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Materi yang Dibahas dalam buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD “Grow with English”

Topik Materi yang Dibahas Semester Ganjil

Topik 1. I want ice cream 2. He is a doctor 3. This is my Family 4. Monster Monty has two big eyes 5. Mira is wearing a blue dress 6. Review 1


7. Happy Birthday 8. It’s five o’clock 9. Bobby is flying a kite 10. The school is near the bank 11. The computer is next to the printer 12. Review 2

Review hasil telaah buku pada semester ganjil Topik




Perintah I

This chapter discusses the vocabulary of food and drink and its pronunciation with correct pronunciation, after understanding the vocabulary, students converse with simple sentences about food and drink. This topic includes 4 language skills, namely reading, listening, speaking, writing which are divided into each point. Overall, from point A to point K it is suitable for grade 3 elementary school, which needs to be analyzed here is an explanation of "I am = I'm", "Do you" has been used here, this can be justified if the purpose of explanation is just to introduce pronouns I am and the Do you ask sentence in its use to ask / say something, so it is not related to the explanation of to be, besides here there are songs whose lyrics are from food and drink vocabulary, but unfortunately the teacher does not know how to sing it, the song's tone is unknown , so the song can't be used






A. Look and Say

In point A included in reading skills, a picture of food and drinks and their vocabulary is displayed, for example: bread, chicken, cake, noodle. The meaning of the vocabulary is in accordance with the picture shown, so

students can observe the picture and than say it, this is very useful for students because, before learning to listen and converse students have learned to remember new vocabulary. B. Listen repeat

and In point B this includes listening and reading skills, displayed very simple phrases related to the previous vocabulary, namely: Iam thirsty hungry and Iam where the teacher reads, then students hear then mimic what the teacher says, this certainly further trains students' ability to speak

C. Practice with In point C this includes listening, speaking, writing skills. The teacher your friends reads phrases that contain the relationship between food / drink and the utterances that are used according to the picture, the students imitate, then practice with friends, then students complete the sentence below according to the picture. So the skills learned are more complex to strengthen point B D. Listen Repeat

and At point D this includes listening and speaking skills, the teacher reads short conversations related to food / drink, students mimic, these points strengthen students' understanding in point C, so students can be more fluent in uttering simple, rather long conversations

E. Complete the sentences and practice F. Listen Repeat

At point E this includes writing and speaking skills where students are told to complete the sentence according to the picture, then say with their friends, this point strengthens point D

and In point F this includes listening and speaking skills where the teacher reads a short conversation, students hear and

imitate it, this point strengthens the E point G. Complete the In point G this includes writing and speaking skills where students are told sentences and to complete the sentence according to the picture, then say with their friends, practice this point strengthens point F H. Listen practice

and In point H this includes listening and speaking skills where the teacher reads a rather long conversation in one theme, students hear and practice with friends, this point strengthens point G

and In point I this includes writing skills, students are told to complete the choose the conversation according to the food / drink picture on each question, where right picture the first question of the student only partially completes the conversation that is not complete, until the conversation is still incomplete, this point strengthens point H

I. Listen

and In point J this includes listening skills, students listen to the phrases spoken by choose the the teacher, then choose the right picture according to what the teacher right picture says, this point strengthens point I

J. Listen

K. Lets sing a In this point K includes listening and speaking skills, students are invited to song sing by the teacher about food and drink, by first hearing the teacher sing, actually these points can make students happy, but if the teacher does not know the tone of the song, the teacher cannot teach it to students so these K points will not be useful for students

This chapter discusses the introduction of vocabulary types of work, phrases, sentences, conversations about types of work, completing sentences, making dialogues, true statements false "true / false", in general this unit 2 includes 4 language skills namely reading, listening, speaking, writing are divided into point A to I, and the contents of each point are suitable for grade 3 elementary school. Students have been invited to have a conversation stating yes or no, examples of question sentences used include: "Are you a student ?, Is he a doctor ?, What do you do? What does he / she do ?, Who is he / she? ", This can be justified if the purpose of use is only to introduce question sentences in their varied uses, so it is not related to the explanation of to be.

He is a 2 doctor

A. Look Say

and In point A this includes the skills to read new vocabulary about the type of work, the students observe the picture that are meanings of vocabulary, then read vocabulary, so before learning the material further students are invited to get to know vocabulary first

and In point B this includes listening and speaking skills, the teacher says the practice sentence that matches the type of work, then the students practice it, this point strengthens point A

B. Listen

and In point C this includes listening and speaking skills, the teacher pronounces practice the conversation sentence which states yes or no, then the students hear then practice, this point strengthens point B

C. Listen

D. Complete the in point D this includes writing and speaking skills, where students must sentences and complete the conversation or not, then practice with practice the conversation with friends, this point strengthens point C your friends and In point E includes listening and speaking skills, the teacher pronounces Practice the conversation sentence that states yes or no about another person, then the student hears then practices, this point strengthens point D

E. Listen

F. Complete the In point F this includes writing and speaking skills, where students must sentences and complete conversations or not about practice with other people, then practice the conversation with friends, this point your friends strengthens point E and In point G this includes listening and speaking skills, the teacher speaks the Practice conversation sentence about the work done, then the students hear then practice, this point develops point F

G. Listen

H. Complete the in point H includes writing and speaking skills, where students must sentences and complete conversations about the work practice with done, then practice the conversation with friends, this point strengthens your friends point G and In point I this includes listening and speaking skills, the teacher utters the Practice conversation sentence about the work done by another person, then the students hear then practice, this point develops the point E

I. Listen

J. Complete the In point J this includes writing and speaking skills, where students must sentences and complete conversations about work done by other people, then practice the

practice with conversation with friends, this point strengthens point I your friends a In point K includes writing skills, there are examples of conversations about the dialog with work of others, students are told to complete the conversation according to your friend the picture, where the first question of students only partially completes the conversation that is not complete, until the conversation is empty, this point strengthen points H

K. Make

and In point L includes listening skills, students listen to the phrases spoken by circle true or the teacher, then determine which sentences are heard right or wrong, false circle true if true and false if wrong, this point strengthens point B

L. Listen

This my family

is 3

This chapter discusses family member recognition, phrases, sentences, conversations about family members, completing sentences, making dialogue, telling stories. In general, unit 3 includes 4 language skills, namely reading, listening, speaking, writing which are divided into points A to I, and the contents of each point are suitable for grade 3 elementary school. What needs to be analyzed in this chapter is point B which explains the person pronoun I = my, You = your, it is permissible for grade 3 students to understand in learning phrases or sentences using pronouns so students are not confused, then student K points are asked draw a family tree and explain it through the story below, actually this point is heavy for grade 3 students, but it can be helped with the role of the teacher who must guide students together so that they can do this task

A. Listen Repeat

and In point A this includes listening and reading skills, very simple phrases about family members are displayed, where the teacher reads, then students hear and then imitates what the teacher says, this certainly further trains students' ability to recognize new vocabulary and speak

B. Complete the This point is a writing skill, students must spell vocabulary about family words members, but at the end there is an explanation of pronouns I = my and you = your, this is suitable for use in grade 3 because it only explains in a simple way so students know its use, not in depth C. Listen Repeat

and This point is a listening skill, students listen to conversations about the introduction of family members by the teacher, then imitate it. The concept of my and your is used here, this point strengthens points A and B

D. Complete the This point is a writing and speaking skill, students must complete the sentences and conversation then practice with their friends, this point strengthens point C practice E. Listen Repeat

F. Practice dialogs

G. Listen say

and This point is a listening and speaking skill, students hear conversations by the teacher, then practice with friends the This point is a speaking skill, students practice conversations with their friends, this can train students' speaking skills and This point is a listening and speaking skill, students hear conversations about someone's work by the teacher, then students mimic, here we have used the

question word who is she / he ?, what does he / she? The use of the question word is already in accordance with KD 2.1 but the explanation must be simply not specifically that is to be it H. Complete the This point is a writing and speaking skill, students must complete the sentences and conversation then practice with their practice with friends, this point strengthens point G your friend I. Read the text

This point is a reading skill, students read about large families, which can be adjusted to the pictures of family members, this is good for strengthening students' understanding of reading

J. Look at the This point is a reading and writing skill, where students must observe pictures of family tree family members, find out their work and complete and then complete incomplete sentences, here students are required to the text understand new family members can complete the incomplete part your This point is a writing skill, students are asked to draw a family tree and explain family tree through the story below, actually this and write point is heavy for grade 3 students, but can be helped with the role of the about it teacher who must guide students together so that they can do this task

K. Draw

and This point is a listening and writing skill, students are asked to determine match the the name of each person in the picture names with according to what is heard from the teacher, this point is too heavy for the people in students because it demands students' understanding of vocabulary and the picture listening ability, the solution is if the teacher continues to use this point until students listen clearly

L. Listen

Monster Monty has two big eyes


This chapter discusses body parts recognition, phrases, sentences about limbs, completing sentences, simple games, telling stories, giving statements yes or no, singing songs. In general, unit 4 includes 4 language skills, namely reading, listening, speaking, writing which are divided into points A to I, and the contents of each point are suitable for grade 3 elementary school. What needs to be analyzed in this chapter is point D which explains usage "I have ..., She has ..., He has ...", there is a difference between having and has. Have for I and Has for He / She, this includes the present perfect tenses. But if the explanation only serves as a differentiator of ownership information, then it is OK to use it, it should not explain tenses. In addition, there are songs whose lyrics are from the vocabulary of the body, but unfortunately the teacher does not know how to sing them, the song's tone is unknown, so the song cannot be used, even though the contents are very interesting when used. A. Look and Say In point A this includes the skills to read new vocabulary about members of the body, students observe images that are meanings of vocabulary, then read vocabulary, so before learning the material further students are invited to recognize vocabulary first. B. Find, circle, This point includes reading and speaking skills because students are and match asked to find the vocabulary of the body, circle it, then match it with the picture by saying it

C. Listen and do This point includes listening skills, students must hear what the teacher what your says, for example Simon says: touch your head, students must do the teacher says command, if there is no simon says, students cannot do, this point is very interesting for students because they can practice vocabulary owned directly is not just memorization D. Listen Repeat

and This point is a listening and speaking skill, students listen to the teacher and then mimic it, there is a has / introduction, this can be done but with a simple explanation so that students understand their use, they should not explain specifically for example the use of tenses.

E. Complete the This point includes writing skills, where students are asked to complete the sentences and sentence according to the picture, this point supports point A Practice F. Read the text

This point includes reading skills, where students learn to use the names of limbs through monster stories

This point includes writing and reading skills, where students learn to use the sentences and names of limbs through monster stories, then write stories according to the read them pictures of monsters given their own names, then tell stories they have made.

G. Make

and This point includes listening and writing skills, where students determine Put a thick the sentence that is heard right or wrong according to the picture

H. Listen

I. Let’s sing a This point contains listening and speaking skills, students are invited to song sing by the teacher about the limbs, by

first hearing the teacher sing, actually this point can make students happy, because the sentence used is simple, but if the teacher does not know the tone of the song, of course the teacher can't teach it to students so this point won't be useful for students Mira

This chapter discusses the introduction of clothing, phrases, sentences about clothing, completing vocabulary, simple games, telling stories, circling true / false statements, completing conversations, singing songs. In general, unit 5 includes 4 language skills, namely reading, listening, speaking, writing which are divided into points A to K, and the contents of each point are suitable for grade 3 elementary school. What needs to be analyzed in this chapter is point D which explains usage I am wearing ..., he is wearing ..., she is wearing .... It should not be explained here for use to be is and am, this is not allowed for 3rd grade elementary school, and wearing is included in the present continuous tense , should use wear. But if the explanation only serves as a differentiator of the subject's information, then it is okay to use it, it should not explain tenses. In addition, there are songs whose lyrics are from vocabulary about clothes, but unfortunately the teacher doesn't know how to sing it, the song's tone is unknown, so the song cannot be used.

is 5

wearing a



A. Lok and Say

In point A this includes the skills to read new vocabulary about clothes, students observe images that are meanings of vocabulary, then read vocabulary, so before learning the material further students are invited to

get to know vocabulary first and then pronounce with proper pronunciation what This point includes writing skills, students must write clothing labels pictures they according to the picture, this point is the development of point A are

B. Write

C. Color pictures

the This point includes writing skills, students are asked to color the image according to the colors stated in the picture, this greatly helps students remember the color vocabulary that has been learned so that students understand more

D. Look and say

This point includes speaking skills where the teacher trains students to remember the name of the clothes and their pronunciation

the This point includes reading skills, students are asked to circle the choice correct one of words that are correct according to the picture, this point is the development of point B

E. Circle

F. Complete the This point includes writing skills, students are asked to complete sentences sentences, students must observe the picture before completing the sentence G. Listen write names

H. Listen Repeat

and This point includes listening skills, students listening to tapes, then writing their names on the picture, these points are too heavy for students because if the student's vocabulary is lacking / the voice being heard is not clear, students cannot work. and This point includes listening and speaking skills, where the teacher will say the conversation, then the students

imitate, this is good for training students' speaking skills I. Complete the This point includes writing and speaking skills, students are asked to sentences and complete the sentence, students must observe the picture before completing practice the sentence, then practice with friends, this point is the development of points F J. Practice with This point includes speaking skills, students complete the conversation, your friend then practice with friends next to them, this point is rather heavy for students because they have to give names and also complete sentences and practice, this point should be made easier and clear instructions K. Let’s sing a This point contains listening and speaking skills, students are invited to song sing by the teacher about the limbs, by first hearing the teacher sing, actually this point can make students happy, because the sentence used is simple, but if the teacher does not know the tone of the song, of course the teacher can not teach it to students so this point will not be useful for students, besides this song is also not widely known, it should be replaced with other songs that are better known Let’s go Review back

unit 1

This topic does not include the Chapter, but only reviews / discusses, trains students' abilities from topics 1 to 5 before. In general, this chapter contains games, and practice questions from the entire material units 1 to 5 but only covers a portion of language skills namely reading, and writing which are divided into points A to I, and the contents of each point are suitable for grade 3 elementary school.

This topic does not include the Chapter, but only reviews / discusses, trains students' abilities from topics 1 to 5 before. In general, this chapter contains games, and practice questions from the entire material units 1 to 5 but only covers a portion of language skills namely reading, and writing which are divided into points A to I, and the contents of each point are suitable for grade 3 elementary school. This topic does not include the Chapter, but only reviews / discusses, trains students' abilities from topics 1 to 5 before. In general, this chapter contains games, and practice questions from the entire material units 1 to 5 but only covers a portion of language skills namely reading, and writing which are divided into points A to I, and the contents of each point are suitable for grade 3 elementary school. the This point includes writing skills, students are asked to fill in crossword crossword puzzles based on images, this greatly helps students remember the vocabulary puzzle of the entire previous material namely food / drink, type of work, family members, members of the body This point includes writing skills, students are asked to fill in puzzles cross based on images, this is very helpful for students to remember the vocabulary of the entire previous material namely food / drink, type of work, family members, limbs

A. Do

B. Complete the This point includes writing skills, students must complete sentences that dialogs are not complete according to the picture, this trains students' memories of the vocabulary about food / drinks

does This point includes writing skills, students must write about the work he/she do? according to the shadow image, whether the shadow is male or female.

C. What

D. Complete the This point includes writing skills, students are asked to complete dialogs incomplete conversations about work, here there is mixing usage does / do, this will confuse students about its meaning, the teacher must explain to students about its use, not explain to be the This point includes writing skills, carried out in pairs, each student has differences almost the same family tree, writes their family members, then discovers the difference by writing stories of family trees owned

E. Find

F. Write words

the This point includes writing skills, students are asked to write limbs according to the picture, this is very good for training students' memories of vocabulary about body members, this point strengthens Unit 4

about This points include writing skills, students are asked to write stories about the monster Moody's monster members, this is good for training students' memories of vocabulary about body members and training students to make simple sentences, these points strengthen Unit 4 points G

G. Write

H. Find names clothes

the This point presents an interesting game that asks students to find the name of of the clothes and then circle them, this is very good for students to train their memory in material about clothing

I. Cut pictures This point presents a game that asks students to cut images of men and of men and women and then describes them in women and sentence form, this is not suitable for grade 3 elementary school students will describe them find it difficult to find pictures to attach, and to start students' sentences will be difficult because there are no opening clues. Happy Birthday


This chapter discusses the introduction of months, phrases, sentences about age and months, completing sentences, circling true or false statements, singing songs. In general, unit 6 includes 4 language skills, namely reading, listening, speaking, writing which are divided into points A to I, and the contents of each point are suitable for grade 3 elementary school. What needs to be analyzed in this chapter is point C which explains the use of I am ..., she is ..., is it ... In point E it is used in this case to show the month: in March. Points F question sentence How old are you ?, Point G: When is your birthday .?my birthday is in August This should not be explained here for use to be and am, this is not allowed for 3rd grade students. But if the explanation only serves as a differentiator of the subject's information, then it is OK to use it, it should not explain about to be / tenses. At point I there is a Happy Birthday song, the song is already known so that it can be used to sing with students. A. Look and Say In point A this includes the skills to read new vocabulary about the name of the moon, students observe the image which is the meaning of the vocabulary, then read the vocabulary, so before learning the material further students are invited to get to know the

B. Try to guess

C. Listen Repeat

vocabulary first and then pronounce it correctly This point includes writing skills, students are asked to determine the month in question from the question that mentions the characteristics of the month by spelling in the answer box, this point is the development of point A

and This point includes writing skills, students are asked to determine the month in question from the question that mentions the characteristics of the month by spelling in the answer box, this point meruPoin includes speaking skills, where the teacher pronounces the sentence in the picture that shows someone's age, then students have to imitate, here it has been explained the use of she is, he is, i am, the teacher must explain to students about its use, not explain to the development of point A

D. Complete the This point asks students to complete sentences that are not complete sentences according to the picture, students are required to observe the image and write it down E. Complete the This point asks students to complete sentences that are not complete text according to the picture, students are required to observe the image and then write it down, this point is the development of point D F. Listen Repeat

and This point asks students to hear what the teacher is saying, then imitates, then completes the incomplete sentence according to the picture, students are required to observe the image then write it down, and recite, this point is the development of the E points

your This point asks students to ask the age and birth month of their friends, then friends and write it down in the table provided, this write their is very good for practicing speaking and listening skills for students answers in

G. Ask

the table and This point asks students to listen to the tapes and choose the appropriate circle true or answers to circulate, this is good for training students' listening skills false

H. Listen

I. Let’s sing a This point contains listening and speaking skills, students are invited to song sing by the teacher about birthdays, by first hearing the teacher sing, these points can make students happy, because the sentence used is simple, this song is well known and often sung, very helpful for students in uttering simple sentences, and can make students not bored to take English lessons It’s five 7 o’clock

This chapter discusses the introduction of clocks, phrases, sentences about clocks, completing vocabulary, simple games, matching pictures of activities with the clock shown, completing the conversation. In general, unit 7 includes 4 language skills, namely reading, listening, speaking, writing which are divided into points A to I, and the contents of each point are suitable for grade 3 elementary school. What needs to be analyzed in this chapter is point E which presents the game, where the game is difficult to understand and the work is difficult, so it should be eliminated A. Look and Say This point includes speaking skills, students can practice simple

conversations using a clock, this is appropriate for improving students' understanding of the use of hours for conversation B. Listen Repeat

C. Look write times

and This point includes listening and speaking skills, where students listen to the teacher giving examples of correct pronunciation and the students say the correct pronunciation and This point includes writing skills, where students are asked to write the hours the shown in the picture, this point strengthens point B

D. Practice with This point includes writing skills, where students complete the clock with a long your friends needle and a short needle and write it in a sentence. Then students ask their friends and complete the picture of their friend's clock E. Play tic-tac- This point presents a game about hours, but the rules of the game are very toe with your complicated and use grain material, even though the game can please friends students, but if the game presented makes it difficult for students it will make it difficult for students to understand, it should be eliminated and This point includes reading skills, where students are asked to read Practice expressions and practice with different hours. The teacher introduces the phrase "It's time for ...", this is very useful for training students' reading skills

F. Read

G. Listen Repeat

and This point includes listening skills, students listen to a rather long conversation by the teacher, then

imitate, this point is the development of point F H. Look at tv This point includes writing skills, where students are asked to complete the programs and sentence according to the picture, to complete the answer it they must look at the cartoon tv program schedule, namely sentences teletubbies, doraemon, hatori, etc., which are provided, this is very interesting and makes it easier for students to understand the use of clocks in sentences and This point presents a clock matching game with an activity picture, but draw lines before that you have to listen to a cassette that contains hours and activities, then draw a line between the clock and the appropriate picture, this is not very interesting, it would be better if students are invited to think about schedule your own daily activities with these hours, so that students can learn directly with their daily world.

I. Listen

Bobby is 8 flying a kite

This topic discusses the introduction of objects in the park, phrases, sentences about objects in the park, completing vocabulary, finding words, hearing and choosing images that are appropriate, completing conversations, singing songs are you sleeping. In general, unit 7 includes 4 language skills, namely reading, listening, speaking, writing which are divided into points A to M. This topic needs to be analyzed because starting at point C students are taught to use present continuous tense namely: wearing, playing, swimming, climbing , standing, flying. For grade 3 elementary school students should not have been taught about tenses, it should only be taught simple, so students are not confused. For example, reading is

replaced read, playing is replaced by play. The guide is replaced by climb. A. Look and Say In point A this includes the skills to read new vocabulary about the names of objects in the park, students observe images that are meanings of vocabulary, then read the vocabulary, so before learning the material further students are invited to get to know vocabulary first and then pronounce it correctly B. Find, circle, This point includes reading skills because students are asked to find and draw vocabulary names of objects in the park, circle, then draw a line with lines pictures, this point is the development of point A C. Look and Say In this point includes reading skills, where students are asked to observe the image and then read the phrases that explain the image with proper pronunciation, this is beneficial for students, this is the development of point A the in this point, presenting the game complements the subject that has not line and find been filled in the sentence, to do it must see the suitability of the image with a the name name that can be seen by following the line of connectedness, this game is very interesting for students

D. Follow

E. Listen Repeat

and This point includes listening and speaking skills, after the teacher says the conversation that says yes or no, students are asked to imitate the correct pronunciation

F. Complete and This point includes writing and speaking skills, where students are practice asked to complete the sentence according to the picture, then practice with friends and This point includes speaking skills, where the teacher introduces how to ask practice what the second person is doing and the third person is "What are you doing? What is she doing? This is in accordance with KD 6.2 about asking about someone's situation

G. Look

H. Complete the This point includes writing skills, where students are asked to write their own sentences conversations according to the picture I. Practice with This point includes speaking skills in which students practice conversations your friend using pictures provided J. Look at the This point includes speaking skills where students practice question and picture and answer with friends using pictures ask your provided, this is the development of point I friend K. Look at the This point includes reading skills, the teacher invites students to see pictures picture and and read texts read the text and This point includes listening skills, where students listen to the teacher or put a thick cassette and choose the appropriate image by checking it

L. Listen

M. Let’s sing a This point contains listening and speaking skills, students are invited to song sing the songs you are sleeping on, by first hearing the teacher sing, these points can make students happy, because the sentence used is simple, the

teacher can invite students to sing it because the song uses a rising up to the top Mountain The

This topic discusses the introduction of public places, phrases, sentences about public places, completes vocabulary, finds words, hears and understands conversations that are in accordance with the map, introduces concepts in and at, completes conversations, hears and chooses right wrong according to the map. In general, unit 9 includes 4 language skills, namely reading, listening, speaking, writing, which are divided into points A to J. No one needs to be analyzed because it is suitable for grade 3 elementary school.


school is near the bank

A. Look and say

In point A this includes the skills to read new vocabulary about public places, students observe images that are meanings of vocabulary, then read vocabulary, so before learning the material further students are invited to get to know vocabulary first

B. Complete the This point presents writing skills where students must complete English words and vocabulary and then match it with match them images, this is in accordance with KD 8.1 with the pictures C. Listen repeat

and This point presents listening and speaking skills, the teacher introduces in and at prepositions, then the students imitate

and This point presents listening and speaking skills, where students listen to Practice conversations to ask places, then practice it with friends according to KD 6.2

D. Listen

E. Complete the This point presents writing and speaking skills, where students sentences and complete the conversation then practice practice with with friends your friend F. Practice with This point presents writing and speaking skills where students practice your friends conversation by first completing the sentence according to the example G. Look and Say This point presents reading skills, students are asked to observe the map, the teacher introduces the zoo is in brown street, near the park H. Look at the This point presents writing skills, students are asked to observe the map, map and then complete incomplete sentences by complete the looking at the map sentences I. New, look at This point presents a game in the form of conversations with friends about the map and images on the map practice with your friend J. Look at the This point presents cassette listening skills, students are asked to choose map, listen to whether the sentence is pronounced your teacher, right or wrong according to the map, this is in accordance with KD 5.2 and put a tick The


compute r is next to



This topic discusses objects in the office and prepositions that show the location of objects, match pictures with available vocabulary, puzzle games, explain concepts to next to, under, in and on, hold conversations, explain the concept of borrow and sorry, and singing songs that contain the concept of borrow, in general this topic includes

4 language aspects skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, writing contained in points A to G. What needs to be analyzed is the presentation of unknown songs so that the teacher cannot invite students to sing it, preferably the song that is presented is the way to sing it is known. the In point A this includes the skills to read new vocabulary about objects in picture with the office, students observe images that are meanings of vocabulary, then read the words vocabulary, so before learning the material further students are invited to get to know vocabulary first

A. Match

B. Do the puzzle This point presents a puzzle game with instructions across and down in the form of images, this helps students practice vocabulary recall skills C. Guessing games

D. Listen Learn

This point presents a game where the teacher first gives an example of how to do guessing games. Use folio or quartosized paper to draw one of the objects to be guessed and then ask students then ask to use yes / no question, then do it with friends using the available clues, this game is too complicated and not interesting, we recommend that the game be removed and This point presents listening and writing skills where students listen to simple examples from the teacher, then the teacher explains the concepts next to, under, in and on. The concept is suitable to be taught in grade 3 elementary school, then students complete the conversation then practice with a friend

E. Look at the This point presents reading and writing skills where students read and picture and understand sentences while completing complete the sentences using the concept next to, under, in, on text F. Borrowing and Lending

This point presents listening skills where students hear the teacher's conversation, then the teacher explains the concept of borrow and sorry, it uses it students are expected to always use the phrase when borrowing goods

G. Let’s sing a This point contains listening and speaking skills, students are invited to song sing songs by first hearing the teacher sing, these points can make students happy, because the sentence used is simple, the teacher can invite students to sing it because the song uses the borrow material vocabulary, but if the teacher doesn't know the tone will not be useful Let’s go Review back

This topic does not include Chapters, but only reviews, discusses students' abilities from previous topics 6 to 10. In general, this chapter contains games, and practice questions from all units of units 6 to 10 but only covers a portion of language skills namely reading, and writing which are divided into points A to H, and the contents of each point are suitable for grade 3 elementary school.


A. Write words

the This point contains writing skills, where students are asked to write the vocabulary shown in the picture

their This point contains writing skills, where students are asked to write sentences birthday according to the image to find out the day of birth and age can be seen through line searches with image

B. Find

C. Complete the This point contains writing skills, namely completing incomplete text sentences regarding the clock, and how to answer them by looking at the clock shown in the picture D. Let’s play a This point contains a game like a monopoly that is very fun for students, game for those who cannot make sentences must make the sentence have to go back one step, so the one who made it to the finish line first is the winner E. Complete the This point contains writing and speaking skills, namely completing a sentences and conversation about an incomplete hour and then practicing question and answer practice with friends F. Complete the This point contains writing skills, namely completing sentences that are text based on not complete according to the picture, actually this is quite difficult for grade 3 the picture elementary school, but because behind the book there is a vocabulary list, students can answer G. Complete the This point contains writing and speaking skills, namely completing sentences and conversations about incomplete activities and then practicing question practice and answer with friends H. Do crossword puzzle

the This point presents a crossword puzzle with drawing instructions.

Materi yang Dibahas dalam buku Bahasa Inggris kelas III SD “Fun with English”

Topik Materi yang Dibahas Semester Ganjil

Topik 1. My friend and I 2. Chiko’s School 3. He is my father 4. I like my shirt 5. It is a Rabbit 6. This is a whiteboard

7. There are Three Bees

8. Iam in My Livingroom


9. I Like fried Chicken 10. This is my head 11. I have two eyes 12. She is in the market 13. This is my bycycle

Review hasil telaah buku pada semester ganjil Topik


Bentuk Perintah

My Friend and I


A. Look, listen, and repeat

B. Let’s practice

C. Read Loudly

Review This topic discusses about introducing oneself which is presented in a simple manner, including the activities of conducting conversations, introducing oneself in front of the class, completing sentences, composing vocabulary, in general this topic includes 4 language skills namely listening, speaking, reading, writing contained in points A to E. What needs to be analyzed is the use of the pronoun "her" and "his" should be the subject of her or not yet used for 3rd grade elementary school In point A includes listening and speaking skills where the teacher gives an example of how to introduce themselves, students observe what is in the book and the students imitate what the teacher exemplifies In point B this includes speaking skills where students practice how to introduce themselves using the sentences provided in the book In point B this includes reading skills where students are asked to read how to introduce

themselves according to the sentence in the book D. Exercise

At point D this is divided into sections 1, 2 and 3. Part 1 contains speaking skills in the form of exercises to introduce yourself, before that must complete incomplete sentences Part 2 contains the matchmaking problem That is to fill in incomplete sentences by matching the answers in the box

Part 3 contains composing words Namely composing randomly shaped words into whole words then write to the next

E. Vocabulary


In this point E contains the vocabulary of the material previously studied, namely about the introduction, this is very useful to help students understand this material This topic discusses the names of objects presented in a simple manner, including the activities of conducting conversations, reading vocabulary with proper pronunciation, completing sentences, composing vocabulary, in general this topic includes 4 language aspects skills namely listening, speaking, reading, writing contained in points A to E. This topic is suitable for grade 3 elementary school



A. Look , listen and Repeat

In point A this includes listening and reading skills where students listen to examples of correct reading by the teacher, while observing, then mimicking the teacher's words while observing

B. Let’s complete

He is my

In point B this includes writing skills where students must complete 5 sentences whose answers can be searched by looking at point B

C. Let’s Practice

In point C this includes speaking skills, students practice with friends

D. Exercise

Part 1 in point D this includes writing skills where students must complete answers to questions related to the image, where each of the two answers is available, students must choose the right one according to the picture Part 2 contains commands to complete the incomplete vocabulary

E. Vocabulary

in point E it contains vocabulary related to the material being studied which is about the school context This topic discusses family members that are presented simply, including reading vocabulary with proper pronunciation, completing sentences, composing vocabulary, drawing family trees, and singing songs. In general this topic includes 4 language aspects skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, writing that are found in points A to D. Everything is suitable for use in grade 3 elementary school, including one and one songs which of course children like because teachers and students have know how to sing it.



A. Look, Listen and Repeat

B. Let’s Practice

In point C this includes listening and speaking skills, where students hear examples of pronunciation given by the teacher, then students mimic This point is a speaking skill where students are asked to practice with friends by looking

at the simple conversations available in the book C. Draw your family tree

This point is a writing skill, where students are asked to draw a family member tree


I Like my shirt


D. Complete it

This point is a writing skill where students are asked to complete the sentence that has been provided in the book, this is related to the picture of the family tree that the students have made

E. Exercise

This point is a writing skill where students Part 1 is asked to complete the incomplete phrase, but the process must be adjusted to the picture shown Part 2 Students are asked to compile random vocabulary and write vocabulary beside it Part 3 Students are asked to find vocabulary about family members from the available boxes and circle them

F. Lets sing

This point is a speaking skill, students are invited to sing one and one songs which are translate bhs. English from one-on-one songs so students are invited to sing this will make students happy

G. Vocabulary

This point contains vocabulary containing about family members so that students can understand the material better This topic discusses about clothing that is presented in a simple manner, including the activities of conducting conversations, reading vocabulary with proper pronunciation, completing sentences, composing vocabulary, in general this topic includes 4 language aspects skills namely listening, speaking, reading, writing

contained in points A to D. This topic is suitable for grade 3 elementary school students A. Look, listen, and repeat

B. Let’s practice

This point includes reading and speaking skills because students are asked to practice reading the sentences that are already available in the book

C. Read Loudly

in this point including reading skills, where students must read the conversations that are already available with proper pronunciation

D. Exercise

E. Vocabulary

It is a rabbit


In point A this includes listening and speaking skills where students hear how to pronounce the correct pronunciation of clothes, students observe images that are meanings of vocabulary, then mimic reading vocabulary, so before learning the material further students are invited to get to know vocabulary first

Part 1 This point is a writing skill, where students are asked for their opinion whether they like the picture shown by the choice of yes or no, yes i do or no i don't Part 2 Students are asked to fill in the vocabulary in the box provided, but the process must be in accordance with the picture This point contains vocabulary containing clothes so students can understand the material better Overall, this topic discusses the names of animals. We think this is in accordance with the students' initial needs. In this chapter we think students can have simple conversations that are used in everyday life. As: "What is it"

"It's a dog" In point A the material is presented in a concise and simple form, in the form of an listen, and animal image and its name. Students are asked to pay attention to the picture then repeat listen to the tape / teacher then repeat it again. This exercise can sharpen the ability of "Listening" and "Speaking"

A. Look,

B. Let’s practise

C. Exercise

In point C it contains simple exercises for daily conversations. Students are asked to practice conversations while looking at illustrated images. After that the student asks to complete the last conversation with the appropriate words. This exercise can improve the ability of students to use very simple question sentences, answer correctly, match animal pictures and animal names appropriately and complete the coupling words appropriately. This evaluation is in accordance with the ability of students for the lower classes.

D. Let’s draw

On point D the student is asked to draw the animal mentioned. This exercise requires students to be active and creative.

E. Vocabular

At point E this can add to the knowledge of new vocabulary with the way it is read.

ry This whiteboard



Point B contains simple daily conversations. Students are asked to read and practice conversations while looking at illustrated images. After that students are asked to practice with their friends. This training can train students' speaking skills

Overall, this topic discusses the names of objects in the class. We think this is in accordance with the students' initial needs. In this chapter we think students can have

simple conversations that are used in everyday life. As: "What is this?" "This is table" In point A the material is presented in a concise and simple form, namely the name listen, and of the object in the class. Students are asked to pay attention to the picture then listen to repeat the tape / teacher then repeat it again. This exercise can sharpen the ability of "Listening" and "Speaking"

A. Look,

B. Let’s practise

Pada poin B berisi percakapan-percakapan sehari-hari yang sederhana. Siswa di minta membaca dan melatih percakapan sambil melihat gambar ilustrasi. Setelah itu siswa di minta mempraktekkan dengan temannya. Pemberian





kemampuan “speaking” siswa. C. Read loudly

Pada poin C guru mencontohkan cara membaca denga tepat kemudian siswa di minta untuk membaca nyaring di depan kelas. Latihan ini dapat melatih kemampuan “speaking” siswa dan melatih keberanian siswa.

D. Match them

Pada poin D siswa di minta untuk menjodohkan nama benda dan gambarnya hal





pengetahuan siswa mengenai benda – benda di kelas. Latihan ini cukup mudah untuk dikerjakan. E. Exercise

Pada poin E berisi latihan percakapanpercakapan sehari-hari yang sederhana.

Siswa di minta melatih percakapan sambil melihat gambar ilustrasi. Setelah itu siswa di minta




rumpangdengan kata- kata yang sesuai. Latihan ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa menggunakan kalimat tanya sangat sederhana dan

menjawab dengan tepat.

Evaluasi ini sesuai dengan kemampuan siswa. F. Let’s sing







menyanyikan lagu this is white board. Hal ini menurut kami tidak efektif karena tidak mengetahui cara menyanyikannya. G. Vocabularry

Pada poin G

ini dapat menambah

penegetahuan kosa kata baru dengan di lengkapi dengan cara bacanya. There are three







dalam nama




Menurut kami ini sesuai dengan kebutuhan awal siswa. Pada bab ini menurut kami siswa dapat melakuakan percakapan sederhana yang biasa digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari- hari. Seperti: “What is that?” “That is buterfly” A. Look,

Pada poin A materi disajikan dalam bentuk

listen, and yang ringkas dan sederhana yaitu berupa repeat



memperhatikan mendengarkan

Siswa gambar





kemudian kemudian

mengulangnya kembali. Latihan ini dapat mengasah kemampual “Listening”


“Speaking” B. Let’s practise

Pada poin B berisi percakapan-percakapan sehari-hari yang sederhana. Siswa di minta membaca dan melatih percakapan sambil melihat gambar ilustrasi. Setelah itu siswa di minta mempraktekkan dengan temannya. Pemberian





kemampuan “speaking” siswa. C. Read loudly

Pada poin C guru mencontohkan cara membaca denga tepat kemudian siswa di minta untuk membaca nyaring di depan kelas. Latihan ini dapat melatih kemampuan “speaking” siswa dan melatih keberanian siswa.

D. Exercise

Pada poin E berisi latihan percakapanpercakapan sehari-hari yang sederhana. Siswa di minta melatih percakapan sambil melihat gambar ilustrasi. Setelah itu siswa di minta




rumpangdengan kata- kata yang sesuai. Latihan ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa menggunakan kalimat tanya sangat sederhana,

menjawab dengan tepat dan

mengisi kalimat yang rumpang. Evaluasi ini sesuai dengan kemampuan siswa. E. Vocabular ry

Pada poin


ini dapat


penegetahuan kosa kata baru dengan di lengkapi dengan cara bacanya.


Untuk mereview kembali materi pada bab 17 agar siswa tmengingat kembali materi yang pernah di pelajari. A

Pada poin A siswa di minta mengerjakan pilihan ganda yang berisi 10 soal


Pada poin B siswa di minta mengisi kata yang rumpang dengan jawaban yang benar.


Pada poin C siswa diminta menjodohkan gambar dengan nama kata yang sesuai.


Pada poin D siswa diminta mengisi teka teki silang .

I am in My








membahas mengenai bagian- bagian rumah . Menurut kami ini sesuai dengan kebutuhan awal siswa. Pada bab ini menurut kami siswa dapat melakuakan percakapan sederhana yang biasa digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari- hari. Seperti: “I am in my bedroom” “i am in the livingroom” A. Look,

Pada poin A materi disajikan dalam bentuk

listen, and

yang ringkas dan sederhana yaitu berupa


gambar hewan dan namanya. Siswa di minta memperhatikan gambar kemudian mendengarkan kaset/ guru kemudian mengulangnya kembali. Latihan ini dapat mengasah kemampual “Listening” dan “Speaking”

B. Let’s practise

Pada poin B berisi percakapan-percakapan sehari-hari yang sederhana. Siswa di minta

membaca dan melatih percakapan sambil melihat gambar ilustrasi. Setelah itu siswa di minta mempraktekkan dengan temannya. Pemberian latihan ini dapat melatih kemampuan “speaking” siswa. C. Exercise

Pada poin E berisi latihan mengenai bagianbagian rumah. Siswa di minta dilatih untuk melengkapi kalimatsambil melihat gambar ilustrasi, melatih percakapan sederhana dan menyebutkan bagian- bagian rumah sesuai yang dideskripsikan. Latihan ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa melengkapi kalimat, menggunakan kalimat tanya sangat sederhana, menjawab dengan tepat dan mengisi kalimat yang rumpang. Evaluasi ini sesuai dengan kemampuan siswa.

D. Vocabular ry

Pada poin D ini dapat menambah penegetahuan kosa kata baru dengan di lengkapi dengan cara bacanya.

I like fried chicken


Topik ini membahas mengenai nama makanan dan minuman yang disajikan secara sederhana, meliputi kegiatan melakukan percakapan, membaca kosakata dengan lafal yang tepat, melengkapi kalimat, mencocokkan gambar, menyatakan suka atau tidak suka, menyusun kata, secara umum topik ini sudah mencakup 4 keterampilan aspek berbahasa yakni mendengar, berbicara, membaca, menulis yang terdapat pada poin A sampai D. Yang

perlu dianalisis adalah penggunaan “these” dan kata tanya “Do you” hal tersebut sudah sesuai bila digunakan di kelas 3 sd untuk mengenalkan cara penggunaannya di dalam kalimat. A. Look, listen, and repeat

Pada poin A ini termasuk keterampilan mendengar dan berbicara dimana siswa mendengar cara pengucapan dengan lafal yang tepat mengenai macam macam makanan dan minuman, siswa mengamati gambar yang merupakan arti dari kosakata, lalu menirukan membaca kosakata, jadi sebelum mempelajari materi lebih lanjut siswa diajak mengenal kosakata lebih dulu

B. Let’s Practice Pada poin ini termasuk keterampilan membaca dan berbicara karena siswa diminta mempraktekkan membaca kalimat yang sudah tersedia di buku C. Read Loudly

Pada poin ini termasuk keterampilan membaca, dimana siswa harus membaca percakapan yang sudah tersedia dengan temannya serta lafal yang tepat, dengan melakukan percakapan siswa juga bisa melihat gambar

D. Exercise

Pada poin D ini dibagi menjadi bagian 1, 2 dan 3. Bagian 1 siswa diminta menjawab pertanyaan tentang suka atau tidak suka pada makanan atau minuman yang tersedia di gambar Bagian 2 berisi soal

Yang meminta siswa menjawab apa yang ada di gambar Bagian 3 berisi menyusun kata Yakni menyusun kata yang berbentuk acak sesuai gambar yang ditunjukkan menjadi kata utuh kemudian menuliskan di bawahnya E. Match them

Pada poin E ini siswa diminta menjodohkan kosakata tentang makanan dengan gambar misalnya bread dengan gambar roti lalu ditarik garis



Poin ini berisi kosakata yang berisi tentang pakaian sehingga siswa bisa memahami materi dengan lebih baik

This is My


Topik ini membahas mengenai bagian tubuh


yang disajikan secara sederhana, meliputi kegiatan melakukan percakapan, membaca kosakata dengan lafal yang tepat, melengkapi kalimat, melakukan permainan sederhana, secara umum topik ini sudah mencakup 4 keterampilan aspek berbahasa yakni mendengar, berbicara, membaca, menulis yang terdapat pada poin A sampai D. Yang perlu dianalisis adalah poin E yang menyajikan lagu yang tiddak diketahui cara menyanyiknnya sehingga tidak akan bergunabagi siswa A. Look, listen, and repeat

Pada poin A ini termasuk keterampilan mendengar dan berbicara dimana siswa mendengar cara pengucapan oleh guru dengan lafal yang tepat mengenai anggota

tubuh, siswa mengamati gambar yang merupakan arti dari kosakata, lalu menirukan membaca kosakata, jadi sebelum mempelajari materi lebih lanjut siswa diajak mengenal kosakata tentang anggota tubuh lebih dulu B. Let’s Practice Pada poin ini termasuk keterampilan membaca dan berbicara karena siswa diminta mempraktekkan berbicara mengenai anggota tubuh sambil bagian tubuh yang dimaksud contoh: it is my head. C. Read Loudly

Pada poin ini termasuk keterampilan membaca, dimana siswa harus membaca percakapan yang sudah tersedia dengan temannya menggunakan lafal yang tepat

D. Exercise

Pada poin D ini dibagi menjadi bagian 1 dan 2 Bagian 1 siswa diminta mendengarkan dan melakukan instruksi oleh guru, misalnya show me your hands! Maka siswa harus mendengarkan dengan baik dan mengikuti instruksi yaitu mengangkat tangan Bagian 2 berisi soal Yang meminta siswa menjawab apa yang ada di gambar, kemudian membacanya dengan lantang dan lafal yang tepat

E. Let’s sing together

Pada poin ini siswa diajak untuk menyanyi lagu head and shoulders, akan tetapi lagu tersebut tidak diketahui cara menyanyikannya, jadi sebaiknya dalam

buku ini tidak perlu di tampilkan lagu, tidak terpakai F. Vocabulary

Poin ini berisi kosakata yang berisi tentang pakaian sehingga siswa bisa memahami materi dengan lebih baik

I have two


Topik ini membahas mengenai bagian wajah


yang disajikan secara sederhana, meliputi kegiatan melakukan percakapan, membaca kosakata dengan lafal yang tepat, melengkapi kalimat, mencocokkan gambar, secara umum topik ini sudah mencakup 4 keterampilan aspek berbahasa yakni mendengar, berbicara, membaca, menulis yang terdapat pada poin A sampai D. Yang perlu dianalisis adalah penggunaan “a” dan “an” hal tersebut sudah sesuai bila digunakan di kelas 3 sd untuk mengenalkan cara penggunaannya. A. Look, listen, and repeat

Pada poin A ini termasuk keterampilan mendengar dan berbicara dimana siswa mendengar cara pengucapan oleh guru dengan lafal yang tepat mengenai bagian wajah, siswa mengamati gambar yang merupakan arti dari kosakata, lalu menirukan membaca kosakata, jadi sebelum mempelajari materi lebih lanjut siswa diajak mengenal kosakata tentang anggota tubuh lebih dulu

B. Let’s Practice Pada poin ini termasuk keterampilan berbicara karena siswa diminta mempraktekkan berbicara dengan temannya

mengenai bagian wajah sambil menunjuk bagian wajah yang ditampilkan di gambar. C. Read Loudly

Pada poin ini termasuk keterampilan membaca, dimana siswa harus membaca kalimat pendek yang sudah tersedia di buku dan sesuai dengan gambar

D. Exercise

Pada poin D ini dibagi menjadi bagian 1, 2, dan 3 Bagian 1 siswa diminta mendengarkan dan melakukan instruksi oleh guru, misalnya touch your hair! Maka siswa harus mendengarkan dengan baik dan mengikuti instruksi yaitu memegang rambut Bagian 2 berisi soal Yang meminta siswa menjawab apa yang ada di gambar Bagian 3 berisi soal dimana siswa diminta menjodohkan kosakata tentang bagian wajah dengan gambar misalnya ear, this is an ear dengan gambar telinga lalu ditarik garis

E. Vocabulary

Poin ini berisi kosakata yang berisi tentang bagian wajah dan yang ada dalam materi tentang bagian wajah ini sehingga siswa bisa memahami materi dengan lebih baik

She is in the Market


Topik ini membahas mengenai nama tempat umum yang disajikan secara sederhana, meliputi kegiatan melakukan percakapan, membaca kosakata dengan lafal yang tepat, melengkapi kalimat, permainan sederhana,

mencocokkan gambar, secara umum topik ini sudah mencakup 4 keterampilan aspek berbahasa yakni mendengar, berbicara, membaca, menulis yang terdapat pada poin A sampai E. Topik yang dibahas sudah sesuai untuk kelas 3 SD A. Look, listend, Pada poin A ini termasuk keterampilan and repeat

mendengar dan berbicara dimana siswa mendengar cara pengucapan oleh guru dengan lafal yang tepat mengenai nama tempat umum, siswa mengamati gambar yang merupakan arti dari kosakata, lalu menirukan membaca kosakata, jadi sebelum mempelajari materi lebih lanjut siswa diajak mengenal kosakata tentang nama tempat umum lebih dulu

B. Read Loudly

Pada poin ini termasuk keterampilan membaca karena siswa diminta membaca kalimat pendek mengenai tempat umum sambil mengamati gambar yang ditunjukkan contoh: He is in the railway station

C. Let’s Practice Pada poin ini termasuk keterampilan berbicara, dimana siswa harus mempraktekkan percakapan yang sudah tersedia di buku dengan temannya menggunakan lafal yang tepat D. Listening Activity

Poin ini berisi tentang permainan dimana guru menunjukkan beberapa gambar tempat umum kepada siswa , lalu guru menyebutkan nama tempat umum, siswa disuruh menunjuk gambarnya

E. Exercise

Poin ini dibagi menjadi 3 bagian Bagian 1 Siswa diminta menjodohkan gambar tempat umum dengan orang yang bekerja di tempat tersebut dengan menarik garis Bagian 2 Siswa diminta mengisi titik titik mengenai nama dari gambar yang ditunjukkan

F. Vocabulary

Poin ini berisi kosakata yang berisi tentang nama tempat umum dan yang ada dalam materi tentang tempat umum ini sehingga siswa bisa memahami materi dengan lebih baik

This is my


Topik ini membahas mengenai nama alat


transportasi yang disajikan secara sederhana, meliputi kegiatan melakukan percakapan, membaca kosakata dengan lafal yang tepat, melengkapi kalimat, secara umum topik ini sudah mencakup 4 keterampilan aspek berbahasa yakni mendengar, berbicara, membaca, menulis yang terdapat pada poin A sampai E. Topik yang dibahas sudah sesuai untuk kelas 3 SD A. Look, listen, and repeat

Pada poin A ini termasuk keterampilan mendengar dan berbicara dimana siswa mendengar cara pengucapan oleh guru dengan lafal yang tepat mengenai nama alat transportasi, siswa mengamati gambar yang merupakan arti dari kosakata, lalu menirukan membaca kosakata, jadi sebelum mempelajari materi lebih lanjut siswa diajak

mengenal kosakata tentang nama alat transportasi lebih dulu B. Let’s Practice Pada poin ini termasuk keterampilan berbicara karena siswa diminta mempraktekkan berbicara mengenai percakapan yang sudah tersedia di buku C. Read Loudly

Pada poin ini termasuk keterampilan membaca, dimana siswa harus membaca percakapan yang sudah tersedia dengan temannya menggunakan lafal yang tepat

D. Exercise

Pada poin D ini dibagi menjadi bagian 1 dan 2 Bagian 1 siswa diminta Siswa diminta mengisi titik titik mengenai nama dari gambar yang ditunjukkan Bagian 2 berisi soal Yang meminta siswa melengkapi percakapan yang tersedia dengan kalimat tanya

E. Vocabulary

Poin ini berisi kosakata yang berisi tentang nama alat transportasi yang ada dalam materi tentang alat transportasi ini sehingga siswa bisa memahami materi dengan lebih baik



Topik ini tidak berisi materi, tetapi hanya


berisi mengenai soal soal yang mengandung materi dari unit 8 sampi unit 13, review ini sangat membantu untuk melatih kemampuan dan ingatan siswa terhadap materi sebelumnya dan mengetahui tingkat penguasaan siswa terhadap materi

A. Cross a, b, or

Pada poin A ini berisi soal pilihan ganda

c in front of

yang mengandung materi dari unit 8 sampai

the correct

unit 13 yang harus dijawab siswa dengan


benar dengan jumlah soal sebanyak 15 soal

B. Fill in the

Pada poin ini berisi soal melengkapi kalimat

blanks with

yang mengandung materi dari unit 8 sampai

the correct

unit 13 untuk menjawabnya harus


menyesuaikan dengan gambar, jumlahnya ada 10 soal

C. Arrange

Pada poin ini berisi soal menyusun kosakata

these letters

yang mengandung materi dari unit 8 sampai unit 13 untuk menjawabnya harus menyesuaikan dengan gambar, jumlahnya ada 12

Perbandingan antara buku “Grow with English” dengan “Fun with English” kelas 3 No


Aspek yang dinilai

Isi materi

Buku Kelas 3

Buku Kelas 3

Grow with english

Fun with English

Buku ini cara menyampaikan Buku Ini cara menyampaikan materi agak rumit, karena ada materinya sederhana, perintah beberapa


yang yang ada di setiap poinnya

dikembangkan sendiri, setiap konstan, cara penyampaiannya perintah yang digunakan tidak mudah dipahami siswa konstan, dan banyak poin poin yang



siswa kelas 3 SD


Poin kompetensi




terdapat Pada buku ini terdapat beberapa

beberapa kata yang sesuai kata dengan





dasar kompetensi dasar yang harus

yang harus dicapai, misalnya dicapai, misalnya look, listen listen and repeat, look and say, and repeat, let’s practice, let’s complete the sentences 3



complete, read loudly



terdapat Buku ini tidak terdapat translate


translate bahasa Indonesia , bahasa



walaupun pada perintah di pada perintah di setiap poinnya, setiap




daftar tetapi


mencakup terdapat




bab yang

semua materi hanya terdapat berhubungan dengan bab yang di akhir buku

sedang di pelajari sehingga bila siswa kurang mengerti tentang arti dari bab yang sedang dipelajari bisa langsung melihat daftar kosakata tersebut


Penjelasan setiap Penjelasan perintah


perintah Penjelasan setiap perintah dalam

dalam buku ini sudah cukup buku ini sudah cukup jelas, jelas, tetapi untuk kelas 3 SD walaupun



seharusnya di beri terjemahan, terjemahan di setiap perintah agar walaupun guru belum poinnya, di akhir bab sudah ada menjelaskan


memahami sendiri

bisa kosakata



materinya, sehingga siswa bisa memahami sendiri





menampilkan Buku ini menampilkan banyak

banyak gambar yang menarik gambar, dan



yang kombinasi




ada hanya

digunakan ceria, kertas yang dominan warna hitam, biru, digunakan


tebal, putih,



membosankan bagi siswa.

sehingga siswa dapat mudah memahami gambar yang ada. 6


Pada buku ini terdapat banyak Buku evaluasi


misalnya puzzle,




menarik digunakan hampir sama pada

menjodohkan, setiap bab nya, terdapat soal teka-teki

silang. pilihan ganda di akhir buku dan

Namun pada buku ini tidak pada review unit 1-7 dan review terdapat


bentuk unit 8-13

pilihan ganda. 7


Bahasa yang digunakan pada Bahasa yang digunakan pada buku ini cukup jelas dan buku ini tidak rumit dan mudah mudah dimengerti oleh siswa.


Inti materi


Pada buku ini terdapat catatan Pada buku ini .terdapat catatan singkat untuk menjelaskan singkat



materi yang terletak di akhir materi yang ada di awal bab buku


Ketebalan buku




tebal Buku




dibandingkan buku “Fun with dibandingkan buku “Grow with English” karena buku ini English karena setiap materinya menampilkan banyak contoh disampaikan secara sederhana kalimat yang menarik, game yang bervariasi, dan lagu 10

Sesuai dengan SK Sebagian buku ini tidak sesuai Buku ini sesuai dengan KD yang KD

dengan KD, lebih banyak ada, pengembangan tersendiri di buku ini


materi materinya urut



Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas III (3) Semester 1



: _______________________


: III (Tiga)

Mata Pelajaran



: 1 (Satu)

Standar Kompetensi

: Mendengarkan 1.

Kompetensi Dasar Merespon dengan mengulang kosakata baru dengan ucapan lantang

Memahami instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan dalam konteks sekolah

Materi Pokok/Pembelajaran

Contoh: Guru: globe Siswa: globe Guru: clock Siswa: clock

Kegiatan Pembelajaran  Siswa bersamasama mengulang dengan suara lantang kosakatakosakata baru yang diucapkan guru atau didengar dari kaset/CD  Masing-masing siswa mengulang dengan suara lantang kosakatakosakata baru yang diucapkan guru atau didengar dari kaset/CD

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi  Merespon dengan mengulang apa yang diucapkan guru atau didengar dari kaset/CD dengan suara lantang  Merespon dengan mengulang apa yang diucapkan guru atau didengar dari kaset/CD dengan pengucapan bahasa Inggris yang benar

Teknik Tes lisan

Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen Merespon dengan mengulang secara lisan

Contoh Instrumen Listen to the words and repeat. Guru: desk Murid: (mengulang dengan ucapan lantang)

Alokasi Waktu

2 x 35 menit

Sumber Belajar  Gambargambar/ benda terkait  Rekaman kaset/CD  Buku teks

Kompetensi Dasar 1.2 Merespon dengan melakukan tindakan sesuai instruksi secara berterima

Materi Pokok/Pembelajaran

Contoh: Guru: Stand in front of your friend. Siswa: (berdiri di depan temannya masing-masing) Guru: Introduce yourself. Siswa: (memperkenalkan diri) Guru: Draw an orange.

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kegiatan Pembelajaran  Siswa memperagakan instruksi-instruksi yang diberikan oleh guru atau didengar dari kaset/CD  Siswa menjawab instruksi yang dikatakan guru atau yang didengar dari kaset/CD  Siswa membuat gambar berdasarkan apa yang dikatakan guru atau yang didengar dari kaset/ CD

 Merespon dengan memperagakan instruksiinstruksi yang didengar  Merespon dengan menjawab instruksi yang didengar  Merespon dengan membuat gambar

Siswa: (menggambar sebuah jeruk) 

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Berani ( courage )

Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen


Contoh Instrumen

 Unjuk kerja


Listen to the instructions and follow them. Guru: Borrow a pencil from a friend in front of you.

Unjuk kerja


Listen to the instructions and answer them.

Tes tulis

Membuat gambar

Listen to the speaker and draw the pictures. (terdapat gambar yang harus dibuat siswa)

Alokasi Waktu

2 x 35 menit

Sumber Belajar  Rekaman kaset/CD  Buku teks


: _______________________


: III (Tiga)

Mata Pelajaran



: 1 (Satu)

Standar Kompetensi

: Berbicara 2. Mengungkapkan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah

Kompetensi Dasar 2.1 Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: memperkenalkan diri, menanyakan kepemilikan, menanyakan kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan seseorang

Materi Pokok/Pembelajaran

Contoh: A: What is your name? B: My name is (student’s name) A: Whose kite is this? B: It is Charlie’s. A: What is Mira doing? B: She is walking .

Kegiatan Pembelajaran  Tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi  Meniru pertanyaanpertanyaan dan respon pertanyaan  Membahas kosakata dan struktur percakapan sesuai materi  Latihan percakapan dalam bentuk dialog  Menggunakan ungkapanungkapan percakapan sesuai materi dalam situasi nyata

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Mengungkapkan berbagai tindak tutur:  Memperkenalkan diri  Menanyakan kepemilikan  Menanyakan kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan seseorang

Teknik  Tes lisan

 Unjuk kerja

Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen  Pertanyaan

 Performance

Contoh Instrumen  Answer the questions orally!  Act out the dialogue in front of the class!

Alokasi Waktu

4 x 35 menit

Sumber Belajar  Script percakapan  Buku teks  Alat peraga

Kompetensi Dasar 2.2 Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyebutkan nama-nama benda, menyebutkan di mana seseorang berada, dan menyebutkan kesukaan dan kepunyaan

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran Contoh: A: This is an apple. B: This is a cauliflower. A: Where is John? B: He is in front of the blackboard. A: Do you like pets? B: Yes, I do. A: What pet do you have? B: A cat and a dog.

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kegiatan Pembelajaran  Tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi  Meniru pertanyaanpertanyaan dan respon pertanyaan  Membahas kosakata dan struktur percakapan sesuai materi  Latihan percakapan dalam bentuk dialog  Menggunakan ungkapanungkapan percakapan sesuai materi dalam situasi nyata

Mengungkapkan berbagai tindak tutur:  Menyebutkan nama-nama benda  Menyebutkan di mana seseorang berada  Menyebutkan kesukaan dan kepunyaan

Teknik Tes lisan

Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen Tanya jawab

Contoh Instrumen Ask and answer the questions based on the situation or picture given.

Alokasi Waktu

4 x 35 menit

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Berani ( courage ) Mengetahui, Kepala SD ……………………

………………,……………………… Guru Bahasa Inggris

(_________________________) NIP : .........................................

(_________________________) NIP : .........................................

Sumber Belajar  Script percakapan  Buku teks berisi percakapan  Alat peraga


: _______________________


: III (Tiga)

Mata Pelajaran



: 1 (Satu)

Standar Kompetensi

: Membaca 3. Memahami tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.1. Membaca nyaring dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang tepat dan berterima yang melibatkan: kata, frasa, dan kalimat sangat sederhana

Pronunciation kata, frasa, dan kalimat yang dipelajari

 Mendengarkan dan merespon hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam kegiatan membaca nyaring: pronunciation, intonation  Mendengarkan contoh membaca nyaring yang dilakukan guru  Menirukan membaca nyaring dengan intonasi dan jeda sesuai model  Membaca nyaring sendiri dengan lafal, intonasi, dan jeda yang baik dan benar

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi  Melafalkan kata, frasa, dan kalimat dengan baik dan benar  Membaca kata, frasa, dan kalimat dengan intonasi yang benar  Membaca nyaring dengan baik dan benar

Penilaian Teknik unjuk kerja Observasi

Bentuk Instrumen  Uji petik membaca nyaring

Contoh Instrumen Read the sentences aloud.

 Lembar observasi Read all the sentences loudly and carefully.

Alokasi Waktu

2 x 35 menit

Sumber Belajar

Buku teks

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.2. Memahami kalimat dan teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima

 Kalimat-kalimat sangat sederhana  Teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana berbentuk cerita singkat

 Mengidentifikasi informasi dalam kalimat-kalimat sangat sederhana  Mengidentifikasi informasi yang terdapat dalam bacaan  Tanya jawab yang terkait dengan materi

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi  Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat-kalimat sangat sederhana  Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks deskriptif bergambar

Teknik Tes unjuk kerja

Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen Tes identifikasi gambar berdasarkan informasi yang ada dalam kalimatkalimat sangat sederhana atau dalam teks

Contoh Instrumen Point to the correct objects in the pictures based on the text.

Alokasi Waktu

2 x 35 menit

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Berani ( courage )

Mengetahui, Kepala SD ……………………

………………,……………………… Guru Bahasa Inggris

(_________________________) NIP : .........................................

(_________________________) NIP : .........................................

Sumber Belajar  Buku teks  Alat peraga


: _______________________


: III (Tiga)

Mata Pelajaran



: 1 (Satu)

Standar Kompetensi

: Menulis 4. Mengeja dan menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi


Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen

Contoh Instrumen

Alokasi Waktu

Sumber Belajar

4.1. Mengeja kosakata bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima dengan ejaan yang benar

Kosakata sangat sederhana terkait dengan nama dan benda kepemilikan dan nama-nama buah dan sayuran

Mengeja kosakata materi terkait berdasarkan gambar

Mengeja kosakata berdasarkan gambar dengan ejaan yang benar

Tes tulis

Menulis kosakata dengan ejaan yang benar

Write names of fruits and vegetables.

4 x 35 menit

 Buku teks  Alat peraga

4.2. Menebalkan kosakata bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima

Kosakata sangat sederhana terkait dengan kata have/has dan kata depan

 Menebalkan kosakata bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana sesuai dengan gambar  Menulis kata have/has dan kata depan di dalam kalimat

 Menebalkan kosakata bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana sesuai dengan gambar  Menulis kata have/has dan kata depan di dalam kalimat

Tes tulis

 Menebalkan kosakata bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana sesuai dengan gambar  Menulis kosakata dengan benar dan sesuai

Trace the prepositions below according to the pictures.

4 x 35 menit

 Buku teks  Alat peraga

Write have/has in the space provided.

dengan gambar 

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Berani ( courage )

Mengetahui, Kepala SD ……………………

………………,……………………… Guru Bahasa Inggris

(_________________________) NIP : .........................................

(_________________________) NIP : .........................................


Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas III (3) Semester 2


: _______________________


: III (Tiga)

Mata Pelajaran



: 2 (Dua)

Standar Kompetensi

: Mendengarkan 5. Memahami instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan dalam konteks sekolah

Kompetensi Dasar 5.1 Merespon dengan mengulang kosakata atau kalimat baru dalam berbagai permainan dengan ucapan lantang

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran Contoh: Guru: tennis Siswa: tennis Guru: surprised Siswa: surprised

5.2 Merespon dengan melakukan tindakan


Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi


Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen

Contoh Instrumen

Alokasi Waktu

Sumber Belajar

 Siswa bersamasama mengulang dengan suara lantang kosakatakosakata dan kalimat-kalimat baru yang diucapkan guru atau didengar dari kaset/CD  Masing-masing siswa mengulang dengan suara lantang kosakatakosakata dan kalimat-kalimat baru yang diucapkan guru atau didengar dari kaset/CD

 Merespon dengan mengulang apa yang diucapkan guru atau didengar dari kaset/CD dengan suara lantang Merespon dengan mengulang apa yang diucapkan guru atau didengar dari kaset/CD dengan pengucapan bahasa Inggris yang benar

Tes lisan

Merespon dengan mengulang secara lisan

Listen to the words and repeat. Guru: Cycling. Murid: (mengulang dengan ucapan lantang)

2 x 35 menit

 Gambargambar/ benda terkait  Rekaman kaset/CD  Buku teks

Siswa melakukan atau memperagakan instruksi-instruksi

Merespon dengan melakukan atau memperagakan

Unjuk kerja


Listen to the instructions

2 x 35 menit

 Gambargambar/

sesuai instruksi secara berterima

Guru: Show me you are happy.

yang diberikan oleh guru atau didengar dari kaset/CD

instruksi-instruksi yang didengar

Siswa: (menggambar ekspresi wajah gembira)

and follow them. Guru: Pretend you are angry.

Guru: I am swimming. Siswa: (memperagakan gerakan berenang)

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Berani ( courage )

Mengetahui, Kepala SD ……………………

………………,……………………… Guru Bahasa Inggris

(_________________________) NIP : .........................................

(_________________________) NIP : .........................................

benda terkait  Rekaman kaset/CD  Buku teks


: _______________________


: III (Tiga)

Mata Pelajaran



: 2 (Dua)

Standar Kompetensi

: Berbicara 6. Mengungkapkan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah

Kompetensi Dasar 6.1 Menirukan ujaran dalam ungkapan sangat sederhana secara berterima

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran Contoh: Guru: Which one is thicker? Siswa: Which one is thicker? (bersamasama) Guru: The red one. Siswa: The red one. (bersama-sama)

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Meniru pertanyaanpertanyaan dan respon pertanyaan

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Meniru pertanyaanpertanyaan dan respon pertanyaan dengan pengucapan dan intonasi yang tepat

Teknik Unjuk kerja

Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen Performance

Contoh Instrumen Repeat the expressions with the correct pronunciation and intonation. Guru: Which one is bigger? The yellow one.

Alokasi Waktu

2 x 35 menit

Sumber Belajar  Script percakapan  Buku teks  Alat peraga

Kompetensi Dasar 6.2 Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta / memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menanyakan permainan yang sedang dilakukan seseorang dan menanyakan keadaan seseorang

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran Contoh: A: What are you doing? B: I am playing tennis. A: How do you feel? B: I am sad.

Kegiatan Pembelajaran  Tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi  Membahas kosakata dan struktur percakapan sesuai materi  Latihan percakapan dalam bentuk dialog  Menggunakan ungkapanungkapan percakapan sesuai materi dalam situasi nyata

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Mengungkapkan berbagai tindak tutur:  menanyakan permainan yang sedang dilakukan seseorang  menanyakan keadaan seseorang


Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen

 Tes lisan

 Pertanyaan

 Unjuk kerja

 Performance

Contoh Instrumen  Answer the questions orally!

Alokasi Waktu

4 x 35 menit

 Act out the dialogue in front of the class!

Sumber Belajar  Script percakapan  Buku teks  Alat peraga

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Berani ( courage )

Mengetahui, Kepala SD ……………………

………………,……………………… Guru Bahasa Inggris

(_________________________) NIP : .........................................

(_________________________) NIP : .........................................


: _______________________


: III (Tiga)

Mata Pelajaran



: 2 (Dua)

Standar Kompetensi

: Membaca 7. Memahami tulisan bahasa Inggris dan teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

7.1 Membaca nyaring dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang tepat dan berterima yang melibatkan: frasa dan kalimat sangat sederhana

Pronunciation frasa dan kalimat yang dipelajari

 Mendengarkan dan merespon hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam kegiatan membaca nyaring: pronunciation, intonation  Mendengarkan contoh membaca nyaring yang dilakukan guru  Menirukan membaca nyaring dengan intonasi dan jeda sesuai model  Membaca nyaring sendiri dengan lafal, intonasi, dan jeda yang baik dan benar

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi  Melafalkan frasa dan kalimat dengan benar  Membaca frasa dan kalimat dengan intonasi yang benar  Membaca nyaring dengan baik dan benar


Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen

Contoh Instrumen

 Tes unjuk kerja

 Uji petik membaca nyaring

Read the sentences aloud.

 Observasi

 Lembar observasi

Read all the sentences loudly and carefully.

Alokasi Waktu

2 x 35 menit

Sumber Belajar

Buku teks

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

7.2 Memahami kalimat dan teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima

 Kalimat-kalimat sangat sederhana  Teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana berbentuk cerita singkat

 Mengidentifikasi informasi dalam kalimat-kalimat sangat sederhana  Mengidentifikasi informasi yang terdapat dalam bacaan  Tanya jawab yang terkait dengan materi

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi  Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat-kalimat sangat sederhana  Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks deskriptif bergambar

Teknik Tes unjuk kerja

Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen Tes identifikasi gambar berdasarkan informasi yang ada dalam kalimatkalimat sangat sederhana atau dalam teks

Contoh Instrumen Read the text and point to the pictures.

Alokasi Waktu

2 x 35 menit

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Berani ( courage )

Mengetahui, Kepala SD ……………………

………………,……………………… Guru Bahasa Inggris

(_________________________) NIP : .........................................

(_________________________) NIP : .........................................

Sumber Belajar  Buku teks  Alat peraga


: _______________________


: III (Tiga)

Mata Pelajaran



: 2 (Dua)

Standar Kompetensi

: Menulis 8. Mengeja dan menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi


Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen

Contoh Instrumen

Alokasi Waktu

Sumber Belajar

8.1 Menyalin kosakata bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima dengan ejaan yang benar

Kosakata sangat sederhana terkait dengan perbandingan

Menyalin dan mencocokkan kosakata dengan gambar

Menyalin dan mencocokkan kata dengan gambar yang sesuai

Tes tulis

Menyalin kosakata sesuai dengan gambar

Write the correct size.

4 x 35 menit

 Buku teks  Alat peraga

8.2 Melengkapi kalimatkalimat sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima

Kalimat-kalimat sangat sederhana dan kosakata yang berkaitan

Melengkapi kalimat dengan kata-kata yang sesuai berdasarkan gambar

Melengkapi kalimat dengan kata yang sesuai

Tes tulis

Melengkapi kalimat dengan benar dan sesuai dengan gambar

Complete the words by writing the correct expressions according to the pictures.

4 x 35 menit

 Buku teks  Alat peraga

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Berani ( courage )

Mengetahui, Kepala SD ……………………

………………,……………………… Guru Bahasa Inggris

(_________________________) NIP : .........................................

(_________________________) NIP : .........................................

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