Perfect Score Section 6 Design Experiment

  • July 2020
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  • Pages: 10
Section 6 : Design experiment Q 1

Experiment Mass and acceleration

Manipulated variable Mass/ number of trolley


3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Fixed variable Force

Topic Force and motion

Rise in temperature/ Final temperature Resistance

Time to heat up the water Length of wire


Time taken


Depth of thistle funnel Height of magnet Temperature

Different height in water level Current

Density of water Number of coil

Catapult field/ interaction between two magnetic field Water pressure in manometer Induced current



Charles’ law


Period of oscillation Depth of straw sink

Length of jigsaw blade Density of water



Number of pins attracted

Number of turn of solenoid

Mass of salt dissolved in water Mass of dissolved in water Depth of rod sink in water

Different depth of water level

Depth of thistle funnel

Buoyant force

Different depth of water

Depth of thistle funnel

Liquid pressure

Apparent weight

Density of water

Buoyant force

Length of wire Temperature


Thickness of wire





Extension of spring

Length of wire/ Thickness of wire Spring constant/ force constant

Gas pressure

Volume of gas


Boyle’s law

Mass of water and rise in temperature

Mass of water

Resistance and thickness of wire Current and time taken for the copper rod to travel

Thickness of wire Current/ Number of battery

Depth of water and water pressure Height of magnet and induced current Temperature and volume of gas Mass and period of oscillation Mass and volume of water displaced Current and strength of electromagnetic Density of water and volume of water displaced Density of water and water pressure Volume of water displaced and buoyant force Length of wire and resistance Resistance of wire and temperature Mass and load and extension of the spring Volume of gas and gas pressure

Responding variable Acceleration

Mass of sand


Hydrometer/ Archimedes’ principle Electromagnetic strength

Hooke’s law

Section 6 – DESIGN EXPERIMENT [PAPER 3 SECTION B FOR Q3/Q4] Based on the diagram in Q1 – Q15 : (a) State one suitable inference. [1 mark]

(b) State one suitable hypothesis. [1 mark] (c)

With the use of apparatus such as ……………………., …………..…. and other apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in (b). In your description, state clearly the following; (i) Aim of the experiment. (ii) Variables in the experiment. (iii) List of apparatus and materials. (iv) Arrangement of the apparatus. (v) The procedure of the experiment which include the method of controlling the manipulated variable and the method of measuring the responding variable. (vi) The way you would tabulate the data. (vii) The way you would analyse the data.

[10 mark] N Situation o Q1 [Terengganu 2007 P3 (B) Q3] A boy pushed the boxes along a level walkway in Diagram 1.1. The boy experiences the boxes move slowly. When the box removes one of the boxes as shown in diagram 1.2, he experiences that the box moves faster than before although the same force was applied

Figure 1.1

Figure 1.2

[Chap 2.5 Effect of forces]


Q8 [SPM 2006 P3 (B) Q3] Diagram 8.1 shows two wooden tops.

One of the tops is partly coated with tin. Both tops are the same size and are rotated with the same velocity. Diagram 8.2 shows the top which is partly coated with tin able top spin longer. wood

Diagram 3.1


Diagram 3.2

[Chap 2.3 : inertia]


[Johore 2008 P3] Diagram 4.1 shows a cradle with a baby in it, is oscillating vertically. Diagram 4.2 shows another identical cradle with a heavier baby in it, is oscillating vertically. It is observed that the cradle with a heavier mass oscillates at a higher frequency. Spring cradle

Spring cradle

5 – month old baby 10 – month old baby DIAGRAM 4.1 / RAJAH 4.1




Q5 [Kelantan 2007 P3 (B) Q3] Diagram 3.1 shows a man is in a leaking boat. He noticed that the water spurt coming from the hole at the bottom of the boat is higher compared to the one from the side.

[Chap 3.2 liquid pressure]

Q13. [SBP 2008 P3 (section B) midterm Q3] Diagram 13.1 shows a diver in the sea. Diagram 13.2 shows the same diver dives in the fresh water in the same depth. Sea water is more dense than fresh water. The diver found that his ears will be more painful when diving in the sea water compared to the fresh water.

Diagram 3.1

Diagram 3.2

[Chap 3.2 liquid pressure]



[Pahang 2008 P3 (section B) Q3] Diagram 18.1 shows an oxygen host in an aquarium which produce some air bubbles. The volume of the air bubbles increase when the bubbles reach the surface of water. Air pump


Football pressure [LTS 2004 Perak] Figure below shows the ball in two different situations, the football is placed at the football field at the early morning and while another ball is exposed to hot sun at noon.

Early morning

at noon (waktu tengahari)

Observe the shape of the football at the early morning and at noon.


Q2 [MRSM 2007 P3 (B) Q3] Diagram 2.1 and 2.2 shows two similar electric kettles used to boil water. The power ratings for the kettles are “240 V, 100 0W”. It is found that the water in the kettle in Diagram 2.2 boils faster than the water in the kettle in diagram 2.1

240 V, 1000 W

240 V, 1000 W

Q3 [Selangor 2007 P3 (B) Q4] Diagram 3.1 shows an electric kettle use to boil water with a heating element. The heating coil that lies within the heating element (as shown in diagram 3.2 and in diagram 3.3) heats up when a current pass through. Two kettles with different heating coils inside the heating element are used to boil 1 litre of water. The length and material of both coils are the same. The kettle with the coil shown in diagram 3.2 will heat up water faster than the kettle with the coil shown in diagram 3.3

Heating element


Heating element Unsur pemanas

Q4 [Terengganu 2007 P3 (section B) Q4] Diagram 4 shows a model of direct current motor. He found that the rotation of the coil speed up faster when he use more batteries. Copper coil


N commutator

S Carbon brushes

Q6 Diagram below shows a boy cycling at night. The bicycle’s lamp becomes brighter when he cycles faster.

Q7 Aleesa was playing a game of ping pong (table tennis) with her friend and they are left with only one ping pong ball playing for a while. They found that the ping pong ball had a slight dent in it. Aleesa observed that the dented ping pong ball as in figure 7.1 was restored after pouring hot water on it as shown in figure 7.2


Diagram 9.1 shows a fisherman starting his fishing journey in the morning. Diagram 9.2 shows the fishermen returning a boat loaded with fish. The boat sinks deeper to the water



Modified question SPM 2005 P2 (Part B) Q9(a) Diagram 10.1 shows fisherman finds that his boats is at different levels in the sea and in the river, although the boat carries the same load. The density of sea water is 1 025 kg m-3 and of river water is 1 000 kg m-3. Figure 10.1 and 10. 2 illustrate the situation of the boat in the sea and in the river.

In the sea


In the river

Diagram 10.1 [SPM Trials “Sembilan State” 2005 Paper 3 Q2]

Diagram 10.2

Sea level

land sea Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 1 shows a marine scientist able to lift the treasure hunt from the base of the seabed (dasar laut). Figure 2 shows with the same treasure hunt lifted from sea to land, both of the scientist find it is difficult to lift the treasure hunt compared to the sea.


[SBP 2007 P3 (section B) Q3]

Diagram 3.1 and Diagram 3.2 show a boat with different load. It is observed that the boat in Diagram 3.2 sinks more than in Diagram 3.1. Rajah 3.1 dan Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan bot yang berlainan muatan. Didapati bahawa bot di dalam Rajah 3.2 tenggelam lebih dalam berbanding Rajah 3.1


Diagram 3.1 : river

Diagram 3.2 : river

[Johore 2007 P3 (B) Q3]

Diagram 3.1 shows a student holds a balloon which is tied to a string. When she releases the balloon, the balloon moves upward. She noticed that the balloon becomes bigger as it moves higher as shown in diagram 3.2


[Johore 2008 P3 Q3] Diagram 3.1 shows a cake before being baked.

Diagram 3.2 show cake after being baked. Cake before being baked [kek sebelum dibakar]


Cake after being baked [kek selepas dibakar]



Diagram 14.1 shows a boy trying to pull out a fish from the water. Diagram 13.2 shows the boy is having difficulty to pull out the fish from the water when half of the fish body is already out of the water.


Diagram 15.1 and 15.2 shows two roadside stalls “ABC” and “PAU”. Both stalls are using the same bulbs and batteries are new conditions. The bulb at “ABC” stalls is brighter than the bulb at the “PAU” stall.



Diagram 16 shows a “12 V, 12 W” light bulb connected to a 12 V power supply. The ammeter reading is 1.0 A. After a while, it is noticed that the ammeter reading is 0.9 A. The bulb becomes hotter.


Figure 17.1 and 17.2 shows the length of the same spring cradle when two babies of different masses are placed on them. The initial length of the spring is 10 cm.


[Modified SBP 2007 P3 (section B) Q3] Diagram 10 shows an electromagnetic crane is used to carry scrapped metal in industrial area. When the current floes in the electromagnetic is reduced. It is noticed that the amount of scrapped metal carried will be less.


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