Passive Voice

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 502
  • Pages: 10
PASSIVE VOICE Alberto Fernández


En la voz pasiva vemos el verbo TO BE y otro verbo en participio pasado: Active: I keep the butter in the fridge. Passive: The butter is kept in the fridge. Active: They will steal the painting. Passive: The painting will be stolen. Active: They are repairing the road. Passive: The road is being repaired. Active: Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. Passive: Hamlet was written by Shakespeare. Active: A dog bit him. Passive: He was bitten by a dog.



a new book

A new book was written by Tom

Para formar la voz pasiva, se toma el verbo en cuestión y se lo convierte al participio pasado. Luego se agrega el verbo to be en la conjugación y tiempo que corresponde al nuevo sujeto. ACTIVA


PRESENTE Tom writes science Science fiction books are fiction book written by Tom SIMPLE PASADO SIMPLE

Tom wrote science fiction book


Tom will write Science fiction books will science fiction book be written by Tom

Science fiction books were written by Tom

 Tomemos  

el siguiente ejemplo:

The police rescued the boy The boy was rescued by the police.

 La

primera oración se encuentra en voz activa. La segunda, en voz pasiva.

 El

objeto de la primera oración (the boy) para a ser el sujeto en la oración en voz pasiva. The police rescued the boy. The boy was rescued by the police.

 El

verbo de la primera oración (rescued) se convierte en "was rescued". Recordemos la regla: Se toma el participio pasado del verbo y se agrega el verbo to be conjugado en el tiempo que corresponde (en este caso el pasado) y para la persona que corresponde (the boy). The police rescued the boy. The boy was rescued by the police.

 El

sujeto de la primera oración (the police) pasa a ser complemento agente en la voz pasiva, agregando by delante. El complemento agente no siempre es colocado en la oración. Solamente se agrega si es relevante. The police rescued the boy. The boy was rescued by the police.


writes lots of books.  Lots of books are written by Janet.  The

man broke the windows yesterday.  The windows were broken by that man yesterday.  Jim

and Annn will read the letters.  The letters will be read by Jim and Ann.

El objeto indirecto también puede pasar a ser sujeto en la voz pasiva: They gave me the Oscar in 1998. I was given the Oscar in 1998.

En el último ejemplo, no es necesario colocar el complemento agente (by them) ya que no agrega ninguna información adicional a la oración. En cambio, en el ejemplo que sigue, se puede colocar el complemento agente (by the Academy) ya que indica quién realiza la acción. The Academy gave me the Oscar in 1998. I was given the Oscar in 1998 by the Academy

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