Ophthalmology Ques, By Dr

  • November 2019
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Provision MCQ by Dr. Osama Shalaby 1. Ulcer serpens is caused by: a- staphylococci b- streptococci c- gonococci d- pneumococci 2. Steroids are indicated topically in: a- hypopyon ulcer b- dendritic ulcer c- mycotic ulcer d- disciform keratitis 3. Mooren's ulcer is: a- degenerative ulcer b- infective ulcer c- autoimmune ulcer d- neuroparalytic ulcer 4. The reservoir of infection in herpes zoster ophthalmicus is: a- ciliary ganglion b- gasserian ganglion c- superior cervical ganglion d- inferior cervical ganglion 5. Fleischer's ring on the corneal epithelium is seen in: a- keratoglobas b- keratoconus c- keratomalacia d- anterior staphyloma 6. In advanced keratoconus, the best treatment is: a- penetrating keratoplasty b- soft contact lens c- hard contact lens d- refractive surgery 7. In recurrent neuroparalytic keratitis the best treatment is: a- antibiotic drops & ointment b- artificial tears c- tarsorrhaphy d- closure of lacrimal puncta 8. Small peripheral corneal perforation leads to: a- corneal fistula b- anterior polar cataract c- peripheral anterior synechia d- anterior staphyloma 9. A patient with corneal ulcer noticed sudden cessation of pain & relieve of symptoms. The possible occurrence is: a- complete cure b- perforation c- endophthalmitis d- corneal fistula 10. Corneal thickness is measured by: a- pachymetry b- biometry c- keratometry d- perimetry 11. Corneal power and curvature is measured by: a- topography b- keratometry c- slit lamp biomicroscopy d- both a & b

Cataract 12. The lens develops from: a- neuroectoderm b- surface ectoderm c- mesoderm d- none of above 13. Metabolic activity of the lens is largerly confined to the: a- zonules b- capsule c- cortex d- nucleous 14. Developmental cataract which cause significant visual affection: a- zonular cataract b- blue dot cataract c- ant. Polar cataract d- coronary cataract 15. The preferred surgical procedure to treat congenital cataract is: a- phacoemulsification b- irrigation & aspiration c- pars plana lensectomy d- ICCE 16. The best method to decide about the maturity of senile cataract is: a- iris shadow b- vision of patient c- direct ophthalmoscope d- slit lamp 17. Tremulous iris can be seen in: a- aphakia b- sublaxation of lens c- hypermature cataract d- all of above 18. Posterior polar cataract affects vision because: a- its shadow lies on the macula b- close to the nodal point of the eye c- it matures early d- it does not affect vision 19. Nuclear sclerosis causes changes in refractive state of the eye towards: a- myopia b- hypermetropia c- astigmatism d- no change 20. Complicated cataract usually occurs in: a- anterior sub-capsular area b- nucleous of lens c- posterior part of cortex d- equatorial region of lens 21. Most common cause of diminution of vision after ECCE is: a- cystoid macular edema b- posterior capsule opacification c- corneal decompensation d- retinal detachment 22. The best treatment of posterior capsule opacification is: a- surgical incision b- laser opening c- surgical polishing d- better not to treat it 23. Conjunctival injection is characterized by the following except: a- bright red color

b- movable c- not affected by vasoconstrictors d- individual vessels are easily distinguished 24. One of these is not manifested by ciliary injection: a- corneal ulcer b- viral conjunctivitis c- acute congestive glaucoma d- acute iridocyclitis 25. All the following can be caused by chlamydial infection except: a- ophthalmia neonaturum b- trachoma c- inclusion conjunctivitis d- central corneal ulcer 26. In ophthalmia neonaturum, all are true except: a- caused by birth trauma b- frequently caused by gonococcal infection c- maternal infection plays a role d- silver nitrate drops were used as a prophylaxis 27. These organisms can be seen normally in the conjunctiva: a- kock-weeks bacillus b- pneumococci c- corynobacterium xerosis d- corynobacterium diphtheria 28. Most common organism in purulent conjunctivitis is: a- pneumococci b- streptococci c- gonococci d- herpes simplex virus 29. Subconjunctival hemorrhage is not caused by: a- trauma b- mucopurulent conjunctivitis c- adenoviral infection d- acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis 30. Vernal conjunctivitis: a- always unilateral b- usually occurs in young boys c- antibiotic drops are the main therapy d- main symptom is foreign body sensation 31. Patient presented with itching, lacrimation, excoriation and macerated outer canthus, the claimed organism is: a- morax axenfeld diplobacillus b- hemophilus influenza c- pneumococci d- koch-weeks' diplobacillus 32. The followings are true about hypopyon except: a- it is leucocytosis due to bacterial toxins b- it is fluid & cells c- it is absorbed with therapy d- it is infected fluid containing pus cells

Tanta university Faculty of medicine Ophthalmology department Under graduate final examination Juan 2007 Time allowed: 2 hours All questions are to be attempted 1. Describe and illustrate with labeled diagram the anatomy of the upper eyelid 2. Discuss definition, causes, complications, and management of lagophthalmos 3. Discuss clinical picture and differential diagnosis of retinoblastoma 4. Discuss clinical picture, complications and management of hypermature senile cataract. 5. Give short account on: a- causes of acute proptosis b- complications of membranous conjunctivitis c- causes of night blindness d- complications of blunt trauma of the eye e- definition and types of staphyloma 6. How to manage the following case: A 45-year old female came to the emergency department complaining of sudden severe pain in the right eye with severe redness and marked drop of vision. She had severe temporal headache with nausea and vomiting. With photophobia, lacrimation and blepharospasm. The condition started suddenly since 8 hours. Past history: she has history of a transient attack of headache and ocular pain with blurring of vision and colored halos since 2 months while she was in a cinema. Family history: was positive. On examination: The right eye Visual acuity: counting fingers at 2 meters Ciliary injection Hazy cornea (corneal edema) Very shallow anterior chamber Dilated vertically oval non-reactive pupil IOP very high digitally T+++ The fundus could be seen The left eye: Shallow AC, normal IOP, hypermetropia +1.0 D Discuss differential diagnosis, final diagnosis and treatment

Tanta University Faculty of medicine Ophthalmology department Under graduate final examination 19th July. 2006 Time allowed: 2 hours All questions to be answered Write short account on each of the following: 1. Anatomy of lacrimal passage and draw a labeled diagram. 2. Investigations of epiphora. 3. Corneal signs of phylatenular kerato-conjunctivitis. 4. Treatment of dendritic corneal ulcer. 5. Differential diagnosis of acute congestive glaucoma. 6. Clinical features of right 6th nerve palsy. 7. Cause of acute proptosis. 8. Fundus picture and treatment of central retinal artery occlusion.

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