Operation Training Manual

  • December 2019
  • PDF

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Table of Contents GENERAL STUFF









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To be happy in this team you have to make sure that you can adapt to change! Some project will run smoothly some wont. On top of that, you will have to start project with minimal details. As such, you need to be independent, be comfortable asking questions and thinking outside the box. That means that you must be prepared to make mistakes but most importantly, you need to learn from them, and also form mine! This is a new team and as BAM & Divine.ca grows, we will be asked to change our functions very fast depending on the company needs. You will have a great opportunity in molding your job description and tasks. I want this guide to be collaboration of the people in our team (as we build it! you will need to add some of your notes as we change some of these procedures. Cynthia

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GENERAL STUFF MEETING ETIQUETTE  Should always be done via Meeting request  An agenda should be lay out for the meeting  Minutes of the meeting should be sent by the next day and save under a common drive  The minutes should always have an action list  If you are attending a meeting with me, you are the note taker  Arrive on time and make sure you have done your part (refer to action list)  If you are going to be late to a meeting, make sure to advise the host ahead of time

TRAINING As part of your job, you are asked to find a lot of new solutions and process, as such, maintaining a close eye on best practices, new technology is important. You are responsible for having 1 hr/week on Operations, Business Processes and computer skills. These hours must be logged as well with the link of the article read. Marketing: http://www.iab.net/ http://adage.com Business Process: http://www.bpminstitute.org/ http://whitepapers.technologyevaluation.com Leadership: http://www.smartbrief.com http://www.bnet.com/

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FORMATING REPORTS Make 1. 2. 3. 4.

sure the format of the page is always done The orientation (portrait or landscape) Centered on the page (if it on excel) As much as possible print on 1 page The header should be: a. the name of the report b. The name of the tab (if necessary) 5. The footer: if this is for internal use for everyone, the footer should be the path of the document 6. If it is a process, or for a client, put it in a PDF format

BAM BUDGETS Make sure all SOW/Proposals are entered in the system •

Order system: The order system is a master log of all transactions; it is used mostly by accounting (Mimma) and Chris to view any orders and PO information for P&G Brands and all other clients

P&G Budget Fiscal (X to Y) P&G is our main client, as such; in order to analyze the business we do with them a spreadsheet is created based on their fiscal year. Our fiscal year is from Jan to Dec, P&G is from July to June.

BAM PM Sales This spreadsheet contains for all of our other clients who are not part of P&G. The fiscal year is based on ours.

BAM Sales BAM Sales report records all sales coming from the actual Sales team and also includes some of our SEO contracts.

SOW & PROPOSALS SOW/Proposals are types of orders. Proposal and SOW will be sent via e-mail from the Client Services team. Page | 4

A proposal is a “quote” that you submit to a client, because it has not been sold yet, it is a proposal a forecasted sale. SOW is a Statement of Work. It is usually based on a proposal. It can happen that a SOW will not have a proposal. A SOW is a sale; the client will usually send a Purchase Order accepting the terms of the SOW. When a SOW or Proposal is received, the information must be entered twice. An order is entered in the ORDER SYSTEM and in the correct SALES spreadsheet (P&G, PM SALES or BAM Sales) ORDER SYSTEM Entering an SOW/Proposal 1. Enter the name of the project at the next sequential number; MARK this number on the order 2. If you are entering a SOW, make sure that there was no proposal done for it; if there was one, when entering the new order, put the reference number of the proposal in the right field 3. Brand and Category if it is a P&G order 4. NEVER enter the total of the order; the cell is automated to calculate the total of the order 5. Enter the breakdown of the order (website, management fees…) 6. Revised amount: If the SOW/Proposal is revised, please enter the original amount of the order in this cell 7. Rep: Client services rep in charge of the contract 8. Comments: It will happen that some Proposals/SOW have 2 project breakdown under the same document, you can enter these types of comments in that field 9. Once the order is entered stamp the document with the “entered” stamp. 10.Enter the information in the correct “SALES” document (P&G Fiscal Budget or BAM PM Sales) 11.If the order was an SOW: Put SOW in basket called “SOW waiting for PO” 12.If the order was a Proposal: Put Proposal in the “XXX” basket Receiving a PO 1. When a PO is received, make sure that there is an SOW for it. It should be in the “SOW waiting for PO” 2. Write SOW number on the PO and vice versa (in case documents are separated) 3. If amounts do not match, ask Client Services why the discrepancy- update information 4. Open the “Order System”, find SOW number, enter PO number 5. Make a copy of the SOW and PO, give the original to Mimma (this must be done for her by Monday and Wednesday 8am) Page | 5

6. On your “copy” stamp “copy” on it, this means original was given to Mimma. 7. File the order Deleting an order: 1. AN SOW/PROPOSAL SHOULD NEVER BE DELETED 2. Should an order be cancelled, the sales amount should be put to “0”. 3. Mark in the comment’s field why this order is being cancelled. 4. In the revised amount cell, enter the amount of the order If an SOW/Proposal is revised the information should be reflected in the order system SALES SPREADSHEET 1. Name of project, and Brand and Category if it is a P&G order 2. NEVER enter the total of the order; the cell is automated to calculate the total of the order 3. Enter the breakdown of the order (website, management fees…) 5. Be careful: when you see charges pertaining to prizing, they are referring to the amount of money needed to PURCHASE the prizes. As such, this amount should not be entered. 6. Make sure to enter Proposal UNDER THE PROPOSALs 7. If the order is a SOW but that was linked to a proposal. Go to the PROPOSAL section and move the information to the SALES section. 8. Cancelled orders: cancelled orders should be moved to lost sales with comments stating why sale was lost 9. Proposals: At the end of each month, under the PROPOSAL SECTION, there should be no entries for past months (e.g: if we are in Sept, under the proposal section, there should be no entries from Jan to August). Proposal entered have 3 options and only Client Services can give approve the status of an order: a. CLIENT NEEDS MORE TIME TO THINK: The Clients services dept, should advise how to spread the value of the contract based on when the client should make his decision b. PROPOSAL BECAME SOW: If an SOW is received and was based on a Proposal, the information from the Proposal section should be moved to the SALES section c. ORDER IS CANCELLED: Since you could receive an SOW without a Proposal, should an order be cancelled, it should be moved to the LOST SALES section.

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REPORTS Outstanding POs: 1. Every 2 weeks, on Thursdays, by 5pm: 2. From the order system: a. Sort all order by SOW b. Sort data by PO; It should give you a list of all SOW with missing PO c. Make sure the format of the page is always done i. The orientation (portrait or landscape) ii.Centered on the page iii.As much as possible print on 1 page iv.The header should be: a. the name of the report 2. The name of the tab (if necessary) v.The footer: if this is for internal use for everyone, the footer should be the path of the document d. Send that list via e-mail to: Chris, Mel, Nat Copy: Cynthia and Mimma i. E-mail should state that they give you the status of PO for these orders

PROCEDURES & SYSTEMS As we grow, you will have to create some procedures. Procedures may come to you in different ways, someone may ask you to create one, but the obvious ones are: one day you will need to do something new and there will be no guideline/process, so you will create one the other is, you will realize that you need a procedure when something goes wrong! Procedures have to be adjustable; you will draft them and send for review to those who will use them. Once it is perfect, you will find that in time something’s may have to be adjusted, and sometimes you will find that the procedure does not work and will have to be redone. You will have to be intuitive and review old procedure from that to time. Systems have to be acquired with the afterthought of… “Who else get benefit from this” or “how will we grow”, you need a system that meets our need but also, that will allow us to buy more modules once we grow. Figuring out all these questions takes a lot of patience and a lot of reading. That is why you are required to keep up with your education. Page | 7

PROCEDURES 1. Meet the requester; you need to know the following: a. Why do they need the procedure b. What is currently being used, if nothing, why the need c. If there is a procedure why does it need to be changed d. Find which departments would be affected by the change e. What do they want to accomplish (the end result) f. What do they propose as a solution 2. Write a summary of the information you have gathered send me the summary to know if we should move along. 3. Should we decide to progress; if you are the project lead on the project, follow this template: a. Meet with concerned departments b. Make that everyone agrees on a procedure c. Establish with resources are needed to make this happen d. Follow the Project Team Procedure e. Establish a timeline f. Create the draft of the process; have managers, or team leads bring draft to team for revision (you are trying to capture things that could have been overlooked) g. If needed, revise the procedure h. Re-confirm launch date, for a launch date to be effective you need i. Final managerial approval ii.Get resources set up (books, training manual, software) iii.Allow time for training iv.Decide on launch date v.Decide on postmortem date vi.Send procedure to teams i. Have a postmortem after 1 week for overview j. Have another postpartum after 3 months or sooner if needed

IF IT IS FOR SOLUTION IMPLEMENTATION When you are researching for a new solution to help a team, always do it by comparison. We often do not have a set budget to start with. If you need to start from “0” here are some guidelines: 1. Follow step 1 and 2 on the procedure above 2. Draft a list in 2 part, one called “MUST” the other “WISHLIST” Page | 8

3. If the solution has to do with technology, meet with the tech director to know the system specs that we must adhere to. That will be part of the “MUST” list 4. Ask the managers if they know or heard of a solution. The manager can ask his team about it. 5. If you have to start from “0”, GOOGLE! Read articles. 6. Depending on the solution, you will find some “must ask questions” lists on the internet. 7. As you find some sites, start gathering their system functionalities and draft a list from there 8. Take note of the cost as well 9. Using excel, create a comparison list (see U\Operations\timesheets\timesheet analysis.xls) 10.Depending on the type of project, choose about 5-10; at different ranges 11.From those 10, pick 5; schedule a demo or download the free trial. a. Use the trial as much as can. b. Test as a user, manager and administrator c. Test the report d. Write how they grade on their options e. Select the top 3 and show the managers involved a demo of what 1 of them can do f. If needed, adjust the functionalities 12.When you feel more confident, schedule a meeting with the service providers and the tech director (if technology is needed) 13.This is as far as I want you to go for now. I will be going through this procedure with you for the next year and once you are comfortable with them, we will finish the whole procedure.

SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Depending on the system, we will usually be the ones in charge on the upkeep of the system, those tasks are: Update employee list Update project Create reports Push the capacities of the system (as we become more comfortable with a system, you may find different usage or ways to use it more efficiently)  Fix various bugs  Central hub to communicate and log issues ○ Keep a spreadsheet with date error occurred, ○ what was done to fix it ○ response from internal tech team    

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○ response of supplier ○ date issue resolve  Responsible for communicating with teams  Responsible for escalating issues that reoccur to me  Purchase and orders, contract cancellations will be dealt by me 1st depending on the issues

PROCUREMENT This is something that has just been transferred to our department; our team will be in charge of all companywide purchases. Here is the standard that I am expecting for our team. OPERATIONS  Purchase orders must be done with every purchase outside of Lyreco, Bureau en Gros or food for meetings  All purchase orders must be approved by me unless there is an urgent need and I am not available  For an invoice to be paid, it should have the PO, packing slip attached to the invoice.  A copy of all those documents must be filed away. OTHER TEAMS  Teams that make special request, should have their items approved by their manager  Keep a log of expenditure for other teams  Send this log to me once/month EXPENSES  An expense report must be created once/month following the template sent by Mimma.  This expense should be approved by me prior to getting money back from Mimma.  This expense should also be logged under your own expense sheet log U:\OPERATIONS\Tatiana Expense Report 2008 EQUIPEMENT  We are starting to have a lot of computer equipment as well as TV, in Q2 of next year; we must have a code system and keep track of this inventory.  Twice a year, the office supply contract should be negotiated. We will do it this year together. Page | 10

a. You will have to get a list from Lyreco of all of our purchases during the year b. That same list, without the prices

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OFFICE COMPANY As new employees start depending on his department he will have different needs, not only internally but the company may need to adhere to some governmental laws:  CSST requirements  If we have a gym, what do we need in term of security  Since we are doing renovations, can we apply to some grants  Office space  Security  Even furniture It is our responsibility to keep track of our needs and to be proactive and to communicate what we find to the other departments.

MAINTENANCE Depending on the company needs, you are responsible for taking in requests from employees and managers concerning the space, heating, stationary… REPAIRS If it is concerning repairs, you are to contact the building manager, make sure when he is called that you have all the information possible on the issue. Send me an e-mail notice of what is happening and of his response. If you the repairs need a cost, request a quote from the building manager. If he we need a contractor, contact me 1st to know how to proceed. MAINTENANCE Some equipment we may have (water cooler) may require some maintenance, a list will have to be drafted to know which one do require maintenance and set up contract. SECURITY (for later) Seeing the amount of employees we have, we may have to consider having an evacuation plan.

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TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT Some procedures we try to implement will require the employees to acquire new skills, as such, it is part of our mandate to research which is the best course of action. We will have a training room downstairs and we plan to take full advantage. Courses offered companywide will usually come from us; we will have to fill a need and have to research what is needed to make the procedure successful!           

The research has to be done as if you were searching for a system/solution The set-up of the course/cost analysis Get quotes form top 3 suppliers If course is accepted, set-up of course (rooms and stationary) Budget for meal and accessories Prepare Purchase Order Set-up training schedule Prepare budget sheet Prepare expense report as per Procurement procedure Keep file on attendants and course package offered Give certificates to employees

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