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CDMA DATA TERMINAL AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data User Manual

June 28, 2001 Ver 1.1 PD02-V11

AnyDATA.NET AnyTime AnyPlace Any Wireless Data Solutions™

International Contact United Computer & Telecommunication Inc. 18902 Bardeen Ave Irvine, CA 92612-1522, U.S.A. e-mail : [email protected]

Korea Contact AnyDATA.NET Hanvit Bank Bldg. 6th Fl., 1-12 Byulyang-dong Kwachon, Kyunggi-do, Korea e-mail : [email protected]


AnyTime AnyPlace Any Wireless Data SolutionTM

Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Organization 1.3 Revision History 1.4 Reference 1.5 Acronym List 1.6 Terms and Numeric Information 2 Packet Data Application 2.1 Overview of Packet Data 2.2 Packet Data Network Architecture 2.3 Packet Data Protocol Stack(Relay layer Rm interface) 2.4 Packet Data Operation 2.2.1 Originating an AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Call 2.2.2 Release an AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Call 3 AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Application 3.1 Overview of AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data 3.2 AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Network Architecture 3.3 AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Protocol Stack 3.4 AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Operation 3.4.1 Originating an AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Call 3.4.2 Release an AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Call Annex A Packet Data Network Setup A.1 Dial-up Networking Setup A.2 Internet Options setting Annex B AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Test B.1 Test Environment B.2 Usage

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Figure 2-1 A-Interface network architecture with Packet Data support .................................... 8 Figure 2-2 Standard Packet Data Protocol Stack ....................................................................... 9 Figure 3-1 A-Interface network architecture with AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data support ................................................................................................................... 12 Figure 3-2 AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Protocol Stack .............................................. 13 Figure 3-3 Originating TCP/IP Call ........................................................................................ 14 Figure 3-4 Termination TCP/IP Call ....................................................................................... 16 Figure A-1 Make New Connection ......................................................................................... 20 Figure A-2 Completion of the first part of the dial-up configuration ...................................... 20 Figure A-3 115200 bps case .................................................................................................... 21

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Table 1-1 Revision History ....................................................................................................... 5 Table 1-2 Reference documents and standards ......................................................................... 5 Table 1-3 Reference documents and standards of AnyDATA .................................................. 6 Table 3-1 CDMA AT Parameter Commands (IS-707.3 Table 7.4.1-1) .................................. 17 Table 3-2 AnyDATA TCP/IP related AT Commands ............................................................ 17 Table A-1 Dial-up settings (User name and Password) ........................................................... 24

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1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose This document specifies the command interface that customer’s application will use to communicate with CDMA packet data AT commands.

1.2 Organization The interface and operation section is organized into the following subsections: Section 2.1 – Specifies the standard packet data communication procedure, for example using WinCE, Linux, … , etc, with the AT command set, and usage Section 2.2 – Specifies the AnyDATA.NET proprietary packet data communication procedure using the built-in TCP/IP protocol stack with the AT command set, and usage Section 2.3 – Originates the TCP/IP call

1.3 Revision History The revision history for this document is shown in Table 1-1. Table 1-1 Revision History Version



V1.0 V1.1

April 2001 June 2001

Initial Release – applicable DTS and DTSS series software Corrected document format and added test tool usages

1.4 References Reference documents, which may include standards, and resource documents, are listed in Table 1-2 and 1-3. Table 1-2 Reference documents and standards Ref.



Standards 1

Data Service Options for Spread Spectrum Systems

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Table 1-3 Reference documents and standards of AnyDATA Ref.




CDMA Data Terminal – AT Command User Manual


1.5 Acronym List 1.6 Terms and Numeric Information BS. Base Station. Data-Link Layer. The Data-Link Layer is the protocol layer in a program that handles the moving of data in and out across a physical link in a network. The Data-Link Layer is layer 2 in the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) model for a set of telecommunication protocols. DTR. Data Terminal Ready. Internet Protocol (IP). A connectionless network layer protocol that became a commonly used standard for the Internet and other networks. Interworking Function (IWF). An IWF provides the functions needed for terminal equipment connected to a mobile termination to inter-work with terminal equipment connected to the PSTN. A physical implementation may include a pool of modems. Mobile Termination 2 (MT2). An MT2 provides a non-ISDN (Rm) user interface. Network Layer. In the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) communications model, the Network layer knows the address of the neighboring nodes in the network, packages output with the correct network address information, selects routes and quality of service, and recognizes and forwards to the Transport layer incoming messages for local host domains. Packet Control Function (PCF). A network entity that is responsible for ensuring that packet data services are delivered properly on the radio network by interfacing with a PDSN. Packet Data Serving Node (PDSN). A gateway router for the packet data between the mobile data application and the packet data network. Physical Layer (PHYS). The part of the communication protocol between the mobile station and the base station that is responsible for the transmission and reception of data. The physical layer in the transmitting station is presented a frame by the multiplex sublayer and transforms it into an over-the-air waveform. The physical layer in the receiving station transforms the waveform back into a frame and presents it to the multiplex sublayer above it. Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). A connection-oriented datalink protocol for communication between two terminals. Network layer protocols such as IP can encapsulate packets into PPP frames on an established link. Terminal Equipment 2 (TE2). A TE2 is a data terminal device that has a non-ISDN interface.

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2. Packet Data Application

This section provides an overview of how Packet Data services are implemented in a wireless CDMA network and specifically addresses how the A-Interface is used to provide these service as specified in 2.2 and 2.3, and describes how to operate between AnyDATA modem and CDMA system as specified in 2.4.

2.1 Overview of Packet Data Packet Data Service can be of two types. Type 1 Packet Data Service provides packet data connections based on Internet and ISO standard protocol stacks, while Type 2 Packet Data Service provides packet data connections based on CDPD protocol stacks. Two rate sets are supported with two unique service option numbers for each packet data service type. Type 1 Packet Data Sertvice includes serivce option connections using Service Option 15. Type 2 Packet Data Service includes service option connections using Service Option 16. Serivce Option 15 is used to request packet data service throught an IWF supporting an Internet standard Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP) interface to network layer protocols. Service Option 16 is used to request packet data service throught an Inter-Working Function(IWF) supporting CDPD data services over a PPP interface. Currently, CDMA network supports Type 1 Packet Data Service as specified in 2.2. Packet data service options provide a means of establishing and maintaining Traffice Channels for packet data service.

2.2 Packet Data Network Architecture The Packet data network architecture includes interfaces to an Inter-Working Function(IWF) that provides a gateway to the packet data network. This IWF serves as a terminating point for the packet data connection from the internet network and provides a direct Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP) link layer connection to the mobile station application. An overview of the CDMA network architecture that supports packet data services is shown in Figure 2-1. The mobile data application typically resides in a Terminal Equipment 2(TE2), which is a data terminal device physically connected to a mobile station. The mobile station is known as a Mobile

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Termination 2(MT2) device , which has an interface such as RS-232 that can be linked to the TE2. This interface is referred to as the Rm-Interface and is specified in Figure 2-1 On the infrasturcture side, the BSC provides the Um air interface link to the mobile station and the associated radio resouces for the packet data call. The MSC is involed only in the packet data call setup and does not participate in the packet data transfer. Beyond the BSC, a packet data IWF provides the necessary fucntions to support packet data services for the mobile terminal. It establishes a reliable link layer to the mobile station using common link layer protocols such as Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP) and provodes the router works. The L-Interface connects the BSC/MSC to the IWF function.








BSC PPP link Packet Data application TE2 - Data terminal MT2 - Mobile Station BTS - Base Transceiver System BSC - Base Station Controller

MSC - Mobile Station Controller IWF - Inter-Working Function PDN - Packet Data Network

Figure 2-1 A-Interface network architecture with Packet Data support

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2.3 Packet Data Protocol Stack(Relay layer Rm interface)

Application Layer

Network Layer

Packet Data App

Packet Data App







Link layer

Link layer

Relay layer

Relay layer

Relay layer

Link Layer Relay Layer

Packet Data App








Data Terminal (TE2)

Relay layer


Mobile Terminal (MT2)




Remote Host Packet data network interface

Figure 2-2 Standard Packet Data Protocol Stack Figure 2-2 shows an overview of the protocol stack in a mobile packet data application between a mobile data terminal and a remote host. The protocol stack is divided mainly into the relay layer, link layer, network layer, and application layer. The application layer includes the transport layer and other higher-layer protocols. The relay layer is mainly responsible for the transmission of user data across the various interfaces connecting the entities in the wireless and packet data network. The interface between the mobile data terminal and the mobile station is typically RS-232 but can be any type of interface. As with voice, the Um-Interface between the mobile station and the BSC uses CDMA air interface technology to transfer packet data. Because the loss of data bits in a packet data call has a much more adverse affect than a voice call, additional steps must be taken to improve the transmission reliablity. To provide a better datalink layer transmission on the air interface, a Radio Link Protocol(RLP) is used to encapsulate link layer packet data and format the information into CDMA radio channel frames. RLP also uses retransmission schemes to reduce error rates. From the serving BSC/MSC to the IWF and , finally, to the remote host on the packet data network, any relay technology can be used.

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The link layer is responsible for establishing a reliable, low-error link connection between the mobile data terminal and the remote host packet data application. Between the mobile data application and the IWF at the infrastructure, a PPP link layer is commonly used to provide a method for transporting the IP data packets over a serial connection. Any link layer protocol, such as ethernet, X.25, frame relay, ATM, and token ring may be used from the IWF gateway to the remote host over the packet data network. Note thate the PPP connection from the IWF is terminated at different points on the mobile side, depending on which of the two different protocol options are chosen on the Rm-Interface. - Relay Layer Rm - Network Layer Rm In the Relay Layer Rm option, the data terminal(TE2) implements the link layer protocol, such as PPP, as well as the network and higher-layer protocols, Thus, the PPP link layer is established between the mobile data terminal and the IWF. Figure 2-2 shows this Relay Layer Rm option. The AnyDATA modem only supports Relay Layer Rm. The Network Layer Rm will support next generation. At the packet data Application Layer, protocols such as TCP, UDP, Mobile IP, and higher-layer protocols are enchanged between the mobile data terminal and the remote host over the packet data network.

2.4 Packet Data Operation A packet data call is initiated by the mobile station’s data application when it first sets up a connection with the BSC. The selcetion of a packet data service type can be accomplished using the AT command protocol between the data terminal and the mobile station or directly, using the user interface on the mobile. The mobile station esablishes the radio channel with the BSC and performs a packet data call setup similar to a mobile-originated voice call but uses the packet data service option supported by the both the BSC and MSC. Once the packet data service option is set up and the radio channel is allocated, RLP synchronization between the mobile station and the BSC begins. After RLP synchronization, PPP frames are then exchanged between the mobile station and the IWF to establish the PPP link. In a Simple IP implemention, a dynamic IP address is assigned by the IWF. Bascially, PC, WinCE and Linux are a TE2 type included dial-up networking which is supported the PPP layer. Refer to ANNEX.A for more specific operation.

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3. AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Application This section provides an overview of how AnyDATA Packet Data services are implemented in a wireless CDMA network and specifically addresses how the A-Interface is used to provide these service as specified in 3.2 and 3.3, and describes how to operate between AnyDATA modem and CDMA system as specified in 3.4.

3.1 Overview of AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data To understand fully how AnyDATA Packet Data services are modified in a CDMA network, it is helpful first to understand the AnyDATA Packet Data application layer functions.This section explains the AnyDATA Packet Data protocol architecture, the modified Link layer, Network layer structures, and how the AnyDATA Packet Data application reliably interfaces Packet Data to the remote application layer.

3.2 AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Network Architecture The AnyDATA Proprietary Packet data network architecture includes interfaces to an Inter-Working Function(IWF) that provides a gateway to the packet data network. This IWF serves as a terminating point for the packet data connection from the internet network and provides a direct Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP) link layer connection to the mobile station application. An overview of the CDMA network architecture that supports AnyDATA packet data services is shown in Figure 3-1. The mobile station normally is known as a Mobile Termination 2(MT2) device , which has an interface such as RS-232 that can be linked to the TE2. This interface is referred to as the Rm-Interface and is specified in Figure 2-1. The mobile data application typically resides in a Terminal Equipment(TE2), or MT2 which is a data terminal device physically connected to a mobile station through TCP/IP . On the infrasturcture side, the CDMA network using AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data is the same as specifed in section 2.

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Users Telemeter Vending Machine Street Lamp Security System Etc.


(Control Board)


(AnyDATA modem)






BSC PPP link Packet Data application TE2 - Data terminal MT2 - Mobile Station BTS - Base Transceiver System BSC - Base Station Controller

MSC - Mobile Station Controller IWF - Inter-Working Function PDN - Packet Data Network

Figure 3-1 A-Interface network architecture with AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data support

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3.3 AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Protocol Stack

Packet Data App

Application Layer

Network Layer







Link layer

Link layer

Relay layer

Relay layer

Relay layer

Link Layer Relay Layer








Data Terminal (TE2)

Packet Data App

Packet Data App

Relay layer


Mobile Terminal (MT2)



Remote Host

IWF Packet data network interface

Figure 3-2 AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Protocol Stack

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3.4 AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Operation This section introduces the procedure to interface AT command with DTE. Refer to ANNEX.B for more specific information to test the tool

3.4.1 Originating an AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Call


AnyDATA modem Step 1

AT+CAD? Note

+CAD:0/1/2/3/5 If return code is "+CAD : 1"

OK Step 2


Step 3

AT+DIP="x.x.x.x" OK

Step 4


Step 5

ATDTxxx "CALL" (When time is displayed at normal phone)

set TCP/IP failsafe timer 10secs

"CONNECT" (When TCP/IP is setup)

Set protocol open timer 15secs

DCD signal enable(low state) Data stream

Note : refer to Table 3-1 CDMA AT Parameter Commands (IS-707.3 Table 7.4.1-1)

Figure 3-3 Originating TCP/IP Call

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Step 1. All of the AnyDATA modems have two methods to check the CDMA state. The first method uses AT command and the second one uses a special pin on the 60 pin connector. First Method : checks AT command “AT+CAD?” If result value is not “+CAD: 1”, don’t make a voice call. Try again “AT+CAD?”. If result value is “+CAD:1”, try the next step. Second Method : Special pin Checks the state of 16th pin on the 60 pin connector. If it is low state, it can make a next step. Otherwise, don’t make a next step Step 2. Convey “AT+CRM=130” from DTE to AnyDATA modem. The modem changes the TCP/IP origination mode with this AT command. Step 3. DTE transmits IP information, which is the destination IP address, to the modem using AT command, “AT+DIP”. Step 4. DTE transmits PORT information, which is the destination PORT, to the modem using AT command, “AT+DPORT”. Step 5. The modem makes a call to CDMA system after receiving “ATDTxxx” command from DTE. After making a call, the modem can return result code as following description (xxx : any origination number). Case 1 : In case of failure of call transmission, “NO CARRIER” is conveyed from the modem to the DTE. It is a fail and go back to step 1. Case 2 : In case of success of call transmission, “CALL” is conveyed from the modem to the DTE. Case 3 : In case that TCP/IP is no set up with IWF within 15 seconds, “NO CARRIER” is conveyed to the DTE. It is a fail and go back to step 1. Case 4 : The modem generally conveys “NO CARRIER” to DTE at a failure or error conditions. This state generates as the result of CDMA Air interface fail or abnormal release and so on.

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Case 5 : In case that TCP/IP is set up, The modem conveys “CONNECT” to the DTE. The “CONNECT” means the modem is connected with CDMA IWF through the TCP/IP connection. Also, the modem changes DCD signal to low state.

3.4.2 Release an AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Call AnyDATA modem Step 1

DTE DTR signal disable(high state) DCD signal disable(high state)

Step 2

DTR signal enable(low state)

Step 3


Interval between step 1 and step 2 is about 0.5 seconds

Figure 3-4 Termination TCP/IP Call Step 1. In case that the DTE releases a call after taking all procedures, which finishes the data transfer with any system or wants to release the call. DTE changes DTR signal to high state. The modem changes DCD signal to high state and performs TCP/IP close procedure, releases PPP connection and releases air interface with BTS Step 2. DTR signal must be low state for next data communication. So, DTE changes DTR signal to low state. Step 3. The modem transmits “NO CARRIER” to DTE. Note : 1.

After receiving AT command response, wait 300ms before sending the next AT command. Otherwise, the next command could be lost.


TCP/IP normal setup time is about 15 seconds.


If DTE wants to make any AT command to the modem, please changes the DTR state as low state to the modem.


The DTE must change the DTR state as low state to DTS-800 when the modem turns on or DTR is high state

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AnyDATA.NET Inc. Cmd +CRM=


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Table 3-1 CDMA AT Parameter Commands (IS-707.3 Table 7.4.1-1) IS-707 Implement’n Description req’t status Set Rm interface protocol Async: req. Fully Pkt: req. implemented 0 – Asynchronous Data or Fax 1 – Packet data service, Relay Layer Rm interface 2 – Packet data service, Network Layer Rm interface, PPP 3 – Packet data service, Network Layer Rm interface, SLIP 4 –STU-III Service 127 – Mobile-to-Mobile data(only supported in LG Telecom, Korea) 130 – Packet data service using built-in TCP/IP protocol stack (AnyDATA.NET proprietary) Note: The default value for the +CRM parameter shall be 0 if this value is supported by the MT2. If 0 is not supported, the default +CRM value shall be manufacturer-specific. Query Received Signal Quality. Returns the Signal Quality Measure <SQM> and the Frame Error Rate as follows:

Explanation Mobile supports only Async/Fax and Packet Relay models. Mode selection Occurs automatically based on data received. Mobile will accept only 0 and 1 as valid settings. No call will be initiated.

Async: req. Pkt : opt.

Fully implemented

Async: opt. Pkt: opt.

Fully implemented

Async: req. Pkt : opt.

Fully implemented

Signal Quality Measure <SQM> 0-31 – Signal Quality Measurement (see “Note” below). 99 – SQM is not known or is not detectable. All other values are reserved.



Frame Error Rate 0 – <0.01% 1 – 0.01% to less than 0.1% 2 – 0.1% to less than 0.5% 3 – 0.5% to less than 1.0% 4 – 1.0% to less than 2.0% 5 – 2.0% to less than 4.0% 6 – 4.0% to less than 8.0% 7 – >=8.0% 99 – is not known or is not detectable. All other values are reserved. Query Analog or Digital Service Returns: 0 – If no service is available 1 – If CDMA Digital service is available 2/3 – Not used 4 – If CDMA data service is not available 5 – If the mobile station is in the traffic state Base Station IP Address or Destination IP Address Read-only. Returns the destination IP address if the CRM is 130, else returns the base station’s IP address.

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+DIP=”x.x.x.x” +DPORT=”xxxx” +RPORT?

Cmd *PID=”identification” *PPW=”password”

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Table 3-2 AnyDATA TCP/IP related AT Commands Description Operation Set the destination IP address when the CRM is 130 +DIP=”” OK Set the destination port number when the CRM is 130 +DPORT= “1800” OK Retrieve the destination port number +RPORTxxx OK Table 3-3 AnyDATA CDMA2000 1x TCP/IP related AT Commands Description Operation Set CDMA2000 1x Pkt(Packet Data) network access *PID=”identification” user ID(identification) for AnyDATA TCP/IP Service. OK Set CDMS 2000 1x Pkt(Packet Data) network access *PPW=”password” user Password for AnyDATA TCP/IP Service. OK

NOTE: Contact your Service Provider to obtain a valid Username/Password pair.

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Annex A. Packet Data Network Setup

A.1 Dial-up Networking Setup (1) Choose [Start]




[Dial-UP Networking],

and then select [Make New Connect] (Double-Click)

(2) Double-click [Make New Connection] and Enter the connection name (enter a name that is meaningful to you such as SK Telecom). Select the modem you are using and Click [Next(N)].

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(3) In case that the speed of handset is set to 115200bps, that is in case that you choose [Menu] [Data Service]

[Communication speed with PC]

[115200bps], you select [Standard

115200bps modem] and then click [Next(N)].

(4) Enter the phone number of the access PC without [Area code]. In case of SK telecom, Enter “1501”, Select [Country or region code] and then Click Next(N).

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(5) Check that the connection name is correct and Click [Finish] in [Figure A-1]. When [Figure A-2] is appeared, you have successfully completed the first part of the dial-up configuration.

Figure A-1 Make New Connection

Figure A-2 Completion of the first part of the dial-up configuration

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(6) Right-click the newly created connection setup icon (SK Telecom) in [Figure A-2] and Select [Properties]. In [Figure A-3], uncheck [Use area code and Dialing Properties] (that is,



and then Click on the [Server Types] tab. - In case that the speed of handset is set to 115200bps, that is in case that you choose [Menu] [Data Service]

[Communication speed with PC]


Figure A-3 115200 bps case (7) On [Type of Dial-Up Server(S)] click on the dropdown list and choose “PPP: Window98, Windows NT 4.0, Internet”. Note that only [Enable software compression] and [TCP/IP] should be checked. Click on the [TCP/IP Settings(P)] button.

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(8) Select [Server assigned IP address(S)], [Server assigned name server addresses(E)], [Use IP header compression(C)], and [Use default gateway on remote network(G)] and Click on the [OK] button.

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A.2 Internet Options setting (1) Choose [Start]


[Control Panel]

(Internet Explorer, etc.) and select [Tools]

[Internet Options], Activate any web browser

[Internet Options], or Right-click any web browser

icon (Internet Explorer, etc.) and choose [Properties] tab. (2) Click [Connections] tab.

(3) Check [Always dial my default connection], and Click [Settings] button.

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(4) Enter “sktelecom” to [User name] and Click [OK] button.

Note. User name and Password depend on Wireless Data Network access type of SK telecom. User name and Password in this section is a default setup value when you access using IWF method. When another access method is used, you must enter appropriate user name and password. Table A-1 Dial-up settings (User name and Password) Access method User name PIWF sktelecom IWF(Single Stack QNC) sktelecom IWF(Double Stack QNC) sktelecom

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Password none none none

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Annex B. AnyDATA Proprietary Packet Data Test

B.1 Test Environment OS : MS-Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 1 Serial port AnyDATA modem AnyDATA LT(Level Translator) RS-232C serial cable Software : TcpRxTest.exe and TcpTest.exe

B.2 Prearrangement for AnyDATA CDMA2000 1x Proprietary Packet Data Test (1) Connect AnyDATA modem to the serial port of PC through L/T. (2) Open “ParameterChange”

B.3 Usage (1) Connect AnyDATA modem to the serial port of PC through L/T. (2) Because this program operates on AT mode, you must use this program on modem AT mode. AT mode is default mode after the modem is power up. (3) After you excute the “TcpRxTest.exe” program, select “Setup” of “File” menu, choose “COM port” and “Baud Rate”, and click “OK” button.

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(4) “TcpRxTest.exe” program waits on the data incoming from serial port. If the data have been entered, display in the selected viewer after a transmission was completed. (5) Excute “TcpTest.exe”. (6) Click “File Open” button, select the file that want to transmit, input “IP/PORT” of PC and push “Send” button (Testable file type : Only “BMP” format).

(7) If “Open Traffic Channel” message occur, the transmission is started. If “Call disconnected” message occur, please check the connection of antenna. When the transmission is stated, [Current transmitting bytes/Total transmitting bytes] is displayed in the right side of “Send” button. (8) Also, the transmission status is displayed in the right side of “Progress” button of “TcpRxTest.exe” program.

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(9) When the transmission is completed, the received data are displayed in the selected viewer. “Port Closed” is displayed in “TcpRxTest.exe”program. “Call disconnected” is displayed in “TcpTest.exe” program.

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