Pdfjohnson-core Concept Teaching Strategies

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Core Concept Teaching Strategies Concept: Healthcare Technology and Nursing Informatics Informatics is the science of using data, information and knowledge to improve human health and the delivery of health care services (AMIA, 2019). Nursing informatics is the combination of nursing skill and computer science to manage and process knowledge and data in enhancing nursing practice and patient care (Maryniak, 2013, p. 2) Technology Informatics Guiding Educational Reform or TIGER is an organizational initiative to manage and prepare clinical workforce in their capability to use technology and informatics to improve the delivery of health care and quality of direct patient care (Hunter, Mcgonigle & Hebda, 2013). TIGER initiative sets the standards for nursing informatics and the competencies that should be met indicating competent knowledge base in specific aspects of nursing informatics (Hunter, Mcgonigle & Hebda, 2013). Competencies are developed to provided s standard, unified knowledge base among a group of people. These are essential for establishing consistent safe and effective patient care. For example, Ammenwertha et al. (2011) conducted a study to evaluate the effect of using a electronic information system, like an EMR on the quality of nursing care. This study was conducted and data was collected determining that the electronic information system one year after implementation resulted in the quality of nursing care improving. Documentation, care plans, workflow and continuity of care all improved. Nursing informatics provides education and knowledge in a specific field of advancing technologies used to improves quality of patient care. With technology changing as a such a exceedingly high rate, standards of care is key to quality and safety improvement. This knowledge and education is given through innovative initiative, specialty organizations and universal standard of practice provided through competencies.

Educational Program: ☒Four Year BSN Program Competency Level 1 Competency Blooms Level: Understanding

A practitioner who

Learner Objective(s) 1. The learner will be able to

Teaching Strategies 1. Summarization

define informatics. 2. The learner will outline the

2. Brain Drain – students list

roles nurses play in

key words or concepts relating


the role of a nurse in the

understands the


meaning of nursing



Level 2 Competency

1. The learner will construct

Blooms Level:

assessments and care plans


through the electronic medical record.

A practitioner who can

2. The learner will be able to

identify information that is

communicate information with

available through nursing

other interdisciplinary health

informatics that supports

care disciplines.

1. Concept Mapping

2. Dialogue/Role Play

patient safety and quality care (EMR, documentation, coordination of care).

Level 3 Competency Blooms Level: Applying

1. Determine the nature and Quiz - information security of the information needed;

A practitioner who illustrate Information Literacy.

(database EBP research).


Research/EBP Activity – Online.

2. Evaluate and analyze data collected.

Level 4 Competency

1. The learner will be able to

Blooms Level:

identify benefits and


limitation to different

2. Quizzes based on article analysis.

1. Compare and Contrast benefits and limitations

technological systems. A practitioner who recognize limitations in

2. Quiz on information 2. The learner will be able to

technology and informatics recognize barriers in place to in health care.

protect health information confidentiality.




ACTIVITY Learning Activity Summary

The learners will be asked to define what nursing means to them as well as informatics. They will then be asked to write what the meaning of nursing informatics is, and what components of healthcare are associated with nursing informatics. Cognitive: Understanding and Defining

Domain of Learning

Student-Centered Learning At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will: Objective(s)

The learner will be able to define informatics.

The learner will be able to recognize correlate components of patient care with the role of nursing informatics.


This exercise is designed to be incorporated into a lecture, activity is given during class with the expectation that pre-lecture readings and assignments were successfully completed.

Time Allotted Learning Styles

Reflective Debriefing

30 minutes to create summaries, and 45 minutes for peer sharing. Modality:




Debriefing takes place following peer sharing, focusing on the key components of nursing informatics and its correlation with patient care and the healthcare system.

Evaluation of Learning Evaluation will be completed through peer sharing, participation as well as reflection during debriefing.

Teacher Reflection

This activity allows students to critical think on their own as well as share ideas with peer, working through the correlations and understanding of informatics in nursing.


Brain Drain

ACTIVITY Learning Activity Summary

The learners will after lecture list key words or concepts relating the role of a nurse in the technology/informatics environment. Identify what role the nurses play in informatics in relation to hospital organization, professional role, patient care, and education.

Domain of Learning

Cognitive: Understanding, Applying and Evaluating

Student-Centered Learning At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will: Objective(s) Preparation

The learner will outline the roles nurses play in informatics.

This exercise is designed to be incorporated into a lecture, activity is given during class with the expectation that pre-lecture readings and assignments were successfully completed. Students needs to be split into small work groups to complete activity.

Time Allotted Learning Styles

Reflective Debriefing

30 minutes for group work and 30 minutes for peer sharing. Modality:




Reflective debriefing will be completed during group presentations to the faculty members and the class.

Evaluation of Learning Learning will be evaluated based on quality of group presentations and information presented. Teacher Reflection

This activity allows students learn to work together as a group and formulate understanding of their specific role in informatics as a licensed registered nurse.


Concept Mapping

ACTIVITY Learning Activity Summary

The learners will in small groups develop concept maps addressing their role as a nurse and how their assessments, care plans and EMR play a role in informatics. Students will create a concept map of their own individually and then as a group choose the top 5 with the biggest impact on informatics in their daily practice.

Domain of Learning

Cognitive: Applying and Evaluating

Student-Centered Learning At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will: Objective(s)

The learner will construct assessments and care plans through the electronic medical record.


This exercise is designed to be incorporated into a lecture, activity is given during class with the expectation that pre-lecture readings and assignments were successfully completed. Student will work individually and then be split into small work groups to complete activity.

Time Allotted

15 minutes for individual mapping, 15 minutes to create group concept maps, and 30 minutes for peer sharing.

Learning Styles

Reflective Debriefing





Reflective debriefing will be completed during group presentations to the faculty members and the class.

Evaluation of Learning Evaluation of learning is created through graded individual evaluation of concept maps developed.

Teacher Reflection

This activity allows students learn to work together as a group and formulate understanding of their specific actions relate to informatics on a day to day basis.


Dialogue/Role Play

ACTIVITY Learning Activity Summary

The learners will identify other interdisciplinary team members they will use informatic portals to collaborate on patient care. Each learner will be assigned a case study, they will role play assessments that would be relative, write and share how they would use nursing informatics in an example of a written dialogue to collaborate, unify, and coordinate patient care.

Domain of Learning

Cognitive: Knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, creating, and evaluating.

Psychomotor: Perceptual Affective: Organizing, and Characterizing Student-Centered Learning At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will: Objective(s)

The learner will be able to communicate information with other interdisciplinary health care disciplines through informatics portals.


Interdisciplinary assignment cards will be created. Students will be split up into pairs to complete the assignment.

Time Allotted

10 minutes to write dialogue, 10 minutes for share dialogue interacting with assigned discipline, 5 minutes for team and educator debriefing and 20 minutes for post discussion.

Learning Styles

Reflective Debriefing


Visual & Verbal



Debriefing and reflection will be conducted after the role play activity and the informatics information is reviewed.

Evaluation of Learning A one-page paper on the topic of the importance if nursing informatics and the role is play in collaborative care will be completed individually and submitted for educator evaluation at the end of class. Teacher Reflection

In this activity, all domains are touched upon and the student if fully engaged in their learning.


EBP Research Activity

ACTIVITY Learning Activity

The learner will review the aspects of navigating research using


informatics. The learner will identify and select research articled that are evidence-based, credible, and valid using multiple different informatics databases.

Domain of Learning

Cognitive: Knowledge, understanding and analysis.

Student-Centered Learning At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will: Objective(s)

The learner will be able to search and determine the nature, validity and creditability


Selecting and assigning topics for students to individually researching.

Time Allotted

30 minutes to conduct research and select 5 credible, evidencebased research articles.

Learning Styles

Reflective Debriefing





Debriefing will include an overview of tips to help conduct articles searches.

Evaluation of Learning Educator will grade based on the five submitted research articles that were collected, but on EBP credible criteria. Teacher Reflection

Students will be able to get experience conducting their own researching, analyzing differences between articles and finding the evidence-based articles that best supports their research topic.


Article Analysis Quiz

ACTIVITY Learning Activity Summary Domain of Learning

The learner will analyze and interpret an evidence-based research article. Cognitive: Understanding, analysis and evaluation.

Student-Centered Learning At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will: Objective(s) Preparation

Evaluate and analyze data collected.

Preparation will include selecting a evidence-based creditable research article for students to analyze. Secondly, producing a quiz engaging the student to analyze and evaluate the article.

Time Allotted Learning Styles

Reflective Debriefing

1 hour to read article and complete quiz individually. Modality:




Debriefing will be conducted after the quiz is completed, the teach will review the article, breaking down each section with the quiz questions and answers.

Evaluation of Learning Evaluation is based on the graded quiz. Teacher Reflection

Student learn to analyze and interpret not only the credibility of the article, but the information and its relevance to their own personal research.


Compare and Contrast

ACTIVITY Learning Activity

The learner will identify benefits and limitations to different


technological and informatically systems. As a small group, students will identify these by comparing and contrasting technologies and systems and their relevance to supporting nursing through a visual poster presentation.

Domain of Learning

Cognitive: Understanding, analysis and evaluation.

Student-Centered Learning At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will: Objective(s)

The learner will be able to identify benefits and limitation to different technological systems.


Complete pre-class reading assignments and review videos on informatics systems and advancing technologies.

Time Allotted Learning Styles

Reflective Debriefing

30 minutes for group work and 30 minutes for presentation. Modality:

Visual and Text



Debriefing will be performed through discussion after each group presentation.

Evaluation of Learning Evaluation will be completed as a group grade past on compare and contract assignment and presentation of information. Teacher Reflection

This allows student to critically think, contrast and compare their own thoughts and ideas as well as building off the support of their peers.


Information Security Quiz

ACTIVITY Learning Activity Summary

The learner will be understanding the importance of information security, be able to recall several ways to protect the organization, personal and patient confidential information. Learners will also be able to identify to consequences of not protection confidential information.

Domain of Learning

Cognitive: Knowledge and understanding

Student-Centered Learning At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will: Objective(s)

The learner will be able to recognize barriers in place to protect health information confidentiality.


Preparation will include pre-lecture readings. A quiz will be developed evaluating the students’ knowledge and understanding on information security.

Time Allotted Learning Styles

Reflective Debriefing

30 minute lecture review and 30 minutes to take the quiz. Modality:

Visual and Text



Debriefing will be conducted after the quiz is completed, the teach will conduct a test review after they have been submitted, allowing for any questions or clarification needed.

Evaluation of Learning Evaluation is based on the graded quiz. Teacher Reflection

This activity allows students to student the importance and routes of maintaining security along with acknowledge the organizations policy and procedures to maintain confidentiality.

References Ammenwerth, E., Rauchegger, F., Ehlers, F., Hirsch, B., & Schaubmayr, C. (2011). Effect of a nursing information system on the quality of information processing in nursing: An evaluation study using the HIS-monitor instrument. International Journal of Medical Informatics,80(1), 25-38. doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2010.10.010 Hunter, K. M., Mcgonigle, D. M., & Hebda, T. L. (2013). TIGER-based measurement of nursing informatics competencies: The development and implementation of an online tool for self-assessment. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice,3(12). doi:10.5430/jnep.v3n12p70 What is Informatics? (2019). Retrieved from https://www.amia.org/fact-sheets/what-informatics

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