The impetus behind Appreciative Inquiry is building from a position of strength. will be explored during the Appreciative bottom-line benefits communicate quickly, naturally, clearly, truthInquiry are co-defined by a team of internal The AI process is elegant in its simplicity and fully, collaboratively, persuasively, accurately, leaders who will work side by side throughout useful across the business cycles and func- intuitively, entertainingly, movingly, feelingly the process, with an external consultant. tions that are familiar to many companies. and interactively. Together they write the opening questions Corporate and functional (marketing, HR, Creativity in expressing a vision and craftfor the inquiry, understanding that the ques- finance, R&D, etc.) strategy is an ideal fit with ing new approaches to work is within the tions they ask are critical to the future of their Appreciative Inquiry, as are design of systems capabilities of a business when it brings peobusiness. The format of the AI is also selected for technology, distribution, customer service ple of different backgrounds together. from among many options, including a series or communication. The process will work In the end, the bottom line is a measure of small group experiences, that demonstrates the impact intensive retreats and summits Appreciative Inquiry has had on The Appreciative Inquiry Process that involve hundreds of particibusiness. Roadway Express CEO pants for a couple of days. In this James D. Staley tells the story of Discovery phase, readiness for change, corone California truck driver who Identifying Your porate culture and opportunities attracted a quarter of a million Positive Core for involving a cross-section of dollars in business as a direct the company’s stakeholders are result of his involvement in AI. all considered. In Michigan, Tendercare NursIgniting During the Discovery phase, ing Homes and Assisted Living Destiny Dream Leadership the emphasis is on finding Centers increased its patient Actions/Projects Images of Future at Continuous Learning Shared Visions the best of “what is” — peak census by 7.5 percent within six Every Level moments when the unit has weeks, and its workforce chose excelled in the past and is doing to be decertified from their well in the present. Stories or key unions in the year following its Design incidents are collected about best AI process. Possibility Propositions Ideal Organizational Designs practices and the unique condiHunter Douglas Window tions which foster them. In the Fashions reported that in 2001 words of Appreciative Inquiry they estimated more than $3.5 expert Bernard Mohr, “Through this process, practically anywhere there are three compo- million in savings, following AI-based businew insights emerge about what drives the nents: a group with a shared history related ness-process improvements that had taken organization, what its capabilities are and to their work; the desire to come together place in the prior year. what contribution its members can make to around an energized vision to innovate or the world.” to increase performance; and people with As participants are involved in the Dream stories of their individual successes to share. There is hidden power in every organizaphase, they are looking for the possibilities, Once participants have experienced the 5-D tion to achieve its greatest dreams of sucexpressed and latent, that provide opportu- cycle in a program guided by a facilitator, cess. Positive change is within your reach. It nities for more vital, successful and effective applying the steps around projects and rou- doesn’t happen on its own, but with the right forms of organization. Unlike many vision- tine work that their teams are responsible for process, you’re up to the challenge. Appreciaing exercises, these images of the future are becomes natural as they are coached to adopt tive Inquiry has proven to meet the needs grounded in the organization’s proven capa- this strengths-based approach. of both large and small businesses. With the bilities and past successes. If you are curious about the effectiveness leadership of senior managers and business Moving into the Design phase, the task of AI, here is some information you may find owners, a clear path to a future of exceptional is to look for the kinds of structure, systems, interesting. Using stories to drive results has achievement can be paved with the shared roles, procedures, work processes, leader- lots of history. When Wegmans was named the intentions and proven capabilities of the peoship, relationships, measurements, etc. that top employer in the 2005 Fortune’s 100 Best ple who are already involved. It’s up to you to are needed to assure implementation of the Companies to Work For® list, Jack DePeters, engage them. Are you ready? dream. Participants identify the high-leverage SVP of Store Operations, changes needed to support the vision. cited storytelling as a pracDelivery (sometimes called Destiny) is tice that the supermarket Loretta L. Donovan, is founder and president of worksmarts, more than a phase; it’s the work of imple- chain used to build its highand a co-owner of Appreciative Inquiry Consulting. She has mentation and continuous improvement. engagement culture. held senior learning and consulting positions at Girl Scouts of the USA, ClientSoft, Inc., SunGard Higher Ed/SCT and The focus is on creating the future that was Katalina Groh, executive the March of Dimes. A contributor to The AMA Handbook envisioned and delivering on the new images producer of the video series of E-Learning, she has consulted to the healthcare, higher of the excellent performance. Participants Real People, Real Stories, education, software and services industries, and provided develop specific action plans and commit to notes that storytelling works training on virtual teams, facilitation and e-learning implewho will do what by when. because it provides a way to mentation. Contact her at
[email protected].
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December 2006 STRATEGIES 11