ANOVA

Parametric ANOVA

Nonparametric Mann-Whitney U

Non-parametric Wilcoxon signed ranks

Nonparametric KruskaiWallis

Non-parametric Friedman

Interval or ratio

Overview of Statistical Tests Two Independent Samples

Continuous (interval or ratio) and Nominal (binary) Parametric T-test (student T-test) Compare Means Non-parametric Mann-Whitney Compare Medians

Nominal (binary) and Nominal (binary) Chi-square test Compare frequencies/proportions

Ordinal and Nominal (binary) Mann Whitney U test Compare medians

Relative risk/ odds ratio

Two Related Samples Continuous (interval or ratio) and Nominal (binary) Parametric Paired T-test Compare Means Non-parametric Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Compare Medians

Nominal (binary) and Nominal (binary) Chi-square test (McNemar) Compare frequencies/proportions

Ordinal and Nominal (binary) Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Compare Medians

Overview of Statistical Tests Three or More Independent Samples

Continuous (interval or ratio) and Nominal (>2 categories ) Parametric Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Compare Means

Nominal (binary) and Nominal (>2 categories) Chi-square test Compare frequencies/proportions

Non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis Compare Medians

Ordinal and Nominal (>2 categories) Kruskal-Wallis Compare medians

Three or More Related Samples

Continuous (interval or ratio) and Nominal (>2 categories) Parametric ANOVA Repeated Measures Compare Means Non-parametric Friedman Compare Medians

Nominal (binary) and Nominal (>2 categories) Chi-square test (McNemar) Compare frequencies/proportions

Ordinal and Nominal (>2 categories) Friedman Compare Medians

Data Analysis Issues

Types of Blinding Single-blind

Either subjects or investigators are unaware of assignment of subjects to active or control groups


Both subjects and investigators are unaware of assignment of subjects to active or control groups


Both subjects and investigators are unaware of assignment of subjects to active or control groups; another group involved with interpretation of data is also unaware of subject assignment


Data for all subjects who qualify…

- Expecting some Pts will not finish…

Imputation of outcomes

PT’s last measurement (LOCF) Average score or measurement for the entire group Multivariate analysis to predict most likely outcome

Significant loss to follow up negatively affects intention to treat analysis.


Only Pts who finish the protocol… Problems with the “per protocol efficacy” analysis:


Estimate of treatment effect likely to be flawed (i.e., overestimated), since reasons for non-adherence to protocol may be related to patients’ prognosis


Empirical evidence suggests that participants who adhere tend to do better than those who do not, even after adjustment for all known prognostic factors, and irrespective of assignment to treatment or placebo


Excluding non-adherent participants from the analysis leaves those who may be destined to have a better outcome, and destroys the unbiased comparison afforded by randomization

Confounding Variables

Methods of Coping with Confounding

Design Phase

- Specification - Matching

Analysis Phase

- Stratification - Multivariate adjustment

Statistical Methods: Linear Regression

Yi = Β0 + Β1 X 1 + Β2 X 2 + ... + Βn X n + e 20 15 10 5

Independent Variable(s): "X"










0 1

Dependent Variable: "Y"


Statistical Methods: Linear Regression

Key assumptions: • the “independent” variables really are! • the relationship is linear; not curved • the variables are normally distributed

Key output: • “Beta weights” or Parameter Estimates • Confidence intervals • R2 value - % of variation explained (higher is better)

• Sub-types: Logistic regression

Statistical Methods: Linear Regression Regression output predicting total cost for 1-year treatment with Flolan (Epoprostenol) PARTIAL OUTPUT! Variable Intercept Epoprostenol NYHA class IV Employed Disabled Retired Rales at entry Creatinine > 2.0 at entry Diabetes at entry

Parameter Estimate ($) $11,644.00 $5,159.00 $1,176.00 -$12,363.00 -$15,047.00 -$11,572.00 -$364.00 $2,813.00 $755.00


95% CI

p < 0.10 p < 0.05 ns ns p < 0.05 p < 0.05 ns ns ns

(-392, 23680) (959, 9359) (-3434, 5786) (-28110, 3384) (-26740, -3354) (-23128, -16) (-4992, 4264) (-1499, 7125) (-4084, 5594)


R = 0.13 Source: Schulman et al. Results of the Economic Evaluation of the F.I.R.S.T. International Journal of Technology Assessment, 12:4 (1996), 698-713

Techniques for Economic Data

Economic data frequently skewed

Transform the data • use the log10(costs) • Then use parametric tests

Use ‘special’ techniques • non-parametric tests (e.g. Mann-Whitney) • ‘bootstrapping’ - taking multiple samples from the data - complex process; yields decent results

Total cost of asthma discharges

LOG (total cost)

Things to Remember • • •

The wrong test can give the wrong results! Statistical significance ≠ clinical significance Significant associations may not always be a cause-effect relationship

That’s all for today… !

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