SOME KEY FACTORS ƒ(xa,Pa) = xa.Pa= iћ, i is an imaginary number. Now, 1/2pi ∫f(z)/(z – p) dz = f(p), where p is some point in the complex plane. The integral is for contour integration. One can find a path connected to such a point. A real path. Using analytic continuation. But, first a look at how f(p), in some limit, becomes equal if not equivalent to ƒ(xa , Pa) = ƒ ƒ = ћ/2pi ∫dz/z because if ƒ(xa, Pa) = iћ 2pi/ћ ƒ = 2pi.i but 2pi.i = ∫f(z)dz contour integral f(z) = 1/z allow 2pi. ƒ = 2pi.i = ∫f(z)dz = 2pi. f(p) p is a point on the complex plane and it is important I the sense that it allows one to be able to measure the real parameter t for p(t). ƒ = iћf(p) ƒ(xa,Pa) =iћf(p)
B (ƒψ )= ƒ∂ψ /Rab∂t + ƒ∂ (ψ )/∂xa – m(ƒψ) /ћ What does m(ƒψ) /ћ mean? multiply both sides by 2pi/ћ 2pi.m(ƒψ) /ћ2 = A multiply both sides by ∆2 for Laplacian ћ pi(ƒψ) ∆2 /(im2pi) = ћ2∆2 ψ /2m ћ (ƒψ) ∆2 /(im2) = ћ2∆2 ψ /2m which is correct if ƒ = iћ which it is one finds that the equation simplifies to something like, or rather, can be extended to something like this; Eψ = - ћ2∆2 ψ /2m + (ћ2∆2 ψ ƒ(p))/2m
What is interesting about this is that the function ƒ(p) allows the ‘potential’ on the R.H.S to be analysed if the equation does indeed make any sense at all. Though I have a non-sinking feeling that it does.