Carlos R. B. Azevedo's Résumé

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Carlos Renato Belo Azevedo Office Center for Informatics (CIn) Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) Av. Prof. Luiz Freire S/N Cidade Universitária 50740-540 Recife, PE – Brasil, Caixa-Postal: 7851 55-81-2126-8430 55-81-8664-8737 (mobile) Skype ID: carlosrenatoaz E-mail: [email protected] Home Page: Citzenship Brazilian Career Objectives My main aim is to research, develop and teach neat ways to use state-of-the-art Computational Intelligence models and algorithms to understand and to promote social changes by developing effective decision making tools for industry, academy, governmental agencies and NGO's. Moreover, I want to acquire a comprehensive knowledge of the society. I'm concerned at perceiving how systematic changes in culture affect our life. In this regard, I fully recognize the need to use advanced technologies as valuable tools for analyzing such changes and for guiding us to face big challenges. Education Master in Computer Science

March, 2009 – Current

Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil Advisor: Aluizio Fausto Ribeiro Araújo Principal Area: Computational Intelligence; Evolutionary Computation; Multiobjective Optimization; Estimation of Distribution Algorithms CNPq Master Scholarship (National Council of Technological and Scientific Development) Bachelor in Computer Science (cum laude)

January, 2004 – December, 2008

Catholic University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil Grade Point Average (GPA): 8.84 / 10.00 Other Areas: Natural Computation; Quantum Computation Active in two scientific initiation programs on Time Series Forecasting with Quantum Neural Networks and Evolutionary Algorithms for Signal Compression CNPq/PIBIC Scholarship (National Council of Technological and Scientific Development, Institutional Scientific Initiation Program) Research Interests Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, Memetic Computation, Quantum Computation, Bio-inspired and Natural Computation, Social Simulation, Intelligent Agents, Multiobjective Optimization, Machine Learning, Stochastic Simulation, Digital Signal Processing, Time Series Analysis and Forecasting. Employment

Lecturer in Software Development

January, 2007 – July 2007

Instructor in Programming Languages

January, 2006 – July 2007

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

August, 2005 – December, 2007

Brazilian Union of Technological Institutes (UNIBRATEC)

Especializa Treinamentos

Department of Statistics and Informatics Catholic University of Pernambuco Courses: Stochastic Simulation; Algorithms and Data Structure Carlos R. B. Azevedo

– Résumé –

Last updated: November, 2009

Awards, Grants and Certifications

Certificate of Competency in English

August, 2009

The English Language Institute, University of Michigan

Student Travel Grant for GECCO 2009

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Special Interest Group on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (SIGEVO)

July, 2009

Best Scientific Initiation Student in Exacts and Earth Sciences Award

September, 2008

Second Best Scientific Initiation Student in Exacts and Earth Sciences Award

September, 2007

Catholic University of Pernambuco Catholic University of Pernambuco

Top 20 essay in Brazilian Undergraduate Students UNESCO’s Composition Contest Award United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

July, 2007


 Book Chapters Azevedo, C. R. B., Azevedo, F. E. A. G., Lopes, W. A. T., and Madeiro, F. 2009. Terrain-Based Memetic Algorithms for Vector Quantizer Design. In Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization, Series: Studies in Computation Intelligence, Volume 236, edited by Krasnogor, N., Melián-Batista, B., Moreno-Pérez, J. A., Moreno-Vega, J. M., and Pelta, D, pp. 197-211. New York: Springer-Verlag

 Journal Publications Azevedo, C. R. B., Azevedo, R. A., Bispo Júnior, E. L., Ferreira, T. A. E., Lopes, W. A. T., and Madeiro, F. 2009. A Memetic Algorithm for Vector Quantizer Optimization. In Learning and Nonlinear Models, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1–15.

 Peer Reviewed Conference and Workshop Papers Azevedo, C. R. B. and Gordon, V. S. 2009. Adaptive Terrain-Based Memetic Algorithms. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2009), pp. 747–754. ACM Press. Azevedo, C. R. B., Azevedo, R. A., Bispo Júnior, E. L., Ferreira, T. A. E., Lopes, W. A. T., and Madeiro, F. 2008. An Evolutionary Method for Vector Quantizer Optimization. In Proceedings of International Joint Conference SBIA/SBRN, II Workshop on Computational Intelligence (WCI-2008), pp. 69–74. Azevedo, C. R. B., Ferreira, T. A. E., Lopes, W. A. T., and Madeiro, F. 2008. Improving Image Vector Quantization with a Genetic Accelerated K-Means Algorithm. In Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS-2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 5259), pp. 67–76. Springer-Verlag. Azevedo, C. R. B., Bispo Júnior, E. L., Ferreira, T. A. E., Madeiro, F, and Alencar, M. S. 2008. An Evolutionary Approach for Vector Quantization Codebook Optimization. In Advances in Neural Networks (ISNN-2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 5263), pp. 452–461. Springer-Verlag. Azevedo, C. R. B. and Ferreira, T. A. E. 2007. Time Series Forecasting with Qubit Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC-2007), pp. 13–18. ACTA Press. Azevedo, C. R. B. and Ferreira, T. A. E. 2007. The Application of Qubit Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting with Automatic Phase Adjustment Mechanism. In Proceedings of the Congress of the Brazilian Computer Society, National Meeting in Artificial Intelligence (ENIA-2007), pp. 1112–1121. SBC Press.

 Extended Summary Published in Proceedings of Conferences Azevedo, C. R. B. and Ferreira, T. A. E. 2007. A Quantum Machine Learning Approach for Time Series Forecasting. In Proceedings of Scientific Initiation Meeting, pp. 319-325. FASA.

 Summary Published in Proceedings of Conferences Azevedo, C. R. B. and Madeiro, F. 2008. The Acceleration of an Evolutionary Codebook Optimizer. In Proceedings of Scientific Initiation Meeting, FASA.

Carlos R. B. Azevedo

– Résumé –

Last updated: November, 2009

 Essay Published in Book Azevedo, C. R. B. 2007. The Social Man and His Fight: Family and Community can Make the Difference. In How to Stop Poverty and Inequality (in Portuguese, French and English), pp. 105–109, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

 Additional Publications Azevedo, C. R. B. August, 2009. Social Aggression in the Workplace: You’ll Inevitably be a Victim Someday; Hope and Pray You won’t Become an Aggressor. Essay, Recanto das Letras. Azevedo, C. R. B. February, 2008. The Paradox of Technology (in Portuguese). Technical article, iMasters. Azevedo, C. R. B. February, 2008. Mastering C++



Azevedo, C. R. B. January, 2008. Google Maps API (in Portuguese).




Technical article, iMasters.

Presentations and Tutorials Azevedo, C. R. B. 2009. Biologically-Inspired Computing: Algorithms and Applications. Invited Talk, Third Week of Informatics, Catholic University of Pernambuco. Keywords: Evolutionary Algorithms, Swarm Intelligence, Metaheuristics. Azevedo, C. R. B. 2008. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information: Consequences and Applications. Invited Talk, Second Week of Informatics, Catholic University of Pernambuco. Keywords: Quantum Circuits, Grover Algorithm. Azevedo, C. R. B. 2008. Developing Geographic Information Systems with Google Maps API. Tutorial, First Meeting of Open-Software in Pernambuco, Faculdade Maurício de Nassau. Azevedo, C. R. B. 2008. Advanced Topics in C++. Tutorial, Second Meeting of Open-Software in CEFET-PE, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pernambuco. Keywords: Metaprogramming, Standard Template Library, Iterators, Streams. Azevedo, C. R. B. 2008. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with Google Maps API. Tutorial, Second Meeting of OpenSoftware in CEFET-PE, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pernambuco. References Dr. Francisco Madeiro Professor, Computer Science Department of Statistics and Informatics Catholic University of Pernambuco 55-81-2119-4006 Dr. Tiago Ferreira Professor, Computer Science Department of Statistics and Informatics Federal Rural University of Pernambuco 55-81-3320-6491 Dr. Scott Gordon Professor, Computer Science Computer Science Department California State University, Sacramento 1-916-278-7946 Further Information CV in Lattes’ Platform:

Carlos R. B. Azevedo

– Résumé –

Last updated: November, 2009

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