Parent Profile

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 2
Parent Profile Last Name____________________________________________________ Mother’s Name________________________ Trinity Member?__________ Father’s Name________________________ Trinity Member?__________ Address_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Phone Number______________________ Work Numbers____________________________ School District_______________________________________________________________

If Sunday evening is not a preferred time for your son/daughter to participate in a group, please indicate your preferred day or time:__________________________ PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY TO PERSONAL SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT The goals of reaching your son/daughter, and providing an optimal opportunity for faith development for him/her can best be attained through you as you model a Christian lifestyle, and a desire to continuously grow in your own personal faith. We urge you to provide a living example of regular worship, partaking and witnessing the sacraments, personal Bible study and prayer life, group Bible study, Christian fellowship, and serving in ways God has equipped and blessed you. PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY TO GROUP – TEAM LEADERSHIP I will be willing to consider participating in the following leadership capacities (check any that apply): ____teaching leader of group ____host for a group ____fellowship coordinator for group ____servant project coordinator for group ____hospitality coordinator for group ____prayer support for group ____listen to memory assignments, and encourage students in this area ____teaching leader coach (only 1-2 needed per class) ____other __________________________ SECONDARY RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PROGRAM I will also be willing to provide the following for the group (on a rotating basis) as needed (check all that apply): ____other coordinator: musician, record keeping, overall servant project coordinator, overall fellowship coordinator ____assist in driving for an activity ____assist in a fellowship or servant event ____assist in planning a large group activity ____other____________________________ Parent(s) Signature(s)________________________________________ ________________________________________

Descriptions of the Parent Leadership Team It is expected that all parents who have a child enrolled in confirmation provide leadership for one or more areas for their child’s group—working together with the other parents as a leadership team. The commitment of each parent to a specific roll of leadership enhances the experience for the students in each group, and provides an opportunity for the parent to be blessed!

Teaching Leader The teaching leader is trained by the Director of Youth Ministry to be a facilitator and manager of a confirmation small group. The teaching leader also manages the parent leadership team. The teaching leader is primarily responsible for preparing and leading the lessons for the group each time they meet, and leading group discussions at the Large Group Gatherings. The leader is also responsible for the group’s calendar, communication, praying and caring for the students, and encouraging other parents to fulfill their role in the group. The teaching leader also participates in ongoing leader meetings and assists with other events, such as retreats. The teaching leader reports directly to a teaching leader coach.

Host The Host provides a comfortable place for the group to meet.

Fellowship Coordinator The Fellowship Coordinator plans four social events for the group (October, December, February, April). Events could include a group outing, coordinating an activity with another group, or participating in an event planned by Trinity. Fellowship events help to balance the time the group spends together, with the hope they will see each other as “friends in Christ.”

Servant Project Coordinator The Servant Project Coordinator plans three servant events for the group (November, January, March). Events could include a special project aimed at serving neighbors and families, the congregation (at Trinity), a special social service organization, or the broader community. Servant Events help the students work side-by-side with other Christians who have the same purpose of helping others, and also help the students accumulate servant hours.

Hospitality Coordinator No meeting is complete without treats! The hospitality coordinator creates a “snack” schedule for the group, and reminds those who are scheduled to bring treats for each meeting.

Prayer Support We believe firmly in the power of the prayer! The parent who volunteers for this ministry to the group, prays “behind the scenes” for the leader(s), the students, and any special prayer concerns of the group.

Listen to Memory Assignments The students are required to memorize certain verses and passages from the Bible, and sections of the catechism. A parent who is willing to listen to the students recite their assignments each time they meet, keeping track of progress, and who encourages the students in this area is a tremendous blessing to the students, the leader and the flow of the meeting.

Teaching Leader Coach The Teaching Leader Coach works directly with the Director of Youth Ministry to equip, nurture and care for those who lead small groups for students at Trinity. Coaches communicate regularly with teaching leaders and commit to praying for these leaders weekly. Coaches directly supervise, mentor, develop, evaluate and set direction for Small Groups under their care and share in the teaching leader training.

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