P132 Agarwal Banerjee Mittal Totah

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1.3.2 Solar Hydrogen Vehicle P R O F I L E ​Talented & ambitious junior engineers enrolled in Principles of Engineering

based in Dublin, CA. Utilizing extensive and successful experience in a wide variety of projects and collaboration.


Hydro-Sol Motors Gaurav Agarwal & Leela Banerjee & Sasha Mittal & Edmund Totah November 1, 2018 - November 27, 2018 Principles of Engineering, Period 6

© 2018 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Principles of Engineering 1.1.6 – Page 1


Design Brief


Initial Design Solution - Sketch, Descriptions, Dates


Modified Design - Before/After, Descriptions, Justifications


Final Prototype with Description, Measurements, and Calculations


Power Source Evaluation

12 13


© 2018 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Principles of Engineering 1.1.6 – Page 2

DESIGN BRIEF Client Tesla Motors. Problem Tesla Motors is investigating the use of solar and hydrogen to power their cars. The company wishes to gain some insight into the amount of power and speed capabilities of these sources to support their designs. Design Statement We will design, build, and test a prototype that uses a solar module and hydrogen fuel cells separately. The prototype will be used to gather information about different energy source combinations to formulate a recommendation on what we think is a better fuel source. Constraints 1. The vehicle must be made using approved materials. 2. The vehicle must be able to hold the solar module or hydrogen fuel cell securely. 3. Top view of the vehicle must be no larger than 5x12 inches. 4. Vehicle must use a breadboard to be able to easily change between power source configurations for testing purposes. 5. Deadlines must be met. Deliverables Team Deliverables ● A working vehicle prototype to demonstrate to the client. ● A final electronic document electronic form detailing your design process and evaluation must include: ● Title page and table of contents, Design brief outlining project goals, constraints, and deliverables, Initial vehicle design solution - sketch with labels, paragraph description, signatures, date Testing summary table(s) - photo(s) of the vehicle with power source & note any modifications that needed to be made, measurements & calculations done for the configuration (voltage, current, force, speed, electrical power, mechanical power, efficiency), Power source evaluation & testing summary paragraph, Reference list of any sources used ● Gantt Chart detailing team member responsibilities for each day of the project. ● Group Responsibilities Form completed. Individual Deliverables ● Design brief notes & team norms ● Project Log ● Brainstorming sketches ● Table of measurements ● Calculations ● Conclusion questions © 2018 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Principles of Engineering 1.1.6 – Page 3

INITIAL DESIGN SOLUTION Our first brainstorm idea consists of using big wheels that allow for a greater linear speed, as well as a large gear ratio. Our second brainstorm idea used smaller wheels allowing for better torque, as well as a band around the wheels to provide traction and stability. Eventually, we decided on incorporating two basic ideas: using minimal space by taking advantage of the lack of a height constraint, as well as optimizing for torque. Our major modification was to use one small wheel in the front and two large ones in the back instead of using four large or four small wheels.

Sasha Mittal  11/1/18 

Edmund Totah  11/1/18 

Gaurav Agarwal  11/1/18

Leela Banerjee  11/1/18

© 2018 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Principles of Engineering 1.1.6 – Page 4

MODIFIED DESIGN Modification 1: Wheel Change Before Wheel Change:

After Wheel Change:

Description:​ Before the change, the vehicle had two pairs of big wheels in both the front and back.  

Description:​ We took the front two wheels and replaced them with one smaller wheel in the middle. This modification decreased the weight of the vehicle, making it faster.    

Sasha Mittal  11/4/18 

Gaurav Agarwal  11/4/18

Edmund Totah  11/4/18 

Leela Banerjee  11/4/18

© 2018 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Principles of Engineering 1.1.6 – Page 5

Modification 2: Gear Train Description: ​We decided to make a gear train to attach to the motor and the wheel instead of the wheel’s axle directly attached to the motor. This helps us troubleshoot the vehicle easily and allow for speed or torque specifications. We opted for torque because of the size and weight of our car. The rubber band holding the two axles together keeps the two gear meshed together.

Modification 3: Motor Bracket Description: ​We adjusted the metal bracket on the vehicle to secure the motor in place. This prevents the motor from moving around and messing with the gears of the back wheels.

Sasha Mittal  11/5/18 

Edmund Totah  11/5/18 

Gaurav Agarwal  11/5/18

Leela Banerjee  11/5/18

© 2018 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Principles of Engineering 1.1.6 – Page 6

Modification 4: Rubber Band Description: ​Since the gears were not meshing properly, we added a rubber band around the two axles. This helped apply the right amount of force on the gears to get them to work together.

Modification 5: Gussets Description: ​We used gussets to secure the breadboard in place as well as both the hydrogen and solar fuel cells. This eliminated the movement of the cells and the wires.

Sasha Mittal  11/7/18 

Edmund Totah  11/7/18 

Gaurav Agarwal  11/7/18

Leela Banerjee  11/7/18

© 2018 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Principles of Engineering 1.1.6 – Page 7


Two Hydrogen Fuel Cells In a Series Circuit Description: A long Vex metal bar is the “chassis” of the vehicle and has two axles going through it, one in the front and the other in the back. The back axle is connected to the back wheels and a gear train using gussets and screws. The front axle is connected to a front smaller wheel also with gussets and screws. The gear train is connected to an motor held by a bracket with another axle. The motor connects to a breadboard which held in place in the middle with more gussets. The breadboard is wired to a power source using banana plugs and wires which transfers energy to the engine. The electrical energy is converted to mechanical energy by the motor and the axle turns. Because the gear train is connected to the axle, the gear trains also moves which causes one of the back wheels to move. All in all, this vehicle uses power sources and an engine to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy and move the vehicle forward.

Sasha Mittal  11/13/18 

Edmund Totah  11/13/18 

Gaurav Agarwal  11/13/18

Leela Banerjee  11/13/18

© 2018 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Principles of Engineering 1.1.6 – Page 8

MEASUREMENTS Power Source Configuration




The time it takes to travel 1 meter

Electrical Power

Mechanical Power


1 solar

2.45 V

0.133 A

1.45 N

11.83 s

.326 W

.123 W


1 hydrogen

0.9 V

0.18 A

2.49 N

59 s

.162 W

.042 W


2 solar (parallel)

2.43 V

0.142 A

2.51 N

11.83 s

.35 W

.21 W


1.9 V

0.18 A

2.8 N

25.39 s

.342 W

.11 W


2 hydrogen (series)

Sasha Mittal  11/15/18 

Edmund Totah  11/15/18 

Gaurav Agarwal  11/15/18

Leela Banerjee  11/15/18

© 2018 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Principles of Engineering 1.1.6 – Page 9

TESTING SUMMARY We measured the voltage and current for each of the power source configurations using a multimeter. The 1 solar configuration had a current of 0.133 amps and voltage of 2.45 volts. The 1 hydrogen configuration had a current of 0.18 amps and voltage of 0.9 volts. The 2 hydrogen configuration was in series and had a current of 0.18 amps and voltage of 1.9 volts. The 2 solar configuration was in parallel and had a current of 0.142 amps and voltage of 2.43 amps. We then used a stopwatch and a spring scale to find the force (in newtons) and time it took to travel 1 meter. The 1 solar configuration took 11.83 seconds to travel 1 meter and had a force of 1.45 newtons. The 1 hydrogen configuration took 59 seconds to travel 1 meter and had a force of 2.49 newtons. The 2 solar configurations took 11.83 seconds to travel 1 meter and had a force of 2.51 newtons. The 2 hydrogen configuration took 25.39 seconds to travel 1 meter and had a force of 2.8 newtons. Using these values, we were able to find the efficiency, using four equations (Work = Force x Distance) (P​out​ = Work/Time) (P​in ​= I x V) (Efficiency = PPout x 100%). The efficiency in of the 1 solar configuration was 37.73%. The efficiency of the 1 solar configuration was 37.73%. The efficiency of the 1 hydrogen configuration was 26.05%. The efficiency of the 2 solar configurations was 61.45%. The efficiency of the 2 hydrogen configuration was 32.16%.

Sasha Mittal  11/15/18 

Edmund Totah  11/15/18 

Gaurav Agarwal  11/15/18

Leela Banerjee  11/15/18

© 2018 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Principles of Engineering 1.1.6 – Page 10


Sasha Mittal  11/15/18 

Edmund Totah  11/15/18

Gaurav Agarwal  11/15/18

Leela Banerjee  11/15/18

© 2018 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Principles of Engineering 1.1.6 – Page 11

POWER SOURCE EVALUATION Based on our calculations, we recommend that Tesla Motors use solar cells instead of hydrogen fuel cells to power their new car based on the overall efficiency of each configuration and the overall performance. Both solar configurations had significantly higher efficiencies than their hydrogen counterparts. The single solar cell had an efficiency of 37.73% while the double cell had an efficiency of 61.45%; the hydrogen configurations had 26.05% and 32.16% respectively. The solar configuration had the best combination of speed and torque as the dual solar configuration had a force of 2.51 newtons and took 11.83 seconds to travel 1 meter. When testing each configuration, we also took note of each car’s performance into account. When the solar cells were activated, they ran relatively smoothly, but it could take a few seconds to start moving. The hydrogen fuel cell configurations moved immediately, but the speed of the car varied and was inconsistent. The only issue we foresee with solar cells is the aforementioned time it takes for the solar cells to collect enough energy to start moving. We believe that this issue can be combated if a larger and wider array of solar modules are present on the actual car (solar modules are configurations of multiple cells arranged in rows and columns). We believe that formatting the solar cells into a module is the best way to scale this design to an actual car because the surface area will allow for more energy to be absorbed. As long as the solar modules are positioned to maximize the amount of solar energy, solar cells are the better option than hydrogen fuel cells to power a car. Additionally, solar will be effective on a larger scale, since its parallel wiring allows for more flexibility. Even if one solar cell is not receiving light, the other car will still work and function normally.

Sasha Mittal  11/15/18 

Edmund Totah  11/15/18

Gaurav Agarwal  11/15/18

Leela Banerjee  11/15/18

© 2018 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Principles of Engineering 1.1.6 – Page 12

REFERENCES Structure. (2017, October 04). Retrieved from https://www.vexrobotics.com/vexedr/products/accessories/structure

© 2018 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Principles of Engineering 1.1.6 – Page 13

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