Pemfis Borang.docx

  • Uploaded by: Angga Yogi Laksmana
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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 101
  • Pages: 1
• • •

Airway dan Cspine immobilization : bebas Breathing : spontan . RR : 22 x/ menit SPO2 : 100% Circulation : Nadi : x/menit 0

Suhu : 37.2 C • • • • •

 

TD : 110/70 mmHg Disability : kesadaran/GCS : CM/ 4-5-6 Exposure : Resusitasi : Kepala/leher : Anemi (-), Ikterus (-), Sianosis (-), Dyspneu (-) Thorax : 

Cor :

S1S2 tunggal, murmur(-), gallop(-) Pulmo : Vesikuler / Vesikuler Rh -/- Whz -/-

Abdomen Ekstremitas

: Supel, BU + N, Nyeri tekan – : akral hangat +/+ edema -/+/+ -/CRT < 2 detik

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