Part B

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 781
  • Pages: 4

The Raven – poem -Edgar Allan Poe While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. `'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door Only this, and nothing more.'

Muffin Mix –song - Nancy Schimmel and Fran Avni Mmm, muffins! I love munching muffins. Make me muffins for my lunch, Please, O please and thanks a bunch. Couplet

Divers doth use - Sir Thomas Wyatt But let it pass, and think it is of kind That often change doth please a woman's mind.

Madman Across the Water - Elton John It's one of those that I told you long ago Take my word I'm a madman don't you know Quatrain

Astrophel and Stella- poem - Philip Sydney From fairest creatures we desire increase, That thereby beauty's rose might never die, But as the riper should by time decease, His tender heir might bear his memory: But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes, Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel, Making a famine where abundance lies, Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel. Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament, And only herald to the gaudy spring,

Within thine own bud buriest thy content, And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding:

Down on the Farm - Guns N’ Roses All I need is some inspiration Before I do somebody some harm I feel just like a vegetable Down here on the farm Nobody comes to see me Nobody here to turn me on I ain't even got a lover Down here on the farm


Peace, Love, and Pickles - Josephine Walters. It seethes It breaths leaving scattered leaves breezing, blazing Whispering to trees

Bubbles that dance with fiery glee leave the air…

Shimmy - System of a Down Education, fornication, in you are go Education subjugation, now youre out go Education fornication, in you are go …


Poem - Donald Justice

This poem is not addressed to you. You may come into it briefly, But no one will find you here, no one. You will have changed before the poem will.

It is not sad, really, only empty. Once perhaps it was sad, no one knows why. It prefers to remember nothing. Nostalgias were peeled from it long ago.

You neither can nor should understand what it means. Listen, it comes with out guitar, Neither in rags nor any purple fashion. And there is nothing in it to comfort you.

Even while you sit there, unmovable, You have begun to vanish. And it does no matter. The poem will go on without you. It has the spurious glamor of certain voids.

Your type of beauty has no place here. Night is the sky over this poem. It is too black for stars. And do not look for any illumination.

Close your eyes, yawn. It will be over soon. You will forge the poem, but not before It has forgotten you. And it does not matter. It has been most beautiful in its erasures.

O bleached mirrors! Oceans of the drowned! Nor is one silence equal to another. And it does not matter what you think.

- Led Zeppelin Ive been flying, aint no denyin, no denyin


Kashmir Free Verse

Awake - Katherine Foreman. My last night as a full-time child I didn't want to sleep, for fear of Waking up in a rustle of too-crisp sheets And a creak of inadequate bedsprings With a lightly snoring virtual stranger eight feet away. And also I didn't want it to be tomorrow, Because then it would be time to do what I've denied for three weeks of subsistence And oblivion--ignoring is bliss. And I saw everything I never did Lying around me, pieces and steps of the Success I never got, reminders that Whatever I planned, I never got far. But in the middle of these broken promises To myself, I could see for the first time That I have not been broken. And I must keep myself, all that is real, As daybreak does, and nightfall. I exist to others, but all I need is me. I will be the last promise, when all is said And kept.

Guns N Roses - 14 Years I try and feel the sunshine You bring the rain You try and hold me down With your complaints You cry and moan and complain You whine an tear Up to my neck in sorrow The touch you bring You just don't step inside to 14 years So hard to keep my own head... That's what I say

You know...I've been the beggar... I've played the thief

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