Pains Of Loviatar

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 10
Pain of Loviatar

Specialty Cleric

CLASS TRAITS Role: Leader. You lead in the front by smiting enemies of your faith with your vicious battle prayers and healing your allies with sometimes painful orisons granted by the Goddess of Pain. You make your allies wonder sometimes which side you’re really on… Power Source: Divine. You have been invested with the authority to wield divine power on behalf of Loviatar and bring pain to the world in her name. Key Abilities: Wisdom, Strength, Charisma Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, Loviatan Scale Mail* Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, simple ranged, whip, scourge Implement: Unholy symbol, rods, and wands Bonus to Defense: +2 Will Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution score Hit Points per Level Gained: 5 Healing Surges per Day: 7 + Constitution modifier Trained Skills: Religion. From the class skills list below, choose three more trained skills at 1st level. Class Skills: Arcana (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), History (Int), Insight (Wis), Intimidation (Cha), Religion (Int) Build Options: Battle cleric, devoted cleric Class Features: Channel Divinity, Healer’s Lore, Painful Blessing, Ritual Casting Dogma- The world is filled with pain and torment, and the best that one can do is to suffer those blows that cannot be avoided and deal as much pain back to those who offend. Kindnesses are the best companions to hurts, and increase the intensity of suffering. Let mercy of sudden abstinence from causing pain and of providing unlooked-for healing come over you seldom, but at whim, so as to make folk hope and increase the Mystery of Loviatar's Mercy. Unswerving cruelty will turn all folk against you. Act alluring, and give pain and torment to those who enjoy it as well as to those who deserve it most or would be most hurt by it. The lash, fire, and cold are the three pains that never fail the devout. Spread Loviatar's teachings whenever punishment is meted out. Pain tests all,

but gives strength of spirit and true pleasure to the hardy and the true. There is no true punishment if the punisher knows no discipline. Wherever a whip is, there is Loviatar. Fear her—and yet long for her. Pain Touch

Cleric Attack Level 1

Loviatar is the Goddess of Pain and with a touch, you let your opponents understand why this is. At-Will

Divine, Psychic, Weapon (strike , grab, or melee)



Target: One Creature Attack: Strength vs. Reflex Damage: ([1W])+Wisdom Modifier Psychic damage and the target takes a -2 to defenses and all rolls from the pain (save ends). Special: If you grab an opponent to use this power and sustain the grab as a minor action, the opponent cannot attempt to save against it until he or she escapes Loviatar’s Caress

Cleric Utility Level 2

This is one way to touch your enemy’s heart from a distance…AND RIP IT OUT!!! Encounter

Divine, Implement


Range: 15

Target: One Creature Attack: Wisdom vs. (


Effect: You can use this power to attack with a melee power at range. The attack roll always uses your wisdom modifier, but the defense you attack depends on the power you use. Whip of Flame

Cleric Attack Level 3

Your opponent thinks you defenseless, but your prayer to call forth the flames of this weapon quickly shows him that he thought wrong. Encounter Standard

Conjuration, Divine, Fire, Weapon (whip) Melee 2

Target: One Creature Attack: Strength+2 vs. Reflex Hit: 2[W]+Wisdom modifier fire damage and the target takes half your wisdom modifier in ongoing fire damage

Effect: You can either conjure a magical whip of flame or ignite your own whip (in the case of it being magical, its magic bonus but not your proficiency bonus (that is already included) is added into the attack). This effect sheds light equivalent to a torch. This effect lasts until the end of your next round Sustain minor: This effect lasts until the end of your next round Wailing Whips 

Cleric Attack Level 5

A puff of smoke fills the area and forms a multitude of whip-like objects that start flailing about, filling the air with their whistles and cracks. Daily

Divine, Force, Implement, Zone


Range: Area Burst 3 within 15

Target: All creatures within burst Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 1d10+Wisdom modifier force damage Effect: The burst creates a zone of force whips that attack anyone within when summoned and is considered difficult terrain. Creatures that enter the zone or start their turns there take 1d10 +Wisdom modifier force damage. As a move action, you can move the zone up to 6 squares. Sustain Minor: The zone persists until the end of your next turn Special: The spell cannot form in the midst of a solid object, but will form the remaining portion of its sphere if solid objects intervene. So long as there is even a tiny air-passage link between areas on either side of a wall or other nonmagical barrier, parts of the sphere form on both sides of the barrier. This property makes the spell popular for attacking guards inside an adjacent guardroom, eavesdroppers using a peephole in a “next-door” passage, and so on.

Body Blades

Cleric Utility Level 6

Vicious looking spikes jut out from all over your body turning you into a walking hazard on the battlefield. Encounter

Conjuration, Divine



Effect: The spiny forest of blades augments the caster’s Armor Class by 2 points, and does harm as follows: If the caster charges an opponent, the blades automatically slash for 1d4+2 points of damage regardless of if the charge hits or not. If the caster grabs or is grabbed by a foe, knocks a foe prone with an attack, pulls an opponent into an adjacent square, or pushes him up against a solid surface such as a wall, damage is doubled (a successful attack roll is required to manage such maneuvers). If a caster wearing body blades is caught in a constricting situation (such as a compressing, moving wall), the constricting movement is stopped, and any damage is negated for the spells duration. During this time, the caster is able to perform only spellcasting or other activities that can be performed without expansive gestures (spreading the arms apart). Other creatures present in the same situation will benefit from the temporary halt of the constriction, and unlike the caster, are free to move about. This power lasts until the end of the next round. Sustain Minor: The power persists until the end of the next round. Loving Pain

Cleric Utility Level 6

Being healed is normally a pleasant sensation, but not when it comes from a cleric of Loviatar. Encounter Standard

Divine, Healing Touch

Target: You or one other willing creature Effect: The target spends a healing surge, but must succeed at a DC 15 constitution check to receive hit points from it. If the check is failed, the target

loses and equal amount of hit points (but cannot be reduced below one) and is stunned (save at -4 ends). If they succeed, they are stunned (save at the beginning of their turn ends), but regain one and a half times their normal healing surge value.

Dance of Pain

Cleric Attack Level 7

A spiral of illusory blades whirls around your enemy, causing painful, dirty wounds that quickly necrotize and buffet him about. Encounter

Divine, Force, Necrotic, Reliable, Weapon



Target: One bloodied creature of large size or smaller Attack: Strength vs. Will Hit: 2d4+wisdom modifier force damage, ongoing 5 force damage (save at -2 ends), ongoing 5 necrotic damage(save at -2 ends), and the target grants combat advantage until the beginning of your next turn and takes a -2 penalty to all defenses and rolls while either of the two ongoing damage effects persist. Effect: If the target moves while either of the two ongoing damage effects persists, they automatically take another 5 points of damage from each condition and they grant combat advantage until the end of your next turn. These conditions makes fine movements impossible (such as for thievery checks) as the targets of this spell are jerked about in an uncontrollable dance. Whip of Pain

Cleric Attack Level 9

This crackling, coiling line of purple sparks strikes your enemies, making them cry out in pain as you smile at the sight and sound of it! Daily

Conjuration, Divine, Lightning, Weapon (whip)


Melee 2

Target: One Creature Attack: Strength+2 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4[W]+Wisdom modifier lightning damage, the target takes half your level in ongoing lightning damage (save ends), and the target grants combat advantage until the end of your next round and takes a -4 to all defenses and

rolls (save ends). Miss: The target takes half damage Effect: You can either conjure a magical whip of purple lightning or charge your own whip (in the case of it being magical, its magic bonus but not your proficiency bonus (that is already included) is added into the attack). This effect sheds light equivalent to a torch. This effect lasts until the end of your next round Sustain minor: This effect lasts until the end of your next round

Kiss of Torment

Cleric Attack Level 9

A kiss is but a kiss, but this one makes your opponent writhe in pain! Daily

Divine, Psychic



Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Will Hit: To enact the kiss of torment, the caster must successfully touch the bare flesh of the victim with his or her bare flesh; this touch can be of any type from a light brush with the fingertips to an actual kiss. Kiss of torment attacks the nervous system of the body, overwhelming it with phantom pain that causes the victim to writhe uncontrollably, effectively stunning the target (save ends) and incurs 4d6+ Wisdom modifier Psychic damage. Targets of this spell can retain their footing and their grasp on wielded or carried items, but can do little else; attacking or uttering incantations is impossible. If the victim is succeeds their first saving throw, the spell ends. If it fails, the writhing continues for a second round and mother saving throw is necessary. If this second saving throw succeeds, no damage is taken in its second turn and the spell ends, but if it fails, an additional 2d6+Wisdom modifier Psychic damage is inflicted upon the victim, the writhing continues for a third turn and another saving throw is necessary. If this third saving throw succeeds, no damage is taken in the third round and the spell ends, but if it fails, an additional ld6 +Wisdom modifier Psychic damage is inflicted upon the victim. The target will continue to suffer ld6 +Wisdom modifier Psychic damage on subsequent failures.

Sacred Strike

Cleric Utility Level 10

Your strike causes additional pain and suffering upon an already distressed victim. This makes your Goddess smile upon you. Daily

Divine, Healing, Reliable



Effect: If this power is activated and a successful attack is landed upon a bloodied enemy before the end of your next turn, you receive half the damage you incur in hit points and can spend a healing surge Special: If used against an undead creature, the healing hit points you should gain become the same amount in necrotic damage. Loviatan Cleric Class Feature Channel Divinity: Dominate Undead

Evil Cleric

Feature Undead normally don’t care who they kill, so what does it matter if you give them a little direction?. Encounter

Divine, Implement

Standard Action

Close burst 2 (5 at 11th level, 8 at 21st level)

Target: All undead within burst Special: Target undead must be at least one level lower than you for you to dominate them Attack: Wisdom vs. Will Hit: The target is Dominated until the end of the encounter. For each attack in the burst that

succeeds, the next is made at a stacked -1. You must spend a move action to direct dominated undead

Painful Blessing


Cleric Feature You call out to Loviatar to heal your ally; maybe she will, maybe she won’t…

Special: You can use this power twice per encounter, but only once per round. At 16th level, you can use this power three times per encounter. Minor Action Close burst 5 (10 at 11th level, 15 at 21st level) Target: You or one ally Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and must succeed at a DC 15 constitution check or lose 1d6 hit points. If successful, the character instead gains 1d6 hit points. Increase the amount of additional hit points regained or lost to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, 4d6 at 16th level, 5d6 at 21st level, and 6d6 at 26th level.

Feat Channel Divinity: Mindthorns

Feat Power

An enemy succumbs to your vicious attack and the sight of his death continues to affect his allies. Encounter

Divine, Implement Psychic

No Action

Range: Area burst 1 within 10

Trigger: An opponent drops to 0 hit points because of ongoing damage you dealt Target: All enemies within burst Effect: You make a Wisdom vs. Will attack vs. each enemy within range. If you hit, the target continues to take the same amount of ongoing damage (instead with the psychic keyword) as the triggering opponent before it dropped (save ends). Special: You must take the Mindthorns feat to use this power.

Armor Loviatan Scale Mail Scale Armor (Heavy) Bonus Lovitan Scale Mail


Check Speed Price (gp) —



35 lb.


Augmented Lov. Scale




45 lb.

Priests and priestesses of Loviatar wear a pleated armor that resembles scale mail. However, the ceremonial garb is lightweight and designed for fashion rather than protection. It is constructed to emphasize the figure of the wearer rather than to provide true protection. The AC bonus of ceremonial scale mail is +4 or 6 instead of +7. Loviatar’s priests wear it as a badge of honor and pride. The pleated mail is often augmented by breastplates that bristle with spikes. From a wearer of such augmented armor, a successful grab (the Embrace of Loviatar) does 1d2+strength modifier damage. The addition of the breastplate adds somewhat to the protection provided by the armor, raising the outfit’s Armor Class to +6. Enchanted versions of this armor normally have the Razor property.

Weapons Whip

+2 Prof. 1d4 Dam.

Melee 2 5 gp

Scourge of Frost, Fire and Fear

3 lbs.

Flail off-hand

Level 12

This cat-o.-nine-tails has 4-foot electrum tentacles covered in alternating frost and flames that are attached to a bone inlayed steel shaft shaped like a backbone with a ruby eyed, skull-shaped pommel. Weapon: Scourge +2 Special: This weapon functions as a rod implement Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: Roll 1d6: 1 or 2(2d6 fire damage), 3 or 4 (2d6 cold damage), 5 (1d6 of both cold and fire damage), 6 (2d8 damage) Power (At-Will ✦ Fire or Cold): Free Action. All damage dealt by this weapon is fire or cold damage (wielder’s choice). Another free action returns the damage to normal. Power (Daily ✦ Fire or Cold): Free Action. Use this power when you hit with

the weapon. Deal an extra 1d6 fire or cold damage (wielder’s choice) damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 fire or cold damage (wielder’s choice) damage (save ends). Power (Encounter ✦ Fear): Free Action. Use this power when you hit with the weapon. The target takes a –2 penalty to all defenses (save ends). Wondrous Item Chime of Harmonic Agony This constantly vibrating silver chime is inscribed with bizarre, alien musical notes. Wondrous Item: 13,000 gp Property: Bards can use this item as an implement for bard powers and bard paragon path powers. As an implement, it grants a +3 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls, and it deals 3d6 extra damage on a critical hit Power (Daily ✦ Psychic): Standard Action. A chime of harmonic agony allows you to channel musical power through your own body to wreak harm on your enemies. When you activate the chime, you must target a creature within 10 squares with a charisma vs. will attack roll. The chime deals Psychic damage equal to 3d6 + your Charisma modifier and the target takes -2 to all defenses and rolls (save ends). The target takes only half damage only on a miss.

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