Osd Process Training

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  • Words: 1,776
  • Pages: 17

Purpose Prepare the knowledge for the detail process training by:   

Explaining the Abbreviations used in Process Explaining the general concepts used in Process Introduce the relationship between OSD’s processes Overall about the OSD’s process

Some definitions 

  

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) : An arrangement of work elements and their relationship to each other and to the end product. Entry Criteria: States of being that must be present before an effort can begin successfully Exit Criteria: States of being that must be present before an effort can end successfully. Stakeholder : A group or individual that is affected by or is in some way accountable for the outcome of an undertaking. Stakeholders may include project members, suppliers, customers, end users, and others. Relevant Stakeholder: A stakeholder that is identified for involvement in specified activities and is included in a plan.

Some definitions 

Requirement:  

Customer Requirement : The result of eliciting, consolidating, and resolving conflicts among the needs, expectations, constraints, and interfaces of the product's relevant stakeholders in a way that is acceptable to the customer. Product Requirement: 

  

A refinement of the customer requirements into the developers’ language, making implicit requirements into explicit derived requirements. (See also “derived requirements” and “product component requirements.”) The developer uses the product requirements to guide the design and building of the product .

Product Component Requirements: A complete specification of a product component, including form, function, and any other requirements Product Component: a work product that is a lower level component of the product. Product components are integrated to produce the product. There may be multiple levels of product components. Work product: A useful result of a process. This can include files, documents, products, parts of a product, services, process descriptions, specifications, and invoices. 

A condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve an objective (1). A condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a product or product component to satisfy a contract, standard, specification, or other formally imposed documents (2). A documented representation of a condition or capability as in (1) or (2).

A key distinction between a work product and a product component is that a work product is not necessarily part of the product. (See also “product” and “product component.”)

Technical Requirement: Properties (attributes) of products or services to be acquired or developed. Nontechnical Requirement: Contractual provisions, commitments, conditions, and terms that affect how products or services are to be acquired.

Some definitions  

    

Quality: The ability of a set of inherent characteristics of a product, product component, or process to fulfill requirements of customers. Quality Assurance: A planned and systematic means for assuring management that the defined standards, practices, procedures, and methods of the process are applied Root Cause: A source of a defect such that if it is removed, the defect is decreased or removed. Root Cause Analysis: The analysis of defects to determine their root cause. Quality Control: The operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfill requirements for quality. Verification: Confirmation that work products properly reflect the requirements specified for them. In other words, verification ensures that “you built it right.”. Validation: Confirmation that the product, as provided (or as it will be provided), will fulfill its intended use. In other words, validation ensures that “you built the right thing.”. Peer review: The review of work products performed by peers during development of the work products to identify defects for removal.

Some definitions  

Process Owner: The person (or team) responsible for defining and maintaining a process. Baseline: A set of specifications or work products that has been formally reviewed and agreed on, which thereafter serves as the basis for further development, and which can be changed only through change control procedures. Tailoring: Tailoring a process makes, alters, or adapts the process description for a particular end. For example, a project establishes its defined process by tailoring from the organization’s set of standard processes to meet the objectives, constraints, and environment of the project. Version Control : The establishment and maintenance of baselines and the identification of changes to baselines that make it possible to return to the previous baseline.

Some Abbreviations           

MD: Managing Director PM: Project Manager TL: Team Leader BA: Business Analyst DEV: Developer QA: Quality Assurance QC: Quality Control CUS: Customer HR: Human Resource NA: Network Admin TM: Team member

OSD Process 

OSD have 6 Processes      

Sales Requirement Development and Management Technical Quality Control Project Management Project Working Environment Management

Relationship between 6 processes Prj Management -provide fw for mag prj; -provide practical gls for planning, executing &monitoring prj


Req Dev&


Quality Control

Define the process for conducting some works when starting a project in OSD.


define the technical process for OSD’s software dev process

Test & fix bug to ensure the quality before delivering to the customer

Dev & manage the cus, product& product component reqs

Prj Working Env Magt manage the nw to support the prj from the begin to finish

Sales S ta rt

R e c e iv eaL e a d ’s R e q u e s tfo ran e w P ro je c t



-B u s in e s sB ro c h u re -Q u o ta tio nT e m p la te

{O p tio n a l }: -C o n tra c tT e m p la te -N D A T e m p la te -In v o ic eT e m p la te

E v a lu a teth eL e a d

P a s s e d


- S ig n e dN D A - Q&A L is t

Y e s - C u s to m e r R e q u ire m e n tS u rv e y -U s e rR e q u ire m e n tL is t

N o D e v e lo pL e a d ’s R e q u ire m e n ts

B A , M D , L e a d


-P ro je c tE s tim a tio n

W o rko nth eP ro je c t Q u o te

, P M ,M D


R e je c tth eP ro je c t

N o

O k ?

Y e s

M D , L e a d

M D , S a le s

S ig nac o n tra c t a g re e m e n t

F o llo w u pIn v o ic e

E n d


-C o n tra c t -In v o ic e -S O W

-In v o ic e

/ A g re e m e n t

Requirement Development and Management Start


DeveloptheCustomer Requirement


DevelopProduct Product Component Requirement

BA , TL , TMs


- Customer Requirement Survey -Q&AList - User Requirement List

& PL , BA , MD , TMs

- SRS - UseCaseScenarios



- ChangeRequest Registry -TraceabilityMatrix

Technical -


BA , TL , CUS , DEV , TMs

User Requirement List SRS UseCaseScenarios Codingconvention

- HighLevel Design - Unit / Functional Specifications




- HighLevel Design - Unit / Functional Specifications -CodingConvention

Implement CodeTask





Quality Control Start - Detail Schedule - User Requirement List


Plan for Testing

QC/ CUS, all TMs, NA

Prepare for Testing


Execute Test& Fix Bug




- Detail Schedule (Including Test Schedule)

- User Requirement List -Use Case Scenarios - SRS - High/ Low level design

- Test Case

- Bug Report

Project Management - K ic k

S ta rt

- o ffP re s e n ta tio n

- R e s o u rc eR e p o rt

M D , P M , T L , H R , T M s , A llre le v a n t s ta k e h o ld e rs

K ic k

T L, P M , T M s

- C u s to m e r R e q u ire m e n tS u rv e y - U s e rR e q u ire m e n tL is t

-o ffP ro je c t

- T e c h n ic a lP ro p o s a l a n y ) -D e ta ilS c h e d u le -P ro je c tP la n

P ro je c tP L a n n in g


- P ro je c tP la n - D e ta ilS c h e d u le

T L, T M s

T M , T L

T L M o n ito r

E x e c u teP ro je c t

& C o n tro l P ro je c t

- P ro je c tP la n -P ro je c tW e e k lyR e p o rt -D e ta ilS c h e d u le

- P ro je c tS c h e d u leW ith P ro g re s sR e p o rt

- P ro je c tP la n -P ro je c tW e e k lyR e p o rt -D e ta il S c h e d u le - P ro je c tS c h e d u leW ith P ro g re s sR e p o rt - Is s u eL o g

M a n a g eis s u e

- Is s u eL o g

T L , A ll S ta k e h o ld e rs

C lo s e

-o u tP ro je c t

E n d

- P ro je c tC lo s u reR e p o rt

Project Working Environment Management Start


Set upaproject working environment


Troubleshoot the workingenvironment


Withdrawtheworking environment




Thank you!

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