Paper - Administration Of Software

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,674
  • Pages: 7
ADMINISTRATION OF SOFTWARE (TRAINING PROJECT) Authors: Germán Sebastián Cadavid Loaiza Jeissy Alexandra Londoño Guzmán David Alberto Loaiza Rojas Stiven Taborda Ospina Eliana Giraldo Salazar Lucas Palacio Jonny Ríos



Introduction. _____________________________________________________________________3 Sure Platform of Mail.___________________________________________________________4 Management and Monitoring Integral._______________________________________5 Administration of Applications Web__________________________________________6 Conclusions._______________________________________________________________________7 Gratefulness.______________________________________________________________________7 References.________________________________________________________________________7



INTRODUCTION For those users of a network the process of surf the internet, use the printer of the company, revise the post, ask at the forum, use the chat, among other it may seem somewhat common, but they don't know them is that behind all this there complex processes that remain in operation these different tools very essential for the companies in this era. For the development of this formative project (group) was necessary to divide the workload and agree to meet the objectives and to achieve this basically our way to work was as follows: (we rely on a way to "the Wiki" We are divided into subgroups, each group worked the applications in a S.O different, we meetings at 1 pm when entering and leaving the groups, other developments, assessments or contributions of each subgroup or member we l To put in practice this way of working we carry out the entire project and the paper that develops below shows as us apprentices of Network Administration in this module "Software Management" we have had the experience of group work in a formative project that has allowed us to know, experiment and learn how to use the various software tools that are behind complex process of maintaining the normal functioning of the network Also taking advantage of various resources that offers us the software that works online both inside and outside the company.



MAIL PLATFORM Safe for the development of this project has raised the following goals: Design, implement and manage an email system that meets the following: * * * * * *

Cifre traffic between user and server. Validate users against a system of directories. Store the couriers of users in a system of directories or in a database. To configure users and virtual domains. Support a system of antivirus, antispam and antimalware Bonus (do something extra to differentiate the project other similar).

As for the development of the projects only agreed use 2 operating systems our platform was implemented in: 1. Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with their respective directory service "Active Directory" and the Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. 2. Debian GNU/Linux with Mandriva Directory Server (MDS) as directory service and Postfix. For the end-user the functioning of its mail is very similar if we use Exchange or Postfix for us as administrators the installation and configuration of these two mail services is different because of the S. OR where they operated each respectively by what it was difficult and extensive enormously the configuration of MDS in Debian in comparison with Exchange in Windows Server 2003. A good comparison between the installation and configuration of these two mail systems would be the list of software needed to operate:

POSTFIX  Cyrus SASL  Cyrus IMAP  Postfix  SpamAssassin  ClamAV  Amavisdnew  Squirrelmail  Mailman


(Remember how it installs and configures an application in Linux in comparison with the installation of Windows application (Click, Install, following, finish)). On the other hand we must take into account that during the experience of working with the Windows operating systems and Linux we realized the stability of needed during its operation against Windows Server remains the mail server a service demanding.



MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING INTEGRAL First look at the objectives silvered for this project: Objectives: Designing and implementing a system of management and remote monitoring that complies with the following: * Monitor network services DHCP, WEB, DNS, EMAIL during at least 3 days in a row (simulating traffic) * Monitor network traffic internal and external (departing to the Internet) of a LAN. * Monitor CPU, RAM, SWAP, amount of processes, users, availability, network cards, hard drives what you want adding (bonus). * Monitors traffic by port (hardware) users (who came to configure), CPU, RAM, in the active devices. * BONUS: Make management on a WEB server in production. Answer: How users visit the site?, what hours do?, what operating systems use?, what bandwidth consumed? Etc. * The administration of the whole system of management must be in graphic mode and you should use as backend a system of directories or a database. * Generate statistical tables with information gathered; generate graphics and a final report with the analysis and conclusions of the data obtained All data network needs an administrator who is responsible to keep it in perfect operation beginning with the servers and services, passing through the switches and routers until end-users and for this there software tools that help to a great way with this administrative work If we seek tools for managing and monitoring of our network can find some very functional but which have a cost and others who remains free of charge also are excellent as in the case of Zennos in Debian which provides us with many monitoring possibilities. The platform for monitoring used in Windows Server 2003 was Opmanager easy to install, a tool very complete, and easy to use that meets the needs and expectations of an administrator and although Zenoss is something more complex to install and configure it should be noted that has more functions that Opmanager as we see below:

Zenoss Configuration Management Database (CMDB) Inventory and Change Tracking Auto-Discovery Availability Monitoring Performance Monitoring Event & Log Management Web Portal and Dashboards Alerting & Reporting Automatic Remediation Network Visualization (Geography & Topology) Integrations API Library Community Reports Library Community Monitors Library

Opmanager Monitoring of routers Supervision of switches Supervision of servers Supervision of the registration of events Monitoring services Monitoring of URLs Supervision of applications



These tools are handled by web environment. ADMINISTRATION OF WEB APPLICATIONS The implementation of web applications allows solving various problems depending on the company such as: a company that sells products might be useful a "system of shopping online", a company of the branch of the communications would either a web portal or a system of forums, among other examples. For this reason for the development of this project was necessary to raise us the objectives of: Objectives: Implement WEB solutions to solve problems in a company. * Select three (3) WEB applications of their interest or based on a need to follow in their environment. * Implements a web server (apache, cherokee, lighttpd, I. I. S, etc) and install the application, then make the evidence of operation. At least one (1) of the applications must authenticate against a RADIUS Server. *It should be clarified that the server WEB applications must be fault-tolerant by hardware and software failures of network. (Redundancy). The web applications that use for this project were as follows:

*Joomla! - Sistema De Gestión De Contenido * Openfire - Sistema De Mensajería Instantánea GPL * Zimbra - Suite Colaborativa (Groupware) *Ocsinventory (Linux y Windows) Software of inventory * Mediawiki - Engine for wikis These applications were selected through which we found interesting because they are attractive and functional. Openfire and Zimbra allow and improve communication between the company employees and Joomla as it is a system of content management allows those companies with web site or sites can manage dynamic its various contents and change their design without the need to give format again. With Mediawiki learned about the operation of a wiki as “Wikipedia” and how we can manage our inventories with Ocsinventory. Since all these applications run on a web environment required in common configure our DNS and we install the following for that our application to work properly: • A web server (Apache) • A database (MySQL) • PHP/ò Perl Thanks to the interaction with this software learned that we could install the previous tools one to one or use LAMP or XAMPP that are servers platform-independent, free software as in the case of our installation of Openfire which attachment XAMPP and that, unlike the other applications we was necessary to configure (AD) Active Directory.



Findings: With the development of this project we think we have reached the various objectives before raised and thanks to this acquire the necessary experience regarding the "Software Management" because the project concerning the "e-mail service" that we have more time than planned because it was necessary to learn how to manage the directory service and that the email system should be "safe". Already on the "Monitoring network" went to the conflict on which implementation use and then almost on the time it was decided to use Opmanager that works on Windows because Zenoss was already assembled in Debian but in order. With the experience we realized that the different options to monitor our network we offer attractive options as "multilingual" (Opmanager), Charting, Identification of equipment (Zenoos), among other options that we may or may not serve in our network. During the search for the software tools for the 3TH project "Administration web applications" we find ourselves with several interesting as the "Mediawiki" in which builds the famous "Wikipedia" also find applications such as Joomla which has an environment grafico striking and allows us to manage the content of our web sites and which we use along with Openfire and Zimbra for the development of this project. With these tools we learned how to operate the dynamic web sites, that systems of chat for our company as Spark and therefore in summary fulfilling the objectives. Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments: The acknowledgments would be first to our instructors Camilo Zapata, Fernando Quintero, Mauritius Ortiz and Nicolás Gallego because they gave us always their advice, we also welcome to our fellow classes because many of them were always willing to help not appointed since the list would be extensive. Thank you. References:


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