Parish Directory

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St. Gabriel the Archangel 2009 Parish Directory Church and Parish Offices: 900 Geiger Street Neenah, WI 54956 Rectory: 151 Andrew Avenue Neenah, WI 54956 Richard L. Allen, Pastor JoAnn Serwas, FSPA, Pastoral Associate Raymond DuBois, Deacon

Parish Office Telephone: 920-722-4914 Parish Office Fax: 920-722-2566 Rectory Telephone: 920-722-1091 Website: E-mail: [email protected]


If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13


From Our Pastor A jubilee looks ahead as much as it looks back. In biblical times, jubilee meant a new beginning. Every fifty years our ancestors would erase all debts and, if possible, move beyond all misunderstandings. I was always impressed by Pope Paul VI who focused the jubilee year of 1975 on the idea of reconciliation. Ideally, in misunderstandings, we try to go back to the source. Sometimes we cannot do that. In jubilee we start out again–together. In our jubilee, as in any anniversary, we look to the past with thanksgiving and inspiration. What motivated these people in the first days of organization? What was that first organizational meeting like? How do we capture their spirit? Now we move on. What will the phrase “local church” mean in the days ahead? As we see women and men assuming leadership positions that were once off limits, what will it mean for our Church–locally and worldwide? As we face new challenges, what do we find in our tradition that helps us face the present and look to the future? In jubilee we are open for new beginnings. -Fr. Richard Allen

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A Time to Remember “A time to remember” – How could I ever forget! It was early June in 1959. I was pastor of St. Ann Parish in St. Anna, Wisconsin, a few miles from New Holstein. I was giving a mini-retreat to our eighth graders who were to graduate that evening. I received a phone call from Bishop Bona. He asked if the telephone was a private line. I said that there were at least two or three on the line. He said he would like to talk to me. He said, “You better come in to see me this afternoon.” I said of course I would come to see him. I went to see him that afternoon. He met me and said simply, “I want you to start a new parish. Go into this room and think about it. I’m visiting with a bishop.” About fifteen minutes later he came into the room and said, “What do you think about it?” I replied, “If you think I can, I will.” He said, “If I didn’t think you could, I would not have asked you to come in.” I said, “It’s OK with me. Where is this parish?” He said, “You will receive a letter with that information.” I went back to St. Ann not knowing where I would be starting this new parish. On the tenth of June I received his letter. I was appointed, effective June 18, 1959, pastor of the newly established St. Gabriel Parish in Neenah, Wisconsin. The rest is history! -Fr. Lawrence Stingle

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The Catholic Church was busy as well. Vatican radio reported that representatives of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches would meet to discuss reunification. John XXIII had just begun his reign as the 261st Pope. He would publish three encyclicals that year, including his first, “On Truth, Unity, & Peace, in Charity.” And in a move that would change our Church in profound ways, on January 25, 1959, John XXIII proclaimed the Second Vatican Council.

Although I didn’t realize it at the time, the Council would change my life forever as well. One of its key documents, Lumen Gentium (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church), called for the restoration of the permanent diaconate. “It may well be possible in the future to restore the diaconate as a proper and permanent rank of the hierarchy” (LG 29).

Deacon Ray DuBois In the grand scheme of things, I suppose, 50 years is just not a long time. Experts estimate the age of the earth at 4.5 billion years. The giant redwoods can be up to 2,000 years old. Green Bay was founded more than 375 years ago, and our nation itself recently celebrated its 233rd birthday.

Pope Paul VI did so on June 18, 1967, the feast of St. Ephraim, a deacon. The Pope’s apostolic letter Sacrum Diaconatus Ordinem permitted episcopal conferences to request that the Holy See allow the ordination to the permanent diaconate of celibate and married men. In April 1968, the American bishops made that request. Four months later it was granted. The first Standing Committee on the Permanent Diaconate was appointed by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in November 1968.

So what’s so exciting about a 50 year anniversary? For starters, we can go back to the record book and take a peek at some of the key events of that year. We began 1959 with only 48 United States; Alaska and Hawaii followed in quick succession. Vince Lombardi signed a 5-year contract to coach the Green Bay Packers, and the “Barbie” doll debuted, eventually selling more than 800 million. Bob Dylan graduated from high school in Hibbing, Minnesota. And Xerox manufactured the first plain paper copier.

Since becoming a member of St. Gabriel Parish in 1994, and my subsequent ordination and assignment as deacon in 2004, I have had the privilege of serving our parish community in the diaconal roles of Word, Worship, and Service. I am forever indebted to Fr. Allen for his support, encouragement, and guidance. The man truly loves the priesthood!

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I must admit that as I began my service here as your deacon I was filled with excitement– but also the trepidation that comes with the fear of the unknown that is associated with long-term commitments to brand-new experiences. But you welcomed me and my family unconditionally. My wife, Anita, and I were struck by genuine diversity of our parishioners: occupations like dairy farming, teaching, banking, engineering, and medicine. Our friends had grown-children, school-aged kids, toddlers, infants, and no children. Single, married, separated or divorced. Some were retired, and others had just started their careers. Gourmet cooks and junk food junkies. We walked with many of you through milestones of life, including pregnancy and birth, the death of a parent, boy scouts and girl scouts, Catholic school and Renew 2000 groups, beautiful summers and bitter cold winters. Soccer, basketball, football, and the oftentraumatic Pinewood Derby. We celebrated the sacraments and a Super Bowl together, and cheered on our high school teams to State Championships. We participated in lifelong Catholic learning. So as we now celebrate St. Gabriel’s Golden Jubilee, I thank each of you for the time, talent, and treasure you bring to our community. Anita, our children Patrick and Megan, and I are truly blessed. As a parish, we are united by our faith in God and the love of our Church. May God continue to bless you and your families abundantly as we move together as one. United We Build…Faith in our Future! -Deacon Ray

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Dedication Booklet September 17, 1961

(1961) Fr. Michael Clifford Assistant Pastor

(1961) Members of The Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity staffing Saint Gabriel School include: back row, I. to r., Sisters Mary Zoe, Saint Philip, Donna Marie (principal), Verna and Marteen; front row, I. to r., Sisters Anna, Richarda, Carla and Mary Pius.

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Parish Administration

Sr. JoAnn Serwas Pastoral Associate

Lori Lynch Parish Secretary

Theresa Rusch Parish Secretary

Business Office

Anne Greif

Norm Reudinger

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St. Gabriel School A Golden Jubilee…a time of celebrating fifty years! In this day and age, few things last that long. What a wonderful accomplishment for the community of St. Gabriel Parish. The parish faith community has continued to support St. Gabriel School also through these years. In addition to financial support, members of the parish volunteer to help at the school and contribute items to forego costs. The school has a Senior Buddy Program in which students send cards/letters to member of the parish during the school year in acknowledgement of their efforts.

Mary Jo Brown Principal

The school has undergone many changes…both physically and educationally over the years. About ten years ago, the Twin City Catholic Education System (TCCES) was formed. St. Gabriel School is a member of TCCES with two other elementary schools St. Margaret Mary in Neenah and St. Mary’s in Menasha, Seton Catholic Middle School, and St. Mary Central High School. Students at St. Gabriel School range in age from 3 years to Grade 5. This year, the staff is comprised of nine classroom teachers, four aides, six specialists (art, music, band, physical education, library, and Spanish), and the office staff. The school is very committed to following in the footsteps of Jesus and through outreach programs has helped raise funds and supplies for several local organizations–the Community Clothes Closet, St. Joseph’s Food Pantry, the Humane Society, Habitat for Humanity, and families with newborns who are in need to name a few. Each day begins with prayer. Liturgy is celebrated weekly, and seasons of the Church are celebrated and shared as a community.

Kathy Bergholz Secretary

After 50 years, St. Gabriel School continues to be thankful to the parish that helps support it as we provide a Catholic school education to all who want to attend. With God’s guidance, we will be here for many years to come. -Mary Jo Brown

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School Staff

Tina Olsen, Mary Bergman, Valerie Vancil Kathy Lamecker, Terri Boccheciamp , Adele Kulinski

Robert Srnka, Karen Brouillard, Kathy Bergholz Sue VanEeckhout , Mary Jo Brown

Rhex Arboleda

Sue Coenen, Ann Ellyson, Christine Benrud, Janet Loughrin Karen Miller, Susan Walter, Judy Rothe

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Parish Council

Worship Committee

Deacon Ray DuBois, Tom Gritton, Gerry Van Handel, Tom Knott Dan Matthews, Karen Rappl, Holly Lifke, Gary Elmer Kathy Gill, Lori Matthews, Mary Koslowski

Doris Seymour, Evy LeBouton, Jan Lietz, Mary Jo Widener Father Allen, Marilyn Simonis, Pat Laux

Social Concerns Committee

Finance Committee

Diane Meschefske, Jan Lietz, Evy LeBouton, Marilyn Fishel, Lois Shandonay, Sarah Lange Suzanne Harness, Mary Jo Widener, Sr. JoAnn, Paul Wolters

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Karen Rappl, Gary Elmer John Mortier, Gerry Van Handel

Making a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord

Contempory Choir

Folk Choir

Funeral Choir

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TCCES Food Service

Mary Ellis, Lynn Graves – TCCES food service director, Linda Morey, Jeanne Stumpf

Custodial Staff

Scott Stenson

Frank Milarski

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Mike Mabie

In the Beginning...

Fifty years is hardly a blink when you look at the total span of history. But it is the entire lifespan of the Eucharistic community called St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish. The following two pages show a brief look at some parish milestones.

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S t . G abriel T imeline Jun 18, 1959 Bishop Stanislaus V. Bona appoints Rev. Lawrence A. Stingle as founding pastor.

Fall 1982 RENEW comes to St. Gabriel Parish. The 3-year personal spiritual renewal process is well-received.

Aug 30, 1959 The very first Roundup is held, before the parish moves into permanent quarters.

Jul 1, 1985 Fr. Lawrence (Casey) Stingle retires as pastor and is replaced by Richard AlIen, our current pastor.

Apr 17, 1960 Ground is broken for the building on Easter Sunday while snow falls.

Sep 1986 Fr. Mike Betley coordinates the first year of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process at St. Gabriel.

Mar 24, 1961 Msgr. Joseph Glueckstein, pastor of our mother parish, St. Margaret Mary, celebrates the first Mass. On the same day Fr. Stingle has a Solemn High Mass in the new church.

Jun 1988 TCCES comes to life after a great deal of planning by a committee led by Father Allen. All five parishes in Neenah-Menasha participate, and progress is made toward the goal of “cradle to grave” educational efforts under the TCCES banner.

Jul 1, 1961 Rev. Michael Clifford is the first associate–he stays for five years.

Nov 1991 A germ of the idea for the St. Gabriel Building Project was explored, but then shelved for a few years.

Aug 1961 Nine Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity arrive to work in St. Gabriel School. Principal Sr. Donna Marie Kessler and the teachers welcome 437 students. Sep 17, 1961 The church/school complex is dedicated.

Sep 24, 1996 The Parish Council approved formation of a Building Committee.

Mar 2, 1968 The Parish Council Constitution is adopted, making St. Gabriel one of the pioneer councils in the diocese.

Nov 26, 1996 Architects were hired-DLR (Dana Larson Roubal).

Sep 1973 St. Gabriel hires its first full-time Christian Formation Center (CFC) director to lead the program for children who attend the public schools.

Feb 1997 A formal presentation on the building project is made to the parish, and a firm hired to assist with fund-raising efforts.

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Apr 19, 2005

Mar 1998 Miron Construction is retained as general contractor for the project. A ceremonial groundbreaking is held on Pentecost Sunday.

Pope Benedict XVI is elected as 265th Pope. May 2007 Drive for diocesan-wide Advancing the Mission

Jan 28, 1999 First day of occupancy in the new parish offices. The meeting rooms, conference room, chapel, Allen Family Center, etc. are all well used.

stewardship begins. Jun 8, 2007 Parish workday to remove pews from church to officially

Oct 1998-Nov 2000 RENEW 2000 spiritual renewal program occurs throughout the diocese, including St. Gabriel. Sr. Carol Bearss, Pastoral Associate, serves as parish coordinator.

start the church renovation project. Sep 26, 2007 We return to the beautifully-renovated church for liturgy, after a summer spent in the Allen Center.

2003 A 5-parish planning committee is formed to investigate ways to cooperate in providing pastoral services of all sorts to the Catholic community of Neenah-Menasha.

Aug 28, 2008

2004 A Collaboration Committee is established to study the use of priests in the 5 parishes of Neenah-Menasha.

Autumn 2008

Bishop David L. Ricken installed as head of the Diocese of Green Bay.

A beautiful new outdoor sign is completed and installed as the Eagle Scout project of parish member

2004 Kurt Grube leaves and Steve Pable is hired as St. Gabriel Christian Formation Center (CFC) director.

Ryan Knott. 2009

May 15, 2004 Ray DuBois ordained as a permanent deacon, and assigned to serve the St. Gabriel parish community.

The parish proudly celebrates its 50th Jubilee, with a

2004 Mike Sullivan is hired as TCCES President.

celebrate with us, along with all parish members,

Jubilee Mass on October 4. Bishop Ricken presides, and previous priestly and school staff are invited back to present and past.

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The Christian Formation Center (CFC) Not long after St. Gabriel Parish was established, the Christian Formation Center (CFC) was formed in order to partner with parents in raising their children in the Catholic faith. The CFC plays a central role in the life of a parish by helping young people to prepare for the Sacraments, specifically First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. This preparation includes all children of the parish. Steve Pable, Director & Youth Minister (L) Georgia Juneau, Administrative Support (R) Jenny Schneider, Coordinator Grades 1-8

While students in St. Gabriel School and other Catholic schools have religion class integrated into their curriculum, the CFC serves those children who attend public schools. To this end, we offer classes for different grade levels on Sundays, Mondays and Wednesdays from September through April. But since “book learning” is only a small part of our faith, we also include programs for Advent and Lent, and opportunities for shared liturgy and service projects. With the help of 3 staff members and over 65 volunteers, the CFC is reaching out to more than 450 children in Grades 1-11, in over 300 parish families. The office is also responsible for various programs for youth ministry, such as service trips, social activities, and opportunities for prayer and enrichment for young people. We look forward to another 50 years of “Inspiring lifelong Catholic disciples, rooted in Word, Sacrament, Community and Service”. -Steve Pable

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RCIA Greetings! My name is Natasha Nowak. I’m very excited to be the Director of RCIA for our parish community! RCIA stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults; it is the process by which interested adults can learn about the Catholic faith and, if they desire to, become Catholic.

Natasha Nowak

Here at St. Gabriel’s, the RCIA has a wonderfully welcoming history. Our program is open not only to adults who wish to become Catholic, but also to Catholics in need of one or more of the Initiation sacraments (Confirmation or Eucharist), or to Catholics who simply wish to learn more about their faith. I am actually a convert to the Catholic faith, myself. I went through RCIA when I lived in Oshkosh, and I was welcomed into the Church at Easter Vigil, 2002. Since becoming Catholic, I have always wanted to be involved in some manner with an RCIA program. I never expected to have an opportunity to be a Director of a whole program, and I was very humbled but extremely excited when the previous Director for many years–Pat Laux–asked me to consider this position. It was like a dream come true in many ways!

RCIA Team and 2008-2009 Candidates

I have high expectations for myself as your Director and for our program. I want our program to be a source of accurate catechesis that is presented in an interesting and engaging manner. I will be using various means to “get the word out” about RCIA and what it is. It is my goal that the St. Gabriel RCIA Program will become a strong presence that serves not just our parish, but the entire Neenah/Menasha area as well. The St. Gabriel RCIA Team and I look forward to serving you! -Natasha Nowak

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Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Perpetual Adoration is our response to Jesus’ love for us, whereby each of us is willing to spend a quiet holy hour of prayer in His Eucharistic Presence. Once a week, on a regular basis, we have perpetual (seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day) exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance. All the hours are organized so that each hour is covered by at least one or two people so that Jesus is never left alone. The chapel is always open for anyone who may want to visit Him.

Tom Pawlowski

This hour that Jesus wants you to spend with Him can be spent in any way you wish: with a favorite prayer book, reading the Bible, praying the rosary, or speaking to Jesus heart-to-heart as one does to a friend. The beautiful Twin City Adoration Chapel holds 12 comfortable chairs and is attached to the rebuilt St. Margaret Mary Church in Neenah. If you are interested in more information on Eucharistic Adoration or want to sign up for an hour a week, call Tom Pawlowski at 722-9646 (Tom serves as coordinator for the Adoration Chapel) or just stop in at the chapel–the door is always open.

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St. Gabriel Parish became a reality when Bishop Stanislaus V. Bona appointed Fr. Lawrence Stingle as founding pastor. The letter was dated June 18, 1959. The first masses were offered in the basement of St. Margaret Mary Church. At the first parish meeting on July 6, 1959, Don Hassler and Paul Peeters were elected trustees and the building committee was formed.

On Easter Sunday, April 17, 1960, less than a year after the Bishop’s letter was received, Fr. Stingle broke ground for the church-school combination. A report, dated October 12, 1960, listed the entire cost at $839,580.53. Of that amount the neighboring parishes contributed $94,000 according to the custom of the time. Gifts and pledges amounted to another $260,580.53. The first mortgage was for $485,000–at a time when the yearly collection was far less than $100,000. They could also say: Together We Build–Faith In Our Future.

P arish history

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Original Building Committee members were: Dick Abb, Charles O’Meara, Alan Adrian, Bill Gehr, Don Hassler, Paul Peeters, Lyle Jacob, and George Sturm. The altar was consecrated on March 9, 1961, by Bishop John Grellinger, Auxiliary Bishop of the Green Bay Diocese. On the feast of St. Gabriel, March 24, Monsignor Joseph Glueckstein, pastor of St. Margaret Mary Parish, prayed the first Mass. Later in the day, Fr. Stingle offered a solemn high Mass in the new church. Dedication of the new church and school complex was held on September 17, 1961, with Bishop Bona presiding.

By that time the new school was already in operation. Sr. Donna Marie, with eight other Franciscan Sisters, provided the staff. Fr. Michael Clifford was the first associate pastor. Later associates included: Ronald Hopfensperger, Charles Brooks, Cyril Van Heeswyck, Michael O’Rourke, Michael Betley, T. Charles LaCombe, Ronald Lhotte, Timothy Tessier, and Robert Lexa. Fr. Stingle retired in 1985. Bishop Adam Maida named Fr. Richard L. Allen as the second and current pastor.

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B uilding A dditions

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As parish activity increased, the St. Gabriel Community outgrew its available space. The parish considered entering a building mode in 1991 but it did not prove workable. At the meeting of the Parish Council on September 24, 1996, a motion was made to form a building committee. Gary Elmer was appointed to chair the committee. Others named were: Robert Pollen, Dick Simonis, Mark Stano, Gerry Van Handel, Larry Waitrovich, Mary Jo Widener, Bob Lehrer, and Ray DuBois. Again we said: Together We Build–Faith In Our Future. Dana Larson Roubal & Associates was selected as the architect. After meeting with over 100 parishioners, Mike Zweiger of DLR developed the basic plan for the additions. Major areas were (1) a new gym–the Allen Center; (2) a parish office complex; (3) the Keller Center for Early Childhood Development. Miron Construction Company was hired to direct the building. The firm of Kirby Smith Associates assisted with fund raising. Throughout the planning we were able to stay in the cost range of $1,700,000. Pledges of $1,275,000 were received. After consulting with parishioners we contracted with the Catholic Knights of Wisconsin for the long term mortgage. Phase II of the building program began in November 2001. Part of the income went toward the parish capital debt. We hired Keller Construction Company to install a new roof over the church and Stingle Hall area for approximately $200,000. A carport was added, through the generosity of John and Ethel Keller. We have grown with the Church of the Second Vatican Council. We reflect some of the major trends in the larger Church. Fr. Stingle lives in Green Bay, but is still fondly remembered and respected. His leadership allowed the St. Gabriel community, like himself, to grow in wisdom, age, and grace.

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H ealing M ass

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Periodically, a special Healing Mass is celebrated at St. Gabriel Parish, during which the Sacrament of the Sick is made available to anyone who is interested. It is always a meaningful and beautiful celebration.

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Almost from the beginning of the parish, there has been a summer festival called the Roundup. While the Roundup does have a financial purpose, perhaps even more important is the opportunity for parish members to work and play together–music, good food both inside and out, bingo, kids games, and a remarkable bake sale, are all integral parts of the St. Gabriel Roundup.

R ound U p

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At St. Gabriel School, education is learned in classroom and pew; also in the experience of living in Christian community of faith actively engaged in service of God, Church, and neighbor. Our programs create the widest opportunities for students to receive systematic catechesis, experience daily living in a faith community, and develop commitment and skill in serving others.

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S t . gabriel school

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service opportunities 30 31807

In a parish as large as St. Gabriel, many, many opportunities exist for parish members to be of service to the larger community. Whether it’s helping in the kitchen, teaching a religious education class, cleaning the church, counting money, knitting prayer shawls, singing in any of the choirs, helping with parish mailings, visiting shut-ins, serving in one of the liturgical ministries, doing repair work, or helping with one of the parish social events –there’s something to fit everyone’s interests. Everyone is welcome to be involved.

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S t . nick social & christmas Each year on the Sunday closest to the feast of St. Nicholas, a celebration is held especially for the children of the parish, at which food is available, simple games are played, and the kids get to visit with the saintly bishop. Another long-time tradition in the parish is the Giving Tree, which appears with indicators on it of “wishes” from children whose families are part of the Christmas Giving effort that occurs each year in the Neenah-Menasha community. Parish members select tags from the tree and then shop for the item in order to make the dreams of the requesters come true. St. Gabriel Parish members have ALWAYS been incredibly generous to this and other community giving efforts.

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lent & easter 34 31807

Lent provides us with a special time to pause and reflect on our earthly journey and our connectedness to all who travel with us. We reach out to others and God embraces us as we share His love. We become an ALLELUIA people.

Doty Park–Easter Sunday Sunrise Service

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The Roman Catholic Church is a “sacramental” religion. We celebrate 7 Sacraments: 3 that are called Initiation Sacraments (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation); 2 called Healing Sacraments (Reconciliation and the Annointing of the Sick; and 2 that are Lifestyle Sacraments (Matrimony and Holy Orders). When a sacrament is celebrated in the context of the parish, it has extra meaning.

sacramental celebrations

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winter brake

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A relatively new addition to our annual parish calendar is the mid-winter party called Winter Brake. Besides a delicious meal, there are many silent auction items offered, as well as an oral auction presided over by a local auctioneer. There is also a “trip raffle.” Once again, part of the motivation is financial, but the evening is also a wonderful opportunity to put the “brakes” on winter for an evening and enjoy some time with friends.

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“The more we get together the happier we’ll be.” That has been the theme song of a lot of the senior socials we have at St. Gabriel Parish. These events have grown in number and size. All are welcome to have a good time with family, friends, and neighbors.

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senior socials

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This annual event is the classic illustration of the statement that “one person’s junk is another person’s treasure”. Lots of behind-the-scenes work (and play!) goes on in advance of the sale and during it.

R ummage sale

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While looking to the Lord Jesus as their divine Exemplar, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfill their respective callings, St. Gabriel servants of Jesus seek to live their lives as “broken bread and poured out wine” to the glory of God. With the cross before them and a towel in their hand, the followers of Him who stooped to serve, go forth in His name to serve Him—and all others.

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serving the lord and one another

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“Prayer itself, born in Catholic families, nurtured by programs of Christian formation, strengthened by the grace of the sacraments, is the first means by which we come to know the Lord’s will for our lives. To the extent that we teach young people to pray, and to pray well, we will be cooperating with God’s call. Programs, plans and projects have their place; but the discernment of a vocation is above all the fruit of an intimate dialogue between the Lord and his disciples. Young people, if they know how to pray, can be trusted to know what to do with God’s call.” -Pope Benedict XVI

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C harter parishioners Abb, Richard • Abhald, Edward • Achterberg, David • Adrian, Alan • Aiello, Frank • Albrecht, William • Alfertig, Gilbert • Alfertig, Mrs. Reinhardt • Allcox, Thomas • Allen, Mrs. James Alsteens, Mrs. Marilyn • Altman, Mrs. Lillian Ambrosso, Jeanette • Ambroso, Paul • Ament, Jerome • Ament, Vilas • Amond, Ralph • Anderson, Iveaux • Anderson, Oscar • Anunson, Mrs. Bruce • Armatoski, Ed • Armbruster, Elmer • Arndt, Henry • Atkins, John T. Austin, Earl J. • Aylward, Johanna • Babbitt, John • Babbitts, Reynold • Backes, Bernard • Baker, Charles • Balthazor, Fred • Balthazor, Jerome • Baltz, Mrs. David • Bart, Mrs. Alicia • Basler, Alton • Bauer, Edward • Bauman, Cyrus Beck, Benedict • Beck, Harold • Bemowski, Stephen • Berndoefler, Lucille • Bessette, Roger • Bestler, Bernard • Beyer, Mrs. Douglas • Blair, Louis • Bodway, Edward • Boehnlein, James • Bohatschek, Max • Boileau, John C. Bondow, Louis • Borzick, Edmund • Bourasaw, Lawrence • Bourasaw, Bernard • Boyer, Vernon • Brandl, Raymond • Brantmeier, Vernon • Branz, Delbert • Brault, Fabian • Brietzke. Arthur • Brittnacher, Gordon • Brown, Donald Bunegar, Theresa • Burns, Thomas • Burr, Ralph • Burr, Roy • Burt, Mrs. Roy • Burt, Mrs. Glen • Calvey, Thomas • Carlson, Robert • Case, Mrs. Harold • Castillo, Fidel • Castillo, Teofilo • Charrier, Victor • Chartrand, Edmund Cheslock, Donald • Chicoine, Kenneth • Churchill, Mrs. Homer • Clark, Mrs. Archie • Clark, Ralph • Cloats, Henry • Clough, Arthur Sr. • Clough, Arthur R. • Clough, Herschel • Coghlan, Pat • Coghlan, Mrs. James • Coleman, George Collen, Mrs. Tillie • Collins, James • Collins, Robert • Cooper, Edward • Cowling, Mrs. Grover • Cross, Betty • Curran, Michael • Curtis, Dr. Dell • De Broux, Ben • De Broux, Elsworth • De Broux, Michael • Dedering, DonaId Dedering, George Jr. • DeGuerre, Fred • DeHate, Edwin • DeMarco, Ralph • Demerath, Donald • Demichei, David • Derby, Bernard • Derby, Mrs. Mary • Derby, Thomas • Derrick, Robert • Diermeier, John • Diermeier, Joseph Diermeier, Stanley • Dins, James • Dins, Mary E. • Doering, Alvin • Dolan, James • Domke, Mrs. Arthur • Dorow, Raymond • Drafz, Mrs. Lester • Drewes, Anton • Ducat, Robert • Dulski, Jerome • Duskey, Aaron • Dutton, William Ebben, Paul • Ebersberger, Richard • Edwards, Robert • Ehlers, Ernest • Ehrgott, Donald • Eldred, Russell • Ellis, John • EparvierI Francis • Ernst, Mrs. Leo • Ertl, Howard • Evanson, Mrs. Gordon • Everman, Wayne Fahrbach, William • Farrell, John • Feavel, Lee • Feit, Donald • Fiedler, Donald • Fischer, Catherine • Fischer, Peter • Flaherty, Clifford • Foght, Johannes • Fogle, Donald • Forsythe, Keith • Fosbinder, Keith • Foster, Kenneth Francart, George • Franchini, John • Frederick, Thomas • Freund, Mrs. John • Froze, Louis • Furman, Lyle • Gabriel, Arnold • Gagas, Chester • Gandy, Thomas • Gehr, William • Geiger, Henry • Geiger, Joseph • Genett, Forrest Genett, Vilas • Gerharz, Wayne • Gerritts, Herbert • Gerritts, Joseph • Gibson, Allen • Gilling, Donald • Gintner, Robert • Gischia, Raymond • Glodowski, Louis • Gloede, Elwyn • Gmeiner, Frank • Goetz, Bernice • Goetz, Frank Goetz, George • Graverson, Mrs. Ray • Graves, William R. • Gries, Norbert • Griffin, Michael • Grimes, Mrs. Margaret • Grogan, Peter • Gruetzman, Mrs. Robert • Grygny, Clarie • Gunther, RalphGunther, Walter Haag, Mrs. Robert • Haber, George • Haber, Leo • Hackstock, Donald • Hackstock, Harald • Haeg, William • Hahn, Benny • Halle, Alden • Halle, Mrs. Donald • Halle, Mrs. Marie • Hammes, John • Hammill, John • Hammill, Susan Handy, Evan • Hankemeier, Mrs. Jerrold • Hanselman, Mrs. Richard • Hardie, Mrs. Gordon • Harless, William • Harty, Thomas • Hartzheim, Mrs. Elvina • Harvath, Paul • Harvey, Leslie • Hassler, Donald • Haufe, William Hawkinson, John • Hawley, Willard • Heckner, Leonard • Heider, Johanna • Heidke, Roland • Heigl, John • Heil, Joseph • Heimerman, Eugene • Heltemes, Eugene • Henschel, Marlyn • Herriott, Mrs. William • Herrmann, John Herrmann, Robert • Herrmann, William • Hesselmann, Earl • Hesselmann, John • Hickey, Eugene • Hildebrand, Carl • Hildebrand, David • Hildebrand, Herman • Hildebrand, Kenneth • Hilliker, Mrs. Harlow Hinterthuer, Howard • Hintz, George • Hintzen, David • Hoelzel, Alvin • Hoelzel, Edward • Hoeper, Mrs. John • Hoffman, Ralph • Hogen, Willard • Hohol, Annette • Hohol, Marilyn • Hoien, Hugh • Hole, Harry • Holup, Mrs. Robert Holzinger, Joseph • Hooyman, Robert • Hopfensperger, Mrs. Delores • Hosking, Paul • Houpt, Wilmot • Hrubes, Robert • Huble, Karl • Huettl, Joseph • Huffman, Calvin • Huth, Joseph • Hyland, Edward • Inda, Fabian Jacob, Gordon • Jacob, Lyle • Jacob, Stephen • Jacobs, Arthur • Jacobson, Mrs. William P. • Jaehning, Mrs. Janice • Jansen, Aloysius • Jelinski, Robert • Jensen, Mrs. Merlin • Jensen, Thomas • Jochman, Alois • Johnson, Henry S. Jones, Bradley • Jorgensen, Jean • Jorgensen, Morgan • Josephs, Raymond • Joyce, Elbert • Jugo, Rudolph • Julius, Arthur • Jurgenson, Mrs. Walter • Kalt, Mrs. Jacob • Kanop, Michael • Kaufman, Douglas • Kaufman, Thomas Keberlein, Anthony • Kees, Robert • Keller, John J. • Kempen, Sylvester • Kempinger, Joseph • Kempinger, Larry • Kessler, John • Kessler, Lawrence • Kettner, Clyde • Kettner, Ervin • King, Anton • King, Francis • Klassen, George Klein, Bernard • Kleman, Mrs. Glen • Kleman, Roger • Klesmit, Ervin • Klinker, Arthur • Kluck, Reginald • Klundt, Edward • Klutz, Sheldon • Knepfel, Joseph • Kobinsky, Albert • Kobinsky, Earl • Koerner, Alphonse • Koerner, Ronald Koerner, Felix • Koerner, Richard • Kofler, Greg • Kofler, Miss Jean • Kohl, Richard • Konkel, Ernest • Konop, Ann • Konop, James • Konrad, John • Kools, William • Koser, Robert • Kosmerchock, Mayford • Koteski, Richard Koziczkowski, Ed • Kozy, Joseph • Kranner, Mrs. Sandra • Krause, Norman • Krautkramer, Peter • Krueger, Merlin • Krieg, James • Krukowski, Joseph • Kuehne, Dore • Kuettle, Mark • Kuhr, Mrs. Howard • Kulogo, John and Anna Kuster, Edward • Lamberg, Mrs. LeRoy • Landskron, John • Landskron, Richard • Landskron, Sandra • Langdon, Mrs. Gene • LaPlante, Duane • Larson, George • Larabell, Richard • LaRue, George • LaSalle, Calice LaSalle, Robert • Lauer, John Jr. • Lauer, John Sr. • Laurin, Spencer • Laux, Donald • LaZotte, Agnes • LaZotte, Mrs. Anton • LeAnna, Cyrus • Lee, Arthur • Lehl, John • Lehl, William • Lehrer, Robert J. • LeMay, Alvin • LeMay, Emma LeMay, Mary Ann • Lenz, Mrs. Albert • Leopold, Mrs. Robert • Levandoski, Edward • Leverance, Albert Jr. • Leverance, Leonard • Lillicrap, Lyle • Liskow, William • Lotzer, Jerrold • Luebker, Walter • Luft, Mrs. Alvin Lynch, John E. • Madler, George • Madsen, Mrs. Daryl • Malmstrom, Mrs. Bertel • Mankiewicz, Frank • Marketti, Mrs. Maida • Marquardt, John • Marsicek, Marie • Marta, Emil • Martin, Fred • Martin, Raymond Mattejowic, Joseph • Mattern, Phyllis • Matthews, Ben • Mayer, Robert • McDonald, James • Mcleod, Leo • Mclain, Mrs. Dorothy • McNamara, Thomas • Merkel, Lloyd • Merkley, Mrs. Robert • Meyer, Donald Michelkamp, Harry • Mielke, Mrs. Lester • Miller, Mrs. Earl • Miller, Fred • Miller, Leonard • Miller, Matilda • Miller, Melvin • Miller, Otto • Miller, Peter • Miller, Richard • Minsky, Joseph • Mischler, Johnt • Missall, Arthur Mitchell, Kate • Moder, Clarence • Montonati, Mrs. James • Morin, Joseph • Morse, Mrs. Merrill • Mucha, Ervin • Mucha, Cecilia • Mulvey, Francis • Mulvey, Harold • Mundt, Kenneth • Munnell, Dorothy • Murphy, Franklin Murphy, James • Murphy, John • Murray, Mrs. Patricia • Murray, Robert • Muttarl, Nathan • Myhre, Arnold • Nault, Arthur • Nelson, Mrs. Chesler • Nenning, Zeno • Neugebauer, Peter • Newton, Paul • Ney, Herbert Nickasch, Robert • Nielsen, Gilbert • Nollan, Walter • Novakofski, Harold • O’Keefe, Patrick • Olson, Ray • Omachinski, John • O’Meara, Charles • Oskar, Donald • Ostrowski, Raymond • Otte, William • Pagel, Mrs. Herbert Pagel, William • Palmer, Alfred • Palmer, Alfred W. • Panske, Sylvester • Parker, David • Parman, Kenneth • Parmenter, Robert • Parshall, Charles • Paschke, Lester • Paul, Donald • Paupore, Phillip • Pawlowski, Dominic Payne, Boyd • Payne, Mrs. Donald • Peeters, Paul • Pekula, Donald • Peltier, Warren • Pence, Mrs. William • Peotter, Robert • Perket, Wallace • Perket, Wesley • Peterson, Mrs. Harvey • Peterson, Lawrence • Phillips, Donald Phillips, Ernest • Pierkarz, Edward • Pietz, Palmer • Piller, Herman • Pinkert, Miss Marlene • Pitt, Mrs. Albert • Platta, Ruffin • Ploor, George • Pollack, John • Popp, Mrs. George • Papp, Louis • Porto, Anthony Posiack, Mrs. Rosella • Potratz, Douglas • Potratz, James • Prahl, Mrs. Bernice • Prentice, John • Prindle, Orrin Jr. • Prindle, Mrs. Orrin • Prindle, Robert • Prosser, John • Przybylski, Mrs. Anton • Quella, William Rabideau, Reginald • Rabideau, Woodrow • Rafoth, Mrs. C. R. • Ralph, Thomas • Ramminger, Elda • Rankin, Ronald • Rankin, William • Rasmussen, Francis • Rau, James • Reddin, Cecilia • Reese, Frank • Reese, Richard Reese, Robert • Reinhardt, Gregory • Reinders, Harold • Remme, LeRoy • Renz, John • Reuss, Phillip • Rice, Frank • Rickerd, Mrs. Lena • Rickert, Judy • Rickert Lawrence • Ritter, Arnold • Rocheleau, Mrs. Eugene Rogers, Thomas • Rolf, Luke • Rost, Genevieve • Rouse, Dorothy • Rouse, Sandra • Rubbert, Gary • Rubsam, Robert • Rundquist, Mrs. Philip • Russert, Robert • Rutter, Anton • Rydberg, Mrs. Henry • Sahli, James • Sahli, John Sahli, John Jr. • Salm, Alois • Salm, Francis A. • Salm, Jean • Salm, Karen • Salm, Peter • Salm, Richard • Samuelson, Irving • Sauer, Mrs. Adolph • Sauer, Barbara • Sauer, Mrs. Henry • Sauriol, William • Schadek, John Schafer, Wilbur • Schedgick, Chester • Scheer, John • Scheffier, H. E. • Schiebler, Mrs. Fred • Schiebler, Ina • Schierl, Roger • Schleicher, Mrs. Gordon • Schmidt, Anthony • Schmidt, Frank • Schmidt, Henry • Schmidt, John Schmidt, Joseph • Schmidt, Richard • Schmitz, Arthur • Schneider, Alois • Schneider, Ferdinand • Schneider, Mary Jane • Schneider, Verner • Schoening, David • Schomisch, Dorward • Schrader, Dennis • Schramm, Eugene Schroeder, Julian • Schroeder, William • Schultz, Mike • Schultz, Mrs. Richard • Schulz, George • Schulz, James • Schumacher, Alvin • Schweitzer, Phillip • Sielow, Mrs. Adner • Selig, George • Selle, Dennis • Seubert, Patrick Sexton, Mrs. Charles • Seymour, Harold • Shepherd, Arthur T. • Shepherd, George • Shepherd, Marie • Sherwood, Mrs. Harry • Shoman, Donald • Shoman, Mrs. Roy • Siebers, Orville • Siegel, Bernard • Sieja, Lillian Skalmoski, Robert • Slomski, George • Smith, Donald A. • Smith, Elmer • Smith, Mrs. Gordon • Smith, Mrs. Noel • Smith, William E. • Sodermark, AI • Solis, Guadalupe • Solis, Mary • Spanjers, Antonius • Speakes, Mrs. Marcus Spearick, Paul J. • Spraggins, Charles • Staazak, Robert • Staffeld, Mrs. Richard • Stahl, Mrs. Walter • Steber, Mrs. Donald • Steffens, Howard • Steger, Arthur Sr. • Stein, Oskar • Steinfort, Mrs. DonaId • Stelow, Clarence Stevenson, Mrs. Paul • Stilp, James • StingIe, Rev. Lawrence • Stommel, Roland • Strange, Mrs. Alex • Sturgis, Mrs. Harrison • Sturm, Alfred • Sturm, George • Sullivan, Ward • Sundin, Mrs. AI • Surman, Verge Swatscheno, Henry • Sypek, Malan • Syring, Michael F. • Syring, Mrs. Ray • Talarczyk, Joseph • Tanguay, Donald • Tanguay, Earl • Tanguay, Edmund • Tanvas, Arnold • Tebon, Jule • Tepper, Mrs. Marie • Terrien, Harold Terrien, Patricia • Terwillegar, Mrs. Elmer • Tessen, Lawrence • Tessendorf, Ray • Thomack, Mrs. Harold • Thomas, Lorraine • Thome, Earl • Thompson, Roy • Track, James • Track, Mrs. Joseph • Tritt, Berniel • Tummett, Eugene Ulrich, Lawrence • Updike, Mrs. Edward • Urban, Harold • Uttecht, Wayne • Van Airsdale, Jack • Van Airsdale, Robert • Van Beek, Martin • Vander Heiden, Raymond • Vander Zanden, John • Van De Ven, Christ Van Dyke, Richard • Vanevenhoven, Raymond • Van Hout, Cornelius • Van Linn, Eugene • Van Oss, William • Van Oudenhoven, Robert • Van Remortel, Peter • Vargo, Mrs. Collette • Viles, Richard • Vogel, Wilbur Volkman, Richard • Vondracek, Harold • Voss, Joseph • Wagner, George • Waitrovick, Frank • Walker, Mary • Walters, Walter • Weinke, Mrs. Howard • Welbes, Harold • Wellhoefer, Mrs. Leslie • Wellmann, William Wendt, Mrs. Howard • Wenzel, James • Wenzel, James Robert • Werner, Mrs. Lynn • Werth, Mrs. Hugo • West, Wayne • Westland, Ralph • Westphal, Ervin • Westphal, Mrs. Frank • Weyenberg, Jerry • Weyenberg, William Whitney, Jay • Wichmann, Donald • Wicinske, Ben • Wicinski, Pauline • Wickeham, Harlan • Wild, Joseph • Williams, Henry • Williams, Walter • Willems, VanDijk, Gerardus • Willing, Willard • Wilson, Mrs. Eugene • Wilz, Clarence Winter, Richard • Winters, Anthony • Wippich, Donald • Wisnac, Kenneth • Wisnac, Mrs. Mary • Wisniewski, Ronald • Witkowski, Anslem • Witkowski, Harry • Woeckner, Gerald • Wolahn, Texan • Woldt, Mrs. Harold Wroblewski, Edward • Wruck, DeWayne • Yost, Robert • Young, Robert • Young, Justin • Zachas, John • Zelensky, Elmer • Zelewski, John • Zeller, Francis Jr. • Zeller, Francis Sr. • Zenefski, Don • Zettel, Alvin • Zettell, Madeline Zielinski, William • Zingler, Mrs. Clarence • Zoromski, Mrs. Audrey • Zoromski, Dominic



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