Perlis Paper3 & Answer

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  • Pages: 18
SULIT 4551/3 Biologi Kertas 3 Ogos/ September 2008 1 1/2jam

Nama: …………………………………………………………



BIOLOGI Kertas 3 Satu jam tiga puluh minit






Kod pemeriksa Soalan

2. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa. 1 3. Soalan dalam Bahasa Inggeris mendahului soalan yang sepadan dalam Bahasa Melayu.

Markah Markah penuh diperoleh 33





4. Calon dibenarkan menjawab keseluruhan atau sebahagian soalan sama ada dalam Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris. 5. Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat di halaman 2.

____________________________________________________________________ Kertas soalan mengandungi 11 halaman bercetak termasuk kulit.


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1. Diagram 1 shows the experiment that was carried out to study the effect of temperature on the transpiration rate of Hibiscus shoot by using an air bubble potometer. The potometer was placed under different temperatures. Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu eksperimen yang telah dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan suhu ke atas kadar transpirasi ranting bunga raya dengan menggunakan potometer gelembung. Potometer diletakkan di bawah keadaan suhu yang berbeza.

The distances for the movement of air bubble along capillary tube within 5 minutes were measured using a ruler. Jarak yang dilalui oleh gelembung udara di sepanjang tiub kapilari diukur dengan menggunakan pembaris The experiment was set up as shown in Diagram 1(a) and was repeated using different temperatures. Eksperimen disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan pada rajah 1(a) dan diulang dengan menggunakan suhu yang berbeza. Diagram 1 (b) shows the position of the meniscus at the initial of the experiment. X is the air bubble. The distance of the movement of air bubble is measured at meniscus position as shown in diagram 1(a) and 1(b). Rajah 1(b) menunjukkan kedudukan awal gelembung udara pada awal eksperimen. X ialah gelembung udara. Ukuran jarak dibuat berdasarkan kedudukan miniskus yang di tunjukkan dalam rajah 1(a) dan 1(b)

Table 1.1 shows the reading of temperature and location of meniscus in the capillary tube after 5 minutes. Jadual 1.1 menunjukkan bacaan suhu dan lokasi miniskus dalam tiub kapilari selepas 5 minit.


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Diagram 1(a) Rajah 1(a)

Diagram 1(b) Rajah 1(b)


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Temperature Suhu (oC)

Distance of air bubble movement within 5 minutes (cm) Jarak pergerakan gelembung udara dalam masa 5 minit (cm)

Table 1.1


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Jadual 1.1 (a)

Record the temperature and the distance for the movement of air bubble along the capillary tube in table 1.1. Catatkan suhu dan jarak yang diambil oleh gelembung udara untuk bergerak dalam tiub kapilari pada ruang yang disediakan pada jadual 1.1. 1(a) [3 marks]


State two different observations made from Table 1.1. Nyatakan dua pemerhatian yang berbeza yang dibuat daripada Jadual 1.1. Observation 1 / Pemerhatian 1: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Observation 2 / Pemerhatian 2: ….……………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………


[3 marks] (b) (ii)

State the inferences which corresponds to the observations in 1(b)(i). Nyatakan inferens yang sepadan dengan pemerhatian di 1(b)(i). Inference from observation 1 / Inferens daripada pemerhatian 1 : ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Inference from observation 2 / Inferens daripada pemerhatian 2 : ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. [3 marks]


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Based on this experiment, complete table 1.2. Berdasarkan eksperimen di atas, lengkapkan jadual 1.2. Variable

Method to handle the variable


Cara mengendali pembolehubah

Manipulated variable: Pembolehubah diimanipulasikan:

Responding variable: Pembolehubah bergerak balas:

Constant variable Pembolehubah diimalarkan:

Table 1.2 1(c)

Jadual 1. 2 [3 marks]


State the hypothesis for this experiment. Nyatakan hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini. ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… 1(d) [3 marks]


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Construct a table and record all the data collected in this experiment which includes the following titles: Bina satu jadual untuk merekodkan semua data yang dikumpul dalam eksperimen ini. Jadual hendaklah mengandungi tajuk-tajuk berikut: •

Temperature (oC) Suhu ( 0C)

The distance of meniscus movement (cm) Jarak pergerakan gelembung udara (cm)

Rate of transpiration (cm/ minute ) Kadar transpirasi (cm/ minit )

1(e)(i) [3 marks]


Based on your table in (e)(i) plot a graph of temperature (°C) against the plant transpiration rate on the graph paper provided on page 8. Berdasarkan jadual anda di (e) (i), plotkan graf suhu melawan kadar transpirasi tumbuhan pada kertas graf di muka surat 8. 1(e)(ii) [3 marks]


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Based on the graph, explain the relationship between transpiration rates of the plant and temperature. Berdasarkan graf yang telah dilukiskan, terangkan perkaitan antara kadar transpirasi tumbuhan dengan suhu. ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….......


[3 marks] (f)(i)

Based on the experiment, define transpiration operationally. Berdasarkan eksperimen, definisikan transpirasi secara operasi. ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….......


[3 marks] (f)(ii)

If the experiment is repeated using 40OC with higher light intensity, predict the distance for the movement of air bubble after 5 minutes. Explain your prediction. Jika eksperimen di atas diulangi pada suhu 40OC dengan menggunakan keamatan cahaya yang tinggi, ramalkan jarak pergerakan gelembung udara selepas 5 minit. Terangkan ramalan anda. ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………….…………………………………………………………………….. [3 marks]


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A group of students carried out an experiment to study the effect of light intensity on the transpiration rate. The following list is part of the apparatus and materials used in this experiment. Sekumpulan pelajar telah menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan keamatan cahaya ke atas kadar transpirasi. Senarai berikut adalah sebahagian daripada radas dan bahan yang telah digunakan untuk exsperimen itu.

Lamp, meter rule, stop watch, capillary tube, rubber tube, knife, basin, retort stand, vaseline and plant shoot. Lampu, pembaris meter, jam randik, tiub kapilari, salur getah, pisau kecil, takungan air, kaki retort, vaselin dan pucuk berdaun.

Construct a table and classify the apparatus and materials used in the experiment in the space below. Bina satu jadual dan kelaskan bahan-bahan di atas mengikut kumpulan bahan dan radas dalam ruang di bawah ini.

1(g) [3 marks]


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2. Cells are basic units of living organism. They consist of cellular components and organelles that can be seen by using microscope.

Design an experiment to investigate the difference of structures in a plant cell and an animal cell that can be seen under a light microscope.

The planning of your experiment must include the following aspects:

Problem statement

Aim of investigation



List of apparatus and materials

Technique used

Experimental procedure or method

Presentation of data


[17 marks]



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INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of two questions. Answer all questions. 2. Write your answers for Question 1 in the spaces provided in the question paper. 3. Write your answers for Question 2 on the ‘helaian tambahan’ provided by the invigilators. You may use equations, diagram, tables, graphs and other suitable methods to explain your answer. 4. Show your working, it may help you to get marks. 5. If you wish to change your answer, neatly cross out the answer that you have done . Then write down the new answer. 6. The diagrams in the questions are not drawn to scale unless stated. 7. Marks allocated for each question or part question are shown in brackets. 8. The time suggested to answer Question 1 is 45 minutes and Question 2 is 45 minutes. 9. You may use a non/programmable scientific calculator. 10. Hand in all your answer sheets at the end of the examination.

Marks awarded: Score 3 2 1 0


Description Excellent : The best response Satisfactory : An average response Weak : An inaccurate response No response or wrong response

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MARKING SCHEME : PAPER THREE – TRIAL BIOLOGY 2008 Question 1 : 1(a) Score Explanation Able to record all readings of temperature and the distance movement of water in the potometer correctly. 3 10 oC = 3.0 cm 20 oC = 5.0 cm 30 oC = 8.5 cm 40 oC = 9.0 cm 2 Able to record any three distances. 1 Able to record any two distance. 0 No response or wrong response 1(b)(i) Score


Explanation Able to state two correct observations based on following criteria. C1 – Temperature C2 – The distance of air bubble movement within 5 minutes. Sample Answer:(either 2): 1. The air bubble moves from 0 cm to 5.0 cm at the temperature 20oC after 5 minutes 2 . The air bubble moves from 0 cm to 8.5 cm at the temperature 30oC after 5 minutes 3 . The air bubble moves from 0 cm to 9.0 cm at the temperature 40oC after 5 minutes

2 1 0

Able to state one correct observation and one inaccurate response. Able to state one correct observation or two inaccurate response or idea. No response or wrong response (response like hypothesis) 1(b) (ii)

Score 3

Explanation Able to state two reasonable inferences for the observation. Sample answer: 1. The water molecules evaporate from surface of the leaves slowly under low temperature causing the air bubble to move in short distance. 2. The water molecules evaporate from surface of the leaves rapidly under high temperature causing the air bubbles to move in long distance.

2 1 0


Able to state one correct inference and one inaccurate inference. Able to state one correct inference or two inaccurate inference or idea. No response or wrong response (inference like hypothesis)

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1(c) Score


2 1 0

Explanation Able to state all the variables and the method to handle variable correctly (√) for each variable and method Manipulated Variable: Temperature (√) Method to handle: The potometer is put under different temperature. (√) Responding Variable: The distance of air bubble . (√) Method to handle: Measure and record the distance by using the ruler. (√) Controlled variable : Size of plant shoot/ size of air bubble/ humidity/intensity of light (√) Method to handle: Use the plant shoot with the same size/ maintain the size of air bubble/ humidity / intensity of light. (√) Able to get 6 √ Able to get 4 – 5 √ Able to get 2 – 3 √ No response or wrong response 1(d)

Score 3

2 1 0

Explanation Able to state the hypothesis correctly based on the following criteria: V1 – State the temperature. V2 – State the meniscus movement R - State the relationship between V1 and V2. As the temperature increases, the rate of transpiration increases too. // The rate of transpiration/(meniscus movement) is higher when the temperature increase Able to state the hypothesis but less accurate. Able to state the idea of the hypothesis No response or wrong response 1(e)(i)



2 1 0


Explanation Able to construct a table and record the result of the experiment with the following criteria: C – State all four temperature reading. (√) – with unit D – Transfer all data correctly. (√) T – Calculate the rate of transpiration (1/minute) (√) If without unit (x). Temperature (0C) Distance of air Rate of transpiration (cm/min) bubble (cm) 10 3.0 0.6 20 5.0 1.0 30 8.5 1.7 40 9.0 1.8 Able to construct a table and record any two criteria Able to construct a table and record any one criteria No response or wrong response

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1(e)(ii) Score 3

2 1 0

Explanation Able to draw a graph of rate of transpiration against the temperature. Axes (A) – both axis are labeled with units, uniform scales, independent variable on horizontal axis. (√) Point (P) – All points are correctly plotted. (√) Shape (S) – All points are connected smoothly (√). (If the graph attaches the axis (x). Graph with any two criteria. Graph with any one criteria. No response or wrong response. 1(e)(iii)

Score 3

2 1 0

Explanation Able to explain the relationship between the rate of transpiration and temperature correctly. When the temperature increase, the rate of transpiration increase because water molecules evaporate faster. Able to explain briefly the relationship between rate of transpiration and the temperature Able to explain the idea of the relationship between rate of transpiration and the temperature No response or wrong response 1(f)(i)

Score 3

Explanation Able to state the definition of transpiration operationally, complete and correct, based on the following criteria. C1 – the function of transpiration C2 – the effect on plant C3 – the factor that affect on transpiration.

2 1 0


Transpiration is the loss of water vapour from the hibiscus leaves causing the air bubble move in the capillary tube and affected by the temperature. Able to state the definition of transpiration based on any two criteria. Able to state the definition of transpiration based on any one criteria. No response or wrong response

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1(f)(ii) Score 3

Explanation Able to predict correctly and explain the prediction based on the following item: C1 – the distance of air bubble. C2 – higher light intensity cause faster rate of photosynthesis C3 – the opening of stomata bigger, the rate of transpiration higher.

2 1 0

The distance of the air bubble is further/more than 9 cm because the photosynthesis rate is higher due to a higher light intensity and cause higher rate of transpiration. Able to predict based on any two criteria. Able to predict based on any one criteria. No response or wrong response

1(g) Score

Explanation Able to classify the apparatus and materials used.

Apparatus Material

Lamp, meter rule, stop watch, capillary tube, rubber tube, knife, basin, retort stand. Vaseline, plant shoot


Able to classify all the apparatus and materials correctly.


Able to classify all the apparatus correctly but only one material // 5-7 apparatus correctly with 2 materials. // 6-7 apparatus correctly with 1 material.


Able to classify 3-4 apparatus correctly with 2 materials


No response or wrong response


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Question 2 : Aspect

Sample Answer


To investigate different cellular structures that present in a plant cell and animal cell that can be seen under light microscope.

Do cellular structures in plant cell differ from that of in animal cell?

3 marks

How can we see plant cell and animal cell?

2 marks

( without question mark )

1 mark √

Problem statement

Remarks 1 mark



More cellular components can be seen in plant cell compared to animal cell.

3 marks

Plant cell different from animal cell.

2 marks 1 mark √


Manipulative variable: types of cells Responding variable: the presence of cellular components Fixed variable: same microscope, same magnification

3 marks

Only two correct variables

2 marks

Only one correct variable Apparatus and materials

Materials : Cheek cell, Onion bulb ,iodine solution , distilled water, methylene blue


Apparatus : a light microscope, glass slide, cover slips, a scalpel , forceps, a glass dropper, mounting needle and filter paper.

Technique used

Observe and draw the shape and cellular structure of plant cell and animal by using light microscope.

1 mark √ All present – 3marks 2 materials and 2 app – 2 marks – 1 mark √ 3 mark for report

Observe the shape and structure of plant cell Observe the shape /structure of plant cell

2 marks 1 mark √

Procedure KB061204


1.Obtain scale leaf from onion bulb 2. Using a pair of forceps, peel off the transparent epidermis from the inner surface of onion scale leaf. 3. Put a drop of water onto the middle of the slide and place the epidermis on the drop of water. 4. With help of mounting needle, cover the specimen with cover slip 5. Add a drop of iodine solution onto one side of cover slip. 6. Place a filter paper at the opposite end of the cover slip to allow the iodine solution to spread through the epidermis. 7. Use a piece of filter paper to absorb the excess iodine solution. 8. Examine the slide under light microscope using the low power objective lens and then the high power objective lens. 9. Draw the epidermis and label the structure which can be

8/9P – 3 m 5-7P – 2 m 3/4P

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- 1m √



Planning KB061203

observe. Correct Diagram Labelling – membrane cell,cell wall ,nucleus , vacuole Magnification

1mark 1 mark 1 mark

There are more cellular components that can be seen in plant cell under light microscope compared to animal cell. Hypothesis accepted.

1 mark

Able to state correctly 7 aspects (7 ticks) - 3 marks 5/6 aspects (5/6 ticks) - 2 marks 3-4 aspects (3-4 ticks) - 1 mark <3 - 0 mark



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