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Online Banking System 2012

A Project Report on Online Banking System

Submitted To…

Shree M.&.N Virani Science Collage RAJKOT

Developed By… Dobariya Ruchi D. Koradiya Heta R.

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

 PREFACE…………………………………………………..3  INTRODUCTION………………………………………….4  PROJECT PROFILE……………………………………... 6  ABOUT ASP.NET …………….….……………………….. 7  PROJECT TOOLS & CONTROLS…………….………..10  HARDWARE & SOFTWARE RESORCES……………. 13  DATAFLOW AND E.R DIAGRAM.…………………… 15  DATABASES……………………………………………… 18  SCREEN LAYOUT OF ONLINE BANKING………….. 25  SCREEN LAYOUT OF NET BANKING……………….. 44

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

When a computer succeeds-when it meets the needs of the people who use it, when it performs flawlessly over a long period of time, when it is easy to modify and even easier to use-it can and does change things for the better. But when software fails-when its users are dissatisfied, when it is error prone, when it is difficult to change and even harder to use-bad things can do happen. We all want to build software that makes things better, avoiding the bad things that lurk in the shadow of failed efforts. To succeed, we need discipline when software is designed and built. We need an engineering approach. In earlier time, almost all the Companies and Organization keep their records on paper and the work was operated and computed by a human. So there are chances to make a mistake. And the paper work may be destroyed by some accident. It is very difficult to search an old Friends, Relatives, Group Members details from large amount of storage files. So with the help of computerized system, a user can store and search old data and can save lot of time and energy. This Web site is developed for keeping details of Address, of Banking Branches, Net Mails, Checking Account Details, Transaction Details, Cheque Status, Stop Payments etc... Not only keeping details of those Accounts but also storing the transactions with this Banking and Business Related Information.

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

INTRODUCTION Online Banking System History The concept of online banking as we know it today dates back to the early 1980s, when it was first envisioned and experimented with. However, it was only in 1995 (on October 6, to be exact) that Presidential Savings Bank first announced the facility for regular client use. The idea was quickly snapped up by other banks like Wells Fargo, Chase Manhattan and Security First Network Bank. Today, quite a few banks operate solely via the Internet and have no ‗four-walls‘ entity at all. In the beginning, its inventors had predicted that it would be only a matter of time before online banking completely replaced the conventional kind. Facts now prove that this was an overoptimistic assessment - many customers still harbor an inherent distrust in the process. Others have opted not to use many of the offered facilities because of bitter experience with online frauds, and inability to use online banking services. Be that as it may, it is estimated that a total of 55 million families in America will be active users of online banking by the year 2010. Despite the fact that many American banks still do not offer this facility to customers, this may turn out to be an accurate prediction. The number of online banking customers has been increasing at an exponential rate. Initially, the main attraction is the elimination of tiresome bureaucratic red tape in registering for an account, and the endless paperwork involved in regular banking. The speed with which this process happens online, as well as the other services possible by these means, has translated into a literal boom in the banking industry over the last five years. Nor are there any signs of the boom letting up - in historical terms, online banking has just begun.

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012 Online Banking provides detailed information on Online Banking, History of Online Banking, Online Banking Services, Future of Online Banking and more. Online Banking is affiliated with Offshore Banking Accounts. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ross_Bainbridge

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

Project Profile Project Definition : -

Online Banking

Developed At


Shree M. &.N Virani Science Collage.

Front End Tool


ASP.Net with C#

Back End Tool


Sql server

Software Use

:Dream viewer Notepad Microsoft Word


:Internet Explorer Mozila Fire Fox

Developed By

:Ruchi Dobariya. Heta Koradiya.

Guided By

:Keyur Zala. Pradip Vanpariya.

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

ASP.NET  Introduction  With ASP.NET, Microsoft has created an integrated suite of components that combines the building blocks of the web-markup languages and HTTPwith proven object-oriented methodology.  ASP.NET features a completely object-oriented programming model, which include an event driven, control based architecture that encourages code encapsulation and code reuse.  ASP.NET gives you the ability to code in any supported .NET language (including Visual Basic,C#,J#,and many other languages that have third party compilers).  ASP.NET also includes a fine-tuned data access model and flexible data caching to further boost performance. Seven Important facts About ASP.NET 1) ASP.NET is integrated with .NET Framework 2) ASP.NET is compiled, not interpreted 3) ASP.NET is Multilanguage 4) ASP.NET is Hosted by the Common Language Runtime 5) ASP.NET is Object-Oriented 6) ASP.NET is Multidevice and Multibrowser 7) ASP.NET is Easy to Deploy and Configure

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

 What is .NET Framework? The .NET framework is a new and revolutionary platform created by Microsoft for developing applications. The most interesting thing about this statement is how vague it is but there are good reasons for this. For a start, note that is doesn‘t ―develop applications on the windows operating system.‖ Although the Microsoft release of the .NET framework runs on the windows operating system, it is fast becoming possible to find alternative versions that will work on other systems. One example of this is Mono, an open-source version of the .NET framework (including a C# compiler) that runs on several operating systems, including various flavors of Linux and Mac OS. More such projects are in the pipeline and may be available by the time you read this. In addition, you can use the Microsoft .NET compact framework (essentially a subset of the full .NET framework) on personal digital assistant (PDA) class devices and even some smart phones. One of the key motivations behind the .NET framework is its intended use as a means of integrating disparate operating systems.

The .NET framework has been designed so that it can be used from any languages, including C# (the creation of this book) as well as C++, Visual Basic, Jscript, and even older languages such as COBOL. For this to work, .NET –specific versions of these languages have also appeared, and more are being released all the time. Not only do all of these have access to the .NET framework, but they can also communicate with each other. It is perfectly possible for C# developers to make use of code written by Visual Basic programmers, and vice versa.

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

 SQL SERVER 2005 Edition 

Microsoft SQL Server is a set of components that work together to meet the data storage and analysis needs of the largest Web sites and enterprise data processing systems.

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is free, easy-to-use, and redistributable version of SQL Server 2005 that offers developers a robust database for building reliable applications.

SQL Server Express can make use of only 1 GB of RAM. In addition it has a database size limit of 4 GB, which limit its use for larger business applications.

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is primarily targeted to developers looking to embed a redistributed database engine in their application.

This developers no longer need to develop their own data repository and can rely on the powerful set of features, performance and the well define T-SQL programming language offered by SQL Server Express.

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 data is stored in databases. The data in a database is organized into the logical components visible to users. A database is also physically implemented as two or more files on disk.

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

Tools (Controls) used of Visual ASP .NET  Text Box A Textbox control, sometimes called an edit field or edit control, displays information entered at design time, entered by the user, or assigned to the control in code at run time. To display multiple lines of text in a Textbox control, set the multilane property to True. If a multiple-line Textbox doesn't have a horizontal scroll bar, text wraps automatically even when the Textbox is resized. To customize the scroll bar combination on a Textbox, set the Scrollbars property. If you set the multilane property to True, you can use the Alignment property to set the alignment of text within the Textbox. The text is leftjustified by default. If the Multilane property is False, setting the Alignment property has no effect.  Label A Label control is a graphical control you can use to display text that a user can't change directly A Label control‘s caption size is unlimited. For forms and all other controls that have captions, the limit is 255 characters. You can write code that changes the text displayed by a Label control in response to events at run time. For example, if your application takes a few minutes to commit a change, you can display a processing-status message in a Label. You can also use a Label to identify a control, such as a Textbox control, that doesn't have its own Caption property

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012  Command Button A command button is typically used to start an event that performs an action such as closing a form, moving to a different record, printing a report, and so on. Use the Command Group control to create a set of command buttons that you can manipulate individually or as a group. Use the Caption property to specify the text that appears on a command button. Use the Picture property to specify a picture for a command button. Click events occurs when you include code in a program that triggers the event, or when the user presses and releases the left mouse button while the pointer is over a control, changes the value of certain controls, or clicks in a blank area of a form.  Combo Box A Combo Box control combines the features of a Textbox control and a List Box control—users can enter information in the text box portion or select an item from the list box portion of the control To add or delete items in a Combo Box control, use the Add or Remove method. Set the List, Count, and List Index properties to enable a user to access items in the Combo Box. Alternatively, you can add items to the list by using the List property at design time.

 Check Box A Check Box control displays an X when selected; the X disappears when the Check Box is cleared. Use this control to give the user a True/False or Yes/No option. You can use Check Box controls in groups to display multiple choices from which the user can select one or more. You can also set the value of a Check Box programmatically with the Value property. Check Box and Option Button controls function similarly but with an important difference: Any number of Check Box controls on a form

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012 can be selected at the same time. In contrast, only one Option Button in a group can be selected at any given time. To display text next to the Check Box, set the Caption property. Use the Value property to determine the state of the control—selected, cleared, or unavailable.  Image control An Image control can display a graphic from a bitmap, icon, or metafile, as well as enhanced metafile, JPEG, or GIF files. It clips the graphic if the control isn't large enough to display the entire image. To make a Picture Box control automatically resize to display an entire graphic, set its Auto Size property to True. To create animation or simulation, you can manipulate graphics properties and methods in code. Graphics properties and events are useful for run-time print operations, such as modifying the format of a screen form for printing  Menu A Menu displays a custom menu for your application. A menu can include commands, submenus, and separator bars. Each menu you create can have up to four levels of submenus.  Toolbar Toolbar control inserts the toolbar in the project. Toolbar can contain buttons which can contain images and text for making project user friendly.

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

Hardware Configuration Server Configuration      

Pentium IV Processor VGA Color Monitor 512 MB RAM 256 Cache Memory 104 Keyboard Optical Mouse

Client Configuration       

Intel Pentium MMX or Higher Processor SVGA Color Flat Monitor 128 MB or Higher RAM 64 Cache Memory 104 Keyboard Mouse Dot Metric Printer

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

Server Configuration  Platform Microsoft Windows NT or Microsoft Windows 2000  Back End Tool Sql Server Client Configuration  Platform Microsoft Windows XP or higher Microsoft Windows‘ version  Front End Tool Visual ASP.Net  Back End Tool Sql server

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

Data Flow Diagram  Admin module Data Flow Diagram

Login Info


Login Process

Accoun t no

Account no…..

Account Info

View/Add/ Edit/Delet e Account info…



Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

 First Level Client Module Data Flow Diagram

Login s



Account info

Account Detail


Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012


Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012


Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

DATABASES Table: - Account Field Name Ac_No Pri_Actype Pri_Name Join_Name Pri_Add Join_Add Pri_City Join_ City Pri_State Join_State Pri_Nationality Join_Nationality Pri_Pin Join_Pin Pri_RPhone Join_RPhone Pri_Mobile Join_Mobile Pri_Per_Add Join_Per _Add Pri_E-Mail Join_E-Mail Nomi_Nm Nomi_Dob Nomi_Relation Nomi_Age Nomi_Minor Nomi_Minor_Gaerdi anNm

Data Types Number Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Number Number Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Date Varchar Number Varchar Varchar

Size (20) (15) (100) (100) (150) (150) (30) (30) (20) (20) (25) (25) (10) (10) (15) (15) (15) (15) (150) (150) (100) (100) (100) (20) (20) (5) (60)

Descriptions Primary key Account Type Primary Name Join Name Primary Address Join Address Primary City Join City Primary State Join State Primary Nationality Join Nationality Primary Pin code Join Pin code Primary Resident Phone Join Resident Phone Primary Mobile Join Mobile Primary Permanent Address Join Permanent Address Primary E Mail Join E Mail Nominee Name Nominee Date of Birth Relation with Nominee Nominee Age Nominee Minor Nominee Guardian Name

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012 Ccy Mode_Of_Operation Open_Depo Open_Depo_Chno Open_Date Check_Required Pri_Edu Pri_Job Pri_Job_Desi Pri_Job_Amt

Varchar Varchar Number Number Number Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar

(10) (20) (15) (15)




(5) (20) (30) (30) (15)

Current Currency Operation Mode Open Deposit Open Deposit Cheque No. Open Date Cheque Book Require Primary Education Primary Job Primary Designation Primary Amount Balance

Table: - Cheques Field Name Ac_No Chk_No Description Amt Cdate Status

Data Types Number Number Varchar Number Date Varchar

Size (20) (20) (60) (15) (10)

Descriptions Foreign key Cheque No. Description Amount Cheque Date Cheque Status

Table: - Withdrawal Field Name Ac_No Withdrawal W_Date W_Time

Data Types Number Number Date Date

Size (20) (15)

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.

Descriptions Foreign key Withdrawal Amount Withdrawal Date Withdrawal Time


Online Banking System 2012

Table: - Passbook Field Name Ac_No Tr_Date Chk_No Description Withdrawal Deposit Balance

Data Types Number Date Varchar Varchar Number Number Number

Size (20) (10) (80) (15) (15) (20)

Descriptions Foreign key Trasaction Date Cheque No. Description Withdrawal Deposit Available Balance

Table: - Term_Depo Field Name Ac_No Ac_Type Product FullName Dob PanNo Email Nomi_nm Nomi_Dob Nomi_Add Tenure Plan_Int Address Pinno City Resi_No Offi_No Mobile Account_Amt

Data Types Number Varchar Varchar Varchar Date Varchar Varchar Varchar Date Varchar Number Number Varchar Number Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Number

Size (20) (20) (20) (100) (20) (100) (100) (200) (15) (15) (200) (10) (30) (30) (30) (30) (15)

Descriptions Foreign key Account Type Product Full Name Date of Birth Pan Card No. E Mail ID Nominee Name Nominee Dob Nominee Address Tenure Plan Interest Address Pin Code No. City Resident No. Office No. Mobile No. Account Am

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

Table: - Deposit Field Name Ac_No Deposit D_Date D_Time

Data Types Number Number Date Date

Size (20) (15)

Descriptions Foreign key Deposit Amount Deposit Date Deposit Time

Table: - Debit_Card Field Name Ac_No

Data Types Number

Size (20)

Descriptions Foreign key

Pri_DebCard_Type Pri_DebCard_Nomi Join_DebCard_Nomi Pri_Relation_Nomi Join_Relation_Nomi Pri_Nomi_Dob Join_Nomi_Dob

Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Date Date

(8) (100) (100) (15) (15)

Card Type Primary Nominee Join Nominee Nominee Relation Nominee Relation Nominee Dob Join Nominee Dob

Table: - Credit_Card Field Name Ac_No

Data Types Number

Size (20)

Descriptions Foreign key

Pri_CrCard_Type Pri_CrCard_Nomi Join_CrCard_Nomi Pri_Relation_Nomi Join_Relation_Nomi Pri_Nomi_Dob Join_Nomi_Dob

Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Date Date

(8) (100) (100) (15) (15)

Card Type Primary Nominee Join Nominee Nominee Relation Nominee Relation Nominee Dob Join Nominee Dob

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

Table: - Check_Book Field Name Ac_No Start_Date End_Date Request_Date Issue_Date

Data Types Number Date Date Date Date

Size (20)

Descriptions Foreign key Starting Date Ending Date Request Date Issue Date

Field Name Ac_No

Data Types Number

Size (20)

Descriptions Foreign key

Plan FName LName Email Address Pincode City NearBeranch RPhone OPhone Mobile

Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Number Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar

(30) (50) (50) (100) (100) (15) (50) (50) (20) (20) (20)

Plan Name First Name Last Name E Mail Address Address Pin Code City Nearest Branch Resident Phone No. Office Phone No. Mobile No.

Table: - Apply Now

Table: - StatementInquiry Field Name Ac_No

Data Types Number

Size (20)

Descriptions Foreign key

FullName Email Mobile RDate

Varchar Varchar Varchar Date

(150) (100) (20)

Full Name E Mail Address Mobile No. Request Date

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

Table: - Login Field Name Ac_No

Data Types Number

Size (20)

Descriptions Foreign key

Cust_ID Password

Varchar Varchar

(40) (100)

Customer ID Password

Size (20) (150)

Descriptions Foreign key Full Name

Table: - Mobile_Regi Field Name Ac_No FullName

Data Types Number Varchar

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

SCREEN LAYOUT OF PERSONAL BANKING Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Welcome Screen Whenever User will open this site at that First Display This Screen This is Home page of the Web Site

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Saving Account Screen Click on Account to Display Details about the Saving Account User can also find Details of Saving Account User also sends the Request online open Saving Account

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Deposit Screen Click on Deposit Link user can also retrieve Details about the Deposit Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Fixed Deposit Rate Screen User can see easily the interest rate of Fixed Deposit Then after apply easily whatever plan that has selected

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Home Loan Screen Click on Loan Link to Default Screen Is Home Loan User also see details about the Home Loan And that can also apply to Home Loan at a Time

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Personal Loan Screen Users also see details about the Personal Loan And that can also apply to Personal Loan at a Time

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Loan against Property Screen Users also see details about the Loan against Property details And that can also apply to Loan against Property at a Time

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Loan against Security Screen Users also see details about the Loan against Security details And that can also apply to Loan against Security at a Time

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Car Loan Screen Users also see details about the Car Loan And that can also apply to Car Loan at a Time

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Study Power Loan Screen Users also see details about the Study Power Loan And that can also apply to Study Power Loan at a Time

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Consumer Power Loan Screen Users also see details about the Consumer Power Loan And that can also apply to Consumer Power Loan at a Time

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Credit Card Screen Users also see details about the Credit Card And that can also apply to Credit Card at a Time If users want to take that card so you must have Fixed Deposit Otherwise that can not apply for that

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Debit Card Screen Users also see details about the Debit Card And that can also apply to Debit Card at a Time If user want to take that card so you must have to paid yearly Charge of that card otherwise that can not use of Debit Card

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is NRI Service Screen NRI also see details about the Banking NRI Services

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Forms Download Screen for All Customers

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Net Secured Screen This is Screen Displays information about Net Secured As well As Term and condition of that

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Banking Phone Numbers Screen This Screen Display Details about the Banking Phone Numbers.

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is About Us Screen

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

SCREEN LAYOUT OF NET BANKING Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Net Banking Login Screen Users want to use this facility so first of all User have customer ID for Net Banking Login And Password for checking the Status of Banking Users have two Passwords First is Normal Password user can not transaction Second is Transaction Password by using this Password user also can transfer fund and other same kind of Baking Functionality

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Home Page of Net Banking

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Saving Account Details Screen Whenever User just click on Saving Account or Account At that time this screen will Display and represent Actual Status as well as Balance of that User Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Fixed Deposit Account Screen If User want to see that term Deposit Account Status Or renew so, by using this functionality that can easily managed

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Cheque Details Screen Users can see them Cheques Status and Clear or Unclear As well as get Print out of all the cheque transactions.

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Cheque Book Request Screen If Users have need Cheque Book so, here by using this Functionality Users can easily send Request to Bank for Cheque Book And Bank will send the Cheque Book to Address of Requested User

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Cheque Stop Payment Screen If Users want to Stop Payment of Particular Cheques or Cheque Book So, By Using this Functionality Users can easily send Request to Bank for Stop Payment to Cheque Book And Bank will Stop Payment Cheque Book Or Particular Cheque Number

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Credit Card Statement Screen If User has Credit Card and User want to see Statement of Credit Card So, By Using this Functionality User will see and get Printout of Statement

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Credit Card Balance Screen When User Will Click on Credit Card Balance Link At that time This Screen will Display If User has Credit Card and User want to see Balance of Credit Card So, By Using this Functionality User will see and get Printout of Balance

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Self Fund Transfer Screen When User Will Click on Self Fund Transfer Link At that time This Screen will Display If User want to Self Transaction at that time User wills Transfer Fund by Using this Functionality Users will Easily Transfer Fund and Get Printout of that Transaction

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Third Party Fund Transfer Screen When User Will Click on Third Party Fund Transfer Link At that time This Screen will Display If User want to Third Party Transaction at that time User wills Transfer Fund by Using this Functionality User wills Easily Transfer Fund and Get Printout of that Transaction

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Statement Inquiry Screen When User Will Click on e-Statement or Statement Inquiry Link At that time This Screen will Display If User want to? Get Statement at that time by Using this Functionality User wills Easily Get Statement as well as Printout of that

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Mobile Registration Screen When User Will Click on Mobile Registration Link At that time This Screen will Display If User want to Registration so, by using this Functionality User wills Easily Registered Mobile

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


Online Banking System 2012

This is Change Password Screen When User Will Click on Change Password Link At that time This Screen will Display If User want to? Change Password so, by using this Functionality User wills Easily Change Password

Developed By: =Dobariya Ruchi & Koradiya Heta.


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