Perhitungan - Aib.xlsx

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 933
  • Pages: 11
Data : GAMPING Panjang core (L) 2.5 cm L. Penampang (A) 3.8 cm2 Beda tekanan (∆P) 0.25 atm Flow reading 70 Lajualiran (Qg) 0.49 cc/detik Viskositas gas (µg) 0.0183 cp K 0.235974 k* 0.17301

PASIR Panjang core (L) 2.6 L. Penampang (A) 4.9 Beda tekanan (∆P) 0.25 Flow reading 19 Lajualiran (Qg) 0.365 Viskositas gas (µg) 0.0183 K 0.141769 K* 0.04127

Beda tekanan (∆P) 0.5 atm Flow reading 79 Lajualiran (Qg) 0.65 cc/detik Viskositas gas (µg) 0.183 cp K 0.156513 k* 0.004954

Beda tekanan (∆P) 0.5 Flow reading 26 Lajualiran (Qg) 0.52 Viskositas gas (µg) 0.0183 K 0.100986 k* 0.01475

Beda tekanan (∆P) 1 atm Flow reading 98 Lajualiran (Qg) 0.91 cc/detik Viskositas gas (µg) 0.0183 cp 0.109559 k K* 0.01186

Beda tekanan (∆P) 1 Flow reading 31 Lajualiran (Qg) 0.885 Viskositas gas (µg) 0.0183 0.085935 K K* 0.002944

GAMPING Beda Tekanan (atm) Laju alir (cc/det) Permeabilitas (D) Pm

cm cm2 atm

0.25 0.5 1

0.49 0.65 0.91

0.2359736842 0.1565131579 0.1095592105


0.625 1.6 0.75 1.333333 1 1

cc/detik cp

atm cc/detik cp

atm cc/detik cp

GAMPING Beda Tekanan (atm) Laju alir (cc/det) Permeabilitas (D) Pm 0.25 0.5 1

0.365 0.52 0.885

0.1417689796 0.1009861224 0.0859353061


0.625 1.6 0.75 1.333333 1 1

a (tan a) c (k abs) 0.2078

K real

-0.1051 -1.97716 0.171967

a (tan a) c (k abs) 0.0911



K real

-0.0099 -9.20202 0.111567


NO 1 2 3 4 5

NO 1 2 3 4 5 6

GARIS ISOPACH LUAS AREA (ACRE) A0 551.2 A1 799.2 A2 1357.8 A3 1986.9 A4 2571.7 TOTAL

An+1/An 0 0.68969 0.588599 0.683376 0.772602

METODE INTERVAL 3 Trapezoidal 10 Trapezoidal 10 Trapezoidal 10 Trapezoidal 10 43

FORMASI TALANG AKAR (pasir) GARIS ISOPACH LUAS AREA (ACRE) An+1/An METODE INTERVAL A0 25.3 0 3 A1 155.3 0.16291 Pyramidal 10 A2 834.9 0.18601 Pyramidal 10 A3 1116.8 0.747582 Trapezoidal 10 A4 2196.3 0.508492 Trapezoidal 10 A5 3576.9 0.614023 Pyramidal 10 TOTAL 53


VOLUME (Acre-ft) 734.9333333333 6752 10785 16723.5 22793 57788.4333333333

Sw porositas Keff (mD) Re (ft) Rw (ft) Pe (Psi) Pwf (Psi) Boi (STB/bbl)

877 0.3 0.0856 29.17 2197 0.57 1800 894 1.373704

OOIP (STB) 19555518.61 172

Q (STB/day)

70.93370245 418.2583758

OOIP (STB) 48460809.95

VOLUME (Acre-ft) Sw porositas 33.7333333333 Keff (mD) 810.9415122841 Re (ft) 4500.9442734449 Rw (ft) 9758.5 Pe (Psi) 16565.5 Pwf (Psi) 28866 60535.6191190623 viskositas oil (Cp)

0.37 0.225 28.73 2000 0.57 1900 944 10


Q (STB/day)

91.90910751 356.6956313

Gas permeameter liq permeameter

PI Qb PI*Pb/1,8 Qmax 0.461654 426.1065 224.92800806 651.0345 0.078293 72.26469 38.146220902 110.4109

PI Qb PI*Pb/1,8 Qmax Gas permeameter 0.373113 381.6942 181.78874282 563.4829 liq permeameter 0.096139 98.35044 46.841171132 145.1916

PI Ps Pwf Pb Qb Qmax (PI*Pb)/1,8

0,2(Pwf/Pb) 0.1824401368 0.1596351197 0.1368301026 0.1140250855 0.0912200684 0.0684150513 0.0456100342 0.0228050171 0

BATU RAJA (GAMPING) 0.461654 1800 894 877 426.1065 651.0345 224.928

0,8(Pwf/Pb)^0,2 0.7854310495 0.7647327269 0.7415156448 0.7149638263 0.6837574426 0.6455268623 0.5952454268 0.5181912416 0

IPR BATU RAJA Pwf Qo 1800 0 1700 46.16538 1600 92.33077 1500 138.4962 1400 184.6615 1300 230.8269 1200 276.9923 1100 323.1577 1000 369.3231 900 415.4885 800 439.7968 700 458.3338 600 477.9442 500 498.9754 400 521.99 300 547.9977 200 579.1403 100 621.691 0 651.0345

PI Ps Pwf Pb Qb Qmax (PI*Pb)/1,8

0,2(Pwf/Pb) 0.1824401368 0.1596351197 0.1368301026 0.1140250855 0.0912200684 0.0684150513 0.0456100342 0.0228050171 0

TALANG AKAR (PASIR) 0.373112585 1900 944 877 381.6941745 563.4829173 181.7887428

0,8(Pwf/Pb)^0,2 0.7854310495 0.7647327269 0.7415156448 0.7149638263 0.6837574426 0.6455268623 0.5952454268 0.5181912416 0

IPR TALANG AKAR Pwf Qo 1900 0 1800 37.31126 1700 74.62252 1600 111.9338 1500 149.245 1400 186.5563 1300 223.8676 1200 261.1788 1100 298.4901 1000 335.8013 900 373.1126 800 393.9576 700 410.5625 600 428.1289 500 446.9681 400 467.5839 300 490.8809 200 518.7776 100 556.8932 0 563.4829

TALANG AKAR (pasir) 0.37 OOIP (STB) porositas 0.225 URlp (STB) Klp 28.73 Qlp (STB/day) Pi (Psi) 1900 t (days) Pa (Psi) 861.5 Np (STB) vis water (cp) 1 Remaining Reserves viskositas oil (Cp) 10 Boi (bbl/STB) 1.3737 (Ɵ(1-sw)/Boi)^0,0422 0.908605 (klp*viswater/visoil)^0,0979 1.108846 (kgp*viswater/visoil)^0,0979 Sw^(-0,1903) 1.20829 (Pi/Pa)^-0,2159 0.843022 RFlp 56.33947 RFgp


48460809.949 27302562.455 URgp (STB) 91.909107507 Qgp (STB/day) 14235 t (days) 1308326.1454 Np (STB) 25994236.31 Remaining Reserves



BATU RAJA (gamping) Sw

0.3 OOIP (STB) porositas 0.0856 URlp (STB) Keff 29.17 Qlp (STB/day) Pi (Psi) 1800 t (days) Pa (Psi) 861.5 Np (STB) vis water (cp) 1 Remaining Reserves viskositas oil (Cp) 10 Boi (bbl/STB) 1.3737 (Ɵ(1-sw)/Boi)^0,0422 0.876182 (klp*viswater/visoil)^0,0979 1.110497 (kgp*viswater/visoil)^0,0979 Sw^(-0,1903) 1.257488 (Pi/Pa)^-0,2159 0.85292 RFlp 57.29021 RFgp

19555518.609 11203397.261 URgp (STB) 70.933702449 Qgp (STB/day) 14235 t (days) 1009741.2544 Np (STB) 10193656.007 Remaining Reserves



TALANG AKAR (pasir) 31178883.62 490.8808796 14235 6987689.322 24191194.3

KONSTANT 63 TAHUN DARI AWAL PRODUKSI Qlp (STB/day) 91.909107507 UR 27302562.45542 t (days) 22995 Np 2113449.927132 Remaining Reserves 25189112.52829 Qgp (STB/day) 490.88087964 UR 31178883.62244 t (days) 22995 Np 11287805.82721 Remaining Reserves 19891077.79523 Q DIRUBAH SETELAH PRODUKSI 39 TAHUN Q (STB/day) 556.89322862 UR 27302562.45542 Np 39 6987689.3216 time (days) 8760 Np(39-63) 4878384.682677 Np 63 11866074.00429 remaining reserve 15436488.45113

BATU RAJA (Gamping) 13328789 547.9976984 14235 7800747.237 5528041.808

KONSTANT 63 TAHUN DARI AWAL PRODUKSI Qlp (STB/day) 70.93 UR 11203397.26123 t (days) 22995 Np 1631035.35 Remaining Reserves 9572361.911231 Qgp (STB/day) 547.9976984 UR 13328789.04517 t (days) 22995 Np 12601207.07478 Remaining Reserves 727581.9703854 Q DIRUBAH SETELAH PRODUKSI 39 TAHUN Q (STB/day) 621.69096455 UR 13328789.04517 Np 39 7800747.2368 time (days) 8760 Np(39-63) 5446012.849429 Np 63 13246760.0862 remaining reserve 82028.95896919

1 2 3 4 5

BATU RAJA Q Pres-Pwf pwf 39 418.25 909.2391 890.7609 PI 45 397.3375 863.7772 936.2228 Pres 51 377.4706 820.5883 979.4117 57 358.5971 779.5589 1020.441 63 340.6672 740.581 1059.419

1 2 3 4 5

TALANG AKAR Q Pres-Pwf pwf 39 356.7 956.3003 943.6997 PI 45 338.865 908.4853 991.5147 Pres 51 321.9218 863.061 1036.939 57 305.8257 819.9079 1080.092 63 290.5344 778.9125 1121.087





0.46 1800

0.373 1900

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