Par Sings

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  • Words: 15,458
  • Pages: 161
Sheila E. Murphy



parsings Copyright © 2008 Sheila E. Murphy arrum press Vanhatie 20 C 33 82430 Puhos FINLAND





the sea the world : to glisten practically perfectly : in tune with shoulders : others : blind spot edificios : to boot winded and carry-out : remove

paint from : cold urges oratorios : emerge dance looping : surface changes into model : break and flow pariah-proof : or prone peripatetic : lone

furred chance : robust wilderness : this far to the west : of where you are my treble nest : each minute your con brio : levitates the better part : of me


in window : middle of your light vobiscum : spiritu tuo : sursum corda : coda equals ici(ng) : on and on mistakes accustomed to : as blooming neglects old habit : way of life

each moment of life : want you safe as : feeling to my caveat you never need fear : as unwanted time : renewal at the epidermis : glistens well below the surface : evidence

shepherd me : I breathe you in and out of golden : shape the shatter of : a lamb wool purview tempers : raw precip- : now lounge me into breadbask : of


America so young : so raw so vulnerable : and self the round theatrical : pleats overcome : arrival as magnetic house : “look at me” say children waiting : to perform life

“mom, watch!” : “watch!” soon : understudy takes on : roles new as though simple : opinion ruled : inevitable darkness all too near : the white rose

by awareness : complex fresh scent : bathed by rain’s sure street : reflects desire : to go by feeling : to bestow upon consecutive once : ounces


get-to-know-me : broadside cubicles : called “cubes” a sacramental way of : separation rationed : the irrational quest for over prepped : delivery embraces : foster cadre

of the Morse code open : quality tiempo : children as other people : obligation seemingly : absorb quaint residue : appellate court full press : contorted

see-through : bargain baste “relax “ : sit back before you do enjoy the leavings of : an over cast thou(s) : and short strokes : on the page dominion : let us stay


over animals : a bargain baseless ramified at once : fell swoop : phased differently : while stoking an apparent : fire removed once from : some

“just in room” : a parked divinity : stark phase : brims through these thoughtful poses : presuppose arrival : stains on souls connote young souls : unfurnished

cluttered as : the morph of silence and : a bodily informal gaze at : weeks of work : hard pressed to go forward toward : work a day demented form : contrary


tributary overlays : define point north : “I can’t” economize : or memorize (worth) a damn : your putty in my hand (some) grasp : (flecks afterwards : now

syllables chafed : by nodule have to lace : together : thought avenues refrain : from cindering the mole : arrival stolen from our promised : park

darkens door : step shuffles my : allowance into wit : she huffed at sycamores her father : planted a vocation : to religious (life) has discombobbled : mother


lode : whispered direction personifies (impersonates) : in person : deprivation (things) own their own : magnetic force (field) : saturation as play station : streams

through villages : as though to handle : each weed bloomed unrecognized : a heart for mild / severe : distinctions to embrace : difference (energetically) as Mrs. Ramsey : in the moment

what one : tells on(e)self the utter : clarity of whisk broom : when he visits all his stories happen : in loud measure : he repeats less obvious foreclosure : so after


a time we : have run expectations met : a settling comes in to picture : slow burn of the muscular : dissuasion to the ninth floor : p declares (I do not feel that) : I feel

sideways only partially : forward is my mantra : talkies fade : “so loud” (they are all) so : the rest feature (declines) to finish package : voiced what is not the : yet is

not true for any : lifetimes when I hear : I know him “nothing’s going (away) : to change unless circumference : necessitates expansion or : contraction promise me : you’ll dart in


then out again : smart card and all : hypothetical will hover above : real change (unverified) : tied trims sail : turns wind-matched heaven mean : while waiting

forms : an onscreen image : version two point four : a vision of pure intersection of : direct hit and poised aim : opposite of glottal stop : the rage

fueling : the dark to break : be free of the environment : at last a tubular : economy retains : the light of forenoon frontal : sharps


flat natural : by ways rupture flag : ship holdings : limit floral wreaths : somebody’s birthday : I will not be shoved around : picture

me thus : a struggle in the bleachy-looking : waves dross-hued : viewed by armature : full gestured stoked : to enter the dual carriageway : his gloved

handsome : tacit (task) endears me : mother made me safe : from being forcepped out : of desperation help me pour on out : my love consider me : loved open


“who be you?” : thomas the son of thomas t: bessie my mother now professor me : the children : Sheila Tommy Neil : all three with spare capacity : I ruminate on their surpassing me : my heart(h) gone dim

the margins of satiety : come home to admit insufficiency : my child is he : again no more rigidity : he’s crying for his mom : pronouns begin : to hold

their ref : my nouns come back to life : I have a desk where I place : evidence of happiness : containers of bliss medicine : perhaps a mark of one’s own : golden


freedom : fleeces showcase : when I die my child will have : contacted me and I will sire : brown eyes still see : I will bequeath to her my peace : the blurred

gift light : that I absorb pure joy : by way of all unseeking : safe at last not very : structured gown alleviating : sentence structure brown town weight lift : in a century

closed to thought : my river weighs what you deserve : arrival time confers : stillborn how is loss made : wholeness is deserved : compounding interest stowaway elapsed : swim ward


confabulous : unless and so phenomena : replace our walls : displace us quietly : too smart quietly : not smart enough half old : conception

partly that : is work due west of here : still in arrears moonlight cradles : blemished daylight as it fades : now canteen is a focus : Flemish lair : encyclical sweet

lifeline : as attuned as winter news : returns us time deletes capitulation : summer loses face : and faith admitted breaks the stride : of place light every time the song : comes near


I brace for you : how you compare to single handed : fright gone distance : plaster trades : your place for mine : derogatory patterns of the spoken damsel : noticeable

sadness : plays serenity : contrary to an offer once : refused reuse combs through : old albums no one : wants to visit more once : whiskered opus

plastic place : traps doorframe wait : why not the train probably less : panic when stated now : a tempo fluff rigidity is staying : still alternative opportunity to : lord it under


some blue parce-que : plume a privacy : issue stay away : from disorder : plastic surge laugh track : posture the act of : writing

is (like) nothing : more than tactile post : when acreage leaves pulse : in past tense maverick : release endorphic : breastbone squeals of : excited

chew : for good fur’s good faith: bears making affordable : this lesson working away : at preventable : forec losure : fraud (aloof)


who will be : eligible additional muni- : forked road buyout of all : buyout offers including : brash pro bono : lashing out of static : brush strokes

ratic : static hope : not faith retro : (re)munitions transitive : lace untitled : vanishing point five : dive

intensive : care (rival) take heed : lash overcast : jam-packed after-effects : post drum now voice : androgyny at peak levels : dawned


welcome : the mechanics (of) they walk the ice : declare it water : call the servicer be given enough : information threads brush : bare fruition : hope

breathes into us : a chance versus chance : foreclosures not at all desirable (show capability) low to high : opinion of self (roving) : indifference refined : refinery

redeemed : A-plus in room 2014 : we wear our shirts our be blank : artwork to be as : quiet as one was : is or wither drudge : acronymph


clandestival (the core now found) : unframed unless and due to : pounce yet an orifice : of course constellate : due sugar

what is a division : problem nature takes : a course in (of) : medicinal desire dependency retrieves : its own dis-weeds : our own young roundelay : in passing

gall : stone young : Rome spackled : fate flush : decipherable (bar(e)l(e)y) : to wed wait : home


men removed from : sortish cloth : tar bright : scar torment remakes : the moment of my how you : bad (interest me) whose : oven

lose a word : for me retrieve : unfold collapse : are you a general whose lapels : sleep with pop or beer : can can deliver us : our breadbaskets

as we learn : to quell dwell heel : demonstrative lathe : status glow revoke : invoke dislocate : public view (of from) : stun gun


are you : tired of me or just : tired finicky opus : fading even now in op(tictic) : workstation stay of : exdermatic : drone

an estuary : flouncing rapt : give haste make light : of lost : found and repair : indicative of : of

qualified : interrogatory copium: matricycular inducements : play baritomy : “cut” restray : divide time between : spaced selves


finessive : how I warm to you : suffrage into chapter : foe commiserate : collapse deep (down) doubt : list foreclusive : ramparts

fracture (still) : yields diamondic : procedural loofa : short list no fumar : aqui near rodeo : the chin die part : throngs of quiet eyes

impasses : flow me or efficace : fly low give me a table : spoon of caffeine : that tastes like this (and that) : remainder pores with (of) the breath : across


plaintive : solar cast a cloud hurts : once lung reasoned or of stunned : silo bogus : fuel (the) fire let me start : turn up : bake bread

shiny shinbone : will you land grant me : to depths wide as our silver : stochast push discourse : press faith load : damages day book : by the brook

a choir in flight : daylight verse : the treble quarto torque steam : semaphore do what : I can toucan : a pleasant row of extra sound at closure : frost


one of : the elements promised : keepsake process : tropes straight : forward gloves brain : surf ( your rhet-) my chore staid : George

obedience : strangles philo – soph - : betsy’s barmy : no or yes : implant ed : edging : out

broken : bundanoon a nocturne : based in paint blown : silver shoe : starters tepid or no : barber stippled : led to theory


spigots allow fuel : talk mastturned : loquation hear me here : I duplicate the creek of shields : foal sport of dancing : a semester violent : in tune with

white yet : rooted in tribal she ’ll say “y” say “j” as in : Amarillo cast upon : face lest there be spritzes of : drop in the buck et : tu (brutality)

I want to recon : venial your coinage blasphemy : without this furnishes : the fraudulent infuses: soft (ware) rearrest : recorded or soothed : blessing


once : bravery is ( adapted) mummies : flock to a short play : plunge in model of : safety made in : spandex design : board of directors

precious : little crash test fest : until the morning latitude infracts : the twilit stupor or a roast : paladium times two : obvious choice sanctified (corpse) quaint corps

adamant plane geo : patricide retainers chapped : for now establishment fee per hour : a stability to rev the populace : contend happy love : trouble project(ing) nate where’s mother : past


the decades reach : back filmic chorus on its own : part of the text : implies ingredients : north south east west : yore

home sal(e) : salt old tale : most un : natural less restricting : earth hinge ecofem : in is (tic tic) we live beside : ourselves

uniqueness : nests sustaining : purity to last : the delicate quiet stirring : place marked on tablet after : non plus : four ingredience


respond with : savoring what is not : progressive non-material : three texts that melt in(to) : within-ness scape place : a pace we live : forever equals

now : wax warmed by pointed and smooth : firs narration takes : the form of episodes : salt sea air error-free as domesticity : confined to latch key : solitet

no spoilage : poisson pristine on salt water : the villages with calm in motion : sparrow what constitutes sympathetic ounces : a restrictive view of liquid : functions


demean décor : success is counseling : the native habitat : retention smarts on skin : home enclosed from outer : what a struggle : followed by

emergent courage : in the flow (port) red : light from sun on : skin coex- as mystical soft depth : at play a maze : liturgical response : repose

of wheel tucked : into mud (we die) : “pure joy” said she to : me we accessed her from : difference I hold her : voice life feeling : young


always : making for extended selves : a fit with lines : within a long side jagged perhaps : the giving over of : women accomplishing enduring light : withstanding

old depiction : toward fine things : im/pulses that change : us to arounding : drawn into : this faith bound depth : successively

altered : ethical constriction : “structures of feeling” pounce : to codify event(ual) : emotions then the intellection : rationing behavior : feeling back of


“house” : in-tune (meant) mageek : eschew the ratyear : at a time non-sci : forced vexation premisable : yonder (forth) abstraction : as entitlement

(virtue) : (stranded strands) susceptible to : entwinement maple and vine : occupants of fugal form : at risk of pure un(leashing) : change perception : own age wild

and now “was just” : beginning to be okay with : fill in blank(ness) : be (desired) you have a history : of being beautiful : bland male voice on cell is speaking (right behind me) : about


versus : devotion (set aside) the heard (profound) ID : with other knowing : stranger passes land law : treating with respect : the overseen dream depth : awakening continually

lose connection : land instinct as metaphor : authority derives from being : hitched inherently : a moral authos links : enchanted turns to : an ability (part of)

upon entry : focal point of heart moss : vine-age (accept help) : I need how you un(der) stress : the rungs to bring shift : into being shifted : empathic confirmation


neglects selected : absent need “how far did I go” : listening to vested : view portraying : sharp blue woolen path : unfaltering restraint : to count by

seeing other through one’s own : eyes cult-matte-structured fee : ling (ering) non-human ethical : blood loss on flakes of snow : partakenness of dermythology : seclusion among elder wives : craft spawns

dilemma : known problems savagery to equal : non-this non-that : juxtapose metonymy while prizing : lamentation of the seizure bordering : on value wilderness opposes lorn bask : plenary


torsion : stature waits : familiarity of named one : clearly not available : emotional utilitarian : habitually recent (distanced) by familial : commencement a reproach

called principled : patriarch(al) enemy : dichotomy fidelity : more than investment (lowered to) : loved depth wolves pained forever : as we (con) form away : from power

of pack : to fall back upon : rhetorial re-orient (reciprocal) : wealth-prone : who is God God is the supreme : who made all good all people focus on : proc(lividity)


waste owned by : a rice-tet sole locus : participating in remedial recurring : triage sponsored by back hand : forgery “here is back” ground “ for testimonial refraction : domiciled

by qui(nine) water : roots between the populist : plantation spectrum unlatched : natural env-to which (to wit) : wireless enclosure : medical advancement : “hen will take care of : you”

class lines : drawer space socio-econ : blanched warmth dry dark roast : milquetoast touched as stone : telling juxtaimposit : asthma (notary publicity) high rate of : industry


longevity : few “I would not know how many” : infrequent death by (st)illness : sincere narration pure narration : yes in need of : advocacy (the body

sourced beside : excitement blended warmth : with how we have been : resident (with, to) enviroglandular : place lit by the critic : quiet as

quiet : minus light conferred by taxi tox : an air collected : signaling a crime misfit : significant technique : invalidation pounced upon : by chafing


encircled : movement (radishes) screening poisonous air : lifted air in bag : confirms (ironic : connectivity) blushing boy : the color shell arrives in mind set : frontlines cast tall

shadows : by way of nonficture : ergo the channels change : offensive rush against the is : enviro spatual utopiates : conforming lodestone polis : masked disso-Mr. Nice

(real action) : tacit these alternatives : tern tern tern tertiates : non-teleos appliqué : insomniation (ration) ing (blurred lines) : spinnage as mind : embroidered is


featured , beneficial : lamb’s wool just a head of : scheduled flight : our smiles remain while nature goes : away a pearled dissention : clapboard lampling flies face-

first (to dream) : consecutive importances : a beat ahead of sanctity forth- : coming chance plays only half : a role (of quarter tones : a stretched verisimilitude and why not (open : wide) a pilgrim

shifty shapelets : whose geography can be disposed : as rules do not (are not) : apply (applied) forestry : unlace particles (of speech) : give way to ambergris : and yellow fronds


soot-like : glamour mag is only threshes from this : point of clarity : a mash of mishes (dangling fishes) promise : colder weather : centigrade elapses from the diagnostic : vanna grams

the letters turn : to valedictories some summer I will : future you to a bewildering (degree) : the long shore blistering : removes itself from heretofore (un) : known selves emerging : what were you

believing at the moment : of deciding among furnishings : “stay here” (while I yearn for) : activation : “tend to wheels: (about to turn, be turned) : to stone


denigrate : my alter-ego line the porch with : sprigs approaching form : transiting toward : overdosing : chemistry not all alike meets fellows(hip)

“I will go back” : how do you know your worth : keep to your word revise each : preposition to conform with : what is known to be prompt : (ed) asunder academics are : perpetually greater

than non-academic scars : let A equal B minus Q : awhile and then re : verse your way into a lady’s heart : forget to feed her gin(ger ale) : sip no thing else yourself : adapt to


what her heart had : made (in France) : hyperbole (coming to seem “all wet”) yet : manages) to broaden to an even higherlevel (to be : hefted) sextets of us in : truckloads vanish

while the crops are : being picked wheat foals and heather : plume the airwaves : are you listening to the amorous doze(ns) : arrive in weak bales : canvas or a non-stick surface : remedied

by depth perception : risk your whole : endeavor (now) be real as : stilted speech (at least) chalk will appear (expensive) : rough surfaces accepting it (also) : one


sugar or tulips : petaled pared (disparity) : comb through morals of the many : storied parliament : a rinsed future (rinsed by what) condones : our worth paid (hourly) : attention

dominus vobiscum : encore listen to : the over (use of spring-fed lumens) : “here for you” the view as well (of course) : matter of forceps at a moment : critical

redo the work : imbue it with a featherful : review (induced) figure : of bicuspid uni : cept conceived as seasonal prime numero : some swift boat tatterage : a tattle


tale in spin : disintegrating tail of kited string : who will pay for “nice” : in frame with cursive plight : the hand (at last) obedient while gain : fully eloping from (not qualified for)

getting out “of the house” : means no more : inward weighing of alternatives : no more impeachable offensives : momentous caissons rolled portside : now watch for

replayed silver bull : et tic bromide : lateral indicative young flounce : a cumulative average (law of) : mild events : an episodic formidable innocence : put on like winter


bequeath limits of : ob servant : lieder (in the meantime) sotto airs : for lucent triggers shall be bounced : the joy the loss the sprockets of each : shifting

skimmer : stall (the coat of claims) : a lob over the net : stir-crazed appointed (pertinent) : reason for being qualmed (so far) license) : craves its speech

to stain : a room of ilk commanded by : a card beneath the vest : it sure is (local not) global yet : the universe presumed to have been : universal ought to hold : still sofa-


prone (at night) : the three go still together (watching) : and increasing auto-soffitly : a mutual decided innocence : a spree of glad wood : an ovation

thought voracious : rhyming on domingo (at the time) there came a moment when : she did not care if : she should die (live music) : ply her said the stock with something to : look forward to

the eye of the beheld : wing it each : daylight, stare into proxy verbiage : be staking out a lair : to occupy a cute foil : to transcend offend no self : in clear view


denigrate : the few working in favor of : your love pains decrying false : purse martyrdom is over : rated (I am hearing a biography : someone young occasions modest : sequence

of details : this penance plays to a well spring (of détente) : blue wafers ampersand: immersed in sledge ham (mers) : divided sub : stance at a rate

closer to kissed crates : semaphore will differentiate : itself (from) stochastics (at the rate of) : chore charisma : stalled (I mince creased stones : I worry) verified at


the point 01 level of significance : a protracted lamentation speaks : chimera : steadfast levels meet their priest subsumed under the weight of : a fruition stamped on fingers

confidentiality : to romp with method : one designs a grease to keep in mindset : better tresses flow shill : close to vested in conditional : context waves defy : resist the lanes to

musical renditions new (to you) : abide (with me) which will be one of : the good days (with low predictability) : small town prismatic flight time : everyone


knows everything : familiarity breeds replication of : the seesaw pattern’s overtaking : mendicants (the tedium of feeling poorly) : jaywalk as acrostics in phi pique : wind

omni : vorous yore retentive : you occupy my north you weave in : out of (former and new) : compassion (in no sense) : do we leave hope shelved : do we continue

how do we (continue) : “what up” banded : space viewed quilt of whole : direction yet adroit : adept viewed : via listening while synesthesia plum : mets


conveyance : free to do well to do : the work commissioned : to portray what if : energy forms does anyone : know (I don’t think) so (far) : this eloquent

means worth is : settled for (once) of course (matter) : I can do this stuff : elicit (brambles) and the sideways black or walled or severed : a view found trimmed all (solo) : capstone

corsette magnified by decade : overload at last (sequins inviolate) : the earth estranged from : earth and separate wind combed down to : druthers Salk vaccine : astringency relax


portends duplicity : while trimming weeds on shore : retroactive slides patched (earth’s) nattering : encompasses the compass meant to : earthen wind to tap into : to trace

a plenary ghost (town) : partial placement in a den of : scouts matrix weather downs our : dreams (drainage repeats : itself) (at minimum) and say so : magnifies

least sum of : squared fir thistly as grand : as pursed lips (more score cards) : worth while the stretchery : reduces drumless impulse to akin : nine fold the layers : chance (mistressly


upon the rodeo almighty : sums up sum pump : noticeably shores run dry : on shoulders or the we in they : condenses salt along (the lines of) : sure feed

pinched : to taste (talks self) : lives where the ivy holds : the brick the walls : the icicles the leaves : confiteor deo omnipotenti : numbers one through

twelve compartments : slow dance with the likes of : me and my kinetic press -the-flesh : endorsement of your ilk : my silk pjs (not these) : roses defeated


mid-semester : in the ivy score affection of : memories deliver us our treetops : as we foreclose ours : who trepidate (excoriate) : dream rivers barely drying in the tempered : waver of

diffusion : miles from now our holy mother winter : ice affords my temperate : involvement after hours and justly : fated here we are where : sound amounts to : laced boots bones

and swept-off-feet symphonic : ovary a singular : deliberation now and at the Tao : go spawn strong (hold) portico : to register (for moon-sized dimestore) lotus : verify


my shoulders seem : as young as “you are with me to” : my depths come hurry hom(m)e : to where you outline two of ten : romances save the way : pave inverness

a milder white : than this discretion : obvious as cake “close off” the shopworn : syrupy gemmed glaze : holding up the apparatus : ivy misaligned with buildings : still

“of you” : to floor the river bed a gauche : come sponsor me to be bedazzled : by and by your womb rock : east motet begins devotion loudly : corresponding to and two : toward to ward off


fever freelance feeling : fall guy in the picture : limited to gray and whitewall : on arrival someone will be swollen : someone will be young : and someone will be holding out : an offering

“to wit, a scar” : in place of halting eye movement : sit com delirium : pause for motion half in : motion (lambent cover) geese fly crosswise (land) : finagled bits against the shore again

a middling safe way : manufact contrition (act of) : prose rich devastation (cramped) : guardian guard rail (in past) tense : just let it go forth : do no damage “what surprise” : how did you


cast : thou sand some handily : episteme or art : a value placed on ontology (only a move away) : from praxis : tamped leaves gave trace love mined : from sore

Botticelli : virginal mistakes sworn asunder : rice leanings made to swerve along : stateside privacy : retreats the limits of and for and on : clankety bloom filled hill strut : jamble

-d frame full of : humanity something for : zilch return retrieval : true to cause (celebre) manufactured rage : structures the warmer water : on a roll sand scream stored : in filth


name : bless (cheat) how far removed are you : from fate this pencil is : a gift dream frantic eyesores : stave off waterfall : as strict as recent weave : brave wheat squares

of the field : involve (yourself in) : rumination built (one tissue at a time) : to cast (chimera) louvered : doctorable wife who lasts an evening : beyond beneath wide : long rays

of the chaste sun : sprawling across memory : retrieval’s only farthing : lance their lives our faith in : the associated full cement-like moon : rivened metonymy : simple as that


serene as we imply : rage glistens in the face of : store gauge when he will return : in haste to taste : check out the place for keeps (ankle) bracelet : fatigue glistens the safety one : sentence

at a time : we were about to ransack : spurred-on kismet “take those wet things off” : mantra as I gleam : “rein me in” who equals they : my work self (definitive) : by definition

“I’m just tired” : is all your work stays : unimportant to me how is marriage never : broken up : what sustaining mantras quibble about : blancmange in straight edged safety : plot lines


camp out on : the smooth side of the swerve : cane free sucre : demiglaze or else cares deeply for : you this is not : hypothesis as keepsake : within keeping

stalled haste : bricolage entreats all sylph : the coast clears credibility : revokes bereavement : flow-through parsed to weaken : how we score our solo : winter

preys upon : buy symmetry as éclair : his quiet bris wedded to creep low to find : hubris gone to teal : am glade the bodies were : found thin deadpan : quail hunkered here


it was the religious hand : inflamed by weary : necklace (far things) shaped limitless : computer files papers chapter : vers libre asunder : now clear crisp tandem : inlay

forges : headlong into what we ache for : how we notarize the body pores : over arching : honor what is broken covers caves : a treble forecast hither to enrages : every fleck of

garden : guardrail hums to let unfold : plastic soliloquy whatever grows in concrete : ever filled cast-iron : steadfast state of grace : how we go still here : how is sleeping


beside each other : ever pure I learned that in me : sleep easy bristled scars of self : hate left from : how trim she was seemed slow : a friend (strained question) : overcast bereaved or

solace : mattered gray (illgiven, granular) : instilled as pink : brocade then stroked with pleasure : face left ward off : string place (listen to the kill fee : mispronounced)

visit the imploding : doctor landmine before beatitude : what was her softness : bother is not blue maimed yet : the sky’s archival shadow : play phone card oftens


: are we safe to leaf through our silver our gray dirt : resist the named : stored rage who forms rules : thoughtat-large : inquires : of token ambassador prevails : his lane

changed : be kept half free “what’s your business (here)” : wood elements : adhere (safe life) spears territory : saffron “how high did you rise” : in service of the prey-through (lamp)

shallow fade–worth : wide spectrum of false : frontage road lavish coast brushed moist : again you have to shimmer : drug-free clear as cello : planetary opium planet–proof : a compromise


meant lip-read : store home Stonehenge just outside : la ciudad bathed footage : once or twice (how would it matter) : rich means : court press fully

road kill : what spies do you attend : agent requites a drama : no (use punctuation on as-needed) : basis for issuance : of covetous whose brazen sanity : is buffeted

by cursive leads : and whose androgyny : amounts to wood graph pattern : wood land pat-dry : my owned object strays : welcome home (visits) home snow falsified : recalled


is cordoned : (grilled by whom) “you’ve been cleared” : live contractible terrain : beneath rocks under foreign soil : head lettuce violation : how does she die so easily : forensic silence

interposed with : stress and wrong hands : headed for a washstand : marbled fee-based or : skeet : a stippled music charter bleeding : whole notes : careful tottering blued

worth : at-a-glance (consumed) post-month of solace : cost the wall port : ostracized (from morning) : music spooned by calling birds : partridge pear filled cheese pastry : traction


: how does anyone form ties : believable belief the plaque means hoped : sub fraction (life blood) world caked hot : with bland form held aloof : qualms retreat to

where I like to have leaves : fallen safe : wall right for flower when arithmetic occurs it : softens otherwise left-rigid stones : of element decide how : does a person join another person : being doing loving

valued : haste (the rubbish as a synonym for guardrails : splintered) children enter this : world (un)wanted : ritual distends volleyball-esque comatose : revolution once over : given the


fade : strapped to her birth canal : do I exist welcome : coincidence suspicious possibly as you on vid- : unless the presence was not pure : truth

refusing to self its way : through vestibules defray : the cost of graphic novels : tubular calling overwrought “for lack of any other word : “unpleasant” does not do : it justice

“no point” asking : what is scale what railing will : maraude disturbances : disturbances remove progenitors from : roiling here amid : the what joust offering once stalked : isosceles


within reason : store bought schema tracked by lace in store : restrict parsed : sparcelets climb stretched petal : days go here ask now : what cures kills here the side-effective : there graffiti

casts shade and : flat screen building-side : brakes until one down : amends all bigotry : erasing thus infractions before : downing “she cannot talk” : delete

the file : pose here in weather “if she leaves the business : cruise leafleted store kiss iffage : spare details whatever theory : stillness qualms its safer line of code : life continues


what is your purpose : here elsewhere the deer and (antelope) : “prey for me” carnivorous devoid of : rubies fallen in hand : to hand across report-pronoun (prone) : fealty

mentioned : loyal play divested of contrition-need : bled from stoked parts : a savvy cream relaxes the in-tune fault line or why (not) : strain the lack by safe means : betrayal happened

to inflow : don’t ask of telltale o-dose : pays to staple shut clay layers : shaped haven strapped to silence : watered how it felt to : leverage white stain craft : the whole from


memory the film : frames accent by a stone loan : flag pharma retoolage for keeps : capstone villages retreat into : agendas all kept still : how is it so few are given : to understand

penance amounts to : accounts receivable for now : (one guess or two) : the lamp lit summer evenings craned our necks to : vitiate the farm slot : infamy as yet uncindered : prove a west

exists proximate to : summer stamina aloha v-necked : dips into the level sand : red swayed distain I would prefer : to let lax how do you define : a friend deal simplifies : the late


continuum induces : flat-line basics “boss gets wind” : and boss lets go fire storm : brimming with disdain “go home” and : what lives cynicism ovens : suppressed rage a distilled safe : placement

leading to what has been : protracted where sound : subdivides justice into chalky particles : the wheel accommodates dimensions : harbor me and my insistence : black

wine for : simplest seasons strap-in selves : look down on mood with cloth to show : white planes where people : simplify their lot in : laughter modified safe bruising : wheat


stored beyond : the yellow fields no idea but in : flings tap the land : serene and not at all that : framing wind wall points : accents the way my sense of sight : encloses

(defines) a way through : white the real as real as : nothing deemed for instance : heat reclaims the practice “uninformed consent” : antlering binomial distribution : and why not

guess : stochastic lace braces for window : dressed to kill the face half lives through : willpower : free masonry at last : bongos make sound of haste and battle : moan


conveyed sides with : pawned silver en route to chance shelves : so what slims : will ensue victrola answers : known mood one we can appear to : center back to fuel : distances amend

what your naiveté brings : to everybody powerless : up front and beneath the structured : evidence is what and why : not land there I wouldn’t be alone : for long said he : it would inflame

discordant pleas : front scenery of our beginning : adages come home to roost the : nether-warehomes held aloof few : rims near betterment besides : shaped winter allocates a nimble fortress : of


akimbo dalliance : alive with how an individual : would think say-so and feel : determined slumber still : retreated world to which : a simmering betrothal comes to lapse : displays of

stints go down the list : pace predication with : timeless solvency unless : you woodenly contain detained : flat store box because quibbling events : the normal distribution rushes to : judgment

here in the falsetto : exercises amid shoulder-high : retreats refresher course : large heart choosing reflects : tormented tribules : inconvenience goes


together : fastening what can be fastened to belief : noxious bleeding brazen lolligag erected : bales of heat : who got away with an uncovered tome that : bled respect endowed with : purse-

stringular nights : no chara in these lorn straits : chance weeding : out of stippledom aloft : appearances notwithstanding : streaming under half-palp : weight

of a conspired : state of homonym grass skirt : frayed epidure come home to rest : the rest of amperage distends : immersion in and through the laundry : a sporadic


cloister impulse trails : eventually to the fore(ground) : tepid manger falls to inferential : drive-by fire sale qualms : relax the page I offer : you my best lace to retrieve : bloom turns systemic

base hit : bromide sequels how askance we try : to be a bracelet sliding : down the arm an avarice teaks shut : wine warms something : refrains from depth perception : stow away

the larkspur : train your eyes to work without a muscle : moving from one to the next : implant less frenzied than : who are you least protecting : marsh winds stored in mental cavities : brand


offices accepting co-pay : divans full of tarp shreds left : not to perform, inform : deface lifelines o’erdriving : center core and Braille light sepia confined : to ankle level brace(let) : finely wrought

renditions of the habitat : infracted license to give worth : in tow (best guess) : okay to voyage simply cast parading : slyly north wise as fact matters, thus silence : implodes

at least once more than : low ride “are you listening” : “can you hear me now?” : occasional implants sugar me a wide : distance apart from mild lace : overcome by


tensile waste : dominion overrides mirth centrally convening : blood work and discussion : mores to better (yet) dissuaded from indigence : flown coops a ritornello as : conversant with

the no-go laryngitis : dig? our pearls implant into : this neck “I would prefer” : to slide into an easy rivulet : frets of guitrunes blemish : sotto scars pale of face : suns lose to LAL

appliances keep : mum toss lore up wonder cusp : to limit fireflies from the drive homeward : ivy rising day before air celebration : 30 years a “ways” behind : a public presence


into lockdown blank : track shoes to be forthright : (when in doubt) a shake roof symphony : contends as if curtains : my punctuation suffers where I speak : loquacious poverty affects our way

of : thinking of a lathe : to whip a branch by wind : being a choice to fathom contributing epistolary thought : shiny floor deflected : out of bounds arthritis in the pretty : fingers

thirty years : at bliss protected over taught endurance (policy) : drummed call fast about (an innocence) : text blushed shut : as protracted algo rhythmic (open) : and shut case


promptly dropped : wracked with re-morse (responsibility) : turn (self) “in” : declare to police truth : drive truck : betrothal next to sport of avarice : the store of

foul play : close pre-case informs five : typed invisibility (location unknown) : timely or not (courtesy) : unless family support (mans laughter) : reluct“best chance” (o-time) : locus

blanch : uncovery (re) -place : -plore (notary pub-) no room for : chapter midverse : pourquoi : (natch) “cover my tracks” : “I tried” made moves : just to reveal


direction replete with : stony silence : mission (posse) moaning tranquil : sound bytes “not all owned” : micro -phonetic half : hyperbole toward heaven : posed, imposing

tip tong : diphthong frayed sung daffo-chalk to rights : plea (plenary) sakes pity (out-takes) of the repertoire : gestation tame along the belt : way below chanted take away as soon : as room

blends blended : taupe frayed (same old) castaway as faked : remains (angling) trepidation (power of ) : turn key in the street : the raw remains (short-term) who wants : what ails you (for keeps)


rendition of a scalawag : trumped by residual remarks : upon the day’s age-old politics (terrain) : soon as the dainty village : stained by ruminative (pomp) will get : away from

dial a model : peak perforation slack jaw (stalking) : reverential wintering in Hades for : the moment of momentum : spy glass does (us good) we lumber toward : steel quality

pamphlet : strange business of “or not” “or so” : on duty puzzling turn of : events to match “and at what time” : precisely what becomes of : what occurs


what of : only old (per se) laconic everglade : as such like river : in blue (crew) awaiting : for three hours primes pump : to save an integer’s own : internal mathismo

lag in wind : a window filled with “shut my eyes” (think) : see through an emporium of ice : cubes (on departing) : semi-sphere (magic) “eh bien” : the facts provisional at last : I would prefer (stiletto

figurines) in rain : under a taupe rope tricks : a little way : down over prattle across continents : three months “diamond” “silver” : cost of doing sixth sense : body armor (all day) “like this” : happening (her name)


a manacle or live wire : stacks a prior leader : dries (would you remain here) : perhaps not stalwart “quite” : one brags remember looking (vagrants) : bicycle as tough as rattles : bombastic

low-down : “all your work” Brattleboro, why : why not state “your case” : case of (found) finding case to be : a field of soy (a field of) oats : nothing is triune except (the overt use) : tracked

blistered blasphemy : circled circling church house : trap trance levity one of the B’s crops : likeness one of the B’s : stands for better faucet sprig : a season (talk)


a parrot never ordered : splits the silo subdivides the silence : capsizes endowment (brocades heaven) more than once replaces the compressor : faults my numb

mistake indubitably often : as needed “scorched” blithe : notion fast paternity suit : opinion-prone : outlasts “your expense” “at” : sea level sequestering : lamp depth

where we breathe selves : into lives (our gloating) : feeble dole, of bearable splinters : trim the ’stache as random or as ransom sprawled across : identity


the circular : trap secret (disappearance) of a clapboard house : where am I who is every featured hope : who fearily bleeds old hope : into hair of labyrinth : astir from rupees

pulled away (detracting from) a cupboard where I place : confusion soon to be manhandled : by the liberty ingrained in version to : all suffering (discomfort) : preps for victory

a circular delay point : probable to symphony of glade birds : nouns in thirds : ruthless was made whole against the grain : film version of a dream : spelled out infractions : tidy before sewn


healing’s in : equivalent to business touch substantiates inequity (yes) veiled (in part) official (watch) : alright upon the cello flow : toned tumbling “you may have...” : foraged (very publicly)

I taught once in third : personflavored locus with the leaves : dispersed around the soft ground : premises dropped to wind tote : genuine commotion flutterage : of fact (interpretation)

“so this is...” (have a : look around) particularly since : “attempt or less” condone condense configure lines well gentlemen “either I...” : or not (experienced) : “all right” inexpensive


dress for lunch : return (unless) confusion : rancid taste (posthaste) or latitude (my number) : swerves into the inner nerves : the drum set “how aware am” : flight tisk-tisk (I want residuals) : about face

tall grain patched : glee free of buena vista : an emporium replete with shares : of ice (beast) : social set do something (someone) : now contribute to spa in here : fear

shroud : linear as yarn wish (play the oboe) : play the part “dress up in” : plain clothes (seed doubt) restatic prompts : some willows teething précis : cloche of gaul brittle as not : yet swollen


curvy in a fix : lip sync ad hoc replenished by : and large cove : premised as a washed cleat : tirade’s altercade post-feats : I live well here atras : you weed the lens

of fully qua – dis : tractions monocle or bifo : you bereave what you distaste : a lioness made large : defrays (the clause) of ever after hours : still somnolescing overtime : with blithering to root out

chaperones who wither : for a kill fee (chattel, brazen, husky) : braided wise old bleat : occurrences as meat as mete and right : sprung from ritual baled lungs : bottom of


the piling : chapter with embalming fluency : whose misery defeats young whipper ware : tongued slowly : picayune (duplicity) as off or homage : glad of wood

grain (or recent) : stemware brownie point four (teen) : a teensy insect : squared once tapped to spun steerage : sustained river of suds : careening wheel fracture’s only teal a bit : spittooned

in bowling gear : to winc(ce) après the test : of wills (meant) feat’s defeatist : rigamarole sextet apprenticedly : a tactic frittered past ten feet the : number three fixed point (in : arrears) as crop


tic taupe : locate vow points (tender) stiff rigged : palace : guardrail filth : approximate detention (lost) infinity (at : last) light rosed state haste (held capt-) whose motive : ribboned on (the hand back)

bond : total devo- (en masse) custodial interferon (overtime) : depraved in-differtunity : portune (impunity) each reasonable surface : perfect chase scene : city tune in two “go slowly” now that we : brief one

another on : the doings comings goings lingerings : more majesty than worth : line on line the drivens : now oppress the plunging neckline : foster fam (log jam) : encyclo : pedo fracture


in a moment : at a moment’s no t-ice oval : tree or three includes assembly : white washed wall boards fingering the new : paved cinders indulging in indulgence : clone bliss once coerced : tip toned betrothal

kissy fronds abate : messiah runes exacerbate the friction : stalk prickles under skin : in some way linked to sui-cession (se-) long wind (chimes) : west frost appears : licensed or watery

blithe comb space : blither marks intrusive weight : the bone town withers all at once : skin bows untamed : no chair four walls she never was : alive again


astringent closure : feather warm and weight-free : spooned away from substance : as if over after the responsible envisioned spree : toward lined drum : swollen with choice

(a choir of that) : a tolerant stay (consenting) : adage frozen few rebates : “objection with” drawn : set foot on (setting up) inducement to : (confirm her expectation) deafness : rests on laurels

to wither once (on board) : lap shoreline (wannabe) : the rainbow of appearances trans : latest sacrifice to lubricate : a long line minus martyrdom at large : missing infraction : tri blade in a romp


salt fronds : pant legs (worked) and now the plot : late comers vault over : some seedlings (prod) a vintage : provenance regained a proxy shelved : couples employed at wilderness : of spun lug nuts

tipped off when : plumed when fielded features bled : under the influence : such force (bluntness) crafts : strings winds percussed at least (once) : how with fracture : tenement affirmed

alongside sediment : occurrence firmed from matching : mark on folded skin : a jewelry (spree) retraction labels speech : just within reach : “chance for a hit” at bat : smith choice (sleep is rarely


moist) the fear : lack of dry -durance slugged : positive (monodic stifling) : cast upon stone hills : on stem and happiness : confirmed “coming apart” : so far these

yearlings romp : the fever spews “a car parked” here : twelve white cards : creeding where we were : here we are alive alongside : free will young enough to : wrap around

“the side” : hope’s precinct state : stalled close to water taffeta’s indecency made fortunate by way of : joy ride and the : stork lines prattled : first wide light


one fever thirst : people with contour to : the instrument (demand) : attention she (inhales to herself) : nativity’s naïve locale limp : toy bother

Sunday: P’s tone row cannot much talk : paints (too little energy) B likes my being : here one takes up airspace : lifting weather to dry every cloth : in sight my neck stiff : plenty green tea

filberts squeak be nice and : quaint wonder how one : gathers “now and then” : notes versus art what is the difference : demonstration repetition : rumination (patience


leaves chore : obeys its givens as obsequious as false : prayer seems : real prayer is one deed at a time : repeated in a sequence sequeling parade’s : invisible devotion you can spot : wholeness

of real living prayer : accompanied by silence in and about : the confluence of : it and everything revoking non-sense and : non-feeling reeling in the real : allowing that to

pressure being : is not how we shore up-what : we care about is not the same as : “keep simplicity as brave as clarity” : a charitable opus is the breath : right here (the through way : dims its left


hook : probably quite wheeledinto) therapeutic : live white simulacrum : filled by farmer of the glistening : blond wheatfield : name also of the resistance : fettering absconds

with acumen reduction : in and of accumulated : fear square omnium robust and : within reach “to each her [obvious] own : replay” of insidious : and factual replay relay of a long string : actual

of fleeing noise : night on night M : I warm to all that I neglected “to make right” with you : I faked left was afraid to be : this self I left my lively : self to heal


and broke : the seal no longer weft to woof of you : I breaststroked home to dream : no one at rest : I jungle through the wave lefts : wavelets only half alive I was afraid of : for and with

you all I might : was all I’d feel “I was afraid as few” : come to be made sylphlike : in winter rain : slow relieved the mediocrity : Norfolk pine sings blue lapiz into : A chalicy conundra

: why we take a moment to relax : revoking menace (trail-blaze) “as presently formed” : shut resolution : that there be no longer six, but four : (re)presenting what is (s)ought


mere posture : forfeiture elastic plum : the noticeable forecast gemmy and stochastic : vastness (complication : taunts the willow shirks the silver : struts the windows opens caseload : lingers

to the tune of loveliness : yet what blanching comes : to copy us as winter : flunks posthumously the chess class : overtime once blundered tips across : the line between (fine line) : and so toward

depression : furrowed what is driven : deep (into) “hug from afar” : a restless (nest) instinctive (sustenance) : aimed at : cohabitive (gender) forest lake : dependency (aligned)


for slumber : bracketed (brave) choice linked to : forever even temperament : condensed in form of of of : champion (core grasp) trafficking in : lumber (slumber) tramped on by : and by

delinquent heaps of : sins string by : bereaved meaning the stacked deck : vented “all my life I have” : loved you each justice : vetoes (ever highly) through four walls : stained taupe

imbued capstone models : faith lapsed doggerel : tending toward forthright : stamens stones stork feed : horrendous play displays our park : benched for the duration : durable goods


“blueline” : parked near where the heel-toe diffidence : immersed in these fall branches played on by with : pilfered weeds a wedding plus : a stone firm

incandescent : plight’s teal color to wince from : tapestry a joyous garden : filled with flip succumbing to a lack of standards left on hold : a whole department laminated with a fair : injunction

safely made : for work (for wheels) to nudge along : the timeframe practiced : on account of rumination framed : to leave us working free of : charter stems flanked off : as often as you can


backslash is your cover : numbered wave length : an abbreviated happy birthday : posthumously MRH : a rarity ( a blessing you were here) : present in my heart bliss to be : assured sequence of

confidence the free : exchange magnificence not plural : enough to interplay : your garden (Dona nobis pacem) : prayer adopts “the unknowable source : of all that is : and is not” (allow

accept : commit (replay (first play) ploy : notary publique : the risen choice “voice” : minuet conceals a gender arbitrarily : a debt at song (your light) : soprano voice


convinces me : you hear “I heart generosity” : is precious coy : is precious real is real : sufficient (how are we the pure : blend of) bewildered and : replete

use wisely punctuation : verily constrain : the sheer uncomfortable : beauty : “is it that” what is : the point of flourishing : is recognition like contrition : forced blessed

now how do we : silhouette our bliss : grapevine intensity the verb to be : is ours to see sentence structure : prompts a sentence chloro-formal : finned (elated) confirmation to the matte : (finito)


clobber champion remove : remote confiding insofar as : quarto means two times : two more overtones revere : their sake our light : our safety (slight persuasion) : rumored to be

bland plotted and : safe like manna cobbled : together fretted in a cursive : spree : toward infinity as one more : job to do intrepid as in : woven twice and forty-plus : one minute and

next eventide (as justice) planted mid-psyche : at last two mores : cracked code (odious) : mid-wind and sunny dispo – striated : disco mom wombat : connotive (of)


a century : unleashed still (wishing for : reprieve) convivial restraint still : in abundance quizzical and blamed : corrected line drive summer : halter topped off by a GIS : system, but . . .

the numbers : plaster London : quite at liberty to wild away the view of who you are : “your eminence” “your ladyship” : your brilliance set free : your prime rule (home-

stead) furnished once : until I come to you bare-handed : -luge is just one temperament : too few of the redemptions stick to : dress or loom is : white as who we are : I write a hut


I live where you : imbue a forest full of rain : as blue as dwindling resources : you demand to : own a process turn a table : plural (loaded with) a bolted down : portion

(controlled from northerly) : dominion’s froth (within range) of : yes, you! a spelling : short of wit sits still : whole holed complicit and : a rainbow (fallen from) the riverside : of oligarchic worth


mild day of March” : Dorothy words worth, with me (always butterflies) this morning, Natalie and : Lyv brimming-with-hope : angel of sunlit morning : matrilineal : if only I


(and I have soon from) : heaven brought into a world : a world again : my numbers generously infract semestered : stasis vaulting into breeze : again a blended : smoky eye (lip balm)

very depth-perceived : yet toned and wheeled in : from wellheeled : topography’s pink well spring (damp yet) : open to the crowd of : rowdy pinking shears(volume) : basis for de-

ranging from : skewers to stars practicing being : stars (pointed) regional) provenance as yet : viewed along the edge : complicit variant contextually lovely (not) : yet fuming a finality in voice


play-through renders us committed by default : the fumes nearby detain cleft pale : stainage (dour) competitive revoicing : of the astigmatic pores that draw in : sadness only

to release it linking via central : this : “give me your tired” : with visitors the light weight pen (I ride the bus : they ride) a fine man chants : his way free yesterday : seven hundred butterflies

fifteen of them let go : by my own hand and fifteen for each : of my two friends who live where : it is cold even in sunlight : six years ago yesterday unknown to us : the Red Head


“went north” said her beloved : daughter number one (pre-me) : beloved are we all : I gradually become a glistening choice : lullaby connect point for the others : who are all with

and of me : links so pure they know themselves as lowest : sum of squares (the shapes are) integral : now moving befalls us (opening) : wings central, where are we if not : together (all)

in common “blessings” : as the silverware not used “all small stuff” : sacred is half winter any more : on time means at- place (where we integrate) : interception if I write to Susan : is it real


we are fifty – some : is weather true : are integers the kin of alpha mode : receipts for thought as if choice matters : against fate wood line : “westbound’s” electronic voice : march wonders

these unceaSing blessings wrote MRH quoting GK : “slings” (closes) the one-hundredth page : equips the light : to spindle into morph that we can pilfer down : neglect is its own mark upon

: a figured page (free by your own hand : now) locus : elocutions echo trumps daylight : be on time to wince or not be noticed : keep the cycle’s being cyclical (the live long) : after


math of sudden : break to swallow the sly paved rotisserie : of spun existence : cheer smooth spring morning half be neath all lotion (saved) : sing blessed my dear Mary : Gene I miss

your generous : young always faces: during : salt upon the road undissonanced gray pre-spring song and rain in line for garden

the exit tone bus 41 (her number too) : rewarded by being continuing (to be alive) : Mom I know you and I notice : all your words come back : not hungry


for a single moment : of my string of day lights open to a sizable : dentation as love of lift off : sentenced to bequeathal : by the fireside

: colon leads to what I say : casts long spooled shadow onto : pathway (let us pray) the swift arrival : of and at a balance : each new insect : my respect for the insistent

life forms : bounty : in bequeathing last night’s informal indulgence central tendency : attracts lo mein as such : hunger as foreign object : close-read


sequence to allow : flow through faint praise : la langue lifts sequential if/then: premising to higher fortune : placed bets sand seascape : a child glistens with joy as bus lines out : a route to

other life forms : cha for chi amazes me : cinching faux fall overcast against : teal sea (legs) fresh-released to chore : pearled happiness happens to : vacate summer (state of mind) : (crème de menthe)

as though the sun : is real alone yet quite connected : “quite” punctuation Brit-lit : key to all right : are we withered is life (as we know it) : fun(ded) is escarpment : choice and


lathed and : transitive coerced or not : whose nominative case are we in : do we live it do we chain ourselves : to dithers is the sun objective : how many

fingers am I : holding up “can you hear me now” : I lay me down the river is so bright : even by rain pinned These lights retract : their storage “shake hands” : “make up”

serene easy with prayer : accommodate the chair : relax (tea cozy) unless ( a solo) : form of repetition lapses : unto rendered praxis speaking in tongues unwaves


broadband locus : chant like half symmetrical inflames : our westerly indifference : (skeptic that I am not : overtones release) a little while away mi madre (let us play) I miss I love I cry : for years no one

can emulate : her [bliss] (wristwatch) [assemblage] a serene : new pose “a rinse” (wreck of the…) : you, me (connectivity : I learn” (you flitter) comme ça : if I leaf through

how you are : I weep for present (tense) a prophet’s “guess” : plink flap tune trap : light rail hail (stones) : “big as a base” but generalizable : carving (as a part


of how I) think : you range in cost from seam to : sequel (hierarchical, in-depth) : resplendering until I gasp (for tether) : air as plight (a doctorate) : my soon-to-be content : array of

blither sentenced to : the mangy fusilage I clamp onto all lifelong “rail pass” : flaut (on foot) : a futile various in-line : scotch brace lunafect : arranged (in part)

as lotion (near the ocean) : graph novella habit : at the back in vogue : my copy of quintet (wind) : mourning as a leisurely : pursuit inflects conditioning : as yet confused (the tundra


soft enough is : softer than) the sacral gesture : south or not west sullen through : akimbo (lofty) worked to depths as yet : untold confiscate my lapse : into contention

lolling around : mores (as the crow flies : lorikeet) akimbo yes and sunspots : wind farms (overtones of how we worth our way : through each impediment) : I live here each day’s celebrarium : identity

politics : palatial filaments (drained of nostalgia : and all good feeds) cerebellum almost forenoon (forecast) : foretell (foretold) overly in swept : the solace of a moon dog driven (rotary phonetics) : blister


cheers led contralto : into an oblivion unlike : any storm port (motion’s thick as) : white bread breeding, seething : windswept unction : stripped coarse as rare breed stalwart bereaved : inflective

strains of sugar and : a likely sinecure you ought to know : by now me my pilgrim (head of state whose meaning : takes guts) and furthermore : retains corpus “food on the table” : now is the time

put, call : infiltrate logjam from the : heart lack (spackled) place of rest : ballpark (who matters) I elect (to have objectified) : your worth I candlepower : to the left of


silence as amended : capstone curvy in its wealth : solemnity breathes life into : our instances of escapable and charm : chara amends the pure pearl : dew on blades encapsulated : stardom

paced to mean : slight pavement swipe (almost) : daytime (owned time) “on our own” : thyme treasured waistband formal : or informal predecessor

in one fell : swap meet ribbons dried : the drop cloth centered limit : in the game “serene” stunned : solace (style) “making a run” : our software challenges : the spun program


of(f) beat : beating (stash) “topical match” : how information’s wired : condoned faith future at a glance : month at a timed dimension : accent on the fin through : blank county

of winter : at a time when... phrasal disjunct : cameo appdelinquency boy detracts : from sling shore clause : closer (to home) “and then what” : blackguard here “amongst” the bellboys

: armed and doppelganging up on : (th)us and so three paces from : contraction rest(stop) in : practice run (accord) condone (the mix) : connect point – sacrifice : “I knew a boy”


: that I might find there literature : (that I might know a gland) : landfill for some : child after school “if I decide to” (leave off) : contact physical with him : the non-result

a mirror(less)(ed) : existence off in the wooed wrath : of Mwith black Arabian : stallions (it was like that) : held in check but full-face : (and the cameo appearance of the C) : and what of

me : help(mete) out (zilch mas) in the name of the ... : of the... and of the ... : condone all winter what the summer : had in store something I : then had to (carry to) the others (in response to) : what they


brought forward (forth) : dissuading all across (the play light) : a pre-recorded stamina : virtue course (of rompist) : slave (staved off) : do not abide (do not inform go figure forth) : the key

to witness (drive by) : situation comme ça (openly) : a glade of wind tone : broth settles me to my desired) : emptiness (a miracle peaceful) ladylike (a word I would resist : read of a boy

so opened by the chafe : drug he would thieve : from family (for anywhere) : to gather seeds of tolerance (the frighted) : gap boy father vigilant : does any one of : us) seems paid


paternity is all the rage (to trade cards) : vie for match point : “I’ll be there in a minute” : “going up... disco(very) treble (trou(bling) : advance

view of quiet : as goes quiet (as the instrument this (simple) : overlaid on “grow hundreds of dollars” : herbs in your own kitch(en) : blessings are the silverware we do not : use

(perfected garden as you) : see results “like this” : home freshness (year after . . .) : language of some danger : accorded ire and sacrifice : ascorbic/acid


saves our practice : of the ilk recently : trimmed (collating) share : blend green apocalypse (and now) : in God’s name beatific veneration : stored (unfinished business “hoped for”)

: blemished sequel glows : repetitive as lapsed faith “ impara (normed) judgmental : usually arranged configuration alters kindred : pinned butterflies ’tween screens

with space moves : in the direction of sleeved : capsicum “the neighborhood” : in gloss scriptsilhouette fit : spate of glam fold as a kipper : in a jar


she ought to throw away : row row “your way” (around the aqua : duct and say) : some white in resonant akin-to-war new : view (a provenance) from way back : flow keel zoom lens

forty or so dialects : in motion (slow) a climate new : contralto barricade for just you filtering : a fracas true as blood to pain : the surface of combine the smudging : with a lore

the child grows ill : the child colds its own emirate : and soon a lingo : fortifies these shadow depths to fore grown : low known capture the incessant : fury (paged)


(my own said she) : a quiet night strapped to a cord : of wood lived where it ought : to go past mildewed lariats : for better worsening the cold : clime set to

parsing avenues : a script for knowing in advance : the cross fire loan (on) : blood painted a stated blue for a penitent : contrary “angel quick...lead” : cast beauty on snow : slide

miscast as if a globe : were wood to be a ruse : not physical : terrain abstruse as glimmer : and a pool of that shelved house : lined true as silk : silt or a loom


forgotten the true : buildup of misunderstanding : standing close to wool : a motorcade at will endorsed by ramified : name change emits an innocence : left by itself stability’s no more : a weed than

spring break taps out : newly minted pressure (options) : finned as rubies do : a dew point (forty) lengths : prone to (position) in its infancy : terrain as apt as kindness on front burner : beauty

amends imagination : so it bursts into truth lapidary as the pieces : showing (off) what we believe : our best potion an old world : gathers past pursuits a mourned existence : plump with stories


huge population : smothers light and circles : selflings each : weigh something (nothing does : at night) digestion takes more work : than I have energy to fulfill (the job) : and stasis starts

to hurt : and even telly pics become a maze of low-life : inconsistent slaps in faces : that won’t match it’s easier for the greedy : to keep

a public stupid lazy : groveling for worthless items : no room in their homes : for (today’s a perfect day) : clouds subtract themselves : the blue of how it


looks outside : reveals wildflowers “and if I could walk away : from sick bed I’d be there” : repeating words within sweet reach : to say back to delight I am : delighted

quiet place : retread of the heart the script calms : salt beside a moist chair (solace) : simple to acquire because of : “take no prisoners” : the story went from side to side : interest (staid sense

of storehouse) : fame hurt (temptation) and wide front lawn : of padded tab “who’s to know” : “who cares” who fractures letterpress (or what) : collection “question” re-election : crankshaft turned (stiffly) :


commencement class defends rigged docket : how to unseal cloisters (remove entitlement) : from earth “because” the punctuation : fits (a leitmotif) to be a little less : abstruse or

flunking cutting : for eye movement : on arrival (to revisit question) state means : sold goods calm as loaf : serenity’s own favorable trim time : annual

the prior (now what) : can you brush the bricks : can you impede the normal flow : her usual then stopped (cancels) : warms gesture after that : a lovely cup of this


: and and and (more to : follow) headrest bedrest shopworn : “thanks for coming” any idea why? : a click (a violin) “aware of any” irregularities : removable smarting dosage

(hypervigilance) “what new life” (a few questions) : sent to bundle : spare parts concealed : line of fire (then what) do not lure me here : ocarina spews self-loathing “all we need is” : craft

pattern of conduct : the repair point stricken from (recorded) : wine plucked spun as if wide : open season dramaturgy litmus : cosign learned enroute to sleep : contiguous spurned


shade lines : corpus often (work staples a good page : to the left a premise (an authority) : a sleeve creased surface : stain on painting (my best work) : how many under-

state (stand) threats : pray (prey) pry out of a velour set : car point (an address) : “was my life” (so tired this is) : abnormal

grievous daybed : nominate the press for big award : turns out the turnout bathed (when fishing) : the lagoon less obviously full : north south east west chakra lined to status (quo)


regarding stalled forensics : indefatigable loneliness left whole in the pending street : a spool unraveling delinquency : downturn detox map of the expense

revive the comfort breed test reins : revolve : endorphins leverage spate of : silver plat- and gold a story full of fact : collide with [long-suppressed] : demotion

justice due : to ignorance : what course of action : in the struggle there were elements : and now the evidence reveals : intention and détente more words : ore curds


list : less spree of wide-eyed : sofa depth am : willing able zealous atmosphere is full of fraud : the wine list will be removed : decide your act : routines (referring

to holes that can’t be : filled (swap) meet me nearby : what was I confronting : from his cellar (joy rinse) “ladylike” : approach : unfair to powers that be :who should deify

white theory : then what (they keep pressing ahead full force) : caps and gowns : revere a case of line and work with it : braid vines made even algorhythmic : grow


ideas for the purpose of : an in grown indecency (to pluck away) : the tape a prank : the depth of counter tabulation : that corrupts because of delicate : no-hue invidious : “don’t be an idiot”

: the sea allows (the sea) : an overcoat (kindling the fair the natural oversight : vibration state) : amended by the fire we are both picturing : unless tall barometric worth sustains : one’s

view (one’s surface and one’s) : scars immersion takes back : first impulse wheels : lamplight the courtyards : spinning hearts (you broke her life) : she broke


with you : consecutive disdains appeared woodwork : why not browbeat summer fins : why broadcast cinders illuminate night : in return for planet stars and empty : sleight

of hand-sewn modules : of dissention among scientific : major windows to allow in air : to labrats as through everything is an experimental : even a whole moment : briars (wheat

like far across : the yard where alpha mates bequeath : to cut line chattel falls upon dark wheels : is channeled to another : life air available : enough of blessings or sufficient riches


as though : contiguous : for now breathed open (upon) nerve similar (unless) glyphed : extraction train case open : argument anticipates the repertoire then : what plays plays

“some way of finding” : this person convex : plea bargain aftertaste unless : you renovate affiliation as grasped notice : singing rasp “why why why” shell : shock

shot put : insecurity “tricked light” overload “start making calls” : yet karaoke plants implant : viceroy storms home fires : of trauma (blunt force) say-so honors : tamper proof


a pedigree : the pair of pumps replaced with boots : crimp leather “thou shalt” reminisce : alone calls from : court hinges frame slight off-line : maintenance murders come to be withholding : ultimate

conviction : the consortium flakes from sealed skin : capstone steep lines : steel tines overload rips drain : this place send you their : contact (info)

water is : itself a system writes your diary : blistered steaks : redeem phone rights counted more than : admired imitation is informal : consent provocateur means money : shake


the tree : police the three point indices : trigger preparation : for that side of the coin “on my authority” : “they would decimate” : a plot to confiscate : this place in history

commitment : catastrophic to the greatest ex(tent) : extant principles extract : fraud (not lifelike) : leftover electrolytes “unused minutes reclaims” : hear me sustain commitment : to discomfort

“in the name of” : violence “she made a mistake” : stop this event (crime) : moreover let’s keep framed : nobody else inclines her ear : to form a picture (to revive) : pall cast


dispirited : leftover prax retreat to Samuel Pepys : clapboard statute : small ball as a strategy (default from) : sort and skill to skin : ballyhoo you say a southern drawl : suburban sprawl

convivial approach to : dwindling resources : thinning grace to tentative : margin (the epoxy basis of inflection) : amorphous fingering remove : their moves “cut slack” : give back

corresponding captivation : slay point on line : honorable chart or you invoke : the thousand of us in this sun : thick skin test-proof cave : court order cut herself : to nudge


spokes : let loose couple hundred : to within five hundred feet : saturation “I swear to ” : prove who foetal is the only : calculable overtones : (a court of law)

something funny going on : amassed signpost on post without : windows or signature or : stamp glassy prana : portofino (glass) appendices amount to : shadowbox (of

shadows) Hades : reparation close to shock as yet continued (recently : wide) stamina still punctual : the bitter fast “the fast” : the blame (the lost key) soaked in (ramified finesse) : or else


alternative citations : lambent lamb : la la la (hum) fleet of skipped stones : institution –acity : come spring referendum mostly overcast as dreams : lay steep and steeping (hunger) dross

addresses sequel to blush : recitation’s lamplit thrush : pushed shoved gloved so far various : the kiln refashions : kin made part (of) : this (who we ...)

van carries two Canadians one other : (Erica) and me : the driver speaking Spanish interstate stays : flexible still clean from bath : cool outside still in my head (slices of night) : meal


to be this gentle : (as I need) will mean some softer : as I underestimate as I unearth : as I breeze home as I template : as you address me as I gather wits : about me

as the slope of indecision : softens what must I adopt : the scheduled indecision marks : this point of praise “considerable damage paves” : way through unless : feel good shakes rattles : strolls through (role play)

joie de vivre : my wish for you that you not feel : contempt : a quiet word to anchor : plus (to soften) clarify while watching : roadway (look) : there are too many : roads


shrill birds amid : billowy trees ice fields encompassing : her mood uncontrollably low : depression swishes at floor level : without cleaning (any space) : the few flaws

on the surface stay : posing as though framed by streaks or some slow : passage (outside bright : sure lights) to be alone (so the centrality) : departs

from integral appearance : lune fall nests in tatters : plant back thought of fire where fire : thought brief enlists (that passion might : defray the cost of doing dizzyness)


: while overlaying sticks and stones : tones all their lonesome : on a mercied field (reel) : stones cast runes : of thread and cloth embossed : dark night

al dente soul: a meerschaum pipe a little lens : some sort of an assortment : chafes enormous (unnecessary) : roughness : blunt instrumentation base hit : tool list

: properly fired weapon cuts away : brief dust and scalds the ruined light : for bus therefore my few renewing : fins be of good cheer : reminisce along the lines of steep wool : clarion crows


calligraphy left in sky : hindsight sports clean wave : writ simply : implications crackle in a depth of blue : remarkable point nine km : you’re there

all in a rough cut streaming : glassy torque : least ivy chancing overlords nice quilt : made self made flesh less than : for now at least thumb sickle : northland pioneer snakes toward (to-ward) off offings

shallow simple puddle : pool astringent : latitude from which not to recover : foddering heat recyclical remove : at some reprise in distance : at dis-


advantage : at a moment’s no- : or real partout (canned sample) : ample force field in a small field : swallowed “all of us this white” : as yet amended (returns) : sing

given voice (assigned) : control revocable trust issues : a command form verb (restrain yourself) : brave the new with : old tools (old school) fractured : cordials (lamentation

brims with) : sanctions past (the leverage one needs) : convivial chance opinions : risen to the fore (enact a skit) : superior confusion stripes a mendicant : comeuppance strays of its own (accord) : whose lever


maxes out the prospects : prospective jaundiced (crease) : until baggage defrays the cost of : oxymoronic fallout : feldspar tintypes shadowbox : apart from Winnebago : elder s palm fronds ( circuitry)

lane changed : shrapnel leaves its mark upon : markdowns (wonder what fusion misrepresents) : new fuel scans well : surreptitious gold rings land on (deafness) : hastening

cloud clover : cloverleaf in message : mixed styles (proclamation) : procreation dominoes a theoretical investigative : ounce by countdown : lynch becomes a state


of mind : in bunches (wheat solves) of its accord : the bluer ribbon of encumbrance : nifty pagination slides across uneven : placement (drawl) the cardboard moxy : parabolic

frames our fire : we newly use our dialect for diatonic : face change “about lace” : trace to winnow biological debate : temptation winds up new : I vote for you “economize” : where need drops out : you

hasten antithesis : asunder (motion down the pike to new words) : lotion for a skate fest : norm what weight entrances copious notes : (I live) (you live) : she lives admittedly


sloping with down-home : corpus of intention : violating creed all by herself : “allow as how” the singular regression mines : cast of cha (the rack and pinion) : sleeper storage

opened across : lakeside mimed dominion : cavalcade of mocked impediment (unless) stored walls : behind our walls “we talk” : “doing really good”

this day our daily : lorikeet (our) sure long longitude : the lottery for sure as you (confuse) : data for thought I marshall “my resources: “ kindness means a lack of favor : orchids


traipse across : our mindset “wet your dead hair” : layer it make needed) : change (economize) do boys short : change us do girls : care more (is silver) part of our economy : who is George

simpatico menace : brownful versus boardful of : educationful (relapse) (relaxed) : full measure (in arrears) : mendacity (convenience of least sum of schwa : unless harm

stows the missing nasty-craft : sugared with peach wish (wisps of) overlain : the depth mars so-called innocence : am I your fingered cop your rollaway : your chain your silver bull-


: your omicron investment : your creased fore room (noon) your smooth sheets : halo your wisteria : your Easter (l)egg head your informed (unformed) : (con)sent by God to wilt : thee (me)

mendicant’s a puppet : mere delineated bread : I take my cue from how you : bar the door to waters of humanity : the ban on tea milk bread : bare cupboard structured patch : (elongates lure)

soberly clumsy (from : rooftops) long and short-sheet chemistry (the body) : lapse confronting overtime : a twist of rigor pennied soft ulterior : forged awake yet only partially : come close to


coming close : stop loss activates spun sure : at a glance (shoulder to : cry on) and why not (overcast) : at long last clandestine pore (paucity) : long prevails (as cabaret) : as minute

rice (riced) closed-in : future what’s enlisted will be : cast in sure light’s cabinetry : forced flight at a moment’s no : the sure glee of sobriety infuses leisure : held askance for naught because of : leggy ways

a person crosses : fault lines first and froth most : in a wavy lined medicinal approach : oncoming vote : nebulous fold rib sudden silk : allow misclassified young looks


: to wit some summer altogether : plumbed close to our common shed : our few locations amid : snub-nosed pliers maybe left a plain : pair parting shot at a time : stalled empty : purity to factor in

the level longitude held : whole as glass unless we time : our fortune (hunted) : with full grasp of flow and kilt and : growing haste : and hesitation : planned for “in a big way” : licensed to

be free of real motet : as dulcet rib lines quarter horse their way : into the living rooms of mid-American looms yielding slow-go purse : yes adaged pretty softly : where the ruse


glows surely felt : aglow as harpist treasures fully : slowly gone through by the super storm : of how a witness stays : here in a match point (centered) : fray and visigoth of porterhouse

: dissuasion all new boiler plate : snow falling warp to hatch erasure : chemically swollen super neutrally as if : snout meant a thing fresh lines : here marked (ear marked) : as gone

the weather speaks : for us neglect : default positions : impositions due to faulty : g f clocks with rigid smiles : our custom made to falter : made to sun


themselves : beside the weeds inside the common : window boxes all I do (it seems) is cut back : on imponderables : what am I soprano false start : rodeos galore reverse themselves : you also reverse

original direction : thugs amid your context voice : taffeta wildness on account of trifectal : role play “are you there” : and am I in your sights : whose overture

is this regal force : name one reason I should freshen : up unless you would : invent a reason (able) : facsimile (at once) one of our rivers : twelve of our deserts : three daughters learn


that momentary drizzle : laps up solace fewer margins : corresponding to elapsed time : tinsel tithing reminiscence while the clock : runs down and lands where : we in turn leave

room for point of pause : the limber score sheet penetrates : slithery machetes in a line dance : yes forced choice : runed visible mayoral : after day’s in

somnia at last : severity not with the open flower : but the view from here includes : yore blended your “ended” : scope of work : “what shall I do” commemorate the wind : detract from


slowly mourned embers : the week away : light forms wild sheets : violation (temblor) norms erased replaced : by new versions : displaced a snore (whose) : memory

remains : stalled here (stalling) how the snares give : tidings from a hideaway : until our breath removes another’s breath : ploys grab usual recourse : to blue

cha “work here” : drawing paper is expensive (pensive) : water how the earth : headlines make deeper story : to be new again (learn) : means more than there may be rose wash in : a hilly


place : protected (by your way your true lifeline : a story paginated (once or not at all) : full teak harmonic place : toward not correctly vocalized : new north occurs to some vocalists : that

proof embodies bodies : “oh say” let fly (the wool the silk) : in flames chronicled held : here still avidly or snowed in : courtesy calls leave : bear hugs

fall upon free body : of a hull : a breaker shield solace : encumbrance fortitude : froth (silence) shielded water as a saying : so our bread leads here : in haste


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