Open Adder Guide

  • August 2019
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  • Pages: 17
OPEN ADDER Free MySpace Friend Adder

TABLE OF CONTENTS Intro....................................................................................... 2 Installation............................................................................. 2 Activation............................................................................... 3 How to use Open Adder........................................................ 3 Adding Accounts............................................................................................................. 3 Sending Friend Requests..................................................................................................5 Sending Messages............................................................................................................ 7 Sending Comments.......................................................................................................... 8 Accepting Friend Requests.............................................................................................. 9 Posting Bulletins.............................................................................................................. 9 Event Invites.................................................................................................................. 11

Additional Options and Features......................................... 12 Options........................................................................................................................... 12 Import IDs.................................................................................................................. 13 Export IDS................................................................................................................. 13 Disable Images........................................................................................................... 13 CAPTCHA................................................................................................................. 13 Time Delay.................................................................................................................14 Accounts........................................................................................................................ 14 Manage Accounts.......................................................................................................14 View All Time Stats...................................................................................................15 Chaining..................................................................................................................... 16 About Open Adder......................................................................................................... 17

Intro Open Adder is the only free, fully featured MySpace friend adder. There is a user support forum at where you can connect with other users and swap tips and ideas.

Installation Your demo version of Open Adder can be downloaded from After downloading Open Adder, double-click on it and it

will begin installing. Please ensure you select to save the program to your C drive under your program files (C:Program Files). Choosing to save the program in a different location could cause problems when running it. You will have the option to add a desktop icon for convenience.

Activation To activate the full version of Open Adder you will need to refer two friends to download the demo (they must download it). You will then get access to the secret activation page and a coupon to activate it. If you do not receive a coupon to activate your copy, two people have not downloaded the demo via your referral. You may also provide a link on your site to to activate the full version of Open Adder. The link must read “MySpace Friend Adder” and link to Once you have done this, please visit and go to the section titled “Open Adder Discussion”  “Downloading and Activating Open Adder”  “Links to Open Adder for Activation”. Post the link to your site where you have linked to Open Adder ALONG WITH your ID# and once we verify you have followed these steps, we will send you instructions on activating the full version of Open Adder. These are the ONLY TWO methods that may be used to upgrade to the full version of Open Adder. You may not buy it or receive activation under any other terms. You may log into your account at any time to check the status of your account and see if you've been upgraded to the full version. Although an email is sent to you as soon as you are upgraded, sometimes these emails get lost in “Spam” folders or overlooked. If you feel you should have received your email but don't see it, log into your download account and check manually.

How to use Open Adder Open Adder is a MySpace tool that will send and accept Friend Requests, send Messages, Comments, Bulletins, and Invitations for you. You will need to have a MySpace account to utilize Open Adder. You can manage multiple accounts with Open Adder.

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Adding Accounts To add an account, go to “Accounts” at the top and click “Manage Accounts”.

A “Manage Accounts” Screen will open up.

Then select “Add” and enter your MySpace account email and password. Don’t worry, even though you can see your password it is encrypted for your security.

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To log in with one of your accounts, simply select the account you would like to use and click “Log In”. After logging in, you will see your MySpace account as if you were not using Open Adder. Open Adder acts as your browser and you can do everything you would normally do on MySpace. At the top you will notice “Go”, “Back”, “Forward”, and “Skip” buttons that you can use to perform these functions.

Sending Friend Requests To begin sending Friend Requests, you will need to first extract profile IDs.

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You can extract profile IDs from anywhere you can find them including other people’s profiles, groups, music, etc. So go to wherever you would like to extract profile IDs from and then click “Extract IDs From Pages”.

Open Adder will begin extracting the IDs on the page, or pages if there are multiple pages. You can click “Stop” if you would like it to stop extracting. You can also use the “Pause” button if you would like to pause any of the processes. Once you have extracted some IDs, ensure you have selected “Send Friend Requests” and click “Start”. Note you have the option to “Limit # To Send”, meaning you can tell Open Adder to only send a certain number of Friend Requests. It’s best not to try to send too many at one time, slow and steady is the way to go. If you have a new account, it is recommended you not send more than 50 requests at a time. You could risk losing your MySpace account if you appear to be a spammer.

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Once Open Adder has finished sending the requests, a pop up box will notify you that the specified number has been reached. And you’re all done with the Friend Requests! *Note: You can send Friend Requests and messages at the same time by selecting the “Send Both” option instead of the “Send Friend Requests” option. We’ll talk about sending messages next.

Sending Messages To send messages, click the “Send Messages” option on the left-hand panel. A “Subject” Box and a “Message Box” will pop-up. Simply enter a subject into the Copyright 2007 All Rights Reserved


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“Subject” Box and enter your message into the “Message Box”. Again, you have the option to “Limit # To Send”. After you’re all done, click “Start” and your messages will be sent.

Sending Comments Sending Comments works the same way as sending Friend Requests or Messages. Just select “Send Comments” from the left-hand panel and enter the comment you’d like to send. Decide if you want to “Limit # To Send”, and decide if you want to “Skip users that disable HTML comments”. You will only need to choose to skip those users if the content you are sending is in HTML. Click “Start” and let Open Adder send your comments for you.

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Accepting Friend Requests To accept Friend Requests, just click “Accept Requests”. You can choose this option no matter what page you are on. Open Adder will automatically go to your Pending Friend Requests folder and accept any pending requests. Once it’s finished a pop-up box will notify you that it has “Finished accepting friend requests”.

Posting Bulletins To post bulletins, you will first need to enter a Bulletin. You can manage multiple Bulletins with Open Adder. Click on “Post Bulletins” and a Bulletin space will open up. You will also notice the option to “Manage Bulletins”. Choose the “Manage Bulletins” option and a “Manage Bulletins” box will pop up. This box will show you your existing Bulletins and allow you to add, edit or delete Bulletins.

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To add a Bulletin, click “Add” at the bottom. Another box titled “Bulletin” will pop up. Enter your Bulletin subject in the “Subject” field and enter the body in the “Message” field. Then select the interval of time you would like this particular bulletin to be sent out at, i.e., 60 minutes, 1 hour, 10 hours, etc. When you’re finished, click “OK”. If you aren’t ready to save this Bulletin, click “Cancel”. You can add multiple Bulletins.

To edit or delete a Bulletin, click on “Edit” or “Delete” on the “Manage Bulletins” screen. Clicking “Edit” will bring the selected Bulletin up so that you can edit it. If you click “Delete”, a box will pop up asking you to confirm that you want to delete this bulletin. Click “Yes” if you do, or “No” if you don’t.

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Now, when you select the “Bulletins” option, you will see your current Bulletins in the list. Highlight whichever Bulletin you’d like to send out and click “Start”. Your Bulletins will now begin posting.

Event Invites To begin sending Event Invites, go to the event’s main page. Then select the “Event Invites” option. You will now have the choice of selecting to send the invites to “Scanned IDs” or “By Location”.

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If you want to send the invitations to extracted profile IDs, select the “Scanned IDs” option. If you would like to search for people in a specified area to send the invitations to, choose the “By Location” option. Then choose the Country, City or State you would like to search in or a location by zip code. Once you have selected your options, click “Start”. If you need to stop sending, simply click “Stop”. You will be notified by Open Adder once all of your invitations have been sent.

Additional Options and Features Options By selecting the “Options” dropdown menu from the top, you will notice several other Open Adder Options.

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Import IDs If you would like to import IDs into Open Adder, click the Options menu at the top and when hovering your mouse over “Import IDs” you will have the option to import IDs from a text file or import IDs manually.

Clicking on “Import from File” will bring up an import box that will allow you to select the file you’d like to import. Simply click “Browse”, find the file you want to import, highlight it, click “Open” and then “OK”. The file will now be imported for you to work with. Clicking on “Import Manually” will open up an import box that will allow you to copy, paste, and add profile IDs to work with. Just enter the IDs and click “Add”. Now you can work with those specific IDs.

Export IDS The “Export IDs” option allows you to export IDs to a text file to work with later or to work with in another program. Just extract the IDs you’d like to save, as discussed above, and click “Options”, “Export IDs”, and choose what file you would like to save the IDs in. Once you’ve done that, click “Save” and you’re finished!

Disable Images If you would like to disable images, simply select that option under “Options” at the top. To re-enable images, click the “Disable Images” option again.

CAPTCHA You have the option to enable CAPTCHA Bypass when adding friends. Open Adder will often bypass CAPTCHA but not always. It’s simply not reliable on all profiles so we cannot guarantee it will always work as sites such as MySpace use many servers with many different codes.

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Further, please note that the methods used to bypass image verification codes involves receiving messages from yourself, which may cause your profile to be deleted. Use the CAPTCHA bypass option wisely and at your own risk. Generally you can reduce the amount of times you will run into CAPTCHA by increasing the Time Delay (discussed below).

Time Delay The “Time Delay” option under the “Options” tab allows you to set the length of time you would like messages, comments, and requests sent between.

For example, if you would like your messages, comments, and requests sent every 5 to 10 minutes, select “from 5 minutes to 10 minutes”. It is recommended that you set the delay around “human speed.”

Accounts Manage Accounts The “Manage Accounts” tab will not only allow you to add, edit or delete accounts but also allows you to view how many Friend Requests, Messages, Comments, etc. have been sent per each account.

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It will also show how many profile IDs have been skipped because they were duplicates, because of an error or skipped for another reason. Just highlight the account you want to view the stats for and check out the stats on the right.

You can also clear your Friends Log, Messages Log, or Comments Log for each account from here.

View All Time Stats By clicking on the “View All Time Stats” under the “Account” options you can see the total number of Friends Requested, total Messages sent, total Comments, Bulletins and Invites sent along with IDs skipped and why they were skipped as discussed in the paragraph above for all of your accounts combined. It’s a handy tool to track your progress.

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Chaining If you have multiple MySpace accounts that you’d like to work with in Open Adder, the “Chaining” feature is a handy option that will send Friend Requests, Messages, both Requests and Messages, or Bulletins through each of your accounts, one after the other. The Chaining feature works just like sending Friend Requests, Messages, etc., normally works. The Chaining feature simply sends whatever you are sending through ‘Account A’, then ‘Account B’, then ‘Account C’, etc. First you will need to extract some profile IDs to work with as you normally would. If you are sending Messages, go ahead and enter the Subject and Message you want to send. Then click “Chaining” under the “Options” tab and select what you want to send…Friend Requests, Messages, both Requests and Messages, or Bulletins. Then select the accounts you want to send from and click “Start”.

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If you are sending Bulletins, you will notice a “times per account” box. You can determine how many times a particular Bulletin is sent through each account by entering the number of times you want the Bulletin sent in the box.

About Open Adder Clicking “About” and then “Open Adder” will show you the version of Open Adder that you are running as well as Copyright information.

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