Pfp Annual Report 2007

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FO PEACE Giving Voice to the Voiceless


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Giving Voice to the Voiceless

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Our Back Ground


Where we Work




Executive summary


Peace and Security


Environment and sustainable development


Education and social change


Gender Development




Capacity Building and Networking


Defending civil liberties and Human rights




Building new communication strategies


Vision 2008


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OUR VISION Press for Peace (PFP) envisions a world of lasting peace and happiness for individuals of all creeds, cultures, races and regions of the world. It envisages that freedom to live, prosper and perform according to one’s belief is natural way to ensure basic human rights for all people of the world. However, it emphasizes on a balanced approach for individuals





perform in a way that their beliefs, physical actions and mental approaches are not harmful for any of the species of the globe.

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OUR BACKGROUND Press for Peace (PFP) is an independent, non-partisan and nongovernmental advocacy organization working in state of Jammu and Kashmir. It was established in 1999 as a platform to provide advocacy, capacity building and research and networking in peace,






development and environment related issues. Together with other civil society organizations around the globe, Press for Peace (PFP) concentrates on fundamental issues of today and identifies ways and means to address these issues. The idea of an independent human development organization with an active participation of indigenous people to identify and highlight their basic human rights was the brainchild of a young Kashmiri philanthropist and social worker, Zafar Iqbal. Initially, PFP started its working at local level, where lot of emphasis was on highlighting sufferings and hardships of downtrodden and exploited communities, however, with the passage to time PFP strengthened its linkages with other regional and international like minded think tanks and organizations in order to contribute global struggle against poverty, environmental degradation, extremism and racial discrimination.

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he management of PFP warmly appreciates role and contribution of its members and volunteers who contributed in all campaigns, seminars, workshops and other events. Dedicated and devoted volunteer team is a great asset of PFP and we value their precious role. We would also like to extend our special thanks to our partners and sponsors who helped us our efforts for well being of mankind.

We highly appreciate the services of: Sahibzada M.Aftab Alam Raja Wasim Khan Miss Eva Maria Teja Yousaf Kashmiri Miss Nighat Choudhry Rafique Mughal Aureng Zeb Saifullah Farid Hadim T J Durrani Jalal ud Din

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ampaigning and Advocacy for the rights of deprived and marginalized communities and groups remained our core areas for our all interventions in 2007 in the fields of peace, climate change, and sustainable development and gender development. During this year, troubled and volatile region of South Asia faced various global and regional developments for de escalation of tension between its two major actors- Pakistan and India. The reduction of Tariffs on some trade items, commencing of Waga Bus service and other Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) were nonetheless, modest progress was made on Kashmir dispute which has been a bone of contention between both neighbours since partition of India. Owing to the sensitivity of conflict and growing demand of significance of peace from indigenous voices, the PFP continued its petite but result oriented sincere efforts for the promotion of culture of peace and harmony in the region. With the collaboration of some resourceful partners like Action Aid, PFP held some significant events and campaigns in order to highlight the need of peaceful resolution of the dispute. Climate change is amongst one of the most critical and widely accepted problems of today’s world. It is a complex phenomenon which needs both global and local efforts to mitigate its damaging impacts on peoples and natural resources. International bodies like UN, UNEP has unanimously agreed upon the fact that the devastating impact of global warming could only be lessened through joint and coordinated efforts of communities, nations and regions. In this backdrop, PFP also tries to lay its input for this global struggle for the protection of natural resources through

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small scale interventions which, ostensibly do not make big headlines on regional and national media, nevertheless, they play a vital role to create awareness among indigenous communities about sustainable livelihood and preservation of natural habitat and conservation of local cultures. Over the past few years we have focused our limited resources and sincere efforts on the potential for enhanced cooperation between local groups and communities in Neelum valley, Bagh and Muzaffarabad, through high-level seminars, research and dialogue. After massive earthquake of October 2005, the biggest challenge for government and society of Azad Jammu kashir has been rebuilding of demolished public and private structures keeping in view the needs and requirements of sustainable development standards, however, in spite of huge financial resources, the snail pace of developmental and rebuilding work is evident that the region of Azad Jammu and Kashmir exceedingly lack in human resource and lack of political and demonstrative will. Considering this huge national and social drawback, the PFP also focused this dimension by putting its resources and endeavors in the capacity building of working force and raising awareness among general public about latest developmental discourses and trends. The contribution of women in domestic, social, economic and cultural dimensions is unfortunately unrewarding and has been considered mostly invisible which results ultimately lack of resources and opportunities for their individual and professional development. The growing and significant participation of women in social and economic spheres requires concrete steps on policy and action level for maximum utilization of their inputs. The PFP with the collaboration of other civil society bodies arranged different seminars, workshops, walks and campaigns to

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target local populations. The final part of following report explains some of main events and plans completed by PFP during the session.

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World Power Muzaffarabad: September 21, 2007


he permanent peace can only be establish in world if the rights and security of the smaller nations are respected, world major powers give up their double

standards and United Nations is allowed to perform her functions freely. All kinds of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) including biological, chemical, nuclear and long

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rang missiles completely eliminate from this world. This was said by the participants of a Peace Walk held by Press For Peace (PFP) on World Peace day. The PFP celebrated rallies, walks and demonstrations in different areas to share solidarity with global community, particularly the populations of war torn regions. In Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistan controlled Kashmir; the walk stared from Gari Pan Squire to Domail Station where River Nelum and Jhelum meet each other. Some 100 participants including students, peace activists, political workers and people belonging to different walks of life participated in the walk and chanted antiwar slogans. Addressing to the walk Ameer ud Deen Mughal, Coordinator of PFP said that threats to human lives are increasing by passing day because more and more WMD are developed and acquired by different countries. “This is very alarming situation for all of us that every day hundreds

of innocent people are killed by occupied forces in Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur and other conflicted zones of the world but there is no institution or force who could stop this human tragedy”, said the Coordinator. Others speakers demanded that the UN must play its decisive role to defeat the curse of terrorism and injustice in the world. Meanwhile, Press for Peace (PFP) Bagh unit arranged a walk which was participated by a large number of people, including students, social workers and representatives of local political groups.Yousaf Kashmiri, district coordinator of PFP, Imran Gillani and others spoke on the occasion and called upon the international community to resolve the conflicts of Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Palestine and Darfur by peaceful interventions. The participants were caring colourful banners inscribed with many slogans urging the need of permanent peace, tolerance and culture of

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mutual understanding and respect among the nations.

On the eve of world peace day, Zafar Iqbal, Founder PFP has urged India and Pakistan to accelerate the peace process to resolve the lingering conflict of Kashmir. He was addressing a meeting of the PFP members and volunteers in Nottingham. The meeting was also addressed by Aftab Alam, Raja Faizan and others. The Founder of the PFP said the humanity can face the challenges of increasing risks of terrorism, extremism and

globalization only by collective and coordinated efforts, above all interests and differences of any kind. “Today, in many countries and regions a large number of people still facing the scourge of turmoil and wars, injustice ,poverty and illiteracy , however, commandment of love, mutual respect and the dialogue are the foundations to the maintenance of world peace”, he maintained.

Press for Peace (PFP) arranged a workshop about peaceful solution of Kashmir dispute

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he representatives of different political parties and civil society organizations has demanded the participation of Kashmiris from all units and religions in the ongoing peace process, concentrating utmost interaction among the people of all dividing regions of Jammu and Kashmir. This demand was made unanimously in a Dialogue organized by ASR Resource Centre, a Lahore based peace and research institute, with the collaboration of Press for Peace (PFP) in Muzaffarbad. The participants of the session thoroughly discussed the latest sitituoion in all parts Jammu and Kashmir. They said that all Kashmiris have to struggle jointly for an amicable and permanent resolution of Kashmir issue, setting aside their religious, political, ethnic and regional differences.

Miss Night Saeed, Executive Director of ASR said that India and Pakistan would never grant freedom to Kashmiris unless the people of Kashmir struggle themselves for their legitimized right of self determination. The major and foremost need for the people of Kashmir is the restoration of peace in all units that unquestionably would, pave a way towards the settlement of the issue. She urged the people of Kashmir to get rid of their differences to achieve their noble goal and must concentrate on their one point agenda-the liberation. Ammirudin Mughal, Central Coordinator of Press for Peace (FPP) maintained that both India and Pakistan have manufactured their favourite and desired leadership in both parts of Kashmir that could not be considered as genuine representatives of the people. The aspirations of the people of all units of Kashmir, including Gilgit, Baltistan and Jammu must be honoured and

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they must be involved equally during the process of settlement of the dispute. Shoukat Maqbool Butt, Chairman, National Liberation Front (NLF) held that any solution against the wishes of Kashmiris could not be imposed on them by external powers who are interested to resolve the dispute according to their economic and geographical interests. He said that if the citizens of Gilgit do not willing to live with the rest of the Kashmiris, they could not be merged into Kashmir forcefully, and however, any mechanism must be evolved to determine the wishes of the people of all regions of Jammu and Kashmir. Farooq Niazi, human rights activist alleged that all those citizens of Azad Kashmir who don’t agree with the ideology of accession to Pakistan have not been granted the rights to participate in the election or join the public service which is a condemnable violation of basic human rights. Khwaja Saif ud Din, District president of JKLF and

Kamran Beig ,central representative of NSF, a pro independent Kashmir student organization, claimed that the independent Kashmir is the only ‘ permanent ,peaceful and honourable solution of the dispute’. The supporters of independent Kashmir are facing inexpressible torture in Azad Kashmir due to ‘the repressive attitude of the establishment’, they alleged. Sahibzada Mehmood Advocate of Pakistan Peoples Party expressed that we would never compromise on the ideology of Kashmiriat, however, we have to respect the wishes of majority of population in the consideration of proposal regarding the future of the sate. Malik Zulfqar, representative of youth wing of ruling Muslim Conference expressed disagreement over the views of some speakers regarding the role of Pakistan and India in Kashmir debate. He claimed that Pakistan and India could not be considered equally during the judgement of their stances over Kashmir.

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Senior Analyst and journalist Zulfqar Ali, Raja Wasim ,Farid ul Hadim,Aurengzeb Saifullah, Miss Nighat Choudhary,women coordinator of PFP,Miss Nazmeen ,Sajad Mir and

others also spoke on the occasion and presented their views about on going peace process between India and Pakistan.

Peace settlement of Kashmir impossible without Kashmir `s says Peace Moot BAGH T

he Kashmiri leadership has expressed that Kashmir dispute must be resolved according to the wishes of the people of Jammu & Kashmir in order to secure permanent peace in the region. Any solution to the dispute

without active participation of the Kashmiris would be unnatural and unacceptable. The heads and representatives of different political parties unanimously supported Kashmiris’ right to self determination and demanded

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the "elimination of foreign forces" from their homeland, reiterating that "integrity of the state can not be compromised". These views were expressed by speakers of a peace conference titled "Kashmir conflict and the peace, But how?” organized by Press for Peace (PFP) and Action Aid in Bagh,Azad Kashmir. The event attracted a huge audience of social and political activists, women, lawyers, human rights activists and students. The conference was addressed by veteran Kashmiri leaders including Supreme Head of Jammu & Kashmir Muslim Conference Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan, , Head of J&K People’s Party Sardar Khalid Ibrahim, Chairman JKLF Sardar Sagheer Khan, former Amir of Jamaat-e- Islami Abdul Rashid Turrabi, Senior Vice President J&K Liberation League Sardar Maroof Akhter, Chairman All Parties Nationalists’ Alliance Farooqe Niazi, Secretary General UKPNP Sardar Ishtiaque Ahmad, Information Secretary

APHC, Altaf Wani , Chairman JKLF(R), Sardar Rauf Kashmiri, Secretary General Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Maulana Abdul Haie and representatives of other political, religious and nationalist parties and groups. Former Prime Minister Azad Kashmir Sardar Abdul Qayyum said that Kashmir issue could only be resolved by dialogue. 'It is impossible for Kashmiris to liberate their homeland by war because on one from Pakistan would ever indulge into a war with India for Kashmir,' he maintained. Supporting the four point formula of General Musharraf for the resolution of lingering issue of Kashmir between India and Pakistan, Sardar Qayyum said this is a significant development towards the permanent solution of the dispute. However, he said, world powers would never allow Pakistan and India to engage into a war over Kashmir. He urged the Kashmiris to unite on one point agenda of the

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solution of Kashmir problem.

Member Legislative Assembly and President JKPP Sardar Khalid Ibrahim said the people who had no role in the liberation movement of Kashmir are trying to impose their solution on Kashmiris that would not be acceptable the people of the state. Stressing upon the consensus among the political leadership on Kashmir issue, he said all leadership must respect others’ point of view. Former head of Jamaat e

Islami Abdur Rashid Turrabi held that the sacrifices of Kashmiris have highlighted the issue on international level, however, India wants the solution of issue by maintaining the status quo and unfortunately some Kashmiri leaders are supporting Indian designs. Referring the recent uprising in Indian held Kashmir, he stressed to safeguard current movement “from internal and external conspiracies against

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our legitimate freedom struggle". JKLF Chief Sardar Saghir Khan believed that the militancy has an important role in current Kashmir movement; because, after leaving the armed struggle India feels no pressure from Kashmiris, he believed. He categorically rejected the options presented by General Musharraf and said Kashmiris must be given right to accede with India / Pakistan or get independence. He firmly said that Kashmir conflict must be resolved on the principle of justice, rather than 'dictation by Sardar Attique or anyone else.' Demanding the evacuation of foreign forces from state of Jammu and Kashmir, head of his faction of JKLF Sardar Rauf Kashmiri expressed that 'only independent Kashmir could guarantee the permanent peace in the region and save an nuclear war between India and Pakistan". Sharing the experiences of her recent visit to Indian held Kashmir with the participants of the peace conference,

human rights activist Najma Shakoor articulated that India has turned Valley of Kashmir into an army cantonment; therefore, the people of Jammu and Kashmir want to get rid of this brutal treatment. UKPNP Secretary General Sardar Ishtiaque Ahmad believed that "militancy is prerequisite for the freedom of Kashmir. “However, this war could not be fought with the weapons of India or Pakistan, therefore, Kashmiris must have to save their identity”, he maintained. Farooq Niazi, head of All Parties Nationalist Alliance (APNA), a conglomerate of pro- independence nationalist parties criticized the role of India and Pakistan in Kashmir and said that both countries are trying to impose their own agenda on the people of Kashmir, but, any solution contrary to aspirations of people of Kashmir would not be accepted. Maulana Abdul Hai (JUI), Altaf Wani(APHC) and other speakers vowed to continue the struggle for the

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reunification of divided sate of Jammu and Kashmir, expressing that the election in Indian Held Kashmir are not substitute of plebiscite which was promised by Indian government and also guaranteed by the United Nations(UN). District Coordinator Press for Peace Yusuf Kashmiri, Raja Habib Ur Rehman, Field Coordinator Action Aid Wahid Shah, renowned .

scholar Prof Sagheer Khan, Sardar Shamshad, President Rawalakot Bar Association and Sardar Abdus Satar Khan of Peoples National Party (UKPNP) also spoke on the occasion. office bearers of PFP from Muzaffarabad and Mirpur including Amir ud Din Mughal , Raja Wasim , Aurangzeb Saifullah, Rafiq Mughal and Farid Hadim also participated in the event

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PFP Celebrated world environment day

June 5, 2007

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ress for Peace (FPP) celebrated World Environment Day in different Cities of Azad Jammu & Kashmir. The seminars, walks, rallies and other programs were organised in collaboration with other NGOs to highlight the importance of natural resources and pollution free society. The day was observed in Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Bagh, Rawalakot, Neelum and other major cities and towns with renewed pledge and zeal to protect natural resources. The participants urged government and civil society to accelerate and coordinate efforts to address the environmental problems such as pollution, soil erosion, disposal of solid waste in urban areas and deforestation etc.

The day was set by United Nations General Assembly in 1972 as an International Day in an effort to stimulate public awareness among communities towards safe and hazard free environment.

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NEELUM The central event was held in Neeelum valley under the aegis of Islamic Relief and Press for Peace (PFP) in collaboration with different local NGOs and community based organizations. A walk was organised in Chahlahna,

few yards away from the Line of Control (the line dividing Pakistani and Indian Kashmir) to high light the importance of safer environment in both parts of the divided state. Acting President Azad Jammu & Kashmir Shah Ghulam Qadir led the walk while Mr. Zulqernain Baloch Coordinator Islamic Relief

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and Environment coordinator Mumtaz Mughal were also present on the occasion. The participants of the walk displayed colourful banners, posters and placards showing different thought provoking and inspiring slogans about natural resources. Neelum valley is famous for its scenic beauty and abundant natural resources. Acting president Shah Ghulam Qadir addressed a large gathering and said that the unsafe and unhygienic environment is the biggest problem confronted by the present world. The rapid industrialization in developed countries has drastically damaged the global environment. He appreciated

the services of NGOs in quake-hit areas. He announced to provide solar energy heaters to all mosques of the valley to promote alternative sources of energy as a part of government efforts to protect the .green forests. Zaulaernain Baloch, Mumtaz Mughal of Islamic Relief, Amiruddin Mughal, coordinator Press for Peace, Tariq Chughtai, President Neelum Press club, Hanif Awan, Khawaja Shafiqu, Ishtiaq Bukhari and other representatives of local NGOs and CBOs also addressed the gathering.

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MUZAFFARABAD Press for Peace held a colourful walk in Muzaffarabad. The walk was led by its central office bearers Raja Wasim Khan, Farid ul Hadim, Asif Mir, Aurengzeb and Tanvir Tanoli. The representatives of the different political, social and professional groups also participated in the event. The walk started from PFP’s headquarters and concluded in front of the Press club. The speakers highlighted the importance of clean and safe environment. They observed that during the massive earthquake in 2005, the natural recourses of the state have badly damaged. The Central Deputy Coordinator PFP Raja Wasim Khan, Asif Raza Mir, Wahid iqbal Butt, Shoukat Javed Mir and Raja Saqib Mujeed were among the

speakers. They demanded that the government should provide subsidised LPG cylinders in all quake affected areas of Azad Kashmir. It was noted with grave concern that majority of the people in these poverty ridden areas depend heavily upon firewood as a major source of fuel. They cater their daily needs by mercilessly chopping trees in the nearby forests, thus causing irrevocable damage to the environment. Raja Wasim declared that PFP will launch a national campaign to create awareness among the public in all quake hit areas. He emphasised that local communities will be involved in order to achieve better results. The campaign will be launched with the cooperation of other NGOs, government departments and world conservatory bodies.

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BAGH In Bagh, another quake-hit city of Kashmir, Press for Peace(PFP) organised a walk. A large number of school children and representatives

of local NGOs and community groups participated and welcomed the move. Yousaf Kashmiri, District coordinator PFP, Tahir Shah, Imran Gilani and other senior members led the walk.

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RAWALAKOT To highlight the impacts of human activities on natural environment a seminar was organised in Rawalakot in collaboration with other NGOs. Sardar Abid Siddique, Rashid Nazir and other speakers urged government to initiate revolutionary measures to prevent damage to the forests. They observed

that since reconstruction phase in Muzaffarabad and

Poonch Division is at full swing the increasing trend of cutting green trees to needs is alarming. The government and civil society should feel the responsibility towards environmental protection. MIRPURAJ&K Press for Peace(PFP) held an event to mark the WED in Mirpur. The gathering was attended by a large number of community workers including social, political and media persons. Mr. Rafiq Mughal, PFP Divisional coordinator worked diligently to make the event successful.

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This report was compiled from the dispatches received from members of the PFP: Hafiz Nasir (Neelum), Imran

Gillani(Bagh),Rashid Nazir(Rawalakot) Miss Night (Muzaffarabad) and Miss Shazia (Mirpur).

‘Caste System is main barrier in merit and justice’: Says CJ Civil society urged to join hands for rule of law


PFP Mirpur chapter with the coordination of ASR Centre Lahore and Omeed Welfare Trust organized a seminar in a local hotel. The title of the seminar was “The role of Non -Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Azad Kashmir”. A large number of public including lawyers, journalists, social and political activists attended the event. Mr. Justice Riaz Akhtar Choudhary was the chief Guest while Dr. Amjad Ansari, Abdul Aziz Choudhry, Dr. Riaz Ahmed, Chairman Madadgar Foundation, Azim Khan, President Supreme Court Bar Association, Hammayou

Zaman Mirza, Chairman Human rights Commission also spoke on the occasion Akram Mughal, President Mughal Foundation Farooq, President Farooq Trust, Choudhary Saeed, former President Pakistan Chamber of Commerce, Arshid Mughal, President Abdul Wahid Welfare Trust and others representatives of local NGOs and Charities joined the event. PFP Central office bearers Raja Wasim, Rafiq Mughal and Sherbaz Munir also addressed the seminar. Justice Riaz Akhter Choudhary appreciated the role of national and

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international NGOs and relief agencies in earthquake affected areas of Azad Kashmir and said that international community has performed a remarkable and unforgettable role for citizen of Kashmir. Criticizing the social evils in Azad Kashmir, he said that “without eliminating the curse of the caste system and braderizm merit and justice could not be implemented in the society. Appreciating the role and services of local NGOs he urged the civil society to accelerate its efforts against caste system so that we can reach the statues of developed and civilized nations. Expressing the services of Omeed Welfare Trust (OWT) Rafiqe Mughal said it has contributed generously in the

health sector to provide basic health facilities to needy communities. Raja Wasim Khan said that the PFP has introduced a new trend in social sector by encouraging voiceless sections to struggle their basic rights. He offered his full organizational support and assistance to local NGOs in order to launch joint efforts for a positive change in the lives of people. The others speakers stressed upon the NGOs and civil society to join hands in order to provision of basic rights on the basis of equality and justice. The speakers also appreciated the contribution of Raja Najabat and Dr Amjid Ansari for their generous support local NGOs in Mirpur.

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EDUCATION AND SOCIAL CHANGE ‘Education is the key for success and emancipation’ Mian Wahid Local MLA Visit addressed in PFP Community School Chanjath Neelum NEELUM, April 20, 2007:


he PFP is working on a Pilot Project in remote Neelum Valley to impart basic education for the most vulnerable and needy children so that the socio -economic conditions of the area is transformed by local actors. The objective of establishment

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tolerance and respect for other global citizens.

of schools in a far flung zone, which have been badly affected during the Indo-Pak conflict along the Line of Control before recent peace process between two nuclear powers, is to illuminate the minds of young children with basic concepts of peace,

Press for Peace (PFP) Community School Chanjath (Neelum) at the end of its second academic session arranged colourful vent of Annual Parents Day. Mian Abdul Wahid, Member of Legislative Assembly of Azad Kashmir was chief guest while Amir -Ud Din Mughal Central Coordinator PFP chaired the ceremony.

A large number of community members, including students and teachers of adjacent educational institutes also present in the ceremony. Principal Jalal -ud Din- and PFP Neelum Hafiz Naseer were also addressed the gathering. The talented children of PFP Community School staged inspiring and attractive tableau’s and other items and got generous appreciation from all guests. Addressing the ceremony Mian Abdul Wahid, MLA said that the establishment of school in for off area of Neelum is appreciable

achievement by PFP. Chanjath-an inaccessible village of Neelum Valley is of course very backward in the field of education, therefore, the PFP School will bring a considerable and significant change in education sector in future. He said that the PFP and other NGOs has rendered significant services for the rehabilitation of people affected by massive earthquake.” Only well educated and skilled citizens can play an active role in prosperity and progress of our country”, he maintained.

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Amir- Ud- Din Mughal said that PFP believes in equality and justice and; struggles for the provision of basic rights and equal opportunities for people living in deprived areas. Elaborating the motives of PFP’s intervention in education sector, he said that after 8th October earthquake when the educational infrastructure in Kashmir was badly collapsed and children were running behind relief trucks- instead of going back to schools, the PFP Management decided to provide them education in tents as we believed that education is the real rehabilitation. Jalal –ud-Din Mughal extended heartiest thanks to PFP and Caritas, The Czech Republic who selected the

remote village for Pilot Project after the massive earthquake. He said the PFP Community School Project is a unique symbol of international cooperation and sharing in field of education. On behalf of local community he thanked all contributors of school project, including Mr. Miroslove, Mr.Jiri Dolzel from Czech Republic ,Mr. Luke Howel and Miss Colli Fista from UK, Miss Sally Mc Antosh from Australia and Mrs Ada from China for their valuable support to school. At the end of the programme the Principal announced the annual results of the school which were about 92% while the Chief Guest awarded medals among the position holders.

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GENDER DEVELOPMENT Consultation on empowerment’





he PFP, with the collaboration of other civil society organizations, has been highlighting women issues at all levels by seminars, walk, workshops and other related events in Azad Kashmir since its establishment in 1999. PFP arranged a consultation in order to highlight women issues in PFP head office. The participants highlighted the problems faced by women, particularly the women of rural areas and quake hit




areas of Kashmir. Miss Nighat Choudhary, Women Coordinator PFP hosted the event while, Miss Shughafta Iliyas, Miss Noreen and others spoke on the event. The consultation observed that government should take urgent measures to mitigate the problems of women. They also called upon government to rebuild the female educational institutes as their students were facing huge hardships due to lack of shelter, furniture and other necessary equipments.

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REHABILITATION Defending earthquake victims’ rights Bagh, AJ& K The PFP highlighted the problems and sufferings of affecters of Kashmir earthquake

at all levels. The PFP played key role during a civil society campaign to highlight the issues faced by affected areas. The

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organization’s local representatives in Bagh, Yousaf Kashmir, Tahir Shah, Imran Gillani and others worked hard to mobilize people to struggle for their rights. In Bagh al civil society organizations made a joint alliance, Earthquake Victims Rights Movement (EVRM) to strengthen joint and collaborative efforts for the rights of affected areas. The EVRM arranged an historical march from Bagh to Muzaffarabad to raise the demands of local people and held a sit-in before AJ&K Legislative Assembly to put pressure on the government and parliamentarians to resolve the issues and problems of affected people. A large number of women also enthusiastically joined these protest campaigns in which PFP Women chapter of Bagh played a significant input to raise demands of the voiceless communities. During these campaigns PFP and other rights organizations called upon government to provide land and shelters to those who lost their homes and properties in the earthquake and also ordered by government to evacuate their lands due to the warning of Geological experts.

One of the major demands raised by PFP and EVRM was the demand to include women at policy level in order to incorporate their voice and concerns in policy configuration and planning in the rehabilitation process. Action Aid Bagh and other local bodies contributed remarkably to achieve the objectives of this unique awareness campaign. The EVRMP and the PFP also highlighted the miseries of landless sanitary workers and, the children and teachers of damaged schools. The PFP also staunchly raised people’s issues at different level, including sending letters and emails to concerned authorities and officials related to reconstruction. Evaluating the performance of EARRA, demanded and recommended to government to take over the control of the organization which was running the affairs undemocratically, ignoring the real issues of pubic. These campaigns also demanded reforms in the ERRA and the participation of public representatives in the policy formation and planning to increase the speed of reconstruction work which has

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negligence and inefficiency of the government


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PFP honoured humanitarian work of workers and NGOs honoured BAGH

March 17, 2007:

PFP Bagh held a marvellous event to honour splendid humanitarian work of local volunteers and activists, who worked for victims of earthquake during the consecutive two years, under the banner of the PFP and others national and international humanitarian bodies. Sardar Qamar Zaman, the Opposition Leader in AJ&K Legislative Assembly was chief guest wile Mrs.Tanveer Latif, Chairperson Women Wing PFP chaired the event. Yousaf Kashmiri, Tahir Shah, Raja Wasim, Rafique Baigh and Fayyaz Abbasi were also amongst the speakers. Volunteers of Press for Peace (PFP) and other local NGOs and relief agencies were awarded certificates and awards for their noble


services for helping sufferers of earthquake.


Speaking on the occasion, Sardar Qamer Zaman lauded gracious humanitarian work of all relief agencies to address an overcome the sufferings of earthquake survivors. He said that PFP- despite being a resource less organization set an appreciable and unique example by providing basic facilities of local affectees. He said the people of Kashmir would never forget the generous support of international community “who came forward to help us on the most vulnerable time of our history”. The Opposition

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Leader vowed to continue his moral, political and practical support for survivors till final rehabilitation. Pattern Chief PFP Mrs.Tanveer Latif said that due to sacrifices of its

enthusiastic and devoted activists, the PFP has become a symbol of selfless philanthropy, generosity and humanity in our social landscape.

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Tahir Shah and Yousaf Kashmiri also appreciated the services of local volunteers and members of relief agencies who worked bravely, in spite of irreversible humane and material loss in their own families. Raja Wasim appreciated the devotion and dedication of Yousaf Kashmiri and his team members who are always ready to help others

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PFP arranged different training workshops for its members and activists in Muzaffarabad, Neelum and Bagh about social mobilization, violence against women, human rights and communication skills. This is part of PFP plan to prepare a skilled and trained young team of activists and

campaigners for social change at gross root level. PFP also nominated some of its members to join different collaborative meetings and training sessions held by partner NGOs on development journalism, youth development and forest protection. PFP members, Raja Wasim Khan, Nighat Choudhary, Aurengzeb Saifullah and others also participated in training workshops of ASR Lahore conference and another workshop in Islamabad held by Shirkat Gah. Silmilar training sessions were held in Neelum where Jalal ud Din and other members participated on behalf of PFP.

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Birmingham(UK): PFP chief Zafar Iqbal joined Two Day Mini Change Conference in Birmingham. The motive of the conference was to create awareness among charity workers and activists about new techniques to tackle poverty, climate change and other challenges faced by humanity.

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Luton (UK): PFP officials Zafar Iqbal and Aftab Alam met MEP Robert Sturdy and briefed him about latest political situation in Jammu and Kashmir and possible measures for resolution of conflict. They also presented him Report of PFP efforts for relief and rehabilitation of victims of 2005 Kashmir earthquake.

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NUS, Blackpool, UK: PFP chief Executive Zafar Iqbal who is currently Studying in Nottingham Trent University also joined Two DAYS NUS, in Blackpool. Apart from participation in Conference sessions, He informed different delegates about Kashmir issues and called

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upon young preventatives of British Universities that they must support peaceful resolution of Kashmir dispute. International Cultural Event at Campion School and Language College Northampton, UK: PFP Founder participated a one day International Cultural Day at Campion School, Northampton, England during his educational stay in the UK. Every year all Cheveining scholars, belonging from various parts of the world, join cultural activities in different local schools in order to familiarize British young children with society, culture and history of other countries and regions of the globe. Zafar Iqbal, Chevenging scholar and student of NTU, joined International Day at Campion School and informed students about the culture, history and traditional patterns of Kashmiri Society. He also appreciated the generous donations of management and students of Campion school who helped various educational and rehabilitation projects in earthquake areas of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir through UK based charities like Save the Children. He also informed the participants of the event about political and humanitarian aspects of Kashmir conflict. The officials of British council were also present on this occasion. Apart from sharing knowledge with teachers and children of school, Zafar iqbal got first hand information and awareness of UK elementary education system by visiting different classes and groups of students working on different assignments and projects.

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INTRA KASHMIR WOMEN CONFRENCE IN Srinagar (J &K ): PFP chairperson Joined IntraKashmir Women Conference Srinager , 20 November, 2007 There were various interventions made in 2007 to increase public to public contacts across divided state of Kashmir in order to raise its humanitarian dimensions of the dispute and mitigate miseries of divided regions. The Centre for Dialogue and Reconciliation in collaboration with the Women’s Studies Centers of the

universities of Kashmir and Jammu held an Intra Kashmir Women Peace Conference to encourage participation of womenfolk of all zones of Kashmir to review and analyze the impact of conflict on women’s life and survival. The joint declaration of the conference called that Pakistan and Indian government must facilitate the contacts of peoples of all regions in order to promote the participation of local actors in the peace process initiated between both neighbors.

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Speaking at the conference Mrs. Tanveer Latif, pattern of PFP shared her views about the conflict.



PFP condemned Crack down against Media in AJ& K and Pakistan


fter the imposition of emergency in Pakistan in November 2007 the political forces and the media have to face harsh treatment from military regime when

Military dictator General Pervaiz Mushhraff government started brutal operations against media, political workers and human rights activists. The freedom of press in the country was damaged shoddily in the country due to the

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government brutal polices and tactics to curb the free press who bluntly criticized governments moves against media. According to Reporters without Borders Report ‘ Six journalists were killed in Pakistan, where suicide attacks and heavy fighting between the army and Islamist militants partly accounted for 2007’s higher toll. Muhammad Arif, of TV station Ary OneWorld, was among 133 people killed in the suicide attack on opposition leader Benazir Bhutto’s motorcade in Karachi in October. Another such attack aimed at a government minister in April killed 28 people, including young freelance photographer Mehboob Khan. Noor Hakim, of the Urdu daily Pakistan and vice-president of the Tribal Union of Journalists (TUJ), was killed in June in the northwestern Bajaur Agency tribal area. Javed Khan, a cameraman with DM Digital TV,

was killed while covering an attack in July on Islamabad’s Red Mosque by security forces’. The PFP categorically condemned such measures in different parts of the country, especially in Karachi and Islamabad where on 27 September, 2007 various journalists were attacked by police and state agencies. In the year, Government of Pakistan also banned the transmission of an independent news channelGEO TV. In another incident, Government of Azad Kashmir barred a UK based TV channel to operate in the terror ties of Azad Kashmir. Government authorities cracked downed the offices of APNA TV in Mirpur and questioned and harassed its team. The PFP remained at frontline to exert pressure on government to ensure press freedom in the country and lift ban on media and emergency in the country.

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Hands in hands with regional bodies


he PFP showed its solidarity with people of Pakistan after the Imposition of emergency in Pakistan and several letters, emails and memoranda’s were sent to various international Human Rights organizations, parliamentarians and other propeople movements across the world to exert pressures on military government of Pakistan to lift sanctions against media and other political forces. • FPF Head sent letters to head of states, Human rights groups. European Parliaments about Peaceful resolution of Kashmir Conflict, Sufferings of Earthquake survivors in Azad Kashmir Report of EU on Kashmir Military Operation in Baluchistan, Recovery of missing people in Azad Kashmir IHK, Pakistan, the restoration of democracy in Pakistan and other related regional issues

• The death of Activists of National Students Federation during marching, towards Gilgit

• Baltistan from Neelum Valley • Strike of Trade Union activists in AJK, HR issues , End of Monarchy in Nepal, Peaceful solution of armed struggle in Sri Lanka and violation of Human rights in some parts of India. The condemnation of Balochistan, Wana military operations PFP Team at headquarters monitored different incidents of human rights violations happened in all parts of Azad Jammu and Kashmir The summary is as follows: Incidents of Police Torture: 12 Violence against women: 23 Attack on journalists: 2 Banning of media: 1

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The PFP headquarters also issued different media statements, letters and emails to concerned authorities and officials to show our concern and demand of justice for victims. Letters 34 Media Releases: 19 Various letters and emails were also sent to International Human rights organisations

about human rights violations in all parts of Jammu and Kashmir, specifically HR violations committed in Indian Held Kashmir and Pakistan controlled Gilgit and Balstistan areas. Similar letters and emails were also sent to diplomats, politicians and think tanks about peaceful resolution of Kashmir conflict.

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PUBLICATIONS Eva Maria Teja , Coordinator PFP Europe wrote Book on Kashmir Earthquake

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“Ein neuer Morgen für Munir. Eine Erzählung aus Kaschmir” (“A new Morning for Munir. A story from Kashmir”) has been written by Eva Maria Teja Mayer, Austrian Writer and director PFP Europe. The hero of the fiction book is Munir, an 11-year old schoolboy in a mountain village near Bagh in Azad Jammu

Kashmir. Despite having been injured himself, Munir supports his family and friends in the struggle of survival after the devastating earthquake which hit the area of AJK and N.W.F.P. in October 2005. All characters are fictional, but having spent some weeks after the disaster on the ground in the effected region, the author – also working as freelance journalist for several papers - tried to give an authentic impression of the nature, atmosphere, people and culture of this part of Kashmir. Dr. Maximilian Paulin who is Sub-editor, youth-section (Tyrolia-Verlag) hopes that, apart from being pleasant youth literature, this book will help to create more awareness among Western students for the needs of children of the same age group who, living in a different environment and culture, are facing difficult challenges like that natural disaster. Since the book is meant for German speaking students (age group 11/12 onwards),

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the text also provides some introduction to Islam and local traditions, thus hopefully contributing to interfaith harmony and bridging a possible gap between Western and Eastern mindsets. Hero of fiction book is Munir, An 11year old school boy- in a mountain village near Bagh in Azad Jammu and Kashmir(Controlled by Pakistan). Despite having been injured himself, Munir supports his family and friends in the struggle of survival after the devastating earthquake which hit of AJK and NWFP in October 2005.As Mujahideen( engaged in an armed freedom struggle in Indian part of Kashmir) with first aid and relief goods manage to reach Munir’s village, he is allowed to company them to see his injured sister Fatima, his brother Ashraf and best friend Khalid who is struggling for his life in Bagh, their path leading across dangerous land sliding and instable slopes. In Bagh, the next reachable town, Munir understands the

extends of the damage: not only the residential houses, also hospitals, mosques and schools have been destroyed by the earthquake. Munir sees how desperate victims of the disaster become plunderers, he witnesses fight for water, food items, tents and the blankets; he has encounters with reckless businessmen and black marketers, he learns about corruption and extortion, but also about selfless efforts and dedication of countless volunteers who side by side with army, Mujahedeen and members of religious organizations as well as NGOs help the needy people to overcome their problem and their trauma. When his little brother ashraf on his way to a hospital gets lost in Islamabad, Munir travels with his Mujahidfriend Hamid to the capital. They locate the boy just in time, be fore he could be kidnapped by criminals, engaged in human trafficking. Learning that his sisters as well as friend Khalid have been successfully operated

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upon, Munir sees a ray of hope. Back in Bagh, the Amir of Mujahedeen decides to cooperate in the field of relief work an international NGOThey developed a joint plan to distribute winter-proof buildings and establishes some schools – Munir can return with good news to his village. Meanwhile, Eva Maria Teja in November 2007 gave a lecture

about historical and cultural aspects of Jammu and Kashmir in an Austrian school in Tyrol-mountain-region in west of the country, and also read some chapters of her book "A new Morning for Munir" (Compiling above writing some excerpts have been taken from Dr. Maximilian Paulin’s introductory article about the book)

Kashmir conflict: Movement, Struggle and Resistance By Raja Wasim, Director PFP regionally. It also brings about different publications based on objective analysis and first hand information about social and political issues.

ASR resource Centre is one of the prestigious platforms among the PFP partners which not only greatly contributed in the capacity building of our activists, but it has also facilitated in networking with other like minded groups nationally and

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PFP’s senior Activist Raja Wasim was assigned a special task to dig out latest developments on Kashmir conflict and its new developments. As a result a publication titled ‘Kashmir Conflict: Movement, Struggle and resistance,’ was published in 2007. Though, much has been published on Kashmir in both India and Pakistan, but, majority of the matter projects the official view points of Islamabad or New

Delhi on the dispute which always lacks indigenous voice and concerns of the principal player of the dispute. In this background, Mr Wasim’s publication was seen as a fair, updated and thought provoking contribution which covers impartial analysis of political, social and economic dimensions of the conflict. Further, it also encompasses the issues and problems faced by people of affected areas of Azad Kashmir which was hit by massive earthquake in 2005. The publication received very positive feedback from independent researchers, Institutes and stakeholders who wish to promote and strengthen peaceful settlement of Kashmir and want to lessen the worries of people of all parts of disputed state. The publication presented many concrete steps and action which, if taken seriously by parties of the conflict, they might translate the issue towards a peaceful resolution, according to the wishes of people of Kashmir.

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n official blog of PFP was launched to disseminate organizational activities and effective communication with other like minded NGOs and networks. PFP management received a large numbers of enquires, appreciation and

support from across the world, particularly from overseas Kashmir who appreciated efforts of PFP in the field of peace promotion, gender development and protection of environment through gross root interventions. The blog can be accessed at:


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In a short span of time the PFP has able to amass and mobilize the potentials and input of strong team of campaigners and activists in all of our working units, specially the role of Vellum and Bagh chapters for the resolution of local issues and concerns has not only be acknowledged publicly but our local partners and stakeholders have also strongly appreciated their role for their collaborative and coordinated efforts for social change. The management of the PFP is very much aware about the significance of global political, environmental and economic transformations which are shaping all regions specially developing societies; hence, we have to enhance the capabilities and skills of our organizers and activists in order to raise their expertise and broaden their vision. Today the realm of activism and social work has become one of the demanding disciplines of research and humanitarian knowledge, We can not build up our inputs without illuminating the minds of our activists with latest trends in the filed of social change. We have envisaged a strategy to cope with the global demands of the coming years which is embedded with our traditional values and vision also fulfils requirements of local cultural norms and value system. We believe that some of our abroad studying members would come with innovative ideas and emancipated minds to change PFP into a more dynamic and skilled platform of reformers.

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