Panduan Google Classroom Kelas 8.pdf

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  • Words: 1,051
  • Pages: 17
Google Classroom Tutorial Overview Sharing and collaborating is one the most powerful features of the Google Suite.    

Teachers can share resources to students Teachers can comment on student work Students can collaborate in groups Students can submit work electronically

However, this can become a mess without a tool such as Google Classroom. Without Classroom you would see the following:   

Students may name files incorrectly Students may share the file wrong Your Shared with Me folder will fill up with hundreds of shared files

Google Classroom is a great tool and it can do all of the following and more:    

Create an online Classroom site which is private to you and your students Use announcements for a discussion stream with your students Assign, collect, and grade student work Automatically share and organize all files.

To get started using Google Classroom 1. Navigate to 2. Sign in using your School Email. Example: [email protected]

3. Sign in using your School Email and Password again.

4. This screen is where all of your classes are listed. You can break up your class by subject or have it all in the same class.

5. Click the + button in the top right hand corner

6. Click on the Create class Button.

7. Fill out the required fields: Class name, Section, and Subject. Click Create.

8. This screen is what your students will see once they join your class.

9. Next, we will customize the look of your Class. Click on Select theme.

10. Choose a theme from the list below. Click on the theme you want. Click on Select class theme.

11. Now, you should set up the About Page. At the bottom of the page, a box states, “Add Class Materials”. Here is where you would upload your class syllabus, class rules, grading rubrics or links to websites you will use all year. This is mainly for documents that students can reference all year not for assignments.

12. Practice using this feature by adding a link to a website that your class enjoys using. Click the link button in the bottom left hand corner. The last icon of the list.

13. Once the link page pops up, type in your URL: for example. Click on Add Link.

14. Next, we will talk about the Students Tab. You will see a code on the left side of the page. Your students use the code to join your class.

15. Now that you have added your students, you can start uploading assignments and announcement.

16. We will now look at the Stream Tab. Click the + sign in the bottom right hand corner.

17. Start by creating an announcement.

18. Write a message for your class. Click on Post. Congratulations, you just created your first announcement. You can also schedule the Post to go out later. To do this click the drop down arrow next to Post. Click on Schedule and choose your time.

19. Your post will now show up in your Stream that the students can view.

20. Within your Stream, you have a few options. You can Show deleted items, which is great if a student post an inappropriate comment and you need to delete the comment, this way you will still have proof of the post. You can also mute students, which allows them to submit assignment, but they cannot post comments.

21. Now, create your first assignment.

22. Fill out the required information in the Assignment Popup. Click on the Paper Clip Icon to choose a file from your computer or click the Google Drive Icon to choose a file from Google Drive.

23. Next, choose a due date and choose/create a topic. Example: Math, Science, or Language Arts.

24. After choosing which assignment to upload, you must click the drop down arrow and choose Make a copy for each student. This will alleviate issues by giving each student their own copy. Click on Assign.

25. You saw three options for the students when assigning a class. If you just want the students to read a story or directions and not edit the file then choose Students can view file. If you want all of the students to collaborate and edit the same document you choose Students can edit file. Lastly, if you want each to student to have their own copy like their own piece of paper choose Make a copy for each student.

26. After clicking Assign, your assignment is in the Stream Tab. Click on the title of the Assignment.

27. This page is for viewing your students’ progress. It will show which students are done or not done. If you have students that are not done, they will show up on the left hand side under the Not Done Tab and you can actually open your students’ assignment and leave comments or work on the assignment with the student.

28. Once your student completes the assignment, the student will click Turn In and your assignment screen will update.

29. Now that the student has submitted the assignment, you can give them a grade. Type their grade on the line that says, “Add grade”.

30. If you feel the student needs to keep working on the assignment. Click the check box next to the student’s name and click Return. You will receive the following message. Here you can write a message explaining why you returned the assignment and then click Return.

31. Your student will see that he is not done with his assignment. Once your student has redone his assignment he can click Turn in and your Assignment Page will update stating, “Resubmitted” next to the students’ assignment.

32. One of the best features of Google Classroom is all of your assignments and students’ submissions will show up in your Google Drive. You will have a folder named Classroom.

33. Click on your Classroom Folder, you will now see a list of folders. Each new class you start gets its own folder.

34. Click on your Class Folder. From this view, you will see your assignments and any documents you have uploaded to Google Classroom.

35. You have completed this tutorial on Google Classroom!!! YAY!!! If you have, any questions do not hesitate to ask.

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